I like the new Gwen picture for the banner, @Master Bruce
<Snipped quote by Divine Darkness>
Stop posting .gifs and start post that sheet you've been working on!
Trying to write only four paragraphs is pretty difficult. Trust me, I was in her place once.
Why are you only posting .gifs, @Lord Wraith? Did your keyboard break or something? lol.
you could of found a better .gif than that btw
I'm trying to actually take Byrd's advice instead of ignoring it this time.
So you're gonna jump off that cliff?
Why does it feel like you're all speaking in code or something? Was there a scandal? Did Wraith try and fuck Morden's wife or something?
<Snipped quote by Master Bruce>
I go away for one fucking evening and not only have you people invented a wife for me, you've fucked my invented wife to boot.
<Snipped quote by Master Bruce>
I go away for one fucking evening and not only have you people invented a wife for me, you've fucked my invented wife to boot.