The Emperor
Name: A creature with many names, even amongst the gods. There are many different translations of its title, but these are the ones it typically uses for itself.
Baina Ez Voios-Its true name as this is the one it has called itself since its inception
The Tyrant Inspirer-Not a name it created but a name it's been known as nonetheless
Keeper of The Loci Scourges-For those who know of the terror it keeps hidden in its realm
The Unsatiated One-Yet another name not created but given to it
Attiza-A female vulture guise that it uses on occasion, mostly to infiltrate undetected, though is applicable to its other animal forms
Raz/Raza-human guises. Raz is male, Raza is female
The Tyrant Inspirer-Not a name it created but a name it's been known as nonetheless
Keeper of The Loci Scourges-For those who know of the terror it keeps hidden in its realm
The Unsatiated One-Yet another name not created but given to it
Attiza-A female vulture guise that it uses on occasion, mostly to infiltrate undetected, though is applicable to its other animal forms
Raz/Raza-human guises. Raz is male, Raza is female
Domain: Conquest

Credit to Vasylina

Eldritch Form, couldn’t find artist sadly, but know that it is their great invention and not mine

Stands at 5'9'' and has a somewhat rugged body type. Looks about in his mid 40's. Obviously doesn't have the clothes. Covered in a brown cloak instead
Credit to Trixia on Danbooru

Stands at 5'5'' and has a slim body type. Looks about in her early 30's. Obviously doesn't have the clothes. Covered in a brown cloak instead
Credit to jcm2 on Danbooru
Rexqui Sedet in Solio: The home of the god of conquest. It is a large realm that is only accessible via portals and lies in sub-space. Unlike the more mundane places that one might see while visiting the god, Rexqui Sedet in Solio is distinctly more insane and nonsensical in appearance. There is seemingly no sort of ground or surface within the realm and instead it seems to be more or less composed of varying colors of gases and vapors. For whatever reason, it’s still has walkable surfaces despite the obvious lack of ground, with the entire realm even being able to be entirely walked upon if one wished. However, one could also “swim through” the world which is something that is very hard to truly comprehend for those who do not belong to divinity.
The Abyssal Fields: The Abyssal Fields are the realm that Baina has laid claim over and the ones generally recognized as “its part of the world.” It’s mostly composed of plains and forests, home to a few humans, vultures, gar fish, and other creatures. The clouds are a strange purple color and the sky seems to change color near daily. Despite this unique feature, it isn’t much to look at, except for one part of it. Towards the North, not far from the center of the realm itself, is a large square of land completely void of life. There is no grass, no plants, no animals, and not even any insects in the ground. There is only dark brown dirt, wet from the occasional rain but never growing anything. And past it, a large black enclosing of darkness, with the walls going up as far as reality would allow it. Strange chains, almost unnoticeable from them sharing the walls colors, cover the walls from head to toe, even though there’s no entrances that they close. If one were to somehow make it inside, they’d even notice how, when reaching the bottom, the sky is somehow identical to the one outside the walls, as if to pretend everything was normal. Not a single creature goes near these walls, with their avoidance seeming less deliberate and more just pure instinct. That is because the Loci Scourge live in those god-blessed confinements and not a single other species that lives in the Abyssal Fields wants to acknowledge the fact that they even still exist.
The Lost World: The Lost World is exactly as the name implies: gone. It is so far the only realm personally conquered by Bania and, due to this, the mere mention of the realm can get reactions out of it. It was once a prosperous land filled with unique creatures and was connected to the main world. The land itself was also shockingly varied yet remained in a strange equilibrium, with deserts existing just fine with jungles and tundras not being far from the tropics. Despite its conquering of this land, the creatures who inhabited weren’t all that affected. Yes, quite a few died, but before long, they were once again back at what primitive mortals could call “peace.”
How the land became lost to time exactly is unknown, with only Bania and a few others knowing what befell it. The area where it once was is now nothing but a large crater with the basin covered in a dark blue liquid-like substance. No one knows what’s under the substance and not many are interested in finding out. It’s largely accepted that the conqueror had some involvement in its destruction, but the method it used to obliterate it is left only to rumors.
How the land became lost to time exactly is unknown, with only Bania and a few others knowing what befell it. The area where it once was is now nothing but a large crater with the basin covered in a dark blue liquid-like substance. No one knows what’s under the substance and not many are interested in finding out. It’s largely accepted that the conqueror had some involvement in its destruction, but the method it used to obliterate it is left only to rumors.
Personality: Baina Ez Voios is a creature that is simple-minded in its goals, yet layered in the way it interprets and approaches them. Most say that it is malevolent and they wouldn’t be wrong. However, some say that it is truly a good-willed creature and they may not be wrong either. It all comes down to how they feel about its near obsession with the idea of conquest and competition. It believes that all that exists can be conquered by a single being and that all that exists is fated to be under the rule of a single being. Whether Baina shall be the one above all or if it shall be another doesn’t matter. It strangely doesn’t go out of its way to conquer societies or worlds, instead just providing others the desire to do so. In fact, it will only even give true assistance to conquerors who it feels are truly worth of it. Perhaps this seeming lack of desire is to the age of gods still being in infancy?
Baina itself is, if you were to get to know it, rather childlike in a way. It is curious of all new parts of the world it discovers and will gladly learn as much as it can. Despite its goals, it does enjoy the company of its many siblings, even if they have different opinions of it. It’s remarkably well-adjusted as well, rarely ever losing its temper. It absolute adores gifts and the praises of others, though it surprisingly doesn’t tend to expect them from its technical “subjects.” It has no qualms with destroying what it feels disturbs it or worries it, but it usually only does this if it feels necessary. It also has a habit of misinterpreting what others think or believe if it is not laid out in more literal terms and ways. It doesn’t mind the concept of “peace” either, surprisingly, as it considers it simply a “delightfully quiet hum before a screeching and energetic howl” and a necessary part of the conquest process.
Despite it having these childlike traits, it is not a being to ever be underestimated. It shall gladly be at the forefront and watch as another world tramples another, willing to give as much strength as possible to the side it believes shall win, though it’s usually the invaders. It is intelligent despite its misinterpretations and never plans on ceasing learning. It wonders constantly about the idea of creatures or gods creating “kingships” and clans, though it knows that that might be some time before it happens. Most terrifying though, is how it mentions that it’s calmly waiting for when everything finally breaks out into all-out war and the land is soaked with blood meant for victory and victory alone. To Baina, this world will only truly evolve when the denizens finally decide who deserves to wear their crimson crown and are willing to do what must be done.
Biography: Baina Ez’Voios...A creature that seemed to be born from seemingly thin air and created from nothing. Baina itself only remembers waking up one day, existing in the world and seeing the vast oceans that surrounded its birth island. Until finding its siblings, it simply wandered around the world to see the mortal life that it seemingly already to be acquainted with. It already knew its nature as well, its domain and, in its eyes, its reason for even existing. But why did that matter yet? This world was still fresh and new to it so exploration seemed necessary first before any actions could be decisively made. Before long, it found its kin one by one and realized that, while it maybe unique, it was far from truly alone, even if it and its brethren looked very...different from each other. Most knew what Baina’s domain was, as it felt no need to hide it, but not many took it very seriously due its seemingly immature and innocent nature at the time...But innocence usually does not last.
Not many years later, Baina had made its new home realm of Rexqui Sedet in Solio and seemingly disappeared within it. Some wondered what happened to the young god...until it finally showed once again. In one fell swoop, it claimed its very first land as its own. It did not belong to any other god, but the creatures still took exception to becoming the god’s subjects. Their defenses didn’t matter as the sheer speed, might, and surprising persistence of the soon-to-be Tyrant Inspirer was far too much for them to fight against. A large number were lost but, afterwards, they slowly but surely replenished their numbers and went back to their lives as if nothing happened. The gods had finally seen what the conqueror was truly capable of and just had ambitious it was in its beliefs, but perhaps the most distressing thing was that its attitude barely changed. It still seemed just as immature and innocent as it once was, with its comments regarding its new territory simply being joy at finally living up to its dream...And its desire to go further than just that.
Not long after, the Abyssal Fields became the next territory to become under Baina’s rule. Unlike the previous one, however, this one seemed more natural in how it fell under his rule. The land slowly began to follow the beliefs of the god and the god frequented the lands. Soon, it just decided that this land was another fine addition to its growing empire and, due to no other gods owning it and the already amicable enough relation between the two, the land simply accepted being subservient to Baina. As time went on, the Loci Scourge soon grew in prominence...And soon, Baina put a stop to their conquest. However, there was barely any reassurance as it did not seem at all upset about their reign, nor their imprisonment. It only seemed...intrigued and ever more curious.
Soon after, The Lost World fell, suddenly and abruptly. It was as if it was there in one moment and utterly vaporized in the next. The only onlooker was Baina who, to the surprise of those who knew it, was not intrigued, curious, or in awe at this new site. It seemed to be almost...paralyzed in its place as it observed the crater where the majestic area once stood. It seemed near catatonic, even as it retreated back to its home. Time passed and soon the god reemerged, almost completely back to how it once was. Well, almost. Its fascination seemed to grow ever more while its incentive to learn about the world changed to a more...concrete ideal. This world was always made to be conquered after all...Perhaps the time for who shall conquer it was arriving faster than anyone was expecting.
The Loci Scourge, its greatest and worst Followers

The Loci Scourge are a species caked in not only mystery, but fear. Even before they reached their new and highly reviled status, they were still a source of worry in The Abyssal Fields. One of the few parasitic species in the realm, it was highly special, very difficult to exactly treat the infected, and was considered a near death sentence to those who contracted it. Fortunately, it wasn’t amazing at spreading to other creatures due to it the exact conditions for it to fully grow being less than sublime and even its more deadly states took time to emerge. However, that was until it’s mutation occured. In the course of only a few months, the infected soon became something else entirely, with their appearance turning more and more identical, even if it was two completely different specimens. They began growing violent, not only to enemies but even to their own kin, and became extra challenging to deal with. Before long, the others even started to form pacts, not out of any sorta of desire for allies, but just due to the sheer aggression of the Loci Scourge. It would be something so seemingly minute though that would spell certain doom for the others.
The creatures soon began to not need hosts to reproduce, being able to reproduce sexually instead. While already baffling in how it was possible, that was not the worst part. Their aggression had become higher than it ever had as well. In mere days, the creatures were already killing nearly everything in their domain and just slaughtering more and more that was near them. They would tear up anything they saw, even the ground itself, and even the best attempts to hide did nothing. They learned far too quickly how to find those that hid and were even making use of tools. The Loci Scourge even had infighting and yet, somehow, it never stopped the sheer number of them. It seemed as though the land would only be inhabited by them and, with their strength and rapidly increasing numbers, possibly be the only creatures in all the lands.
It was at this time where Baina Ez’Voios intervened. It went into the land where they initial spawned and simply waited. Before long, sensing this new powerful strength to eat, the Loci Scourge descended upon it. A few attempted to devour it, only to be absorbed into the creature’s form. It took time, but the creatures were all finally in one spot and, with an incantation, giant walls rose from the ground and sealed itself at the very top with no openings in sight. Chains rose as well, as if to make extra certain they were sealed tight. The creatures have been in the walls ever since, simply waiting for the time to be free. They weren’t even known as the Loci Scourge initially, but most that knew their original name are either dead, turned, or simply too fearful to utter, knowing how such simple life turned into the demons they now are. If they were ever to be fully unleashed...not even the gods would know the exact extents of the damage that would be at hand. No prayers would save anyone.
Relations: To Be Added Later
"Put That on My Tabula"
Jesus Christ, Finally done.
@A Lowly Wretch