
Real Name:
Cursed Name:
Melody Rain
Melody stands at a height of 5'2" and she is very thin. She's not the picturesque girl like most fairy tale princesses. She's very beautiful but it doesn't seem like she stands out. To most, she just blends into the crowd. But that has more to do with her attempts to hide from others than anything else. Melody has beautiful long black hair that is usually in a ponytail. Her most wonderful trait is her smile though. Unfortunately, not many are privy to seeing it.
In regards to her day to day attire, Melody tends to wear loose-fitting clothes. Largely because, if she gets the itch to do so, she can easily rip them off to go for a swim. And to be quite honest. She hates wearing anything that may make her stand out. Especially, if it's a fancy dress.
Pre-Curse Occupation:
Post-Curse Occupation:
She's a teenager. No job. But if anything then Runaway.
World Originated From:
Family Members:
King Triton (Grandfather)
Queen Athena (Grandmother, deceased)
Aquata, Andrina, Arista, Attina, Adella, Alana (Aunts)
Prince Eric (Father)
Ariel (Mother)
Ursula (Great Aunt)
Magic User? (in worlds with magic):
She is the Savior and can also do what merpeople can do
Headstrong, intelligent, loving, rambunctious, tomboyish, daring, shy, persistent, determined, brave, sweet, emotional, funny, optimistic. These are a few words that describe Melody. Melody is not like most girls. She knows it. Everyone she meets knows it. The question is why is she so different. Melody never particularly liked being near other people. They were just too obnoxious. She prefers to be out in the open waters. Guaranteed she can't swim forever so eventually she had to go back to where the people are.
Most babies don't have their story decided before they are even born. Melody is one of the few who does have this 'wonderful' privilege. The privilege to live the beginning of your life completely alone. She had no say in what her life would be. Having a lofty title thrown upon her. But she doesn't know about that yet. All she knows is that someone found her out in the forest all by herself.
Ever since her life has been far from easy. From foster home to foster home Melody has never gotten the chance to understand what family means. Every now and then a relationship would come around that felt real and true, but something always happened. As a child and teen, she always felt as if the sea was calling out to her. The number of times she would sneak out of runoff just to go for a swim is ridiculous. She also quite enjoyed going to the zoo or aquariums. It was weird but she always seemed to be able to understand how aquatic creatures felt. They were better friends to her than any human.
Around her sixteenth birthday, Melody was taken in by a foster family that was unlike the rest in that they actually seemed to care about her. They even tried to help her figure out where she may have come from. But the closer she got the less they seemed to want to help. They tried many things to stop her from searching eventually destroying most of the evidence she had collected so far. Because of this, she ran away with the one clue she had always had with her. A music box locket with her name on it. She didn't know what it meant or who had given it to her. All she knew was that it would eventually lead to the answers she most desired.