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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Black Alice
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Black Alice The Dopest Alice

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Discord invite is invalid by the way.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Red Alice
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Red Alice

Member Seen 2 yrs ago



Will be basing around this region.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


I would like to keep the region I had before if you don't mind.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

Member Seen 1 yr ago


I would like to keep the region I had before if you don't mind.

No problem no oe seems to have gotten it but, some of the moderns have some colonies there.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by hivekiller
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hivekiller SCP

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

if its mine that got in the way i can choose another location, no prob :p
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Jangel13>

No problem no oe seems to have gotten it but, some of the moderns have some colonies there.

So long as they don't start deforestation their could be a peace
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

Member Seen 1 yr ago

if its mine that got in the way i can choose another location, no prob :p

Don't worry your far from his location or land.

if its mine that got in the way i can choose another location, no prob :p

Don't worry your far from his claim.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Bugmen - Aboriginals of the Red Hive

Wonder: The Red Hive: one of the last functional bugmen hives in the world. It is the size of a small mountain, built out of a plaster comprised of local red sandstone and the salivary excretions of a now-extinct caste of builder bugmen. A number of chimneyed minarets rise a hundred feet up into the sky were built originally to ventilate the Hive Mother and her eggs, but now they serve to maintain a cool and comfortable temperature for an interior bazaar operated by foreign traders.

History: Long before the humanoid races arrived on this world, before even the Otum or Kobtum had learned to stand on hind legs, Titania was ruled by a race of eusocial insectoids known as the Aboriginals. The Aboriginals erected mammoth hive citadels all across the planet, each housing hundreds of thousands to perhaps a million souls. These artificial mountains of plasterized rock and saliva were the only bastions of civilization on Titania for eons. Despite their extensive history, to nothing is known about Titania's aboriginal ages, as the insectoids did not develop writing until it was introduced to them by the humanoid races. Their society was believed to be alien and primitive, even by Titania's standards, as technological innovation moved at a virtual standstill over millennia of Aboriginal occupation. All aboriginal endeavor was fixated on the singular goal of ensuring the continued survival of the Hive Mothers and, by extension, their species.

The Hive Mothers were analogous to queen ants and bees on Earth. They were immortal beings, whose roles were to procreate and give guidance to their multitudes of children. The Hive Mothers commanded a primitive but powerful magic, and were capable of telepathic communication with all their children that fostered a profound maternal love within each of the Aboriginals. The Aboriginals lived and died in glad service their Hive Mother.

But the Aboriginals ultimately failed in ensuring the survival of the Hive Mothers when the Ghul arrived on Titania. Arrivals from another world, or perhaps monstrous demons that had forever lived deep under Titania, the Ghul were sadistic superpredators resembling giant corpulent grubs. Gifted with powerful command of magic and malign intellect, the Ghul easily bested teeming hosts of fanatical yet simplistic Aboriginals and reached the Hive Mothers in the inner sanctums. Their defeat was followed by violent episodes of gluttony as the Ghul devoured the Hive Mothers one by one. The loss of their Hive Mothers was felt by all surviving Aboriginals in the form of an agonizing trauma seared into the consciousness of the entire species known in their language as the Krzgagt: Great Sorrow. The Ghul were not satisfied with the consumption of the Hive Mothers, and used their magical prowess to enslave the leaderless Aboriginals to perform their bidding, whether that meant sending the Aboriginals to war against rival Ghul or simply ordering them to cast themselves into their open mandibles to be eaten. The Great Sorrow ended only when the Ghul had eaten their fill and left Titania, leaving only a fraction of the original Aboriginal population in their genocidal wake.

With their Hive Mothers gone and their population decimated, the surviving Aboriginals were left hopelessly adrift. In the absence of the Hive Mothers' leadership, the survivors attempted to rebuild what Hives remained and care for what remained of the Mother's Brood, the vast stores of Aboriginal eggs laid by the Hive Queens as insurance against catastrophic depopulation. Though millions of eggs remained and could be preserved indefenitely, without a single living Hive Mother the brood was still finite. Once the eggs had all hatched, there would be no new procreation of the Aboriginals. While the eggs could be rationed for a very long time indeed, the species was ultimately doomed.

For a time, the surviving Aboriginals attempted to stave off their inevitable decline by rebuilding their hives and looking to their defenses. But with the arrival of humanoid races on Titania, who were more inventive and aggressive, the Aboriginals were soon outcompeted. The humanoids took to calling the Aboriginals bugmen, viewing the native sentients as beasts to be enslaved or cleared out of the way. What few hives remained were almost all destroyed during the rise of the humanoids.

Today, only a handful of hives still remain standing, and of those even fewer are populated by bugmen, mostly in unsettled and inhospitable parts of Titania. Among those is the Red Hive, situated within the desert badlands of the southern continent. Though a shadow of its ancient glory, the Red Hive is still ruled by the bugmen, who have learned to adapt to and coexist with the humans, orcs, and elves who now occupy this world. The Red Hive serves as a caravan waystation for traders crossing the deserts. Proximity with the humanoids has cultivated adoption of their cultures and ideas, although they are fanatically devoted to protecting the sovereignty of one of the last remaining bugmen hives and what is likely the largest egg brood anywhere in the world.

Word has reached the bugmen of the Red Hive of iron islands in the seas to the north, bearing another wave of newcomers to Titania with fantastic technology. There is some hope among the bugmen that these newcomers could use their wondrous technology to revive the Hive Mothers, a hope tempered by numerous tragedies wrought by new arrivals to the world they once dominated.

Hmmmmm... I like it but, the history got me. There's not much you have to change but, if this is what Titania was in the past then that could be a problem especially the technology they left behind. We can make this work with some of the dwarves having access to these technology but, ultimately not being able to use it in their current state. This would in turn would create a rivalty between you and the dwarfs or you could say that this is what they believe their origins were but, in truth they cannot prove it to the other races due to the lack of their technology laying.

If you have other ideas in order to solve this then its fine with me. Though I liked it very much to be exact, especially the wonder as what was an vital part of your race still continues on to serve your race.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

Member Seen 1 yr ago


So whats the plan bro what are you going to be?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by gorgenmast
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

<Snipped quote by gorgenmast>

Hmmmmm... I like it but, the history got me. There's not much you have to change but, if this is what Titania was in the past then that could be a problem especially the technology they left behind. We can make this work with some of the dwarves having access to these technology but, ultimately not being able to use it in their current state. This would in turn would create a rivalty between you and the dwarfs or you could say that this is what they believe their origins were but, in truth they cannot prove it to the other races due to the lack of their technology laying.

If you have other ideas in order to solve this then its fine with me. Though I liked it very much to be exact, especially the wonder as what was an vital part of your race still continues on to serve your race.

I'd be happy to change whatever you need, so just let me know if I need to make an alteration or omit something.

As for the concern with their lost technology, I think it's a nonissue. Bugmen technology has been nothing but chitin spears and clubs for thousands and thousands of years. In an early post, I intend to showcase how fire - what we humans would consider a basic technology - was only ever introduced to the bugmen when humans began to interact witb them. Bugmen have been operating at or even below caveman technology for hundreds of thousands of years. Glad to see you liked the rest of the application.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

Member Seen 1 yr ago

<Snipped quote by Wildman13>

I'd be happy to change whatever you need, so just let me know if I need to make an alteration or omit something.

As for the concern with their lost technology, I think it's a nonissue. Bugmen technology has been nothing but chitin spears and clubs for thousands and thousands of years. In an early post, I intend to showcase how fire - what we humans would consider a basic technology - was only ever introduced to the bugmen when humans began to interact witb them. Bugmen have been operating at or even below caveman technology for hundreds of thousands of years. Glad to see you liked the rest of the application.

Ohhhh then I see no problem here.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 4 days ago

European Coalition

How you survived: When World War Three had passed, Europe survived the following World War Four - by simply being too demolished and broken to be considered a threat to those, that still remained to fight it out. During the context of World War Four - those that survived, had managed to band together and reunite what scattered remnants remained. In essence, World War Four provided Europe the distraction it needed to reform in a minute way.


Carrier 'Chimaera' - flagship, a giant floating science facility/industrial workshop. Modules: hydroponics, hydrogen manufacturing, cultural library, laboratory, modest-industrial workshop.

Cruiser 'Ice' - living vessel. A reconfigured cruiser that is designed to utilize space as efficiently as possible to hold both people, a small hydroponics garden and a recycling department.

Cruiser 'Fire' - living vessel. A reconfigured cruiser that is designed to utilize space as efficiently as possible to hold both people, a small hydroponics garden and a recycling department.

Submarine 'Leviathan' - attack/scout vessel. An old diesel-submarine updated with a hydrogen engine and armed to the teeth, with cruise missiles, drones and a flak cannon. It also includes a science lab and an arms depot, with the latest human weaponry.

Technology: The European Coalition is based around long-term sustainability, even before arriving in Titania - Europe had exhausted most of it's mineral wealth and had been reliant on imported resources Thus they are heavily focused into recycling as much as possible, from waste and old equipment, to even air and water - as they have no idea, if the New World will have resources that they can use alongside their own. Nothing is wasted and everything can be remade and recycled on board their vessels - including the ships themselves.

In addition, as the last two World Wars devastated the planet and destroyed what remained of normal farmland - Europe had invested heavily into attempts to improve agriculture with minimal space and nutrient requirements - mostly in hydroponics and high-yield, small-scale greenhouses. While also leading the way in using hydrogen for fuel and energy - as they World Wars prevented any meaningful ways of extracting and transporting oil or gas.

Military might: The European 'Army' has around three-hundred people ready for combat operations - since the end of World War Three and Four, many of the armed personnel are former soldiers, veterans, survivors and special operatives. While this is likely a smaller group than what most possess, the Europeans have made sure - that those whom have been designated as combat personnel get the best gear they can; cut-off from politics or red-tape.


The European Coalition was formed from the ashes of World War Three. As always Europe became the battlefield for the superpowers of Earth and the resulting war had demolished and destroyed many cultures and states. Although, the European Union and it's political structure managed to survive by the stint of Belgium remaining neutral in the war and luckily avoided getting hit by the dropped nuclear warheads.

Although, with World War Four quickly following after Europe was left alone to lick and heal it's wounds. Wounds that cut too deep, for any one state to fix. Thus without any other options, the European Union slowly started to restore order where it could and rescue what people it could. However, the nuclear devastation left many entire regions or states almost unlivable.

Still the believe of unity, remained in the minds of many - especially as Chancellor Veronix came to power. As while people were being rescued, whatever works of art and culture and books were as well. The wars might have destroyed the people, but if something was salvaged they wouldn't be gone forever. Near the end of World War Four - what remained of Europe and its people had united into the European Coalition. As works were attempted and re-continued with heavy government incentive and support to try and stabilize the atmosphere and work-out ways to ensure some measure of human habitability.

When news arose of a New World - the Coalition was the first to join the UNE, in trying to explore and colonize the new world, as Earth had become completely unlivable to some. While they abandoned Europe, they did take alongside them several works of art, culture, history and books. Namely while Europe was gone, the European culture that had existed for two thousand years wouldn't be gone. As those that survived vowed to rebuild Europe in the new world.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

Member Seen 1 yr ago

European Coalition

How you survived: When World War Three had passed, Europe survived the following World War Four - by simply being too demolished and broken to be considered a threat to those, that still remained to fight it out. During the context of World War Four - those that survived, had managed to band together and reunite what scattered remnants remained. In essence, World War Four provided Europe the distraction it needed to reform in a minute way.


Carrier 'Chimaera' - flagship, a giant floating science facility/industrial workshop. Modules: hydroponics, hydrogen manufacturing, cultural library, laboratory, modest-industrial workshop.

Cruiser 'Ice' - living vessel. A reconfigured cruiser that is designed to utilize space as efficiently as possible to hold both people, a small hydroponics garden and a recycling department.

Cruiser 'Fire' - living vessel. A reconfigured cruiser that is designed to utilize space as efficiently as possible to hold both people, a small hydroponics garden and a recycling department.

Submarine 'Leviathan' - attack/scout vessel. An old diesel-submarine updated with a hydrogen engine and armed to the teeth, with cruise missiles, drones and a flak cannon. It also includes a science lab and an arms depot, with the latest human weaponry.

Technology: The European Coalition is based around long-term sustainability, even before arriving in Titania - Europe had exhausted most of it's mineral wealth and had been reliant on imported resources Thus they are heavily focused into recycling as much as possible, from waste and old equipment, to even air and water - as they have no idea, if the New World will have resources that they can use alongside their own. Nothing is wasted and everything can be remade and recycled on board their vessels - including the ships themselves.

In addition, as the last two World Wars devastated the planet and destroyed what remained of normal farmland - Europe had invested heavily into attempts to improve agriculture with minimal space and nutrient requirements - mostly in hydroponics and high-yield, small-scale greenhouses. While also leading the way in using hydrogen for fuel and energy - as they World Wars prevented any meaningful ways of extracting and transporting oil or gas.

Military might: The European 'Army' has around three-hundred people ready for combat operations - since the end of World War Three and Four, many of the armed personnel are former soldiers, veterans, survivors and special operatives. While this is likely a smaller group than what most possess, the Europeans have made sure - that those whom have been designated as combat personnel get the best gear they can; cut-off from politics or red-tape.


The European Coalition was formed from the ashes of World War Three. As always Europe became the battlefield for the superpowers of Earth and the resulting war had demolished and destroyed many cultures and states. Although, the European Union and it's political structure managed to survive by the stint of Belgium remaining neutral in the war and luckily avoided getting hit by the dropped nuclear warheads.

Although, with World War Four quickly following after Europe was left alone to lick and heal it's wounds. Wounds that cut too deep, for any one state to fix. Thus without any other options, the European Union slowly started to restore order where it could and rescue what people it could. However, the nuclear devastation left many entire regions or states almost unlivable.

Still the believe of unity, remained in the minds of many - especially as Chancellor Veronix came to power. As while people were being rescued, whatever works of art and culture and books were as well. The wars might have destroyed the people, but if something was salvaged they wouldn't be gone forever. Near the end of World War Four - what remained of Europe and its people had united into the European Coalition. As works were attempted and re-continued with heavy government incentive and support to try and stabilize the atmosphere and work-out ways to ensure some measure of human habitability.

When news arose of a New World - the Coalition was the first to join the UNE, in trying to explore and colonize the new world, as Earth had become completely unlivable to some. While they abandoned Europe, they did take alongside them several works of art, culture, history and books. Namely while Europe was gone, the European culture that had existed for two thousand years wouldn't be gone. As those that survived vowed to rebuild Europe in the new world.

Yep you can put that in roster. Nice to have you with us again.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Red Alice
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Red Alice

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Updated claims, still really temporary though~
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CorpusMundum
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hello, I'm working on a fantasy kingdom for this nation roleplay and wanted to show you the area I wanted to claim for my faction. Now I know that the dwarves already own the mountains but I felt that having the mountains be a part of yet separating this nation could be interesting.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hello, I'm working on a fantasy kingdom for this nation roleplay and wanted to show you the area I wanted to claim for my faction. Now I know that the dwarves already own the mountains but I felt that having the mountains be a part of yet separating this nation could be interesting.

It should work.Without any problems
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

Member Seen 1 yr ago

You can all start posting now.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Cifeiron


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Free Floating Cities of Earth

FLAGSHIP (population 200)

Robot module (3x): holds sixty durable multifunction deep sea robots.
Nuclear module (1x): Reactor with one month power reserves.
Hydroponics module (1x): Contains various potato varieties to be processed after harvest into a highly nutritious food paste.


Production module (1x): Multipurpose manufacturing room.


Desalination module (1x): Purifies salt water for consumption.


Airlock module (1x): Heavily armored electrified airlock equipped with a powerful water pump.

Technology: Self-sufficient, the F.F.C.E.'s expedition possesses the facilities to rapidly create a sustainable society.

Military: Composed of a small competent ten soldier security detail armed with low recoil heavy hitting combat shotguns.

History: The F.F.C.E. is a loose confederation of maritime city states that have been largely neutral (and insignificant) in world affairs until as of late. Their objective is simple in the new world - to expand to further human civilization.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Free Floating Cities of Earth

FLAGSHIP (population 200)

Hanger module (3x): Capable of holding three submarines.
Nuclear module (1x): Reactor with one month power reserves.
Electrocution module (1x): Reinforced electrified hull plating.


Production module (1x): Multipurpose manufacturing room.


Desalination module (1x): Purifies salt water for consumption.


Hydroponics module (1x): Contains various potato varieties to be processed after harvest into a highly nutritious food paste.

Technology: Self-sufficient, the F.F.C.E.'s expedition possesses the facilities to rapidly understand the new world it now occupies, in addition to providing state of the art medical services.

Military: Composed of a small competent ten soldier security detail armed with low recoil heavy hitting combat shotguns.

History: The F.F.C.E. is a loose confederation of maritime city states that have been largely neutral (and insignificant) in world affairs until as of late. Their objective is simple in the new world - to maintain and expand existent knowledge to further civilization.

Nice do you have any characters?
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