@FalloutJackYeah, things are calming down.
Last week was hell for no reason.
To give a long story short...
Mostly so everyone can go, "Okay, I get it."
First and foremost. My laptop is gradually falling apart. I had to snap the backspace key into place for starters. It works, but it falls out a lot.
Second. A GM from a different project... Rather not say who -- Thought said person was my friend, and I folded and bowed out of a project because I didn't agree how some things were handled not just as a Fandom rp, but just as a rp in general. Especially because I loved said universe.
So that was enough for me to try to get into that project. And then everyone was brought to discord. And because what is said on discord, stays there... I think that is fair. But even after trying to defend some of the things such as "You can't have a clearly non lore friendly character." I get that, it was more addressed to people before I even got there.
And one specific slot just seemed cursed. So we were always skeptical when someone tried to apply for such a place. And it just took generally forever before anyone was ready... Then the GM tried rushing people to hurry up and post some days -- which I can get... But there is a way to do it without coming off as threatening or oppressive about it. And just being there, even when I was never really addressed outside of one incident just made me uncomfortable after a while.
I bowed out because I happened to disagree on not just many small things, but on some of the absurd restrictions, the fact they would shy away from logical questions... Like as a GM, just fucking answer with a Yes or No where it makes sense. If it seems like a flimsy or unreasonable answer, tell me your reasoning past "I dun like it." I've been a GM before, when people ask me questions, just answer straight out, and try to iron out when needed if they do not get it. Don't be vindictive.
So I leave, wishing everyone publicly the best of luck. Just good will, right? Apparently that wasn't enough. A friend that remained in the server was wondering why I left. And apparently they started talking shit about me, which my friend showed me.
So I vented to two people in confidence, saying shit I normally would not mean -- Like I was pissed. I was really fucking pissed. Why wish anyone good will, if they just talk shit about you behind your back? Even my friend was pissed. And they just straight up evade giving a real answer, and clam up when addressed.
So when I vent to these two people, one of them who clearly was not my friend, took what I said and presented it to this person. To clarify, I was frustrated and caricature what I was feeling vs what I would say in a Civil conversation. And that caricature isn't really me, or how I felt in my entirety, just getting the frustrating parts out to get over it and let it go.
That isn't the same as me being evasive than shit talking behind someone's back, and just fucking denying it.
So this
"GM". Sends a condescending threatening message like they are holier than thou, when they fucking KNOW they are a Queen Cobra, so you don't get to call someone a snake. (These threats might I add breach so many branches in the rules, you might as well state all of them.)
So this
"Gm" also uses the double standard of -- what was said about me wasn't my business apparently. Huh... If that is your branch of logic... than isn't what I said also none of your business? But no, we get the bs double standard because they must feel on top. Which is complete bs, fucking pick one, you can't have it both ways.
I think said person is a failure of a GM. And I will stand by that. Which is funny, because I had a few people PM me about this person recently agreeing with me on this sentiment, because they can never hold a project, and it collapses on itself. So really it just sounds like reality stung this person where it hurt the most -- their pride, with honest facts. To which I say... Get over it and learn from your failings. No one is a perfect writer over night. It takes time. So don't be a fucking bitch about it.
In conclusion, this bitch was projecting what she is in a PM on here. Threatens me.
(Which I reported to a mod and they took care of it. Personal feelings do not count as ban worthy, hopefully said person knows this. And off site statements are also not eligible for review. Because you would be guilty as fuck if so.)
And just says a bunch dumb shit that made me laugh. Just full tinfoil hat.
So not even a fucking day later...
Three. My boyfriend is injured in a work related accident. Yeah, no baggage there or anything...
Not like I didn't love him since I was kid...
He was in the Passenger seat, and the employee driving just fucking wrecks into a pole because he wasn't paying attention, next thing Ben knows, his head is in a airbag.
This is the car by the way.

It's fucking totaled. He was scared shitless because those types of wrecks are normally what kill people.
So to say I wasn't stressed all week would be a complete lie.
Fortunately... he wasn't injured and he is okay, and I been constantly attending to him when I can... so my drive to post is almost non-existent, same to streaming.
Yeah, about that streaming. I was supposed to stream FF7 for the channel and take notes from it for a different project with Falloutjack... Great friend... No, really, he is a good guy.
So my mood has just been out of wack and was just this close to resigning from the site from the toxicity of that entitled bitch.
But thankfully, the mods are cool as fuck.
But still... just ever slightly teetering...
I didn't want to burden this OOC with it, because despite a few raised brows I might have once and a while, you guys are cool and I am just thankful of that not just as a player, but as someone who wants to call you my friends.
I just ask you give me a bit of time to collect myself.