I did not make this image, nor do not claim to have. The image was made by a former Roleplay partner of mine: Mallacore. All credit goes to him, for continuity please imagine H.M.S instead of USAF on the side.
The Americans have the George Hammond, Apollo, Daedalus, Odyssey and the newly minted Phoenix. The Chinese the Sun Tzu, Russians the Chekov and the Indians have the Rising Star. The United Kingdom as a important member of the IOA, one of the first major nations to know about the Stargate Project decided it was time that they gained their own vessel. Using the latest in human engineering and Asgard technology they designed the EX-307.
Designed for exploratory purposes it boasts the most advanced Human-Asgard hybrid hyperdrive to date. Faster in hyperspace and realspace than its predecessors, it also boasts extensive shielding systems. While not heavily armed, the combination of Human-Asgard weaponry, engine and shields make it a formidable vessel, in simulations the 307 is capable of winning a battle against a Ha’tak class Mothership or a Wraith Cruiser, largely in thanks to two Asgard Beam Weapons.
Her mission? To explore new worlds, find and study new technologies and serve at the liberty of Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom.
Welcome! This is a Roleplay I attempted to launch several years ago, when I had a lot less experience than I do these days. In this roleplay we will be playing the cast and crew of the H.M.S Tempest, a vessel constructed and operated by the people of the United Kingdom, with some assistance from her allies - It is their first space faring vessel afterall. I want to achieve the good old Stargate feel, and have a story planned out that will follow a somewhat episodic nature. A season will last a total of six months, this time limit is just to keep the roleplay moving along and things flowing. At the end of this six months the season will end, and we’ll have a short break before coming back for a second. Players can play any roll in either the military or as a civillian researcher, allies of humanity partaking in the voyage will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
Episodes will be built in such a way that members of both military and civillian population will be required.
This roleplay is open to all! Stargate Fans and just general Sci-Fi fans. For those who don't know about Stargate - Watch this.
Tempest Information:
The EX-307 is an exploratory vessel/Destroyer constructed by the people of Earth. Primarily designed and constructed by the United Kingdom. A full data sheet, as well as some cross sections can be found in the hider below.
I'm going to keep this brief.
1) I am the GM, I am here to facilitate the story and help you all have fun. If someone disrupts this, fear my wrath.
2) Play sensibly, this is a semi-realistic universe. If you mess up, you can die.
3) General Guild rules apply.
4) If you have a question, ask.
State of the Galaxy:
1) The Tau'ri and Free Jaffa Nation are the two most powerful factions in Milky Way. Tau'ri through technology and FJN through numbers and strength.
2) Much of the Galaxy has rebuilt after the Ori Invasion, and there are several small coalitions as races advanced technologically. Many of these groups ally themselves with Earth. However equally many planets chose to remain independent.
3) The Lucian Alliance is still the biggest threat, through manipulation and distribution of drugs they control a large part of the Galaxy.
4) Realizing that taking out a criminal group is not as easy as taking out Goa'uld who like the spotlight the Tau'ri have created a Protected Planets Treaty with the Lucian Alliance similar to what the Asgard had with the Goa'uld. - This was officiated in 2014
5) One of the oldest races still in existence, the Tok'ra are still trying to find a way to repopulate their species as they are still lacking a queen and thus suffering from negative population growth.
6) Atlantis has returned to Pegasus, now under the command of Doctor Daniel Jackson. After the defeat of Queen Death there is a tentative Wraith/Lantean/Genii treaty. They also facilitated a treaty with the Vanir and Travellers.
7) Destiny has not been in contact since it went silent years ago.
8) While not yet public, the IOA is now preparing documentation for the Stargate Programme to become public knowledge. Due to a stable condition throughout the Galaxy.
9) The year is 2018.
Character Sheet Template:
Feel free to take creative license with the CS
All characters should hail from the United Kingdom unless a suitable reason is given. After all this is their first ship.
I'm hoping to form at least one away team of four members, who'll Collab a hell of a lot. Examples of roles on the ship are: CO, XO, Tactical, Flight Wing leader, science personnel.
On the away team, I'm willing for any of the previously seen configurations of between four and five members carrying a variety of skills.
[b]Title/Rank:[/b] How are they addressed?
[b]Role:[/b] Their role/position aboard the ship
[b]Organization:[/b] What's their background? IOA, Royal Navy, Royal Air Force? Most civilians will be IOA contractors
Any questions? Feel free to ask.