Kang Hee-Young
H.K., Hee Bear, AitchWhyKay, Aitch
Relationship Status:
Honolulu, Hawaii
American Korean
Area(s) of Expertise: Dancer, And Main Rapper
Years of Training: 6 years
In-Depth Appearance:
Brown Hair, Pale Skin. Doe Eyes, Tattoo. A plump pout, A impish smile. Yes, these contrasting features belong to Hee-Young, one of the most peculiar looking girls in the school. Some say she is a gorgeous and cute girl and others don't even dare to look at her. Want to know more about her features? Let's look at her.
Hee-Young has a fair skin tone, but not too pale of course. With all the sunshine she gets, her skin is subtly tan, but not too tan. She wouldn't at all mind getting darker, but her manager disapproves of it. Despite having a desired a skin tone of most Asians, she is not too careful of herself and is rather careless which leads to cuts and bruises, but thankfully, her brother takes care of her cuts so they won't lead to mean looking scars. She does have the subtle mole here and there, She also has a tattoo of flowers with thorns on her shoulder, she got it on a dare because of her twin brother.
On to the facial features, shall we?
Hee Young's face is quite exotic beside most Asians, especially because of her eyes that quite western-like, with a protruding double eyelid and a wide and cat like eye. Her eyebrows follow trend as they are natural and are straight with little to no plucking or waxing done on them. Her nose has a tall nose bridge, but with a sort of slim and child like nose being set on her face. She also has some the best lips. Byeol Ho's lips are plump pout, often seen parted a rosy peach or pink, or with slight lip color on them. She also has many unique add ons to her which lead many to believe she is careless and is seen as a rambunctious and moronic youth for this. What are the "add-ons?" Well, for starters, Hee Young's hair is naturally a dark umber brown, but has been know to use temporary hair dye to change her hair color. Do you think she is a adorkable Cutie? unconventional beauty? Or a menacing and imitating girl? Well, choice is up to you, not me.
Hee Young is also a average height most Asian women and standing at 170 cm. However, she body is mature than most girls, a lot more mature to be specific. She is abit curvy and is known to have a larger chest that is a over average than the normal girl. However, She is not at all embarrassed of her mature and can take advantage of her figure. Even though she has a full figure, she dances a lot with her peers which leads to a healthy lifestyle. On her weight, she is rather blunt about it and says directly to anyone. Weighing 54 kgs, it is quite normal for a teenage girl her age.
Exiting her silhouette and to her sense of style.
Hee Young's sense of style is eclectic and mixed, but loves casual styles and comfortable clothes. She doesn't wear tight and show skin often and wears often her "own thing." It really just makes up Hee Young, defining the her instead of them. Sometimes she be dressed like a bit like her twin, or go for a completely girly looking to make her manager happy.
Hee-Young is a smart, care-free and down to earth girl. she has a soft and warm exterior. however, she can can be very friendly or snarky when she chooses to, but usually that depends on what mood she's in. she can be very closed up at times as she tries her best to not let anyone besides her best friends get close to her to keep herself from getting hurt emotionally and physically. at times she has this energy inside her that oftentimes thrusts her into the spotlight - but that isn't always where she wants to be; she would rather prefer to stay low-key.
Luckily, Hee-Young knows how to relax, and is perfectly capable of switching from a passionate, driven idealist to that imaginative and enthusiastic free spirit on the dance floor, often with a suddenness that can surprise even her closest friends. being in the mix also gives her a chance to connect emotionally with others as she believes everyone should take time to recognize and express their feelings. however, she needs to be quite cautious. if she relies too much on her intuition, assume, or anticipate too much about a friend's thoughts, she can misread the signals and frustrate plans that a more straightforward approach would have made simple.
Hee Young was born oldest child of a set of twins, late afternoon on November 20th to Park Namkyung and Kang Seonhwa. Seonhwa, or Sasha as she liked to be called, was a korean-american pianist of the american symphony orchestra. She met Namkyung on a trip to Korea to visit her family. The two married after only 6 months, Namkyung decided to move to America to live with his wife. things started out well enough. Sasha came from a wealthy family, and with their help she and her husband and their young children were able to live a comfortable, life in Hawaii.
But Sasha yearned to return to the stage, to her life before all of its changes. she sat at the glossy black piano in the parlor and played concertos, sonatas, and waltzes for hours everyday. To appease herself, she began teaching her children. Hee young learned how to play different instruments and walk at the same time. The Twins’ mother stayed at home and raised them while their father worked. Hee Young blames herself fo what happened with her mother. If Hee Young had been older, maybe she would have noticed the signs. the dinners tossed into the trash, the untouched pill bottles, the way she sometimes sat on the piano bench and stared out the window for long periods of time and snapped at her and Jae Sun in a way she never snapped at them if they bothered her. She left a note and a promise to keep in touch, but she still went. The Twins were nine.
The loss hit The Twins’ father hard to say the least. Here was a man who had given up his dreams of becoming a writer to support his wife and their children (who, if he was honest, had been a complete accident). Here was a man whose wife left him with nothing more than a note, a dead end office job, and the responsibility of a young children. The Twins’ father turned to alcohol. He quit the office job and began writing again, eventually taking up odd jobs to scrape together a living when the Kangs refused to completely support them. Only assisting in sending the three to move to Korea, Where they lived off the generosity of the Mins. For a while Namkyung and The Twins lived this way, but their relationship remained distant due to the drinking and perpetual silence.
It wasn’t until The Twins were twelve and thier father began trying to get his “fucking memoirs” (as Jae Sun likes to call them) published that problems started occurring. The Twins’ father would take out his frustration on his children. First it was just yelling and cursing, but this soon escalated into full out drunken, severe physical abuse. Hee Young made it her personal mission to make sure to get her father to use up all his anger on her, so that she could keep Jae Sun safe. She would even back against him until she passed out, she would always feel bad waking up to see her brother hurt. he would take comfort in playing the piano in the parlor. The Twins’ would take comfort in the memories of thier mother, when they would escape to Music Store in the next neighborhood where the works would let them use the instruments without bothering them to purchase it. Sometimes, they get tips from customers who enjoyed their music or get paid to teach people how to play different songs.
One day, When The Twins were fourteen. They met a recruiter from AS Entertainment Company named Mio Kyumin. Who offered them the chance of becoming trainees with AS, Though Jae Sun made it clear that he wanted to pursue music at least as an extracurricular if not as a career, Hee Young wasn’t really interested. It was only when Kyumin had told them that if they did decide to join and pass the auditions they would have to move into the Dorms. It was finally a chance to get away from their father, when they passed the auditions they quickly moved into the Dorms.
Brown Hair, Pale Skin. Doe Eyes, Tattoo. A plump pout, A impish smile. Yes, these contrasting features belong to Hee-Young, one of the most peculiar looking girls in the school. Some say she is a gorgeous and cute girl and others don't even dare to look at her. Want to know more about her features? Let's look at her.
Hee-Young has a fair skin tone, but not too pale of course. With all the sunshine she gets, her skin is subtly tan, but not too tan. She wouldn't at all mind getting darker, but her manager disapproves of it. Despite having a desired a skin tone of most Asians, she is not too careful of herself and is rather careless which leads to cuts and bruises, but thankfully, her brother takes care of her cuts so they won't lead to mean looking scars. She does have the subtle mole here and there, She also has a tattoo of flowers with thorns on her shoulder, she got it on a dare because of her twin brother.
On to the facial features, shall we?
Hee Young's face is quite exotic beside most Asians, especially because of her eyes that quite western-like, with a protruding double eyelid and a wide and cat like eye. Her eyebrows follow trend as they are natural and are straight with little to no plucking or waxing done on them. Her nose has a tall nose bridge, but with a sort of slim and child like nose being set on her face. She also has some the best lips. Byeol Ho's lips are plump pout, often seen parted a rosy peach or pink, or with slight lip color on them. She also has many unique add ons to her which lead many to believe she is careless and is seen as a rambunctious and moronic youth for this. What are the "add-ons?" Well, for starters, Hee Young's hair is naturally a dark umber brown, but has been know to use temporary hair dye to change her hair color. Do you think she is a adorkable Cutie? unconventional beauty? Or a menacing and imitating girl? Well, choice is up to you, not me.
Hee Young is also a average height most Asian women and standing at 170 cm. However, she body is mature than most girls, a lot more mature to be specific. She is abit curvy and is known to have a larger chest that is a over average than the normal girl. However, She is not at all embarrassed of her mature and can take advantage of her figure. Even though she has a full figure, she dances a lot with her peers which leads to a healthy lifestyle. On her weight, she is rather blunt about it and says directly to anyone. Weighing 54 kgs, it is quite normal for a teenage girl her age.
Exiting her silhouette and to her sense of style.
Hee Young's sense of style is eclectic and mixed, but loves casual styles and comfortable clothes. She doesn't wear tight and show skin often and wears often her "own thing." It really just makes up Hee Young, defining the her instead of them. Sometimes she be dressed like a bit like her twin, or go for a completely girly looking to make her manager happy.
Hee-Young is a smart, care-free and down to earth girl. she has a soft and warm exterior. however, she can can be very friendly or snarky when she chooses to, but usually that depends on what mood she's in. she can be very closed up at times as she tries her best to not let anyone besides her best friends get close to her to keep herself from getting hurt emotionally and physically. at times she has this energy inside her that oftentimes thrusts her into the spotlight - but that isn't always where she wants to be; she would rather prefer to stay low-key.
Luckily, Hee-Young knows how to relax, and is perfectly capable of switching from a passionate, driven idealist to that imaginative and enthusiastic free spirit on the dance floor, often with a suddenness that can surprise even her closest friends. being in the mix also gives her a chance to connect emotionally with others as she believes everyone should take time to recognize and express their feelings. however, she needs to be quite cautious. if she relies too much on her intuition, assume, or anticipate too much about a friend's thoughts, she can misread the signals and frustrate plans that a more straightforward approach would have made simple.
Hee Young was born oldest child of a set of twins, late afternoon on November 20th to Park Namkyung and Kang Seonhwa. Seonhwa, or Sasha as she liked to be called, was a korean-american pianist of the american symphony orchestra. She met Namkyung on a trip to Korea to visit her family. The two married after only 6 months, Namkyung decided to move to America to live with his wife. things started out well enough. Sasha came from a wealthy family, and with their help she and her husband and their young children were able to live a comfortable, life in Hawaii.
But Sasha yearned to return to the stage, to her life before all of its changes. she sat at the glossy black piano in the parlor and played concertos, sonatas, and waltzes for hours everyday. To appease herself, she began teaching her children. Hee young learned how to play different instruments and walk at the same time. The Twins’ mother stayed at home and raised them while their father worked. Hee Young blames herself fo what happened with her mother. If Hee Young had been older, maybe she would have noticed the signs. the dinners tossed into the trash, the untouched pill bottles, the way she sometimes sat on the piano bench and stared out the window for long periods of time and snapped at her and Jae Sun in a way she never snapped at them if they bothered her. She left a note and a promise to keep in touch, but she still went. The Twins were nine.
The loss hit The Twins’ father hard to say the least. Here was a man who had given up his dreams of becoming a writer to support his wife and their children (who, if he was honest, had been a complete accident). Here was a man whose wife left him with nothing more than a note, a dead end office job, and the responsibility of a young children. The Twins’ father turned to alcohol. He quit the office job and began writing again, eventually taking up odd jobs to scrape together a living when the Kangs refused to completely support them. Only assisting in sending the three to move to Korea, Where they lived off the generosity of the Mins. For a while Namkyung and The Twins lived this way, but their relationship remained distant due to the drinking and perpetual silence.
It wasn’t until The Twins were twelve and thier father began trying to get his “fucking memoirs” (as Jae Sun likes to call them) published that problems started occurring. The Twins’ father would take out his frustration on his children. First it was just yelling and cursing, but this soon escalated into full out drunken, severe physical abuse. Hee Young made it her personal mission to make sure to get her father to use up all his anger on her, so that she could keep Jae Sun safe. She would even back against him until she passed out, she would always feel bad waking up to see her brother hurt. he would take comfort in playing the piano in the parlor. The Twins’ would take comfort in the memories of thier mother, when they would escape to Music Store in the next neighborhood where the works would let them use the instruments without bothering them to purchase it. Sometimes, they get tips from customers who enjoyed their music or get paid to teach people how to play different songs.
One day, When The Twins were fourteen. They met a recruiter from AS Entertainment Company named Mio Kyumin. Who offered them the chance of becoming trainees with AS, Though Jae Sun made it clear that he wanted to pursue music at least as an extracurricular if not as a career, Hee Young wasn’t really interested. It was only when Kyumin had told them that if they did decide to join and pass the auditions they would have to move into the Dorms. It was finally a chance to get away from their father, when they passed the auditions they quickly moved into the Dorms.

Kang Jae-Sun
J.K., Suny, JayEssKay, Jaebug
Relationship Status:
Honolulu, Hawaii
American Korean
Area(s) of Expertise: Main Vocalist, And Dancer
Years of Training: 6 years
In-Depth Appearance:
With bright, dark brown eyes, Jae Sun stands at 180cm. His body is well built from working out but mostly from dancing. His skin is fairly pale, only tanning slightly when constantly exposed to the sun. Often hidden under a snapback, his dark brown hair is short on both sides and longer in the middle. He has a vertical scar on outside of his right leg, He got from going up behind Hee Young and scaring her. She flipped right into the recycling bin. Although he’ll take any chance to show off his toned abs, Jae Sun dresses in baggy, comfortable clothes, except when he going out on dates or outing with friends where tight form fitting clothes. His closet mainly consists of black, white, and gray clothing and a small amount of reds and blues for the occasional splash of color. Also, both his ears are pierced 3 on his right, 4 on his left.
Jae Sun is very optimistic. He loves to enjoy life and try new things. He somehow manages to find the good in everything and knows how to make the best out of the worst situations. Seldom is he seen in a sour mood and if he is, then the situation must be very grave. But even then he tends to laugh his problems away. However, his optimism can sometimes be confused as being naive or even oblivious to the harsh realities of the world.
He is extremely passionate and loyal, whether it be to people or his beliefs. He will stand up for anything or anyone dear to him. It makes him stubborn at times, which can either be a blessing or a curse. Especially, when it comes to his older sister. He loves and respects her the most out of everyone else in his family, He recently started noticing her sneaking out alot. He swears if it because of a he'll be all over the guy like donkey kong.
First and foremost, Jae Sun is very goofy. He’s corny and second of all, a cheesy romantic. Because of this, most people are unable to take him seriously or trust him easily. But contrary to popular belief, he is not a player. Yes, he’s had multiple girlfriends before but never simultaneously. He also only flirts when he’s not in a relationship.
He will literally go for anyone he finds appealing, which is almost everyone. Thus, it’s no surprise when he is constantly faced with rejection. Despite this, Jae Sun is still quite prideful. He likes to do everything with his head held high and will often feign confidence lest he appear weak and incompetent-- things he finds unattractive. This causes him to subconsciously bluff about abilities he lacks, often making him seem like a compulsive liar to others. Another negative trait is that he is unfocused when it comes to things that disinterest him, such as subjects pertaining to any sciences or math. Unfortunately, a distracted Jae Sun can become a distraction to everyone around him. But thankfully, His big sis is able to help focus.
Jae Sun was born youngest child of a set of twins, late afternoon on November 20th to Park Namkyung and Kang Seonhwa. Seonhwa, or Sasha as she liked to be called, was a korean-american pianist of the american symphony orchestra. She met Namkyung on a trip to Korea to visit her family. The two married after only 6 months, Namkyung decided to move to America to live with his wife. things started out well enough. Sasha came from a wealthy family, and with their help she and her husband and their young children were able to live a comfortable, life in Hawaii.
But Sasha yearned to return to the stage, to her life before all of its changes. she sat at the glossy black piano in the parlor and played concertos, sonatas, and waltzes for hours everyday. To appease herself, she began teaching her children. Jae Sun learned how to play piano and walk at the same time. When his mother would dance as Hee Young played, He would be dancing partner. When their mother left, Hee Young always made sure that he was okay first. Even when They had moved to Korea it seemed like Hee Young was always protecting, whether it be from school bullies or their own father.
Whenever Hee Young would get to injured, he always made sure he was there to take care of her wounds. Even when he had tried to protect her, instead of being protected. Hee Young still end up saving him.
When they met Kyumin at the Music Shop, when they turned fourteen years old. It changed their lives forever, Not only did he help them go threw the trainee auditions. But he became The Twins’ Manager, Jae Sun and Hee Young both see him as a older brother they never had and their protector because not only does he make sure that they are okay. But He got them both away from their and make sure that their Father never contacts them or write about them in his memoirs.
With bright, dark brown eyes, Jae Sun stands at 180cm. His body is well built from working out but mostly from dancing. His skin is fairly pale, only tanning slightly when constantly exposed to the sun. Often hidden under a snapback, his dark brown hair is short on both sides and longer in the middle. He has a vertical scar on outside of his right leg, He got from going up behind Hee Young and scaring her. She flipped right into the recycling bin. Although he’ll take any chance to show off his toned abs, Jae Sun dresses in baggy, comfortable clothes, except when he going out on dates or outing with friends where tight form fitting clothes. His closet mainly consists of black, white, and gray clothing and a small amount of reds and blues for the occasional splash of color. Also, both his ears are pierced 3 on his right, 4 on his left.
Jae Sun is very optimistic. He loves to enjoy life and try new things. He somehow manages to find the good in everything and knows how to make the best out of the worst situations. Seldom is he seen in a sour mood and if he is, then the situation must be very grave. But even then he tends to laugh his problems away. However, his optimism can sometimes be confused as being naive or even oblivious to the harsh realities of the world.
He is extremely passionate and loyal, whether it be to people or his beliefs. He will stand up for anything or anyone dear to him. It makes him stubborn at times, which can either be a blessing or a curse. Especially, when it comes to his older sister. He loves and respects her the most out of everyone else in his family, He recently started noticing her sneaking out alot. He swears if it because of a he'll be all over the guy like donkey kong.
First and foremost, Jae Sun is very goofy. He’s corny and second of all, a cheesy romantic. Because of this, most people are unable to take him seriously or trust him easily. But contrary to popular belief, he is not a player. Yes, he’s had multiple girlfriends before but never simultaneously. He also only flirts when he’s not in a relationship.
He will literally go for anyone he finds appealing, which is almost everyone. Thus, it’s no surprise when he is constantly faced with rejection. Despite this, Jae Sun is still quite prideful. He likes to do everything with his head held high and will often feign confidence lest he appear weak and incompetent-- things he finds unattractive. This causes him to subconsciously bluff about abilities he lacks, often making him seem like a compulsive liar to others. Another negative trait is that he is unfocused when it comes to things that disinterest him, such as subjects pertaining to any sciences or math. Unfortunately, a distracted Jae Sun can become a distraction to everyone around him. But thankfully, His big sis is able to help focus.
Jae Sun was born youngest child of a set of twins, late afternoon on November 20th to Park Namkyung and Kang Seonhwa. Seonhwa, or Sasha as she liked to be called, was a korean-american pianist of the american symphony orchestra. She met Namkyung on a trip to Korea to visit her family. The two married after only 6 months, Namkyung decided to move to America to live with his wife. things started out well enough. Sasha came from a wealthy family, and with their help she and her husband and their young children were able to live a comfortable, life in Hawaii.
But Sasha yearned to return to the stage, to her life before all of its changes. she sat at the glossy black piano in the parlor and played concertos, sonatas, and waltzes for hours everyday. To appease herself, she began teaching her children. Jae Sun learned how to play piano and walk at the same time. When his mother would dance as Hee Young played, He would be dancing partner. When their mother left, Hee Young always made sure that he was okay first. Even when They had moved to Korea it seemed like Hee Young was always protecting, whether it be from school bullies or their own father.
Whenever Hee Young would get to injured, he always made sure he was there to take care of her wounds. Even when he had tried to protect her, instead of being protected. Hee Young still end up saving him.
When they met Kyumin at the Music Shop, when they turned fourteen years old. It changed their lives forever, Not only did he help them go threw the trainee auditions. But he became The Twins’ Manager, Jae Sun and Hee Young both see him as a older brother they never had and their protector because not only does he make sure that they are okay. But He got them both away from their and make sure that their Father never contacts them or write about them in his memoirs.
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