Diana’s Flashback - Before and During Boot camp
Diana had many things on her mind from boot camp, which she was thrust upon by some recruiters that conscripted her into the military. She had really no choice since they told her beforehand, she would be classified as a coward. She didn’t really want that at all because of her behavior to stick to a thing, she picks. She didn’t really understood much since she was pretty naïve to the whole act of war. However, she wanted to be highly patriotic to fight in a war. The Recruiters told her she can tell her mother goodbye before she was sent to the boot camp.
”Mother, I am going off to war,” Diana said, a bit proudly.
”I will miss you dearly. Please don’t die my sweet little child,” Rebecca said, noticing the recruiters behind her.
”Don’t worry ma’am. We will make sure she gets the proper training so she can return with glory and something to brag about,” One of the Recruiters said.
”You better hope, she does. You don’t want me to make a scene now,” Rebecca said, a bit annoyed.
”Mother, I will make sure I will return safely,” Diana said, happily.
The Recruiters looked at Rebecca and knew how much of a overly protective mother Rebecca is. The recruiter that spoke led, Diana away from her mother. Which was in turn a pretty common thing, since they had to recruit this overly patriotic girl to help in the war. However, she in turn learned not that much quickly that you cannot really play ‘soldier.’ Which she learned exactly at Boot camp when she arrived and the loudest training officer was sizing up the new recruits for the war. The Training officer looked much older than most people in the boot camp, since he had some gray hair showing.
”Oh look, we have a shorty entering the war,” He said, towards Diana.
”D-Don’t call me shorty, asshole,” Diana said, in a bit of a frustrated at the blatant calling her short.
”Hmm… I have to say, what’s your name Shorty? And make it snappy I don’t have all day here to wait on a girl, who cannot answer a superior officer,” He said, with a slight look of how much can he push her buttons.
”W-What…? Why would I tell you my name since you are pissing me off right now? I don’t think you need to know my name,” Diana said, even more angered at the training officer, her eye twitches and her hands were shaking.
”Spoiled Rotten Brat, Shut the fuck up and give me your fucking name immediately. One more outburst out of you shorty will be the last straw!” He yelled at Diana specifically since he could visibly see the girl was being annoyed at him calling her shorty.
”W-What…? Don’t call me short… My name is Diana Elana Vastergoth, Sir,” Diana said, a bit shaken and scared of the man in question.
”Looks like I was right about you being spoiled rotten then, Diana. But you have to run laps around the boot camp since I did tell you no more outbursts,” He said, a bit happier now that he utterly saw this coming a mile away.
Diana heard the training officer, but didn’t move until he started yelling at her to get moving immediately. He pushed her to keep on running until, she was tired and other things. She was highly exhausted from the training officer, however, she was given a very short time to get a nap. She was supposed to be on the firing lines to shoot off her weapon at targets. She was yelled awake by the specific officer in question, which made her realize all her childish fantasies were completely untrue. He laughed at the spoiled brat, which was still wearing her pendant necklace from her parents. Diana looked at him and wondered why he was specifically targeting her.
”S-Sir, why are you targeting me?” Diana asked, nervously and looking down at the ground.
”Because I don’t really like your family’s hardheadedness. Which it tells me you are exactly the same as your parents and grandparents. I have to tell you a secret my name is Victor Elton Mannerfield. I guess it’s a good thing I am too old for this war and better at being a boot camp trainer,” Victor said, sighing never thought he would be training his granddaughter’s childhood friend on the art of war.
”T-That’s all? Just because of my family’s hardheadedness. Oh my god, I am friends with Anna Raina Mannerfield. But she never really talked about you,” Diana said, a bit shocked and gained new insight.
”There’s a reason why, but I am not going to tell you that though. However, you got a lot of work to do before you become a competent soldier. The only way for that is literally go on the front lines and fight the Imperials for the Federation,” Victor said, smiling a bit.
Diana took the words from Victor to heart. Even though, she couldn’t help to be nervous about every single thing. However, Victor stayed on her ass to make sure she did her damnedest at boot camp to take what she learned her to the front. After that, it was time she was shipped to the front. Her boot camp training as a conscript was complete, it didn’t help that the trainer at the boot camp was held her to a higher standard than the other conscripts. However, she barely passed in the ‘conscription’ training mostly because of the fact her parents didn’t really taught her about the war. It did help that Victor was completely hard on her and kept her head on a swivel while she was going to war.
Diana’s Brutal Reality - Late to the Front - Garnian Salient Hill 58 Battle
Diana woke up by herself and couldn’t really sleep on the train, because of the fact she was highly nervous about what will go on. ”I hope the battle didn’t start without me…,” She thought to herself with a slight annoyed look in her eye, while looking outside. She was looking around on the train and noticed someone approaching her, which was a male soldier looking for somewhere to sit. ”You can sit here. I don’t mind,” She nervously said specifically at the soldier that was looking for somewhere to sit. He saw Diana motion to him and sat right besides her and could tell she just woke up from being woke up by the train.
He smiled towards her. ”You definitely saved me, what’s your name?” He was pretty friendly and had a pretty much a strong but an easy going fellow. He noticed her beautiful sky blue eyes and wondered why she was here and not at home since he noticed the necklace around her neck. He kept his hands in his space since most girls don’t really enjoy getting their space invaded.
She blinked at him, when he asked her name, which she shyly looked down. ”My name is Diana Elana Vastergoth, what’s yours?” She asked, a similar question to him. She was becoming a bit nervous at the fact, he was so close to her and moved a bit closer to the window. She kept her eyes down and trying not to look directly into his eyes.
He laughed when she said her name to him. Mostly because he was in the boot camp where she was yelled at by Victor, a complete hard ass old retired sergeant from before EW1. ”My name is Richard A. Donster. I definitely remember you, you made an impression. A funny one that you get so easily frustrated at being called Shorty. Nothing against you but I dislike brats.” He responded to her question but blatant insulted her.
She listened to the boy next to her, and she got frustrated at the fact he called her a shorty. However, she started to cry when he said what he said, after the insult. ”W-Why are you being mean to me?” She asked, with tears going down her cheeks. She couldn’t really understand why someone who is sitting by her is being mean to her. It makes no sense, since they are required to be fighting on the same side. She looked into his eyes and recognized him finally, which reminded her to never associate yourself with a Donster. ”Can you leave me be I want to be alone to think.” She dismissed him from her seat with a slight annoyed look on her face.
He laughed at her question mostly because of the fact, the Vastergoths and his family have a somewhat of a feud going on. His family hates how friendly the Vastergoths are to the Darcsens since they treat everyone as equals. He has a massive hatred of them. ”It’s kinda simple its because your family are Darcsen lovers. Even though I have no idea, how the super protected latest child feels about them. But I will still call all you Vastergoths foolish hardheaded morons.” He told her in as much as literally insulting her family and how they treat Darcsens. He watched her look at him and felt like the girl felt insulted enough. He laughed at her outright dismissal of him but did get up, just to walk away from her. He did enjoy her tears, however.
Diana couldn’t really stop crying when he went close to her and started telling the real reasons why he hates her and her family. She was a bit shocked at the sudden reality, however, something snapped her out of her crying fit. That was the train finally stopped at the front she was supposed to be deployed as, reinforcements. She got her equipment for being a rifleman, and she wiped her tears a bit. ”I-I hope I am not going to be deployed near that asshole Donster.” She thought in a serious complete hopeful that she was going to be deployed away from him. She got off the train, and there was some officers there and they looked at the late reinforcements, which just arrived. ”Sir, I am reporting for duty? Why are you looking at us like that?” She questioned the superior officers with a naive question to them.
The officer looked at the first soldier that asked a question, which was no other than Diana. ”Hello, you are late. The Battle just started and you need to get to the front immediately. You can help anyone in the front. Also, no retreating when you hit the battlefield or else,” The commanding officer said. There was noise of gunfire in the background, which was highly loud. He didn’t enjoy giving grim orders since he’s a bit more of a kinder commanding officer but other people on the battlefield is a bit more efficient in getting the new recruits into a fury.
She heard the commanding officer speak as loudly as possible. She heard all the sounds of a battle near the front lines being waged. She was completely shocked that this was what war feels like, she got highly nervous because of that. Her naive nature and her body language didn’t help the matter. ”Therefore, I will do my best for the Federation to defeat the Imperials, sir.” She responded to the commanding officer. She was definitely a bit hardheaded in wanting to be a good soldier, which didn’t help at her inexperience at this whole thing.
He looked directly at the girl who was showing off her patriotic beliefs. He sighed in slight regret in what’s going on here. ”Before you go, can I get your name? Then get to the front as quickly as possible.” He responded to her response. He put his hand on his forehead and rubbed it a bit, he was getting to old for this shit and all these young recruits were a bit annoying. However, he was grateful it was raining, since he did notice the girl in question was crying.
Diana looked directly at the commanding officer he asked, her name in question. ”My name is Diana Elana Vastergoth, sir.” She gave an answer to his question. She remembered something that what the commanding officer had said, who was greeting the reinforcements. That she cannot retreat from the battlefield at all or else, she gulped at what that exactly meant. She walked in single file towards the front lines with no one in her group that was the jerk, whom made her cry. However, the march was a forced march to the front line since they needed to get there as quickly as possible.
She was getting closer to the battlefield, and the noises of gunfire from both sides was being pretty intense. She wasn’t able to keep track of what was happening while they were forced marching towards the front line. She arrived at the front line, which felt like hours passed but it wasn’t at all. It was less than her internal clock was on, it was probably the train lag that made her feel a bit different. She couldn’t help but hear the noises of the Federation firing on imperial positions, and the Imperials doing the same in return. ”I hope I can help some of our soldiers and get them to where they are needed,” Her mind wondered in hopefully helping her fellow soldiers.
She could see the trench ladder into the battle proper, but she heard bullets going over her head from imperial positions. She breathed in and thought what everyone taught her in boot camp of not dying that is. She equipped her bayonet to her rifle since it is definitely needed. She remembered exactly what Victor taught her specifically, keep moving, get to cover, or she’ll get a bullet in her head. She built up a bit of courage and couldn’t help but be highly nervous. But she was supposed to be the reinforcements to the people who is fighting this battle. She walked over to the ladder, however, the smell finally hit her since she was being a bit too focused to notice the smell in the trench. She held her weapon by one her hands, just so she could hold her nose. She let go of her nose, figuring out that getting on the battlefield is better than being in this trench any longer. ”God this is an awful smell… what is that? I never smelled anything this badly…” She looked up at the ladder lost in a bit of thought.
Diana started to climb the ladder and she definitely was not ready for what she saw, a no man’s land. She had to start climbing the hill to reach people in particular ala, the first wave that launched their attack that is. She was holding her weapon tightly while trudging along through the no man’s land. She only knew the objective must be what’s on the hill. She was pretty much pretty fast for herself, since she was forced to run a lot by the trainers there especially Victor. She couldn’t help but be a bit terrified of the entire thing in question, she was going into the jaws of death for glory. ”This… is terrifying… boot camp didn’t tell me something like this was going to happen,” She said, in a pretty teary tone. She continued to push forward towards the hill where all the Atlantic Federation was heading and dying. She was a bit nervous seeing all the dead bodies while she was walking forward.
She looked up while she was walking forward, since most of the time she was looking down while walking and moving towards the set piece in question. However, she could see someone a bit in front of her walking in the same direction she was, but moving ahead of her. She focused a bit as much as she could since it was raining much. She could see the standard equipment of a sapper on the person in front of her but that’s much she got out of her trying to focus, while rain was hitting her. ”This is still terrifying. Stay calm Diana. You need to live through this for your mother,” She thought to herself, while trudging through No Man’s land. Her movement and body language definitely showed she wasn’t enjoying her time here. However, she caught up to the sapper in question, but was still a bit behind the person. She was hopeful, whomever the sapper was could hear her. ”Hey.. Can you uh let me catch up so I can be your support?” She asked a bit loud, even though it was raining and gunfire was happening everywhere.