Kingdom of Aurr:

Primary races: Dark Elf - Human - Dwarf
Situated as the farthest most Kingdom of the Seven, the Kingdom of Aurr inhabits a land that is under constant assault from the elements. Cold, snowcapped peaks dominate the landscape that host a hard, but sturdy people. The Kingdom as a whole came together when Rofella chose the fortress city of Arnafell as her temple. Quickly, the numerous warring bands that inhabited the mountain side fell under the banner of King Aurr himself, who used Rofella’s guidance to great effect. There are few major cities in the Kingdom, with Arnafell being the largest, instead there are numerous smaller style towns, carved into the mountain side, that dot the landscape.
To their north serves an enemy as old as their kingdom, the Wild Ones. The Wild Ones are a large faction to the direct north of the Kingdom of Seven, with a standing army that is estimated to be half as strong as the combined armies of our own. They worship demonic forces, and are twisted in both mind and body. Every year, they send an attack through the mountain passes to try and break into the Kingdom of Seven, but every year they are repelled by the Kingdom of Aurr; whose mountain side fortresses and large standing army are trained to fight in the harsh conditions.
With Rofella’s influence seeping into the core of the Kingdom of Aurr, the people have changed as a result. Warlike in nature, the people will always seek to end the enemies that threaten their safety before they can strike. Though if there is a way to keep the peace without bloodshed, the citizens of Aurr will always explore that option as well.
The people of Aur are a mix between the native dark-elf and dwarven tribes as well as a size able human population. The humans and dark-elfs tend to stick to the fortress cities, while the dwarven stay underground in the mines.

Primary races: Dark Elf - Human - Dwarf
Situated as the farthest most Kingdom of the Seven, the Kingdom of Aurr inhabits a land that is under constant assault from the elements. Cold, snowcapped peaks dominate the landscape that host a hard, but sturdy people. The Kingdom as a whole came together when Rofella chose the fortress city of Arnafell as her temple. Quickly, the numerous warring bands that inhabited the mountain side fell under the banner of King Aurr himself, who used Rofella’s guidance to great effect. There are few major cities in the Kingdom, with Arnafell being the largest, instead there are numerous smaller style towns, carved into the mountain side, that dot the landscape.
To their north serves an enemy as old as their kingdom, the Wild Ones. The Wild Ones are a large faction to the direct north of the Kingdom of Seven, with a standing army that is estimated to be half as strong as the combined armies of our own. They worship demonic forces, and are twisted in both mind and body. Every year, they send an attack through the mountain passes to try and break into the Kingdom of Seven, but every year they are repelled by the Kingdom of Aurr; whose mountain side fortresses and large standing army are trained to fight in the harsh conditions.
With Rofella’s influence seeping into the core of the Kingdom of Aurr, the people have changed as a result. Warlike in nature, the people will always seek to end the enemies that threaten their safety before they can strike. Though if there is a way to keep the peace without bloodshed, the citizens of Aurr will always explore that option as well.
The people of Aur are a mix between the native dark-elf and dwarven tribes as well as a size able human population. The humans and dark-elfs tend to stick to the fortress cities, while the dwarven stay underground in the mines.
Long have the Lallafellen plains folk lived in burrowed hobbit holes near the surface. Villages sprawled across the plains, seeming like little more than hills to those who weren't perceptive. The lallafells were the only race that lived in the area, welcoming travellers to their homes and offering up some meals if need be. Life on the plains was peaceful and full of magic and study. That's is, until the first breach appeared 450 years ago.
The one that all the kingdoms know about was the major one that tore through the strongest empire, allowing for alliances to be forged and Kingdoms to rise, and stand amongst the others to fight the monstrosities pouring out. There was, however, a smaller breach; insignificant to others but the lallafells, a small troupe of beasts came forth causing the sages from all the villages to gather their might and fend off the creatures. Any and all able bodied magicians were to stand and fight, driving back the small forces through the breach and then utilizing the leylines the villages are built upon, to seal the portal.
It was at this time that many decisions had to be made, several sages scoured their scrying pools for any signs of breaches across the lands, plans were being made to expand the villages down beneath the soil and create a new life below, weapons that were long since put away were now drawn and ready to fight. The sages located the major breach at the empire and noted it may have been the birth place of this magical portal between realms. Those with magics of the earth were bound to stay behind and help with construction of a new home underground, along with a quarter of analytical mages, and a quarter of those versed in warnings and barriers. The rest took arms and set off to help fight the enemy on the front lines.
The few who could created portals of their own, utilizing the scrying powers of water mages to better visualize their targets, taking small jumps so as to not wear out the mages nor cause them to 'over cast'. Once they finally arrived, the lallafells scattered across the empire, each equipped with magical earpieces to communicate, they took positions where needed. Fortifying gates, doors, and barriers; erecting mystical wards to help stave back the onslaught to afford the soldiers brief reprieves, as well as fighting along side them. The Dark Knights wove shields of darkness to encase allied soldiers from harm, they used their dark arts to attempt to weaken the beasts as well. Healers ran to those in aid amongst the chaos of war and helped to magically stitch together the wounds of soldiers, offering them succor. Mages with combative elements fought and those who could would control the battlefield. As they fought they prayed, though not like most, they did not ask for power, strength, guidance, nor knowledge, no they looked up towards the skies and said "Look at me Ardur! Look at what I have accomplished! What your children can do!"
When it was all finally over the Lalafells went back home to find what is now known as "Allag, The False Kingdom."The Kingdom's Door
Hidden amonsts the rulings hills of green out in the plains, one might find themselves stumbling across something unseen. Hidden by illusionary magicks are small round entrances, magically guarded, that lead into Allag. Allag is the kingdom of lalafells, comprised of all their villages now buried deep underground to hide themselves from the sight of others. The entrances are camouflaged with magic to make them seem like mundane hills; if someone was to accidentally stumble upon one of the entrances it would set off a silent alarm at the scrying pools, showing the intruder and which entrance they are located at.
These safety measures were all taken after the first Breach appeared. Alongside these measures are a series of tunnels, many of which lead to nowhere for the express purpose of keeping intruders out of Allag, especially beasts of the breach. Although some places were complacent with forgetting the knowledge of the ancients, dealing with the breaches, lalafells were not. They fortified their armies, magicks, and knowledge in order to be prepared for the next attack. Unfortunately for them not every breach opened near leylines, the only form they knew to use against these demonic portals, making it difficult in the coming years of breaches.The Kingdoms People
Those who are deemed to be 'safe' are met with a native tour guide. The guide will safely help them traverse the tunnel system, avoiding any traps, dangerous creatures, or treacherous terrain. Lalafells are hospitable race that will welcome you into their homes with open arms and platefulls of food. Though extremely kindhearted, this small race is also known to be quite mischievous, pulling pranks on any they can, some harmless and others not so much. It is never good when a lalafell grins.
Lalafells tend to be on average 3 feet tall, making River the tallest. The short stature is matched with lean but rotund bodies. This causes them to dress in similar fashion, opting for looser fitting clothing that is capable of hiding their shape. Lalafells, although short, have an amazing vertical jump, able to clear a 5' jump with ease; whether this is via magical means or not has yet to be determined. All Lala's are gifted with magic even as a babe, and can wield it in a variety of ways, so much so it is what crafted this Kingdom.The Kingdom
Allag is a lively and bright place to be in, full of hard working people as well as a tight knit community. The weather is typically always perfect, summers have just the right amount of heat and 'sun', spring is always cool and full of colour, the fall has just the right amount of crispness to the air, and the winters snow and waters freeze yet the temperature is never unbearable. This is all, of course, magically regulated as it is all underground.
The False Kingdoms role in the fight against breaches is both a fairly simple, and complex one. Being an army of devout casters with a myriad of abilities, they have taken the role of 'Support' in the fight against the breachers. Their main army, represented and headed by River Fontaine, is 98 strong. The army is divided into 14 individual groups, each with their own means of communication with each other and River. 13 of the groups are comprised of one tank, typically a Dark Knight or Paladin, who help to mitigate the damage taken on the front lines, using magic to sheild others and bolster their strengths, four damage dealing mages that range anywhere from bards, black mages, elementalists, analysts, and much much, and finally two healers who tend to have analytical magic as well as healing magic to quickly identify weak points and critical spots of monsters as well as on those injured near by so that they may best heal them. The 14th team is lead directly by River, his personal assortment of mages who deal in wardings, barriers,and other defensive magics. Each mage is to watch over one of The Seven Kingdoms armies from afar to help get a better assessment of the fights and assist as needed. The only Kingdom without a barrier mage is The False Kingdom, overseen by River who will bark orders at the 13 other groups to help his own people as well as others. Though River will join the fray of battle, he utilizes his divination magic via hydromancy to asses the battle field while in combat.The Kingdoms Worship
The Grande Circle is the platform in which all the hard work and training is put forth. The False Kingdoms disciples congregate atop the stone mass, littered with runic marking to help ease the physical strain of casting, to practice their arts for as long as their bodies allow. Each citizen having their own aspects to draw from, their own magics to work on as they wish. It is said that on this platform, Ardur watches over his children to see how the strive for their own knowledge and power, unlike those who wish to attain it with minimal effort. Once someone has achieved a milestone they can be proud of, they walk up the Steps of Enlightenment and reproduce the effect for Ardur, showing him the fruits of their labor so that he may smile upon them.Ardur: God of Magics and the ArtsTemple Location: Magiee (ma-gee)
Ardur is the God of Magic and the Mundane. In his mortal realm form, Ardur is the shortest of the God’s standing at a height of just six feet tall. His attire is a simple white robe with an equally simple hood that falls way too far down his back. While every form of magic is known to him, he will very rarely divulge his knowledge to those that flock to him for information. Magic is a gift, something that needs to be learned through trial and error in the mind of Ardur and much too dangerous to be taught to those who have no notion on how to control it. Magic in the hands of a vengeful vagabond leads to tragedy while magic in the hands of a trained wielder rarely does.
Ardur will also turn away any who come to him for assistance with whatever questions or comments relating to their art. To him, art is not about the final product before you but rather the journey you went on creating it. Furthermore, as experienced over the years, those that come to seek his advice are not true followers of his message. His followers will instead gift him their art, be it a painting or a song, and expect nothing from it but the applause of a grateful god.
League of KyrantesThe Arid Expanse
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“Hot as fury, cold as cruelty, this land cares little for your life. Yet these are a people who chose to not care about the desert’s brutality. Surrounding themselves with walls and weapons, they endure day after day things that would break our soldiers. To conquer this place, much blood will be paid, to both their arms, and the land itself…”
- Excerpt from the journal of an Imperial Expeditionary Chronicler. Dated during the era of the Empire’s “Unity Crusade”Landscape:
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An arid place where the land is divided mostly into vast sandy deserts, and hilly, savannah-like areas. Scattered oases and a few rivers are the main sources of plant life and water. Most settlements have cropped up around these sources. At the further reaches of the desert, there lies a mountainous area where another kingdom resides.Brief history
Formerly nothing more than a scattered collection of tribes and villages, they formed pacts and alliances out of necessity as opportunistic bandits and other exiled undesirables often raided their settlements and attacked travelling caravans. Eventually, the majority of power was held by the largest city of the region, Kyrantes (Kee-Ran-Tes), a walled behemoth towering over the wasteland, protecting one of the largest stretches of farmable land in the region, provided by a river that flows through the heart of the city. They soon adopted an official form of government and named themselves as “The League of Kyrantes”, after the center of their power.
During the “Unity Crusade” where the empire sought to expand its territory, and bring all others under their heel, The League held out against the attack, and even managed to go so far as to attack the Empire with assistance from other kingdoms that had been provoked by the Empire’s war-mongering. This proved to be more costly than anticipated however due to the incursion of enemies from beyond the breach.
Currently, the League enjoys a seat in the Council of Seven with peaceful, though wary, relations with other kingdoms. Despite the demilitarization following the Council’s pursuit of peace, the people Kyrantes and The League are ever suspicious of anyone who lives beyond their walls.Summary and Role
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The League of Kyrantes is an alliance of various villages and cities, all submitting to the will of the great fortress-city Kyrantes, and its Grand Vizier. The Grand Vizier is passed down via heritage among influential noble houses in the city. While the title is highly coveted, and can at times be a cutthroat competition, the Grand Vizier is still required to please the other members of the League by creating unity and consensus. Otherwise they may find themselves replaced rather quickly.
Being composed of different settlements, The League is run by its own council of leaders, with each town and village having their own methods of selecting leaders. The Grand Vizier of Kyrantes simply gathers them all into the fortress-city whenever region-wide matters must be discussed, and they often debate on matters within the opulent Dawn Palace at the center of the city. While attempts are made for consensus among the leaders, if immediate action must be taken, and the leaders cannot agree on a decision, the Grand Vizier has the power to bypass discussions and do as they wish, so long as the rest of the League is made aware of this. Through this, they can force the League to work by their will, at the cost of their public reputation. Grand Viziers often do not abuse this power, as those who do usually have short-lived reigns when public unrest rises due to the myriad of hardened mercenaries and assassins often for hire within their region
Their role among the Council of Seven both during and after the War of the breach, is to act as one of its defense specialists. Their generals and tacticians being equally skilled in both defending a city, and besieging it by subverting their own strategies. However, their armies excel most at repelling enemy forces from behind a wall, or a fortified base of operations. Their archers being highly disciplined at holding the line and maintaining a hail of fire upon their enemies. Their infantry, resilient and fearless, fighting with almost a mad fanaticism against those who threaten their homes and families. Their cavalry, adept at breaking enemy lines and repeatedly scattering assaults, keeping any enemy from being able to find their footing in a siege. Any place under the protection of The League will demand payment in countless lives before it will be taken.Patron God
Image source: God of the Sun and the MoonTemple location: Solune (Sol-une)
Guurut stands nearly eight-feet tall. During the day hours his appearance is one of fiery fashion, with vibrant reds and yellows being the predominant theme while a loud, boisterous personality embraces all who come near. Parties as legendary as time has seen have taken place in his temple, with copious amounts of both alcohol and foods being consumed. Though as night rolls around, his appearance instead changes to more somber colors. Black and a dark blue color scheme wraps his body tightly during these hours, while a mellow and often sad personality push away any who come to see him. It is in these hours that people find that they have a chance to reflect on who they truly are in the temple.
It is during both dawn and dusk, do the two sides of this coin mesh. His appearance is a clash of purple and white, and a calm personality emanates forth. Those at his temple during these hours have a chance to reflect on what they truly want.
The Kingdom of Heaven's Scales
SummaryAtala is a society characterized by its pursuit of intellectual ascension, and its relatively advanced views on Magic. They consider themselves to have found a world beyond the magical arts, instead devoting their wealth of knowledge and understanding towards the study of philosophy and the sciences. The study of Alchemy, in particular, is very popular in the upper echelons of Atala. Through it, they have uncovered what might be one of the most renowned magical discoveries of the current era. (See: The Philosopher's Stone, below)
As for the common folk, things are much better than one would expect. Advancement is proclaimed as being based of off merit. The way it's taught, even a common farmer could raise himself to the position of lord with enough work. This is obviously untrue, but it motivates the lowborn, and is such continually spread by those who hold the actual power.
The country is fundamentally human centric. Other races are not openly discriminated against, but the philosopher-lords would scoff at the idea of welcoming an elf-folk or stoutling into their ranks. They extol the virtues of being human, and revere the ephemeral concept of youth as a supreme state of being. Magic, which they view in a similar vein to the throes of puberty, is something impure but necessary to growth. Those without Magic are pitied, but Magic itself is simply a means to an end. That end is, ultimately, Ascension...
The Philosopher's StoneThe pinnacle of Alchemy, and the most publicly known and yet well kept secret of the Atalan Kingdom. The means of creating it are widely unknown, but everyone who has heard of Atala knows of its effects. Eternal youth. Or, more accurately, the re-invigoration and preservation of youth through a kind of spiritual ascension. Those who partake in the Stone's elixir forever give up their ability to use Magic, but in exchange, are entered into a state of suspended aging and physical purity that goes beyond even that of the Elves.
The mechanics of the Elixer are complicated, but how it functions fundamentally is through "manifestation of the spirit". It takes the part of the being that is the individual's magical aptitude, and causes it to condense in the drinker's very flesh. The way the Atalans see it, they become something pure and wholly human. So what if in the process, their Magical abilities are lost to them forever. All is worth it in the pursuit of supreme perfection.
Their RoleAtala fills a very valuable position in the Council. When the Kingdom of Scales goes to war, they are a calculative and decisive force on the battlefield. Atalian strategists are held in high regards no matter one's opinion of their country itself, and their fighting force is nothing to scoff at either. Each soldier is a scholar in their own right, and Atala's wealth of nutrition and fondness for physical sport make for tough, well-rounded warriors.
The absolute elite of Atala are those who have consumed the Elixir of Youth, and who possessed vast magical aptitude before doing so. Their young appearance and thoughtful eyes hide a well-oiled machine of a body that surpasses the capacity of mortal men. To underestimate them, is to ascertain one's defeat.
Composed of flat fertile plains and sprinkled with periodic forests teeming around the nutrient rich rivers flowing out of distant mountains, the area that would one day become Luvalon was originally settled by Assimar pilgrims escaping the escalating conflict across the ocean. When the weary travellers discovered the mostly untouched lands, they established a village on the shores that would one day rise to be the Balasta, the capital city and primary seaport for the country.
As time went on and more people entered, the country eventually expanded across the entirety of the plains and called it Bratia after Balasta's founding family. The Bratia's ruled for several centuries, each generation more corrupt than the last. The family executed political and religious opponents, abused their citizens, and spent their money on their own pleasure and lining the family's pockets.
Azorius Bratia was the exception. As she studied the history of her land and family, she recognized the signs of the same oppression and persecution her family originally fled. Horrified at the hypocrisy and abuse, the woman attempted to fix the problems from inside the family, begging and pleading and bargaining. Ultimately, she was jailed and sentenced to death for her actions by her own father. She escaped with the help of a group of renegades and seemingly vanished.
It took the better part of half a century before she would return, having developed the four principles of hieromancy. In an aggressive assault on the capital, Azorius and many of the citizens of the Kingdom overthrew the Bratia regime without bloodshed. This came to be known as the Midnight Revolt.
Since then, Hieromancy was established as the guiding principles of the Kingdom. In order to shake off the last of the authority of the Bratia family, the Kingdom was renamed after the first principle of it's guiding philosophy. Azorius then wrote the Azorius papers, magical documents detailing the rules and responsibilities of leadership and Hieromancy. Each public servant would be required to sign them and each signature strengthen the magic embodies in the pages.
Now, Luvalon stands as a bastion of community and camaraderie in the world. Hieromancy has taken the form of religion for most and its magic is practiced by each member of the small military force the Kingdom does maintain. The Kingdom's people see magic as a tool that is to be used only when necessary otherwise it becomes a crutch. The nation as a whole focuses it's resources on developing new sustainable agriculture and fishing practices. They are incredibly proud of their nation’s breweries, created due to the abundance of wheat and barley grown, the abundance of wheat and barley naturally encouraging their growth, and act as the primary hosts of the Kingdom wide festivals held four time a year.Religion and Hieromancy
With such widespread influence over the moral and ethical development of the nation, Hieromancy is both a branch of magic and the religion of the country. The branch draws on the lessons of Vel’Dia, the Goddess of Life and Death, to drive its four principles. It is rumored the High Hieromancer studied at the feet of the Goddess to develop hieromancy, although the rumor is unconfirmed by any source. Coupled with the close regard for the natural order any agricultural nation develops, the people of Luvalon regularly invite the Goddess to their festivals and make pilgrimages to her Temple with offerings from their homes and fields.
Hieromancy is a branch of magic that reinforces order and community. It teaches and provides a path for peace and reconciliation without bloodshed and blows exchanged. It summons white glowing chains, compels temporary behaviors, suppresses magical effects, bolsters confidence and abilities in allies, and calcifies enemies with the weight of their wrongdoings. Skilled practitioners with time to prepare can write their spells into the natural order of an area, making honest a universal requirement in a room or making all noise cease in a village.
Four main principles drive Hieromancy. These principles are what power the magic and all initiates study them intensely since actually using the magic requires a thorough understanding and acceptance of the following:
- Luvalon: The bonds between community and kin are sacred. It is from these bonds that individuals are strengthened and develop a sense of morals and resolve. These bonds drive individuals to care for each other and create a sense of unity that allows them to survive even the worst trials.
- Sova: Life is cyclical. The ebb and flow of the tides, the growth of the wheat and barley in the fields and their subsequent harvest, the birth of mortals and their eventual death. These cycles are the natural order of the universe and it is not for the hubris of mortality to interrupt. Life and its natural passing are sacred and none have the right to deny any creature that.
- Jelenn: No matter how life was lived, all mortals are rendered equal in death. The Hieromancer and the Farmer both must died so it is the folly of mortality to assume one better than the other. All creatures are equals, each with a job to do that uplifts and sustains their community and kin. And this remains true always, even though the responsibilities may change over time. Revere not one over another, for all contribute to the greatness of their community.
- Lyev: Hardwork and honesty are key to a fulfilling life and are the mortar that keeps a community together. Laziness and lies will rot community and kin. Use your own two hands to reach your goals, otherwise you risk turning tools to crutches.
When accepting these principles, there is one last step all Hieromancers and public servants must take: signing the Azorius Papers. The first High Hieromancer penned the 13 Azorius papers to both act as guide and enforcer of the Hieromancy principles. These papers are infused with Azorius’s magic, growing stronger with each signature and leaves a lasting mark in the form of the Azorius grow, a thin strip of glowing white symbols around the top of their head. These treaties heighten the signee’s sense of compassion and empathy, forces them to speak truthfully when they do speak, and reinforces the importance of the four pillars of hieromancy. Azorius wrote these treatises in order to prevent a corrupt ruler from taking advantage of the trusting inclination of the nation.
The Council of Seven
Luvalon has little in the ways of military might to support the council with. Although they do have a small standing army, solid tacticians, and the might of Hieromancy, Luvalons focus on supplying the Council rather than fighting for it. The Luvalons provide the Council as a whole with a major portion of its food and alcohol stores with the conditions that more than just basic rationing occurs. Luvalonian chefs are some of the best in the Kingdom and they are more than eager to share what joy they find in food with others. After all, food is such an important part of life that relegating it to anything less than an art form would be an insult.
Luvalonians also provide counseling services to the armies of the Council. War and death are draining on the souls and minds of their comrades and those that sign the Azorius Papers feel others pain as if it were their own. Comforting comes naturally to the people, as it lessens their own emotional burden, and they understand that if one link breaks, the whole chain is compromised.