Tyroch Trank
"The Empire saved me. The Empire brought me up." Identification/Serial Number: MV-1247
Sex: Male
Age: 24
Homeworld: Mandalore at birth, but quickly moved to Coruscant.
Rank: Private
Role: Rifleman
Callsign Appearance: Like many, though not all, humans native to Mandalore, he is blonde haired and blue eyed, with rigid, hard features. While to some he looks scruffy, he actually keeps himself carefully under Imperial guidelines for cleanliness. Others say he looks like the spice addict he was in a previous life, and indeed, some of its effects still shine in his appearance despite his years of abstinence. His armor typically shines unless he's been in combat recently.
Equipment: •Stormtrooper armor - Very clean.
•Thermal Detonators - They go boom.
•DLT-20A Rifle - His trusted go to weapon.
Psychological Analysis: Tyroch appears to be deeply, almost fanatically loyal to the Empire. In his youth he was a spice addict, specifically to a variant named Indigo Burst. He still shows mannerisms of this when off duty, occasionally twitching, acting jittery, and similar. However, when on duty, he shows remarkable restraint in his mannerisms, able to suppress his movements, not to mention his emotions, to a commendable degree. When off duty, and sometimes even when on, he will behave friendly towards those who he believes support the Empire as wholeheartedly as he does. To those with no proper allegiance and do not commit crimes against the Empire, he will often attempt to persuade them of the benefits of the Empire. Towards criminals and rebels, though, he harbors a ferocious animosity. This is what makes him a remarkable soldier; during combat he is calm, cold, and collected, channeling his anger into his gun. He is simultaneously jaded with the world, often believing that regular citizens and such are only potential rebels and nothing more, and naive, believing his fellow stormtroopers are all paragons of justice and thinking similarly of the Empire as a whole. Perhaps keep an eye on - he follows orders without question and will do anything for his Empire.
Backstory:Tyroch Trank, born to Alys and Torn Trank on the capital city of Mandalore, Sundari, he was raised as a mildly wealthy only son who could afford a well off education. However, when he was roughly six years old, his family moved to Coruscant, where they continued his education. When he was roughly nine, the Empire came to be, something that surprisingly didn't effect them drastically, at least immediately. Torn Trank joined the Imperial Army while Alys stayed home to care for Tyroch. She couldn't keep an eye in everything, though, and at the age of 14, he had his first experience with spice. The first variant he had was a fine white substance generally used to keep food from spoiling but could be refined to an addictive substance. Over the next three years, he began skimming off of his parents' credit account until he could afford a highly addictive, highly pleasurable, but highly damaging, spice variant called Indigo Burst.
At age 18, his mother got tired of turning a blind eye to her son's addiction and told him to enroll in the Imperial academy, specifically the one back home on Mandalore. In a moment of clarity, he agreed, though he never said anything about stopping using spice. However, the drug test on Mandalore certainly caught him, and he had to go through a sort of rehab program on Mandalore, lead by a former Imperial soldier who had also been addicted to spice. Together with his education at the Academy, he began to shake off his spice addiction, especially since it was a little harder to obtain on Mandalore while being in an Imperial academy. He moved into the Imperial Army, and shortly afterward - three years after his graduation - into the stormtrooper corps and continued his military education. In the next two years, he eventually moved into the 121st where he currently resides.