She Who Is Scarred, The Curse Bringer, The Devil Maker&

~~The Illuminator~~Location:
The Aho'Nohg certainly weren't a comfortable ride, were they? Perhaps he should make something for personal travel later, but for now this would do. The more pressing question would be how to go about this meeting. He only had one goal, after all. The spread of knowledge. He didn't care how it was acquired or how it was made. As long as it was new and shiny, unknown and yet to be made, he cared not.
"Ahhh, who cares!" He laughed. He was in far too good of a mood to consider such things at the moment. He'd build a library in Osarion, just for Anu's use. Maybe even give her a portal to the Library itself! Definitely give her some Aho'Nohg. That was another thing he wanted to possibly talk to her about. Making them was quite difficult, since they were made from humans. He wanted a better way to make them. She was the most likely candidate to help with that matter. A thought for later. The library came first, his own experiments came second.
For now, he was in a good mood so the form he took was obvious.
Reaching Anu's castle, the Aho'Nohg sat down in front of it, wings flapping silently as it touched down. As much as he'd like to pop in without a shred of respect, he had no desire to offend Anu so readily. Announce his presence first, then he'd go in! Crouching low to the ground, Iva stepped off, the tattered cloak of the Hag brushing along the ground as she moved.
"ANUUUUUU!" The Hag laughed.
"Iva is here! Oh wait, is my face, right?" Slender, pale hands reached up to the Hag's face, pressing and molding the flesh that seemed to make it up. Pressing the corners of the unmoving mouth into a grin, Iva shrugged.
"Eh, good enough, good enough. Anu! Care to let me in? Or am I going to have to skip the pleasantries so early?" Anu was in a poor mood of late. With the severing of the pact between herself and Dirka, she had found the blood magic scroll vanished from Osarion. She had grown fond of learning from the scroll and teaching her creations how to control the bodily liquid that flowed through them all. Her only saving grace was that she had consumed a great amount of its knowledge before it had been ripped from her grasp. It was now up to her and those that practiced the magic within her realm to achieve greater understanding of the subject, and to unlock its darker secrets. Dirka had benefited from Anu's pain, by not only taking the scroll but by also having taken the dragon. Though Anu had cursed her follower, she wanted nothing more than to inflict greater suffering upon her. The Goddess of Devilry was patient, and she knew that there would be a time when that day came, and she would act.
Lately she had been spending more and more time on reaching out to those who were ripe with sin. The Goddess took great pleasure in destroying the lives of the humans she inhabited and tempting those she deemed worthy with gifts. All these gifts and pacts only benefited her in the end, and new creatures were beginning to grow in the world. Her devilry was potent to the world's inhabitants, and everything it touched would warp to align with the order of chaos. From blood drinkers, to monsters of flesh, her agents were growing in strength and power. Even in Osarion, her armies were beginning to grow. Tirus, the Demon Prince of the forge was making great strides in unlocking the power of metal, and his forges burned at every hour of the day, deep in the mountain where the ore's ran thick. Soon she would create generals, and greater warriors for a grand genocide of all humanity. She did love toying with them, but in the end, they did not deserve to live.
Now it came as a great surprise when Iva'Krorh finally made an appearance before the blackened gates of her castle. It had been such a long time since she had received the letter from the Illuminator, and now the god was finally here.
A portal opened before Iva and from it came Anu clad in her infernal armor. She had a delightful smile upon her face.
She bowed slightly before looking at Iva,
"Welcome to Osarion, sibling dearest. I've been expecting you for some time now. Come now, we have much to discuss and it’s been so long since I've had decent company." Anu mused. She noted the form Iva was wearing, a strange one, but she would say nothing but beckon him to follow her through the portal.
"Wonderful to see you again, Anu! I just had the loveliest party in White Dawn!" Iva laughed, as the portal opened and Anu stepped forth, clad in armor.
"The old Kadisht was hilarious! Oh, he made the most pitifully amusing screams! Oh, when I get the time, I'm going to have so much fun playing with him." A curious thing, that armor. Did she really need it? Hoho, well, he wasn't saying anything.
The illuminator followed her through the portal when she beckoned him, shooing the Aho'Nohg away with a wave of her hand.
"Ah, but you probably don't care just yet, hee! I'll be sure to write down all the lovely unpleasant things I'll do to him later and send you a scroll of the most graphic details." He chuckled once more as he exhaled.
"Apologies for taking so long. I had to babysit little Gammy and make sure White Dawn is functioning as it should. Wonderful work, he did for me, heh! Shall be easier to corral the little mortals now." Straightening slightly, the Hag took a mildly more serious tone.
"Ah, Osarion is a marvel as always. But yes, onto the main discussion. I believe I promised you a Library full of tomes from Cy'Lathak." She noted how Iva spoke such strange little words, ones that had no meaning to the Goddess of Devilry. She only knew of White Star being a part of Iva's realm, but nothing more than that. What even was a Kadisht? Well if it made Iva content then what more did, she need to know? Her sibling did love play things, after all.
The portal opened in the middle of a hallway, and once they were through it vanished, leaving the two gods at a cross walk. Directly in front of them was Anu's personal bed chambers, the large doors were opened wide, revealing a mass of Succubi enjoying themselves. Anu frowned, for sight was only a reminder of her recent loss and betrayal she still felt. Without saying anything, she turned around to face another door, this one closed. Her room's doors then shut with a large boom, leaving them in an eerie silence.
Anu broke that silence by speaking,
"No apologies are needed, I understand completely. It seems we both have had unwanted guests as of late. Yours Gammation, mine Dirka. Here we are through all the same. If you look this way, I have arranged a room for your library to be housed, do what you will to make it work. As I recall, you seek my own knowledge to collect and catalogue. In return you would feed me any information upon this little assembly, but if you seek something else let it be known, I can be very accommodating if needed." she said slyly.
"I must admit however, I have no yet been privileged with the presence of Gammation, and I do hope it never comes to pass, but my curiosity is peaked. Why corral the mortals when a simpler solution would be to just kill them? What can Law give besides rules to be broken?" Anu asked.
She then began to walk towards the door, and invitation for Iva to follow.
Iva followed, not saying anything about the scene in her personal chambers. They were wholly uninterested in such things.
"Ah, see," Iva replied with a sigh hoarse sigh.
"Much like you, I hold no love for the mortals. Useful tools. Many hands make for quick work. And watching them squirm around for my amusement is quite fun!" Iva laughed.
"Even better when they know they're being manipulated." Iva paused, the Hag running a hand through her oddly clean white hair.
"...but unlike you, we need Mortals." He continued in a more serious tone.
"They fill the Library so nicely. Were we to kill them, it would curb their...potential to make something great? Generate new knowledge. Which brings me to our second request." Iva stopped following Anu, the back of his hands pressed together in an odd manner.
"We hold no illusions one day you will attempt to kill mortals." Continuing, he moved in front of Anu.
"A simple request is what we want. We care not what happens outside of White Dawn or the Library, so kill all the ones you want. The day you do...leave White Dawn alone." Anu continued towards the door, listening to Iva speak of the mortals being useful tools and his explanation for why he deemed them necessary for existing. She could have guessed as much, he was a god of knowledge after all, and humanity was proving themselves capable of learning. Much to her disgust. They arrived at the door post haste, and at the second request of Iva, Anu turned to look at the hag. Her expression was blank, before a mischievous smile crossed her lips.
"You mistake my hatred for mortal kind to envelope all of them. Dear Iva, I only care for wiping out any trace of humanity. But I can look away from White Dawn, it is so far away anyhow, and I barely have a foothold on this continent." she paused, tapping one finger to her chin.
"Of course I won't touch your toys, but I do require something small in return. Let me explain my little predicament of late. You see, Dirka and I once had a pact, but she thought me weak and incapable. She used my sin curse to create abominations and then had the audacity to gift them to me. The envoy she sent with these beings was distasteful and a human to boot. As you can imagine, this offended me greatly, so I broke the pact and cursed her envoy. In retaliation, she took back her gift to me, a blood scroll filled with knowledge and magic. I want to make her suffer, Iva. So, I shall request this in return; I want to know her secrets and any information that I could use against her. Does that exchange sound fair?" Anu then turned back to the door, and with a flick of the wrist, the doors opened to reveal an empty room that seemed to stretch on and on.
"Will this be satisfactory?" "Hmm..." The hag tilted her head as Anu spoke. A deal with Dirka? A falling out? Any deal with Anu involved was shady at best, and one needed to be wary. Dirka was of a similar nature, if only because of her erratic behaviors. Understandable that the deal didn't last, then. At least they could be trusted to keep their end of a bargain, hee! Usually. That scroll Anu mentioned greatly intrigued them too. Nothing like it existed in the Library! Dear Dirka was holding out on them. Tsk, that wouldn't do at all.
"A fair deal, we accept." The hag replied as Anu came to a stop.
"I have just the little former human in mind for this task." She chuckled darkly, spinning uneasily on her feet as the door opened. If all went well, the Dirka would be none the wiser for a long, long time.
"Oh..." Quickly changing subject, Iva gazed into the cavernous room. It seemed to stretch, on and on, farther than the eye could see.
"Yes yes! This shall do nicely! The hag rushed into the room, quickly checking the dimensions and quickly formulating some plans.
"Will need...temporary portal...some Aho'Nohg to help move materials...stone and wood from the forest..." Reaching into the rags that she wore, the Hag, pulled out a vial full of a thick, silvery liquid as she continued to ramble, listing off various things she'd apparently need to complete the task.
"No interruptions until I am done, dear Anu! Wouldn't want to...mess something up...hehehe! Ah, I'm so excited...!" "Excellent. I am glad we can be so reasonable with one another." Anu mused.
"I shall look forward to the first report. Now then, I shall leave you as requested. You'll find me across the hall when you are done." With that being said, Anu spun around and left Iva to create the library. With their new agreement, Anu was teeming with anticipation and for once she felt content. A feeling that had escaped her for a very long time. It was time to relax for a while and let Iva work.
She opened the doors to her chambers, and with a snap of her fingers, her armor began to fall off.
Oh, he hadn't created something like this since he had helped them! Iva dropped to the floor, kneeling upon the cold stone floor of the castle. She pulled the lid off the container for the substance, dipping her finger into it and coating her finger in the substance. A curious creation, this was. Created from their own heart! A quick path to power. A little touch of divinity. An easy way to connect oneself to the library, at some cost. A little loss of free will never hurt anyone.
Iva slathered the substance onto the floor, steady hand making a large circle on the stone as she shuffled across the floor.
"Trust Anu?!" She suddenly shouted.
"Why of course not! Can't trust any of them. They'll all want us sooner or later...hee! That's why we're doing this!" Suddenly the hag stood, slathering her entire hand in the substance before making a long, seemingly random mark upon the nearby wall.
"Ah, but Anu is useful...best not get on her bad side. Neutrality is best. We'll convince little Gammy and Hyperion to leave us alone next." A giggle.
"No one would want their enemies to have you, my Library..." More seemingly random conversation followed as Iva worked well into the night. Soon, the sound of construction could be heard from the room, more of the Aho'Nohg moved between the temporary portal from the forest to Cy'Lathak. The forest little Hayim made was a great boon, so many trees at their disposal now! So much to archive and catalog...experiment with. He'd love to have simply make an extension of the library itself. Create a rift in the building, so that one could simply walk until they reached the library itself...but it was not safe to do so. Not yet, and it'd require a bit more power than they were willing to give for now.
Shelves upon shelves of wood was brought from the frozen realm, all now being stacked high to the ceiling of Osarion. Pages and pages of thick tomes filled with knowledge straight from Cy'Lathak. Subjects of biology, sciences, human behavior...secrets that he had discovered from other gods. Tomes of magic, though few, would soon be expanded. Historical texts, and some musings on the Void. If Anu wanted to know something, it could be found here - and a storehouse for her own findings. Her own dark machinations and schemes. The Library would know. If she so elected to use it of course, but Iva truly hoped she did. It'd be a shame to let any knowledge be potentially lost or forgotten.
By the dawn of the next day, Iva had completed his work.
"Aaahh, that was fun!" Iva walked out of the room, a loud sigh of pleased success. The Lord of Knowledge looked even more disheveled than he ever did. Clothes stained with some of the silver substance. The Hag's hair was messier than usual, strands were stick out everywhere. Her odd, unmoving smile and unblinking gaze was the same as ever, though.
"Anuuuu! Dearest beautifully dark sister, we are done!" If ever Anu had cared for how long Iva would take, she never mentioned it, nor displayed impatience to her followers. Time was such an abstract concept for beings who would live forever, and this was no exception. She simply relaxed in the carnal desires of her succubi and pleasures of the flesh they provided. Such events could last for weeks without a single stop, for such was the way of those that sought pleasure over existence. Many of her servants would drop dead from exhaustion, long before they would ever quit before their God. Such was the price to pay for delights. And one could never truly satisfy the Goddess of Devilry, it was just her nature.
Now when Iva came calling, Anu knew the time for relaxation was over. Her anticipation to bear witness to the library was bubbling, for much like Iva, she coveted knowledge. For with knowledge there was secrets, and secrets could be used for wonderful things. The large doors opened, revealing Anu's naked figure walking towards Iva. Her long hair was a mess atop of her head, and she had a very amused smile upon her face.
"Iva." Anu began,
"Dear Iva, I am so glad to hear it."Anu said as she walked up to Iva. She looked down at her sibling, then over to the Library's opened doors. Her excitement grew still,
"I must see it, I must know it....Won't you show me your work?" Anu asked as she looked back at Iva.
"But where are my manners? You have worked so hard...Would you care for any refreshment? My blood wine is particularly good, if I must say so." she said.
"Ah, a drink after a long night of work! As it should be, heh!" Iva chuckled.
"Bloodwine, hm? By all means, I am always ready for a bit of debauchery!" He would accept the gift, before heading back into the recently constructed library.
"Not much to be said about here, though!" Iva continued jovially.
"Many tomes, copied and brought here from Cy'Lathak. What you do with it is entirely up to you!" The god spun on the spot, letting Anu take in the sight of it. The god had done its best to conform the library to look like the rest of Anu's domain. It was by no means as vast as the tomes within Cy'Lathak, but the dark oak that made the shelves were decorated regally as the rest of the castle. The shelves reached to the ceiling.
"Take the tomes as you will. Knowledge of the physical world and of the mind, the mundane beasts and the creations of our brother Naswaru are all here somewhere." Iva finished. .
"What you do with it is entirely up to you...your demons are no doubt strong, but a weak mind will cause failure to more clever opponents. I would suggest perhaps, devoting a specific one to research to aid the rest of you." She had graciously handed Iva the wine, which had been brought by a demon servant. A cross between a wolf and a man. That species had been most entertaining to make. She dismissed the servant and took a sip of the wine as she followed Iva into the library. The moment she stepped through the doors she was taken aback by how quickly it was created, and at the beauty of the craftsmanship displayed within. Most noticeable was the smell, it was pleasant to her senses, and reminded her of a dark forest. She then walked closer to the nearest bookshelf, marveling at how height it went up. Anu then caressed the wood, getting a feel of the grain, before moving on to stroke the books themselves. There was so many, each a tome full of knowledge, ranging from the most basic of subjects to topics most advanced.
She would spend a great amount of time in this library, but Iva's suggestion did not go on deaf ears. Another demon prince perhaps? Yes, that would work. But not know, soon. Very soon.
"Demons and devils, they all have a purpose in Osarion. One will find purpose here, in time." she whispered.
Anu then turned back to Iva with a coy smile,
"Beautiful...It truly is a work of art, Iva. The Ebony Castle shall grow from this." she paused in thought before continuing,
"Tell me, what have you on our siblings? Where might I find such tombs? For academic purposes of course..." she finished speaking with a devilish smile.
"Hee." Iva tilted its head in amusement.
"A curious, schema little question you ask, dearest sister." Iva chuckled lightly, taking a drink of the wine. Oh, it was certainly wonderful! He wanted some for his library now, hee. He'd have asked Anu how it was made, but no, he couldn't overplay his hand just quite yet.
"I do so love a good scheme! Often ends with a bit of blood! Death! Hanging a body from the ceiling by their intestines!" A mad giggle followed by a contemplative hum.
"But yes. For academic purposes. I got a little carried away, hee!" He paused a moment, seemingly in thought.
"If you want something more about one of our siblings specifically, I could...be convinced to find something up for you, for a price. Aside from our previous talk about Dirka." Taking a few steps closer, the Hag's ever-present smile seemed to promise great, terrible things.
"...what is said knowledge worth to you, my darkest, dearest, Anu?" There was always a price for knowledge, this Anu knew well. She sipped her wine, a crafty smile forming on her lips. Though Iva was, by all accounts, a crazed god, he still had his wits when it most mattered. For he was in a powerful position, this Anu also knew and she hated it, but there was nothing she could do, save rip out his chord. Such a thought was quite distasteful, for Iva was a guest, and Anu was a humble host. No, as unfortunate as it was, she would see would Iva wanted in return, so that she might gain something more. Was it not her place to know all secrets?
She spoke after a moment of thought, the smile never leaving her lips,
"I desire to know all my sibling's secrets, Iva. Even yours. You know what I am, look around for it is painted quite clearly. I am the Devil, Iva, the one and only. None can be me, and none may know me. Is this not my nature? To learn of the darkest secrets our siblings keep locked away? So that I might bring about beautiful, carnal desire?" she paused, taking another sip before beginning again,
"What is such knowledge worth to me you ask? It always has a price, I know this. I am willing to give much to obtain my goals, Lord of Knowledge. So, I shall ask you, dear Iva..." Anu moved closer to the Hag form of Iva, shrinking in size to match the same height.
"What is it you desire of me, Illuminator?" Anu whispered alluringly, reaching out to stroke the Hag's cheek. Anu's smile was warm, and her eyes were inviting as she looked at Iva. There was more than one way to get what was wanted, lack of trying was not an option for Anu.
The hag tilted its head to the side, seemingly unaffected by Anu's words. Despite her raggedy and craven appearance, the Hag's flesh was soft, almost unnaturally so. Pliable, as though it was made of something else other than flesh.
"How bold!" She chuckled, unblinking gaze fixed upon the Devil.
"Asking me for my secrets...hee." There was no humor in that laugh. Just a cold, emotionless stare.
"My my what do I desire? Knowledge? Ragnageddon to keel over and die? Freedom?" One of the hags bony hands shot up, grabbing Anu by the other cheek.
"The chords of one of our siblings to play with? Tinker with? If we didn't like you so much, dear Anu...we might just take you for ourselves, hee!" Pulling away from Anu, the Hag held her hands together.
"You get me one of those...and I'll trade you whatever information you desire about any of the other gods." That was certainly a monumental task. Something that not even Anu would be able to do so easily. Did Iva care? Certainly not. Whether she completed or failed, it didn't matter, or even if she didn't accept the deal.
If she did accept it, that would certainly give them time to gather the needed information.
The hag's touch was soft, softer than most, and even her cheek was unnaturally so, almost like clay. She would have said it was odd, but Iva was Iva. Anu also noted the lack of emotion when Iva spoke, had she sprung a nerve? Well it didn't matter to her. She enjoyed making her siblings react, even if their reaction was one of blankness. It still counted for something did it not? She let her hand drop to her side as Iva spoke.
The smile on her own face however, curled into a frown at the request of Iva. She could be angry at no one but herself, for she had asked Iva what the god desired. She had hoped it would be something simpler, even the pleasures of the flesh, but no, it was not to be. What Iva wanted would be no easy feat, by all accounts. Her thoughts briefly turned to the fear spiral, and the power it unleashed by merely attempting to get close to the tower. Then there was the other method, killing one of her siblings. Both would be difficult, but perhaps in time, an opportunity would present itself? The Goddess of Devilry was crafty after all, and patient.
After a moment of thought, she sipped her wine and smiled.
"I would except nothing less from you, Iva but I am flattered nonetheless. Such a task you set for me, such a task. It is a pity they are not easy to come by, but I shall accept this proposal. You shall have your divine chord, even if I must rip it out of one of our siblings myself. And when that day comes, I shall want what is owed in return. One chord, for all of their secrets." Anu then outstretched her hand, a simple gesture, yet one that carried the weight of divinity.
"We have a deal!" Cackling madly, the Hag took Anu's hand in both of hers.
"Yes yes yes! Wonderful!" A pact had been made. A dark, infernal thing that could spell trouble for the rest of the gods. Did Iva care? Not one bit. It'd mean more work for them; the library was already sifting through its store of knowledge for secrets, but such was fine.
Time meant little, to a god.
"Now if you'll excuse me, dearest Anu, I have a meeting with Ferron to set up! Ah, so much to do! so much to do so little time! Hehe! Anything else, Anu?" The Goddess of Devilry looked down at Iva, Anu's eyes glistened with a predatory look, one that hungered but, in a flash, it was gone from her face. Replaced with a fake smile.
"There is nothing else, Iva. Do have a good trip to Ferron...His little shack holds many surprises." Anu began to withdraw from the Library, but stopped and looked back at the Hag,
"Oh and do remember our other agreement. I'll be excepting information on a certain Goddess...Very soon. Goodbye sibling, I trust you can find your own way out." And with that said, Anu left, leaving the illuminator alone. There was much to do still.