Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 30 days ago

A small moving van idled out front the dorm, its back thrown open. Two doors laid longwise, propped up against the right wall, and two men in academy work uniforms carried a third door out the door. The pair worked in complete silence. They nodded to Aaron as they passed him. It was brief but one almost looked sympathetic before he broke eye contact as he stumbled with a muttered curse, shutting up as the other man glared at him and jerked his head back towards the dorm. They carefully laid it in the van before trudging back inside into the vampire's room, actively looking away from Varis as he sat on a chair in the middle of the living room, flipping through Aaron's medical files with a raised eyebrow.

Aaron grew more and more confused as he approached the house. Second from the right, with the Sinnenodel crest on the mailbox... yes, that was his dorm. So what was with the moving van?

He glanced at the doors in the back of the van with a tilted head as he passed, stepping back to let the movers pass when they came by, another door in tow. He nodded back to them and caught the one's look, and opened his mouth to ask what was going on, but closed it again when the sympathetic mover was urged on. Instead, Aaron made his way inside.

He left the door open for the workers and went down the hall, stepping into the study when the movers came back to let them pass. As he neared the living room, he noticed his bedroom door was open. Or, wait, that wasn't right.

His bedroom door was gone.

He touched the empty hinges on the door frame and leaned his head in curiously as he passed; a quick look told him that the doors for his bathroom and closet were gone as well. What on earth…?

Content for the moment to leave that alone, Aaron turned back to the living room, where Varis sat with a quirked brow, reading something. Aaron recognized the folder as his file of medical records; odd, since he’d left it in a drawer in his vanity. Had Varis been going through his things?

Doing his best to mask his confusion, Aaron arranged his arms behind his back and gave a curt bow of the head. His eyes flashed to the movers, who looked to be actively avoiding looking at Varis, before he spoke. ”Count Varis, you summoned me?”

Again, Varis ignored Aaron in favor of finishing his current task. The movers appeared from Varis’s room once more, lifting the vanity. Varis watched them shut the door behind them. “I requested this information last night. I expected a digital copy once you received my number yet you had them on hand and failed to provide them immediately. A good servant should exceed his master’s expectations whenever possible. This was an easy way to and yet you, Noila bred and trained, failed. Why?”

A spike of nausea shot through Aaron as Varis reprimanded him; a feeling he was growing more and more acquainted with. Varis’ jab at his lineage hurt; behind his back he gripped his wrists with white knuckles, but he kept his face a well-practiced mask.

"You retired after we spoke,” Aaron replied, eyes downcast. "I thought it best not to disturb you. Moving forward I’ll work harder to anticipate your needs.”

“I would expect nothing less.” Varis spoke, shutting the file. “This is twice you have disappointed me. I forgave you last night but I do not reward failure. We will discuss your punishment later however. We have more pressing matters to attend.” Varis stood abruptly and walked into Aaron’s room, sitting on the boy’s bed. He snapped and pointed at the floor in front of his feet, exactly like the night before. “My Lady and the Queen have decided to grace us with their presence this morning. I received notice shortly before I contacted you. You will be attending as my mage, not a Noila servant, so you will be sitting at the table with us. I expect you know how to handle yourself?”

Aaron nodded at Varis’ mention of punishment with grudging acceptance. He supposed that was fair. He followed obediently into his room (with another wary glance to his now-empty hinges as he passed) and recognized Varis’ implied command to kneel. This time he did not hesitate, though his ears did burn as he knelt in his own room. When Varis told him what would be happening in the morning, his eyes widened considerably, and a string of expletives rushed through his head, followed by a few hundred repetitions of the word "why?”

Luckily, having had the training he’d had, he did know how to handle himself, and he confirmed that with a curt "I do.”

“Good. However, there is something you must be made aware of for this evening. Although my Lady will be present, you must not address her. One of my Lady’s mages will be speaking for her and that is who you must direct your comments to. To do otherwise is to consider yourself her equal and few can handle the special interest she pays them.” Varis once again cupped the boy’s chin and evaluated him, looking with a much more critical eye than before. “You will need to dress as closely to my Lady’s current tastes as possible and make yourself appropriately presentable. Your previous masters may have been forgiving but my Lady is not. In consideration with your recent display of ineptitude, I will be present for the entire process in order to ensure you do not humiliate me or yourself during this event.” He released the mage and leaned back.

Aaron again did not resist as Varis lifted his face, taking care to avert his eyes from the Count’s own. And again, the human in him bristled at Varis’ patronizing manner, but he shoved the irritation down somewhere out of the way. When he was released, he hesitated only a second to run back through all that Varis had told him, before nodding to himself and standing, taking the hint to start getting ready. Although…

Not unlike the movers, he avoided looking at Varis as he made his way over to his bathroom, suddenly very aware of the number on his arm and the other consequences of having spent some time in the dust bowl that was the arena. He couldn’t avoid this, could he?

With no small amount of discomfort, but not daring to protest, Aaron tossed a glance back where Varis was sitting on his bed before ducking into the bathroom and reaching into the shower to turn it on. Without a door, Aaron was made aware that the bathroom was fairly small; he did his best to stay out of sight from the main room as he undressed and quickly hopped in, hanging his towel over the door to cover as much of the glass - of course it was made of glass - as he could.

Varis watched with mild amusement as Aaron ducked into the bathroom and attempted some sort of modesty. Varis followed, pulling the towel off the door as he did, and settling himself on the toilet. The vampire paid little attention to Aaron himself, focusing on the products he used and how he used them. Mostly natural, unscented - Varis disagreed with the products the boy used on principle but it wasn’t something that needed his attention now. Separate shampoo and conditioner, not those awful two in one products humans seemed fond of. Besides a quick demand to leave his conditioner in longer, Aaron passed Varis’ shower inspection. The basic part at least. Varis would be switching out what the boy used for products he preferred later.

Aaron inhaled sharply when Varis took his towel, doing his very best to ignore the Count as he set about his business. Unsurprisingly, he worked faster than normal, though he did take a few seconds to memorize Lilie’s number before he feverishly scrubbed it away. Varis once again reminded Aaron of his presence with a demand, which was followed, but the whole affair was over quickly. When he switched off the water, Aaron hesitated, jaw working as he exhaled slowly. He couldn’t bring himself to look through the glass at Varis, but he flatly asked, "May I please have my towel back?”

“You intended to use this one to dry yourself off?” Varis asked as he tossed the towel over the glass. “It would have been damp and made chafing much more likely later in the night, not to mention incredibly inefficient.” Varis took a moment to rifle through the mage’s cabinets, making a mental checklist. “When you get out, only lightly towel dry your hair. I have plans for it. I will be right back.” Varis stepped out for a moment, heading back to his own bathroom to pick up some supplies.

Aaron caught the towel gratefully, turning away once more to quickly - quickly, now - dry himself off and tie the towel around his waist. It was hard not to glare a hole into the side of Varis’ head as the Count rifled through his bathroom cabinets, but he managed until Varis left.

He took the chance to step out and dry himself more thoroughly, tossing cautious glances toward the doorway as he did. He dried his hair as instructed, and secured the towel once more around his waist.

“Boy, come here!” Varis shouted from his room. His bathroom was larger than the mage’s and it would be a pain to bring everything he wanted to use. Varis set up the chair from the living room in his bathroom and had cleared off his countertop, mostly. Only a few were for Aaron but he had so many, he could only shuffle things around so much.

Aaron stifled a groan but obeyed; he wanted to at least get some pants on first, but he didn’t dare keep Varis waiting. The Count was clearly on edge and Aaron was in deep enough as it was. He did note, however, that Varis had not once used his name since they’d met.

When Aaron made it through the door, Varis' jacket hung on a hook in the bathroom and he was rolling up his shirt sleeves. He nodded at the chair, indicating for Aaron to sit, and gently ran his hands through the mage's hair before picking up a comb and the hair dryer. The vampire worked steadily, combing out sections as he dried them. What few tangles he did encounter were quickly dealt with as he let his mind wander.

Varis expected her to show up at some point but the night school started was well outside his calculations. She shouldn't have been interested for at least a month. Something must have changed if her attention was free enough to stick her insufferable nose in his business again. Unless… He tugged a little too harshly at Aaron's hair and shook his head to clear his thoughts. Ryner wasn't stupid. As he combed, Aaron's ear caught his attention. A scar across his ear that hadn't been mentioned in his medical records.

“What's this?” Varis asked, tapping the comb to the scar lightly.

Aaron stayed still as Varis combed, and found himself fiddling with his fingers (his ring was back on his bathroom counter), a little uncomfortable, as he always had been, sitting still.

He, too, got a little lost in his thoughts as Varis worked. He still couldn’t believe that the Queen was coming. He couldn’t imagine why; maybe to check up on Academy proceedings (to Aaron’s memory, she had always been a bit of a micromanager), but that didn’t quite fit. The Academy was Princess Ryner’s baby, and even the Queen would have to admit that she ran a tight ship. And she was coming, along with Lady Sinnenodel, to see them? Lady Sinnenodel he could understand, she was probably just interested in her protege, but the Queen? Surely it couldn’t be for him. Aaron was aware that the Queen knew him, but he couldn’t imagine why she would care enough to come to the Academy on his account. No, there must be something else.

He was pulled out of his head with a wince as Varis yanked on a lock of his hair, and soon after, the Count tapped his left ear with the comb and asked him a question. Like a reflex, Aaron reached up and gently ran his fingers over his scar, as he’d done so many times before.

This time, though, a rush of memories hit him like a truck. They came in broken pieces; emotion without thought, sensation without vision, images without explanation. His left arm streaked with red. Anger and pain. Throwing punches. Throbbing in his ear, stinging in his knuckles, stars in his eyes. A hand around his throat.

"An accident," he replied, voice distant. He blinked the images away and took a deep breath, dropping his hands. “Just an accident.”

Varis raised an eyebrow and stared at the other for a moment in the mirror. The mage must know Varis could practically feel the distress the subject brought him. The vampire made a mental note. After all, just an accident wouldn't have been left out of his medical records. He could twist it as a lie and use it against the boy later. He finished blow drying the mage's hair, leaving it just damp enough to mold, and opened a jar of cream.

“And your family.” Varis continued as he worked the styling gel evenly into the mage's hair. “Tell me about them. A family tree only says so much.” He touched the mage's hair, pulling and tugging here and there into the messy style his Lady had enjoyed within the recent decade.

Aaron’s eyes flicked up to Varis in the mirror with a look somewhere between disbelief and suspicion. Funny, he hadn’t expected the Count to take much of an interest in him personally, beyond how he presented himself and what he could do. Perhaps he had misjudged the vampire. He’d hold off on that determination for now.

"Right now, my family consists of my mother, her two sisters, and myself,” he began, mood already lifting at the thought. A look of fondness fell over his features as he spoke, and a little smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "My mother is the eldest of the three, one of Princess Ryner’s mages. Her name is Adele, but they all call her Ella. The other two are twins. My aunt Clara - Clarissa - serves Princess Nox, and Aunt Dora - Isadora - actually serves Count Alder, the headmaster of Vampiric Studies here.”

He looked a little questioningly in the mirror at the hairstyle Varis was crafting - quite different from the neatly combed style he was used to - before continuing. "My mother is a Fire mage, but you’d never know it just from meeting her. Aunt Clara is a Sound mage, oddly enough, and Aunt Dora’s affinity…” He trailed off for a second, not sure how to describe it. "I forget exactly what she called it, but she can sense and influence emotion.”

“Alder.” Disgust dripped from the name. “A weak willed, insignificant insect. His opinions change with the seasons. I still wonder whose boots he licked to get where he is.” Varis rinsed his hands and turned to consider the mage. His appearance didn't need much help. Thankfully, since Varis had absolutely nothing in the boy's skin tone but some wings would make his eyes pop just a tad more but the tension in the mage's body would have ruined the eyeliner. Thankfully, the subject of conversation worked. Some of the tension around the mage's eyes relaxed, no longer threatening to ruin Varis' work. He held Aaron's chin again as he brought the eyeliner around his eyes, hand steady, and nodded at his work.

“Now, let's figure out what you'll wear. What do you have in the way of accessories?” Varis asked. His eyes drifted to the mage's ears and neck, flashing red briefly as a small hunger pang ran through him, while he considered his options.

Aaron frowned a little as Varis railed against Alder; he’d only met the man a few times but while he was exceedingly stiff, Aaron had never found any reason to dislike him. Besides, Aunt Dora seemed to like the Count, and that was really Aaron’s only concern.

Varis considered him for a moment before grabbing something that looked like a pencil, taking his chin in hand once more and instructing him not to move. Aaron struggled not to flinch as Varis dragged the tool around his eyes, eyelids twitching involuntarily at the bizarre sensation. Oh no, he did not like how that felt.

He blinked madly for a second when Varis released him, and when he glanced back to the mirror, his eyebrows shot up. He couldn’t resist leaning in closer to the mirror. Oh, that was bizarre. He tilted his face this way and that, examining his eyes closely. He didn’t think he was fond of the fact that his eyes - and by extension, his whole face - looked so different to what he was used to, but he couldn’t help but marvel at how huge a difference one little thing could make. Combined with his new messy hairstyle, as far as he was concerned there was a different man in the mirror.

He looked back to Varis when he was addressed and ran a mental inventory, though there wasn’t much to catalogue. "I only really have a few watches, my ring and a few pairs of cufflinks,” he replied. However, as soon as he closed his mouth, he remembered there was one more of some importance. A sudden look of muted horror crossed his face and he almost cursed at the realization, but he didn’t dare speak up. Hopefully he could put it on without Varis noticing he hadn’t worn it that day. Maybe he didn’t even know about it. Aaron hoped for the latter; he didn’t need another accidental slight tonight.

“Of course.” Varis sighed. “We'll start with your clothes. Come along boy.” Varis snapped and made his way into the mage's room, heading for the boy's closet. He flicked through, pulling one hanger inspecting it and then popping out to look at Aaron. After a few times, Varis stood in the doorway and propped his hands on his hips, gesturing at Aaron.

“Are you planning on wearing that towel to dinner? Off with it. I'm trying to coordinate your outfit.” Varis shook his head irritably and stepped back in, muttering to himself. He would have to fix this modesty complex the boy had. He picked up a black vest, white shirt, and a pair of black slacks. Varis need to spend some time adding a touch of variety to the boy's wardrobe as well. Varis had a red tie and a few gold accessories he could dress the boy in. He snatched up a pair of underwear as well and laid everything on the bed and held up each piece against the mage.

“Alright, get dressed and show me the cuff links you have. I may have to lend you those as well.” Varis instructed.

Aaron followed once more and simply stood at attention in his room as Varis went through his closet, emerging now and then to eye him up and down. Aaron was once more made aware of his state of undress, and of course as soon as that realization hit him, Varis had another command for him. One that made his insides squirm painfully.

Aaron’s face burned red as Varis ducked back into the closet, and it took a lot of courage not to hesitate and to let the towel drop. He’d always been a little self-conscious - growing up around creatures of otherworldly beauty tended to do that - but this was a little extreme. That, coupled with the memory of the Count’s lewd comment the night before, made his gut twist ever tighter.

He stood as sturdy as he was able, hands arranged in front of him this time (for obvious reasons), but couldn’t bring himself to look at Varis. His heart was racing - he wished he had on his watch so he could see the rate - and he struggled to keep his breathing even. All the while, Varis was acting as if nothing was amiss.

Finally he was told to get dressed, and he obeyed enthusiastically, pulling on the base pieces quickly with near-trembling hands. However, he took his time with the shirt and vest, making sure the shirt was tucked just right and the creases laid properly, and the vest was nicely centred. Face returning to its normal tone at last, he crossed the room to his dresser and pulled some things from the top drawer; a few were ring boxes, and the fourth item he pulled from a larger, flat accessory case, keeping it bunched up in his palm. He then turned his attention to the ring boxes, opening them and setting them side-by-side on the dresser.

There were three, all black; in the first was a pair of plain square, silver cufflinks; the second pair were gold and round, each with one tiny sapphire set into the face; the third was the pair his mother had given him the night before, gold and shaped like little shields, each with a rampant stag on the face in relief. Tiny little Starag crests, but without the burgundy backdrop. Aaron stood aside so Varis could see them.

Varis sighed as Aaron dressed. Ordering a series of fashion magazines for the boy was apparently the next thing on his list. He expected to overhaul a few things but it appeared he would have to overhaul everything. After Aaron stepped aside, Varis immediately grabbed his tucked in shirt and yanked it out, artfully creasing a few spots. He undid the boy's top button of both his shirt and vest and rolled his sleeves up neatly.

“Did the Noilas only ever teach you manners?” The vampire snapped before turning to look at each set. He picked up the silver links, turning the box this way and that before putting them down with a muttered “Over my dead body.” He pondered over the sapphire ones, running through his possessions, but setting them down as well as he came to the conclusion it would be a struggle to match them. He picked up the Starag crested pair and frowned before passing them to Aaron. “You'll wear these. Get rid of the silver ones at the next available opportunity.”

Aaron very nearly backed away when Varis took hold of his shirt, but held his arms out of the way anyway, not daring to interrupt. He was really growing tired of Varis’ micromanaging - he wasn’t a child, he could have just told him what to fix and he would have fixed it - but he didn’t exactly have much choice in the matter and he resigned himself to let Varis go through his motions. He seemed tense, and Aaron didn’t fancy the idea of getting in his way.

Aaron was, however, a little happier when Varis handed him the Starag cufflinks; they’d immediately become his favourites when he’d gotten them. He wasn’t thrilled that Varis wanted him to get rid of the silver ones, but luckily he wasn’t too attached to them. Maybe Lucan would want them.

He slipped the object in his hand into his pocket and plucked the cufflinks from their box, depositing it back onto the dresser. However, he was met with an obstacle in that the holes in his cuffs where they were supposed to go were rolled up near his elbows. What was he supposed to do with cufflinks if his sleeves were rolled up?

He crossed the room to the vanity, tossing the cufflinks around in his palm as he searched his outfit for somewhere to put them. The traditional route was out, but he figured Varis wouldn’t have told him to wear them if he didn’t think they’d fit somewhere. After a few seconds of searching his reflection - doing his best to ignore how thoroughly foreign his whole outfit was - he spotted the two tiny buttonholes at the tips of his collar. One was usually meant to secure them to the collarbone so the collar laid flat, but it was the only small opening Aaron could find. Maybe that’s what Varis had had in mind? He didn’t dare try it; he hadn’t forgotten Varis’ warning the night before about guessing. Instead, he slipped the pair into his other pocket and awaited Varis’ next command.

“Not putting on the cuff links?” Varis asked pointedly, an eyebrow raised.

Aaron looked over to Varis, eyes falling somewhere around the vampire’s shoulders. "I’m sorry,” he admitted, "With my sleeves rolled up I don’t know how to wear them.”

“So you can learn. I was beginning to wonder.” Varis said dryly. “You won't be wearing them. The formality they represent completely clash with your current outfit. It was a test and one you only partially passed. Put those away and follow me. We have a bit more work and then I will put you to your punishment.” Varis turned and headed back into his room, feeling a bit more in control. Bossing Aaron around helped his nerves immensely.

Aaron’s eyes fell and he nodded, a hint of a humourless smirk threatening on his lips at Varis’ little insult. Of course. Varis had him running around in circles in his own head; it was certainly going to be something he’d have to consciously work to get used to. He found himself longing for the style of discipline back home; expectations were still high and punishments still preferable to avoid, but at least there his instructions were clear.

The reminder of his upcoming punishment brought back that familiar spike of dread, but Aaron pushed it down, focusing on putting the cufflinks back in their box and returning all three to his drawer before following Varis out, fiddling with the object in his pocket as he went.

Varis had pulled out several wooden boxes from his closet and had them open on his bed. Each one contained several compartments and held a specific type of accessory, organized by color and size. Varis once again snapped at his feet and resumed inspecting a gold ear cuff.

“As much as I would prefer to dress you in silver, gold suits your skin much better.” Varis said, almost to himself as he turned and fastened the cuff over Aaron's left ear. He picked a necklace out of another box, a short gold chain with the Sinnenodel crest hanging from it, and held it against his neck. Not quite a choker, it still hugged close to his throat and left the pendant a tad higher than his top button. Varis picked up a red silk tie he left laying across the pillow and slipped it under the mage's shirt collar, tying it as usual but leaving it loose enough that the pendant was perfectly framed by the shirt. Varis looked Aaron over once more and nodded, satisfied with his work.

“I imagine this isn't something you are used to wearing.” Varis said as he returned the boxes to his closet. “Just be glad you avoided entering our service while my Lady was in a corset phase.” He turned to look at the mage and his eyes flashed red again as a wave of hunger hit him. He skipped his normal feeding time for his original plans this evening and he felt it. Perhaps it was time to indulge in snack. It's been a bit since he'd enjoyed it from the source.

“Have you been fed from before?” Varis asked sat on the bed next to the kneeling mage. “If so, where from?”

Varis snapped again, Aaron knelt again, it was all very quickly becoming routine. The ear… thing, was new, and the necklace with the crest felt a little more like a collar than Aaron perhaps would have liked, but he was pretty far into unfamiliar territory at this point and took it in stride. He was actually growing a little anxious to see what the final look was like; it took a conscious effort not to button his collar and tuck his shirt back in, so the least the outfit could do was look half-decent. It was all very much outside of his comfort zone. A running trend, apparently.

Varis’ next question, however, was unexpected. Hadn’t he wanted to wait until tomorrow?

"No,” he replied, "Starag mages are only fed on once they’ve been assigned to their charge. The Noilas are very strict about that.” Despite the lingering discomfort from the evening thus far, Aaron couldn’t deny that something like nervous anticipation was creeping up on him at the thought.

“Then your first time is mine.” Varis licked his lips as he looked at Aaron hungrily. “I prefer to drink from the neck but seeing as I just dressed you, I'll not run the risk of ruining your clothes. Wrist.”

Aaron’s heart rate spiked at Varis’ words; he couldn’t tell if the fluttering in his gut was nervousness, or fear, or excitement, or some unholy combination of all three. He fought to keep his breathing steady as he offered his arm. This was it.

Varis gripped the mage’s wrist firmly and brought it to his lips, savoring in the heat radiating off the boy’s skin. How long had he kept himself from feeding from a mage directly? Almost fifty years at least. Bottles were much more convenient, no need for maintenance and support, but lacked the exhilaration of feeding directly. He let his fangs rest on the mage’s wrist, taking a moment just to enjoy the feeling, the slight resistance and the softness glass couldn’t have. Varis pushed his fangs into the boy quickly. He kept it shallow, only allowing himself just enough.

If Varis had a heart, it would have stopped and then skipped several beats. Notes of orange and clove exploded across his tongue, forceful and bold and stronger than most bottles Varis normally drank from. The flavor was heady and rich, full of life and expectation, but what set it apart from the norm was the heat. It was just barely there, winding between the primary flavors and intensifying them, adding a touch of brightness to an already pleasant flavor. Varis lapped the wound shut and nearly threw the boy’s arm away.

“Study. Now. Sit at your desk.” Varis snapped, not looking at the mage.

Aaron’s heart pounded as he waited for the bite - he was sure Varis could feel his rapid pulse under his skin. All he could hear was the rush of blood in his ears as Varis seemed to hesitate forever.

Then, all at once, the waiting was over. Aaron inhaled sharply at the burn of the bite, squeezing his eyes shut and holding his breath. Then, as quickly as it had come, the burning subsided into bliss; Aaron exhaled slowly, feeling tension he hadn’t known was there melt away. His mother had described the sensation of feeding once as a sort of relief, like the end of a long day. What Aaron felt then might have been similar, but be it for his heightened state beforehand or some other reason, it was more… more. More than he’d bargained for.

Whatever it was crashed over the mage like a gentle wave, leaving him warm and calm. Truth be told, he was disappointed when it ended; and a little unsteady, apparently, as he stumbled when Varis threw back his arm, having to awkwardly catch himself with the other. He took several deep breaths as his faculties returned to him, blinking down with disbelief at his flawlessly healed wrist.

It took a few beats for him to process Varis’ command, but when he did he made his way to his feet obediently, if not a tad clumsier than before, feeling slightly more compliant as the pleasant warmth from the feeding lingered. He glanced between his wrist and Varis, who was looking away, before he simply turned and made his way to the study, sitting at his desk like he’d been told and leaning his head on his hand. That had certainly been something.

Varis waited until the boy left the room before letting his head fall forward into his hands. He licked at his lips, hoping a little stained his lips, as he gave himself a moment to recover. There was little question why the Noilas bred the Starag line if any of the boy's family had even a fraction of his blood quality. The stuff was addictive.

After taking a few long moments to collect himself, Varis joined the mage in the study and sat down at his own desk. He pulled out a sheet of paper and wrote a single sentence.

“I am my Master's servant and I will endeavour to use my critical thinking skills to his advantage.”

“For now, your punishment will be 1,000 lines. You'll spend an hour each day until the task is completed. This hour will be in the morning before the pastry delivery. For every mistake made each day, I will add ten more lines and increase the number of hours you will spend each day.” Varis said as he stood again. “You may start now to complete today's portion and you will continue until I am ready to leave. Do you understand?”

The few minutes that Varis waited allowed Aaron a chance to clear his head. His heart had slowed, but he could tell it still wasn’t quite normal; once again he wished for his watch so he could know the exact rate. The necklace made him acutely aware of it - he could feel it gripping his throat with every pump of his jugular.

He found himself flexing his hand, staring absently at the spot where Varis had bitten him. He knew that vampires could heal their own wounds, but that knowledge hadn’t quite prepared him to see it in action. It was an even quicker effect than a Life mage’s healing process. He rubbed the spot with his thumb, expecting some kind of soreness, but there was none; on the contrary, his muscles were soft and relaxed, not unlike after a long, hot shower. He took a few more measured breaths, using the techniques he’d learned to temper his heart rate and bring himself back to the present. Gradually, the warm fog from the feeding began to lift.

He was sitting straighter at his desk when Varis arrived, and suddenly he was aware of how he’d let himself go during the feeding. He was a touch embarrassed, but luckily - or perhaps not - there were more pressing matters at hand.

Aaron read over the sentence a few times, ears beginning to burn under his hair. His punishment was belittling, there was no denying it, and there was no doubt in his mind that Varis had crafted it that way deliberately. Writing lines was a punishment given to difficult children, and the wording of the phrase was also clearly meant to send a message. Aaron had never taken particular issue with the terminology of “master” - it was accurate, after all - but he had no delusions that Varis hadn’t capitalized the word for a reason. It wasn’t just a term, it was a title.

One of his tutors had made him write lines once, when he was a child, because he’d had an unreasonably hard time memorizing the product of 7 x 9. As a result, Aaron was quite sure that the answer - 63 - was carved somewhere on the inside of his skull, and to this day he could recite it on cue like a reflex. That had only taken 100 lines.

Aaron nodded down at the desk, resigned to his task. "I understand," he replied, retrieving a pen and a pad of paper from one of the desk drawers.

“After today, I expect your phone to stay in your room for the duration of your writing. I will not see your reflection disturbed.” Varis said and left Aaron alone to prepare for what was bound to be a long morning.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Max exitted the lunchroom in no particular haste; orientation was over for the most part, and until classes began, he had no reason to even be here. Not that a day trip anywhere else would be preferable. He could go back to the dorm, but that left room for Morrigan to intrude on him. Even if he cloistered himself away in some long-forgotten corner of campus, hidden from the prying eyes of the student body, he'd still end up being bothered by some petty servant or janitor stumbling upon him with his luck today.

He'd have to settle for option number two: Hiding in Plain Sight. He took up residence on an unoccupied bench in the courtyard, pulling out his phone to kill time. He hopped between apps in his typical state of anhedonia, only showing any sign of emotion when he paused to glare at an approaching stranger who had the audacity to even consider sitting in his vicinity. He was bored, and he could only pretend otherwise for so long. Retriever left to fight Paleface, didn't he? Visiting the arena was bound to be little more than a source of irritation until he developed some viable magic abilities, or even knew his own damn affinity for that matter, but it could be a fruitful endeavor. He could, at the very least, get a handle on how the other mages handle themselves in a fight. But that was a while ago. Would they still be holding fights afterward or was that a special request? How long did the preparations take? The fight itself?

He stood with a reluctant sigh, tucking his phone back into his front pocket. Only one way to find out. He once again took his time moving to his destination, using the casual stroll as another excuse to waste time. He really needed to get a hobby. As he approached the arena, people were leaving, yet no one was entering. He'd missed the event of the day, it seems. He couldn't tell whether this was a blessing or a curse until he caught a glimpse of that weirdo with the annoying floral perfume smell that was slobbering all over the Retriever's cheek earlier. Definitely a curse, then. Although, upon closer inspection, he looked pretty dejected, and the other two stooges were nowhere to be seen. For lack of suitable entertainment, option number three: Act Like a Gossipy School Girl was officially in effect.

"Hey, Flower Boy," Max started, leveling a disinterested gaze on Salem as he approached from the front, "Did Lightbulb and Paleface kick you out while they hooked up in a closet or something?" He paused in his movements and tucked his hands in his pockets casually, trying to give off a lax demeanor despite essentially trying to block Salem's path.

2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Scribe of Thoth

As Salem was gathering his belongings, the quiet mage from before stood before him, blocking his path. "I'm sure they just got caught up in something is all. Their partners may of had need of them for feeding." He began to casually look the mage up and down with his eyes, trying to find some reason for his sudden interest. "What brings you here? If it's the fights, well...you just missed them I'm sorry to say." Salem leaned against the barrier, nodding his head towards his right, motioning for Max to join him on it as he allowed for his bag the gently fall into place on the floor.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Jade Blades
Avatar of Jade Blades

Jade Blades Wandering Zombie

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Joryldin Nailo

The ride into town was rather uneventful, much quieter than the rest of the orientation had been thus far. The bus itself was, as expected, a luxury model with leather reclining seats, personal control AC vents, and a small tablet that could be pulled out of an opening in the chair arm. Music played softly in the background. A few others were on the bus, mostly filling out once it stopped at the dorms before it took a left out onto the main road. Only one other person remained on the bus, large over the ear headphones plugged into something in her bag, and she danced in her seat to whatever she was listening to.

The trip itself only took about ten minutes, cutting through the forest and opening up to reveal the small town. Only having a single cross road and a single traffic light, the entirety of the business area was visible from the bus stop. A general store was immediately next to the stop followed by a diner and a bookshop. Across the street, a tattoo parlor covered in various styles of street art sat next to an art store followed by an alchemist’s shop. A chalkboard sign between the art shop and the tattoo parlor acted as a temporary armrest for an older guy, arms done up in full sleeves, who nodded as he listened to a woman with an apron embroidered with the art shop’s name gestured wildly. The girl on the bus shifted her bag and pulled her headphones down around her neck, rap spilling out of the headphones, and cross the street, waving at the talking pair before joining in. A few bits of their conversation drifted across the street, mostly about how piercings and tattoos has recently become more popular with the student body within the past few years, but otherwise the town was quiet.

Joryldin wondered how such a tiny town subsisted itself entirely off of the academy’s students coming in and out. Most of the students seemed to be fairly wealthy, but with himself and the other girl being the only visitors at the moment, could they possibly get enough business to survive? Pulling his hood up over his eyes, the freshman stepped off the bus with little ceremony. Trying to look as casual as possible, he stuffed his hands into his hoodie’s pocket as he glanced into the various windows.

He never was big on reading, but the bookshop seemed nice enough and the art store would be a good place to stop by and grab some decorations to make his cookie-cutter dorm have a bit more personality. The book store had several displays in its window, primarily revolving around a book titled “Magic and Fashion”. The cover showed a mage seemingly conjuring clothes from thin air. That sounded like a dangerous and hilarious game. The idea of a spell wearing off during the middle of the night, leaving some poor mage in their underwear during class, amused Joryldin to no end.

The vampire was hesitant to engage the group in conversation just yet, as he didn’t know what to expect. He made a quick glance in their direction while scanning the stores to figure out which these folk were, mage or vampire. The girl from the bus was clearly a vampire from the way she managed to just barely avoid making eye contact, and the other two were mages. This was pretty much the perfect situation for Joryldin. The other vampire from the academy had already begun chatting with the locals, so he could anticipate that it wouldn’t be too out of place for another to join in. He removed his earbuds and double checked that no cars were on their way through the crossing, then strolled over to the group. The freshman gave a soft smile and polite wave.

“Well hello there! Aren't you a new face!” The woman spoke loudly as Joryldin caught her attention. She stood a few inches shorter than the vampire and wore a bright yellow dress under her apron. The guy sent a nod his way and the girl waved back at him. The girl wore a cop jacket and short shirt with running shorts and her hair was tied back messily. An empty spray paint holster was strapped to her thigh.

G’morning.” He kept his tone soft and gentle, working to maintain a laid back appearance. “Sure is a cute little town you guys have going here,” Taking notice of the other vampire’s getup, he assumed they possessed a penchant for street art, and hazarded a guess. Gesturing to the wall of graffiti, he asked, “Some of this wouldn’t happen to be your work, would it? I love your color choice.

“Hell no it ain’t!” The man barked out a laugh while the girl glared at him. “Evalyn here is just startin’ up. Like hell I’m letting her experiments on my shop.” Evalyn let out an irritable huff and crossed her arms.

“Most of the designs are senior students at the Academy but I swear mine’s making it up there by the end of the year!” Evalyn said, determined. “Ignoring this old geezer, the name’s Evalyn. sophomore at the Academy. I take it you’re a first year?”

Yup, and it’s been a pretty wild first day so far. Honestly, I’ve got no clue what to expect from the future. I’m Joryldin, by the way. Nice to meet you all. Mind telling me a bit about your shops? I’ve got a feeling I’ll be stopping by often.” The easiest way Joryldin had found to get someone talking was to ask about their work.

“Oh marvelous! Curious and polite, I like him! My name is Amanda, sweet pea, and I run this lovely little artist boutique back here! Brushes, spray cans, canvases, pens, markers- If you need it, I’ve got it! I even have a cute little section with all these bright colored desks and chairs and wall decorations, a few fake plants too! Helps keep those poor mages from losing their minds until they acclimate to the change.” Amanda said. “I remember my years at the Academy. Goodness, the first few months were down right gloomy without the sun!”

“Jacob.” The man nodded at the vampire. “The tattoo parlor is mine. I do piercings too, if you’re interested. It's the hip trend in the vamp crowd right now since tattoos are a bitch and a half and hurt three times as much for them.”

Joryldin’s eye twitched at the mere mention of piercings and tattoos. “Yeaaa… as much as I could use every little thing I can to help fit in; thanks for the offer, but I’ll take a hard pass. If I got a tattoo, I’m pretty sure my mom would find a way to make me wish I wasn’t already dead.” He shook that bit of primal fear out of his head, opting to further entertain the idea of the craft shop. “So, Miss Amanda, do you mind if I stop by to look around? I’m looking for some decorations and knick-knacks. The dorms are kinda barren...

“Of course, sweety!” Amanda beamed, waving goodbye to the others, and walked back into her store. The shop inside was long, full of several rows of art supplies,and a large open section in the back with various drawings desks, chairs, and several bean bag chairs. She took Joryldin to the back section and one wall was dedicated to various decorations. Fake flowers, lamps,fairy lights, small white boards, a few wall decals, and several picture frames hung from the wall and sat on shelves. “This is about all I have in stock right now but I have a catalogue you can order from too! Anything specific you want, darling?”

Hmm… I’m a sucker for an ocean theme.” He glanced around the room for shell motifs or light blue colors.

“Ocean theme, ocean theme…” Amanda tapped her cheek thoughtfully before snapping and pointing towards a few sections. “We do have a few cute seashell desk chests and a few student paintings if you are interested. I have a few bean bag chairs in back stock with wave designs in the back from the summer. Oh, and a lamp with seagulls and boats painted on it. Ocean themes are just out of season but let me pull out that chair and I'll come around with the catalogue!” Amanda hurried off, leaving the boy alone for a few moments as she disappeared through a door in the back.

There was a reason for his odd preference. Some of Joryldin’s best memories were from the beach. Down the road from his home was a private beach owned by a vampiric gentleman that Widow Nailo had a bit of a crush on. He had the appearance of an old man, which was uncommon for most purebloods, but the sort of sophisticated and sharp old man who looks like they have a million and one stories to tell. Being unable to do so himself, the gentleman let Joryldin sit on the beach and watch the sunrise and sunset almost every day. Gorgeous strands of pink orange and blue filled his memory for a moment. Missing that view was one of the hardest parts of the past two months, almost more than the cannibalism. He would have to deal with it like everything else. At least the homely atmosphere of the academy would make acclimating easier.

He began to check the price tags on the items Amanda pointed out. The student paintings were incredible, and captured the beauty of that sunset better than he ever thought possible. Joryldin’s eyes turned yellow as a bright sunflower. As he awaited the owner’s return, the fledgeling made himself content to simply admire the artwork on display.

The paintings ranged from 75 dollars to just shy of 600. The desk chests were ten dollars even, a little diorama of the beach glued into the inside of the top and fitted behind a plastic screen. The desk lamp Amanda mentioned was just as described, a blue lamp with white seagulls and red sail boats dotting its surface.

With a bang Amanda returned from the back, pushing a small cart with two bean bag chairs.
One was massive enough to sink into while the other one was a bit sturdier and modeled roughly into the shape of a chair. The larger of the two was the same blue as the lamp and had a wave pattern around it. The chair shaped one was a lighter blue designed with waves lapping at the bottom. She held out a thick catalogue she fished out from her apron pocket and flipped in open to a heading that said “Summer Styles”.

The vampire heard her returning from a good deal away. Heightened hearing was a perk he had come to enjoy. He continued to admire the artwork with his back turned to the store’s lovely owner. “I’ve never seen talent like this before… Can you tell me anything about the students that made these?” Joryldin casually gestured to a gorgeous landscape of a beach at dusk.

“That student…” Amanda looked at it for a long moment. “Elizabeth Harvey. Sweet girl. A bit airheaded but what artist isn't? Made a big fuss anytime someone so much as hurt the hair on anyone's head around her. She graduated last year and put this up before she left. Last I heard, she was accepting commissions between restoration work at a museum.”

Are fights really that common around here? Actually… Don’t answer that, I’d rather not know. Anyway, I love the piece. Without a doubt I’ll buy it.” Joryldin turned around with a content grin. He fished the wallet from his back pocket and cupped the cheap leather in his palm. “You mentioned a catalogue, right?” He saw Amanda already sorting through it. “Oh, it looks like you’re a few steps ahead of me already.

“Here you go, sweet pea. Take a look yourself and we'll get this painting taken up to the front.” Amanda said as she picked it off the wall and headed to the front. “Did you want to take it back now or have it sent over to the dorms for you? It'll reach you tomorrow morning before class.”

Having it delivered would be best. I don’t want to risk accidentally damaging it on the way back” Joryldin took a peek at the catalogue while Amanda walked through the aisles, calling out a greeting to another customer browsing paint brushes, and laid it carefully on the counter.

“Holy shity guys!” Evaylin burst into the shop at a dead sprint, barely catching herself before crashing into Joryldin. “Someone leaked the Queen is visiting campus today!”

A mix of excitement, anticipation, and sheer hopeless terror washed over him in an instant. Joryldin had no clue what to make of this news. “You’re kidding, right? I thought the academy was the Princess’ thing. What’s the Queen coming here for?

“I don’t know! You can count the number of times she has ever visited the Academy on one hand. Rumor has it she is bringing Lady Sinnenodel too but my source on that one is really unreliable.” Evelyn paced in front of the counter as she spoke. “It’s so exciting! I’m going to do my damnedest to see her! Mom would be so excited if I got her a picture!”

“Now, now. Calm down dear before you give me a heart attack.” Amanda said, chuckling. “And you won’t be allowed on the grounds while she’s here. You’ll have to be in one of the halls or your dorm. Don’t go sneaking around either, young lady. You cause enough mischief as it is.”

We should probably head back and get out of the way soon, then.” He closed the catalogue and pulled out his card to pay, but a bout of curiosity struck him. “Who’s this Lady Sinnenodel? Another noble? I never payed attention to any of the houses besides the royal family.

“Another noble? She's the matriarch of House Sinnenodel!” Evelyn said incredulously. Even Amanda sent him an odd look. “She gets carried around by her mages all the time. People say she's so old, her skin is too hard to move. I just think she's a pretentious bitch like the rest of her house.”

“Language, Evelyn!” Amanda said as she finished Joryldin's transaction and passed him a form to fill out. “Address and dorm number please, dear. Have to make sure it gets there safe and sound!”

A slight smirk crossed Joryldin’s lips. “If it’s nobility we’re talking about, then that sounds pretty accurate.” It only took him a moment to jot down his info and pay for the wonderful painting. “Still; all the more reason to stay out of the way, and all the more reason not to care about them.

“Come on, it'll be fun! Then you can brag you snuck around campus to see The Queen.” Evelyn said as she started heading out. “Either way, let's get to the bus before they stop running it!” She waved goodbye to Amanda.

I’m already dead enough, Evelyn.” Joryldin chuckled, “I don’t need to get myself properly killed on my second day here.” He turned around to face the store’s owner, giving her a friendly smile as he backed out the door. “Thanks for everything Miss Amanda! I’ll be sure to come back soon with my partner; I bet she’ll love this place.” With that, he followed Evelyn out to the bus stop.

The pair made it to the stop just as the bus pulled up and the driver explained to them there would be no more buses for the rest of the day. Evelyn sat in the first row and patted the seat next to her expectantly.

“Since you don't want to have some fun, what are you going to do?” Evelyn asked as the bus pulled away.

I’ll probably head to my room and get ready for my first day of classes.” Joryldin unceremoniously dropped himself into the seat and pushed back his hood and hair. “If it’s not too close to morning we can hang out and maybe play the newest Mortal Kombat. I lucked out and got an early access key!

“Oh, worm? Sounds like I've got to kick your butt at it then.” She grinned but immediately sighed. “Actually, can I take a rain check? I promised my partner I'd help his friend group out with a design. But we can trade numbers so I can kick your butt later!” She held her phone out to the other vampire.

Them’s fighting words if I’ve ever heard them.” He laid back in the seat and slipped his own device from his pocket, exchanging their phone numbers in anticipation of what would most certainly be the battle of the century if her confidence was anything to go off of. “You guys have fun with that project, and be sure to tell me how it turns out!

The bus dropped the pair off at the dorms and Evelyn waved goodbye before dashing off back towards the Academy, leaving Joryldin alone once more.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Jade Blades
Avatar of Jade Blades

Jade Blades Wandering Zombie

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Joryldin Nailo

The blackout shades of his dorm were still pulled tight, just like every other dorm on the block. Joryldin spotted a few nervous sets of eyes peeking out of their windows, human and vampire alike. The rumor had spread quickly, and nobody wanted to risk being in the way of what seemed to the fledgling like two goddesses of death.

Joryldin shivered in the freezing Autumn air. He was more than ready to simply go inside, but a sparkle of red caught his attention. The flag on his mailbox was up. It had to be some more elective paperwork, he thought. Either that or some other school documents for himself and Dakota. It's not like the painting could have been delivered, or even fit in there, and nobody else had the address.

He strode over to the mailbox and gave the little door a quick tug. It made a quiet pop as it swung open, like the cork on a wine bottle. When Joryldin bent down to peek inside, he was met with no form of papers or envelopes at all. Instead, he saw a neatly wrapped parcel, tied together with twine. There was no tag on it, no return address... nothing. Entirely confused, he removed the parcel with utmost care. He closed the mailbox and lowered the flag with his elbow, then made his way into the dorm.

Dakota was nowhere to be seen, which worried Joryldin to no end. No way in hell was he about to call her and tell her what to do, but he didn't like the idea of her being out during such a dangerous time. He didn't want to meddle in her business, and wouldn't dare imply that he had any sort of authority over his partner, but nonetheless felt responsible for her safety.

There was nothing to be done about it for now but wait patiently for her to return. In the meantime, Joryldin dropped himself onto a couch like a sack of rocks and inspected the parcel further. A faint sound of clicking glass and sloshing liquid could be heard among the darkness. Joryldin never bothered to turn on the lights, as they didn't make much of a difference to him anymore.

Joryldin reached down under his collar. A high pitched plink rang out as a string looped around his chest snapped. From under his shirt, the vampire pulled an ornate dagger. It was the most expensive item he owned, and the only thing he had from his original family. The weapon was emblazoned with all sorts of superstitious symbols from a bygone age. The handle resembled a gilded cross wrapped in rose stems, with a ruby blossom in its center. Its silver blade was engraved with beautiful wave patterns. The knife was meant for one purpose and one purpose only. Killing vampires.

Of course, all of those things were just ancient superstitions from well before even the Blood War. None of it actually worked. Joryldin knew the weapon's significance, but didn't much care. It was nothing more than a memento to him. That, and right now a letter opener.

A quick flick of the wrist was all it took to open the package. It's strings were cut through like empty air. As the paper unfolded, flashes of ivory, gold, and rose shone before Joryldin's eyes. A note fluttered out into the air, which he caught and read immediately.

From Mom with love! <3

Joryldin had so many questions, but settled for figuring out what was actually laying in his lap. He unfolded the beautiful white silk to reveal an immaculate ensemble that put what some of he nobles were wearing last night to shame. Gold trim lined the edges of a white jacket with a sturdy collar. Beneath that was a bright red shirt with coattails that made it almost resemble some sort of royal robe. Further buried in the parcel were several accessories, which seemed to sparkle even in total darkness. Finally, hidden in a roll of paper at the bottom were three vials of blood.

OK. This was too much.
He tied his dagger back in its place over his heart, then pulled out his phone.

> Hi mom, I got your package safe and sound. Thanks for the awesome gift!
> Oh, wonderful! I knew you'd probably probably packed nothing but old ratty clothes, so I figured I'd send you something special! :D
> It's definitely special. I've got one question though.
> What's is it, dear?
> HOW!?
> Like, what!? How did you get my dorm address so soon? How in the sun's name did you get a package all the way to a different country in one day!?
> Magic. ^-^
> ... Fair point.
> Another question, though, where did you find clothes like this? How did you afford them? They look like they cost more than a ticket to your shows.
> The same way you 'found' and 'afforded' most of your old things; and I never ask you about that, do I? ;)
> You stole this!?
> No! Nooo~ I borrowed it from the dressing room of the male lead of my next performance. :3
> Mom, you're gonna get fired if they find out, and how am I supposed to be able to wear this if it's known to have been missing?
> It's fine, you won't get in trouble! It's the most recent high end piece from... oh I can't remember the name of the designer. It's the same lady who wrote that "Magic and Fashion" book everyone is on about. Besides, they couldn't fire me if they wanted to! There isn't another woman alive or dead who can sing the Aria of Sorrow like I can! ;P

Joryldin heaved a sigh. Widow Nailo's incessant use of emojis was grating, but he didn't have the heart to correct her. Literally.

> You never change, do you? You're going to give that producer an aneurysm, I swear. Thanks again for the awesome gifts, and best wishes for your show this weekend!
> You're welcome dear. Remember to drink enough, alright? I know you're still not comfortable with biting, and I don't expect you to suddenly be ok with doing it to a stranger, but remember to take care of yourself.
> I will. Love you mom.
> Love you too dear. <3

Joryldin closed his phone and tossed it over his shoulder. It took him four full minutes to figure out how to even get the preposterously complicated outfit on, and not even supernatural speed could help with those nigh-on impossible buttons. Still, when all was said and done, it fit him perfectly. The whole thing was so damn gaudy, but he came to realize it would probably go a long way for his reputation.

He uncorked one of the vials and had a quick drink. This time, it wasn't much more of a sensation than having really good food. Not fasting for days on end before having any sort of sustenance will do that. He put the other two in the fridge and sat himself down to play an old favorite, some good old Call of Duty: Wolf War 2. It was an ample distraction to pass the time while he anxiously awaited his partner's return.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Max quirked a brow at Salem's inviting gesture, his perplexed face lingering on the plant mage for a moment before being drawn to the barrier he was leaning on. Nope, Max was definitely not touching that. He took up a casual stance opposite Salem, tucking his hands in his pockets.

"Feeding, huh? Lucky them." He muttered, nose scrunching up in distaste, "How'd the fight go? Any magic get thrown around?" He doubted Retriever would be much of a threat with his affinity, maybe a useful resource at best, but Paleface might surprise him. He honestly just needed to know what he was up against. He hated being behind. This entire orientation was pointless anyway, just less time for him to spend working on his magic.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Scribe of Thoth

Salem watched as the mage approached him, stopping before him as opposed to next. It appeared whoever this mage was, he didnt quite like to get too personal. "None by Aaron or Lillie. They both seemed to stay with their weapons and turn it into a physical spar as opposed to a magical one. If anything I did more 'magic' than the two combined this match. As for how the fight went..." Salem thought back to the moment Aaron changed and completely threw Lillie against the floor, setting in an odd feeling again. He snapped back towards the question at hand "...it was fine. Lucans match was incredibly unreal, and by comparison Aaron's fight was a tad...slower for the magicks I had implemented. That's not to say it wasnt a good fight though, the two traded hits until Aaron got the better of Lillie and won the match."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Having lost track of time a while back, Lilie was relieved when Allison would finally stand from her seat, informing her that it was time to go. She figured it was best not to bother the vampire with too many questions, not when she could just ask Arianna herself. Her restlessness was evident even as she tried to control herself; one would think her hands were glued to the hem of her dress by the way she gripped it.

The main gates were just as she remembered it, though the only sounds heard were those of Allison’s strides and Lilie’s heels clicking as she tried to keep up. One lone figure stood, waiting patiently, and she recognized them as Arianna. She didn’t so much as look as they approached, though Lilie stopped in her tracks shortly behind Allison. Her eyes looked so distant, her expression unreadable.

The academy itself was a wonder, though that was to be expected from a place essentially built to honor a treaty. The ball of fur that rested in the pocket of his hoodie wriggled for a moment, causing Ike to slide his hand over the furry lump until it stopped moving with a huff. Narcissus had been having trouble sleeping since they arrived in the car, and had seemingly refused to sleep for any longer than minutes at a time for days now. Ike himself was having troubles as well, as much as he was ready to get this thing going and meet some new people, doubts were beginning to form just as quickly. However before anything else the car stopped and Ike forced himself out, stirring the white furred lump once again and causing it to hiss gently in annoyance, it’s head peeking out from the pocket of the blue hoodie to see what was going on.

Ikelos grumbled to himself as he noticed the people already waiting for him at the gate, two he at least recognized. “Miss Allison, glad to see you.” When it came to Arianna he simply offered a silent, respectful nod. Ike then took a slight bow, once again earning another hiss from Narcissus, who had had quite enough of the jostling already and slid out of Ike’s pocket and tried to leap to the ground, being caught mere inches from freedom. “Now now Narcissus, enough of that.” Ike spoke softly to Narcissus and slid the animal into his currently unused hood, giving it an easy view of the new folks. “I hope you both are well, my name is Ikelos Eve.”

Arianna abruptly turned to Lilie, the grace in her movements all but gone. A brief hug, a kiss to her cheek, a whispered “Associate with the common crowd, dearest Lilie.”, and Arianna was gone. The drive had come around, fixing Ikelos a disgruntled glare at leaving the car on his own, and assisted the countess into the car and shutting it behind her.

”Welcome to the Noila Academy, Ikelos.” Allison spoke warmly. Four porters approached the car, two wheeling Arianna’s luggage while the other two unloaded Ikelos’s. “This is Lilie, your partner for the duration of your stay here. She will be providing you blood while you are here. As is usual, other vampires may not drink from her unless you give express permission and vice versa. Do you have any questions or concerns for the time being?”

Ikelos already had his hands up in mock surrender by the time Allison spoke. ”Did I do something wrong? Arianna looked as if she wanted to murder me.” Ikelos sighed as he dropped his hands and looked to what was apparently be his partner. They shared a few physical attributes at least, namely the pale skin, white hair and pale blue eyes. It seemed a bit strange to him, the mage might as well be a family member at that point, and Ike was not quite sure how he felt about that.

”Well at any rate, hello Lilie, I hope that we get along.” The ferret grumbled again from the hood, briefly distracted by the strange look from Arianna. ”Well I guess there is one thing, I brought a few things for him from home but what will I do about feeding Narcissus? I seriously doubt I brought enough to last him our whole stay.”

The white haired girl stared at Ike. The contrast between him and Arianna was like night and day. He was so...casual, especially for a noble. She always had this image of vampires in her head that had matched the ones she had seen, but if she didn't know better, she would have thought Ikelos to be a normal, easygoing human. Though she couldn't quite ignore the somewhat cold look Arianna had given him. As if she wasn't nervous enough! She didn't know what to expect from him, which arguably only added to her anxiety.

”Um...hello, Lord Ikelos,” She was at a loss at what to say, the entire situation still not sitting well with her. She certainly felt like a pet being given from one person to the next.

“He is a Count, not a Lord.” Allison corrected. “As for your pet, submit a supply to have it's food stocked in your dorm. Lilie will give you a tour of the grounds and your living quarters. If you need me, you can find me in the main administrative building.” Allison bowed slightly and took her leave.

Ike nodded as Allison left, waiting until she was out of sight before speaking again. ”Err, sooo, what’s next?”Ike was waiting for Lilie to take the lead, but she clearly was just as in need of a second to cope as he was. Narcissus however, was not distracted by anything as silly as introductions, and reached up to bite Ike right on the ear as if to say ‘Well let's get a move on already!’ ” Oww, what was that for? I guess we should get a move on, I think Narcissus is getting hungry.”

Lilie didn’t know there was a difference between a lord and count, thinking that they were either interchangeable or...oh, who was she kidding, she had no idea. Still, the entire exchange had gone about as smoothly as it could have, even if she never did get the chance to properly talk to Arianna. Her eyes watched the little ferret curiously, taking note of how Ikelos treated him. He was small, but very cute. If she recalled correctly, though, ferrets had a tendency to steal things, so she would have to make sure she secured anything she had that she would miss.

”Right, um,” She wasn’t entirely sure where to start, although Narcissus gave her an idea. ”Actually, there’s food at the dorm, we can go there first and see if we have anything we can give him. That way you know where you’ll be staying, and we can go from there.” She suggested, trying to be helpful.

Ike laughed and nodded, he could more than likely find something for Narcissus there. ”Well let's get going then… oh and don’t worry about the whole Count thing, it’s always kinda bugged me, makes it sound like i’m actually important in some way.” Ike chuckled nervously at that as he adjusted his hood and Narcissus slid down to curl up.

Beckoning for him to follow her lead, Lilie made sure to lead the way, but once again found herself surprised by his words. Not that she was going to complain about the lack of title, despite her ignorance she knew it was best to just go with the flow and keep her head down. She wanted to ask more about him, but Allison’s reminder made her wonder where the line was. The Eve family was filled with odd vampires, though considering this was her first brush with them, maybe this was typical.

Clearing her throat, she decided to try to strike up the same conversation she had the first time she met Arianna. ”Do you have any requests or expectations from me? She asked him, her hands behind her back as they walked. ”I like to tget the mail during the day, so you’ll have it when you get up at night. But other than that, I don’t really know anything about serving nobility.” Honesty was always the best policy, or at least, that was what she believed.

Ike sighed, he had enough of people bending over backwards for him at home, but he had a feeling that neglecting the girl as her first real companion might prove to be an ill choice. ”Well unlike what I would imagine other vampires here may be like, I won't follow your every move and punish you for any slight, if you haven't yet figured it out i'm not like that.

Ike stretched as he followed behind ”But that being said, I guess I can’t reflect poorly on you and have you do nothing. In private treat me as you would anybody else, but if it comes to us having to be seen in public I would think it would be better for both of us to keep up a bit of an appearance, for both of our sakes. As for expectations? Just as long as you aren't actively trying to leave me out in the sunlight, not much. I will say though, if there is anything I really do expect, it’s that you do your best here. I’m not exactly the best influence and I want to see people succeed, especially the person I am paired with.”Ike felt a bit silly as he finished his rambling, he really did not know what to say to be perfectly honest. He was used to people doing a whole lot of things for him but if he planned on actually making friends instead of servants, well he may need to learn how to do some of those things for himself.

Lilie nodded to show that she had heard and understood. He was interesting, she would give him that much. Doing her best, huh? She supposed now was a bad time to bring up her new record of no wins and one loss, courtesy of Aaron. Despite being off to a bad start, she had every intention of following through on Ike’s wishes. It was a relief, really, she seemed to have gotten lucky, being conscripted into serving a noble who was more into hoodies than formal attire.

”I suppose I’ll do my best and you’ll have to judge me from there,” She mused. Wanting to keep the ball rolling so to speak, she continued. ”Any hobbies or interests? Aside from the little one.” She referred to Narcissus with a small smile.

Ike shrugged with a chuckle. ”Hobbies? Shoddy romance novels mostly, I seem to be addicted to the things lately. Anything else I suspect you might find out soon enough. Only question is, do we have our own kitchen?”

Romance novels? Ikelos was just full of surprises, it seemed. Lilie nodded, making sure she directed them to the right dorm. ”Each noble family has their own private dorm, which includes separate bedrooms and yes, a kitchen,” She informed him, motioning towards the Eve crest distinguishing it from the other private dorms.

”Figures anything that I would be staying in would have the crest plastered all over it. Let’s get inside then I guess? Perhaps a larger tour can wait until I get Narcissus something to eat and sit down for a bit. Plus, you asked about hobbies, and I plan on delivering.” Ike smiled and slid into the building, almost making a beeline for the kitchen and placing Narcissus on the counter.

Delivering? Lilie followed Ike into the kitchen, curious about what he meant. She watched the ferret for a moment, quietly watching both it and its master. She didn't know much about vampires, but she had believed that they couldn't eat human food. Maybe he was going to make food for Narcissus then show her his hobby? That had to be it.

”Mind if I watch?” She asked him, getting a little closer but not too close to Narcissus.

As if in response to Lilie’s hesitation, Narcissus scrambled across the countertop to get as close as he could to Lilie without leaping off, arcing his body as he tried to get a better look at her. Ikelos meanwhile rummaged through the cabinets for whatever his goal was. ”He won't bite, at least not until he thinks you have something for him. Even then he never draws blood, only ever bites me that hard.”

That was a relief, she really didn’t want to get her nose bitten for getting too close. She didn’t have many opportunities to interact with animals, so this was a treat. That and if they were going to be living together, then it was better if they got along. ”Nice to meet you,” She told the ferret, offering her hand to him.

Narcissus sniffed her hand, looking up at her for a moment before pressing his head against her hand. His fur was soft and thick, giving him the texture of a recently washed and dried teddy bear. Ike meanwhile found a medium sized bowl and produced several ingredients from their places in the kitchen and withdrawing a small sack of chocolate chips, of all things, from his jacket pocket. ”Hope you can recognize what these ingredients are for, good thing you had what I needed. Also open this for me?” He handed Lilie a small rectangular can whose label had been rubbed off, and Narcissus immediately took an interest in it, nose working overtime as he tried to figure out why she was not already giving him the contents.

Grinning, she obliged, letting Narcissus explore the outside of the can as she fished through the drawer for a can opener. With tool in hand, she made sure to lift the can up a little to avoid cutting the ferret, opening it quickly. Her eyes flickered over to the ingredients, with Lilie raising an eyebrow as she handed him the open can. ”Cookies?” She asked, curious.

Ike nodded as he slowly measured the needed ingredients, he always liked to be sure he got things just right, because if he messed up he could not taste it properly to see if it was correct.”Yep, cookies. It’s weird right? But I like baking, just the fact I made something is pretty cool to me. Plus, it’s something people can enjoy, I always liked learning things like that. You can give Narcissus the can if you want, unless you have a little bowl or something. I don’t normally give him wet food but it’s what I got.” Narcissus however seemed to be simply enjoying the smell of the food, trying to find a way to climb up Lilie to get at it. ”But yea, at any rate this is the kind of stuff I do. Not really Count material if you ask me, but I guess you can’t choose your family.”

Obliging the little animal and placing the can on the counter, the girl's eyes lit up as Ike spoke. The last thing she expected was for a noble to like baking of all things, especially since she thought they had servants. But his words matched his actions, a practised ease about them as she watched. Not being able to eat didn't seem to deter him, either. At the mention of family, she frowned slightly, though she kept up the good mood as she gently pet Narcissus.

”I think it's really nice to have a hobby you like,” Lilie said. ”If you have fun with it, that's what counts, right?”

Ike nodded as he finished the dough, moving to quickly place globs of the dough on two trays that he slid into the oven. ”Ok well these are cooking, just don’t let me forget about them.” Ike moved to sit down near Narcissus, who was already face deep in the little can of food, his body wiggling side to side, visually reminding Ike of a snake’s slithering.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


“Is there a problem here?” A voice rang out from beside the pair. A woman stood on one side of the pair, hands clasped behind her back and a brow raised. She wore a black sleeveless victorian corset dress on top of a white silk shirt, left open to frame the gold and rubies at her neck. Black hair framed dark skin and fell straight down her back, stopping just beneath her shoulders. She seemed calm but sent an inquisitive look in Salem’s direction. A voice rang out from the other side of the two.

“It seems there is.” A man approached them, dark red leather trench coat flaring dramatically as he moved. Besides the fitted grey shirt, the man wore all leather. The coat stopped at his knees and one could see a variety of knives on his belt. A single heart shaped earring hung from his right ear, nearly covered by red hair. The faintest scent of smoke wrapped around him. He leaned up against the barrier himself and watched the pair with a warm smile. “You’re both beautiful. It would be a shame if you hurt each other.” He spoke with a sigh and the smile faded, cold irritation taking its place.

Both were obviously vampires and, if their stances were anything to go by, expected a fight.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Max stood casually while Salem spoke, eyes lidded as he realized he wasn't getting anything useful out of the interaction. Aaron won in a purely physical altercation and Flower Boy was ahead of him in magical ability already too. All as expected.

"Sounds boring," he grunted, shifting his weight from one foot to the other noticeably, "I'm assuming this Lucan is a vampire and not some superhu-"

“Is there a problem here?” A feminine voice rang out beside him.

Great. He quirked his head toward her coldly, stopping short of eye contact. Max registered another voice opposite her, but he didn't turn to acknowledge the male vampire. Is this what his life was going to be like now? A constant string of people bothering him with petty grievances? They were leeches, too, which meant they were probably playing some kind of game right now. How annoying.

"Yeah, there is a problem. People keep bothering me today." Max flicked his eyes toward the man. Wonderful, the fashion disaster was armed with more knives than a five-star restaurant. What was he going to do? Throw them? Did he just want to look edgy? Max wanted to stake him right then and there. Too smug for his own good. "But I guess I can't really blame you, I was just leaving." Ugh, that sounds like a copout. Whatever, if it gets them to piss off, it works. Maybe they'll bother Flower Boy instead.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Scribe of Thoth@Achronum

Just as soon as Max began to speak, no sooner did two strangers approach them, interrupting their conversation. Two vampires stood to either side of Salem, both seeming to think there was a problem brewing between the two mages. As Max spoke to them, Salem could scarcely hear what he was saying. The blood began to pool to his ears as sounds softly faded into the background. He reached onto the seam of his pants pocket and began to fidget with it. Clenching and unchlenching his fist around the thin strip of fabric. Salems head began to pound slightly as his anxiety began to rise, hed never been in a situation where he was surrounded by vampires, let alone one with so many weapons visibly shown.

Salem had seen first hand the speed and power of a vampire, recalling Lucans fight in an unimaginable speed as well as the countless injured hed had to help from any deals that may lurk the slums. As his nerves grew he could feel it happening, a scent, a pheramone, beginning to release. A plant mages natural self defense mechanism. The scent permeated the air just as he heard Max say
"Yeah, there is a problem. People keep bothering me today." Max flicked his eyes toward the man."But I guess I can't really blame you, I was just leaving." The mages words sent a shiver through Salems spine, the idea of not only being left alone to these vampires devices, but also of how they may attempt to stop Max from leaving, it was enough to worry any same person. Salem slowly inched his hand into the small opening on the side of his bag, grasping the nearest blood vial to him, the one with a blacked out label.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


“Sorry, can’t do that.” The man sighed and shoved off the wall, slipping his hands into his pockets in a comfortable mimic of Maxwell’s earlier action as he blocked the mage’s path. “My associate needs to check something first.” The woman made her way to Salem, her steps barely making sound. She looked him up and down careful, eyes darting here and there.

“Are you injured?” she asked, genuine concern in her voice. “We saw him cut you off and box you in from across the Arena. I apologize we weren’t able to make it here sooner.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 30 days ago

As soon as Aaron was certain that Varis was gone and busy, he let his head fall into his hand once more, producing the object he'd been hiding from his pocket with the other. It was a wide silver chain with a badge set into the middle bearing the paramedic symbol; on the back it bore a warning about an Amoxicillin allergy. His medical alert bracelet, the one he'd been given only a few days before leaving for the Academy. The thing had completely slipped his mind this evening, probably due to a mixture of lingering stress from the night before and simply not being used to it. Luckily, Varis had either not noticed or not cared; Aaron was fine with either.

He moved to fasten it to his left wrist, but paused. No, that wouldn't do. He doubted Varis would appreciate the addition of something new to the outfit he'd crafted. After a moment of thought, he decided to fasten it to his ankle instead, where it would be hidden. It was an odd sensation, but that was apparently the theme of the night.

His free hand found its way to the necklace as he began to write, tracing over the texture of the Sinnenodel crest that hung from it and sighing. It wasn't exactly subtle. Aaron had a sneaking suspicion Varis had chosen it for more than just to appease his Lady. Not to mention his collar was unbuttoned, tie hanging out of his vest, sleeves rolled up... It took a conscious effort not to put everything to order the way he was used to.

He was only about a page into his lines when he was jerked out of his concentration once more by a sound. It was coming from his bedroom across the hall, unmistakable. It must have been 2:45am, because his phone's alarm was going off.

A number of choice words roared through his mind; he'd been told to write until Varis was ready, but certainly the Count wouldn't appreciate a phone alarm going off for the next hour. Satisfied with his brief reasoning - in light of recent events, he was doing a lot of second-guessing himself - Aaron stood abruptly and started out the door, pausing only to make sure the coast was clear before near-sprinting into his bathroom for his phone. He nearly dropped it in his haste to silence it, but managed to shut it up before it did any more damage.

When silence fell back into place again, Aaron let out a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding. He was about to put his phone back down and return to the study when he paused. He could hear the shower in Varis' room running; maybe he had a few minutes.

Feeling a little daring, he leaned back against the counter and brought up a new contact entry to make a contact for Lilie, hoping he'd memorized her number correctly, and sent her a message.

> Hey, Lily? This is Aaron, I can't talk right now but here's my number. I hope everything went okay with that woman! See you tomorrow?

He got a little flurry of nervous excitement when he hit send, shoving off the counter and turning to the mirror over the sink. His mood dropped significantly, however, when he saw his reflection. There was that shocking alteration to his face again, the artfully messy hair, the carefully disheveled outfit, the foreign jewelry...

Good lord, I look like a whore.

He frowned. The Queen's tastes were... conservative, to say the least, and that extended to everyone in her service. Believe it or not, Aaron had been the one pushing fashion boundaries back home with his khakis and cardigans. Compared to what he was used to, this outfit made him look like a hooker the morning after.

He moved to spin his ring, only to find it missing; it was on the counter, and he considered putting it on only for a second before throwing out the idea. Like the bracelet, he was pretty sure Varis wouldn't be impressed if a new accessory appeared. Still, he felt utterly powerless without either his ring or his sword, so he opted simply to put it in his pocket.

At the thought of his sword, though, a crushing realization crashed into Aaron's mind. He and Lilie had completely ditched Salem at the arena! He felt so terrible he nearly gasped in horror. Just then, though, he heard the water in Varis' room turn off; he was out of time.

Fingers flying, Aaron sent a hasty, typo-ridden message to Lucan asking him to apologize to Salem on his behalf before throwing his phone into the pillows on his bed and rushing back to the study as quietly as he was able. He made it back without hearing any more movement, and was cautiously optimistic that Varis had either not noticed or not cared.

After waiting a minute or so, his suspicions were confirmed, and he was left alone. So, with a deep breath to dispel the nerves from his little risk, he set back to his lines, fiddling with his ring in his pocket as he wrote.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Scribe of Thoth@Achronum

Salems eyes blinked twice, attempting to take in the words the two vampires were saying. Helping him was the last thing he believed them to be doing. Finally his shoulders relaxed, the vial was placed back into its holder, and his hand slipped out of his bag. Salem lifted that arm, placing his hand behind his head and scratching it nervously. A nervous chuckle escaped his lips as he began to speak "Injured? No,...not by him at least. Not physically either, its fine... I'm fine. Besides, I'm a medic myself so I'm not too worried about such things as that typically. Thank you two for checking up on me however. He was just checking up on the matches he missed, wondering what the mages battle was like, that's all."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


“Oh dear. My apologies then.” Guilt flickered across her for just a moment before smoothing out again. “The first week back is always a touch tense. Too many hotheads trying to provide their superiority in the hierarchy and the student council doesn’t have enough resources to be everywhere at once. To be fair, Declan did warn me and I owe him an apology for the comments I made.”

“I’m a lover, not a fighter. If that makes me seem a coward, then I coward I shall act.” Declan shrugged and smiled a Maxwell, bowing to the mage. “And I would very much like to make the inconvenience up to you, if such a beauty would allow me. Perhaps, dinner? After I shred these abominable clothes of course.”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Stifling a yawn, Lilie had to remind herself not to rub her eyes. She was slowly trying to work out the whole 'awake at night and asleep at day' schedule, and while she had been used to staying up late, staying up all night had been a challenge. The early evening was easy enough, it was staying awake until sunrise that really stumped her. Even if she managed to make it, she found herself naturally waking up around midday when the sun was out.

Watching Narcissus had greatly entertained her; there was something about seeing an animal live as opposed to on her phone that really fascinated her. He was quick in his movements, his little hands and claws adorable as he moved. He was receptive to her pets, which delighted her to no end, and his fur was enjoyable to touch. She wished she had treats to feed him, but she didn't want to risk making him sick, so she was content to play with him as the oven did its work.

She heard her phone chime in her pocket, and as she fished it out, she saw she had a message from an unknown number. Oh, it was Aaron! She was glad to hear from him, he seemed conflicted when he told her he needed to go. Whatever he was doing still occupied his time, it looked like. He asked about the vampire, and she found herself frowning. Arianna's departure still hit her a lot harder than it probably should have. Even with Ike being very friendly, she never did understand why the swap happened. And if she was being honest, she probably never would find out.

> I'm so glad you texted me! :D And yes, tomorrow for sure! Let me know when you're free, okay?

She was about to hit send when she reread his text, letting out a slight giggle.

> It's actually Lilie! Weird, I know. :<

It was a correction she had made many times, but it didn't bother her. Pocketing her phone once again, she rubbed her eye, letting out a gasp as she realized she had smudged her eyeliner and mascara. Shoot! Leaving Narcissus alone, she went into her bedroom, taking out a wipe from one of her drawers and taking her eye makeup off completely. She was just too tired, she was going to keep rubbing her eyes until she passed out.

Coming out of her room, she let out a sigh. "Does Narcissus sleep with you? Or does he have his own bed?" She decided conversation with Ike would help keep her awake.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Jade Blades
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Jade Blades Wandering Zombie

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Joryldin Nailo

Eventually, after getting stuck in the same lobby as an obnoxious camper for three games in a row and getting bored of stomping them, Joryldin shut down his games and began impatiently pacing around the darkness of his dorm. There was still plenty of time before sunrise, and his patience was wearing thin. He had to do something to distract himself from his unreasonable worry and paranoia (it was just a rumor, after all), and eventually came to a decision.

The fledgling threw his dorm's heavy curtains open, and the screen door followed suit not moments after. Bitter autumn air blasted into the room. His new outfit was surprisingly well insulated, and Joryldin hardly felt it. Still, he doubted that Dakota would enjoy coming home to a frozen condo, and shut the door behind him after exiting.

Joryldin stretched his legs, and was surprised once again to find his quality ensemble completely non-restrictive. In fact, he could move better in it than he could in his hoodie and jeans. The starched slacks held absolutely no resistance, even against a full split! They had to be magical in nature, which explains why Widow Nailo so coyly called it "Something special".

The only part of the outfit he hadn't put on yet was a single gold earring. The whole thing extra enough already, but as far as he could tell, with a piece of jewelry like that on him people might start to think things. Still, if the rest of the outfit was enchanted, he thought this might be too.

A clip on the end gently pinched his ear lobe, and held fast, leaving a long golden ornament hanging down. It was a rectangular metal sheet with three runes on its front. Each was in the shape of a square with an arcane letter in the middle. When Joryldin put it on, he immediately felt the effects. The anxiety wracking his brain was pushed aside, giving way to clear and rational thought. He was still concerned about Dakota and scared of The Queen, but it wasn't all-consuming. His fear of blood, the distaste for vampiric life, they started to feel as silly as they would to most. For once, he was calm enough that his natural eye color, a breathtaking navy blue, began to show.

This upset him in a reasonable way that the magic couldn't stop. He wasn't alright with a magic ring making him think differently, especially not in a dehumanizing way. It was clearly a trinket given in good faith, meant to help him adjust, but Joryldin decided to take it off. He would save it for when he was at his wit's end, or direly needed to blend in. Still, he tried to stay calm of his own accord after the accessory fell into his pocket.

Finally, Joryldin turned back to the house and set out to do what he was going to do in the first place - get up onto the roof. He was an adept climber, even as a human, and with the help of vampiric physical prowess Joryldin scaled the siding with ease. He distributed his weight so perfectly that not even a scuff was left, and with such stealth that none of the prying eyes of his neighbors - searching for signs of the queen's arrival - noticed a thing.

He reclined up there on the shingles for a few minutes, looking out at the night sky and back at the academy down the road, until he eventually got bored. Perhaps, he thought, it was an appropriate time to check on Evalyn.

> Hey Evalyn. It's Joryldin. How's the project coming along?
> Fantastic! We definitely didn't get distracted by twister! Nope, not us.
> Is that so :P? Who won?
> My partner's friend, but they cheat! I might be a vampire, but come on! Not even I can bend that much! Is that game kicking your butt for me?
> It's a total snoozefest. I got bored, so I climbed up on the roof to get a look around. It doesn't look like there's any chaos going on at the school, maybe the rumors were a hoax?
> Or maybe she isn't here yet. You up for sneaking around now that you're bored?
> Sure, why not?
> Okay, cool! I'll send Nick over for you. Can you get him a pic of you and where you are? Makes it easier.
> Will do!

Joryldin put on a nice smile and held out his phone, making sure to catch the mailbox and his dorm number in the background. He hated selfies, and never looked good when taking pictures of himself. He snapped the photo, making sure to use the flash considering the time of night. After blinking away the stars in his vision, he looked down and had difficulty sending the picture before him. He looked great! The fancy fashion fit his face perfectly, and he had caught his face's best side. Joryldin's fangs sparkled, and he couldn't believe that he was looking at a picture of himself. He swallowed his pride and sent the photo...
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ilovepapa
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ilovepapa Just a really friendly gender-less blob

Member Seen 6 yrs ago



Ike sat himself on the couch as he waited for the oven. Narcussis meanwhile finished the can of food in record time and proceeded to explore the countertop. Sliding back so that he left himself in a slouched position, he pulled out a small book, and true to his word earlier it was in fact a shoddy romance novel. This one in particular had a very half dressed pirate man adorning the cover, and still had the 'Sale! $1.00' sticker on it, barely visible due to the second sticker covering it reading 'Sale! 25 cents!' Ike periodically chuckled to himself as he read, the book seemed based around some ladies man pirate who always seemed to get out of nearly any situation by going shirtless. It was hilarious more than anything, and Ike consistantly found himself eagerly awaiting what insane logic would accompany his next escape, perhaps this time the Captain of the Ship following him would be a woman, that seemed very likely with the way things had currently been unfolding.

Ike looked up when Lillie spoke, it was true that this was a new place, so the assumtion that Narcissus would sleep with him was a very good one. "Well, Narcissus might get himself into trouble exploring his new enviroment, so I would keep an eye out for that, but otherwise I assume he will keep close to me, always had when in new places." Narcissus at this point, had quite enough of the counter and leaned over the edge to peer at the ground, his rear swaying side to side. Ike snickered as he nodded in Narcissus's direction, mouthing the word 'watch' as Narcissus quickly settled into a crouch before launching himself off the counter, legs outstreched in alarm as he quickly realized his mistake and dropped to the floor with a gentle thud. With slight hesitation Narcissus blinked a few times before looking up at Ike accusingly and scrambling up the side of the couch, settling into a space next to him.

"As you can see, Narcissus is not always the smartest thing, sturdy though, I will give him that. Once got himself stuck behind the fridge at my house. He tends to get stuck a lot now that I think about it, his curiosity tends to get the better of him. Can normally take care of himself though, he knows what to avoid, wires and other such things. Anything else you wanted to know? Anything is fair game to be honest."Ike slid his hand over Narcissus as he listened for Lillie's response, vaugely looking over the same page of his book over and over again.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Max stood his ground while Flower Boy and that Lady of the Night sorted out... whatever the hell these vampires were bothering him about, defiant gaze stopping just short of eye contact with Trenchcoat in front of him. He stood casually, but his weight distribution was poised to allow for quick movement should the neckbiter get antsy. Apparently they were expecting him to shake Flower Boy down for lunch money - or maybe perfume samples, given the smell coming off him - like some middle school bully. Max almost chuckled - almost. He didn't know he was so intimidating.

“I’m a lover, not a fighter. If that makes me seem a coward, then I coward I shall act.” Trenchcoat said as he bowed like a theatrical idiot. “And I would very much like to make the inconvenience up to you, if such a beauty would allow me. Perhaps, dinner? After I shred these abominable clothes of course.”

He resisted the urge to physically roll his eyes. And, more impressively, he resisted the urge to groan. The fact that this guy knew he dressed like a tool and did it anyway arguably made his fashion choices even worse. Max wondered if he'd be out of line to tell this guy to take a hike through a sunlit meadow.

"Gross." He grunted simply, "Can I go now? Or are you gonna start waxing poetic as you beg my favor on one knee?"

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


Interacting with: @Jade Blades

The conversation went silent after the picture sent. The night stayed quiet until movement on the Academy grounds changed. Men and women ushered students off the grounds and towards the halls and dorms. Unlike the standard guards that stood watch over the Academy, these were more heavily armed and wore noticeable armor. They didn’t bother concealing their presence and patrols across the ground started quickly.

Next to the vampire, something started to bubble up from between the shingles. It was wispy and gaseous and boiled as it rose. It slowly settled into the rough shape of a human and dissipated. A male mage, around the same age as Joryldin’s apparent one, sat next to him on the roof, tracking the movements on the Academy ground for a few moments before shaking his head. He smiled at Joryldin and held up his fist.

“Yo. Evalyn said you wanted to chill with us. The name’s Ryan, I’m her partner’s older brother.” The mage introduced himself. “Ever teleported before?”
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