Hidden 6 yrs ago
Zeroth Post

Alpha Prep: Werewolves of London

You're a werewolf. Yeah, you heard me right. A real werewolf. A true King of Beasts. You've lived a nice life, given a few troubles here and there, but that's all about to change. Your parents have just received word that you will be taken from them, uprooted and thrown.. well, for lack of a better term, to the wolves.

The Council keeps an eye on kids till they reach the ripe age of 16 years. They figure it's a good age to start scouting for potential Alphas. As wolves, you don't go through the change till you start going through natural human puberty. That's right, you get it twice as hard. And further more, you don't get born into being an Alpha, you have to earn that right. Once you become too old to lead, some new young pup fresh out of Alpha Prep comes to take your place as the new king, or queen.

You're strong, you're powerful. But there's something more about you that the council has seen, and they're all a buzz about 'ya. It's your time to shine. So don't fuck up this chance, do your parents proud and show the world what you're made of. You only get one shot at this. You mess up and get too many bad marks, that's it. You'll be sent back home with your parents to remain with your old pack as just another subordinate.

You will be leaving your friends, family and pack members behind. You'll pack your bags and you'll show up to the airport and report to the man in charge of bringing you overseas to Alpha Prep. Home of the Great. London. Regardless if you'd like to attend or not, it really isn't your choice is it? Considering when the Council says jump, you jump.

Upon entering the parking garage, you'll be greeted with the sight of three large white vans. No, there is no candy inside. Two of the vans are already teaming with young werewolves just like you. A few look scared and nervous, but some of the others look more haughty, confident and defiant. The man you met up with prior instructs you to take a seat in the third, empty van. The other three young wolves who were brought with you are told to do the same, bunching you all together.

"We're only waiting for a few more kids," he assures you with a kind smile before moving away to join two other people. They are older than you and the other kids; in their mid to late twenties if you had to guess. 'They must be Council Members,' someone in the van whispers. Aside from the man who met you in the airport, there is another man and a woman who looks several years younger than the two men. They talk quietly among themselves, ignoring the chatter of the younger wolves, until one girl speaks up. "Can we leave, now?" She snaps impatiently. The woman casts the girl a sharp warning look, but that doesn't stop her. "Seriously, I'm bored and hungry!" She says petulantly. The woman crosses to her and leans close, saying something you're unable to hear. The girl's face pales and she falls silent, the woman falling back into the place she'd stood before, picking up where she and the other man left off in conversation.

Ten minutes pass and the man who brought you in leaves.. again. When he returns twenty or so minutes later, he has three more kids with him. He directs them to the van you are in, then slides behind the wheel and smiles with what looks like relief. He pulls out of the parking garage behind the other two vans.

You drive for maybe three hours and are just dozing off when the van turns onto an overgrown path leading into the forest. You sit up, suddenly wide awake. You drive for perhaps another hour and a half before pulling up to a pair of large, ornate gates that say Welcome to Alpha Prep. The van stops, the driver speaking to someone before turning around to face the few of you in the back seats with a grin. When he speaks, everybody falls silent and listens curiously.

"Alright, now that we're all here I want you to listen up and listen well. I won't repeat myself. I am sure most of you are wondering what you are doing here. I am Councilman Corbyn. The council has been watching each and every one of you closely and we are pleased with what we see. You have many of the qualities we are looking for in Alphas,"

"-however, the path to leading a Pack is a long and rigorous one. For the next four years, you will be attending Alpha Prep, a school designed to prepare young Wolves such as yourselves to become great Alphas in the years to follow. Over half of you won't make it through your first year; half of those that do, won't make it to graduation. Some of you may even die. Those of you who do make it to graduation will be rewarded the title of Alpha, and rewarded with your own pack territory where you will start your new lives." He gives everyone a once over, smirking slightly. "Now then, welcome to Alpha Prep."

With that, Corbyn turns back around and pulls the van through the gates up towards your new home for the next four years.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Tonks
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Member Seen 10 mos ago


Respect The GM & Co-GMs: Sure, sometimes we make weird calls or say something that's not quite PC. Realize that the admins have a hard job, the job of telling you that you are wrong and you need to change something. We don't like doing it but we have to sometimes. That also means that when things come too heavily into question, you need to let us deal with it. You can make our jobs easier by reading these rules and adhering to them. We promise you'll like us a lot more if you do. We also encourage and welcome discussion on why an admin made a certain call. If you talk to us like people and not like we're your most hated enemy then there's a rather good chance you'll change our minds on some things...
*Alpha Prep Co-GM: TBA
Same Forum, Same Rules: You are in a sub-sector of the RolePlayerGuild forums. The Forum Rules and CoC are the over-arching rules. Know them, love them, abide by them.
No dirty/sexual content: Absolutely no sexual content allowed. Romantic situations are always welcome in your story-telling, however, they will remain completely innocent. Anything more touchy-feely than a kiss will be given an Inappropriate Content Warning. Take it to PMs if you'd like to continue in detail, otherwise, just write "fades to black".
Respect Your Fellow RPer: This involves basic netiquette.
* Don't yell at someone (USING ALL CAPS, LIKE, THIS IS YELLING.. EVEN IF YOU DON'T MEAN IT TO BE). Use exclamation points, bold, italics, whatever you want to make your point but don't yell in all CAPS. It's just simply rude.
* Realize we have people who identify with different religions, maybe a lack of religion, sexual orientations, locations, races, ages, and whatnot. We don't expect you to be perfect but we do expect you to show a little maturity.
* If they do something in the RP that you think is wrong or illegitimate, ask them why they did it and if they'd change it. Discuss in the OOC or Private Message what the problem is. If a resolution can't be gotten to, ask me or the CO-GM to step in and we'll help you fix the problem. (It's usually good practice to STOP the RP if this happens, that way you don't have to go back and say "Ignore these posts" or go back and edit them.)
* Don't be childish. If myself or the CO-GM asks you to fix a mistake, change something that isn't right or whatnot, just do it, please. Don't make a fuss about it.
No "Bunny-moving": This means taking over another player’s character. Usually, this kind of thing happens innocently enough but ends in major fights over what actually is happening. "*Vrynn attacks Corey with a vicious slash to his face and Corey drops to his knees in pain*" This is bunny-moding. Instead of allowing Corey to react to the attack, Vrynn assumed she hit him and told him how he was going to react. This is not acceptable RP. Never assume you know what the other character will do. (Sometimes, someone gives you explicit permission to run their character while away. This is the only time bunny-moding is acceptable.)
No God-moding: This one should be pretty easy. God-moding is when a character is able to do whatever they want, whenever they want with little or no consequences. People cannot dodge bullets. This is not allowed. This is also important for character creation as there are certain limits within this RP that must be adhered to, despite the fact this is a fantasy fiction RP with werewolves in it.. still, no god-moding.
No OOC in RPs: The RPs we have going on have their own OOC (Out Of Character) thread that corresponds. If you have random chatter to contribute that doesn't involve the RP, take it to these threads where you can spew randomness, embed videos, and generally be dorky to your heart's content. Having unrelated chatter in the middle of the RP threads is distracting to all the players, including you. When you need to say something out of character in the middle of an RP, such as to ask a question about a character's action, always use the OOC thread.
No Double Posting: Basically, this means to let the other characters/players have a chance to react to you before you try continuing what is going on or just walk away from the conversation altogether. If you have two or more characters that you're RPing with but forgot to post as one, there is an [Edit] button on the bottom of your post. Use it. Don't double post. If more than 2 days have passed and nobody has responded to you, or if you know factually that your RP buddy is gone for a long while, then it is okay to post again.
Posting Timers: There will be a posting timer of Once a Week. If you can't make your post in that allotted time, then ask for an extension. Couple days, give or take. You'll be given two warnings, and after that, any mishaps with making your posts will result in being removed from the RP.

Character Sheet

Pick your own HTML color code. Do not use black.

[hr.][hr.][h1][b][i][color=black][center]Character Name[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1]
[center][url=(Wolf Appearance Image ((If you don't have one, just use the img section and delete the url))][img](Human Appearance Image)[/img][/url]
[sup]Face Claim: (If you know who you're using, if not, ask around or just simply delete this section)[/sup]
[color=black]Character Quote (Could be a famous quote or a personal quote) [b]-Author's Name (If it's a personal quote, just write 'self')[/b][/color][/center]

[hr.][hr.][h3][b][i][color=black][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3]
[b][color=black]Full Birth-Given Name:[/color][/b] Your name in it's entirety
[b][color=black]Aliases:[/color][/b] Nicknames, previous names, maiden names, etc.
[b][color=black]Birthday:[/color][/b] Month and date
[b][color=black]Age:[/color][/b] Ranging anywhere from 16-18.
[b][color=black]Gender:[/color][/b] Free range! Everyone's accepted here<3
[b][color=black]Birth Place:[/color][/b] Where have you come from?
[b][color=black]Prior Rank:[/color][/b] Just write 'Subordinate' here.
[b][color=black]Languages:[/color][/b] What languages do you speak?

[hr.][hr.][center][h3][b][i][color=black]Physical Appearance[/color][/i][/b][/h3][/center]
[b][color=black]Height:[/color][/b] Height for both wolf and human. Wolves will be anywhere topping off between 4-5ft tall at the top of their heads. Males being on the taller side.
[b][color=black]Weight:[/color][/b] Write down both for wolf and human. Male wolves typically weight anywhere between 345-420lbs, while females can weigh approximately 280-325, depending on size.
[b][color=black]Body Type:[/color][/b]
[b][color=black]Eye Color:[/color][/b] Eye color stays the same when in wolf form
[b][color=black]Hair Color:[/color][/b] Add fur color, as well
[b][color=black]Skin Tone:[/color][/b]
[b][color=black]Body Alterations:[/color][/b] Scars, Tattoos, Piercings, etc. Scars will transfer over into your wolf form, tattoos will not.
[b][color=black]Personal Style:[/color][/b] A paragraph of what you like to wear, what you usually wear, hairstyle, makeup (if any), ect.

[i][color=black][center]| Positive Trait || Negative Trait || Positive Trait || Negative Trait |[/center][/color][/i]

[b][color=black]Relationship Status:[/color][/b]
[b][color=black]Personality:[/color][/b] A single detailed paragraph, please
[b][color=black]Habits:[/color][/b] List 5+
[b][color=black]Hobbies:[/color][/b] List 5+
[b][color=black]Fears:[/color][/b] List 3-5
[b][color=black]Likes:[/color][/b] Fill given spots (add more if necessary)
[b][color=black]Dislikes:[/color][/b] Fill given spots (add more if necessary)

[hr.][hr.][center][h3][b][i][color=black]General Information[/color][/i][/b][/h3][/center]
[b][color=black]Significant Other:[/color][/b]
Anyone set in your sights, or someone you already call your own?
[b][color=black]Family Members:[/color][/b] Immediate family [b]only[/b] (Your spouse, parents and grandparents, children and grandchildren, brothers and sisters, mother-in-law and father-in-law, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, daughters-in-law and sons-in-law. Adopted, half and step members are also included in the immediate family.)
Member's Name || Relation || Alive/Deceased || Pack Standing (rank)
[b][color=black]General Skills:[/color][/b] Any type of personal training/skills you might have (Boxing, MMA, Karate, etc. || Culinary, Housekeeping, etc.)
[b][color=black]What Do You Have On You:[/color][/b] Please list what clothing items they wear, as well as what's in their purse/wallet (Forms of I.D., $$$, pictures, debit/credit cards, etc.) and anything else they may carry on them, like perfume, knives, etc.
[list][*]Clothing -
[*]Purse/Wallet -
[b][color=black]Personal Belongings:[/color][/b] This includes anything of theirs that they will be keeping at Alpha Prep, ranging from a tv, computer, gaming stuff, personal items, etc. Household belongings.


[b][color=black]Insight on Life Back Home:[/color][/b] Get creative with it. Tell us, what was life like for you living with your old pack?

[b][color=black]Why Do You Think the Council Chose You?[/color][/b] Just explain in a quick paragraph what you think the reason is.

[b][color=black]Thoughts on Possibly Becoming an Alpha?[/color][/b] One paragraph or more. One minimum.

[hr.][hr.][center][h3][b][i][color=black]Additional Information[/color][/i][/b][/h3][/center]

[b][color=black]Theme Song:[/color][/b] If you could pick one song that best describes you, either one that best describes your personal character or how you feel internally (mentally, emotionally, spiritually, etc.)
[b][color=black]Aberrance:[/color][/b] Anything about you that separates you from '[i]the rest of the herd[/i]'? Maybe you think this may be what the Council sees in you to potentially be an Alpha?
[b][color=black]Extra Information:[/color][/b] Any extra info will go here. Submit this CS into the OOC for approval. After you get GM approval, move it to the Character Tab.

Size comparison chart for wolves to humans is here, we range around the "Half Pure Wolf" size.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Tonks
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions and answers will be added as they come up. Feel free to ask me anything.

@Tonks dumb question ahead will these be shapeshifting wolves?? like human to wolves?? c:

  • First off, no question is dumb. Please ask away! Second, yes. These are shape shifting wolves, much like Twilight but slowed down. Your wolves will feel each and every bone in their body breaking and reshaping themselves into their wolf frame. An entire shift will take approximately 30 seconds, at most. Some have become masters at fast transformations, but very few. The fastest transformation recorded was 15 seconds long by one of the greatest Alphas in existence.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 11 days ago

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Red7VII
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Red7VII Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Seems interesting. Will get a CS going soon.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Tonks
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

@Draven I’d like to point out that the join status is full, however I will allow you to join us. You will be the last and final person, though. Granted, if everyone makes it over, counting you and I along with them..we should have 7.
Look forward to seeing your CS.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LC
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LC Thirteen foxes in an overcoat

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

I'm here! Ill have a sheet up this evening.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Red7VII
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Red7VII Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Tonks I appreciate the opportunity. I'm about halfway done with the CS now. I should be able to post something tonight.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Tonks
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

@WSilversun Looking forward to it!

@Draven Awesome! Can't wait to see what you come up with :)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ibecameinsane
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ibecameinsane I've fallen off the deep end. There's no backdoor.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

might be a while before i get something concrete up if that's okay. hate holiday season!!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Tonks
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

@ibecameinsane No worries. Take your time. (:
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Red7VII
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Red7VII Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 4 mos ago

For your consideration
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by LC
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LC Thirteen foxes in an overcoat

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

And for your consideration, Blake! Sorry it took me so bloody long, work ran longer than expected today.

EDIT: Forgive the anime picture... Any suggestions for a proper FC, let me know.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Tonks
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

@Draven Accepted! You can move him over to the Char Tab (:

@WSilversun Also accepted! Usually I don’t allow anime pics but I actually really like that one. ^^ it’s no problem.

Both of you have very nice characters. I feel Brynn could really get along with Blake, while she may very well butt heads with Marrok lmao
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LC
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LC Thirteen foxes in an overcoat

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Woo! Went ahead and tossed it into the characters tab, then. :3 Looking forward to this starting!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Tonks
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

I’ll be starting it in a few days. Till then, does anyone want a discord for this??
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Red7VII
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Red7VII Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I'm good with that. It may help with collaborative posts.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Tonks
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

@Draven I was going to say “butt heads” and/or be insanely hate-attracted to him xD said a totally different way but “hate-attracted” was more RPG friendly lmao xD
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LC
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LC Thirteen foxes in an overcoat

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

A discord might be nice! It'd help keep people interested, I've seen a lot of RPs die e.e
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Divine Darkness
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Divine Darkness Numb

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Looking to post my character tomorrow or Weds night. *fingers crossed*
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Tonks
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

@WSilversun very true!

@Divine Darkness Nina!!! ❤️
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