Alpha Prep: Werewolves of London
You're a werewolf. Yeah, you heard me right. A real werewolf. A true King of Beasts. You've lived a nice life, given a few troubles here and there, but that's all about to change. Your parents have just received word that you will be taken from them, uprooted and thrown.. well, for lack of a better term, to the wolves.
The Council keeps an eye on kids till they reach the ripe age of 16 years. They figure it's a good age to start scouting for potential Alphas. As wolves, you don't go through the change till you start going through natural human puberty. That's right, you get it twice as hard. And further more, you don't get born into being an Alpha, you have to earn that right. Once you become too old to lead, some new young pup fresh out of Alpha Prep comes to take your place as the new king, or queen.
You're strong, you're powerful. But there's something more about you that the council has seen, and they're all a buzz about 'ya. It's your time to shine. So don't fuck up this chance, do your parents proud and show the world what you're made of. You only get one shot at this. You mess up and get too many bad marks, that's it. You'll be sent back home with your parents to remain with your old pack as just another subordinate.
You will be leaving your friends, family and pack members behind. You'll pack your bags and you'll show up to the airport and report to the man in charge of bringing you overseas to Alpha Prep. Home of the Great. London. Regardless if you'd like to attend or not, it really isn't your choice is it? Considering when the Council says jump, you jump.
Upon entering the parking garage, you'll be greeted with the sight of three large white vans. No, there is no candy inside. Two of the vans are already teaming with young werewolves just like you. A few look scared and nervous, but some of the others look more haughty, confident and defiant. The man you met up with prior instructs you to take a seat in the third, empty van. The other three young wolves who were brought with you are told to do the same, bunching you all together.
"We're only waiting for a few more kids," he assures you with a kind smile before moving away to join two other people. They are older than you and the other kids; in their mid to late twenties if you had to guess. 'They must be Council Members,' someone in the van whispers. Aside from the man who met you in the airport, there is another man and a woman who looks several years younger than the two men. They talk quietly among themselves, ignoring the chatter of the younger wolves, until one girl speaks up. "Can we leave, now?" She snaps impatiently. The woman casts the girl a sharp warning look, but that doesn't stop her. "Seriously, I'm bored and hungry!" She says petulantly. The woman crosses to her and leans close, saying something you're unable to hear. The girl's face pales and she falls silent, the woman falling back into the place she'd stood before, picking up where she and the other man left off in conversation.

Ten minutes pass and the man who brought you in leaves.. again. When he returns twenty or so minutes later, he has three more kids with him. He directs them to the van you are in, then slides behind the wheel and smiles with what looks like relief. He pulls out of the parking garage behind the other two vans.
You drive for maybe three hours and are just dozing off when the van turns onto an overgrown path leading into the forest. You sit up, suddenly wide awake. You drive for perhaps another hour and a half before pulling up to a pair of large, ornate gates that say Welcome to Alpha Prep. The van stops, the driver speaking to someone before turning around to face the few of you in the back seats with a grin. When he speaks, everybody falls silent and listens curiously.
"Alright, now that we're all here I want you to listen up and listen well. I won't repeat myself. I am sure most of you are wondering what you are doing here. I am Councilman Corbyn. The council has been watching each and every one of you closely and we are pleased with what we see. You have many of the qualities we are looking for in Alphas,"
"-however, the path to leading a Pack is a long and rigorous one. For the next four years, you will be attending Alpha Prep, a school designed to prepare young Wolves such as yourselves to become great Alphas in the years to follow. Over half of you won't make it through your first year; half of those that do, won't make it to graduation. Some of you may even die. Those of you who do make it to graduation will be rewarded the title of Alpha, and rewarded with your own pack territory where you will start your new lives." He gives everyone a once over, smirking slightly. "Now then, welcome to Alpha Prep."
With that, Corbyn turns back around and pulls the van through the gates up towards your new home for the next four years.