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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Collab Post between @Letter Bee and @Senhara))

After a short amount of time, Sahaquiel is released into the battlefield. She walks forward slowly, stomping with every footstep, kicking up dust. She proceeds to crouch down behind a large building, waiting for the enemy and to avoid snipers. She turns on the communication systems and tells the team "Godspeed, everyone. Let's not die today." Sahaquiel pokes its head up. "I uh... See an NC, black and purple with horns on its head. I'm... Not picking up any life signatures from it, no jamming detected. That's impossible! No NC can operate without a human pilot! Why does it look exactly like an armored human?" Her NC's claws twitch and the hands ball up into fists.

"You have other things to worry about," a voice interrupted her rant through the comms. If Kyexun in Sahaquiel turned to the side, she would see Alexander Sky in his Phoenix Inferno rushing at her, it's EMP-claw out and ready to pulse. The red-orange mecha looked like a beastman from so up close; a match for Sahaquiel in every way.

The hidden thrusters fire according to Kxeyun's battle instincts, and the machine rotates around to face Alexander. The machine's large claws raise up as it prepares for battle. The shield-peircers spring to life whilst Kxeyun looks at Phoenix Inferno. "Avoid the giant claw, I won't die." Kxeyun picks up a van and chucks it at Phoenix.

Phoenix Inferno yanks itself upwards, avoiding the van even as its Fusion Cannons try and blast Sahaquiel's right arm off; he had seen how the shields didn't seem to cover said arm. The superheated gas, as hot as the sun's surface, ought to melt the enemy NC's arm, but Alex knew he was not that lucky - His opponent seemed to have skill.

Indeed, Alex was right. Kxeyun formulated a plan that seems rather suicidal. She dashes backward and leaps onto a building, and uses the machine's powerful legs to leap up into the air. She wouldn't be able to leap that high, intending to claw at the NC's legs. How she would land, is a mystery.

Alexander uses his superior maneuverability to jerk himself backwards, firing his Fusion Cannons as he did so to rocket himself back, back out of the range of Sahaquiel's claws. Said cannons were still aimed at the mecha's arms; this time the upper parts close to the shoulders. At the same time, he keeps watch for the other enemy NCs, just in case.

Sahaquiel reveals another trick, the shield-piercers are designed to be switched on and off rather fast. The piercers disable themselves, but it would've been a better move to shoot her lower arms, due to how the shields extend. She takes the damage, growling inside the control seat. Her legs fully extend and lands on another building, completely collapsing it.

Alexander charges, his Fusion Cannons covering his approach as they fire at Sahaquiel's head and eyes where he thought the sensors were. His Right-hand claw draws back for a swipe at the large NC, this time taking a cue from the latter's movements and aiming for the legs.

At the same time, at the corner of Sahaquiel's eyes, a kicking of dust can be seen...

The shields take the impact, however a few of Sahaquiel's cameras are damaged. The presence of the new NC triggers a reaction from Kxeyun and the machine. She lets go of the controls, and growls loudly. Several plates start shifting on the NC's face, Phoenix's sensors can pick up an increased reactor output. The blue "wires" in the face of the NC retract, so does the top of the head. The bottom of the head shifts as well, revealing a mouth. Two panels move, revealing what represents eyes. They squint at Phoenix Inferno. The mouth opens and the machine lets out a MASSIVE roar, Alexander can hear it without needing a microphone on the external armor of his NC. The machine growls after that roar, and on the inside of the metal mouth, Alexander can see dried blood. The shield-peircers reactivate and Sahaquiel charges at Phoenix, attempting to use both arms to grab onto the massive arm before it can hit. While this happens, all allied NCs get a message from Sahaquiel reading:


Alexander's left arm then cuts upwards at Sahaquiel's claws, a plasma dagger held in said arm. In the Havenite NC's berserk state, it probably won't notice that the claws had been cut apart, if it was going to be the case.

The dagger gives a significant cut to a few of the claws, not completely destroying them but getting close. However, the other claws sink into the right arm of Phoenix Inferno, and Sahaquiel then uses that leverage to slam Phoenix into the ground, stomping on it. All the while the machine keeps growling and letting out little roars, completely unaware of the cloaked threat. Kxeyun begins shouting words over open comms that don't seem to 100% belong to her, and it has a mix of a robotic voice in there too. "You call yourselves PILOTS?! How crazy you are to think of yourselves as that! You're just a catalyst to turn on the machines! TOOLS! YOU CRAZY GOD DAMNED PEOPLE! This is what Sahaquiel is!"

Another light kicking of dust, before Alexander screams out, clearly in pain, "No, Mako! A little pain..." he grunted, "WON'T STOP ME!"

His Mech's right arm was damaged, but not so entirely that the EMP projector was entirely useless. Phoenix Inferno's right hand grabs at one of the gigantic claws of the enemy mecha, then pulses, unleashing a wave of energy that shorts out Sahaquiel's electronics - or hopefully does so!

The energy mixing with Sahaquiel's shield piercers triggers a backflow, the right arm's shield piercer overloads and sends a massive jolt of electricity, all of which was contained in the shield piercer into Phoenix. However, the right arm is now rendered useless, smoking heavily. This causes Kxeyun, and in turn Sahaquiel, to scream out in pain. She uses the machine's left arm, left leg and Viper Thrusters to tear the arm off, pushing against Phoenix with the leg and pulling against the arm with the rest. She proceeds to kick backwards and back away from Phoenix, finally noticing the dust.

Phoenix Inferno flies backward, facing Sahaquiel as he did so. It was then that Alexander says, "Well-done; but Red-Star teaches a mind to endure pain in ways that a Pilot of Denver-Vegas cannot. And one of the things I pride myself for is... Being the Bane of Denver-Vegas!"

The Fusion Cannons mounted on the shoulders fire again, over and over at Sahaquiel. At the same time, Kyexun's remaining sensors would see two Repair Gunships that were moving towards Alexander; magnetically attached to their bottoms was... A new EMP Claw. She can hear Alexander scream at the gunships, "Stop! This is a matter of honorable combat! Don't come near us!"

At the same time, there was another kicking of dust, this time close to Sahaquiel's back.

Mental contamination reaches 100%, she's no longer herself. Sahaquiel dodges behind a building "You may be the bane of Denver-Vegas, but I am Sahaquiel, Ingenuity of God! I will drive this lesson deep into your head, I will defeat you! I am a Prototype designed to counter close range NCs! LET THIS TEACH YOU WELL!" She proceeds to use her legs to kick said building directly at Phoenix, chucking the destroyed arm from his NC to follow up and stab into him. She thinks he's finished and remembers the dust, and proceeds to stomp on the ground.

Except not, as she can feel a dagger, a meta-material dagger designed for opening up armor plates (and thus also good against shields), piercing Sahaquiel's back. Kyexun would feel the pain through her Neural-Net connection, and her body would be paralyzed and the mech with it as it was the equivalent of a spinal injury.

"YOU WILL NOT TOUCH ALEXANDER-SENPAI!" A voice called out; young and shrill. It was Mako Shintai, pilot of the Kitsune.

Alexander, meanwhile, had dodged Kyexun/Sahaquiel's thrown building and mech-arm, and was now having a new one painfully installed by the Red-Star Repair Gunships, who were releasing minature drones to help with the process of mending. More Gunships and drones were coming out of the smoke, holding Alexander's Phoenix Inferno in place as the NC/Mecha was repaired. Alexander himself was saying, "Mako! Don't deny me this duel!"

A pause. "But... Good job anyway."

Sahaquiel begins to rapidly heat up, it's left arm explodes from an overload. It's going to attempt to self-destruct! Apparently they damaged something critical.

Mako, brushing aside his Senpai's words, tries to cut out Sahaquiel's NC Core and Ejection Pod, hoping to yank it out in record time and zoom off with his prisoner before the explosion struck.

The thing is, Kxeyun is only inside the ejection pod when an ejection sequence is triggered, and due to the spinal damage, it can't activate. The machine spits out something quickly. "DO THAT AND I EXPLODE INSTANTLY! LET GO AND I SHUT DOWN!"

Alexander responds instantly, "Let go, Mako!"

Mako obeys this time, zooming away from Kyexun/Sahaquiel as more Red-Star forces, this time Tanks, move in position, staying far enough to be relatively unaffected by any explosion, but close enough to fire.

The NC's legs collapse due to the paralyzing effect. She begins laughing. "Riddle me this, Alexander. Do you think I'd give up THIS easily? You know that sooner or later you'd die. Look me in the eyes, do I look like the type to let you win?" The mouth moves while it talks, and in her mind, the Kxeyun/Sahaquiel merge is praying for a miracle, if none comes, she'll die instead of letting them get hands on her. Alongside that, she's putting full willpower into trying to move, the animalistic instincts making her do that.

Alexander looked at her and said, "Actually, yes."

Kyexun's commlink - Her Havenite Commlink - beeped. If she opened it, she would find it at maximum quantum encryption, the highest grade that Haven can provide. She would then see a message:

She can hear Alexander say over the comms, "We're leaving, Mako."

A petulant reply from the invisible Red-Star pilot, "Why, Alexander-Senpai?! We can get a new slave for Red-Star this time!"

Alexander responds smugly, "Madwomen do not make good slaves. Besides, I prefer a proper twink."

And with that, Red-Star's NCs and their conventional forces leave Sahaquiel alone, focusing on other Havenite Mecha...

@Andre Valias@AzenExile@FalloutJack@Landaus Five-One@Metatrooper@Scribe of Thoth@Stern Algorithm@Sgt Vandingo@Selvariabell@Bartimaeus:
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 2 days ago

Isaac LaBelle

Isaac made his way to the hangar with haste. The faster they could deploy, the easier it would be to win. It struck him as a poor tactical choice for Narra to not have deployed them preemptively, although he could see the social value in it, he guessed. The kinetic shield essentially bottlenecked Red Star forces and would make them sitting targets for Algernon - or any other weaponry, really - as they passed through. That was a massive advantage that Haven risked losing with this reactionary deployment. The choice of Zahra as a commanding officer was an odd choice too, that didn't quite sit right with him. While her NC did seem suited for both protecting an area and coordinating a group, as well as Al-Amir's reputation for employing impressive defensive tactics, she was still a foreigner that could sabotage this whole operation for her corporate masters. Then again, Isaac didn't have much room to talk in that regard.

Once in the hangar, he climbed into Algernon with practiced ease, immediately starting the launch sequence. The unassuming startup screen quickly gave way to a typical Paragon Industrial interface once Isaac was linked up to the system, various sensor readings already popping up along the display. The verminous NC dropped to all fours, rushing out of the hangar and toward the western front. He was a bit surprised to hear that one of the pilots had an actual AI onboard - and, even moreso when he realized said pilot was that giant drunk, although he supposed it was for the best. Explains why he could perform competently while intoxicated.

Isaac put on a level voice when he turned on his comm - not too bold or confident, but not shaky or otherwise compromised - he couldn't look like a coward on the battlefield, despite whatever persona he was displaying. "I'd like to ask that all of you link your mapping systems with mine so we may better coordinate if at all possible. If you see any high priority targets in the open, or need sniper support, I'll be able to easily locate and eliminate them sooner if you could tag them for me."

When he arrived on scene, Isaac took a position decently far behind the main battle lines, Algernon's clawed limbs taking him as high up as he could get without being immediately noticeable to the main armada. That cloaker might be an issue, but otherwise he should be perfectly safe at this distance, provided the front line pulls their weight. Algernon planted its feet firmly as its lancer unfolded, rails already charging before the weapon was even fully deployed.

Railgun Status: { 7s } until complete ionization.

Spikes extended from the bottom and sides of Algernon's feet, digging into the ground for stability. Algernon's left arm moved up to brace against the lancer for recoil.

Railgun Status: { 5s } until complete ionization.

Algernon's head quirked upward, its myriad optics already calculating an ideal trajectory given the conditions. If he could take down the Phoenix Inferno at the start, the enemy's morale will be down for the whole fight.

Railgun Status: { 2s } until complete ionization.

And... of course, Alexander was already locked in a melee with that unstable girl from the coffeehouse. Isaac supposed this was his fault for not calling out a target earlier. He'd have to adjust.

Railgun Status: READY

Should he wait them out? No, that was a waste of time. Isaac instead took aim at one of the more mundane gunships. No trick shots yet, save it for the enemy pilots. Going off heat sensors and energy readings, he lined up his weapon with what appeared to be the main power source and fired, his NC rocking back from the recoil as he aimed to cripple the ship, if not send the whole thing up in flames. The claws on Algernon's feet retracted after Isaac fired, preparing for a quick getaway should any enemies have spotted him and advance on his position.

This kinetic shield made things interesting. Almost like shooting fish in a really big barrel. He wouldn't even need to fully eliminate a target; if they sustained enough damage he could simply pick them off as they attempted to flee through the barrier at a snail's pace.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Collab Post between @Letter Bee and @Scribe of Thoth))

This kinetic shield made things interesting. Almost like shooting fish in a really big barrel. He wouldn't even need to fully eliminate a target; if they sustained enough damage he could simply pick them off as they attempted to flee through the barrier at a snail's pace.

Suddenly, Isaac LaBelle would feel a tickle at the back of his head, where the implants every NC Pilot held met with his Mech's man-machine interface. Said tickle would shape itself into a voice, a smug voice that said, <Ah, so this is what a Paragon's brain looks like from the inside.>

A face appeared at the edges of his vision; purple eyes, red hair, and pale skin,. <Happy to meet you for the first time, Isaac LaBelle. My name is Osamu Akiyama, of Red-Star. Now, will you give up control of your NC to me, or will I have to take it through mental force?>

Isaac tugged at his controls, initially assuming the feeling to be some minor glitch or other maintenance oversight. Until, of course, someone started talking. He flicked on his comm while he was still certain he had control,

"Non, non, non! I think I'm compromised, keep your heads down and out of my sight! I'll try to stall him."

He set his focus on keeping Algernon from moving, even going so far as to deactivate his lancer. If he lost control, Osamu would at the very least have to sit through another lengthy bootup sequence while the railgun charged if he wanted to inflict sizeable damage.

<I was briefed on you. This is a neat little power. I look forward to seeing the inside of your brain as well - splattered on concrete, that is.> At least he wouldn't have to pretend to be a shy loser in his own head.

Despite his words, his NC's controls were locking up, becoming less and less responsive to his instructions; Isaac wouldn't know if his Lancer was truly deactivated, before Osamu's face, inside his head, grinned widely. <So our Paragon spy has a spine after all! How literally cute.>

He licked his lips. <Here's a bit of news; Paragon's manager in Southern France just decided to sell a few of his gene-serfs to Red-Star, including two people with your same general build, the female a brunette and the male a blonde. Of course, given how your bonds with them have deteriorated over the years, this won't be enough to get you to give your mech over to me unhesitatingly. But it's enough to hurt, right?>

A smirk. <I can show you the torments I can put them through once their slave transport arrives in Red-Star territory. Would you like them to make you a few siblings in the breeding camps?>

The smirk widened.

Isaac clenched his teeth, every bit of his mind screaming at him to run but with nowhere to run to. Bad enough that this guy was invasive, he knew way too much. How far into his head could Osamu see? At least he seemed a bit overzealous with his taunting. Isaac still had an edge. If you could call it that, he still wasn't sure what the conditions were to "win" this little mental match.

<You overplayed your hand, you flirty runt. I have no reason to trust a word you say. I'm not giving you a damn thing, let alone control of my Algernon.>

He let himself focus on his earlier panic, despite some hesitancy on his part. Not enough to completely lose himself in some primal, animalistic emotion, but enough to rail his consciousness against the intruder in an attempt to run, if only metaphorically.

Osamu laughed within Isaac's head, <All right, you got me; I haven't bought your parents yet. But I can do so in just a few seconds; I know their identities, I know their employer, and I have Red-Star's money.>

A vision came to Isaac, of Osamu in his cabin at the Red-Star Supercarrier that formed the enemy fleet's flagship. Everything that can be of military use, including documents, was blurred to Isaac's mental vision, but the screen of Osamu's communicator was perfectly clear. Osamu was now typing the name of the Paragon Aristocrat-Manager who owned Isaac's parents, preparing to send a call...

<Not convincing enough for you?>

Isaac stared coldly ahead, clutching his now-useless controls with determined furor. Was this some fabrication? Could he actually do it? He needed a way to momentarily placate Osamu. Giving up control was an obvious no, as there was a good likelihood he'd just end up in those very same slave pits himself.

<You're not a very convincing man. You'll do what you want regardless of how I act, giving in would just get me killed - or worse. Besides, you can't do anything to my parents if I kill you first.>

He needed some way to make that more than an empty threat. It didn't seem like he was winning, but he had no other choice. Like a rat, he had to scurry away and hope for the best, or he'd be eaten. Osamu seemed pretty secure for the time being, if he had even given away his real location. Could he just disconnect from his NC? No, that might just let Osamu take control easier, not to mention leave him stranded in a warzone.

Another set of laughs. <You can't kill me first,> Osamu said, although Isaac can detect a twinge of doubt. <And I actually have an alternative proposal - Keep your Mech, but shoot one of your comrades - Alexei, the Southshell Twink looks good, just as good as you do - at the right moment to get him captured. Then pretend I was controlling your NC the moment you did so you can keep yourself away from a court-martial for betrayal. Isn't that a bargain?>

Osamu was now typing numbers into his communicator, slowly and tauntingly. The numbers were of the Paragon transhuman aristocrat who owned his family. He was about to push the 'send' button...

Isaac cringed, he hoped he wouldn't have to see Alexei much after this, that nickname was going to stick with him, he could feel it. Although, there was an obvious solution to that; take out Alexei. Isaac tried to keep his thoughts simple and focused on Osamu's bargain - too much rumination could be damning with this guy poking around in his head. The Red Star pilot sounded like he dropped his guard for a second, so this might be the best deal he was going to get.

<Sounds reasonable, actually. You know psychologists say positive reinforcement is more effective than threats, food for thought.> He tried to keep his thought-"voice" casual enough. <Now piss off and you'll get your-> Ew, there's that nickname again, he knew it was going to stick, <Southshell twink...>

A smile. <Thank you,> Osamu said, <I will give you back control of your NC now. But remember, I have your parents' employer on speed-dial...>

Issac might feel his controls returning to him; his Mech was his' once more - for now.

@Andre Valias@AzenExile@FalloutJack@Landaus Five-One@Metatrooper@Scribe of Thoth@Stern Algorithm@Sgt Vandingo@Selvariabell@Bartimaeus@Senhara:
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Metatrooper
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Metatrooper Capturing a command post for the Republic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cody Ang

The man couldn't see it but Cody had a look of disgust on his face. Seeing one of his teammates quite intoxicated before battle didn't bode well with him. It didn't help that a few seconds later, he received a message that was calling all pilots to battle. He made an audible sigh as he thought:

Guess my breakfast will have to wait...

As Cody arrived at the hangar, he quickly located his NC and climbed up a nearby ladder to board the cockpit. After he jumped in, the canopy closed down on him and sealed itself, while the NC began activating its various systems for use. The HUD of the cockpit then flared to life as it showed the status of his NC:

Mind Sync - 100%
Cockpit - 100%
Weapons - 100%
Reactor - 97%
Engines - 95%
Sensors - 100%
Shields - 100%
Hydraulics - 100%

As the Halberd performed final preparations, he could see his squamates already moving out. Although his NC wasn't as sleek or as fast as any of the others, it would give the Red-star forces an experience that they would never forget.


Cody surveyed the battlefield, confirming that the placements and locations coincided with the plans. He began sending the plans to the rest of his squad through his secure link to make sure that all of them knew what the plan was.
As the first wave of Red-star NCs entered his line of sight, he primed his mass driver cannons for use. The feet of the Halberd then deployed hydraulic outriggers, designed to improve the stability of the mech, which then slam into the ground, anchoring it. The cannons then started following their newfound targets with their barrels. After Cody manages to get a secure lock on two NCs, one cannon suddenly fires, sending an armor-piercing round straight at the NC. The NC's torso was completely pierced as it fell limp, parts of it strewn all across the ground from the impact. A few seconds after the first cannon fired, the second followed, with the other NC following the same fate as the first.

After eliminating the two, he prepared to lock on to the next targets. Before he could do so, he then received two messages from the squad's comms. The first was from their team leader, Zahra, which said that there were cloaked hostiles present. The second message however, worried him more. It was from one of his teammates, he didn't know his name but he sounded like he was French. After listening, Cody immediately connected the dots and deduced that he was being taken over by Akiyama, the Red-star pilot he had heard about during the briefing. He immediately switched to a secure comm channel with the rest of his squad, all of them except for the one who was being taken over, and sent a message. He had a sense of urgency in his voice, it was calm yet still possessed a sense of worry and stress.

Cody: One of our squadmates' NCs is being taken over by Akiyama. I'm having my guns trained on him now, just give the word and I'll take him out of the fight non-lethally.

As he spoke he traced the source of the message and found the man's NC. He began aiming the mass driver cannons at him, specifically targeting his arms and legs.

Cody: Make up your minds quick. There's no telling how long we still have before he does turn.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Andre Valias
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Andre Valias Local Lizard Wizard

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Alexei had just smiled at Zahra's comments on the 'defeatist' nature of his caution.
"We have to be prepared for anything, madame. Nobody likes the idea of being prepared to cut off their arm if a wound becomes infected, but sometimes that's just the reality." Alexei remarked. At that moment, another had come into their midst announcing herself rambunctiously as Marianne Trudeau, or 'maman'-- Mother. Playing mother to the squad wasn't something Alexei could accomplish, but from his minute of experiencing this lady, he was sure she might at least make a name for herself.

And that name would be 'battle mom', probably.

Alexei finished his mocha and snacked on a biscuit bar he had been saving. At that moment, Joey looked at his watch and announced for them to be ready. Soon after, the General Commander sounded off on their communication devices, and Alexei checked his comms as he stood up and put his helmet under his arm. He slipped through the coffeehouse and out into the corridors, heading on his way to the hangar while listening to Narra's briefing. He also announced that Zahra would be squad leader, and Alexei smirked. Watch over us.

Alexei got to the hangar, which was bustling with mechanics. The chief mechanic popped up on comms to tell them their mechs were ready, and Narra commented on this being done during their socialising. Alexei smiled, happy to know Vectis was plenty combat-ready. He finally donned his helmet, clipping it to his suit and then jumped onto the pilot bar that retracted, lifting him up to Vectis' cockpit. As the hatch sealed shut behind him and Alexei fell into his seat, his neural network interfaced with Vectis'. In his head, Alexei recited the mantra of d'Vexille in their mother tongue.

For the honour of all who came before us...

Vectis' systems began to light up, interfaces and visuals coming online. He then motioned Vectis to move, following Zahra's lead. The squad assembled at their assigned positions, and there from their vantage they watched the kinetic barriers in the distance. Alexei readied Vectis and Impetus on primary fire, and as the initial assault braced the kinetic shields, he opened fire alongside his comrades on the intruders. Lining up each shot in succession and pulling the trigger. One by one, Vectis shot gunship after gunship down. He was thankful that Narra said nothing of conventional forces. He continued his marksman rhythm, following the cue of Vectis each time Impetus charged up to full power for each shot. When the 2nd wave started to breach, he took to the streets with Vectis toward the front lines.

As Vectis then stepped out into the street, Alexei knelt down behind his shield as an explosive tank shell blasted against him, pushing him back several metres. He grunted, just at the force alone, but Vectis was unharmed.
"Contact! Vectis, engaging hostiles at Charlie!" He announced on comms, and returned fire with Impetus' secondary mode at the Red Star forces. They were conventional tanks and transport vehicles, scrambling to engage the NC properly with anti-armour weaponry amidst explosive suppressing fire. Alexei then leapt with boosted thrusters, rifle and shield holstered onto his NC as it transformed quickly into quadrupedal form.

Vectis bounded from the street and then off a building, strafing the slow-reloading tank shots with ease. After all, how could turtles hope to outplay the wolf? Vectis closed the distance with only its next leap, thrusters letting it drift as its wing blades powered up and assault guns fired. The tanks had no good options. They were either blasted away by the assault guns, or sliced in half by sheer heat. The small battalion lost their armour and their transport, and were reduced to fighting on foot. But Alexei considered them crippled enough to leave alone.

Even though ground troops could certainly use anti-NC weaponry to hurt him, Alexei had calibrated Vectis well enough to strafe even swarms of missiles, and then let the point defense deal with the rest, or at least the most dangerous projectiles. He would rather the threat of damage than vaporising foot soldiers. It never sat right with him.

Zahra then announced the presence of a cloaker when the 3rd wave breached the barriers, and Alexei followed her cue. He input values for Vectis' to output to the feet thrusters a small amount of power to propel dirt into the air with. Isaac came up on comms soon after as one of the machines-- Sahaquiel, engaged the enemy forces ahead of Alexei. He asked for real-time linking of the squads mapping systems, and Alexei was more than happy to oblige.
"I'm counting on you, monsieur LaBelle! Show the enemy some of that precision marksmanship that only brave lions of France would know!" Alexei positively reinforced on comms, his voice warm with comradery. He then continued his way deep into the battlefield near the shields.

Alexei pressed on well past Charlie, disabling tanks and transports as he came upon them. At one point on the prowl, a gunship squadron engaged him, so Alexei kicked up a smokescreen of dust as he transformed Vectis back into bipedal form, and took aim into the sky. As the gunships fired aimlessly into the dust, a stray shot or two clipping Vectis' armour and sending stings of pain through Alexei, which he ignored to focus on his shots. Before long, the gunships were spiralling out of the air and colliding with the buildings.

When he was satisfied there were no other outlines in the cloud, Alexei breathed a sigh of relief for the moment of respite. Then there was an odd occurrence on the comms. He heard the familiar voice of monsieur LaBelle, and immediately Alexei feared for the worst.
That's not good... He's supposed to be our long ranged support. Alexei thought, immediately thinking of how he expected to be taken over but had forgotten about it in the midst of combat. He didn't realise Akiyama's reach extended so far. With nothing else to do but take LaBelle's advice, Alexei became wary of the coordinated linking and desynced the intel feed toward LaBelle, hoping it would work. He then continued as one of the other pilots spoke on comms about training his weapons on LaBelle. Alexei gritted his teeth and cursed silently, as keeping close to cover just made Vectis less manoeuvrable.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Hisako L. Kobayashi
Terra Laedo

Hisako got a shock of her life, which was when ace pilot of Red-Star flew over her NC. She moved her NC in time before it got hit by Plasma Shots and Grenade. Her entire being is the GSS, which she wouldn’t be happy if her NC got damaged by anyone. In her mind, which was a bit happy to see Id and in question Terra that is its pilot. However, why was it on the enemy’s side none of her superiors told her of Terra’s defection. She was pretty much in the dark most of the time, which was a terrible thing in her mind. The conflicted nature of her mostly because of what Terra said confused her to no end, however, Red-Star was definitely strict on policies. She did imagine Terra and her doing things together.

”T-Terra.. I missed you. W-Why are you fighting for the Havenities? I couldn’t imagine being without you…”

She did have a pounding headache mostly because of the conflict in her to serve Red-Star Corporation to the best of her abilities or to make Terra happy. One of her hands got off of the controls and put it on her head because of the headache. However, the PSA system activated and recalculated her chances of survival, which was much higher than it was. Hisako was in utter shock, which what was the GSS showing her. She loved this machine and didn’t want it to get damaged at all and has a bit of a temperance issue with people messing with it.

This was working out rather well, maybe more-so than expected. Terra had correctly guessed at Hisako’s feelings, that she wanted to be with her This was fortunate, but she wasn’t going to get cocky. Her goal was to defeat Grand Sword Star by any means possible. And while Narra might’ve wanted the NC pilots alive, there was more advantage in eliminating a liability than there was in keeping one. However, it did seem like this one in particular might be swayed, if she got her to see things differently. Hisako was a slave, fanatical and supremely-attached to what little she had. She saw GSS as a gift from Red-Star, when it was just a tool, like she was. Perhaps if this was used to their advantage, she would become less of a tool, though. Terra pressed forwards in her endeavour.

"I had to… They never would have let us even try to be together. You know how it is. Red-Star tells you how to live and where to go and what to do. But what happens when you want something...or someone...and you can’t have it, no matter what you do to please them? They’ve treated me well at Haven… I know you don’t approve, but I also know that some part of you wants and begs for more than what you have."

She waited to see what Hisako would say, giving her an idea of how things were, but not pushing and prodding her too far. Terra knew better. If you made offers too quickly to someone so-pledged to Red-Star, they might balk at it without a second thought. That was why this was all in effort to try and make her think.

Hisako moved her hand back on the controls and moved the GSS in a different stance from a straight up hostile one. The only reason for this because she felt safe around Terra, even though she was on the opposite side. She had a massive headache from the confusion in her mind, however, she listened to Terra’s voice. The constant reinforcement of punishment in terms of the shock collar around her arm definitely didn’t help and she deeply sighed. She couldn’t help but feel the words coming out of Terra’s mouth was correct but something deep down inside of her was still highly loyal towards Red-Star Corporation.

”T-That’s true, Red-Star only want us to mate with males anyway. I-I get shocked constantly by a collar around my left arm. It hurts… The Havenities treat people good? W-What… I heard they horribly butcher their own civilians like cattle? I do not approve b-but w-what should I do Terra?”

The collar around her arm activates and shocks her at a bit higher voltage than normal, which makes cry out in pain by the collar in question. She cries in tears over the comms, because her entire body hates being shocked like this. Hisako couldn’t stop crying over what was happening to her, which was her mind slowly breaking at the pain of being punished and talking to Terra. It was like someone turned up the voltage on Hisako’s shock collar, just in case an event of her trying to turn on Red-Star happened.

She seemed confused, to Terra, which was both good and bad. It was good because she didn’t know what to think, but bad because confusion can lead to random and unhelpful reactions. The real issue, however, was that shock-collar. Or bracelet. Whatever you wanted to call it. The point is that that was a device they put on her to ensure compliance, even if she wanted to do otherwise. Terra wanted to clear up the confusion, but that very thing now decided to interfere. Someone was either monitoring them or was just suspicious by the lack of activity between them. How ironic that Red-Star was actually helping her with her case. At this rate, she would have Hisako as a member of the Red-Star Defector Club by sundown. So, Terra dropped the imploring voice and spoke clearly to the other pilot, getting her to pay attention.

”Listen carefully to me, Hisako. Set your radio transmitter to a heavy white noise feedback, all broadcasting channels. Then, open a direct communication line between us by wire. Then, they won’t be able to shock you and we can talk.”

Direct communication wires were a simple private communication wire to be used during radio silence to coordinate actions or if there was jamming. It was simple, effective, and came standard. Terra had thought about this one in case Red-Star tried any of that with her.

Hisako was crying in pain, which didn’t help her at all. The instructions, which Terra told her did get through even though she was teary eyed as she moved her hand and turned the radio transmitter to a heavy white noise feedback on all broadcast channels. When she did do that, the shock collar around her arm shut off and allowed her to concentrate a bit more easier. She opened a direct communication line between Terra and her via wire. The tears in her eyes couldn’t stop from the outright shock of not feeling the shock collar activate, it had always had before. She sighed in relief for finally being free of that tool of abject terror and obedience.

”T-Thank you Terra… This feeling I haven’t felt in a long time. The entirety of it always being afraid of being shocked into obedience and allowing all the things done to me terrifies me every single time. I have constant nightmares of what they’ve done to me.”

Hisako was speaking truthfully for the first time in ages, which is a shocker for her. She always lied but she could feel like she should be truthful towards Terra. The entire thing act, which she had to keep up so her masters wouldn’t shock her that would fry her brain or worse. In terms of when the other corporations tried to get her to join them, which ended up a disaster for the enemies of Red-Star. She captured at least about three NCs, which had female pilots in them, however she was forced on the battlefield to Haven afterwards. The only thing she could think, the Red-Star Corporation was great at one single thing the torture of their pilots. She cried at the fact she had to do awful things to those three pilots to show her undying loyalty to Red-Star. The Sadistic nature of hers is more of a mask, which is hiding a scared child who didn’t love her own parents.

Though it sounded hard-going, at first, Hisako managed to put up the white noise broadcast and connect via wire to communicate. She sounded greatly relieved, rather than on-edge from the forced compliance that they inflicted upon her. This was good, though...consequently Terra was unaware of Kxeyun’s situation in Sahaquiel during the two-on-one conflict. That would be for later, unfortunately. For now, she would be working on getting Hisako’s cooperation. She wasn’t sure how this would turn out, but this was the sort of thing Narra wanted of her. With the immediate threat handled, Terra began to speak frankly with her now.

”You won’t have to feel that pain anymore if you side with Haven. Do you want to know what my day has been, so far? Right after briefing, the commander wanted us to simply get to know each other. Breakfast, normal conversation, no threats or consequences… You get to be an equal among others, treated well. They’re not butchering people, Hisako. That might be happening at the Denver-Vegas Reality Games, but not here. I met someone from there and she’s relieved to know end to be accepted as a person, not just a pilot.”

Terra glanced at the time, noting that she’d been fairly inactive for a few minutes while events were going on. Had to get this finished quick, so she could make sure the others weren’t getting overwhelmed. There’d been something on fire that she’d noticed, coming out here.

”I don’t have much time, so listen… Is there any way short of breaking off that collar with force to get you out of that permanently? I’d like you to help me, though if it won’t come off, the transmission block has to stay up until it can, and that will make things difficult. Whatever the case, I need to know: Will you come with me?”

Hisako had a mental shock in her system, which was pretty much at the touching moments Terra had in Darwin. In terms of mixing up Denver-Vegas with Haven was bad idea. She sighed about that, which was mostly because she never really knew what was going on with the other corporations. Her mind was racked with guilt in trying to freak out the Havenite pilot, which she targeted in terms of the repair & salvage NC. These people are nice much nicer than her superiors, which is another thing.

”T-That sounds like a day, I would love to have… No threat of death, or breeding sounds like an insanely fun time. I have to say I am sorry for trying to freak out the pilot of the yellow NC. Denver-Vegas Reality Games are definitely dangerous… I watch them when I am allowed time off but I usually get shocked every now and then to not enjoy it. Because Red-Star is no fun allowed.”

Hisako looked directly at the shock collar on her arm and couldn’t help but cry a bit. They reinforced the Shock Collar to not be taken off by her at the very least. It has to be done by someone else. She cries dreadfully much at that.

”I-I can’t take off the collar, it’s designed in a way if I try I will be shocked and it’ll signal the people who put it on me. And they will order for the destruction of my NC and me inside of it by the Overlord Tank battalions or really anything really. Who’s primarily wholly for the Red-Star Corporation in terms of the Comrade grade citizens. B-But I will come with you and free myself from the horribleness that is Red-Star Corporation, I hope one of the Havenities can take this off of me before it reactivates. Red-Star Corporation killed my awful parents b-but I didn’t truly want that...”

Her voice was strained by the realization of the entire futility of trying to forcing it off. She couldn’t help but cry, the monitoring behavior of her superiors did drive her a bit nuts. No privacy, no safety, no nothing and she wanted something like that she believed in her heart she could atone but as long as she wore the collar she could never atone. She moved her GSS in a way to not show anything is wrong with the pilot for the Red-Star observers, if they were watching that is.

Yes, of course they put a security device on it. This blanket transmission-block was saving her from the shocks and saving her life, but without some experienced help on this matter - tantamount to defusing a bomb - they weren’t getting Hisako free, just yet. That fact really distressed her. You could hear it over comms. Terra didn’t want to hear this, but she had to. It meant that once the collar was off, Hisako would probably be grateful and willingly side with them of her own volition. That essentially meant a success. Now, they had to get through this battle.

”Everything is going to be alright. I’ll need to disconnect here for maneuvers and such because I need to get back to combat and check up a friend, the one forced into the bloodsport. Keep the jamming up and stick with me. We’ll be in an effective black-out, but they won’t attack you if you’re with me. Just watch my back and return with me to the base, and then we’ll get the collar off. It’ll be good to get to know you properly.”

This was slightly a test to make certain that Hisako wasn’t just really good at acting, but Terra felt that this was her being honest, with the way she was talking. She would disconnect the line soon after getting the other pilot’s confirmation and get moving to go find Sahaquiel. Terra didn't like the idea of having to do the rest of this fight without long-range communication, but needs must and all that. At least, now, they had another potential collaborator.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Collab Post between @Letter Bee and @Neozeon0083))

Flashback, Part One

The Red-Star Floating Supercarrier Kuei-Ren floated above the South China Sea, carrying with it both Drones and NCs, as well as living facilities for both 'Comrades' and 'Slave-Pilots'. Currently, there were more of the latter than the former, and Alexander Sky planned to take advantage of that in the Darwin Expedition. But first, he needed to seek an excuse to see Hibiki Laplace, the pilot he was concerned for the most. Thankfully, Red-Star wasn't entirely blind to the need for its pilots to know each other, and Alexander had given no indication that he was any less loyal after a public flogging and the loss of his parents. So as long as Osamu Akiyama, the Political Officer of the ship, allowed it, then he can go wherever he wanted.

It was a shame that he had to pander to that perverted young man's wishes to get said permission. Nevertheless, Alexander was heading towards where Hibiki was kept in the Supercarrier's miniature laboratory, with just the proper pretext in mind. Here was hoping his trip was uneventful.

Approaching the lab, Alexander hears a struggle. Follow by the cries of guards yelling, "Stop!". He could hear on the cold metal floor the slapping of flesh in a rhythm. Soon, a young man in hospital gown bounds around the hallway. The boy makes a sharp turn towards Alexander, then passes him soon after. Moments later, the guards arrive unsure of where he ran off to and consequently run off the wrong direction.

That was good; it seemed Hibiki still had some independence of spirit. Alexander can use this. And so he walked off to where Hibiki was running, knowing that the young man would soon be tired.

Alexander, upon pursuing Hibiki, hears a commotion coming from the mess hall. He enters the now rowdy room, the soldiers are producing a spectrum of reactions. Ranging from laughter, confusion, and interest. Alexander happens to eye the cook, and he gestures to the food storage.

The Slave-Pilot walks over to the food storage, figuring out what Hibiki was doing; hungry boys needed food. So he comes in, saying: "Hibiki-kun, are you inside? Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you."

Those were actually truthful words.

Hibiki, a bit startled, sees the man, but it's not the guards so he calms down. Then Turns back to the porthole, looking at the world go by. The boy stays silent, as he eats an apple. After finishing the apple, Hibiki turns to Alexander and with a big smile, "Hello, you know my name? Are you like me? How many painful experiments have they done to you?"

Alexander sits beside Hibiki and says, "I do, I am like you, and plenty. My name is Alexander Sky, fellow Slave-Pilot of Red-Star."

A pause as he checks the food storage for cameras and other surveillance equipment; none were pointed at his exact spot, thus emboldening him to say, "You know, the guards will come here eventually; they will catch you. But if you're with me, I can tell them that our Political Officer assigned me to be your mentor. Which I could be. So what do you say? Be my pupil and be allowed out of the lab for some hours each day?"

With an inquisitive head tilt Hibiki asks, "What's a slave?". He then readjusts his head and smiles again, " what you say does sound nice...but..." he trails off. Gaining some composure the boy continues, " I don't think my father would allow that, I'm... I'm never supposed to leave the labs, he says the outside will contaminate his work" he says smiling but with his eyes welling up.

Alexander says, "A Slave is a human who is owned by another human as property. That's who we are, Hibiki. As for your father, he is a Master, but there are people above him who can make him do what they want because they pay him and give him lab equipment to do experiments with."

A pause. "I'll go to their superior right now, one Political Officer Osamu Akiyama. I'll do whatever it takes to get you outside of your lab for a few hours. Will you come with me?"

The Pilot was earnest.

Hibiki jumps up into Alexander's face with a hopeful expression, but clearly seen in his eyes are surgical scars, Hibiki says, " You really can do that!". Hibiki is ecstatic and now uncomfortably close to Alexander. " Let's go tell them right now!" The boy tugs at Alexander's uniform gesturing him out the door.

The Pilot smiles at his fellow Corporate Slave, and goes out the window, where the cook and a circle of guards were waiting. Alexander waves them aside, saying, "I and this boy have business with the Political Officer; touch him and you will be punished."

This threat works and the guards part to allow Alexander and Hibiki to move across the ship, going through the corridors to where Osamu Akiyama waited in his office. The redhead, who looked only eighteen years old, smirked at Alexander, saying: "You requested to see me, Slave-Pilot Alexander. It's about the boy you have with you, correct?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Collab Post between @Letter Bee and @Neozeon0083))

Flashback, Part Two

Alexander nods, saying, "Osamu-sama, Mako Shintai has grown up and learned most of what I can learn, so I request another pupil to impart my experience too, for the good of Red-Star. I would also like to add that 'Serk Laplace', a gaijin who had managed to evade being enslaved so far and is even honored among us, is a person who has angered many with his arrogance. Thus, he needs to be reminded that he can't have everything he wants."

Osamu Akiyama nods at that, before saying archly, "Trying to aim for 'Comrade' Rank once more, Alexander Sky? Too bad that 'Serk Laplace' reminds me of my father, and I actually love my father - or his memory. So you'll have to make it worth my while to give you Hibiki-kun. Very worth my while."

Alexander forces a smile. "Tell me how I can please you, Master Osamu."

The Artificial Human grins, "Not in the presence of a sixteen-year-old; I only like people eighteen and above. Let's just say that you're putting on a show for me tonight. Deal?"

A nod from Alexander. "Deal."

Osamu smirked, grinning from ear to ear. "Now go; I'll send word to Serk that Osamu is to be given eight hours outside of the laboratory to play with you. But remember, keep up your end of the bargain, or else."

The Slave-Pilot bowed deeply, "Of course, Master."

And with that, he told Hibiki, "All right, Hibiki-kun; you now have eight hours with me. Why don't I find you some proper clothes?"

Hibiki, not understanding the undertones of the conversation, becomes very ecstatic.

It is at that time a heavy knock comes from the door and a voice rings into the room, "Hey, Osama, we have a problem". A portly man in a lab coat walks in, ignoring custom.

As the man enters, Hibiki shows clear signs of terror, as he attempts to hide behind Alexander.

"My work has gone missing, we ha..." The Scientist, clearly 'Serk Laplace' spots Hibiki, " Oh, there you are. That's enough play, time to come back to the lab".

Osamu looks at Serk, "Actually, my dear gaijin friend, the Red-Star Corporation wishes to remind you of who your superiors in the corporate ladder are. While I am personally fond of you, the fact is that you've been going around the ship thinking you can do whatever you want, even if it is above your pay grade."

A purse of his lips, "So effective today, we're training Hibiki ourselves every eight hours of every day. You will be compensated for this in new money and equipment. Refusal will bring punishment and you don't look attractive enough for the cool methods of teaching you your place."

He claps his hand, and several Red-Star guards in dress uniform come in, ready to take Serk in if he did anything more than bow and scrape and grovel.

Serk, looking around seeing the inclusion of more company, Gives a shit eating grin, "So that's how it is?". Osamu gives a gesture affirming the terms. "Hahahahah! Fine you can have the boy but ..." He puts his hands in his pockets. " I have one thing to say, Exodus 196 protocol 5" and he seemingly presses something in his pocket.

No sooner than that, Hibiki goes limp in a catatonic state.

Alexander curls his fists, turning rigid.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Collab Post between @Letter Bee and @Neozeon0083))

Flashback, Part Three

Osamu glares at Serk in fury, saying, "And now you've proven that you don't know your place. Too bad that without someone under-eighteen to see what I'm going to do to you, you have nothing between me and what I plan to do to you."

He smirks. "Guards, this man is fired from Red-Star. Seize and strip him, if you please."

The hardened soldiers move to do so, grabbing his lab coat, boots, and pants. Osamu decides to delay what will happen for one second, saying, "Your last chance, Serk."

"Hahaha, I've heard about you, and your little escapades. There are things I've endured far worse than anything you could do, and you can only kill me once" he looks at Hibiki's fallen body, "that is my lifes work, and you mean to corrupt it? I rather he die with me"

A grin that eats all the shit creeps across his face as he taunts, "Besides, if you care for that 'boy' you have bigger problems than me."

Osamu says, "Actually, I don't care for him at all, but now you've made it personal. No gaijin is allowed to regard himself as indespensible above Asians, no matter how many contingencies he puts into place. Thankfully, my own Father is a much better scientist than you'll ever be."

He concentrates on Hibiki's implants, knowing that their unique nature meant that he can do things with them that would need any other Pilot to be in their NC. The 'bio-computer' in Osamu Akiyama's brain sparks to life as he remotely interfaces with the young man's own nervous system. The synaptic link goes off without a hitch... Then his eyes open wide in shock and barely hidden pain, before his face twists into an unpleasant grimace.

But he stays silent, stoic; he had to put on an impressive show for the guards and Red-Star's higher-ups. Even as pain burns through his nerves, through his body, Osamu endured, powered by hate and anger. Then... He breaks through into Hibiki's head, reactivating the implants that had been turned off.

As he does so, however, he feels them adapting to his Bio-Computer's intrusion, being reshaped into something he hadn't expected; Osamu's eyes turned wide in shock as he felt Hibiki's brain and implants becoming completely immune to any further intrusion... But not this one.

The android bit down the urge to kill the brat himself, but upon looking at Alexander, decided to force the latter to show how much he cared for his prospective pupil.

"Alexander Sky," he said, "If you don't want me to kill Hibiki Laplace myself, you will strip right now and grovel before me."

The artificial human was only mildly surprised at how the Slave-Pilot quickly took off his clothes and underclothes, purposefully humiliating himself to please his master.

"Good," Osamu said, "I'll even make sure that he doesn't wake up instantly to see you like that, Alexander Sky."

He then gestured for the guards to take Serk away, but not without one last parting shot, "I'm going to corrupt your work and everything you did with my willpower alone. This is the price you pay for defying me."

Hibiki suddenly takes an exasperated breath.

Now subjugated by the gaurds, Serk sees the success and cries out," No...no no no no no, what have you done? You... You can't" Actual tears start to fall from the man's eyes, " This can't be, your destroying him, destroying me. You can! Stop stop!" His rambling continues.

"I am Osamu Akiyama, and others' tears only add to my happiness," the Artificial human said before turning to Alexander, looking his naked form over. "Stand up, then put on your clothes; you will show me more of your body later on, but not today. Today, you and your new 'apprentice' get to bond."

Like my own father and I never got to. Regret, guilt, and love for the father he never knew, love that was not artificially programmed in his brain because there hadn't been time to program it. As Alexander quickly put on his clothes again, Osamu allowed Hibiki to awake, before saying, "Now both of you - Go!"

Hibiki gets up, and asks, "what happened?".

While standing next to Hibiki, Alexander feels a squeezing sensation he would relate to Osamu, but Osamu is on the other side of the room. Looking down, he sees Hibiki's hand making a pass at his ass.

Hibiki, now noticing he had done such a thing, pulls his hand back and says, " Why did my hand do that? Why did I do that?" looking to Alexander.

Alexander wasn't stupid, even in this new humiliation. Instead he says, "I think I know why, but we shouldn't bother Osamu-sama any longer."

A smile. "Let's get you some new clothes now."

Hibiki smiles at his new friend and nods. Following Alexander, like a puppy given new life out of the room.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sgt Vandingo
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Sgt Vandingo Grammar Nazi

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Zahra Mazghuuri + Maria Leonora "Len" Trillanes + Marianne Solenn "Maman" Trudeau

(Done with permission from @Stern Algorithm.)
(Also a collaborative post between @Sgt Vandingo and @Selvariabell)

Moments before combat…

Zahra was momentarily surprised at Oh-Cee’s greeting, then further surprised when she learnt that she was Cassius’, the man who was drunk before the battle even began, AI. A well-spoken and polite AI, Oh-Cee made quite the first impression, almost a complete opposite of what Cassius gave. It now made sense how Cassius was still alive, despite his poor combat ethic and habits. He had his very own guardian angel, or something akin to one. Of course, that alone didn’t excuse Cassius’ behaviour, but, surface level inspection aside, Cassius did not appear to be as useless as some would be lead to believe. There was a spark of intelligence in him that he hid well with his intoxication, but Zahra could tell there was something indeed. Oh-Cee was proof of that. An AI that formal wouldn’t stick around with a drunkard. They’d ask for a transfer, or something like that. She’d have to keep an eye on them, for sure.

”Thank you for the warm greeting, Oh-Cee. We look forward to working with you as well. Good luck to you as well, and many thanks for saving us from Pilot Chaplain, we appreciate it immensely.” She responded, silently uttering a prayer of gratitude for not being forced to listen to the drunken mans ramblings or anything of the sort. That wouldn’t be good for morale, at all. Here’s hoping that would actually make a difference…

Moments after the first post done in regards to the Battle of Haven…

There are very few times in combat when a plan stays in-tact after first contact, and this was not one of those times. The squad of Haven pilots fell into disarray soon after First Contact was made, with a couple going off on their own, others firing before being instructed to do so. It was up to Zahra to pull them all back together, and form a cohesive battle formation to break the wave of Red Star forces. The drones she had sent up started building up their multi-dimensional map from their vantage point up high in the sky, finding targets then reporting them back to Zahra.

Isaac- the pilot in Algemon, the sniper, requested that all pilots link maps and sensors so that they had a better view of the battlefield, and Zahra quickly obliged, and sent her map to the rest of the squad as one of her observation drones was blown out of the sky by a well-placed shot by an enemy NC. Zahra, as calm as ever, reported the location of all of the NCs that she had spotted as the rest of her drones started jerking around in the sky to avoid any stray shots that came their way while still reporting enemy positions. She finally gave out her orders in the calming yet commanding tone she would be known for in the future, further cementing her role as the best choice for team leader. Commander Narra had chosen wisely indeed.

”There are several NC combatants on a collision course with us, and while I would rather we outnumber them and take them down by focused fire, I trust you to deal with the one you are after, Pilot Laeda.
Pilot Ang, LaBelle, Trillanes, please stay to the rear and provide covering fire where you see fit, stay sharp though, we still do not know where the cloaker went. There is another enemy NC around, however it doesn’t seem to have taken an interest in us just yet, please keep an eye on it and report anything it does. Take it out when you can, but only if there’s no other target.”

A moment passed, she waited for the squad to respond to her orders. Something else caught her attention, however. Her drones spotted the form of Phoenix Inferno seconds before it barrelled into Kxeyun, much too late for Zahra to yell a warning. She winced as the battle was well and truly joined, then sent the six drones that were building up the smokescreen to support her. Things were going to get bad fast, she thought to herself. Another contact appeared on her drones feed, far more alarming than Phoenix Inferno, since this contact was barreling right towards her. A gargantuan ursine-like NC, leaping from building to building, its target, Zahra’s own NC, Hisn-ul-Ghayma. She braced herself, holding out her axe in an attempt to skewer the enemy NC as it charged into her, but nevertheless was calm and collected when giving her follow-up orders.

”Pilot Amarati has been engaged, Pilot Ang, LaBelle, provide her cover as best as you can, Pilot Trillanes, make sure nothing gets closer to them more than it needs to. Pilot Chaplain, d’Vexille, Trudeau, back up Kxeyun as best you can, Pilot Laeda, let us know if you need support. I have a contact coming my way, but I can handle them. Pilot Steiner, stick with the group. You’re one of the most valuable to us, and the enemy are bound to focus you should they get the chance. Keep your head down, support us as best you can without exposing yourself.”

“Yes ma'am. They shall not pass!”, Len affirmed as her drones made a killzone, determined to keep the enemy at bay. Len's drones, while not as advanced as her commanding officer’s, are undeniably more disposable, and Len would not think twice to send some scout drones to make kamikaze runs should the killzone be overan.

Affirmatif, je suis sur le cas (Affirmative, I'm on the case).”, Maman meanwhile answered as her NC broke the speed of sound. As a fighter-type mech with hard light, it took awhile for the La Maman to launch. Fortunately, her top speed allowed her to respond and engage at a moment’s notice once airborne.

The bad news kept coming, though. Pilot Isaac sent a distressing messaging, informing everyone that he was being assaulted mentally, and to stay out of his sights until he had it under control. There was no doubt in Zahra’s mind, this was the doing of the nefarious Red Star Commander, Osamu Akiyama. She let out the rest of her drones, then sent half of them towards his location, and then kept the rest of them to open fire on the ursine-like NC as soon as it was in range of their coilguns.

”Negative, Pilot Ang. Keep any other enemies off of Pilot Amarati as best you can, firing into the combat is too risky. Pilot Trillanes, assist Pilot Ang to the best of your abilities. I will attempt to disable Pilot LaBelle.”

“Affirmative.”, Len replied as she tries to contain her disdain of Cody, particularly the fact he is ethnically Chinese.

Len's hatred for the Chinese stems back from her youth as she experienced Chinese oppression and atrocities firsthand. For her, the Chinese are nothing less than the spawn of Satan himself, godless barbarians hell-bent in destroying all of God's creations and erase Christian civilization.

Zahra's drones flew through the air at breakneck speed towards Algemon, and although small, he could most certainly make out their shapes coming towards him, coil-guns already spinning up.

Things were definitely going south, and fast.

Cassius/Oh-Cee + Maria Leonora "Len" Trillanes + Marianne Solenn "Maman" Trudeau

Oh-Cee, and by extension Cassius, shared Zahra’s feelings. Already almost half of their number were occupied in one way or another. One of them had leapt forward to meet an enemy NC while asking the group to “trust her”, another one was in the middle of a brawl with another NC, the cloaker was nowhere to seen, another ally ran forward to engage Red Star ground forces, and someone was already compromised by the Red Star commander. All in all, things could have definitely gone better.

But, they had their orders. Like good soldiers, they were going to follow them. Oh-Cee had already changed directions, shifting her focus from the pilot-less NC back to Sahaquiel, and started boosting her way towards her, albeit still quite the distance. Between them, was a proper battlefield too. More Red Star ground forces entered the fray with every passing second. Ahead, several jets screamed out of the carrier bays of one of the larger transports that had penetrated the barrier, and arced down towards the group, firing off missiles towards the largest clusters of Haven forces-, those being the ranged fire support at the back, as well as the small part of the squad that was heading towards Sahaquiel, Oh-Cee excluded. The missiles failed to hit their mark, but they got close. The ground thundered with the rippling explosions, and the jets screamed away as they began preparing for yet another pass.

Ahead of her, pulling into the road that Oh-Cee was running down, a large, quad-treaded battletank with two giant, menacing barrels drove into view, and started aiming down the ruined road, towards Oh-Cee. She barely managed to warn Cassius to jerk to the side as both of the barrels fired at once, both large shells passing beside Oh-Cee harmlessly, before impacting against a building close to Alexei. Luckily for Oh-Cee, it still hadn’t seen her, which she had to thank her jamming field for. Barely seconds after the shells had impacted the side of the building, steam and smoke stopped billowing out of the barrels, obviously it had finished reloading, and was going to fire once more.
Well, Oh-Cee couldn’t allow that, could she?

Unjamming right beside the massive Overlord, she could only imagine the crew’s surprise when she grabbed the right-most barrel, and yanked outwards to pull it off. Small arms fire from the coaxial mounted LMG pittered off of her armour, more an annoyance than an actual threat, to which she responded by pinching the small gun barrel, and silenced it. Inside the tank, she could hear the panicked crew argue back and forth about what to do in Chinese. They didn’t manage to come up with many ideas, however, as she placed her other hand underneath the right tread, and lifted the Overlord up onto its side. Soon, it went from panicked voices arguing about how to eliminate the enemy NC, to terrified voices forced to await their deaths.

Oh-Cee would oblige them.

Releasing her hold against the Overlord, but still forcing it on its side, she stepped back, and kicked at its underside as hard as she could. Her foot sunk in, easily piercing the (comparatively)thin underside armour of the tank, and she heard the wet, sickening crunch of bodies being crushed between two hard places, then the tank itself fell onto its top. The voices inside had stopped, either dead, or wounded enough to be put out of the fight for good, just like the tank.

Len smiled with delight as she witnessed Oh-Cee mercilessly kill the Overlord crew.

“That's right! Send those bastards to the hell where they came from! Deus Vult!”, Len cheered at Oh-Cee as the latter finish off the crew.

”This is Oh-Cee, moving to respond. The battle has now been well and truly joined, good luck everyone, again.” Oh-Cee allowed herself to respond to the group, then darted backwards once more as the jets finally made their next pass, this time firing off a pair of missiles towards her as well as the two targets they had fired and missed the first time around. She got a better look at them now, as they were closer, though she had seen them countless times before. This was just the most recent encounter she had with their sleek, dark black-red death-raining forms. Six missiles sat underneath their wings, though by now four had been used totally, allowing the jets to make only another one pass before they were forced to change to their miniguns. That wasn’t any better, of course. That would shred Oh-Cee if she was hit by a round or six, so she had to keep her distance. Didn’t help that she didn’t have anything that could deal with them very well. They were both too fast, and too far for her shotguns to reach them.

”I may need some help dealing with the hostile air before I can get to Pilot Amarati. Pilot Trudeau, d’Vexille, would you kindly?”

Maman t'a couvert, ma cherie (Mama has got you covered, my dear).” Maman responded as she changed her objective from supporting Kxeyun to dealing with the enemy air force.

She tracked her radar on the enemy fighters. La Maman's radar acquired multiple targets, and locked-on the closest seven fighters. She aimed her Rhongomyniad on the lead fighter, trimming her NC. She breathed slowly, inhaling, then held her breath for a moment as the target is squarely in her sights.

She pulled the trigger.

The Rhongomyniad fired a spiral beam of hard light traveling at the speed of light at her target.

Suffice to say, the lead plane was evaporated in a blink of an eye, probably unaware of what had struck him. Knowing the rigid command structure of the Red Star, it was safe to assume that the rest of the formation would stick to their last order.

Not letting the opportunity pass, she fired six air-to-air missiles, one per each fighter. True enough, the headless formation didn't even abandon their strafing run to make evasive maneuvers. The missiles made quick work of the fighters.

La Maman may have wiped out an enemy formation, but she was still a long way away from achieving air superiority, as the Red Star still had an overwhelming number of fighters over Darwin’s forces.

While momentarily surprised by the cold efficiency of Maman’s NC, Oh-Cee was jostled out of her state as a single round clipped her left shoulder and tore a chunk out of the top of it, though it still worked fine. Less than half a second later, she dashed to the side as yet more rounds chewed through the ground where she had been standing moments before. Behind her, two jet-like NCs transformed and landed on the ground, kicking up dust where they landed, and let loose with their dual-minigun arms, looking like something similar to a Viking from Starcraft. One went for Oh-Cee, whereas the other one made a beeline straight towards Vectis. Up above, more jets tore into the battlefield, and took up positions behind La Maman, preparing to engage her in an air-to-air battle.

Oh-Cee dashed behind a building in time to avoid the next spray of high velocity rounds, which tore chunks out of the building Oh-Cee was hiding behind. Cassius was tossed around in the interior, and his shoulder was already bruised from the hit Oh-Cee took, but nonetheless, he neither complained nor comment about how he should have seen or heard them earlier, especially since he had known they were there, thanks to Zahra’s drones.

”Jamming field still has a cooldown for three minutes, Pilot Cassius. What do you say we do?” Oh-Cee asked in Cassius’ private comms.
”Dunno darlin’, m’drunk an’ yer in m’ead. Y’know me better than’nyone.” He grunted in response, trying to bite his tongue to better deal with the pulsating pain in his shoulder.
”Mm. You are an annoyance, Pilot Cassius. Guess we run at them and hope they don’t hit us.”
”G’luck darlin’, and y’know y’love me for it.
”A humans concept of love requires admiration, attraction, devotion and respect. Conclusion: I am 75% in love.” And with that, Oh-Cee darted out from behind the building the moment the barrage of gunfire ended, then started boosting her way towards the enemy NC, shotguns already firing at it. The NC took the shots in stride, finished reloading, and opened up on Oh-Cee once more, forcing her to jerk from side to side along the road to avoid the rounds from absolutely trashing her chassis. Of course, she couldn’t avoid them all, and took several glancing hits to her body, legs and arms, each of which got a grunt out of Cassius.

All around the battlefield, situations like these were becoming more commonplace. Haven ground forces, while powerful in their own right, simply didn’t have the numbers against Red Star’s superior forces, and soon were pushed back through Darwin, slowly getting to the second battle-line, though they were bleeding Red Star for all they were worth. Soon the ranged support NCs were being fired upon by enemy tanks across the battlefield, finding that their cannons were just at good at targeting far away targets as they were close ones. The rounds themselves were deadly. A single blow from them would disable most NCs, and so far, their shots were getting closer and closer to actually hitting something important.

All the while, Zahra’s precious drones kept feeding the 1st Volunteer Division invaluable information, maintaining their three-dimensional map of the surrounding area, marking targets as they entered their field of vision. Said information was giving Haven perhaps it’s only edge against Red Star. They knew where almost every enemy was, though how they used that information, was up to the individual pilot.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Chelsea R. Steiner

Chelsea’s Darwin Defense

Chelsea couldn’t really think about anything as everything was happening too fast. However, she wasn’t really good at multitasking that many tasks, however, something came over the comms from Terra than her commanding officer, Zahra. The idea of sticking with the group is the much safer option than getting flanked by enemy pilots and being handed over to the Red-Star Corporation. ”O-Okay Zahra, I will join up with everyone else. Since this shit is getting scary.” Chelsea said, nervously over the Havenite comms. The Fixer started to move away from the building and towards her squad instead of being separated by Chelsea’s movement commands.

She tried to stay low as she was moving her NC, since it was definitely valuable to the combat, which because it can repair damage. ”I wonder what Terra meant by what she said of psychological warfare on the female pilot of the NC that tried to freak her out.” Chelsea thought to herself. The movement of the NC continued and she hoped not to be flanked by any Red-Star forces because she had to get to her allies in this battle as quickly as possible. However, she had hoped Terra had a good time in dealing with that specific NC and its pilot at least. Because one less Red-Star Pilot the better. However, she did hear over the comms that Isaac had been assaulted by Osamu in terms of a mental hijack type way. Since that was his ability in question on the battlefield and she gulped at that.

Chelsea couldn’t really handle that thought that was going into her head, which showed she had much more problems then just her family’s weaknesses. She did hope her allies could disable Isaac’s NC before he does anything harmful to one of the friendlies on the battlefield. The NC continued to move at its speed, even though she decided to leap towards her the group since she is the most valuable NC in this battle in a sense. ”I hope no one needs repairs.” Chelsea thought right now. However, she saw the massive NC, which is piloted by that one female pilot getting into combat with Red-Star Neural combatants, she gasped a bit at that. ”C-Crap… T-That sucks.” Chelsea thought not really feeling great at the sight of that NC getting attacked by probably one of the NC Pilots, which were in the briefing to capture. Her nerves were getting the better of her. It didn't help she landed pretty heavily came close of tipping the Fixer in her rush of activating the thrusters to do the leap. However, she barely made it that was at least good.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Neozeon0083
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

((Post between @Letter Bee and @Neozeon0083))

Flashback, Flight to Darwin

While Osamu was sleeping in his fluffy feather bed, his perception shifted. Before his eyes is a disgustingly white room, and bright halogen lights shining on his face. Osamu attempts to command his body to move. However, he was meet with no response. The will is his own, but the control isn't. The restrained body started to flinch, as if anticipating something. Soon he hears Serk's voice, " well, I guess it's time to take a look inside". A menacing drill comes into Osamu's veiw, as it inches closer to his eye.

I should not have saved that brat, Osamu thinks to himself as he finds himself unable to do anything but watch...

A gruesome sound emanates from the drill, as a thin and fine drill bit makes It's rapid rotations. The bit soon makes it's way through the eye. The viscera starts to splatter around. A phantom pain hits Osamu while the process continues. Like a tingling of his nerves, but not pleasure but pain.

Osamu finds himself suddenly in a new position, in the same room. This time he gets a clear veiw of the inhumane tools being used. When the body allowed him to see the torso, it was splayed open with surgical tools and a plethora of implants being hooked up. Going from machine to flesh.

The young man was disgusted by this, and even more disgusted by the fact that it showed he had standards. He felt like he was about to vomit, and he hated to admit it... But Hibiki seemed to have suffered enough; probably best to spare his life after this.

Standing beside Osamu is what seems to be a specter of Hibiki. The specter asks, " Oh, Osamu sama, is that you? You have never been in my dreams before. What do you think of my precious family memories with my dad?" As he says this, the father continues with pumps, suction and other mechanical noises mix with the sounds of squishy bits moving and sloshing.

Osamu replies rudely, "I don't like it. And I am glad I punished Serk. Note that this doesn't mean I am going to treat you any better; I'll just avoid breaking you."

A flicker of doubt at that.

Osamu once again finds himself in a different position, however, he is looking straight down at a blood stained floor, and a puddle of water right below his face. The specter then comments," Oh, I remember this! It's the first time dad put in the hard line for the Akuma system. I remember crying a lot then..." The sounds of drills and other mechanical sounds burst out as Osamu is bit with a wave of pain emanating from his back. He sees tears fall from his face pooling at the ground.

The Artificial Human nods. "Am I supposed to feel pity for you because of your own father issues? Because like it or not, I am not easily inclined to compassion."

A face flashes into Osamu's mind; an old Japanese Man, his wrinkled face twisted by vengance, yet also capable of relaxing to show affection. His father, Suichiro Akiyama.

Osamu finds that he has control over his actions again and is facing his father in a formless room. The specter replies to Osamu, " pity? No I just wanted to show you the good times I had with my father, although I didn't like the pain much. Who's that?" Referring to Osamu's father.

The curt response was, "My own father. He was a better person than yours'."

The specter then says," How? Did he not give you pain? Did he let you see your mother? Did he let you see outside?" While the specter says this, Suichiro slowly turns and walks away from Osamu.

A faint smile, "All three, and I had no mother; I was created in a tank."

Osamu then runs after Suichiro, saying, "Oto-san, wait!"

As Osamu moves forward, in an attempted to reach his maker, however he dosdoes seem to be gaining ground. Suichiro's figure gradually moves farther an farther away. Soon, the man is out of sight. The room darkens to a depressing gray, as a familiar voice calls from behind him. "Do you want this body Osamu?" The familiar man's voice calls.

Osamu turns around, hoping that it was Alexander.

What is revealed to him was a naked Alexander and Mako, both embracing each other. Alexander taunting Osamu in a seductive manner says, " You want to join in don't you?" In an equal tone Mako continues, " Too bad all you can seem to do is push people away, what a lonely existence."

As they draw even closer, Osamu says, "I don't need to be nice to get people! I can just take whatever I want, including you!"

He grabs at them, only to find his hands grasping empty air. "Oh, is that how this mental game plays? Well I have some news for you - This is not how reality works! When your father is murdered and you can't do anything about it, when the Corporation that did this provides you your only chance at life, all that remains is to take what you can and indulge yourself! Red-Star took away the only person who can love me as I am and I'm supposed to feel greatful to them!"

The artificial human stands his ground, even as he realized how treasonous his thoughts are. "But I'm not defecting, I'm not betraying, and I most definitely will not accept that our enemies are right! My father... He just wanted a free Japan yet he was punished for it, punished by a world that didn't want it!"

The pair start laughing at him, as they rapidly fade away. Then Hibiki, no not Hibiki, a vile simulacrum of him wispers by Osamu's ear, " Face it, you have no true power. All you can do is destroy." When Osamu looks to challenge the figure he sees a grotesque figure. The figure with it's malformation and twisting, jagged grin says, " But you know how to take power, so take it ...take it... TAKE IT!" The entirety sceams this a few more times before Osamu wakes up in his bed.

Osamu catapults out of his bed, the blanket slipping from his upper body. He shakes it off and puts on a set of clothes, before pondering whether to kill Hibiki once more. The young man sighed as he decided that that'd only hint at weakness. That... And he grudgingly admitted he didn't actually want the boy dead. Another weakness, but easier to hide. So he called an aide to discreetly ask, "What is the status of Hibiki Laplace's sleeping quarters? Does he still sleep in the laboratory?"

If the answer was yes, Osamu would say, "Please transfer him to somewhere more comfortable, with decent nightwear; he's going to need to survive till eighteen. Also, get him some pills for nightmares; use the expensive ones that have no side effects - The Executive Pills."

The young man was repulsed by himself doing something actually kind for once. But he had to admit; for the first time in his life, he wanted someone to stop hurting.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AzenExile
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AzenExile A Writer

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"For God, Fatherland and the King
Our forefathers fought.
For God, Fatherland and the King,
We will fight as well!"

The first lyrics of the Carlist Anthem, March of Oriamendi
Right now, the Carlists serve Queen Encarnación Mariano, one of the very few European nobles who left Spain to lead Spanish restorationist forces as well as inspire other Europeans who want to restore it to what it was before the corporations took over.

"que los boinas rojas entren en Madrid!"

The Red Berets (Carlists) shall conquer Madrid!

"¡La bandera de nuestros padres será nuestra bandera también!"

The flag of our fathers shall be our flag too!


"Formaré junto a mis compañeros
que hacen guardia sobre los luceros
Volverán banderas victoriosas
al paso alegre de la paz

¡España una!
¡España grande!
¡España libre!
¡Arriba España!"

Some lyrics of the Spanish Nationalist hymn, Cara al Sol.

Sung by most of the Spanish forces loyal to Queen Mariano.

The flag of the Nationalists of before shall be ours too!



(Lyrics changed for this RP)
"Crimson storms are agitating the winds
Dark clouds will not allow us to see
Though pain and death may await us
Against the enemy by duty we are called.

The most precious good is liberty
And it must defended with faith and courage

Raise the flags of our restoration
Which from triumph unceasingly bears us high
Raise the flags of our restoration
Which from triumph unceasingly bears us high

Spaniard, on your feet. To battle!
The Red Star scum must be defeated!

To the barricades, to the barricades!
For the Triumph of Haven and Spain!
To the barricades, to the barricades!
For the Triumph of Haven and Spain!

Victory for the people
Glory for the country
And independence for all
Restoring Europe to her former beauty

With our most desired goal
Being the end of this corruption

Follow the Queen, you Spanish people
And bring her back to the throne of Madrid!
Follow the Queen, you Spanish people
And bring her back to the throne of Madrid!

Nationalists and Socialists, unite and form the battle lines!
For the corporations of this world must die as Cain did.

To the battle, to the battle!
For the triumph of our Queen!
To the battle, to the battle!
For the triumph of our Queen!

"For God, Fatherland and the Queen
Our forefathers fought.
For God, Fatherland and the Queen,
We will fight as well.

We shall fight, all together,
All together in union
Defending the banner
Of Sacred Tradition.(repeat)

At whatever cost,
Acquired it must be -
Return the Queen of Spain
To the court of Madrid. (repeat)

For God, Fatherland and the Queen
Our forefathers fought.
For God, Fatherland and the Queen
We will fight as well.

"Long live Spain! Raise your arms, children
of the Spanish People, which rebirths anew!

Glory to the Fatherland that knew how to follow,
over the Ocean blue, the course of the setting sun.

Triumph, Spain! The yokes and the arrows and the cross
sing to the rhythm of the anthem of faith.

Let's march and return to our homeland with them
For the restoration of the throne with freedom and sovereignty!

Long live Spain! Raise your arms, children
of the Spanish People, which rebirths anew!

Glory to the Fatherland that knew how to follow,
over the Ocean blue, the course of the setting sun.


Communists, Socialists, Anarchists, Democrats, Monarchists, Nationalists and Traditionalists. Loyal to the Queen and to the memory of Spain before the apocalypse and the war now, all stand together, strong and united. There is no such thing as a Corporate Spain in their eyes. Greed is not worthy of recognition. Therefore, the only thing that will ever be recognized is a Spain restored. Not by corporate beasts but by true men and women. For power is greater than money.
The whole spirit of the country rolls with fury and vengeance against those who dare keep Spain and all of Europe under the tyranny and employment of those who rule hell through profits. They shall not pass.
We will never allow them too.

Queen Encarnación Mariano

(flag made by TheMaster64 from Reddit)
"Plus ultra"
("Further beyond")


"España restaurada, Europa liberada y Haven fuerte."
("Spain restored, Europe freed and Haven strong")


Encarnación Mariano shut the hatch as she spoke to the AI preparing the tank for battle. Screens came alive, the radio turned on, cameras started to record the surroundings and air conditioning and other vital and non vital equipment in her fighting compartment were activated. The AI heard her "sister" say

"Covenant, make ready armor piercing ammunition and I want a full check on the engine, transmission, armor, turret and other weapons."

"Very well, Ma'am. Loading armor piercing ammunition. Scanning status of all selected modules. Please stand by." A beat passed as one of the monitors started showing the tank being studied by the AI on board. The queen of the Spanish exiles here in Australia was securing herself to her seat as the gunner and commander of this vehicle. Her AI would serve as the driver and loader. Meanwhile, as the scans were performed and Encarnación could start seeing the maintenance crews finishing their work on the gigantic fighting machine, the AI spoke

"Ma'am, all modules are excellent. We are fit for combat and ammunition stores are secure. We have enough ammunition to fight this battle with care."

"All right. No problem at all, are you sure?" The queen of Spain asked. She turned to see the holographic figure of her AI "sister". Like Encarnación, she seemed dressed for battle. While the Spanish lady wore a suit, the other one wore a tankers uniform and helmet. The reply to her inquiry was "We are going to be a little late to the battle. Things are already proceeding. The reason why we are late is due to the maintenance checks and the loading of additional ammunition as well as the removal of several non vital equipment to make way for the said ammunition. Ma'am, is there anything else you'd like me to do before we begin the fight?"

The queen reflected on that, recalling the events in the coffee shop. She shook her head, not wanting to think about it and waste time. She told her AI "No, let us go. They need us now. Let's move out of here as quickly as we can. What about fuel by the way?"

"Fuel has been fully restored by our maintenance crews. Ma'am, shall I make contact with the other forces under your control?"

"No. Allow Chano, Hernan, Aldonza and Consolacion to take the initiative. They are vital to their men as their men are vital to them. Our forces shall help the Havenites fight off those greedy monsters from Red Star. Remind them simply that if we are winning this battle, they must counter attack."

"Very well, Ma'am. Your instructions have been sent."

"Thank you, Covenant." She said as the AI disappeared to take care of the tank. At the same time, Encarnación said "Engage it!"

And quickly as she said it, machinery started to cover the queens arms, legs and head. Armor started to wrap around her chest and stomach. The queen started to see a HUD as well as feel the tank itself. It was as if she was the tank. Together with the AI, who showed up again on her HUD, she started to engage the engine.

As crews left their places on or near the tank, Encarnación made the titanic engine of her main battle tank growl, lights coming alive one by one on the outside as the main gun raised by several degrees, the turret rotating until the cannon faced the front. Soon, the tracks started to move as fast as a crawling beast, machine guns rotating and scanning the surroundings.

They were leaving a large hangar. From there, the tank started to turn to the left, making her way out of the base, to the front lines where the other NCs were already engaging the enemy NCs.

Although this fight was part of a larger conflict, it was unique for the mixture of ground forces and NCs. Both Red Star and Havenite war machines were in the air or on the ground, shapes and forms moving about quickly no matter their weight or height. The firing of their weapons filled the air and shared it with deafening artillery, the screams of helicopter and jet engines and the reports of guns and cannons. The cries of missiles and rockets penetrated the sky as smoke and fire came from here and there.

But the battle was not to be left alone or disgraced with the absence of Covenant. This giant metal dragon with no wings was starting to move faster out of her starting area. Her turret started to move, searching for targets. Inside her, the Spanish queen, whose goal was the end of the European corporation and the restoration of Spain as a nation-state, was operating it.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Neozeon0083
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Combat log
Field Test 001

Forest and its residents are being drenched by torrential rain. Slogging through is a convoy. Their prize is a recovered NC unit from the great war. Five bipedal tanks moved along and had an eye out for any attacks. As the NC unit was defended by multiple traditional tanks.
Some poor bastards were walking along the convoy on foot.

Visibility was low as the rain kept on pouring. A mist seemed to form from the forest itself. The soldiers trip so far was uneventful. Night had fallen and accompanied by The heavy rain visibility was extremely low. As they approached one of their checkpoints an aura seemed to fill the air.

In the forest there was a weak red glow. Hibiki, motionless in the cockpit, sprung to life as his targets approached. The systems started to light up and became active with sound and information. The kuma system pumped information into Hibiki.

Hibiki felt figures in the distance. The NC lifted itself from its rest, being directed by the pilot. Hibiki's face displayed a coldness. If one had seen him, they would swear he had malicious intent.

The troops noticed the red glow rise and rain being distorted in the distance. A few of the units immediately fired upon the NC. Before they knew it the right glue had moved and all shots missed their mark.

The sound of rapid heavy steps along with broken trees being crushed was concerning. Before they knew it, they already had lost one of their own, as a crushing sound echo behind them. A titanic mace plunged on top of one of the bipedal tanks. The tanks metal seem like it was crumpled, as if it was made from aluminum. The pilot's cockpit completely caved in.

The convoy turned and fired upon the NC. The rounds were not of high enough caliber to do any real damage. Hibiki noticed the mace had been wrapped with the previous victim. He left the mace in the victim and proceeded towards the other targets.

The Titan breaker maintained an impressive amount of speed considering the weather conditions. With ease the NC reached the other targets. In the same instant, glowing red claws raked away at the tanks and the Cerberus tail impaled ground troops one after the other with devastating efficiency.

Before long the Cerberus tail was resting in its slot dripping with viscera. Any ground troops no longer with the living. The tanks continued the fire in the desperate attempt to spare their lives.

Their efforts were in vain. Moving from treaded tank to treaded tank, as if a feral animal tearing into a carcass. The Titan breaker ripped off the turreted cannons to gain access to the crew. Before long, all the traditional tanks had been eliminated. Leaving the Titan Breaker's paint stained in blood. The screams of the victims still echoed in the forest.

the leftover bipedal tanks were making a break for their lives. The Titan Breaker started a dead Sprint causing the ground to quiver. The fleeing units were met with despair as there thought of freedom was squashed.

The Titan Breaker had made a great leap and was on the lead unit making the escape. The impact of metal upon metal was frightening even to the most veteran soldier. The screams of their comrades, as the Titan Breaker tore it apart with the Cerberus tail and it's claws,were haunting. Soon the screaming stopped, the Titan Breaker turned to the remaining three. Within the claws were bits and pieces of their comrades still stuck to the jagged edges.

The units fruitlessly continue the assult for their lives. however the same happened for each one, as the Titan Breaker moved from one to the other. The screams filled their communications until there was no one left to hear them.

The Titan breaker moves up to its newly claimed prize. Titan Breaker proceeded to remove the recovered NC's system from the scrap suit. Once it was satisfied with the results, the recovered NC core was taken.

The mission being completed, the Titan Breaker disappeared into the night.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Neozeon0083
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Metatrooper
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Metatrooper Capturing a command post for the Republic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cody Ang

Cody hesitated taking his aim off of LaBelle, but followed through with his orders as he saw several of Zahra's drones move towards the rat. The Halberd then began taking steps forward, moving closer to the battlefield but still keeping a respectable distance away. He then opened the Comms and sent a reply to Zahra:

Cody: Affirmative, moving to cover pilot Amarati now.

As soon as he was in range to eliminate any threats that would go after the NC, Cody deployed the Halberd's outriggers, anchoring it to the ground. The mass driver cannons also shifted to prepare for fire, as the sensor systems began looking for potential targets. The coordinated map that the squad had put together proved to be quite useful, giving away the locations of much more foes than how many the Halberd could originally locate on its own.

Through the external cameras, Cody could see Sahaquiel fighting against another NC that looked strangely familiar to him, although he could not exactly remember where he remembered it from. He decided against interfering with their fight and instead opted to take out the 5 RS reinforcement NCs that were coming to aid the red NC. After taking several seconds to lock on to its targets, the dual cannons unleashed a salvo of AP rounds, aimed straight at the nearest hostile. The first shot managed to punch a hole through the thin leg of the NC, and the second obliterated the cockpit and eliminated the NC, a lucky shot to say the least. The rest of the NCs stopped in their tracks, seemingly unaware of what just happened to their comrade, before continuing forward several seconds later. After spending a relatively lengthy time reloading and aiming, the Halberd fired another round of cannon fire. The second salvo hit the shoulder of another NC and the center of its torso, crippling it. The rest of the squad managed to figure out what was going on, and started retreating, with the damaged staggering away, trying to escape to the best of its ability.

Suddenly, Cody heard an extremely loud roar emanating from Sahaquiel, a roar loud enough to be heard without the need for external sensors even while inside his NC. He would then receive another message from Sahaquiel, proclaiming that mental contamination was at 94% and that it had gone berserk. He could also notice the NC now fighting with renewed vigor, seemingly getting the upper hand.

Going berserk?

Cody thought to himself

Never heard of it before... I'll have to look into it later.

Pilot Amarati's voice could then be heard on the comms, screaming insults that seemed to be directed towards her foe. Despite what was going on, he had full confidence that he could handle the situation at hand. He was still a good distance away from the actual fight, and if Sahaquiel were to turn on him due to the "mental contamination", he had enough firepower to keep it at bay. Cody would then open the team comms and send a message to pilot Trillanes, who was assigned to assist him.

Cody: Pilot Trillanes, you may move to support the others instead, I require no assistance here.

No sooner than he had spoken, cannon fire whizzed past the Halberd, barely missing it. Several RS battle tanks had managed to make it to the back line, and were now opening fire on them. Fortunately, if they could hit him, he could hit them. He switched the payload of the launcher from ripper missiles to lancer missiles, which were more equipped to handle armores targets. As he armed the missiles, the panels on each side of the cockpit lifted up, exposing the missile tubes. Eight orange-colored streaks suddenly shot out of the tubes and flew across the sky. It didn't take long until they reached their target, ultimately exploding, shattering the ground and making quick work of the enemy tanks upon impact. The salvo did not manage to take out everything however, as the stragglers, two remaining Overlord tanks countered with a salvo of cannon fire. Two shots managed to reach the Halberd, but were stopped by the NC's energy shields, although they did do quite a lot of damage. Cody then switched to the heavy plasma cannons, as the Overlords had managed to move close enough to be in range. The dual barrels on each of the NC's "hands" glowed a bright blue, before unleashing four devastating bolts of plasma towards the two remaining tanks. Needless to say, they couldn't even dream of surviving direct plasma hits after already receiving a beating from the lancer missiles. After the RS battlegroup was eliminated, Cody would scour the area for more hostiles, and greet them in kind if they wanted to mess with them.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 1 hr ago

This was not a battle you wanted to lose.

It was the ultimate hunt combined with the deadliest of weapons.

A redux of The Most Dangerous Game, the hunt for human lives.

Dread moved, Ursa Nova responded, and the enemy was already chunks in his mind.

Let us begin.

The bear-like NC had made the beeline for the multi-limbed mech, Hisn-ul-Ghayma, and naturally it had seen or detected his presence. He wasn't in it to be a sneaky bastard about things. He wanted you to know what horrors you would face, and despair in its presence. Sadly, you could not possibly hear whatever emotional reaction the other pilot could have unless you had communications open to them, but Dread could imagine, as things became worse for every victim, that all confidence would drain and the fear would be present instead. It was only a matter of how he handled things, once engaged.

For instance, when he launched himself at the drone-launching mech, it had thrust its heat axe out at Ursa's diving figure, opening to do grievous damage to it. But that would not happen so easily. No no no... The heated jaws of the beast, already open wide, came snapping down upon the heat axe, catching the business end of it in a clash of heat on heat action. In the long run, you would bet on Ursa's teeth winning out in a struggle between the two, as the axe was not as dedicated in the energy department as the bear's various heated implements. But...we're not going to have a mere struggle of axe-in-bear-mouth. Dread wasn't interested.

After the teeth of Ursa Nova grappled with Hisn-ul-Ghayma's axe, its forepaws - rather, its arms - palm-slapped the ground, since a tackle wasn't going to happen right now. The enemy NC was using the fullness of its strength to break his momentum. So be it. The hands struck the ground and high-pressure flames shot out to boost the beast back into an upright position and the legs came in to achieve two-legged balance. Dread had his NC pull on the axe, but only to test the strength of its wielder for a moment. He had a better move in mind. Ursa's chest-ports ignited and spewed plasma flames at the enemy NC while leaving his hands free to do whatever the hell he wanted, which was to wait and see how it would react to this sudden reversal of fortune.


Ah, but we're not done yet. Because, you see, there's more of a tale to tell in the life of some of our pilots. For instance...

A Tale of Two that Met in the Past

Terra and Hibiki

In the rec room of the genetics facility, sounds of an object echoed through the halls. Within, a young girl could be seen tracking the object with her eyes and ears as it wildly careened around the room. Despite common sense, she was seen clasping the ball from its trajectory just to send it flying again. She did this without flinch or failure, her control seemingly flawless. She couldn't be more than 12 years of age, but this seemed more than one of her age should be capable of... The sound of footsteps did not alter her actions. She continued on as if nothing e happening, though it sounded as though her 'creator' was speaking to someone.

"...and it truly is a marvel that nobody even considered this process from the start. I mean, it's so obvious. Get them from the start, accelerate the learning capacity. It's perfect. Ah, here we are."

Dr. Bastion was a middle-aged man with glasses who was balding and as educated in medical science and genetics as he was arrogant...which is to say quite a bit. The slow process of raising an augmented human from birth to adulthood to allow all adaptations to set in and beat out all previous attempts was his idea. He...made Terra Laedo, shortly after she was born.

In a very crass tone, the man Dr. Bastion was leading commented, " Exactly what I thought! Although my options were more limited than yours at the time. Thankfully my late wife left me a child to...love as best I can. What modifications were used in her augmentation if I may ask, and how did you deal with immune response?"

The group entered the room, and Terra now saw a clearly over weight man with her creator. However, she also noticed a boy, no taller than the man's waist, hidden behind the white man. The boy's body clearly covered in bandaging. The young man coward at the attention Terra payed to him.

Indeed, she began to grow curious of the young boy ever since the large blustery man spoke with insincerity regarding 'love'. Oh dear. She was giving him an inquisitive look, one of definite scrutiny, and she was still tossing the ball around, somehow managing not to hit anyone as the two scientists talked on.

"Immune responses... The possibility of rejection was lowered dramatically by starting early in the first place, reduced to practically zero by way of controlled conditions in a fluid suspension tank, everything taken in by IV, oxygen fed, mind stimulated with imagery to accelerate reception, retention, and general curiosity, thus gaining a headstart both physically and mentally. The physical ones were actually quite subtle. You don't need to push a newborn's system hard, just get the ball rolling, so to speak. The mitochondria was strengthened and the calcium bonding in the..."

He went on, at length. The doctor was an egotist, hailing his achievements over others and taking pride in every juicy detail. He would likely occupy the other man for a while. Terra's violet eyes narrowed at the boy, and then they looked aside as her head inclined slightly. She was indicating 'Leave them alone for now', and then began to walk in that direction.

I contrast to Terra's eyes, the boy's subdued Hazel ones were filled with a fright. No one has exuded an aura like that to him, but his father. His eyes then started to dart between the careening ball and Terra. The boy, in an attempt to avoid conflict, tried to reduce the size of himself by slouching and contracting his muscles. His head started to dart about in looking at Terra, the ball, and for away of escape from the situation.

The ball stopped bouncing around, and then he would see it rolling gently towards his feet. By the time the boy would either think to pick it up or look for the owner, he would find that she was quietly exiting the room. Curious behavior or careless frivolity? You be the judge. It so happened, though, that she was giving him an out and a chance to be away.

The boy watched as the man and his father spoke, to him it was seemingly endless. So, he started for the open door, slowly peeked out, and eased himself out of the room I to the hall. The boy cautiously looked for the girl. At that time in full view, through parts of the light blue hospital gown, older scars can be seen.

She was actually not far away, but she was opposite the direction he thought she'd gone, having quickly slipped back to the other side of the door to {A} be in his blindspot and {B} observe closely for a few seconds. When he spotted her, he could see that she was surprisingly focused, and that her eyes were steady, unwavering, controlled. She spoke in even tones as soon as he saw her.

"Old scars, eyes full of fear, and a sickly yellow-green sound... What does he do to you, other than make it hurt?"

She'd seen more than his body language. She'd seen the sound of him...

The young boy is puzzled by the line of questions and attempted to answer, "He shows me his love. My farther loves me very much. Although I don't like the love, I don't feel good when he gives me love. Especially when changes my parts. The love is really strong when he does that. What is hurt?" The boy let a smile out at her.

Words were said, but they didn't make any sense, not at first. This was a new concept to her. The things the boy was telling her were in contradiction to the understanding she had built up of the world...and that was a problem. And it's not that she was obsessed with being right all the time, but there were fundamentals that you just don't question, such as the difference between love and pain. She shook her head at him.

"That isn't love. Love isn't painful- ...no, my father said it could be, but he meant emotionally. Not like cutting into your body. I almost swore it off, like sadness, but still... Love is not cutting pieces out of you and putting new ones in. Your father is performing surgery, not love."

There'd been a moment where she'd been a little confused there, but now she was insisting that the way he was had nothing to do with love, only pain.

Seeing the girl go off about something called pain, and sadness. The boy started to fidget, and rub the arm with the least bandaging. After he gained some courage to respond he replied, " Th...tha..that can't be right, my father told me so. And you say weird words. Maybe your dad is wrong." He had managed to challenge her.

Now, it was his turn for confusion, but as much as he wanted to prove she was wrong, there could be no mistake here. She began to scowl at him.

"I read alot of weird things. Many of them are true. I'm being trained to hurt people, to fight them. I have to know what pain means, or else I'm not going to do very well. Pain is when your body is begging for the feeling to stop, because it's being damaged and broken, like the things you cover with bandages. I know all about inflicting pain."

She suddenly approached him, raised her arms, and...held him gently, comfortingly. Terra spoke into his ear after a few seconds.

"My father isn't a doctor. He just tries to raise me with an understanding of things, and he is not wrong."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Senhara
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Senhara No Thoughts, Head Empty / (she/they)

Member Seen 1 yr ago

((collab post between @Senhara and @AzenExile))

The giant machine of war crawled over rubble and ruined roads, crossing over the terrain without too much difficulty. Although it was slow, it at least took care of whatever was before it. Whatever it rolled over, it suffered little to no damage. Inside the tank though, the AI was constantly reporting to her pilot whatever was going on outside. Even as the cameras transmitted beautiful footage to the senses of the pilot, it was not enough to simply trust them. Her eyes and ears need the help of her AI. And at this time, the AI started to tell her pilot about a certain object of interest

"Warning: Possible hostile NC located. Scanning target of interest. Weapons automatically becoming ready."

"Very well. Does it see us?" Said Queen Mariano.

"Negative, Ma'am. The NC does not seem to have noticed us. It is probably occupied. Still determining what it is doing."

"Very well. Keep doing that."

She reached out for the right hand lever and pulled it towards her, her action causing the tank to turn to the right too. Outside of her comfortable fighting space, the groaning of the treads and the whining of the wheels was loud enough for anyone close to it or not so close to it to hear. The tanks turret was also starting to turn towards the target of interest while the machine gun on the tank as well as the 20mm six-barreled rotary cannon turned with it. Both the MG and the cannon served as secondaries. There was another MG mounted close to the gun too but it was more of a co-axial.

Once the tank faced the target of interest, the AI confirmed it to be hostile. Right now, it seemed to be unleashing its wrath on some buildings. Mariano sighed as she prayed there are no civilians left here. She didn't want to worry about collateral losses. Not about casualties. Not like the Uprising. At least the AI told her

"My lady, there are no life signs within this NC. Shall I designate this threat as Red Star-1?"


At this point, she gave her orders

"All right. Covenant, I want the tank to go to you. Drive it. I'll handle the command. Weapons on automatic now."

"Very well, Ma'am." Spoke the AI as the tank started to register her commands. Soon enough, she was shown a different interface. Unlike the universal one, this one only showed her what a commander of a tank would need. She has the right to take over the weapons but for now, she had to make sure she had a plan. And she worked it out. She instructed

"Engage the enemy. Target: Red Star NC - hovering, humanoid! Fire one, SABOT, range 50 meters! Fire two, SABOT, range 70 meters! Cannon, engage, engage, engage!"

At her very words, even if she didn't say them out loud, the tank let its 95mm Main Coil Gun unleash a Smart target-activated fire-and-forget sabot round that flew towards its target directly while the cannon, which started to rotate earlier, began to spit armor piercing rounds with tracers against the NC.

The large black and purple machine was surprised, the first round knocking her down and through a few buildings, despite her shields being on low power. Her hover deactivates, and right when the second round is about to hit, the energy shields flow to maximum, taking the impact. She gets back up, staring right at the tank. She took some damage, nothing major. The rest of the shots klink against the shields. She and crouches behind a tall building, opening comms with the tank. "You have a lot of nerve shooting me! Let's test how good you really are..." Comms close, and the NC begins running, making way past the others, using buildings to her advantage as she runs to the tank.

"All right! Target is responding! Calling for back up! Meanwhile...REVERSE! FUCKING REVERSE! NOW!" She cried out as she took over controls for the main gun. She waited for it to load the third round. As it did, the machinery crying out, the cannon continued to fire at the target.

But at least this tank was moving back. It had to reverse and put as much distance as it can between it and the incoming NC. It cannot afford to be flanked or engaged too heavily. So for now it was going to fight a beating retreat. For now.

The tank continued to move but the gun was now loaded. The AI kept reporting the distance that was being closed. Meanwhile, Queen Mariano made sure that the round that was loaded was one that would hopefully deal with the shield. It was also a SABOT round but it was fitted with an anti-electronic warhead. If this didn't work, she'd have to rely on both back up and some manner of engaging this bitch without losing too much. She can't die here. Not on soil that isn't Spanish or European.

"FIRE!" And the gun fired again, a great boom filling the air around the tank as the round with the specialized warhead attempted to strike the dark machine.

The carefully placed SABOT shell hits, bypassing the shields. The machine is knocked back and takes physical damage, surprising the shit out of it. She then gets up, unharmed by the EMP effect! Comms reopen "Oh you fuuucking bitch, running like a little coward!" The NC looks to be shrugging off the pain. TABRIS then runs into a lane directly infront of the tank. MTAM Itano missile pods open, then fourty missiles fly out of the machine, all of them light but... They're erratically flying, making point defence useless! TABRIS knows the tank's weakness, it's slow. So she charges!

"Put some smoke in her face! Smoke now!" She cried out at the same time that missile warnings came over the audio feeds and the AI stated

"Countermeasures engaging, engaging now."

In seconds, as fast as it could, the grenade launchers first threw smoke. Almost immediately, the smoke bombs blew and filled the area in front of the tank with smoke. Some of the grenades managed to go as far as several hundred meters in order to throw off the NC and confuse it as much as it hopefully could confuse the missiles.

If that failed, the rest of the systems went into action. First, the countermeasures released flares. Then as the flares sparked and flew, chaff was tossed into the sky above the front area of the tank. If that too should fail, the systems let go of a mighty volley of explosives. For the tank had reactive armor bricks mounted on the turret and the front hull, exploding in the face of the NC if it reached the tank.

At the same time, Mariano ordered


And the round that was unleashed was the same round that she placed well. She hoped that this round would reach its target!

The MTAMs were designed to strike from all angles, a good chunk miss and hit surrounding areas, but the tank is still struck from the sides. Explosions also ring out around the tank from the missiles that missed. The shields re-activate just a tiny bit too late, triggering the SABOT to go off right next to the NC's right arm. The machine stumbles as the arm takes a bit of damage, making it noticably slower than usual. Again, the EMP disables the shields but fails to affect the NC itself.

The hits affecting the tank rocked the pilot as she groaned. It was uncomfortable and painful. She couldn't get used to it right now. What mattered now was that she had to fight and survive. She reacted by continuing to force the tank to reverse, rolling over small buildings and vehicles. Mariano didn't panic at least but she knew she was going to lose if nothing was done. For now, all she could do was get the tank rolling backwards, to keep it as far away from this rampaging TABRIS.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Chelsea R. Steiner

Chelsea’s Darwin Defense

Chelsea couldn’t help but keep approaching the Sahaquiel, however, in her gut she felt something was off and was highly nervous about getting to help repair it. The one thing that caught her attention, however, was in her eye was a 94% mental contamination and the NC had gone Berserk. ”The hell… Does that mean? W-Wait… what? It w-went berserk.” Chelsea thought in her mind, however her thoughts were definitely a bit terrified. It was she couldn’t help but to freak out a bit. Therefore, she was grateful she was in her NC so she didn’t have to have her ears bleed from what she heard, which was that terrifying roar. The entirety of the whole thing made her a bit freaked out.

In the moment, she thought for a moment that she didn’t want to go forward. However, in her mind she thought what would have happened to all of the other NCs in her Battalion. Therefore, she decided to continue on her way towards the Berserked Sahaquiel. In her being she had to do it but she was utterly terrified about that fact of it being berserked. She opened the comms and contacted people apart of her Battalion. She could see engagements everywhere that involved her battalion mates, however she did see the Cody’s NC in the distance. ”Uhhh… Tall Helmet man, I’m sorry. But I should’ve asked for your name. Do you need any repairs?” Chelsea asked over the comms to Cody. However, she wasn’t really paying attention to the people’s last names, which were said over the comms mostly because of the fact. She’s trying to keep herself calm with the music but her tone in her voice definitely doesn’t sound calm.

Chelsea sighed only because of her precision scanners were active at all times. The Precision scanners have a range that is basically twice as good as the Visual feed, which in turn allows it to see more details in the area. In terms it will do what it was made for, which is detect scrap, NC damage, etc. ”Thank god the Precision Scanner is good for that.” Chelsea thought, which had a sigh involved. She, however, knew she needed to wait for a response from the NC she contacted via the Havenite Communications Channel. However, something caught her attention on the comms, which was the Encarnación’s voice asking for backup. She sighed at that mostly because her NC would get wrecked by anything since 20mm cannons can’t damage an enemy NC. ”I hope the other havenites can back her up, since she does need help. Because I can’t really help or I will get wrecked and cap-captured.” Chelsea thought to herself, with a slightly depressed look. She couldn’t really help right now but she’ll definitely repair her tank. She opens her comms and speaks to Encarnación Mariano. ”When you are need repairs I’ll help you out Encarnación. But r-right now I have more important problems to stay safe from the enemy’s guns.” Chelsea said, with a bit of respect towards her fellow battalion member. However, her tone was a bit nervous since yeah, she’s the only repair NC on the battlefield right now for the Havenites.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 1 hr ago

And now, back by popular demand (Oh, who are we kidding, you know it was coming, anyway)...

A Tale of Two that Met in the Past


Things did not go according to plan. Clearly shaken by her actions, the young boy struggled free from her. The boy then said, " Are you telling me that I wasn't loved? My father doesn't love me?" The child is being brought to tears, as he trys to fight back the urge to ball his eyes out.

Terra was then accosted by horrid sound, a sliver of black emerges from the spectrum of yellow and green. " You're like the people Kuma tells me about, you say anything to make people think you are right! I don't know you, but all you have done is tell me I'm wrong!"

At this point, the boy had his hands curled up in small little balls, as streams if tears make their way down the boy's face.

She was only demonstrating what affection was like. It actually annoyed her that he was making that nasty color, like he'd deliberately made a bad sound to irritate her. Terra watched him for a moment, assessing the problem, and spoke thus:

"Then, I'll introduce myself. My name is Terra Laedo, and I was changed at birth to become better at fighting and killing things. I'm not telling you you're wrong simply out of hand. I'm saying it because I've hit others repeatedly until they beg me to stop. I didn't do it because I liked them. I did it because they were bullying. I don't like that."

The topic being somewhat changed, and the introduction lessens the tension. The sound became more subdued. The boy's smile slightly returned as he replies " your name is Terra? My name is Hibiki, Hibiki Laplace. You hit people as well?" the boy gives a wide innocent smile, as the black sliver forms a twisted face with a frightful smile. "I hit people too, when I play with Kuma. Do they explode into red mist for you? They do for me."

The boy intently waited for her response.

Terra blinked. This was a bit unexpected. If he was saying what she thought he was saying... She shook her head a little.

"I haven't tried hitting anyone hard enough for that. Someone said I broke someone's face, but that's not the same thing. How hard are you hitting when you do that? And who is Kuma?"

She was beginning to think that it wasn't just mad science experiment, switching out pieces of this boy for others. Was he being augmented stronger too?

" Oh ya, you wouldn't know. Kuma is my friend. He tells me things when I'm inside big brother. Kuma doesn't like it when people try to love big brother, and tells me to hit them. So, I do"

The boy responded like nothing was odd about the statement.

There was everything wrong with that statement, and Terra was taking a moment to piece it together. She was pretty sure she understood, though, since she understood what he meant be 'love'. If he was making red mist, then...

"Big brother is a big machine you get inside?"

His aura returned to what it was, and a little gold was tinting the outside of his sound.

" Ya! Big brother is so COOL. He has a big hammer, awesome claws and a tail!"

Hibiki said this with a level of excitement in his voice.

Yeah, she could see that excitement. Terra wasn't exactly as excited, but she knew an NC being used when she heard it. She never really thought of Id like a big toy, but if you were young enough, you might... Ah, they weren't telling him. This was obscene. If he was going to have any real chance of functioning normally at the slightest upset, he needed to be informed now, or the next time someone disturbs his reality in the future, he just won't be able to cope.

"I suppose if I were in my machine, I could turn people into a red mess too. It's what happens when you mash them with a giant fist. Has your father never explained killing people before?"

Hibiki's head turned to the side, "Killing?" he said.

"What do you think we're being made for, Hibiki? You're being put into a big robot and smashing people. I'm going through training to pilot one, myself. We're suppose to fight and kill people."

He perked up for a second, like he finally understood.

"Oh! Do you mean when they disappear and don't come back? But that's fine right? I don't know them, so why is it bad?"

"I'm not sure. It's what Red-Star wants because they have enemies, but I dunno much more than that. But...you have to understand that people you fight in your machine don't love you and you don't love them back. They hate you. They want you to die and it isn't pleasant when you get hurt. I haven't figured this all out yet. It's my mom and dad telling me the difference between things. They don't want me to be confused when I'm told to fight. If you confuse things, you'll get killed yourself, Hibiki."

Hibiki took a moment to digest what Terra has just said.

"Well, if that's true. It's fine. I was built for big brother, and if he goes away... I have no reason to be here. So dieing is not that bad. And and , if I go away, I'm sure big brother would be fine. He is just so cool. But, You know your mom? That's awesome! How is she? What does she like? Can she cook? I never knew my mom, dad said she had to go away after I was born."

"Yes, I know my mom. She's nice and she can cook. She said I should try to avoid dying... They're worried about me all the time. I try to tell them that I'm fine, but they say it's not fine. I have no intention of dying, and you shouldn't think it's fine if you do. That's the point. You can't DO anything if you die. You just waste your life away."

Hibiki, felt the passage of a good amount of time.

"Terra, I better go back before my dad lov...hurts me. I don't mind if I die, really, but you seem to want to not die. I hope you not die Terra."

Hibiki waddled up to Terra and gave her an awkward "hug". Then he scampered off back to the room.

It was only after he left that Terra muttered "I hope you don't either." and started to walk down the hall. She didn't want to be around for Bastion to show off with now. Things just didn't feel right, and she had no intention of letting Hibiki's father near her. If he ever tried, she would break his fingers. Terra continued down the hall, rounded the corner, and then...

"...he still has my baseball."
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