Avatar of ArmorPlated
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    1. ArmorPlated 7 yrs ago


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Dekkori's gaze lingered on the Captain and the new arrival he was staring down like a hawk, even as the Guardsman ambled over, an amicable grin directed her way. She'd earned a reputation throughout the town and a ways farther for helping as she did, and it lent her no small measure of trust. "Ah, Dekkori." She nodded in greeting at the guard. "Just a refugee from Lon Lon Ranch." Dekkori looked over the woman dressed in blue. She was exhausted, disheveled and definitely held herself in the way that Hylian nobility always did. It was in the posture mostly.

"If you would, the Captain mentioned some injured soldiers that need tending to though." Dekkori set here eyes back on the guard, her demeanor shifting dramatically in the span of a single moment. Gone was the warm, relaxed disposition she so often sported. "You returned with injured?" Dekkori was standing in an instant. Gone was the soft tone and relaxed posture, replaced with the tension of the untamed wilds, demanding attention and respect. A single finger pressed to the Guard's armored chest in command. "You will lead me to them. Now." It was more of a statement of fact than a request, the sharp stare of her gaze daring him to refuse. After the moment had passed, the Deku lifted her pack and took hold of her walking stick. Pressing it to the Guard's back, she pushed him gently but firmly until he took the hint.

Moving with adequate haste, the pair arrived at a house currently being used as a makeshift barracks. "Thank you dearie. Please let your Captain know that I would like to speak to him after I am done." Without giving her impromptu guide a chance to reply, she was entering the building, rifling through her now much emptier pack, looking for the medicines she always kept on hand for emergencies. The few militiamen milling about inside didn't look shocked to see Dekkori, but her demeanor drew their attention. One in the back beckoned her towards a door. The wounded were laid out on beds and cushions with various injuries. Some were only battered and bruised, others sported disfiguring injuries, and one poor young man had a horrific gash through his lower back. "Goddesses above, why was I not told of this?!" Dekkori gasped. Medicine in hand, she set to tending to the injured, worst first.

Having finished her morning routine, gathering various herbs and mushrooms throughout the forest, Dekkori plodded into Kakariko with her diminutive footsteps, inadvertently spooking one of the more jumpy guards. Exchanging the usual pleasantries, the man stepped aside and allowed her into the town proper. Adjusting her pack, she resumed her walk into town to make her scheduled deliveries and then pick up her weekly stock for her comparatively small pantry.

Making her rounds, Dekkori dutifully provided the residents of Kakariko Village medicines for their various ills, but quickly took notice of the arrival of Captain Ackermore, returned early from an expedition she had heard gossip about. Deciding she could investigate after she was done, Dekkori hurried along, tending to the villagers before packing her things away and returning to the center of town. Immediately, the Deku noticed someone new; a young Hylian woman sporting vibrant blue hair and fine clothes that had definitely seen better days was talking with the Captain. Seeing no reason to keep away, she adjusted her much lightened pack and approached the two, noting obvious signs of fatigue in both of the Hylians.

With a sigh she sets her pack next to the tree in the center of town and takes a seat in the shade, close enough to catch the Captain's attention, far enough away to avoid being accused of eavesdropping. Waving down one of the less important armored men hovering around the Captain, she quickly gained one's attention. As he approached, she piped up in a cheerful, disarming tone, "Would you mind terribly filling me in on what is going on? I must admit, I am terribly curious as to what exactly is happening." New faces usually meant new trouble, as disheartening as it sounded, it still rang true.

Despite the cold, Dekkori enjoyed the sound of the rain pattering against the roof of her little home. It was soothing in a way that was hard to put to words for the Deku Scrub. Lit only by the light cast from her wood stove, she ladled water into the kettle before returning the lid and placing it onto the heated surface for later. Shuffling over to her shelf, she sorted through her numerous ingredients, searching through the many oddly shaped clay pots that held the myriad herbs she had harvested from the woodlands around Kakariko.

"Ah, here it is." she draws a comparatively newer looking pot from a lower shelf. turning it over in her hand, little pictograms of flowers painted under the glaze rotated into the light of the stove. Setting the pot aside on the lone table in her home, she retrieved a short, squat earthenware pot and a teacup from her pantry. Her task done for the moment, she lifted the quilt from her bed and wrapped herself for warmth. With nothing to do but wait, she turned her attention to the rain outside. Despite the loudness of the rain, the chaotic pattering of the droplets against the roof and window, it made the rest of the world seem to fall quiet.

After Dekkori had begun to doze off, her teapot began whistling it's readiness, rousing her from her almost-slumber. quickly abandoning the warmth of the quilt, she lifted the kettle from the stove. With a pinch of tea leaves from one pot, and a drop of honey from the other, Dekkori returned to her seat and wrapped herself once again in her quilt. Warmed by her home and calmed by the rain, the Deku Scrub's mind was finally clear of any thought, a rare glimpse at the serene beauty of the world.

barring some formatting and grammar, that should be it.
Looks like I might be just in time to get in on this. Still open?

I've got a couple of character concepts I'm fairly certain I can fit well in to this RP.
Some were interested in the politics and society building, others definitely had their eyes on a more heroic quest deal. Seemed like a lot in the vein of a character-centric tabletop game without the hard math.


"Not at all...just jostled a little..."
"I have done nothing to the bookworm. He was not watching were he was going."

Roa pulled the half-elf to his feet, only to watch him turn back and look at the town with a growing expression of worry, despite legitimately nothing appearing wrong. "Oh dear..." Roa looked again, trying to see what Rudolph was. More than a little confused, she turned back to him with a quizzical look, on the cusp of questioning his bizarre behaivior before noticing his attention was fully elsewhere. She followed his eyes and spotted a horse-drawn wagon passing behind the houses along the street in the distance.

"I would love to talk some more, but my prior commitment to our resident blacksmith requires me to follow-through with what I said I would do. I do promise answers if you still need them when we return."

In a flash, the wizard had grown to grotesque proportions and taken off in an explosion of wind, leaving her no time to so much as call out. "Wait, Shina? what do you mean- wait!!" She called after the half-elf, but he was already gone from her sight. Her confusion only grew as she tried to grasp exactly what has just happened.

"What in the seven hells were that all about?"
"I haven't the faintest clue. That man has clearly lost his mind to whatever magic he has been toying with. He looked as though the town not being on fire was cause for alarm." She couldn't help but shake her head as she took a calming breath.


Even from the docks, Roa could hear someone yelling in a panic. Definitely not a festival today then. she thought with a worried frown. It was only one voice amidst the silence which was still incredibly concerning. Usually there would be more activity this late in the morning. With a kick she pushed herself towards her boathouse-turned-workshop, slipping under the water to surface inside. She quickly made her way up the steps, flicking open the wardrobe in the corner of the singular room. Quickly changing into her town clothes, she couldn't help from muttering in agitation as she struggled to get it to fit properly without a strap of fabric resting on her gills.

glancing around to make sure everything that mattered was safely locked away, she unlocked her workshop's door and walked out into the sunlight. The surface always seemed to be just slightly too hot, or too dry, and today was no exception. quickly making her way across the dock and onto dry land, Roa kept her pace and quickly detoured from the road to the town square as she looked for the source of the yelling earlier. zig-zagging between several homes and shops, she finally came upon a duo of townsfolk, one standing over another sprawled out by a street lamp. She sighed quietly. That didn't sound like Gunner carousing earlier, but you never know. Then she overheard their conversation. Stepping out around the corner she cautiously approached the two.

"What this about dragons in Lorenstad? Mr. Admoss, right? Gunner didn't hasn't done anything to you, has he?" Roa gave a sour side-glance to Gunner. Am I still mad about that silver anklet with the inlaid ruby? She could feel her pulse quicken as the memory of that ordeal came back. Oh yeah, definitely still mad. She offered a hand to Rudolph.

Roa floated carelessly in her hammock, the only light in the room a weak sunbeam trickling in from the hatch over the stairs, filtering down through the river water above. She didn't know how long she waited in between dreaming and awake, but she didn't have the presence of mind to care. Tired and rested in equal measure, she enjoyed the almost overbearing warmth of her blanket as she slowly drifted into wakefulness. I should get up.. Another, deeper part of her disagreed, and she did not move for a moment. The warmth lost it's comfort after a mew more moments and she pushed herself up, reaching forwards in a well practiced motion, hand finding the magical lantern which ignited with a flameless light at her touch, casting a pale light over her room. She couldn't help but flinch at the sudden brightness.

gently pushing away from the wall, Roa floated through the middle of her room, enjoying the sensation of the cooler water before stopping herself with a wave. She stretched for a moment before catapulting herself towards the back of the ship. As she reached the stairs, she angled herself towards the hatch. sliding bolt out of the way, she slowly pushed the hatch open with a firm shove. Swimming out and into the open water, Roa took a moment to admire what amounted to a garden for her. The waters by her workshop were by far the most colorful thanks to the numerous aquatic plants she'd transplanted from the sea or bought from a friendly botanist. Feeling almost giddy, she pushed the hatch closed before kicking off from the bottom to swim up to the surface.

Surfacing in the morning light, Roa took a deep breath of fresh summer air. She looked over to the town proper a short ways uphill from the docks "Good morning, Lorenstad." she said to nobody in particular... Her expression turned puzzled as she realized there was no one on the docks despite it being an ideal time to catch an easy meal. "Where is everyone?" she questioned aloud. Is there some kind of festival today?...
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