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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ferrin Astra

Tenrou Team - Discretion is the better part of not dying horribly.



There was not other creature on the face of Earth-land that was more powerful, or dangerous, then this mystical being. Fear flowed in a wave, crashing into the party. Ferrin thought quickly. Do they stand and fight, or try to make an escape?

Ferrin stepped forward and grabbed Sasha's wrist in a literal iron grip. "Stop." He commanded, all trace of laughter gone. This was a serious Ferrin. A dangerous Ferrin.

Before anyone could move far, Ferrin spoke up. Raising his voice to aggress everyone and even amplifying it slightly with magic, he repeated, "Stop. This isn't a fight we need to win. Even if we succeed, we will all be tired and maybe wounded. Or worse. Let's retreat while we have the chance, to find a better place to take a stand, if we must. Time Lord will hold it, Dragonslayers, cover our retreat. I, and anyone else with the right talent, will cover our trail, including scent." He caught Sasha's eye. "We aren't 'running off', we will move as a group." He released her and strode over to Time Lord, who was struggling to hold the dragon.

"Can you hold the spell if someone carries you as we move?" He asked without preamble.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Amaya!" Ignoring the grip Ferrin had on her, Sasha's voice broke through the commotion like shattering glass. "You don't need to be a slayer to stop a dragon, but that is besides the point! You are not in charge here! I told you to stand back! Like Ferrin said, for the moment it is best to retreat!" They had no idea if there would be other dragons coming, they couldn't stop to fight when if they did, another might be coming to bite them in the behind.

She should have expected this... Shifting, her grip on her staff increasing, Sasha sought to make sure everyone else was retreating to, hopefully, safety. Patrick's voice reached her ears, responding to Ferrin's question.

"I haven't been carried since I was found in the rubble of my home, I assure you Old Man, I can walk and maintain the spell." There was no malice in Patrick's voice, indeed he seemed almost reminiscent, his voice soft but determined. "I was raised to never give up. By both my biological and adoptive parents." He seemed quite proud, saying that and Sasha started to look back to him, curious when something caught her eye.

A scream rent the air before she realised it was her own and she flung up her free hand, the ice wall forming and rising high in the air. The flame passed through it and over the group harmlessly- the illusion disappearing almost as soon as it had appeared, the dragon- a twin to the one currently frozen in time- that had conjured the flame disappearing as well, the people that had been there also fading from assistance.

"Hurry." Patrick said, his voice a little breathless now.

"The island remembers." Marvis said sadly, "Come. This way... we'll avoid the waking Dragons, for now."

Sasha sheepishly let the wall fall, breathing out with slight relief as she did so. She couldn't believe that she had screamed... Shaking her head, she urged Ferrin to go ahead, "Lead them, they can't see her, I'll make sure everyone is following."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Plutus had often been told, on numerous occasions, by his older companion that he was an awful judge of character. Naïve and reckless, Bayard had called him. Despite the sting of those words, deep down the boy knew there was some truth to them. Despite that, the young lad instinctually relaxed his stance once the pair of strangers made their intentions clear and offered to help them on their way. He knew in his gut they were telling the truth.

Bayard was not as easily convinced. He wasted no time in retrieving his weapon, keeping one hand on the hilt while he eyed off the armour-clad mage and his younger friend with suspicion. Plutus thought perhaps it best to err on the side of caution with his friend, maintaining a relaxed stance but keeping his distance from the pair.

Guild business, you say?” Bayard repeated after the older mage with a scrutinizing raised brow. “Which guild would that be?

I’ve never seen a Guild before.” Plutus remarked quietly, his eyes widened in awe as he tried to scan the pair for a recognisable mark. The thought was quite romantic. Brave heroes banded together under a single flag, rescuing damsels in distress and slaying mighty beasts. These two were after a group of Dark Wizards. The young lad could barely contain his excitement, disregarding everything Bayard had tried to teach him about treading lightly. Bounding up to the two wizards, he clasped his hands together and stared up at the golden hero.

We can help! Bayard here is a wizard, and so am I! I’m still training but I won’t get in the way! I’ve always dreamed of being a real hero like you Guild wizards. Oh, please let us come along with you I promise you won’t regret it!” The words gushed from his mouth in an excited stream, only just barely comprehendible.

Bayard was stunned, his forehead planted firmly in his palm while a low groan escaped his lips.

Ignore him. Just show us the way forward and we’ll leave you be.” Bayard shot his companion an annoyed scowl, which Plutus returned whilst crossing his arms over his chest as a spoilt child would.

I want to help them, Bayard!” He spun around, ignoring Bayard and resuming his overzealous bombardment.

Stepping forward, Bayard grasped the back of Plutus’ scale mail and practically peeled him off the wizards.

We are not going with them.” Plutus winced at the finality of his tone. Bayard was a stubborn grouch, but the way he spoke in that moment was so commanding and, dare he say it, protective? . At first it unnerved him, but that fear quickly boiled over into anger.

Don’t tell me what I can or can’t do! They’re going after people who might know where Fay is! You promised to help me find her!” Plutus stuck his finger into Bayard’s chest with an accusative gaze. The older mage sighed, defeated by the reminder of that damned promise. Every bone in his body was telling him they should just move on and let these wizards do their job. Yet it was the rowdy punk’s eerily contagious sense of duty that, once again, lead Bayard diving head first into unnecessary risks.

Staring up at the two wizards, Bayard nudged Plutus forward before addressing them.
The kid wants to help. He’s looking for someone. If it ain’t too much trouble, why not let us tag along for a bit?” Bayard wasn’t certain they would accept the offer; but he was damned sure Plutus wouldn’t take no for an answer.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 1 day ago

There are times when even in the most discomfort, something else prompts one into action. Despite the island being all kinds of disorienting the sudden appearance of an enormous creature proved to a point of focus. A dragon? Ariel had had the privilege of seeing a phoenix and misfortune of encountering a god. Both were awe inspiring and frightening but there is nothing like seeing a being that not only dwarfs you in power but in sheer size.

If there was anything that would induce fear it would be a dragon suddenly showing up. That washed over Ariel pretty instantly and the woman was on her feet in no time. Her appearance shifted from the one she'd picked up from Ferrin to a faded dark blue color. The call to retreat was a welcome one. She definitely had no idea how to handle this situation. "Don't have to tell me twice."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 6 days ago

Jasmine Lockwood and Rajah

Unused to the slayers' enhanced sensations, everything around them was a little difficult to take in at first. Especially as her mind grappled with the stark reality of having to actually fight real, breathing dragons. No matter how much one tried to prepare, it was a completely different beast when the time had arrived. The healing song helped with the overwhelming senses, but it did little to ease the fear that racked her entire being. She could hear both Penny and Ryujin speak to her, but the words seemed to go in one ear and out the other as her body started to feel numb.

As if moving on their own, her hands swiftly moved to cover her ears as the excruciatingly loud roar pierced through her mind and brought her back to reality, crying out as both she and Penny crouched down. Her ears were still ringing even as the second roar seemed to shake the entire island around them. Her eardrums felt like they were about to burst if the roar lasted any longer, the area around them soon being cloaked in darkness. Almost as if someone had dimmed down the sun.

If any colour was left in the girl's face before, then it was surely gone now as she gaped upward towards the massive monstrosity that flew overhead. With eyes wider than the Amazon, she sat there completely paralyzed by such a sight. Not even the island's violent shaking, nor the falling of trees seemed to snap her out of her temporarily trance.

But the surge of magic that she felt flow through her body? Yeah, that did the trick. She wasn't sure if it was from the healing song or a subconscious use of her own magic, but soon her hearing returned as she shook her head and smacked her palms into her cheeks. Snap out of it! If she didn't keep her attention on the island, then she won't have one for much longer. She signed up for this, so no use complaining now.

Rajah by this point was also covering her ears, cursing loudly. The roars seemed to hurt her sensitive hearing. Though she could still easily make out Iggy's voice, slowly floating over to him as the swearing from her progressively got worse. It put sailors to shame honestly. But it also meant she stuck close to Iggy, for a meatshield if nothing else.

With Penny's help, she began to run. Though her legs were shaky and numb, they felt better with each step she took. Though it didn't stop her occasional stumbling. She didn't know where they were running, between the unfamiliarity of both terrain and scents she was no chance of being able to sniff out her fellow guildmates, but at this stage anywhere was better than here.


Ashlyn Johnson

So much had happened over the short time they had arrived on the island, even if it felt like they had been here longer. But this? This took the cake. While some panicked over the sight of the dragon, frozen in place by Time Lord, Ash did nothing more than stare blankly up at the creature. Seeing one of these legendary monsters up close was both equally terrifying...and disappointing. She wasn't sure what it was, whether she thought they would be bigger, spikier, scarier, or whatever. But she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed at the sight of the red dragon, and whatever fear she felt soon began to turn into a different yet similar feeling.

"Well, at least this saves time yeah?" The pyromancer strode forward and cracked her knuckles loudly but soon stopped as Ferrin's words reached her. "Tsk. But it's right here.." grinding her teeth, she glared towards the fire dragon. Every instinct in her body screamed for her to attack the thing. That's what they were here for after all. To defeat the dragons. And here one was, alone up against them all. It made sense to knock it out before it had a chance to team up with it's 'friends' surely!

Her arms flung up instinctively when she first saw the flames, confusion soon following as the heat one usually associated with them was nonexistent. The illusion only served to annoy her further, half turning to Sasha. She also wanted them to pull back?! She had to be joking, surely. Ash was here to do one thing and one thing only, fight. And now that she had the chance, they were telling her not to? Normally, she might just go 'screw them' and attack the thing anyway...but then she remembered, she had to actually listen to Sasha. Such was the General's orders. Taking a deep breath, she allowed herself to turn away from the dragon. "In that case, I ain't going nowhere till you do. The General would be mightily annoyed if I turned tail and ran, only for something to happen to ya you know?" Shaking her head, she walked over to Sasha and put a hand on her shoulder. "But uh, don't scream like that again. I was more freaked out by that than the actual dragon."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ferrin Astra

Tenrou Team - Discretion is the better part of not dying horribly.

Direct interaction: @MarshiestMallow @LightningMaiden

The aether wizard rolled his eyes at Time Lord's boasting and more then that, his nickname choice. Again with the 'Old Man'. "That is nice and all, Timmy, but someone assisting you would decrease the chance of you tripping over your own clumsy feet and knocking yourself senseless, which, while it would bring me great personal entertainment, would also set the dragon lose. So--"

Ferrin saw the dragon break free. He heard Sasha scream. He saw it spit fire and death, and smelled the smoke on the air, but he was slow--Too Slow!--to stop it! He desperately prepared a defensive spell, knowing it would be futile. Too Late!

Time shifted. And a new reality was created. Simultaneously, he felt a burning sensation in his right eye causing him to wince reflexively raise a hand to cover it. The dragonfire vanished like an illusion and the dragon was still held in check. The memory of the old time began to fade, becoming like something from a dream. Ferrin was dismayed by how fast it happened, the unexplained pain fueling his anger. Too slow! I need to be faster and more alert! If that had been real… He ground his teeth in frustration, yet shivered. Sasha’s desperate scream had chilled him to the bone. Over and over he had heard that fear; he never wanted to hear it again. The phantom pain in his eye faded slowly, but he didn't have time to dwell on it. Much delayed, Shiden fell into his hand, a comforting weight, marred by the thought that he should have already had it in hand.

He whirled and pointed a Gauntlet finger at Cecilia, the exceed he had met earlier with the ice dragon slayer. "You. Winged Cat. Carry this fool." He hooked a metal thumb back at Time Lord.
He listened and nodded in acknowledgement of the guildmaster and Sasha, once to each. He raised his voice once more. "Everyone, we have a guide, follow me! And don't forget to cover our tracks." But then he hesitated, as a thought occurred to him. A simple trick…but would it fool a dragon? One way to find out, since Time Lord held it down, he had some time to craft the spell.
He took a deep breath, and with it, gathered his magic and solidified his will. To do this right, he need to keep his emotions in check. It wasn’t easy, but with experience of long practice, he pulled across him the Heart of Steel, a meditative state of mind that set aside emotions, eliminated irrelevant thought, and focused his will.

Visually, he suddenly relaxed, tension draining and his eyes becoming flat, slowing nothing. His clothing rippled slightly from a wind that wasn’t there. He lifted his metal fist and imagined what he wanted. Then, he added a drop of aether. Immediately, the wind exploded into a strong directionless gust. When the spell felt right, he made a brushing motion. “True Illusion: Blind.”

Around the frozen dragon’s eyes, a dark cloud formed. It would absorb any and all light from reaching the dragon’s sight.

Still in the same state, he curled his fist and made another motion. “True Illusion: Spoor.” There was a shimmer around the Dragon’s nose, but nothing more. The spell gave off a powerful ammonia smell, that would, hopefully, confuse its sense of smell.

Once more. Just the little bit of Aether used and he was already feeling it. But he knew that if he didn’t, these simple illusion cantrips, and that was all they were, wouldn’t fool a dragon.

“True Illusion: Deafen.” This final spell would put a meaningless noise in the dragon’s ear, to obscure, but he could not eliminate, it’s hearing.

These circumstances were unique, this isn’t something he could pull off in combat. He was both close enough and had enough time to precisely aim his spells.

He released his magic with a sigh, but he was still deeply calm. Ferrin gestured with his metal arm. “Follow me.” he said simply, before taking off in a jog that gradually sped into a sprint. Mavis was actually the one leading the way, he followed her, being one of two who could see her, and everyone else could follow him. He was careful to regulate his speed to not to leave his companions behind.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Then go." Sasha said to Ariel, keeping her eyes on the dragon. Was it moving? Ever so slowly, she was sure it's lifted food was moving to the ground. It was definetely lower to the ground then it had been. A little annoyed at Ashlyn, Sasha, "I wasn't screaming because I was afraid, but because I didn't know how to protect everyone."

She turned her attention back to the dragon, the others, making sure that they were heading away from the dragon at least.

"I don't fall, F-Ferrin." Patrick said, as he shifted where he stood, his gaze on the dragon and drawing a deep breath, gathering his magic, he poured more power into the spell, holding the dragon where it stood. "No. You must stay with your slayer, Exceed. Keep her safe." He absolutely refused to let anyone carry him, maintaining eye contact on the dragon, he started to walk backwards, his steps sure as he did so. He did not seem to need a guide as he walked along. "Whatever you're doing, please hurry." He said softly as he realised Ferrin was throwing spells around.

He truly wasn't certain of how much longer he could hold the dragon for, it was already taking more magic than he had first thought. He wasn't about to admit it, however.

When everyone was following Ferrin and Marvis, Sasha started after them, making sure that Patrick stayed behind her.

Ignatius shoved Rajah ahead of him, making sure the little Exceed was moving away from the dragon before following. He did his best to stay behind her, to protect her if need be. His gaze swept over the land, and he shouted down below to Penny and Jasmine, "Look's like there's a large group on the other side of the island." He decided not to mention the dragon that they, too, were running from. He figured that there was more safety in numebrs. Plus, he was sure that there was another Exceed there. More slayers.

Penny kept Jasmine up as much as she could, keeping ahold of the younger girl's hand so she could pull her back up as needed. She couldn't believe she was here, doing this... that she had dragged Jasmine into this mess. She was meant to protect the girl... and instead she was having her run from dragons, on a clearly unstable island. She knew Jasmine was capable, but she didn't know what she was doing...

At Ignatius's shouted words, Penny sighed wearily. Perfect. Not sure how big the island was, but knowing that it was big, Penny didn't know how far they could run. And she couldn't take to the air. Feel more and more frustrated by the moment, Penny continued to urge Jasmine to run, feeling the tremours as more dragon's came to the surface, the roars...

"Not much further... "

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

James Hunt|A Test of Honor

The paladin was preparing to point the pair back along the path that he and Cody had come along in their tracking when they duo broke into an argument, along with the younger one slinging questions and requests out a surprising pace. Before James could offer any form of answer, the older of the pair spoke up and tried to silence him and get a way out. "There's a pa-" Once again the younger man spoke up, making it nearly impossible for him to get a word in edgewise.

The pair argued briefly, most of which the Paladin couldn't follow, before the older wizard requested that the pair be allowed to accompany them. "Hmmmm...." On the one hand, he didn't know anything about this pair other than what they've shared, which wasn't enough to build a strong trust on, if it was even true. But on the others, James had concerns that this group of gangs was being led by an A list Dark Guild with S-Class wizards that he would be hard pressed to beat even with Cody's help. After a moment of debate, he sighs. "With no offense meant, I don't entirely trust you, either of you, but we can't afford to turn down the offer of help for reasons of numbers advantage in favor of the gangs. So you may accompany us, but be aware that the slightest hint of treachery and you won't have time to say good bye."

Hunter Jorgenson|Island Paradigm

Hunter stared, not in fear or disbelief, well, maybe a little in disbelief, but mostly in determination. Timelord's magic and Long Coat Guy's cheap tricks wouldn't work, not on a being like a dragon, or at least not for long. So instead of running after the others, he inhaled a lot of breath into his lungs and began to prepare. It was just long enough for the group to begin moving away when Timelord's spell failed, the air around the monster seeming to shatter as it was returned to it's proper time in space time, and it roared off the spells that Ferrin had conjured to try and get them time to escape, the pure magic energy in that alone incredible. And it was in that moment the Jade Dragon Slayer struck, clasping his hands into a vaguely trumpet shape.

"Jade Dragon's Roar!" The particalized stone impacted the red dragon with an explosion, drawing it's attention from the large group of wizards retreating away from it. "I'm a Dragon Slayer, damn it! Don't tell me to run when this is what we exist for!" Hurtling himself forwards, his hand encased in his element, he delivered a blow to the dragon's snout, actually stumbling it. "I'll buy you time! Get out of here!" Meanwhile, Penny and Jasmine would notice that the grey dragon they'd spotted was more moving in a specific direction than chasing them, which meant they just happened to be in it's path. Just where was it going though?
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 6 days ago

Jasmine Lockwood and Rajah

They had only been running a short while, but to Jasmine, it had felt like an eternity. Just how long had they been running? Probably for no longer than ten minutes by this stage, but the girls seemed to make up ground quite quickly. Being Slayers pumped full of adrenaline in a life-threatening situation meant you could move surprisingly fast.

But even so, this wasn’t without its hiccups from the blonde. Her own feet seem determined to undermine her attempts at running at every given tree branch, rock or even thin air by tripping her up. Luckily for her, Penny had a firm grip on her arm other she would’ve face-planted long ago.

When Iggy spoke of a large group of people on the other side, she cast a quick glance towards Penny. Surely that had to be their fellow guildmates, who else could it be? Soon a shadow was over them, the dragon was overhead!

Squeezing her eyes as tightly as she could, she waited for the inevitable attack from the dragon….would it swoop it with its sharp claws or teeth and rip them to shreds? Or would it effectively just nuke them from the sky with a roar?

“Pay attention girl! Open your eyes!” Ryujin’s voice snapped her back to reality, the reality that included not being attacked by a dragon as it slowly overtook them. Wait, wasn’t it chasing them? Unless….

“Penny! Look!” Calling out loud enough for her usually soft voice to be heard by Penny, but hopefully not loud enough to be heard by the dragon overhead, the blonde quickly gestured upwards with her free hand.

“Hmph, it better run. Coward.” Despite Rajah’s words, there was an unmistakable twinge of relief in the exceed’s tone. But if the dragon wasn’t after them….where was it going?

“Do not slow your course child. You aren’t out of danger just yet.”
“I know Ryujin, I can smell it…” Multiple dragons were on the island. How many? Well, she couldn’t quite tell. She was still recovering somewhat from the miasma around the island, combined with all the new scents which were foreign to her then pinpointing such accurate information was most certainly beyond her. It was probably beyond her, to begin within ideal situations as well.

Which meant the chances were high that the others were up against one, or more, dragons. Meaning they could need her help! With renewed energy and determination, she continued to run just behind of Penny. Just because the dragon wasn’t after them, didn’t mean they should slow up for even a moment.

Ashlyn Johnson

“Huh? I never said you were, just freaked me out was all.” Shrugging off Sasha’s annoyance, Ash quickly turned her gaze to the dragon. Was it her imagination or...was it starting to move?

Anticipation building, she subconsciously began to clench and unclench her fists. She was the type to listen to her instincts, and they were screaming something fierce about this situation. It didn’t take long for her gut feeling to be realised either. Feeling the residue roar wash over her body, her hair whipping about with her jacket, the adrenaline already began to take over. “Don’t think I’m gonna let ya have all the fun...” With the dragon seeming to stumble from Hunter’s blow, Ash gathered flames in her gloved hand.

“Better go on ahead Frosty. Me and Jade here can handle one little newt.” With a confident look, she quickly fired a series of small fireballs into the dragon’s side.

Now, did the pyromancer actually expect these to even scratch the dragon? God no. But even if they did no more than tickle the beast, they should at least draw some of its attention. Soon after firing the projectiles, she was gone, racing up beside it and launching into a flame coated punch into its side.

Cody Bloodstein

Cody was taken aback at the scene that unfolded before the duo. As the two bickered among themselves it seemed, both Cody and James didn’t seem to be able to get a word in so Cody spent the time just looking between the duo and James. He at least managed to keep track of the fast-moving conversation and bank the useful information.

The older man was called Bayard. He seemed to be helping the younger boy out to find someone by the name of Fay. The younger of the two seemed to want to help them in case they could uncover something about this missing Fay. They both seemed to be wizards, that much could be confirmed by the faint sensation of magic about them. The rest of which he made note of….well they could all be lies, but he doubted it. Unless they were S-Class liars and actors.

With James making it rather clear on his stance with the duo, but still accepting their offer, Cody let out a heavy sigh. He was tired, both from his own thoughts and this little ordeal. The sooner they found these bandits the better.

“First things first. If we’re going to work together, we need to know each other’s names right?” Stepping forward, Cody extended his right hand towards the duo. This also exposed the bright red guild mark on his palm. “Cody Bloodstein.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Plutus took one look at Cody’s extended hand, his eyes widening at the sight of a Guild Mark. Ignoring the handshake, Plutus latched onto Cody’s wrist and began frantically waving the poor man’s arm around; all the while shouting at his companion.
He’s got a mark! Which Guild is this from Bayard! Tell me! Quick!” Plutus’ grip was surprisingly firm for such a young lad, keeping himself stuck to Cody until Bayard walked over and took a look.

Phoenix Wing. I’d recognise that mark anywhere.” Bayard looked up at the boy who had introduce himself as Cody, and then the other unnamed mage and his golden armour. If they were Phoenix Wing mages, then they must be the real deal. That Guild had a reputation of producing powerful mages. Bayard clasped his hand with Cody’s, giving it a firm shake.

Bayard.” He refrained from mentioning his last name. The Lux family was renowned across the country, and he didn’t want the affiliation. Meanwhile, Plutus offered his own handshake to the golden hero.
Plutus Ishtar! I’ve come all the way from Isvan to explore this beautiful country of heroes and magic!And to find Fay, he wanted to say – but perhaps that could wait until the Dark Mages were dealt with.

Once the other man introduced himself, the group stood amidst the trees with naught but the sounds of the blue jay’s song to fill the void. Awaiting instruction, Bayard spoke up.
So, since we’ve kind of crashed your little party here – just tell the kid and I what needs to be done and we’ll make it happen.” Bayard grinned, a hint of confidence in his voice. Plutus shared in his partners pride. The pair of them had been quite successful so far in their heroic ventures – even if Bayard tried to pretend the lifestyle didn’t suit him. Plutus eagerly pounded his fists together.
"You won't be disappointed, friends!" Bayard rolled his eyes at the kids callous use of such a term. Friends. They barely knew each other. The older mage even threatened them if they turned out to be anything less than what they said they were. A fair call, but it still pissed Bayard off. He didn't take kindly to threats. Now wasn't the time to go making waves though. So he sat quietly, awaiting their next move to be decided.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ferrin Astra

Tenrou Team -
Discretion maybe the better part of not dying horribly.

…but no one gets left behind.

Ah hell.

Even as Ferrin was turning away, he stopped in his tracks as he heard a terrifying roar, followed by a violent explosion, and accompanied by a rush of a tangle of magic energies.

He turned around to a nightmare. The Dragon had broken loose.

The Aethermage heaved a deep sigh. "Timmy, you had one job." He muttered. He then rolled his neck, feeling it pop. He also noticed in the moment his coffee pot was gone, blown who-know-where in the excitement. Another sigh. "Okay. That is it. We are doing this." He turned to the ghost of his guildmaster and gave her half a shrug. "I tried." He said apologetically.

He strolled over to Hunter, sword down, rolling his mechanical shoulder in a casual, easy manner. "Never have tried to slay a dragon before. Never did see one in my time. But I have killed a dragonslayer or two before. How hard can it be?" He mused, whimsically. "Heh. Does that make me a dragonslayerslayer?" Even as he spoke, he was gathering magic. A whole lot of magic. He was bringing to bear the full force of the considerable power he commanded. And strange things around him began to occur.

A gentle silver mist began to rise from his form, curling and vanishing quickly. A subtle warping of the air around could be seen, like heat over boiling water. Small flashes of gentle, formless, golden light winked in and out of existence. His face grew sharper, his eyes brighter, the muted colors of his garb stood out more then they should. Everything about him seemed to become more real.

When he turned back to face the dragon that threatened them all, his face was set, expression one of grim focus. He went to the quiet place inside him, where motion held no sway over his thoughts, and his focus was absolute. Heart of Steel. He was the absolute calm in the center of a storm.

"No one gets left behind, slayer." He murmured. The words were said softly, yet they carried to everyone's ears.

Louder, he said, "New plan. We hit fast. We hit hard. Take this overgrown lizard down."

His metal hand flashed in the sunlight as it extended, palm up, fingers poised. "For destruction," He recited. "Ice is also great and will suffice.
F R O S T NOVA." Snap, his fingersnap split the air as he harnessed some of the raging storm.

There was a swirl of translucent, slivery blue magical energy, around the entire group. An invisible tension filled the air. There was a fraction of a second of stillness.

Then all of a sudden, with crackling roar, like ice sheeting off a glacier, a iceberg-size chunk of spiked ice exploded into existence, centered on the dragon. It was easily two or three times the size of the dragon it had replaced, and bristled with jagged edges and sharp points. Sparks of leftover aetheric magic arced between them, as suddenly condensed water vapor fell in a sheet of white mist. The inside of the ice wasn't normal, it was strangely cloudy, and the cloudiness was swirling, moving ominously much like a storm. Occasionally, a flash of light flickered through it. Whatever was inside was surely feeling much more then cold. The backlash of cold air washed over all present in a surprisingly refreshing breeze.

Ferrin sagged a little, slightly ruining the dramatic effect. That had been a big spell, bigger even then the Jade Roar earlier, and utterly dwarfing the fireballs tossed by Ashlyn. The energy loss was staggering, but nothing the Aether wizard couldn't walk off. Hopefully.

But he wasn't finished. Already, he was in motion, planning, and gathering strength for another spell, knowing the dragon could take a lot more then that, and preparing in the case of a counterattack. Mainly concerned with ice shards that were bound to fly everywhere, or the steam from the soon-to-be sublimated ice.

The ice held a secondary trick, it could be detonated for a secondary explosion of aether energy, either remotely by him, as the spellcaster, or by whatever hit it with enough force, including when the dragon manages to break free. He was too cynical to think in terms of 'if'.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tenrou Island

@MarshiestMallow@Crimson Raven@Hatakekuro@t2wave@Burthstone@Demon Shinobi@LightningMaiden@Joshua Tamashii@Oblivion666@Lunarlord34

When Mayt saw the dragon, someone could've easily thought that Time Lord had accidentally cast his spell on Mayt. The S-Class, who had so far just been blithely following the rest of the group, now stood stock still. He was so... Completely dwarfed by the things presence. Sasha's and Ferrin's orders and suggestions fell onto what could be only called deaf ears. What finally brought Mayt out of his stupor was the attack of the illusory dragon, where instinct caught the mage and he put his arms out to cover as much of the area a behind him as he spoke his spell: "Reduce: Heat." This moment of action- and Sasha's scream- was enough to get his brain jump-started.

Mayt started to grab anyone he saw who was spacing out, or clearly didn't know what to do, or standing stupified, or otherwise generally not in-tune to what was going on and directing them where Sasha was saying to go. Hopefully just being gently nudged would get them moving again, as if all the rest somehow couldn't of. When the Dragon broke out of the time spell Mayt changed his patterns so that he could keep an eye on the dragon, but continued with what he was doing until everyone was moving with the rest of the group, and followed only just ahead of Sasha.

Then, as was expected, the dragon broke out of the spell Time Lord had put on it, and the dragonslayers started attacking. Mayt wanted to shout at them to come back, but when Ferrin started rushing back into the fray he realized that anything like that was futile, and jogged towards them himself. As Ferrin's Ice nova finished Mayt almost shouted something about how they ought to not go all out here if there's going to be more fights later, and instead ducked quickly over to Hunter Jorgenson. "I'm going to keep its attacks at bay you focus on taking it down," he said quickly, and shifted stance as he now watched the dragon. He was going to try and interpose himself in the way of any attack the dragon made and either nullify it or throw it back at the dragon if he could. And while athletically he probably couldn't keep up with the dragon slayers or Ferrin, the beast itself should be slow enough moving he could get somewhere in the way. Hopefully.

And hopefully the energy the beast could put out wouldn't just overwhelm him.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Karn/Edarn | Tenrou Island

@Burthstone@MarshiestMallow [@everyone else]

Everything seemed to happen so fast, one moment he was being clinched to and folks trying to stop his excitement, the next a dragon appeared. Which of course only got him more excited, so excited he did not register Sasha’s orders nor Mayt’s Nudging. His green eyes just gazed in awe, studying the beast as it broke from the spell. Slayers moving in to confront the great mythical beast.

”Snap out of it you idiot!” Karn could hear within his mind of his Edolas version that was trapped within him. Blinking a bit as she managed to snap him out of his daze, the currently chimera formed beast shook his head. His friends needed help... and then the memory back to Zero and Zenoram’s father entered his mind. Watching as tre poisoned dragon died... and he felt unwilling to fight another. Yet he was a slayer. With the magic power to help his friends. He had to do something for the friends who took him in.. when he had been on his own.

Large jaws curling, his eyes glanced to Mithera and Trinity. ”Hang on... or stand back.” Karn instructed before he closed his eyes. His magical energy spiking up tremendously. And anyone could tell, he was using most of his magic in this one instance. Then, his eyes snapped open, a snarl rising in his throat. Furred body disappearing in a flash and his body growing in size. No longer the form of a Eastern Chimera... but growing bigger and bigger. Thick scales covering his body as he took form as a copy of the dragon attacking his friends.

Already, he could feel his magic draining in speed by the sheer size his form brought. Yet he let out a ferocious roar, charging foreword in order to crash into the dragon opponent. Teeth open to snap at the dragon’s neck and in hopes to at least pin down the dragon. He was getting dizzy. It wouldn’t be long until he was forced to release this form without risking his life and Edarn’s.

Prince | Tenrou Island

For the most part, Prince was watching the events unfold with a mild interest. Eating from a bag of popcorn, the feline gave a mrrr of amusement. ”I dare say, this will be a tale to tell back home. Fighting dragons. Exciting.” the red haired man mused as he then tossed the popcorn and pulled out a journal, scribbling things down in it. Easily sidestepping out of the way of falling debri or the like.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Patrick stumbled as his time spell failed, falling to the ground and breathing hard. Something sharp pierced the palm on one hand, but he didn't seem to notice as he sought to gather his remaining strength to rise. It seemed to take an age, as Hunter attacked the red dragon. His arms trembling, his legs threatening to give way as he rose, he sought anything to hold onto until he gained his strength.

He was blown back by Ferrin's attacks, not being aware of what was coming and he went flying, crashing into a nearby tree. His breath left him in an explosion and he closed his eyes as pain lashed out at him from many different parts of his body. He suspected he might have a few broken bones.

"You're meant to be killing it, not me Old Man!" Patrick shouted

Sighing as everything went to hell, Sasha watched as first Hunter, than Ash and finally Ferrin attacked the dragon. Stepping up when Ferrin began to use Ice, Sasha raised her free hand, adding her own encasement of ice to whatever it was that he was doing. "Ice make: Dragon lance!" A great lance appeared in her hand, giving no animalistic appearance, but she held it at the ready. What she was going to do with it, she didn't know, but... it seemed right.

Making sure to keep her hold on Jasmine, keeping the girl moving, Penny slowed at the girls shouted words. She looked up as the dragon passed them, holding her breath. Her heart was beating hard in her chest, and all she could think of was keeping Jasmine safe. But how could she, when there was dragons crawling over the island?

She couldn't fail Jasmine... she couldn't let the girl down... she wouldn't lose, this time. The roar, and sound of fighting just barely reached her ears. The others were fighting... they couldn't lead this dragon to them, even if it wasn't strictly following them. Penny slowed, pressing against a tree, making sure that she was still in front of Jasmine as she watched the dragon.

"We can't run... "

She might not be a dragon slayer, but she was still powerful, and right then she had something to fight for. She had to protect Jasmine. Up above, Ignatius stopped moving as well, his gaze not on the Dragon, but on Penny.

Gathering her strength, Penny choose not her Phoenix slayer magic, but her fire magic to attract the attention of the dragon. A large ball of fire appeared in her hand, and she shot it towards the dragon, and it was then that something caught her sight. The Dragon appeared to be injured. Whether its long induced slumber, or its wakening, this Dragon was injured. It was, hopefully, weakened. She didn't let that hope rule her as she continued to gather her power, her Phoenix Fire beginning to once more cover her body and she let out a lament.

Those on the island, those she cared about, those she knew were fighting their own battle would feel their own strength surge, but Penny focused the song on herself and Jasmine. She had to make sure that Jasmine could escape, if she needed to. She had to. If she died here... well, the one good thing she could ensure was that Jasmine had a chance.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Ariel was well on her way out of there as best she could manage. Definitely had no intention of contesting a dragon. Though she didn't really know where to go other than any indication Sasha gave. Curse this emotional handicap. Fear was not something a lot of people liked but being overcome by it was even less appealing. One of these days she was going to have to find a way to control it or something. Assuming I survive that is. No, couldn't think that way. Gotta get a hold of herself.

Glancing back she faltered a bit. Some of them were going to fight the thing!? Well that made some sense for the Dragon Slayers. But anyone else that didn't sound like a good idea. For a brief moment Ariel thought about trying to help before dismissing the idea. Aside from being scared to death this was way outside her class. She didn't have the magical power to compete. Well, maybe she did. It was hard to tell. But even if the woman did have the needed magic she had no idea how to call on it. Nor did she really want to. The Phoenix and God magic each scared her for different reasons. Magic in general held a little anxiety for her since how she interacted with it was something of a mystery.

While attempting to run even Sasha stopped to attack. No more guide, great. Getting lost wasn't high on Ariel's list of things to do either so she darted around behind a large tree to hide. "This is bad. This is bad. This is bad." She closed her eyes and covered her ears trying to block out as much as she could. This was way too much to handle. Of course her efforts weren't all that effective but she didn't know what else to do.

But then she felt, no, heard it. A sudden wash of magic echoed across the island that resonated with the woman. An ember inside her came to life, smoldering and sparking trying to ignite into a flame. Ariel didn't notice it until the chills of fear gave way to a warmth building inside of her. At first she was confused about what it was until the magic began to well up and spill out. "What? No on no! This is not a good time." She stumbled away from the tree as she transformed behind a wall of flame. Emerging with her Phoenix magic in full display Ariel took a few moments to gather herself. Despite having just received a significant rise in magic it seemed the previous side effect as last time remained. Wholly confused by the unfamiliar surroundings the winged woman practically jumped out of her skin when she turned around to see what looked like two dragons. "Ah- What the hell?" She hit her own head a couple times trying to jog her memory. What was going on> How did she get here?

To no avail she didn't know exactly what was going on other than what was in front of her. Her... friends?... were attacking one of the dragons along with another dragon. That didn't seem very fair. She nearly jumped into the fray to defend the creature when she noticed a man injured off to one side. Far too close to the action to be safe. Torn for a moment Ariel danced in place looking back and forth. Finally she decided and took to the air after Patrick. Landing by him she gently hoisted him up into her arms. "Let's get you out of here." Lifting off she carried Time Lord into the air to get some distance from the fight. Hopefully her initial flashy entrance or unusual magic hadn't attracted too much attention.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Remram
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@Tenrou Island Crew

There are roles that some people did not even need to be put in nor would they even expect; Enma in this case was being held as some sort of security blanket all the way towards the island by a hysterical Ash who was quite literally sobbing into him with every slight rock the boat made. And may the gods help them even if the tiniest droplet of water fell got in the boat. God damn if they were on that boat any longer the poor guy would be getting a serious case of tinnitus. To top it all off he was dealing with his own seasickness so every time the boat rocked he was trying to hold it in or else he would keep on vomiting over the side of the boat, which in turn would bring Ash closer to the water and cause her screaming to worsen. It was not a fun time.

Meanwhile, Zev was sitting in the same boat as them and just sat there watching silently. "Frenzy Plant, huh? More like Flimsy Plant", is what he would say though he was sure that the two of them would toss him off the boat and he was a smart man so he held his tongue. He wasn't bothered by this at all; he was used to being on the water when he was growing up so it was quite interesting to see...whatever the hell this is.

When everyone had made it to land, Enma joined his Frenzy Plant companion and fell down on all fours and kissed the ground. Never before had he missed sweet, sweet solid, stable land. Zev just stood there and watched the two of them kiss the land like it was a long lost lover and simply just shook his head. He would have to settle for being embarrassed for the both of them.

Then the sudden roars tore through the island and the land mass began to shake violently though Enma and Zev felt this obscene magical pressure hanging in the air. It was as if there were boulders stacked on their backs and they just kept on coming. Just what in the hell did they sign up for? Whatever it was, it somehow involved dragons! Shouldn't they have been extinct? Enma was always one to welcome a challenge and to set his mettle and strength against the strongest, but even he knew that he was far out of his depth. In Zev's case, he would have turned back and gone back on the ship if it were an option. He did not sign up to fight dragons of all things. He had Fiona to look after, he had to come back alive.

At least they had the sense to form groups and plans and egos were thrown about though it looked like that one of them, this Ferrin fellow, had finally just lost it and began to talk to himself. Well, in a worst case scenario they can at least use him as bait for the dragons at least...which was probably now that ruby red dragon had just appeared though it was held back by the Time Lord though that really did not last long. Fighting really was the only option that they all had or else they were going to be some extra crispy mages.

"God dammit!" Zev cursed at their situation. If they ever get out of here alive, they have to warn Fiore that dragons are inhabiting the island. This was a cataclysmic disaster just waiting to happen.

He glanced over to Enma and from the information he could gather from talking to him before this little shit show of a trip, he was physically strong and had the magic to amplify that already. This gave him an idea. "Hey muscle head. Use these." Zev had begun to generate spears of solid mercury and received a nod knowing where this was going.

"Let's hope this works!" He grabbed one of the mercury spears and infused them with his Tremor Magic, making them vibrate at higher speeds until it was emitting an actual noise and then infused it with his Warrior's Magic, the red glow coated it and gave it far more immense durability. With a great throw, he tossed the spear towards the dragon's face. Even if the scales protected it from the brunt of the attack, the vibrations should at least have some sort of effect if it hits.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zenoram and Zero

> > > On Tenrou Island < < <
Phoenix Wing
Tags: @MarshiestMallow@Crimson Raven@Zarkun@Silver Fox and basically everyone else within earshot on Tenrou

Zero watched as everything began, initially attempting to fight every urge to charge the monstrous beast and follow orders. That is, he would have, if everything hadn't gone almost immediately to shit. Soon, there was a battle raging around him as he stood frozen. Wait... What? Why was he...

"Zenoram, what the hell are you doing?!"

"I just... I don't... I... I...

"You idiot!" Zero snapped as suddenly he and Zenoram were face to face in the deep recesses of their mind. The dragon slayer glared at the young, quivering man before him, unable to bring himself to move in opposition of the deadly beast facing his group. He couldn't possibly. Not when the memories of their fallen father, of the being who'd raised them, flooded his young mind. And especially not when their hand, their magic, had played a pivotal role in the Dragon's demise.

"But I can’t… I don’t…” Zenoram was clearly distraught, and this was in tandem effect Zero’s control over the body.

”Zenoram, you don’t have to fight, but you’ve gotta let me move. We have to help defend our friends and I can’t do that if you’re putting up all these damn, mental blocks!” He growled angrily at the timid mage. He could hear the shouts and orders being barked along with the sounds of battle as he stared down at Zenoram. He shook his head, clearly annoyed and disappointed.

”I just… I can’t Zero. What if this Dragon is also being controlled by something? What if the dragon doesn’t know what it’s doing? I don’t wanna be apart of bringing it down.” He shot back, tears welling up in his eyes, mirrored on their body if anybody were to look more closely. Zero sucked his teeth at this. He didn’t know how to respond. He didn’t want to hurt Zenoram. He never wanted to hurt Zenoram. But right now, they didn’t have many options available to them. ”Zero?”

It took a second, but soon, as the battle continued to rage Zero came to his senses. ”We don’t really have a choice here Zenoram.” Zero’s voice was softer now as he placed a hand on Zenoram’s shoulder. ”You may not need to be a slayer to stop a dragon, but my magic… our magic... will sure as hell make a difference.”


”No buts.” Zero cut Zenoram off. ”I’m not makin you fight, but if things go south we’re gonna need your Time Zone magic. So, for now, close your eyes. Isolate yourself and let me do all the dirty work. We can hash out feelings later. I promise.”

Zero didn’t have to say anything else. Just like that he felt a weight lift. He could move again, just in time to catch himself up on what the fuck was going on. Gods, things had gone to shit fast. Fuck! Why couldn’t everyone have just listened to Sasha?!” He slapped his palm up against his face and dragged it down. They probably should have all tried to retreat, no questions asked. It wasn’t his style, but he’d agreed to listen to the person in charge. Guess, it was just gonna have to be an all out assault. Even though it was possible that Zenoram might have been able to temporarily stop the dragon with his time magic, having practiced on Hemlock for years, he was in not condition to battle.

Given how that he was still out of it, it wasn’t like Zero was completely ready for this himself. What the hell was he even supposed to do? He shook his head. He couldn’t feel Zenoram tugging at the back of his mind. It was weird. It was like for the first time ever, he was in complete control. ”Alright, one of us is gonna need therapy after this.” He said as he began to gather his magical power.

He hopped back to avoid some of the brunt of some of the powerful attacks being launched. Powerful spells were being cast in this little assault on the dragon. He glanced around trying to ascertain who exactly was doing what. ”Fuck it, no time for strategy.” He said as he relaxed his stance and closed his eyes. His magic began to swell and poison began to take the shape around him. The shapes were… rudimentary, hardly solid in anyway, and yet spears, arrows, javelins, etc. could likely be made out. ”Poison Dragon’s Arsenal: Projectile Edition.” He spoke to nobody in particular as he readied his attack.

Most of the Tenrou Team was keeping on their toes and still attacking. Karn had even become a dragon. That made aiming a bit harder, Zero had to avoid him, but it would hopefully help keep the dragon in place. ”Unless you’re immune to poison, I’d make sure to stay out of the way of this!” He shouted with a snarl as he began to fire the mass of poison “weapons” at the dragon his allies were currently attacking. It wasn’t like he couldn’t help anybody afflicted with his poison, but it’d still hurt like hell and it’d be a real drag to have to save anyone if it got in their system. Especially while trying to fight a dragon.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Tenrou Island-Draconic Brawl/Hunter Jorgenson and Jack Goran-A Day to Remember

The numerous blows against the red-scaled behemoth stumbled it, but so far as anyone could tell, it barely noticed. Karn, however, drew it's attention and as he went to try and pin the Fire Dragon, he found himself lying on his back as the dragon's tail knocked his legs out from under him. The sudden appearance of the iceberg, however, briefly caught it off guard. It prepared to exhale in response, but found itself unable to unleash the break from the sudden expansion of the ice. So instead, it increased it's body heat exponentially. Once enough of the ice had melted around it, a mighty shake broke the iceberg into many pieces before taking aim at Ferrin.

The rage in its gaze was palpable, but something else lay there as well, something that was hard to place. The incoming spears of mercury caught it's gaze just as it was about to unleash it's breath attack and instead it turned and blasted the spears, melting them before they could impact and sending a lethal blaze at the responsible pair, Enma and Zev. As they braced for the inevitable to hit them, they suddenly found that nothing happened after a couple of minutes, noticing the sound of air being sucked in. Zev would be the one to open his eyes and see his guild master, Jack Goran, had intercepted and consumed the blaze.

Que Epic Music

"It would seem that there is quite the story to be learned from the presence of these beasts. You two help the others, I will deal with our fiery friend here. As he finished, a black dragon made itself known, blasting at Jack with a beam of pure shadow. The attack was intercepted by a stream of Jade, with Hunter landing between his guild master and the Shadow Dragon. Jack, grinning, looked around as a predatory White Dragon landed, a feathery-appearing Sky Dragon passed over them with a mighty roar, and a purple Poison Dragon intercepted Zero's attack, absorbing the poison attack.

The guild master bowed in apology to Sasha. "Forgive me Lady Sasha, but allow me." Black flame enveloped his fist she he approached the Fire Dragon. "Slayers, pick your opponent," Jack began to pick up speed as he approached the Dragon, moving from a walk into a job, and then a run, and then a sprint as he leapt into the air and pulled back with the flame covered fist, "and give no quarter!" The blow met with the Dragon's counter swipe of a clawed hand and blasted outwards, sending the Flame God Slayer sliding across the ground before he regained his footing and resumed his attack.

Hunter grinned and was no where near as dramatic as his guild master, encasing himself in his Jade Scales as he sprinted forwards and leapt into the air, his own fist pulled back for a mighty blow. "Jade Dragon's Steel Fist!" And so began a battle for the ages, the mages of Phoenix Wing, Dragon Fang and Frenzy Plant against dragons, who's power was still feared to modern day. It was a day history wouldn't soon forget.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 6 days ago

Jasmine Lockwood and Rajah

The faint sound of fighting and a dragon's roar was easily picked up by the girls with their slayer senses. As Jasmine feared, the others had encountered at least one more dragon already. She couldn't quite tell how far away they were, but the gigantic glacier-like object that appeared off in the distance gave a fair indication they weren't too far off. Even from here it was an impressive size. With her attention momentarily focused on Ferrin's spell, she didn't notice that Penny had slowed down and almost crashed into the back of the Phoenix Slayer.

Instead, she turned and smacked her face into the tree Penny had chosen to take shelter behind with a magnificent, loud thud. She stood stock-still for a moment, her back stiffening up as pain coursed through her face. Wonderful. At least she didn't take Penny out by accident, that was something right?

Rubbing her now sore nose, she looked through watery eyes towards Penny was aiming her attack at the dragon. Woah, Woah, Woah. Wait-weren't they meant to get to the others first?! They couldn't take on a dragon by themselves! Well, it was too late now, Penny had already begun shooting a large fireball at the monster and was beginning to cast a spell to boost presumably herself and Jasmine. Well, they were doing this then now weren't they?

"Hmm, you should hurry child." Ryujin's voice chimed in. "As you humans say...strike while the iron is hot no? Or is it he who strikes first wins? I'm not overly familiar with your human sayings." With a deep chuckle resounding in her mind, the blonde nodded to no one in particular. He was right, if she was going to do anything then it should be now. If not for the reasons stated above, then while they still had something resembling the element of surprise.

"Water..." Letting go of Penny's hand, Jasmine ran out into the open and took a deep breath. Dragon's..." bringing her hands up to her mouth to help form a funnel, she threw her head back as she felt the magic well up inside her. "ROAR!!" Jasmine was almost thrown off her own two feet by the water that gushed forwards up at the dragon. The attack aiming to slam into the creature's side to knock it out of the air. After the spell was completed, Jasmine took a couple of heavy breath's as her first proper usage of magic in more than 2 years took it's surprisingly low toll. More that it was hard to breath when shooting that attack!

"Ta-take that you stupid lizard!" Jasmine wasn't sure what she was meant to say, so stuttered out the best insult she could muster. She quickly took guard and waited for the dragon's response to their attacks, her knees shaking just a little to ruin the courageous effort.

Watching over this all unfold was Rajah, who was safely hiding behind of Iggy. She nodded her head approvingly as Jasmine started to aid Penny in attacking the dragon, pointing towards her as she spoke to Iggy. "Look at my disciple go! She'll teach this insolent creature what happens when you cross me." Nodding again with the confidence, or stupidity, that what she spoke was the absolute truth, her ears twitched excitedly. "Such a pathetic worm should know it's place and just lose already, they stand no chance against my disciple."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Solving the Disappearances

Damian let Penny and Mayt leave, keeping anything else he had to say to himself. Penny’s reaction to what he said...it wasn’t his intention to upset her, but he also couldn’t abide by the notion that fear was ever a valid reason for anything. He stepped out shortly after they did and headed out to see the guilds off, the light of the sun shining over the group as they headed out of Magnolia. Godspeed to all of you and the best of luck. Once the last of the group had vanished from sight, Damian headed to his house, collecting Andor from the guild hall before doing so, and gathering some provisions for the trip. Oshibana Town’s mayor had contacted the guild shortly before, looking for one of it’s S-Class.

With a slight grimace, Damian had taken the call and apologized, promising to be there as soon as possible. As he stepped onto the train to Oshibana nearly an hour after he’d started getting ready, he pulled out the cell phone he’d bought and dialed the number he’d been given. It was picked up before the second ring had even finished. “Hello? Is this Phoenix Wing’s Damian Gerard?” Of course he’d know to ask that right away.

”That it is, Mister Mayor. I’ve just boarded the train and will be there by late afternoon. How many more since we last spoke?” That had, of course, been a couple of hours ago, but apparently the perpetrator had grown bolder.

“That’s the thing, Mister Gerard. Many of the girls and women have returned. The mages here say they’re almost completely drained of whatever natural magic they’ve stored, but they’re fine otherwise. We have them resting right now. Still, many did not yet return with the group…” Damian clicked his tongue in thoughtfulness. So then these women weren’t being held for ransom or some other reason similar to it, which only added a layer of confusion as to what he was doing to these women he was taking.

”I’ll speak with those who returned when I arrive, Mister Mayor. In the meantime, let them rest and get their magic returning.” There were a few more pleasantries exchanged before the Blade of Phoenix Wing hung the fancy, lacrima powered contraption up and relaxed. He really hoped that this wasn’t going to be as complicated a job as he thought it was, but the low magic with each girl…Something about this is...wrong. I’m not sure what it is, but… As the train left the station, it’s loud call echoing through the open air, Damian sat back and waited. He could theorize and guess all he wanted, but without getting to see what precisely it was that was happening, it would do him no amount of good.

Damian, as the night fell over Oshibana, was no closer to understanding what in the hell was going on than he had been before he’d arrived. His conversations with the girls who had been taken and had recently returned had been incredibly unhelpful so far, with all of them describing a similar sensation of becoming suddenly weightless. However, there had been one story that had stood out to the S-Class mage, one that was...well, it was different enough for him to consider following up on it. However, he had already passed along to group up all the women and girls in the town in the one building he was positive would work for his plan. As he walked, he reviewed the story in his mind.

“It was...well, it’s hard to explain. We were all huddled in the living room, my husband armed with a pair of kitchen knives and our son with his guardsman’s spear.” The woman laughed as she shook her head. “We used to think some ruffian would be the worst thing he’d face after he joined up with the Guard force. Anyways, I know what I’m about to say is crazy, but I’ve had a long time to think on what I heard. So, like I said, we were in the living room and I remember hearing, which still doesn’t make sense to me, the sound of the wind rushing up behind me. The thing is though, and this is why I thought for a long time I was crazy, it never passed me. It stopped, then a split second later, I felt like I was weightless and it became hard to breathe. I’m sorry if that didn’t help.”

Damian had consoled the woman, telling her that it was as helpful as it could possibly be and then bade her rest. The story made it sound like wind mage, but it couldn’t be so simple. Every wind mage he’d ever met, which was admittedly only two or three, said that the Wind Body spell couldn’t affect other people, only the caster. Not to mention that I’ve never heard of any mage phasing through a wall or teleporting into an area without some kind of sound… There had been that one guy that James had told the Blade about, who’d been imprisoned beneath the Council building, whose Shadow Magic had been unlike any other that the paladin had seen, but Damian wasn’t convinced that this was a similar situation...yet.

As he rounded a corner, the house he’d picked out to have all the remaining women and girls protected in came into view, fifth one from the left, brick, with windows that were probably the most secure in the city. Of course, since it was the house of the Captain of the City Guard, he most certainly hoped it would be that way. In fact, he’d tested the door himself, and short of Titan Magic or some other strength boosting magic, that door wasn’t going to budge either. If this mage could find a way in around all that, then Damian would be convinced it was time to look at other examples besides conventional Wind Magic. One of the guards spotted him as he approached and rushed up to him.

“Damian Gerard? All the women not in recovery have taken up in the Captain’s house. We have them all in the living room for the night. Any additional ideas?” Damian shook his head as he walked, the guard falling into step beside him.

”No, not that would work. The mayor insinuated that you’ve already tried every advanced entrance prevention technique you can think of, conventional and otherwise. This? As much as I hate to do it, this is a test to se-” His sentence went unfinished as the light of the setting sun vanished and suddenly all the lights for six blocks went out. ”Shit!” He burst into a sprint, slamming open the unlocked door of the house. Damian should have known that any relation to wind magic would allow the man to hear their plan. The living room was just around the corner from the entry hall and the Blade rounded it, Hermes Blades in hand, to find a man made of wind reaching for a girl in the back. Spotting the Blade’s glowing magic blades, he grinned.

”Too slow, ‘Blade.’ Maybe next time.” Grabbing the girl as she turned with a scream, the pair became nothing more than a stiff breeze that flew right out the air vent, his laughter echoing throughout the house. Damian, meanwhile, stared in disbelief. Not only was the man seemingly made of the air that made up the wind, he had transformed that young girl into wind the moment he touched her.

The guard caught up just as the man vanished and turned to look at the dumbstruck Blade of Phoenix Wing. “So, uh...what...what now?” Damian turned after a moment, shaking himself awake from his disbelieving stupor and hardening his resolve to end the threat this lunatic presented.

”Now? Now we know what he can do and how he does it. Now we plan and prepare. We will catch the bastard, somehow.”


Two days after finally seeing the culprit for himself, Damian was sitting at a cafe, eating a slice of pie while trying to figure out the best way to catch the dirty rat. They’d tried a dozen different tricks, ranging from magic nullifying lacrima to simply attempting to get him inside something airtight. But no matter what, it hadn’t worked, almost as if he’d been made of actual…Ah hell… An image of the shadow mage Shutler flashed through the Blade’s mind and he shook his head. No, the man had been more than sure he was the only thing like that here on Earthland and now Damian wasn’t even sure that he was still on Earthland after the events that lead to several members of their guild going to Edolas.

Still...he sat lost in thought for several minutes, mulling over the best way to attempt to deal with the problem at hand, before the sounds of approaching boots brought him out of it, his pie having been eaten as he thought. Turning to face the source, he found himself facing one of the Wind Mages in the ranks of this contingent of Rune Knights. They’d been keeping an eye on the kidnapper’s movements when he’d come into town and now had a pretty feel for when he manipulated the air and moved into town. She seemed to have run the whole way to find Damian, so he figured it was important.

“He’s moved into town, south side, doing everything he could to call attention to himself.” Damian frowned as they walked, heading to the south side of town alongside the Guardswoman.

“He make any demands? Women be brought to him or he starts destroying things type demands?” The guard shook her head.

“No, not when I had been sent to inform you of the situation. Who knows what he’s done since then.”

Damian nodded and slowed as the south side of town came into view, along with a giant pillar of wind that resembled a tornado. Whistling, Damian looks towards the top, squinting to try and spot the mage responsible. ”Well, he certainly knows how to be theatrical about it.” The guardswoman doesn’t reply, instead opting to draw her bow and remain alert as she looks around, eyes sharp for danger.

The pair moved forwards, Damian continuing to try and spot any one atop the tornado, as would be befitting of a villian, and the guard watching for the usual rabble, who had grown bolder in the face of the kidnappings. It was several minutes, the rest of the guardsmen in view, when Damian spun, his Hermes Blades manifesting, and shoved the guardswoman aside to parry a blade of wind, wielded by none other than the wind mage himself. ”Impressive reflexes, ‘Blade’. I thought for sure I’d have her.” Damian pushed the mage back and spun the pair of weapons in his hand, a hard glint lighting up his eyes as his magic flairs to life around him in the form of his magic circle, the normal orange blinking to green.

”And I thought you had some form of honor since you hadn’t harmed the women you’d taken.” Faster than a normal person, let alone most mages, could follow, Damian closed with the wind mage his right hand blade lancing out in an overhead strike that the man barely managed to deflect. ”My mistake.”

Lunging in again, Damian unleashed a whirlwind strike, spinning forwards towards the Wind Mage, the edges of his twin swords singing through the air as the bladed tornado clashes numerous times against his opponent’s wind-formed blade. As he stops, he right hand flips the Hermes Blade into a reverse grip, bringing the dagger blade on the bottom of the hilt to the forefront before he makes a wide slash at the mage with it, forcing him back.. ”Dear god, did a cheap shot at the lady mage really-” His question is cut short as Damian locks their blades between them and then pushes them apart with a kick that separates the two.

Jumping towards one of the walls of a nearby house, the Blade of Phoenix Wing uses it to push off and come at the wind mage from a different angle, forcing him to use his own magic to form a barrier there. ”Oh no! We’re doing this on my terms!” As Damian goes to deliver a gravity assisted helm cleaver strike from above, the wind mage flows around the strike, quite literally, before grasping the swordsman’s wrist. ”Let’s visit my place, shall we?”

Before the Blade of Phoenix Wing has a chance to really register what was happening, the only sound he can register is that of rushing wind and a feeling of weightlessness and inability to fill his lungs with air. The sensation of being unable to breathe and feeling weightless lasts only moments, but feels like eons and he gasps for air when gravity once more takes hold. Dirty fucking trick… Finally managing to regain his feet, the Phoenix Wing mage looks around, summoning his Ares Blades. Where as before they were standing in the middle of a street, now they were in a large stone cavern, with little more for light than a few torches lining the walls. The whole area screamed evil lair, but not the entire lair.

”Welcome to my home, Mister Gerard. Normally I reserve this only for lady friends, but today is a special occasion.” The mage reformed in front of Damian, a wicked looking scythe forged from the very wind itself in his hand. ”Today, I’m going to remove one of the largest threats to my studies in all of Earthland.”

And then he attacked, the scythe slicing through the air towards Damian’s head, who barely managed to block the attack and push his opponent back before counter attacking, the Ares Blades spinning through the air in a horizontal series of spinning slashes. No sparks flew from the blocked attacks, as the scythe wasn’t made of even magically created metal, but the magic pressure that blasted outwards from the impact site was immense. The pair broke off from each other, sliding backwards across the cave floor as Damian switched to his Hermes Blades. The Wind mage had the advantage in his magic, but his skill with real weaponry was clearly less than Damian’s, which he could use to his advantage. Moving quickly back into melee range, the Blade of Phoenix Wing unleashes a series of slashes from different angles, testing the Wind Mage’s defenses. The results were as he expected; with such fine control of his magic, the Wind Mage could deflect the individual blows no matter how fast Damian struck, but there was one possibility.

Ducking underneath the mage’s flowing and windy counter attack, Damian backflipped a couple of feet back before slashing the air, a trio of blades splitting and coming at him from different directions as Damian moved in from the front, twin Hercules Blades in hand and moving in an overhead arc to deliver a helmcleaver blow. The three ethereal blades were blocked, just as Damian suspected they might be, but his helm cleaver should have hit home. Except it didn’t, as the wind mage blocked it as well, the blades grinding and sparking against the invisible force briefly before slicing through as the Wind Mage went to gloat. His eyes widened before he tried to backpedal, and while he avoided the worst of the blow, he still gained two shallow cuts across his chest.

His response, unfortunately for the Blade of Phoenix Wing, was a blast of razor sharp air that sent him sailing through the air and slamming into the cave wall, knocking free some stalactites and seeming to bury him. ”Guess you weren’t so tough after all, Blade of Phoenix Wing. Pity, really.” The Wing Mage starts to turn away before stopping, glancing over his shoulder. ”Oh, suppose a name wouldn’t hurt, since you’re likely dead or dying. I am Haruto Nagamaki, and I’m the Wind Meta.” With that said, the Meta turned away again, but before he could finish his step, the sound of the rocks shifting caused him to pause and turn back in surprise, his wind scythe leaping into shape in his hands as an Ethereal blade, a chain seemingly linked to it, bounced off the shaft.

As Haruto looked towards where Damian had impacted, his magic circle surrounded him, the green flashing to black. ”Haruto, right? Nice parlor trick, but now the boxing gloves are off.” Faster than the Wind Meta could follow, Damian had closed the gap, his twin Hermes Blades in hand, except they had changed in appearance. Lashing out with his wind-forged scythe, Damian, eyes glowing with the black light of his magic power at full, dodged the blow far faster than he should have with a slide underneath before coming up to deliver a powerful kick to Haruto’s jaw.

The Meta stumbled back, but found little reprieve before the Blade of Phoenix Wing was upon him again, the twin daggers lashing out at speeds higher than before, leaving precious little space for the wind defense he’d used in the opening moments of their duel. In fact, as he was forced back, cuts began to appear across his body. How is this possible? How did he get so much faster than before? And h-ow! That hurts! Enraged at the thought that a mere mage of Earthland could hurt him, Haruto unleashed a radial blast of wind, knocking Damian away, who landed on his feet and slid backwards several feet. ”I will not be bested by YOU, Earthlander! I am wind magic incarnate! I am your end!” Forming the wind to a razor sharp edge, he sends it flying at the Blade of Phoenix Wing, all with intent to kill.

For Damian, as the attack closed on him, time seemed to slow and a voice echoed in his head.

A soldier’s oath ye did take, to protect the weak
A soldier’s oath ye shall keep, and make the wicked ones to weep.
Awaken now, ye mighty sword, awaken now, Hercules Blade!

Without thinking, the twin daggers in his hand became first, his Hercules Blades and glowed brightly as he swung them up at an angle from left to right, before changing for into that of a singular sword spear, which cleaves through and shatters the Meta’s deadly attack and sends a wind imbued slash back at Nagamaki. His only response is widened eyes and his mouth opening in surprise before it impacts.

And then Damian was back, his eyes no longer alight with his black magic energy. At first, Haruto seemed fine. He took a step forward. And another, with a snarl of rage on his face.

Which morphed into an expression of puzzlement as he coughed. Dark red blood and spittle splashed out, coating his chin and the ground before him. Then, suddenly, a wave of more blood, exploded in a ring, neatly bisecting his body, from his left hip to his right shoulder. A second later, the top half of his body slid off, carried by its own momentum, hitting the ground with a loud, wet splop, spilling out his organs and filling the air with the smell coming from his ruptured bowels, adding an acidic overtone to the sickly sweet smell of blood. His legs topped to the side, adding their contents to the ground below. Sticky blood was quickly spreading in a crimson tide, already the puddle larger then a grown man was tall.

Damian stared in disbelief as the Meta coughed again. ”Damn it all! I was so close too, to finding a way to open the anima fr-” A cough wracks his body, or what’s left of his torso at least, and he looks at Damian, who’s got his Hercules Blade held at the side while he watches. ”Guess I should tell you what will happen now that I’m gone. I set wards of sorts, to return the women and girls safely. You see, I only needed their magic, not that the reason matters. I don’t have the time to tell you anyways, but I do have the time to do...this!” A wave of the one hand he could still use had Haruto send a blast of wind into the Blade of Phoenix Wing, sending him away as a gust of wind. As he bled out, he grinned to himself. ”I hope the eat you aliiiiiiivvvvveeeee…..” And with that, Haruto Nagamaki passed on to the void.
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