Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Where are they,” S’venia asked nobody in particular as she stood at the entrance to the now deserted village. The village itself was simple, as the buildings themselves were made out of wood and even resembled your humble cottage with most buildings being no taller than a single floor; exception being the mayor's office which had a second floor. The village also had a large square in the middle for peddling goods to the travelers. As acting commander for the Council of Seven’s search for the Goddess, she was granted certain powers to make their force a successful one. With her arrival three days prior she commanded the citizens of this village to vacate, take whatever valuables they could carry, and make their way to the city Vun’ral, a two days journey. She of course provided them with passes that would allow them to have free lodging in city for that night. She had planned to let the group rest here for a day or two, get some stamina back in both the soldiers and the horses, as well as coordinate among the other commanders before heading out. That was now in jeopardy as they were now a few days late

Our scouts have reported in,” a gruff sounding bearded man responded, “they will arrive today,” he finished.

They better,” S’venia responded as she drew the Sword of Roffella and pointed it towards the west. At first it did nothing more than strain the arm of S’venia, a long sword pointed straight outward is heavy after-all. She held it there for a second before moving it to her right, and hit the sword’s sweet spot. The sword began vibrating as the runic inscriptions along the face of the sword began to glow a dull blue color all-the-while a dim hum filmed the air. She again held it there for a second before she returned the sword to the sheath, “the Goddess gets farther by the day,” S’venia paused as she turned her attention back towards the bearded man, “have the cooks prepare a warm meal, our travelling companions will be surely be the better for it,” she finished. The cooks were to create a “divine” meal consisting of a lot of broth, a lot of potato's, and a little bit of other meat; all the food “given” to the cause by the villagers themselves.

In her mind S’venia knew that the other commanders would not be on time, travelling vast distances after receiving the location was no easy feat as it were. Instead, she focused on the task at hand here. She had already sent a rider to extend the villagers stay, by order of the Council as she put it, by a few more days so the group had time to rest and learn of their plans. She knew that they might not have been made aware of just how dire the time ahead would be. The Council had already mobilized the combined armies in the east to combat the major breach, this much was known to the other commanders. The other commanders were also made aware of the general purpose of their mission, which was to find the missing Goddess, return her to her temple, and restore the protective barrier once more and force out the horrid creatures. The information that was withheld would test their strength as the end etches closer to their realm.

Still, it couldn’t hurt that she had a monster of her own fighting alongside her.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As the last days of autumn started to fade away, and the cruel whispers of winter seep downward from the north, a war for the fate of our realm was already ravaging the countryside. More cities have been added to the list as vast armies of monstrous foes swept through the streets; slaughtering any and all who stand before them. The combined armies had already assembled, adopting the age-old tactic of encircle, defend, and wait out the winter before forcing the fight in the spring. The scribes have warned of a very wet winter already, and logistics and maneuvers would be hard if not impossible in the snowy battlefield. Instead, they were to build fortifications and hold the demons at bay. S’venia and her forces would not have that luxury. Each day, the Goddess gains distance on her, and the clouds on the horizon promised snow and cold; and grew darker ever still.

Outside the village, as the representative of the Kingdom’s approached, they would notice a single rider emerge from the tree-line along the side of the road. The sentry would stop, and stare for a second, before riding towards your formation. In his hand he would be holding a pole with the banner of the Kingdom of Aurr flying high above, the silhouette of a snow leopard on a black backdrop. "Hello commanders," the scouts would say, "I have come to lead you the rest of the way in," they would finish.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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"We're almost there. Make sure everyone's on their best behavior" Cyterius said to the larger man riding a horse alongside him. The man, also wearing a cloak with a falcon silhouette on the back nodded, and slowed his pace to meet with the rest of the cavalry unit behind them. Everyone in their unit had their hoods or cloaks draped over them, with the cold climate of the environment they were in being far different from the much warmer air of their homeland. Cyterius glanced thoughtfully at his gloved hands, thinking about how they would have to get used to this now given the lands they would be travelling.

Cyterius was riding at the front of the formation, with a number of the spearmen acting as the vanguard, one of them flying the blue and yellow flag of the League of Kyrantes, divided diagonally, with the bright red insignia of a multi-layered tower (representing the various members that make up the League) with a large red sun glowing with short, wavy rays behind it.

Behind them was the main force of the Kyrantian Skirmishers, and his own Luna Falcons scattered amongst them. With the Falcons being the resident scouts of their unit, he had them covering various angles to keep an eye out for any potential bandits or ambushers. Prior to departing to meet with the task force made in search of the Goddess Rofella, he had seen The League's armies mobilizing in force over what was reported to be a significant breach in the dimensional shield made by the deities. While he would be more comfortable believing that the otherwordly monsters of legend would be confined to the battlefront around the breach itself, he felt it would be foolish to assume that a few had not managed to slip past the battle lines of the Seven Kingdoms. Infiltrators, wandering survivors, or even soldiers who were just plain lost were not unheard of in normal battles, and he assumed the same thing for such fantastical enemies.

After some more walking, following the directions in the letter along with the signs they had seen on the road, Cyterius heard a bird whistle call from one of his Falcons. He didn't bother looking back to check who signalled it, but he held a hand up high in a stopping gesture, making sure the other riders could see. "Cavalry halt!" He bellowed.

Once they had stopped, he scanned around while waiting for whoever signalled the whistle to approach him and report it. He heard a horse walk up slowly to the vanguard and made sure he did not spot anything before turning around. Nischa Ariteni of the Falcons had approached, she also had her hood up to shield her from the cold winds

"I assume this isn't just a bathroom break, Nischa?" He said flatly, but among his friends they could tell it was a joke. Nischa chuckled before responding. "Of course not, Cy. I spotted something ahead. It was only for a moment. It was a glint, like sunlight reflecting off metal. Don't think there are any trees in these foreign woods made of metal" She replied.

"No there aren't... Tell the rest of the Skirmishers to scatter the formation when we move. Have them divide into groups under each Falcon and keep a good riding distance from each other. If there's trouble ahead I want there to be room to move so we're not all corralled into one large mass of targets. Begin spreading the formation when we move again" Cyterius instructed.

"Got it. Should be ready in a minute or so She responded. Cyterius nodded and listened to her ride off down the line. He waited for around a minute, counting in his head, before raising his hand again in a command gesture

"Forward March!" He shouted. As they continued down the road, he occasionally looked behind him to ensure that his instructions were followed. Cyterius was glad to see that their formation had indeed split up. If there was indeed an ambush ahead that they couldn't spot as they approached, they would at least have room to scatter.

He needn't have worried however as when they went further down the road, they spotted a banner between the trees of the Kingdom of Aurr. The lone rider approached them waving their flag. The Kyrantian flagbearer in the vanguard waved theirs in return. Cyterius told the formation to halt again as he approached the rider personally. The horseman of Aurr told them he would lead them in to their destination.

"My compliments to your commander for being so considerate. Lead the way"

It didn't take long for the convoy of horsemen to eventually reach the small village they had been directed to. The place would've come off as an abandoned rural backwater had it not been for the armed guards wearing the colors of Aurr patrolling the outskirts, and the smoke of campfires rising up from the middle of the place. Cyterius and the Vanguard greeted the sentries as they approached. "Glad to see you have arrived safely, sir" The Sentry said, eyeing the League's flag they carried.

"Glad to have finally made it. I would like to meet your commanding officer as soon as possible. I will also require a space to act as a stable for our horses if we are to camp here for a while"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

'Beautiful’ The thought came unbidden as she looked out across the silent landscape. The tread of the horses rang out through the woods for a moment before swallowing the sound. She pulled her helmet off and raised her face to the sky, a smile on her lips as the chilly mountain air played through the messy strands. A peal of laughter caught her ear and her smile turned fond as she watched her soldiers joke and talk. It was nearly enough to forget the the whole sordid affair of breaches and monster. Almost, but not quite.

Ahead of her, fifty handpicked Hieromancers and infantry stretched in three rows, the more lightly armored Hieromancers riding between the two rows of heavily armored infantry. Her second in command, Wolfram, lead the group towards their destination. These were men and women she personally trained and guided through their careers and she would trust no one more in the field than them. Her Hieromancers started falling back momentarily to whisper in the next one's ear before riding back into position until finally Alianna, her first circle adept drew back next to her.

“Wolfram would like us to remind you we are almost arrived and that starting a mud fight would greatly hamper our diplomatic intents.” Alianna spoke, mocking the man's speech. Beatrix cackled, the noise richoching off the trees.

“One of these days, that incident will slip his mind and I will take that golden opportunity.” Beatrix chuckled. The mud fight happened nearly a decade ago now, the perfect opportunity to teach a colleague and his retinue how to have fun in the rain. When it turned out said colleague made border assignment decisions, she regretted her teaching tools. But only slightly. “If a mud fight is what we need, then its a mud fight we’re going to have, crotchy ex-mercenaries be damned!” Beatrix shouted to the front, only to double over in laughter with Alianna as Wolfram raised a hand and shot her the finger. Laughter broke out amongst the ranks and Beatrix nodded at Alianna as she moved back to her position. The woman put her helmet back on and took off to the front of the group.

“Take the platform, Wolfram. Point's mine for now.” Wolfram turned and headed back with a muttered “Somewhere I can keep a proper eye on ya.” She shook her head. For a brigand who once enjoyed the thrill of the kill, the man really definitely did a 180.

The sound of approaching hooves caught her attention and she waved the rider over. She listened as they rode and she clapped the man on the back. “Excellent! How kind of you to guide us on our path.” Beatrix chatted away with the sentry as they rode in, only letting him go once she swing out if her saddle and handed the reins over to Alianna as Wolfram joined her.

“Find out what defensive measures they've taken and how long we'll be here. If we are here longer than half a day, standard protocol. No noise, in or out of the village.” Alianna saluted and set out to find where to stable their horses. “Now, let’s find our hosts! I’m eager to meet everyone!”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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The cold air nipped at Rivers face as he raced forward with his army. The chilling air felt great against his skin as his Mimi danced from tree to tree, its padded feet gingerly landing on a trunk or branch before immediately leaping off towards the next. A slight grin was plastered on his face as he looked back at his men "Too slow there! Gotta move faster if you want to beat me." he laughed at them as he turned around, only to be faced with a branch into his chest. Jets of water shot out of his hands and he attempted to stabilize himself back on his mount. The sound of distant laughter could be heard from those behind him. River poured, gripping the fur and pulling himself closer to the beast as he scanned ahead. The opening was near but there was something glistening past the tree line. He immediately halted his mimi, as the creatures claws effortlessly hooked around the branch, swinging them both upside down while its tail wrapped around the branch. The others began to follow suit, 'archers' began to climb into the trees, conjuring bows at the ready and looking for any sign of movement.

River pressed his finger against a pearl earing he wore and spoke into it. "I spotted something up ahead, remain here while I go to investigate it, archers circle around me and remain hidden in the foliage of the trees." His mimi prowled slowly through the trees, making an effort to eliminate all sound. It glided from tree to tree, shadow to shadow, like a silent stalker. Finally River was able to make out the soldier bearing the flag of his comrades. "Stay hidden and dont attack, their friendly...but I dont want them to spot us just yet." His mimi moved up to the tree nearest the soldier when suddenly it dropped down. Its tail wrapping the branch so it hung and River lay there upside down yelling "Bah! Did I get you?" The soldier jumped back a bit at the sight and then realised it was Embassador Fontaine of the False Kingdom. "You really shouldnt be out here in the open you know? Could've been attacked, ambushed, or mauled by a Mimi Leopard." River quickly signaled for his troops to approach while the guard waited for them.

The walk there was fairly uneventful with the exception of the riders occasionally asking why they couldnt simply fly there instead of walking. As soon as the trek was over River turned to a small Lalafell wearing soft pink armor, a massive pink great sword,and a devilish grin. "Tataru, take the troops and my Mimi to their stables. I have to go see who runs this place so that we may be briefed of the situation." Rivers childlike voice matched his stature and made it difficult for some to take him seriously. He turned to the soldier and asked him to point in the direction of their captain, waddling off towards it in Hope's to find them.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Kharne hummed to himself as his great arm moved in. A loud crack and then the creak of wood while a tree thundered down to the ground. The dull rumble rang out for a moment as limbs settled and cracked, birds flew off in clouds of chirping masses. The behemoth of a reptilian man slid a massive axe into a loop at his waist before he casually tore the trees limbs off and made a neat pile of them. With a grunt Kharne hoisted the tree up onto his shoulder while his tail coiled about the limbs. Fire wood for the camp, he had already felled five other trees since they arrived at the village.

The giant man walked through the mashed down underbrush from his previous paths. His ears flicked forward at the sounds of many more voices and hoof beats. Considering the lack of an alarm he reasoned it was the other armies finally showing up.Huffing he continued to lumber through the woods until he got to the village. A shrug and the tree fell to the ground with a crash while his tail added the limbs he held to the rather large pile that was already made.

Kharne ignored everyone and moved with a purpose. His huge stride ate up the distance between him and his Commander. He could find the woman anywhere if her scent remained. "Have they been briefed about me...? We don't need an incident..." He said, that deep voice nearly painful to listen to. He stood about ten feet away from S'venia and dusted the bark and debris from his shoulder and tail. He hadn't taken those crimson orbs off of her figure.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by NoriWasHere
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S’venia watched as the monstrous creature carried in yet another tree to be used as fuel for the fires, they surely would need over the next couple days. She was astonished at the sheer strength of the brute, no doubt. The amount of work he accomplished in a few short hours rivaled what a crew of trained men could do in a week. She was right to listen to her superiors and accept a ‘bodyguard’ for the journey. Out of her peripheral vision, she watched as the monstrous beast stalked closer to her position before stopping ten feet away.

"Have they been briefed about me...? We don't need an incident..."

They have not,” S’venia started, “they will be briefed when the time is right,” she paused before turning her cous to the beast, “I’ll get a few men on breaking down those tree’s into fire wood, go and grab something eat Kharne,” she paused as she turned her focus back towards the main road. The other commanders would be surprised about her monster, that’s for sure.

--Several hours later--
-- Dusk--

S’venia strode back and forth across the main room of the mayor's office as she awaited the other commanders; her footsteps noticeable but otherwise silent. The interior of the office was plain, with nary an extraordinary gift to be spotted nor were there any signs that the mayor ever partook in anything outside the realm of his responsibilities'. The walls bore no decorations, the windows plain but functional and the doorway tall. In the center of the main room there sat, however, a rather unique looking table with a rather unique looking map stretched out on top of it. The table was a brown color that had a near golden hue to it. On the bottom, it had four 'paws’ that sat four feet apart from each other acted as the base of the table. As the table grew upward, the paws transitioned to a detailed body of a feline creature as the four legs of the table spiraled outward and around. As the legs of the table reached their apex the head of a snow leopard, mouth agape and head twisted to the left, sprung above the tabletop itself. The four sides of the table also resembled the legs of the snow leopard with a fitting paw at the end of its reach. The table looked equal parts elegant and functional. The snow leopards commissioned the table with one goal in mind, however, and that was portability. Lift out the sides, pull away the circular disk that held the paws together, and the table was ready to move.

What the table looked like and how it functioned mattered less than what was strewn across it. On top of the table lay a map of the village, the woods that surrounded it, and the surrounding villages and cities. One of the perks of her post was the ability to “borrow” maps from the locals, and borrow S’venia did. In simple detail, one could see a wooden figure depicting the leopard, horse, Gryphon, and shield over-top the village. S’venia strode up to the table in a quick pace, and with one quick motion grabbed the wooden horse. The Kyrantian Skirmishers were the first unit to arrive at camp this day. S’venia had her soldiers guide the mounted warriors to both the village stables on the east side of town as well as the farm house slightly outside of town on the east. The village stables alone were not enough to store the sheer might of the horses and additional accommodations had to be made. S’venia was impressed, however, with the coordination of the mounted soldiers as well as their Luna Falcon commanders. Her scout reported that the Falcons had spotted him before he spotted them, and was generally caught off guard by some of their sneakier members. S’venia would make sure she would use them generously.

As she placed the wooden horse down gently, she shifted her hand and lifted up the Gryphon and brought it close to her eyes. S’venia heard from her chefs that there was some who were not pleased with the Northern style of cooking. S’venia scoffed at the thought, a simple mistake on her part to assume that the southerners added fruits to their stews as well. Those from Luvalon were realm renowned for their cooking abaility, so a surprise this was not. Yet their army, and their strange magic, was an interest to her. She did not understand the fundamentals of it, yet she could clearly see the use it would bring to the wars ahead. Her soldiers guided them to the same area her own soldiers occupied, and had them occupy the buildings across the main road from them. S’venia would need to speak with their commander, however, word had reached S’venia’s ears about a mud fight; something she was not too keen on seeing.

Gently she laid the piece down, and once more grabbed the third and final piece; the shield. The Lallafellen’s were, to put it lightly, a very strange race for S’venia. They were small, physically weaker when compared to the other races, and were completely unassuming. S’venia had a hard time initially respecting their soldiers as they spoke with a child's voice and had an unhealthy reliance on magic. Yet it is that magic that makes them very powerful allies in the coming days. Communication on a battle field is never easy, and yet these small creatures move and act as one thanks to their unrivaled battle-field communication. While her soldiers wanted to guide them to another section of buildings, they insisted on selecting the stables and the farmhouse as well.

S’venia took a deep breath, exhaling after a few seconds, and placed the wooden figure back down. The army was forming, and that was good, she told herself. Yet she allowed her eyes to betray her desire as they shifted over to a wooden bow as well as a wooden gem, both placed on their sides and both on the far side of the table as well as the icon of a dwarf, upright but still missing. The bow represented the Wood Elves and their army while the gem represented Atala. S’venia sighed as she looked back at the table. Her scouts had ventured further out after they had made contact with the other nations to seek out the remaining groups.

Quickly they happened on a merchant's caravan who was travelling the same route. The merchants told a tale of death and despair. Of Elves and Atala bodies strewn across the road. Most were cut down with nary a drop of blood on their swords. Others were not so lucky. Strange spears hoisted bodies, heads, and headless bodies in a neat, and symmetrical, way along the road while various other corpses were positioned in an almost religious style with the bodies being placed back, to back, and to back once more. The merchants had the sigil and other proof to convince them that their story was indeed true. S’venia began to stride around the room again, her footsteps echoing loudly now. Already, on the first day of their grand adventure, they are beset by failure and death. Was this to be the norm? What beset them, monster or man? Questions, many questions with few answers began to swarm around in her head. She paced frantically around the room until she found herself near the door.

Enough,” S’venia thought as she took in a deep breath, placed her hands on the wall, and exhaled. The other commanders would be arriving soon enough, after-all. She would need to keep her composure around them. Placing her hand on the hilt of her sword, she straightened her posture and removed all emotion from her face. With a single motion, she moved towards the door and opened it; steeping outside to await the commanders.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The hours following the Luvalonians’ arrival were busy and fast paced. Beatrix’s hieromancers warded the village area, keeping prying eyes and ears unaware of the slowly amassing army’s intentions and setting alarms to notify them when the perimeter was breached. The High Hieromancer spoke at length with several of Aurran soldiers as she helped care for the unit’s horses. She didn’t get much of a response but she always could hold a conversation for two, especially when meeting new faces. More than once, her soldiers stepped in to free the poor soul caught in the endless conversations she held.

“Remember, leave everything as, or better, than you found it.” Beatrix reminded her people. “We are guests and far better off than these people. It wouldn’t do for us to worsen their lot in these conditions.” The Aasimar looked around at the faces of her people as they went about their tasks. Wolfram’s first act upon arrival was to draw up tasks lists and schedules, the organized man that he was, and stubbornly left her off rotations for the first night. Her Hieromancers were sitting in a circle, doing their nightly meditations. Beatrix would have joined them if a soldier hadn’t requested her presence at the mayor’s office. Somewere finishing brushing down their horses and others doing inventory on equipment and supplies. Beatrix smiled to herself and stepped away from their area, those lingering outside saluting her as she walked by.

The air had grown colder as the day passed and the sun started dipping beneath the horizon. It was refreshing, the change of pace from the warm climate of her home enjoyable, but she distinctly missed the salt sweet breezes sweeping in from the harbor. She smiled at nothing as she walked, content in observing the others that shared the village. It was always interesting to see how new people and places came together but this wasn’t just some random occurrence. Beatrix could feel the tension in the air, a heavy somberness that seeped into her that was only briefly lifted with sparks of joy and excitement. Her smile thinned, a touch sadder, as their task reared its head again in her mind and the cost it would likely demand.

Beatrix walked into the mayor’s building confidently, her smile brightening. The cost could be high but she would try her damndest to keep that from happening. These fools would shatter across her shield like the ocean on the rocks. A creeping worry and sense of unease rushed across her skin and she followed it to the source. Commander S’venna, commander of the Snow Leopards and leader of this little expedition. She certainly looked the part of a battle worn veteran, stone faced and postured. It took more than a cool exterior to hide from a Hieromancer however. Both their blessing and their curse, a Hieromancer’s vows heightened their sensitivity to emotions and emotional changes. Emotions flaring suddenly and intensely often left a Hieromancer overwhelmed for a few moments as they struggle against the raw feelings. S’venna’s concern felt like pin pricks over Beatrix’s skin and it warmed her heart. What little they had on the commander suggested her stoic. The Hieromancer was glad they were wrong.

“Commander S’venna!” Beatrix said excitedly. She approached the woman and clapped her on the arm. “We meet at last! When we received your call, I jumped on my horse as quickly as possible. Luvalson will do all it can to help you find your missing Goddess.”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Samson, you have command while I meet with the other leaders. Get everyone settled in. Enact standard lookout rotations for the night." Cyterius said as he began heading out of the stables and lodgings. His second officer and best friend nodded and turned to the rest of the Kyrantian Skirmishers and the Falcons, making sure everyone was billeted properly. It was a bit strange bunking in near the small Lalafell elves and their humble mounts, but it was nothing worse than some places any of the League's people had slept in throughout their service.

The stationing of lookouts was more for the sake of instilling the habit into the troops rather than any doubt as to the competence of the Aurr camp's security. Captain Tervius, head of the detachment of Skirmishers, drilled his men well and knew the value of keeping them from letting their guard down regardless of any comfort and safety they may find on this long journey. In terms of overall security, they left that to the soldiers of Aurr and the newly arrived Luvalonians who seemed to already have plans in mind. Though the people of the League were often known for their competence in defense, the Falcons and Skirmishers knew their place as a recon and light cavalry unit, and did not wish to step into the jurisdiction of their allies. They did however comment on any improvements they found could be made to some aspects of the defense that they witnessed, such as blind spots that may be missed by patrols and how patrols and lines of sight could be overlapped to ensure eventual detection of any would-be trespassers.

The Falcons in particular were pleased to note that the warriors of Aurr were quite competent in organizing such things and there were only a few points they suggested improvements upon.

Cyterius took note of his surroundings as he walked through the occupied village towards the Mayor's office which had been converted into a command center. The defenses were sufficient for a temporary garrison, but the village was indefensible for even a short siege. No walls, simple buildings, paths designed for convenience rather than defense. He could already picture the heavy casualties that would be taken in any attempt to repel a concentrated assault. He began thinking of feasible avenues for a fighting retreat depending on where they may be attacked from. However, if they were to spot a large enemy force heading towards them, Cyterius knew the best course of action would be an immediate evacuation of their forces with small units performing rearguard harassment to delay the enemy advance if necessary. He hoped that the rest of the Council's expeditionary forces would arrive sooner rather than later. Staying in this village any longer than they had to was asking for trouble.

Cyterius nodded at the guards watching over the Mayor's house and the armored soldiers. He showed them the officer's insignia of the League he carried in his pockets, and they allowed him to pass through. The building was a cozy enough place, and was a lot more spacious than the farmsteads he and his men would be sharing for the night. He wondered if the officers of Aurr would all be billeted here as well. If they were, it would've been quite a big vulnerability. For if the building were to be taken or destroyed, the Snow Leopards would be immediately denied of their command structure.

He walked towards what appeared to be a door leading into the main room where the mayor of this town once performed their responsibilities. He had arrived not long after the leader of the Luvalonians had greeted Commander S'venia.

"... When we received your call, I jumped on my horse as quickly as possible. Luvalon will do all it can to help you find your missing Goddess.” the female Luvalonian leader said.

"The League of Kyrantes also honors the pact made with the Council of Seven, and have answered the summons" Cyterius started as he stepped inside the room, looking the two of them over. The aura that the two female commanders emanated could not be further apart. S'venia, the stoic, battle-hardened leader of a race of people who had war run in their blood. Then there was the Luvalonian leader, Beatrix he believed her name was, a cheerful-looking lady from a people whose philosophy was about rational peacemaking and the civilized rule of law. Then of course there was Cyterius, a dark-skinned man of the harsh desert who clawed his way up from the criminal underground into the official title he currently held. He mused that the scene they created, exemplified the odd nature of this expeditionary alliance.

"Commander Cyterius Yranov, Honored Lady. My blades, my men, and our horses are at your disposal, Commander S'venia. Now then... what are we here to discuss though the rest of the Council's forces have not arrived yet?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Those gifted in shielding magicks immediately broke off from Tataru's group. Each waddled off, holding grimoire in hand, towards the edges of the village. A few smiled towards the Assimars who were already placing wards around the encampment, some just kept forwards with the mindset of the job at hand. Alka, the head scholar, pressed his finger against his ear "On my mark. 3...2...1...Now!" All the lalafells currently surrounding the village simultaneously swept their hands across their grimoire open page. Green light radiated from the book as it shimmered onto their palm. Alka spoke once more "Now cast!" The group slammed their hands down into the earth, green lines of energy shooting off from one mages palm towards the next, all interconnecting until the final lines merged. Each caster felt the final connection and threw their hands up towards the sky, a shimmering translucent green barrier emerged like a dome over the village, hexagonal pieces interlocking to form this new shell of protection. This sort of magick was typically done on a smaller scale, a personal sheild for a soldier or a small dome to house 7; it took the combined might of each one to even attempt erecting one for a village. Each Lalafell sat down exhausted by the event, the ley lines of this village seemed weaker than what they were used to employing and must now rest to regain their strength.

While the shields were being erected, another group headed off to explore the state of the people. Stopping by and mending wounds of those who may of been injured in battle, an accident, or any other way. The people needed to be in the best shape incase of an incoming attack. A few lay wounded, the healers weaving their magicks to stitch them shut before moving onto the next. Others were helping to stable the mounts, getting their rest area set up to ensure it was all ready for when River arrived back from his meeting, as well as the exhausted soldiers who laid down the barrier.

As one diviner was doing her rounds, helping heal those in need, she noticed something odd in the sky. Two stars flickered before her and then snuffed out. She could feel the light of the heavenly bodies fade away into nothingness as a void of darkness filled their spot. Instantly she was filled with worry and began to run after River, searching for where he could be. Her black dress, embroidered with star motifs, swayed as she ran towards him finally calling to him using their pearl earrings for communication. "I need to speak to you at once. Where are you?" Rivers face grew grim at the sound of her tone, something must be dreadfully wrong. He quickly conjured up a sparrow and had it fly overhead, finding her and guiding her to him. "What seems to be the issue?" "I fear our tardy comrades will not be making it tonight...if at all. The heavens spoke to me, two stars faded to darkness. I fear they gave been consumed by our new enemy, or have fallen to a horrible fate." River pondered what she had told him and dismissed her back to her duties. He really needed to see the commander now.

"Commander Cyterius Yranov, Honored Lady. My blades, my men, and our horses are at your disposal, Commander S'venia. Now then... what are we here to discuss though the rest of the Council's forces have not arrived yet?" River spoke soon after, entering the room with urgency. "Commander S'venia, as I'm sure you may be aware, and if you are not I apologize for the shock, but I fear the rest of the forces may not be arriving. Have we heard any word from them?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Mayor's house

S’venia felt a presence enter the mayor's office and turned to see the Luvalon commander had arrived.

S’venia listened as the overly cheerful Luvalon commander offered her pleasantry. S’venia stood, posture perfect, in silence for a few seconds as she looked over the commander. Her eyes flowed over the intricate, yet sturdy, breastplate “Strong and durable,” S’venia thought as her eyes shifted more northward, “scale armor underneath,” she continued as her eyes shifted to the arm guards, “ornate but well crafted,” she finished her thought. “We are made all the stronger by your presence, Beatrix, “ S’venia paused as she shot out her free arm, “your exploits travel far and wide,” S’venia finished with a smirk. As they shook arms S’venia looked past the commander and saw a second commander was fast approaching. “Head over to war table,” S’venia started as a smirk appeared, “and remember, Roffella is Goddess to us all and not just those who worship her,” she finished as she let go of her arm; with the smirk disappearing as she did.

As S’venia let Beatrix move past her as she scanned the approaching commander. Tan, with an average build and less than ideal armor, S’venia smiled as she saw her cavalry commander striding towards "The League of Kyrantes also honors the pact made with the Council of Seven, and have answered the summons,” the commander started as he entered the building. "Commander Cyterius Yranov, Honored Lady. My blades, my men, and our horses are at your disposal, Commander S'venia. Now then... what are we here to discuss though the rest of the Council's forces have not arrived yet?" The smile quickly vanished from her face. “Greetin-” S’venia started yet, the sudden and high-pitched voice of her Lalafell commander pierced through the air cutting her off.

"Commander S'venia, as I'm sure you may be aware, and if you are not, I apologize for the shock, but I fear the rest of the forces may not be arriving. Have we heard any word from them,” the small creature asked. It took S’venia a second to adjust her vision to the commander, but when she centered her eyes on River all emotion left her face.

Yes,” S’venia paused as she walked over to a table to the immediate left of the door, “I have been made aware,” she paused, “not three hours ago, my scouts returned from their search,” S’venia used her free hand to grab what appeared to be a cloth with a sigil on it, “they had run into a caravan a few days prior. The caravan leader spoke of the aftermath of a great battle. They told a tale of Elves,” she paused as she grabbed and tossed the blood-soaked sigil, a dove overtop a bow, of the Grass Warriors towards River, before grabbing a second sigil that lay next to it, “and of Atala soldiers,” she paused as she tossed the equally bloody sigil towards Cyterius, “strewn across the road, cut down like they were cattle heading for the slaughter with nary a drop of their enemies blood on their own weapons,” she paused as she turned her body towards the three commanders, “my scouts have yet to make contact with the Iron legion as well,” pausing as she scanned the commanders, “as it stands we are the army. The soldiers we arrived with are our only ones,” she paused as she moved towards the door, closing it one effortless motion “take care of your soldiers, no silly games that might cause injury,” she paused as she shifted her focus to Beatrix, before returning it to the group as a whole, “and no surprises. We need to set up our guard rotation,” S’venia paused as she walked over to the war table, “come, we have much to discuss,” she finished as she turned around, back to the door. As she began to point at an object on the war table, the door swung open and a monstrous figure entered the scene

Kharne,” S’venia started, “I was wondering when you would arrive,” she paused as she turned her focus to the other commanders, “this one is tasked with keeping us safe from harm, and his skill-set is quite all encompassing,” she finished as she once again returned her attention to the map before her.

The next few hours were spent around said table. The first order of business was hashed out rather quickly where it was agreed that the guard rotations were to be a mix of soldiers from each faction spread out along the perimeter. A curious question from a curious person regarding the process of finding the Goddess drew the ire of S’venia. She quickly drew the Goddess sword and showed them just how they were to do it. During these few hours, S’venia assigned cooking responsibilities to the Luvalon chefs. In her own words, S’venia described the stories of their cooking exploits as something that “was hard to believe,” and to “have them prove me wrong.” Eventually, after they had finished discussing things as they pertained to the camp, they got right into the important stuff.

After we break camp here, in two days' time, we are to head to the town of V’alnor,” S’venia paused as she pointed to a location on the map, “it’s a two-day journey for us and we will restock there, your Luna Falcons will serve as our forward party,” S’venia paused as she turned her focus to the other commanders once again, “now that we have that out of the way, let us discuss our strategy for battle,” she paused as she looked towards the door, “I have heard what makes your soldiers strong yet we are more limited in our manpower now than I had ever envisioned as possible. As such, our battle plans are going to need flexibility in their execution,” she paused as she righted her posture.

How can I best use your forces in our limited manner,” she asked as she placed her hand on the hilt of her sword, “and any other questions, I know I presented you with a lot of information over these past few hours,” she finished. A chill began to fall on the camp as the group talked. While it was already cold, this chill felt unnatural.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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River clutched the bloodied fabric that was handed to him, waiting for the commander to finish speaking. Finally she said "and any other questions, I know I presented you with a lot of information over these past few hours,” River began to walk around the room I search of something. "Yes, only one for now. Where in blasted do you keep your bowls!" he began to move around the room, standing on chairs and stools, searching cupboards until he found something that had some form of indent and decide it was as good as any. "This will have to do. Something large enough for all of us to see. Please, remove the items from the table as I bring this all over." he placed the large looking dish onto the chair he stood on and dragged it over to the table. Climbing the chair and then placing the item on the center of the table and filling it with water, creating a shallow, still, pool of water. He took the fabric and used his magic to weave the blood out of it and drop it into the pool, the red rippled through the water and a scene began to form.

Qe look through the eyes of one of the soldiers. A mass of elves could be seen, but none were moving. Each one seemed to be stilled, eyes dancing around back and forth, filled with fear and dread. You could hear some commotion happening nearby, yet try as our eyescould, they were incapable of looking towards the beast causing the damage. All at once, a symphony of sound began to erupt as you hear threats being slashed, the gurgling of blood, and then silence, one by one. A sense of fear and aguinsh begins to fill the scene as you see a porcelain mask atop an impossible body walk before our elves eyes. His throat is slit and you hear the gurgling of blood once more as our sight begins to dim, all that remains is the flicker that is the monsters eyes, like candlelight set in front of a dark abyss, before our soldier falls and all visual is lost.

"That's our enemy it seems. Whatever that beast is...we are far from the great libraries of my kingdom, tell me, what would you say is the greatest collection of knowledge above land? I can only wish it contains the answers we seek."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cyterius awaited S'venia's answer, but was interrupted by the Lalafellen Elf who announced what he had been fearing in the back of his head: That the rest of their forces would not be arriving. S'venia's clarification further cemented the idea. Their current force was barely an army, and they were expected to go on a campaign to the Gods only know where. Cyterius let out a sigh as he took in that information. He brought his head up as S'venia spoke of organizing the guard rotations, but then turned his head to the door in surprise when a giant, lumbering dragon-like creature stepped inside. Cyterius very nearly drew his blade until S'venia spoke of them with familiarity. He relaxed his grip but was still tense at being near such an imposing creature. the meeting then went into the divison of labor among their limited force.

“After we break camp here, in two days' time, we are to head to the town of V’alnor... it’s a two-day journey for us and we will restock there, your Luna Falcons will serve as our forward party,” S'venia said. Cyterius nodded, somewhat pleased that she was at least familiar with their skills on paper. She then asked them to talk about their soldiers and how they could best be utilized in battle tactics.

Cyterius was about to answer, when the Lalafell, River, once again interrupted with a seemingly pointless question. Cyterius was almost about to reprimand the small elf for distracting the meeting, until he saw the ritual that the Elf was doing. It gave them a vision. A rather ominous one, that hinted at the nature of their foes. Yet it gave little of substance other than a vague appearance. Cyterius felt his blood chill at the possibilities that could make an entire platoon freeze in fear.

"That's our enemy it seems. Whatever that beast is...we are far from the great libraries of my kingdom, tell me, what would you say is the greatest collection of knowledge above land? I can only wish it contains the answers we seek." River said.

Cyterius nodded at River's suggestion. "We cannot fight an enemy we do not know. Knowledge and reconnaissance will be vital prior to any engagement. We should not let the enemy attack us on their terms if we can help it. Though until we know more about them, that may be difficult to ensure" He said, contemplatively looking at the now normal water bowl on the table.

"As for our skills... The Luna Falcons, as you know are primarily scouts and saboteurs. Send us in to recon an area, take out key targets, or quietly complete a task prior to or alongside any major action taken by our main forces. The Kyrantian Skirmishers meanwhile, are soldiers of the League's finest Light Cavalry unit. As evidenced by their name, they are meant to strike swiftly and harass the enemy. They are also well-trained in survival and can spend prolonged periods of time separated from the main force if needed. However, they are not Heavy Cavalry, and are not meant to lead charges or break fortified enemy lines. If need be, they will fight tooth and claw in the front lines, but that is not their place. Use them to support the main force and keep the enemy off-balance. Speed is our element, we would be most efficient if we are kept there." He explained, trying to detail as specifically as possible the uses of his men and women.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Beatrix shook her head with a smile as she moved past the commander of the Snow Leopards. While a Goddess and thus rightly demanding her respect, no self respecting Luvalonian would consider themselves a child of Rofella. The Goddess of War and Peace commanded a portfolio that created a comparison which perpetuated the horror the Luvalons so determinedly resisted. However, she wasn’t summoned for a debate on theology. There were more important issues on the table so she held her tongue. Beatrix instead focused on the smug look that crossed the woman’s face. The hieromancer liked the look, much nicer than what she expected, so she decided to try and keep it on the commander’s face.

The resulting discussion, detailing the disaster that befell their would be comrades and seeing the horror that slaughtered them, filled her with determination. They would find this Goddess and end these atrocities and Beatrix would lead a contingent to each of these nations to help them rebuild. She sent a silent prayer to them. Her considerations were cut short when a hulking creature stomped in.

“Well met Kharne! When we have a chance, you should have a drink with my men and I. No doubt you have a myriad stories to tell!” Beatrix clapped him on his… she meant to hit his arm but only reached his wrist. “And I would love to hear them all!”

“My forces are best used on the frontlines. Our enemies will break against our shields and wards. They will buckle beneath our wills and chains.” Beatrix explained. “Our magic allows us to control vast portions of the battlefield or even quarantine enemies. Our forces may be small but our shields count for three more.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Kharne had done a quick patrol of the village, keeping an eye on the soldiers while keeping out of sight. Even the Falcon's had a hard time trying to find him once he decided not to be found. Being black and dark colors made him blend in with shadows easily and he knew the village far better than them. Once he made sure there were no threats he moved to the 'Command Post'. He could hear and smell multiple people within, and without a second thought he swung the door open and ducked into the building.

Almost immediately all eyes were upon him, which earned the lot a flat stare. S'venia introduce him and that he'd essentially be their body guard. "I had to make sure no one was doing something stupid." He rumbled out, the room just barely trembling at the deep base of his voice. Actually his voice was almost painful to listen to!

Soon things became a questioning of who was best used where, and the tiny elven being propping a bowl on the table. The group got to witness the rest of the forces that were supposed to arrive get slaughtered by something large with a porcelain mask. "A single being wiped them out? That doesn't sound like a useful force..." He rolling thunder voice rung out. He was clearly unimpressed.

Now the other leaders were explaining how their forces would be best used. Speedy scouts and a magical shield line. Useful. "You know how best to use me. Either have me as a reserve or send me to shatter the line." Kharne stated before he felt a tap on his wrist. He turned his attention down and gave Beatrix a bit of a hard glare. "Don't touch unless you wish to spar." He growled out softly as he shifted fluidly away from her.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Mayor's house

Duly noted,” S’venia spoke towards all the commanders as she made her way towards the table. The images that River had brought forth were very disturbing yet somehow familiar to S’venia. “The soldiers were seemingly trapped by some form of magic, River if you have any spell that can protect us from it, I advise you use it, and Beatrix if you have any wards that could do the same, I’ll welcome the protection,” she finished as she placed her hands on the table and looked. While their army was small, they had the formation of something solid. “As we travel, we will be able to recruit soldiers from the town guards of the places we visit, I have granted the authority to do as much,” she paused, “though I’d rather not wrest away more bodies than we have to,” she finished.

The group would start to notice the temperature abruptly dropping even further as the sounds of a sudden and vicious wind lashed against the sides of the house. Something about this cold felt unnatural, unearthly even, and the magic users in the group would feel a sense of dread wash over them. S’venia stopped moving as she once again placed her hand on the hilt of her sword, slowly spinning to face towards the door. She focused her ears and listened. The howl of the wind was powerful and everlasting. It reminded her of countless nights in the deepest part of winter, huddling for warmth with her soldiers around a fire or in a cave. The wind would pierce through every layer of cloth you wore, and turned even the hardiest of soldiers into weak-willed men. On a few occasions, she had to fight soldiers who attempted to remove their clothes because he felt he was too hot. The cold lies. The cold wrapped her icy talons across your mind, promising you sweet relief but it lies. The cold spoke of warmer pastures if you’d let it in but it lies. This cold offered you her warm embrace if you just fall asleep but it lies all the same. This cold that had now crept into the village was an evil cold that had taken countless lives up in the mountains, what was it doing here? She listened some more, hoping to hear the sound that she was searching for.

The soldiers,” S’venia started, her breath visible in the air, “they’ve gone quiet.

Indeed, what once was a standard military encampment had fallen eerily silent outside. Whether it was the cold forcing them indoors, or the wind sucking the words out of their lips, S’venia did not guess. She listened and listened some more hoping to hear just once voice over the gushing winds. Yet there was silence. She listened and listened some more hoping to hear the closing of doors and windows. Yet once again there was silence. And as her grip tightened even further against the hilt of the godly weapon, she felt like something caused their silence; and it was not something that she expected to face so early into their journey.


A thunderous noise emanated as a blue colored light emerged above the table. Initially, it appeared as just a simple orb. Quickly, however, it shot out and adopted an appearance that looked like a lightning bolt. It crackled there for a few seconds before it erupted outward forming an oval above the table; the edges forming tendrils that crackled in various directions. The interior of the oval seemed to be flowing upward. S’venia quickly drew her sword yet she left it hanging down and to her side. Something seemed familiar and a confused expression quickly spread over her face.


The book groaned as it fell from the portal and onto the war table, knocking over the figures as it landed. In a second, the portal pulled itself back out of existence. The book had a black binder with pure white face with no markings nor any words. S’venia slowly approached the table, placing the sword back in the sheath as she did, before eyeing up the book itself. She watched as blue letters began to slowly appear on the cover before they spelled out one ominous name.

The butcher of Seven Fields,” S’venia spoke quickly and with a subtle surprise in her voice. “The soldiers,” she quickly added, “they are in danger,” she finished.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Cyterius listened intently to the rest of S'venia's briefing, and mused about what lengths they may be forced to go in order to accomplish the task at hand. Nearing the end of it however, there was this sense of unease in the back of Cyterius' mind, the same kind he often got during certain hunts he'd done with the Luna Falcons long before. The feeling of being watched... of being hunted. Yet this did not make sense to him. They were after all inside of a fortified camp, manned by a small army. Sure he felt cold, but he had always felt a measure of cold ever since he had stepped into these lands What could possibly feel out of place without any of the lookouts calling an alarm?

Then S'venia voiced out the one odd detail that had subconsciously set him on edge. “The soldiers... they’ve gone quiet.”

Cyterius felt his hand reach for the hilt of his curved blade and touch it as he felt his body go on alert. She was right. A camp as large as theirs, there should be plenty of noise even by the nightwatch as they pass the time. This was unnatural. He kept his ears open and listened intently for any sound, any telltale sign of danger to make sense of this unnerving silence.

When the lightning energy cracked, he rapidly drew his sword on instinct and locked his eyes on the sudden burst of energy that had materialized before them. He tightened his grip and glanced around, trying to see if there was a visible source of the sudden burst of energy. S'venia's stance seemed to relax, but Cyterius still watched the magical energy, waiting to see what it was here to do. When it disappeared and deposited a book of some kind, a confused expression formed on his face.

"What in Guurut's name...?" He started when S'venia went to pick up the tome. He kept his sword drawn as he approached the Elven commander to look at the book. She read out the words "The Butcher of the Seven Fields"

"That name... what does it mean?" He asked. Before he could get an answer however, she suddenly spoke with a sense of urgency. "The soldiers... they are in danger" She announced. Cyterius wanted to ask what sort of danger she meant, but she seemed so sure of it that he felt questioning her was only going to waste valuable time. "Where is the nearest lookout post? We have to raise the alarm if there is danger approaching. I can run there quickly before I rally my men" He suggested, sheathing his sword and preparing to bolt as needed, hoping S'venia knew what she was talking about.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

It wasn’t the cold Beatrix felt first but rather the creeping doom that slithered into her chest, the feeling of the inevitable collapse of the body and the mind, the very real awareness of her and her companions’ mortality. The cold came second, piercing through her armor, and she shivered a litte. Her country was warm and welcoming, nothing like this bitter chill. It set her on edge.

The events on the table did little more than worsen her concern. Something felt decided unnatural in the air and Beatrix gripped the hilt of her sword. Her eyes darted around, looking for some sort of danger, but she found nothing. She felt the goosebumps down her spine and tsked at herself. Her grip relaxed but she remained alert.

“What exactly is this Butcher of Seven Fields?” Beatrix echoed Cyterius’s question. It was not a name familiar to her but it was ominous nonetheless. She imagined a person with that title knew their way around a sword at the very least.

“Raise the alarm one way or the other. Danger is a guaranteed; I can feel it on the wind.” Beatrix replied. She was loathe to let someone leave lest this threat be waiting for their group to split but information was sorely needed. Unless S’vennia know more than just danger. Beatrix strapped on her shield.

“For those of whom I walk with and for I who walk with them.” She murmured as she finished strapping it on. Nothing happened for a moment but the shield began to pulse a soft white, the creeping doom fading away into a blazing resolve. Those near her would feel it as well, the bite of the chill and the crushing aura fading a little.

“We should strive not to break ranks too quickly. Something or someone very clearly has the advantage but we do need eyes. While he checks the outposts, the rest of us should rally the troops. What was the plan i the event of an attack and have all the soldiers been notified?” Beatrix followed up.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

While the others focused on their other instincts and sense, feeling the danger that lurked outside the building with the fallen silence, River focused on a different concern. His heterochromatic eyes stared at the center of the table as the others looked about for the enemy, feeling the tug of some form of magic beginning to make it's way into their dominion. The 'warriors'reached for their swords and began their defensive. However River was on a defense of his own, pulling out a small moss covered stone with a rune on it. The tattoos on his face began to glow as he scanned the table for the magics point of origin, seeing the tear right when the orb appeared. Curious little thing, it began to crackle Lightning, sputtering it about. He reached out and began to chant, a bolt of Lightning strayed and struck the small moss covered stone, the scent of smoke and burning moss beginning to fill the area around him before getting sucked into the stone. Its runic mark now glowing an aetheric blue as a portion of the lightnings magic was trapped within.

"Now that I have that for later. " Rivers hands began to weave, fingers twirling as he seemed to be sculpting something into the air. The bloodied water that was in the bowl began to fly up into the air from the various places it was spattered by the arrival of the new book. It flowed and formed into a small bird as River eyes began to glow, grabbing the bowl once more and filling it with water. A single touch was all it took to still the pool and created a mirror for him to see. With a command the bird flew out and River watched through its eyes from the safety of the bowl. "A creature capable of silencing an entire camp, potentially ripping mine and Beatrixs wards and who may have the title of Butcher, is potentially running amok and you wish to separate on your own to sound the alarms. By all means, go, be brave, and die a fool."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Kharne's ears perked up slightly when S'venia spoke, the soldiers were quiet despite the sudden onslaught of wind and cold. "It's not supposed to get to the freezing point for some time..." He muttered, mostly to himself. He was affected by the cold more than the others judging by the steam wafting from his exposed scales. The behemoth burning at a much hotter temperature than the rest of the commanders.

He went to the door and placed a hand on it just before the loud electrical sound and a portal came into existence over the table that was used for planning out the soldiers movements. A book, unhappily groaning, landed, and S'venia picked it up and told off the title. "Sounds like the title of someone, not the title of a book." He rumbled out before she said the soldiers were in danger. That was a given since they were soldiers. But she clearly meant immediate danger.

The horseman commander mentioned a watch tower. Snorting he shoved the door open before speaking. "I am the alarm." Kharne stated as the door closed behind him. Inhaling enough that his chest visibly swelled from the size of his lungs. "GET YOUR ASSES UP AND ARMED, ARMOR ON, WEAPONS BARED THE ENEMY IS HERE!" He roared, his voice actually shaking the house behind him with how loud he hollered.

Reaching over his shoulder he undid the clasp for his gigantic red crystalline sword and pulled it free. The giant's eyes roamed the area as he slowly stepped forward, making way for the other commanders to come out. His ears swiveled while his nostrils flared. He was actively hunting for anything out of the ordinary among the camp. Something that didn't smell, sound, look, or even feel right. The joys of having animalistic senses and instincts.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Mayor's house

"GET YOUR ASSES UP AND ARMED, ARMOR ON, WEAPONS BARED THE ENEMY IS HERE,” the half dragon roared, waking whatever life it could in the immediate area and shaking a few houses as he did.

That was a mistake,” S’venia spoke in a soft voice as her grip tightened around the hilt of her sword.

S’venia quickly moved to River’s side, placing a hand on their shoulder, “ready your magic, Kharne will need your help,” she finished as she lifted her hand, River would notice a warm sensation spread from where S’venia placed her hand, “and Beatrice,” S’venia paused as she closed the distance between the two in a quick pace, placing her hand on the shoulders of Beatrice, “your ward is well deserved, keep it strong and at the ready,” S’venia finished as she removed her hand from her shoulder, and she would too notice the warm sensation spread from where S’venia’s hand was, “and Cyterius,” S’venia spoke as she once again closed the distance, placing her hand on his shoulders, “the enemy we face requires us to stick together, if we break rank you risk death at the hands of a beast that claimed more lives in the first war than any other monster of metal,” she paused as she removed her hand from his shoulder, and he too would feel the warm sensation spreading.

I do not know how to kill this enemy, it is unlike anything you or I have ever faced in our lives,” S’venia paused as she looked towards the door, “maybe the book might be of help,” S’venia finished as she pointed towards the book, “come," she paused as she allowed a sarcastic grin to befall her face, "let us save our bodyguard,” she finished as she made for the door, motioning for the group to follow.

As the group exited the building, the would see snow falling slowly in the area causing a light dusting to appear. The buildings appeared lifeless, with no lights shining through the window. Their vision would be greeted by the sight of their soldiers, all frozen in their tracks, with weapons drawn and ready for battle. If they looked close enough, the group would notice their eyes. Their eyes wouldn shift from the commanders to something further down in the camp. S’venia followed their eyes and eventually spotted the giant half-dragon Kharne, not too far ahead, frozen in his tracks all the same.

Stick together,” S’venia spoke as she unbuckled her hilt from her hip and began to carry her sword in her hand. The commanders would have a choice here. Their soldiers were close, and they were in need of their help. They could break rank and help them, or they could follow S’venia and face the source of their issues. Whatever their decision, S’venia began to make her way towards their bodyguard. Eventually, she made her way to his side. As she was about to put her hand on his shoulder, she spotted the creature that was responsible for the assault. “Commanders, our enemy has arrived,” she spoke as she drew her sword, dropping the hilt as she did.

In front of Kharne, some fifteen meters away, the creature had stopped its approach as it began to scan each commander intricately. The creature boasted plates of a dark grey color, covering their legs, chest, and arms, which starkly contrasted with the black skin beneath. Using the word ‘skin’ would be a stretch of the word as it appeared the beast boasted muscle and muscle alone on the lithe feminine frame. The thin frame allowed the chest plate to spill over and around the chest of the beast, forming a natural set of armor that appeared to be very durable. While its thin frame and its small profile was unassuming at most, its face made up for it by the intensity of the stare it delivered. Its eyes, black as night and sunken deep in the white porcelain-like mask, stared out with a fiery intensity as the top edges danced like a candle flame in the night. The mouth was equally black, sunken deep in the creatures face as well. The top of the mask flowed upward in a writhing mass of black fog, that’s uppermost edge faded away as it traveled upward. Upon closer inspection, the commanders would realize that it was no mask that covered its face. Indeed, its ‘face’ seemed to be made from porcelain and not flesh.

The eyes shifted, once again, between the commanders before resting on S’venia.

Do’rk var zail mi vize,” it spoke in a very metallic sounding voice, it’s mouth gliding across the surface of its face as it spoke.

I know what I do,” S’venia responded as she slammed her hand on the shoulder of Kharne. The other commanders would notice a soft golden glow being emitted from her palm, though the source would remain unknown. “Kharne, come back to us,” she began to chant.


In the street

As Kharne strode forth into the camp, his ears would only hear the constant howl of the vicious wind while his eyes would only reveal the sheer density of the snowstorm that had sudden enveloped the camp. With every step he took, the cold would seep further and further into the mind and body of the giant. While his heritage boasted incredible resistance to the elements, this cold was unnatural and unlike anything the giant had ever faced. This cold crawled its way through his thick skin and lashed at the very thoughts in his head. After a few more steps, his instincts would flare up telling him to run. Run back to the mayor's house, run away in general, and run from this cold. The instinct would become overwhelming in its desire to have Kharne run. Something deep inside of him knew what was ahead, and it was afraid. He would find that listening to his inner instinct was impossible, however, as he would find himself frozen in his steps; unable to move. Every attempt to move his legs would be met with nothing, every attempt to wiggle a finger or a toe would be met with nothing, and every attempt to listen to his innermost instinct would be met with nothing. He was frozen in time and in place by an unknown force that allowed only his eyes to move.

And his eyes would see a ghastly sight indeed.

Up ahead, in the middle of the village, his eyes would see another soldier, frozen in time and place much like himself. At first that was all he could see. The soldier had his weapon drawn, resting at a forty-five-degree angle as if he was trying to strike a blow, and was a member of the Snow Leopards. Yet, as he looked, he would start to see what appeared to be a bright light appearing in front of the soldier and out of view of his direct sight. Without seeing the source of the light Kharne would feel a wave of raw anger wash over and seemingly directed at him. Kharne would be able to sense that this anger lingered in the air all around him. Through the smoke the light conveyed a raw and powerful hatred. Kharne had interrupted its ritual after all. In a quick movement, the creatures arm shot into view as it slit the neck of the soldier it hid behind.

The arm of the creature was wrapped in a bright white fog that obscured its true form, with cloud-like tendrils flowing off the fingertips of the creature. The soldier that stood before it fell to his knees, before falling over all together; revealing the creature all together. Kharne would see an impossible creature deep in the snowstorm, a creature of light and beauty. In the center of the creature's chest, a vibrant red jewel glowed a beautiful hue that pierced through the thick snowstorm without resistance. The same cloud like tendrils spread outward from the jewel, covering the chest and arms of the beast while flowing downward to only the knees. Where the tendrils flowed the same fog obscured the true form of the creature. The tendrils snaked upward, forming the head of the beast in a vibrant white light that shined through the darkness of the snow storm. Yet, despite its pristine and seemingly beautiful nature, Kharne will remain ill at ease. For on its pristine and seemingly beautiful face sat two sunken and very black eyes that flickered like candles in the night and a mouth that was equally dark and flickered all the same. While the blue streaks in the cloudy face did add some joviality to its appearance, it did not detract Kharne from the sight of those eyes and they were angry.

Kharne would watch as the body of the deceased soldier emitted various cloud like tendrils from his body The tendrils flowed upward and flowed into the red jewel on the creature and it smiled a lovely smile. The white frame expanded slightly, adding the base of a pair of horns to the top of its head while extended further down the leg as well. The creature slowly brought it’s hand close, and raised it up towards it head. It slowly rubbed the foundation of the horns for a few seconds before the smile that had framed its face grew sinister. Kharne would watch as the flickering eyes fully embraced their next target. As if floating, the creature began to make its way towards Kharne. He would notice that on the creatures' right arm existed a blade that seemed to be a part of its body, and as the creature grew closer, he would notice that it looked quick sharp indeed. Slowly but surely, the creature closed on Kharne. Slowly but surely, it moved its way through the camp. It’s eyes fixed and flicking, and it’s mouth seemingly filled with glee.

Yet it stopped, some ten meters away, as its eyes shifted to a sight behind the right shoulder of the giant. A second or so later, Kharne would feel a warm sensation on his shoulder. Slowly the warmth began spread across his body and grew in intensity as it did. It would burn like the hottest fire that ever touched his skin as it spread. It would be a mixture of pain and sweet relief, a pair that was bound to illict some confusion. Though as the warm sensation spread, Kharnes vision would confuse him. As the warmth spread, the snowstorm began to lose its intensity, fading away to nothing more than a slow falling flurry that gently dusted the area. As the warmth spread, his inner instincts began to wane and retreat before falling off altogether. And as the warmth spread, the site of the creature before him changed. Slowly, the white cloud like base of the creatures' body began to fade, revealing the true body of the monster before him. Before the snowstorm and the murky form faded all together, the creature would let out an earthshaking roar that Kharne and Kharne alone could hear.

ar-,” he would hear a distant voice speak, “arne-,” the same voice would speak this time closer and louder, “Kharne,” he would finally hear S’venias voice once again, “Kharne, welcome back,” she would speak as she fell to a knee with an exhausted look on her face. His right shoulder would still feel the warm sensation from before while the rest of his body relished in the fact that it was no longer there wherever there was; he was back in the realm of the mortals once again. He would feel weak, however, and would need a moment before he could regain his former strength. S’venia spent a second on her knee before she rose back to her feet, and brandished her sword for all to see.

The group had arrived in full now.
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