Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Spike
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Spike Lewd Dude With Attitude

Member Seen 4 days ago

Nicholas gave a flick of his hair when Rhea complimented him. A few tiny sparkles came out. "Thank you~<3 I try." He said, looking at her over the shoulder with his azure blue eyes. He turned back to Liors, smiling warmly. "It's nice to meet you~ I'm Nicholas Paracelsus~ You can call me Nick." He said to her. He got the impression the poor girl was getting a little overwhelmed. He reached into a pocket on the big pink coat he kept draped over his shoulders, and pulled out a smartphone, checking the time.

"I need to head to the dorms if I want to meet my dormmates. It was nice to meet you, Liors, Rhea~" He said, then reached into his pocket, taking out a small vial. He took a sip from it...And started to float off, bags in hand, cloak fluttering behind him.

He alighted on the ground beneath, just outside the dorms. "Hello~" He said, hearing Viola's question just as he entered, glancing towards the flying suitcases. "Ahh, guess you don't need help unpacking. My name's Nick~" He said, dragging his luggages into the room next door. He opened the smaller luggage, taking out various pieces of alchemical equipment and setting them on the desk. He had a mortar and pestle, a calcinator, an alembic, and soon set about arranging a myriad of bottles containing exotic ingredients. One was full of tiny squirming things, another with technicolor leaves, and a particularly large jar full of brine with eyeballs in it.

After finishing with that, he opened the larger suitcase, and started to put up the massive wardrobe he had taken with him in the closet.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aviaire
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Aviaire poffy

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@QueenNugget @Ryteb Pymeroce
To Liors's credit, she didn't scream. Instead, she lurched forward with a short yelp, whipping her head round to face the intruder. The day was progressively getting worse, and there was still so much of it left, so when she saw Zane hanging from the tree, she let out a sigh internally. "M-maybe another day, I don't. Um. Never mind," she said. Was he serious or was he joking? At this point, what was the difference, he could've been implying either.

I think, um, I should go to my dorm," Liiors squeaked, but it sounded more like a question then anything. Honestly, she was just desperate to get away from the entrance, where all the problems seemed to be. At least there would be less people in the dorms, and it would (hopefully) be quieter.

She dissolved her seat and motioned at Rhea. "Uh. If you want to, um, come too, to the dorms, I guess I'd like that? I'm," and she glanced at her wrist, "25-A?" She picked up her bags, quickly rustling through for the important things. Everything seemed to still be there, but she hadn't checked thoroughly. Could Deirdre send her anything she'd left in parcels? What if she'd dropped something - it would be impossible to find, and Liors was doing it again. You haven't forgotten anything. You checked three times last night. You haven't forgotten, but that didn't stop the nagging thoughts.

Realizing she'd just been staring at her bags for a good thirty seconds, she picked them up, ready to leave. 25-A, 25-A.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by QueenNugget

QueenNugget Mother, where am I?

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Aviaire @Spike @Ryteb Pymeroce

"Hi Nick!" Rhea greeted back, giving him a small wave as he had introduced himself to both Liors and herself. He was actually quite stunning in appearance and she couldn't help but wondering if his personality matched. She was a tad disappointed when he moved off to go find his dorm room, but she soon called after him, saying, "I hope we can be friends! That would be great!" Though she had wished to talk to him longer.

Turning back to Liors, suddenly, there was the guy that was wearing the disguise mask earlier. Seemingly coming from nowhere, making her jump a little, he asked if we wanted to see a dead body(?) and interrupting them, Rhea pushed up her glasses, she said, irritation dancing on the edge of her voice but giving him a polite smile, "Look, as much as I would love to, I was kinda in the middle of something, so, yeah. Just throwin' that out there," She stood up and gathered her things while dusting herself off. "Hey, you're 25-A too?! Even better! But yes, I think finding our dorm sounds like a wonderful idea, and then maybe, we wouldn't be interupted," she gave the other guy a passing glance, which she hoped it was obvious that she didn't appreciate, before turning back around.
"Okay, let's go," she grabbed Liors wrist and began to pull her in the direction of their dorm.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ryteb Pymeroce
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Ryteb Pymeroce The Emerald Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zane had to laugh at the girls' reactions. The invisible girl had more of a spine than he expected, drawing out her potential would be so much fun. After all isn't that the job of Existance Aeon, to bring forth what's already there. He began to chortle, his malicious thoughts giving out an aura similar to the powers of a certain 'friend' of his. The other girl though... she was a different kind of fun. A user of golemancy, if his information was correct, Rhea had the insanity drive to fit right in with the Researcher Faction.

"Oh don't be so mean my dear," Zane pouted, flipping over them to land in front. "We are going to be rooming together after all. Zane Wulf, the second coming of the Insane Inventor, Bane of the White Death, and current resident of 25-A at your service, my fair ladies." Giving a slightly over the top bow at the end, with a lupine smirk plastered across his face.

"Would the radient maidens do this lowly peasent the honour of escorting you to the dorms. There are all kinds of uncultured Americans men who might do harm to gentle flowers such as yourselves."

Getting down on one knee, he offered his hand towards Rhea.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by QueenNugget

QueenNugget Mother, where am I?

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Ryteb Pymeroce

"Rude?" Rhea asked, tilting her head as the dude flipped over her head, which kind of surprised her, although she knew it shouldn't have considering she went to a magic school. "I asn't being rude, I was just showing my aggressive friendliness," she emphasized, smiling. To be honest, she did find him interesting, but of course she didn't want to tell him that just yet.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Zane Wulfe. I'm just ecstatic to be sharing a room with you! She let go of Lior's wrist and clapped her hands together, watching him curiously as he got down on one knee and offered his hand. Not wanting to be rude, she took it but said, "As much as I love to be called a 'radiant maiden', I'm not as gentle as you make me out to be," she replied politely. "I believe I can handle my own, are you sure you're not the one wanting to be escorted to the dorm? I'm perfectly capable of doing so, if that's what you want," Rhea asked, but not waiting for his answer, she took ahold of both his and Lior's hand and began to walk toward the dorms again.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


She didn't have to wait long for one of her roommates to show up, it seemed. Barely even having started checking the dorm, and one of the others showed up. If she judged a book by its cover, she'd say this one was 'zero actual content'. The pretty boy quickly introduced himself as Nick. At least he seemed friendly. She was slightly concerned she'd get roomed with some neanderthal but he seemed the polite sort if nothing else so far.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance." Viola greeted with a smirk, closing her parasol and dropping it, only for it to float away into the bedroom she had claimed as her own. She followed Nick into his room as the poltergeists worked to get her room prepared. "Don't mind the ghosts pretty boy, they're harmless...mostly, and make for wonderful housekeepers." She took a quick glance around the room, taking note of his personal affects and quickly determining he was some sort of potion maker. Hm, perhaps the book had some worthwhile content after all.

"An alchemist of some sort, are you? My, I almost thought that pretty face was all you had but if you're setting up all this you might actually have something valuable between that head of yours." Smirking in a friendly manner, Viola curtsied lightly. "Viola Rifei. Charmed. I shall leave you to setting up your room, hm? If you need any help do tell. My friends love keeping themselves busy." As much as she wasn't too keen on sharing a living space with other people, there was no need to be rude to them. Needless friction would only cause trouble later on.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aviaire
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Aviaire poffy

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@QueenNugget @Ryteb Pymeroce
Liors never should've tried to talk to anyone. Actually, the best decision she could've ever made was to not join the university, but it was a little late for that. She'd made a friend, but now she was sharing a dorm with Rhea and Zane. Rhea was nice enough, if a little overbearing, though that wasn't anything Liors wasn't used to with her own sister, and she could live. Zane, however, was about as close as anyone alive could get to the complete opposite of herself, not to mention his destructive personality. She absently wondered if the university had insurance on its grounds as Rhea directed the two of them towards the dorms. It might've just been her imagination, but her grip on Zane seemed a little rougher than that on Liors.

Once they arrived, Liors immediately darted off into one of the rooms. The furthest from the entrance, no one else would want that one. Door not completely closed behind her, she set down her bags. One for clothes, one that housed her lyre and a few knick-knacks, and the final one containing pretty much everything else. She frantically dug through the first until her hands touched cold metal, and she pulled out what was pretty much a biscuit tin. She tucked it neatly under her bed, breathing out a sigh of relief. She needed to unpack in due course, but for the time being she put her bags on top of the bed, and pulled out a pack of chalk, some rocks and some candles.

She shut the door completely, so no one could see in, and set to work 'decorating' her room. The strange symbols in pen that would fade in two hours, the circles in chalk that would disappear in time, they didn't do anything to anyone. But as Liors drew, she got the feeling, despite everything that had happened and would happen,

she would be fine.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by QueenNugget

QueenNugget Mother, where am I?

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Ryteb Pymeroce

Getting to their dorm room, Liors quickly let go of Rhea's hand and rushed into the room, leaving her disappointed that she had left so fast. "Alright then, bye I guess. Talk to you pretty soon, I would assume," Rhea called after as she left, and then realizing that she still had ahold of Zane's hand, she dropped it. "Well, I suppose we should get going then, huh?" She rhetorically asked, heading inside and choosing a random room, she didn't really care, all the rooms were basically the same.

Setting her things down (Pretending that she had carried them with her because I forgot that she had stuff), she flopped down on the bed and paused for a moment. "Welp. This is boring," She said to herself as she stared listlessly at the blank wall. "This is gonna need a lot of redecoration. Mmm, this whole dorm is gonna need it, actually. I'll have to ask Liors to help me, ooo, or maybe I can get a statue of some sort!" I hopped up, excited now. "I know the garden has plenty. Hopefully it'll work this time!" I said as I walked out of my room, getting lost in thought about all of the things it and her would do.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ryteb Pymeroce
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Ryteb Pymeroce The Emerald Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zane laughed at the speed the girl moved. Imagine if he gave that a buff... no last time he did that the guy crashed into a wall. Nick had only forgiven him after he bribed gifted him a mirror that complimented him whenever he looked into it. The inventor was lucky the narcissist's face was unblemished.

Looking in the room he chose, he had to sigh at the distasteful low quality furniture they expected him to use. A few explosive cards took care of that. Pulling a wand out from his utility pocket, he began to carve the expansion array and the durabiility array, the wand acting as a lazer. With that done, he pulled an enargy crystal and broke it, releasing the mana to empower the runes. He didn't know someone else had also been writing runes, but that problem would come later. Replacing the wand with an almost identical one, he tapped on his satchel a few times and began to conduct.

Song Playing

With the first swish of his wand his bag opened, and out danced his furnishings. First came the oak bed and soft mattress, followed by a sturdy mahogany dresser, what looked like a treasure chest, and a yew wardrobe. His recliner sauntered across along with a small table. Like any self respecting mage, a few bookshelves were nessercary and set themselves up behind the recliner. Finally his workdesk and chair manoveured its way to the opposite side of the room to the study area.

With that finished, he took a bow and pocketed his wand. Not a bad half an hour of work, he thought. During this time some of the extra energy had entered Liors' symbols, and without an array to ground them well... the symbols popped like fireworks, probably not conductive to the girl's freyed nerves.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EpicKDP
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EpicKDP Grand Shinobi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

“Oh my God Mom!! Chill out!! I’m not a child anymore!!” La’Tavia was stuck inside of the scalding embrace of her mom, whom has had issues letting go of her baby every year since she started school. La’Tavia and Lashauna both had the tendency of getting attached to those they care about. In the mother’s case, it was on the extreme side. Mrs. Vicious was someone whom lived with all her heart and if her husband weren’t such a powerful Master, he would have not survived their courting. La’Tavia was feeling like she wouldn’t survive the embrace. “L...et...ee.....ooh” the fire heart said as she tried to break free from the crushing embrace of her mother.

“Oooh boooooby.....,” her mother said driveling with snot and tears, “I done.....wan....you ta....ggg ooowwaaaahhhh.”

Finally, La’Tavia broke free of her mother’s embrace with an explosion of energy. “If you couldn’t let me go, then why did you bother training me?” She asked.

“I was just so excited that I just reacted.” The woman replied as she quickly switched her mood from sad to combative.

“Really!! Excited? EEVERY.....SINGLE.....TIME.....I GET HOME?” La’Tavia moved back as she finished gathering her bags around the couch in the living room.

“IF YOU WANT TO LEAVE THEN LEAVE!! SEE IF I CARE.” Lashauna’s mood swings were famous among family and friends. So this was a common occurrence with the two women. But the love is always there and Lashauna knew her mother well.

“Yes, you do care and I know you care about my safety. But remember,” La’Tavia got her bags completely together before walking back to her mom. She then grabbed the tear soaked hands of her mom and warmed them with magic, which was then returned by her mom, “you trained me mom. Have faith in the child you raised.“ With that, she kissed her mom on the face and walked out of the houses. Hopped into the cab and drove to school.

Walking through the Glyph, the Flame Heart made a beeline for the assembly building to not miss the opening ceremony. She was moving frantically as she was always late for the first day of school and for the exact same reason EVERY YEAR. So of course, she had a plan of action AND she knew she was there in time to make an appearance while getting the a breakfast of champions before the rest of the student body showed up.

Once she arrived, she knew she was late. The introduction from Mede had just finished and the Headmaster was walking up on stage. It did not take long before news caught her ears. “...Secondly, I can see some of you trying to form contracts with fairies. I advise you to reconsider. Trust me, you will not be able to pay their price.”

These words were a challenge obviously meant for La’Tavia Vicious as devious smile slowly crept upon her face. Immediately, she began walking out of the auditorium and walked to the dining area where she ate a hot meal and contemplated how she will gain a fairy familiar. “Maybe if I give them candy..... What about sharing......nooooooo what if it’s a girl....ooooo what about a hunky guy? They have to be stro...,” and then the light went off. Quickly, she finished her breakfast and made a plate to go and headed to her new room assignment.

“WHOSE UP FOR AN ADVENTURE!!” She kicked the door in not even caring if someone was actually inside the room. If you would see her, you could feel the heat turn up a bit as her fire-y spirit was set ablaze. She could see two people already there and continued. “YOU TWO!! COME WITH ME!! WE ARE FAIRY HUNTING!!”
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The breakfast at the Mess Hall was, needless to say, an exorbitantly grand one. Breakfast foods from all over the world were arranged in tables according to region. More than a thousand students were gathered, and yet the food had yet to be found lacking in quantity or quality - there was always something to choose from, and you could spend the whole day sampling the food arrayed for them and not even be halfway through.

The Headmaster himself was there, in his authoritative, large brown mantle cloak, with a serving tray in hand and lined in with the rest of the students over the service areas. He was talking with some of the newer students - who were rather reluctant to be so amicable with authority.

At this point, pretty much everyone had gathered into groups they were comfortable with. Some had finished eating already and went outside in order to explore the school, or otherwise had some other business to attend to - most of the newer students would likely pursue a bed, considering the hour, plus the need to simply be inside their rooms.

Some others had broken into a fight somehow - as per usual - and the Enforcers stepped in to stop them. Polyanna, who was dining with the Headmaster, took delight in watching them settle matters through force, while the Headmaster preferred if they were settled through diplomacy. So naturally they began betting on every fight.

At some point the fairies and other spirits that roamed the University had intruded on the breakfast. Some of them began picking off servings of food for their own - fortunately not from any of the students. Yet.

All-in-all, a typical way to start the morning here at B.U.M.

For those that turned in early, B.U.M. dormitory rooms were simple, though spacious. It started with a walk into the apartment, which seemed much too small to contain over a hundred such rooms, but such was how it was; the rooms themselves were divided into seven parts: four bedrooms, two bathroom, and a living room that doubled as a kitchen. Furniture would be sparse, at first, with just the dining table, a few chairs, a living room couch, and a bed being provided. Over time, however, students added more and more character to their respective areas.

@EpicKDP @Rune_Alchemist @Spike

@Ryteb Pymeroce@QueenNugget@Aviaire
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by QueenNugget

QueenNugget Mother, where am I?

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Exiting her room, Rhea almost immmediately came into contact with who she assumed was their last roommate, a very tall woman, who was maybe around her own age, she wasn't exactly sure, but what she was sure of, was that she was gorgeous, then again, she thought everyone was.
"Hello, I'm Rhea!" She introduced, pushing up her glasses before taking Xinhua's outstretched hand. Peopld seemed to do that often here."It's nice to meet you. Glad to meet my last roommate, and you seem rather chill, which is nice, considering other people I've met Freya are...iffy, to say in the kindest fashion. I love your hair, by the way, I've always wished I had hair like that, not to be weird or anything, I just wanted to say that, I just like it," she droned on, messing with her own hair as she dropped Xinhua's hand.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Lost Dae
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The Lost Dae The lost one

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aeries found the orientation extremely informative and if not a little freaky, it would be considered fun, learning all the rules and the ability to copy, or even steal the abilities of another, this was something she hadn't heard of, nor had it even occurred to her that it would be possible. During breakfast she would be lost in her own thoughts seated at a table somewhat away from the others picking at her food as she attempted to find a way to process the fact that there could possibly be someone at this school who could steal her ability to reverse her own space time, or to project a stasis field.

'I have to be more careful about using my powers.' she thought to herself her head falling a little as the thought of not being able to be as bouncy and having to exert a higher level of self control dawned on her. She was naturally clumsy and her reversal had stopped her hurting herself since she discovered the ability to do it as a child. Now she would have to try and suppress her natural instinct to reverse her space-time whenever she tripped or fell.
'this is gonna suck' she thought to herself as she stood from the table barely having eaten at all and heading to her dorm to attempt a rest, or to study some more. She would have to hit the library soon to gather some more study material.
'or I could meet my roommates' she thought somewhat hopefully.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Spike
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Spike Lewd Dude With Attitude

Member Seen 4 days ago

Nick had already finished puitting together a workshop and organizing his ingredients. Now was setting up his apparatuses to run while he was absent. "Oh, don't worry. I know about ghosts." He said to Viola, smiling softly as he lit a flame under a glass bulb. Soon, the blue ooze inside began to bubble, percolating at the top and dripping into a vial underneath.

"Thanks for the offer, but this is really something I need to do myself." He mused, putting on some goggles and a heavy pair of leather gloves. He had a pair of tongs, and was starting to pull a brightly-glowing green rock from a jar. "Very delicate. Can't have-" He was interrupted by Latavia kicking the door. He jumped, the green lump going through the window.

"Oh, I'd love to go on an adventure. I could use more fairy dust anyhow." He said, heading for the door. "It's nice to meet you~ My name's Nick." He turned from Meruin back to Latavia. "She's right, though. Fae are people too. My great great great great great great grandmother on my father's side was one."

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Hm. Well, Viola's opinion of the alchemist was going up the more he spoke. Perhaps her other roommates wouldn't be too terribly annoying after all. Maybe she could find some sort of...worth while to stay here. Last year had just been annoying if she was to be honest. A whole lot of nothing and the mages saying she couldn't go into the dangerous area simply because she was a novice. What was she, a child? She liked being spoiled like one, but she didn't like being treated like one in other matters. Hm, well, no matter. If they weren't going to let her grow, then she'd just fix that this year.

"...oh wonderful." The sound of the door being kicked open pulled Viola from her thoughts as she exited Nicks room. "We have a noisy one." She frowned lightly, looking the girl up and down with a decidedly disinterested expression. The person who interested her more however, was the one who came in shortly after her. Meriun. Upon seeing her, a small smirk formed on Viola's lips.

"And I would take dear Meruin's warning to heart." Viola said, walking past the group and up to Meriun. "Take it from someone who's both played with and met one before...they are wonderfully fun but fickle beings. Angering one will not be to your benefit." Once near Meruin, Viola gave a small chuckle, bowing her head lightly as she introduced herself, mostly ignoring La'Tavia. "A pleasure, Meruin. I've heard quite the many tales of you...Viola Rifei. I don't have quite the same reputation as you do." She motioned into the dorm with a hand. "...and if its not too much trouble, I would like to discuss something over a cup of tea."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EpicKDP
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EpicKDP Grand Shinobi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


So, there was nothing more annoying than people who take themselves too seriously. Literally, you could see the aggravation on her face. So when “Too Short McGreen Eyes” and “Emo Maid” in her mind replied in to her in a tone she took as condescending, she wanted to scorch the entire room. Then, a trauma flashed to her mind as she remembered her first her there where he did exactly that. Her face quickly twisted in fear as the image of Polyanna beating her down, healing her, and beating her down again. Then calling her mother, Lashauna and Poly were acquaintances from when Lashauna was a student, and her mom got involved in the punishment.

Snapping back to relality, and shaking the fear from her mind, she replied to the three people who all spoke to her. ”Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is La’Tavia. And I am looking to contract a Fairy. Once we are done setting up our rooms, we will leave at once to prove to the Headmaster that no fairies will get the best of us!
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Spike
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Spike Lewd Dude With Attitude

Member Seen 4 days ago

Nicholas had already began to slip vials of potion into the holder on his hip. Each one was long and thing, made of slightly blue-tinted glass. He glanced at the crimson haired mage, smiling slightly. "Perhaps it can wait until after a spot of tea? Mmm, and I was going to see my friend Zane after that." He offered, heading to the kitchen already. The his of the stove could be heard, and soon, the screech of a teakettle.

"Luckily, I brought my nice teaset." He said, hurrying out of the kitchen. At some point, he had shed his cloak and donned a frilly pink aprone. He set the table with a fine china teaset, with an ornate teapot and four teacups on saucers. He had produced a tin of biscuits/cookies as well.

"Care to join us?" He asked Latavia, taking a seat and beginning to pour himself a cup of tea.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aviaire
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Aviaire poffy

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Liors hadn't noticed at first. She'd been unpacking, and it wasn't until she'd finished that she had, but maybe having sparks fly right into your face helped. She screamed this time, jumping back, though she clasped her hands over her mouth as soon as the noise came out. That was when she saw the entire room sparking, and she sighed. That wasn't supposed to happen, but apparently it was, so she begrudgingly waved her hand and watched as the markings on the walls disappeared. Everything that could go wrong was currently going wrong.

Liors lay on the floor, on top of her messily drawn ritual circle. At least this one was doing what it was supposed to - was it because it had an actual purpose? It was too much to think about at this time on the first day of school. Breakfast University of Magic, home of-

Ah. She hadn't eaten breakfast. That would be a good idea, but she didn't make any effort to move from where she was lying. If anything, she realized how comfortable it was. As well as how tired she was, it was much too early to even think about being awake. She'd get up soon, and go eat, but for now she was content to just stay there. She'd get up.

She was asleep in a few minutes.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ryteb Pymeroce
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Ryteb Pymeroce The Emerald Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zane exited his room, currently carving runes into a piece of red metal. It was incredibly intricate, with arrays forming meta-arrays to keep the enchantments stable. He would need to eith commendeer or make a forge to make the rest of the parts, but it shouldn't take more than a few months to get it working. Setting down the metal and pocketing his carving wand, he reached into his bag and pulled out his breakfast food, enough for four people. Sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes, baked beans, toasting bread, hash browns, and, of course, butter, strawberry jam, and clotted cream. He also brought out a coffee machine and set it on the counter.

Ignoring the other two, he pulled out his levitation wand, and began to cook breakfast, Zane Style. The kitchen roared into motion as Zane used the wand to perform several actions simultaneously. The oven slowly toasted the bread as a dance of a fry up occurred. With focus usually used on his runework he made the bacon, tomatoes and sausages flip while cooking, keeping them even. Finally, when the food was cooked, four plates flew out the cuboard and the food jumped onto the plates, with the spreads to the side for taste. Finally done, he turned his attention to the other two.

"The cafeteria stuff is alright, but they can't make a good english breakfast." he said, buttering his slices of toast liberally. Something was nagging him about their other roommate, but it probably wasn't important.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by unicorgi
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unicorgi I don’t have discord

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Carmen walked into the mess hall and looked around. she wasn't in a social mood, she never really was around people she didn't know. she grabbed some food and then headed off down the hallways to look for her dorm. the hallways were long and she kept on seeing... ghosts? well, that was to be expected with a school like this.

she finally reached her dorm and walked inside. as far as she knew she only had one roommate but the fewer people the better. she put her suitcase on her bed and took out her speaker and a book. she turned on a mix of grunge/rap and sat down on a chair and started to eat her food. her roommate hadn't come to the dorm yet and she wondered who they would be like, she knew they were a boy but nothing else. she picked up the book and started to read, it was Jane Eyre one of the books she had taken from the old abandoned apartment building, the only room not gutted had a small shelf of books and she had taken her favorites to the school with her.
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