S E A S O N O N E | S E A S O N T W O

"We all wish we could do more than we can do."
S T A N L E E ( 1 9 2 2 - 2 0 1 8 )

◼ G M (s): HenryJonesJr & Houd55 ◼ C O N S U L T I N G G M: Lord Wraith ◼ G E N R E: Fandom ◼ T Y P E: Sandbox with linear and Collaborative Arcs
"We all wish we had super powers.""We all wish we could do more than we can do."
S T A N L E E ( 1 9 2 2 - 2 0 1 8 )
I N T R O D U C T I O N:
Welcome fans of Marvel, DC and all comics alike. Absolute Comics is a sandbox based RP that seeks to merge and mix the lore of your favourite DC and Marvel characters into one living cohesive world. The idea behind this RP is not to embody our favourite heroes to simply retell iconic stories and origins but to take these characters and make them our own. In fact, the goal of the RP is for players to take their favourite characters and re-imagine them to tell their own stories. We only ask that the 'heart' of the character remains the same. Players will take the roles of their favourite characters and tell stories either alone or in collaboration with other players in order to develop and grow the world.
T H E C O N T I N U I N G S T O R Y:
Absolute Comics - Season Two: The Monster Within, picks up after the events of Season One: Gods Among Men. Throughout Season One, the world of Absolute was established through each player's narrative arcs. In this new world, the status quo has been shaken to its core. In a world that has never had Superman, WONDER WOMAN was the first superhero to go public.
Appearing during the First World War, Wonder Woman was later joined by the likes of CAPTAIN AMERICA and CAPTAIN MARVEL who fought alongside her during the Second World War. Despite this alliance, the age of heroes did not come from this time. Though the three heroes would go on to inspire the creation of a 'Justice Society,' all would just as suddenly fade from both the public's eye and its memory. Still, the idea persisted, and some would again follow the example set by those who came before them. Throughout the seventies and eighties, rumours flourished of a 'BATMAN' terrorizing Gotham's underworld. While in the decade that followed, message boards across the early internet were set aflame with fear. Fear caused by the metahuman scare that rapidly spread across North America and then the world. Children of the 'Atom,' the general populace feared these so-called 'freaks,' these 'mutants.' In some ways, they were right to.
The most powerful of them were Gods Among Men. At the height of this scare, a young man by the name of Charles Xavier decided to combat ignorance and dedicated his life to the study metahumans and their meta-gene. While across the country, a man with the ability to wield lightning protected the streets of Dakota until his disappearance in the 2000s.
In the wake of the 9/11 terror attacks on the United States, Wonder Woman came out of retirement. Returning when America needed her the most, Wonder Woman went on to become a global figure. She dedicated her time to lending aid to those in need, all while the United Nations kept a close eye on her activity. While the general populace admired the heroine, the government feared what she could accomplish if she ever chose to side against them.
Wonder Woman was soon followed by others like her. It was a slow-burning fuse, but it would quickly lead to an inferno. In the late 2000s, an alien pod was sighted over the skies of Delaware. This was the harbinger, the herald of an era to come.
An era of hope.
It began with the first sightings of the woman the media would go on to dub SUPERGIRL. A young hero who unlike Wonder Woman, was not associated with war. Rumours of the Batman resurfaced in Gotham while New York was plagued by menace dubbed SPIDER-MAN.
In fact, New York quickly became a breeding ground for these so-called 'superheroes.' Xavier's team of X-MEN soon descended upon the city to clear the good name of metahumans everywhere, while another group of TITANS banded together, united by common goals and needs. Hell's Kitchen is under the protection of a man without fear known only as the DAREDEVIL. Down on Bleecker Street, under the tutelage of the Sorcerer Supreme, the young MAGIK protects that which lies behind the mystic veil.
Even Boston has recently had a hero to call its own, as the odd flying craft belonging to the BLUE BEETLE has been spotted numerous times over its streets. The city of Dakota is now home to both STATIC and VIXEN. Central City has adopted a hero known only as the FLASH while a new GREEN ARROW has appeared to rescue Star City.
Appearing in the swamps of Florida, the Sky God, BAAL found himself in a world not his own and lacking the majority of his power. To the West, Jump City is under the protection of a group of displaced aliens known collectively as the LEGION while out in the coldness of space, a human and god have united to create the GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY.
Apart, each of these heroes has fought against vicious foes, some more powerful than even they themselves are. But together, they united to stop a threat meant to frame metahumans as terrorists. Led by the mysterious STRYFE, the 'Metahuman Supremacy Front' unleashed a horde of nanoscopic drones which upon embedded in a victim, drove the host into a frenzy. Based on a mysteriously reversed engineered technology from Stagg Enterprises, the drones were made to mimic a metahuman attack. Fortunately for all involved, the timely intervention of the heroes saved the day.
Or at the very least, postponed a larger threat.
Appearing during the First World War, Wonder Woman was later joined by the likes of CAPTAIN AMERICA and CAPTAIN MARVEL who fought alongside her during the Second World War. Despite this alliance, the age of heroes did not come from this time. Though the three heroes would go on to inspire the creation of a 'Justice Society,' all would just as suddenly fade from both the public's eye and its memory. Still, the idea persisted, and some would again follow the example set by those who came before them. Throughout the seventies and eighties, rumours flourished of a 'BATMAN' terrorizing Gotham's underworld. While in the decade that followed, message boards across the early internet were set aflame with fear. Fear caused by the metahuman scare that rapidly spread across North America and then the world. Children of the 'Atom,' the general populace feared these so-called 'freaks,' these 'mutants.' In some ways, they were right to.
The most powerful of them were Gods Among Men. At the height of this scare, a young man by the name of Charles Xavier decided to combat ignorance and dedicated his life to the study metahumans and their meta-gene. While across the country, a man with the ability to wield lightning protected the streets of Dakota until his disappearance in the 2000s.
In the wake of the 9/11 terror attacks on the United States, Wonder Woman came out of retirement. Returning when America needed her the most, Wonder Woman went on to become a global figure. She dedicated her time to lending aid to those in need, all while the United Nations kept a close eye on her activity. While the general populace admired the heroine, the government feared what she could accomplish if she ever chose to side against them.
Wonder Woman was soon followed by others like her. It was a slow-burning fuse, but it would quickly lead to an inferno. In the late 2000s, an alien pod was sighted over the skies of Delaware. This was the harbinger, the herald of an era to come.
An era of hope.
It began with the first sightings of the woman the media would go on to dub SUPERGIRL. A young hero who unlike Wonder Woman, was not associated with war. Rumours of the Batman resurfaced in Gotham while New York was plagued by menace dubbed SPIDER-MAN.
In fact, New York quickly became a breeding ground for these so-called 'superheroes.' Xavier's team of X-MEN soon descended upon the city to clear the good name of metahumans everywhere, while another group of TITANS banded together, united by common goals and needs. Hell's Kitchen is under the protection of a man without fear known only as the DAREDEVIL. Down on Bleecker Street, under the tutelage of the Sorcerer Supreme, the young MAGIK protects that which lies behind the mystic veil.
Even Boston has recently had a hero to call its own, as the odd flying craft belonging to the BLUE BEETLE has been spotted numerous times over its streets. The city of Dakota is now home to both STATIC and VIXEN. Central City has adopted a hero known only as the FLASH while a new GREEN ARROW has appeared to rescue Star City.
Appearing in the swamps of Florida, the Sky God, BAAL found himself in a world not his own and lacking the majority of his power. To the West, Jump City is under the protection of a group of displaced aliens known collectively as the LEGION while out in the coldness of space, a human and god have united to create the GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY.
Apart, each of these heroes has fought against vicious foes, some more powerful than even they themselves are. But together, they united to stop a threat meant to frame metahumans as terrorists. Led by the mysterious STRYFE, the 'Metahuman Supremacy Front' unleashed a horde of nanoscopic drones which upon embedded in a victim, drove the host into a frenzy. Based on a mysteriously reversed engineered technology from Stagg Enterprises, the drones were made to mimic a metahuman attack. Fortunately for all involved, the timely intervention of the heroes saved the day.
Or at the very least, postponed a larger threat.
C O M M U N I C A T I O N:
All official discussion and announcements will happen through the OOC, however, for those who prefer a faster-paced place of discussion, or just enjoy getting to know your peers, the game also has a Discord Channel.
The Discord link can be found here.
The Discord link can be found here.
G M A N N O U N C E M E N T S:
S E A S O N O N E:
S E A S O N T W O:
◼ RE: IC Launch | 03/17/2019
◼ RE: Pacing | 03/18/2019
◼ RE: Supporting Cast and NPCs | 03/25/2019
◼ RE: Season One Crisis & Secondary Characters | 05/15/2019
◼ Weekly Post Check-In | 05/29/2019
◼ Weekly Post Check-In | 06/02/2019
◼ RE: Official Discord | 06/03/2019
◼ RE: Negative Behaviours | 06/06/2019
◼ Weekly Post Check-In, Crisis Update, End of Season Awards & GM Evaluation | 06/09/2019
◼ RE: World Compendium | 06/10/2019
◼ RE: Continuity | 06/14/2019
◼ Weekly Post Check-In, Crisis Update, End of Season Awards & GM Evaluation | 06/17/2019
◼ RE: Crisis Update | 06/18/2019
◼ Weekly Post Check-In | 06/24/2019
◼ RE: Season Two Input | 07/01/2019
◼ RE: Playing Two Characters | 07/10/2019
◼ RE: Changes to the GM Team | 07/16/2019
◼ RE: Season One Crisis - Mass Panic | 07/28/2019
◼ RE: Season One Crisis - Mass Panic | 08/09/2019
◼ RE: Pacing | 03/18/2019
◼ RE: Supporting Cast and NPCs | 03/25/2019
◼ RE: Season One Crisis & Secondary Characters | 05/15/2019
◼ Weekly Post Check-In | 05/29/2019
◼ Weekly Post Check-In | 06/02/2019
◼ RE: Official Discord | 06/03/2019
◼ RE: Negative Behaviours | 06/06/2019
◼ Weekly Post Check-In, Crisis Update, End of Season Awards & GM Evaluation | 06/09/2019
◼ RE: World Compendium | 06/10/2019
◼ RE: Continuity | 06/14/2019
◼ Weekly Post Check-In, Crisis Update, End of Season Awards & GM Evaluation | 06/17/2019
◼ RE: Crisis Update | 06/18/2019
◼ Weekly Post Check-In | 06/24/2019
◼ RE: Season Two Input | 07/01/2019
◼ RE: Playing Two Characters | 07/10/2019
◼ RE: Changes to the GM Team | 07/16/2019
◼ RE: Season One Crisis - Mass Panic | 07/28/2019
◼ RE: Season One Crisis - Mass Panic | 08/09/2019
S E A S O N T W O: