F l a m e s O f W a r

F o r e w o r d

The Kingdom of Meplein is in chaos.
Upon the betrayal of of High King Yaril by his son, Joren, the kingdom was willingly subject to dark armies of the powerful Dregrot. With the kingdom's gates now open, the creatures of the night—orcs, demons, undead and more—sacked and burned entire cities to the ground; the fallen only feeding the enemy's strength. What remained of the king's court called their neighbors to arms, citing ancient treaties made with the dwarves of Hagh Kuldir and the high elves of Thal'Lamore, yet both calls went unanswered. Finding itself alone on the battlefield, many Mepleiners chose to flee, whereas others prioritized survival and joined their Traitor Prince.
This, however, is the tale of neither. This is the tale of honor and glory; of hardships and bloodshed. This is the story of the White Rose—a knight-turned-militant order—standing few against the many. With small bastions of hope scattered through the lands, members of the order have locked themselves in an inevitable struggle against Dregrot and his host, their weapons brandished to defend the kingdom and fleeing refugees.
Will you heed the call and join them? Will you give your life for a greater cause—one of holiness and servitude to a greater good?
Upon the betrayal of of High King Yaril by his son, Joren, the kingdom was willingly subject to dark armies of the powerful Dregrot. With the kingdom's gates now open, the creatures of the night—orcs, demons, undead and more—sacked and burned entire cities to the ground; the fallen only feeding the enemy's strength. What remained of the king's court called their neighbors to arms, citing ancient treaties made with the dwarves of Hagh Kuldir and the high elves of Thal'Lamore, yet both calls went unanswered. Finding itself alone on the battlefield, many Mepleiners chose to flee, whereas others prioritized survival and joined their Traitor Prince.
This, however, is the tale of neither. This is the tale of honor and glory; of hardships and bloodshed. This is the story of the White Rose—a knight-turned-militant order—standing few against the many. With small bastions of hope scattered through the lands, members of the order have locked themselves in an inevitable struggle against Dregrot and his host, their weapons brandished to defend the kingdom and fleeing refugees.
Will you heed the call and join them? Will you give your life for a greater cause—one of holiness and servitude to a greater good?
R u l e s

Below is a list of basic rules and guidelines that will be applied to this roleplay. It is recommended that you read through them thoroughly, as everyone will be upheld to the rules. Anyone who fails to uphold the rules will be met with equal punishment depending on how severe the infraction happens to be.
Pacing: Typically, I expect at least a minimum of a post a week for any RP I GM. At the same time, it is understandable that someone might find themselves busy as everyone has some sort of obligation, whether it be school, work, and so on and so forth. If you do find yourself unable to post for some time, please make sure I and any CoGMs know so that your character can be moved temporarily into the background to avoid holding up the roleplay.
Posting: Whilst I don't expect everyone to be the greatest writer in the world, please try to write at a high casual to an advanced level. This doesn't mean that you should write a rambling novel, rather, it means to write a post of considerable quality. Ensure your post is fluid and flows with the scene, check your grammar and spelling—that kind of stuff.
Etiquette: Put simply, don't be an ass to everyone. We're here to have fun roleplaying, so don't incite arguments and flame your fellow roleplayers. As long as you follow these rules and the guild rules, we should be fine and dandy.
Posting: Whilst I don't expect everyone to be the greatest writer in the world, please try to write at a high casual to an advanced level. This doesn't mean that you should write a rambling novel, rather, it means to write a post of considerable quality. Ensure your post is fluid and flows with the scene, check your grammar and spelling—that kind of stuff.
Etiquette: Put simply, don't be an ass to everyone. We're here to have fun roleplaying, so don't incite arguments and flame your fellow roleplayers. As long as you follow these rules and the guild rules, we should be fine and dandy.
C h a r a c t e r S h e e t