My WIP -

The Quiet Bansee
Water Banshee

✴ Proper ✴ Impulsive ✴ Whimsical ✴ Timid ✴ Curious ✴ Forgetful ✴
Echo, like most Fey, is a curious and whimsical creature. She can never stay in one spot for very long and lives her life in a very relaxed manner, going where the tides take her. Even though she may be Fey she is very well versed in many of the languages throughout Azure and speaks in a very proper and polite way, many suspect that it was the way people talked during the time that she originally lived. Echo is very curious about the world around her but because she can't stray very far from water she doesn't get to so much of it, as such she will ask travelers about Azure and will even pay them for it. Unfortunately Echo can be quite forgetful and has a hard time memorizing things and remembering important events, she was told that as a human she was killed when an arrow pierced through her eye socket and hit her brain - thus causing her memory loss as a Banshee.
Echo was born long ago, back before the war between Beastkin and Humans has begun, though the specific time has eluded her. She has no memory of what her life was like before her death and can only remember bits and pieces of the day she died. What she does remember however was that while meandering the shores near Mizu Port she was struck in the back of the head with an arrow, where that arrow came from she will likely never know. The arrow killed her almost instantly and her body was thrown into the sea, from that point on all Echo knew was darkness, she desperately tried to call out, to scream, she wanted to be heard. That desperation must have been incredibly strong for the next thing Echo remember was opening her eyes and being surrounded by water.
Over time Echo recalled bits a pieces of her life though nothing that ever made sense to her, the biggest question that was always on her mind was why she was killed and who had done it. She couldn't even remember he name so she gave herself the name "Echo Hart". At first the poor girl had no idea what she had become until she was confronted with a dangerous situation and used her trademark scream for the first time, causing two men to bash their skulls into a wall until they died. This power scared Echo and she swore to never use it, instead she simply talked as calmly as she could so she wouldn't accidentally be inclined to scream.
Echo lives near Mizu Port on the shore, living in an old abandoned ship that lies off the reef. She often likes to wander through Mizu Port, talking and mingling with adventurers who pass through. She found that she is tethered to the sea and is unable to leave, why she has no idea.
Echo is a small girl, only standing about five feet tall. She has pale, unblemished skin very similar to that of a porcelain doll. Her hair is a brilliant golden color and lies in massive waves over her shoulders, she's been told many times by women that they envy her hair. Alive Echo knew she had bright blue eyes however after becoming a Banshee they turned into a deep orange color, glowing almost read whenever she got angry. Echo cannot change her attire so she is always seen dressed in a lolita-type green and white dress with matching green boots and a green and white headpiece. The only part of her clothing she can seem to change is the eye patch over her left eye, this is where the arrow piece her skull, lifting the eye patch would reveal she there is nothing there but an empty socket.
Echo only sides with what she believes, while she may be Fey she feels like she should only follow her heart and not what others think she should.
Banshee's Scream; This is something that all Banshee's have and they can control it to an extent. Echo will scream only if it is absolutely necessary however she will involuntarily do it if she receives a premonition of death, something that again all Banshee experience. The downside is that humans cannot hear the scream.
Sound Divination; A banshee's power generally manifests as the ability to hear. They hear voices or noises in their heads that only they can receive and translate. These voices they hear are the messages of their own banshees. The sounds they hear are what a banshee receives to divine further information surrounding death. Banshees are attuned to a level of the universe nothing else is. This network broadcasts supernatural messages concerning death to a banshee. They are able to connect to this network and issue messages of their own, broadcast their own 'whispers' surrounding death, or communicate with other banshees.
Harbinger Of Death; Banshee's can predict death, feel when someone has died and how they died aside from their own death. Whenever this happens she lets out a piercing scream, however it is very short and often will only leave those around her with strong headaches.
✴ Best of Friends - Echo is a very kind and invested girl, as such she is a very good person to have as a friend and is also the type of person to do anything for her friends. Because she has a friendly demeanor people also naturally gravitate towards her.
✴ Loyal - Because Echo is such a good friend she is also strongly loyal to those she considered close friends and would probably do anything for those people.
✴ Singing - Banshee naturally have beautiful voices, their screams to many can sound like least until it starts to turn your brain to mush. However Echo can also sing very well because of this without having to scream.
✴ Memory Loss - Echo suffers from severe memory loss and memory problems, as such is she goes a long time without seeing someone than she can gradually forget them. This has happened to her on multiple occasions and has lost her several friends.
✴ Easily Hurt - Because Echo is such a kind and caring person she trusts too easily, this causes her to get hurt easily as well. She's been told once before that this may have been the cause of her death, that she trusted someone she shouldn't have.
✴ Fearing Herself - Echo is afraid of her own powers and goes a long way to not use her abilities, as such when faced with difficult situations she doesn't know what to do. She will panic and end up freezing in place. She is also afraid of hurting those she cares about, she doesn't know what she would do if that happened.
Theme Song
Distant Everyday Memories

Beastkin - Crow

♛ Adventurous ♛ Perfectionist ♛ Charming ♛ Judgmental ♛ Diplomatic ♛ Devious ♛
Be creative but don't go overboard. 3 paragraphs max, 1 paragraph minimum.
Vara is a large man, standing at a staggering 6 feet and weighing about 170 pounds, though despite his thin looks he has a whole lot of muscle from training for hours on end. He has midnight black hair that he usually wears in a messy but sensible style and will often adorn it with golden head pieces. He has nice ivory skin that goes well with his vivid golden eyes, something that is a trademark for his family. His normal attire consists of mostly gold and black and changes depending on where he is going and the mood he is in, though he will always have the symbol of the Beastkin somewhere visible.
Vara will only fight for the Beastkin and for those who support them, however if he suspects someone, even another Beastkin, to be plotting against him he will not hesitate to take them out.
♛ Shifting; - This is an ability that all Beastkin share, it is what makes them who they are. Each Beastkin can shift into a singular animal, many Beastkin share traits from the animal they can shift into. For example Vara can shift into a black crow which are known for their intelligence and adaptability.
Theme Song

Mesa, The Holy Dragon
134 In Drakari Years
Straight, though she cares little for relationships at the moment

Loyal ✴ Determined ✴ Compassionate ✴ Childish ✴ Skeptical ✴ Anti-social
On the outside Mesa can be seen a cocky and even a little childish. She can seem inconsiderate and very distant, never letting anyone ever get to close to her. She will never tell a lie and often will leave people with a bad impression, she never holds back what she's thinking and comes off as a little too blunt. However for those select few who have spent time with Mesa would realize that she's just a lonely person who diligently believes that she must do whatever it takes to serve her purpose - even if it means sacrificing her own happiness. She takes her duty to maintain peace among the Drakari very seriously, but that also doesn't mean she doesn't try to enjoy herself once in awhile.
Like most Drakari Mesa was born at the base of Kokkina Dentro, she was born while the sun was at it's highest in the sky. The cheif of her tribe saw this as a sign that Mesa would be important to their people and as such took her from her mother in order to raise her himself. Thinking that Mesa needed to grow up strong and proud the chief was harsh and drilled Drakari beliefs into her head, he told her that she had to live up to high expectations and had to do what needed to be done for Drakari no matter the cost. Because of this lifestyle Mesa grew to have a hard time talking with others, she felt like she couldn't confide in anyone for fear of being seen as weak or not fit for the role she was to play....whatever that may end up being.
Many years passed and Mesa went through a lot of trials and obstacles. At a very young age she was stranded in the Erimos Desert and told that she had to make it home alive, that it would strengthen her "resolve" and test her. Mesacne almost died several times and by pure luck was able to drag herself back home where her people praised her. Soon it became normal for her to undergo rigorous and hard tests each seemingly worse than the last, all under the name of making her stronger and better than before.
Before she realized it Mesa became a fighter and defender for Drakari all over and while she may seem rude and uncaring at first Mesa takes keeping the peace among her people very seriously. Drakari tribes don't always see eye-to-eye depending on which of the Celestial dragon they take after and it can be difficult to maintain a balance, however Mesa has been able to do just that for many Drakari tribes. Years passed and now Mesacne fights for her people as they have become embroiled in human and beastkin affairs, the two fighting within Drakari lands. Because of her determination and ruthlessness for defeating those who would harm her tribe she has become somewhat infamous among non-Drakari. What most don't realize however is that Mesa feels she has no other purpose in life than to serve and protect her people, so she carries out this "purpose" as best as she can.
Mesa has strawberry blonde hair that goes down to her back, piercing red eyes and black horns on her head. She quite small which often takes people off guard and she often uses this to her advantage in fights, they don't realize they are dealing with a battle hardened Drakari. Mesa has a pair of large feathered and scaled wings that are her trade mark as most Drakari either have fully-scaled or fully-feathered wings.
Mesa will side with whoever her Tribe sides with, for now.
Dragon Flame; Like all Drakari Mesa can breath and control fire to an extent, though unlike many Mesa can direct that heat into the weapon she is wielding. This takes a lot of concentration on her part so she can no maintain it for very long.
Flight; Again most Drakari can fly as most of them have wings, Mesa loves to fly so she if very good at it. In fact aerial combat is probably one of her best attributes.
Dragonsong; This is an ability that was thought to be lost however at a young age Mesa was shown to posses it, even if she doesn't quite understand how to use it. This ability allows Mesacne to sing a song that only Drakari and dragon-kind can understand, it will boost the abilities of any Drakari or dragon-kind in her vicinity.
✴ Determined - Because Mesa is a very driven and determined individual she's able to achieve things that some can't, simply using sheer willpower.
✴ Courageous - Mesa was raised to be brave and to face anything that may come in her path, because of this she can stand up against enemies who may be stronger than her without any hint of fear. Though even she gets frightened, but even then she pushes through that fear.
✴ Lack Of Social Skills - Mesacne was raised harshly and was often kept away from others, this resulted in Mesa not really being able to read others well. She will often say things that come off as rude and unknowingly pushes others away.
✴ Stubborn - Yes she may be determined but that can also be a fault, Mesa will sometimes try to challenge others who are obviously much stronger than her and she ends up in bad situations because of it.
✴ Unstable - Many people don't realize it but Mesa is constantly battling a war within herself, she wants to do right by her people and to do what they want but at the same time she wants to live a life that isn't laid out for her. Because of these conflicting emotions she has began to grow distant from everyone around her.
Theme Song
Dragon Den

The Quiet Bansee
Water Banshee

✴ Proper ✴ Impulsive ✴ Whimsical ✴ Timid ✴ Curious ✴ Forgetful ✴
Echo, like most Fey, is a curious and whimsical creature. She can never stay in one spot for very long and lives her life in a very relaxed manner, going where the tides take her. Even though she may be Fey she is very well versed in many of the languages throughout Azure and speaks in a very proper and polite way, many suspect that it was the way people talked during the time that she originally lived. Echo is very curious about the world around her but because she can't stray very far from water she doesn't get to so much of it, as such she will ask travelers about Azure and will even pay them for it. Unfortunately Echo can be quite forgetful and has a hard time memorizing things and remembering important events, she was told that as a human she was killed when an arrow pierced through her eye socket and hit her brain - thus causing her memory loss as a Banshee.
Echo was born long ago, back before the war between Beastkin and Humans has begun, though the specific time has eluded her. She has no memory of what her life was like before her death and can only remember bits and pieces of the day she died. What she does remember however was that while meandering the shores near Mizu Port she was struck in the back of the head with an arrow, where that arrow came from she will likely never know. The arrow killed her almost instantly and her body was thrown into the sea, from that point on all Echo knew was darkness, she desperately tried to call out, to scream, she wanted to be heard. That desperation must have been incredibly strong for the next thing Echo remember was opening her eyes and being surrounded by water.
Over time Echo recalled bits a pieces of her life though nothing that ever made sense to her, the biggest question that was always on her mind was why she was killed and who had done it. She couldn't even remember he name so she gave herself the name "Echo Hart". At first the poor girl had no idea what she had become until she was confronted with a dangerous situation and used her trademark scream for the first time, causing two men to bash their skulls into a wall until they died. This power scared Echo and she swore to never use it, instead she simply talked as calmly as she could so she wouldn't accidentally be inclined to scream.
Echo lives near Mizu Port on the shore, living in an old abandoned ship that lies off the reef. She often likes to wander through Mizu Port, talking and mingling with adventurers who pass through. She found that she is tethered to the sea and is unable to leave, why she has no idea.
Echo is a small girl, only standing about five feet tall. She has pale, unblemished skin very similar to that of a porcelain doll. Her hair is a brilliant golden color and lies in massive waves over her shoulders, she's been told many times by women that they envy her hair. Alive Echo knew she had bright blue eyes however after becoming a Banshee they turned into a deep orange color, glowing almost read whenever she got angry. Echo cannot change her attire so she is always seen dressed in a lolita-type green and white dress with matching green boots and a green and white headpiece. The only part of her clothing she can seem to change is the eye patch over her left eye, this is where the arrow piece her skull, lifting the eye patch would reveal she there is nothing there but an empty socket.
Echo only sides with what she believes, while she may be Fey she feels like she should only follow her heart and not what others think she should.
Banshee's Scream; This is something that all Banshee's have and they can control it to an extent. Echo will scream only if it is absolutely necessary however she will involuntarily do it if she receives a premonition of death, something that again all Banshee experience. The downside is that humans cannot hear the scream.
Sound Divination; A banshee's power generally manifests as the ability to hear. They hear voices or noises in their heads that only they can receive and translate. These voices they hear are the messages of their own banshees. The sounds they hear are what a banshee receives to divine further information surrounding death. Banshees are attuned to a level of the universe nothing else is. This network broadcasts supernatural messages concerning death to a banshee. They are able to connect to this network and issue messages of their own, broadcast their own 'whispers' surrounding death, or communicate with other banshees.
Harbinger Of Death; Banshee's can predict death, feel when someone has died and how they died aside from their own death. Whenever this happens she lets out a piercing scream, however it is very short and often will only leave those around her with strong headaches.
✴ Best of Friends - Echo is a very kind and invested girl, as such she is a very good person to have as a friend and is also the type of person to do anything for her friends. Because she has a friendly demeanor people also naturally gravitate towards her.
✴ Loyal - Because Echo is such a good friend she is also strongly loyal to those she considered close friends and would probably do anything for those people.
✴ Singing - Banshee naturally have beautiful voices, their screams to many can sound like least until it starts to turn your brain to mush. However Echo can also sing very well because of this without having to scream.
✴ Memory Loss - Echo suffers from severe memory loss and memory problems, as such is she goes a long time without seeing someone than she can gradually forget them. This has happened to her on multiple occasions and has lost her several friends.
✴ Easily Hurt - Because Echo is such a kind and caring person she trusts too easily, this causes her to get hurt easily as well. She's been told once before that this may have been the cause of her death, that she trusted someone she shouldn't have.
✴ Fearing Herself - Echo is afraid of her own powers and goes a long way to not use her abilities, as such when faced with difficult situations she doesn't know what to do. She will panic and end up freezing in place. She is also afraid of hurting those she cares about, she doesn't know what she would do if that happened.
Theme Song
Distant Everyday Memories

Beastkin - Crow

♛ Adventurous ♛ Perfectionist ♛ Charming ♛ Judgmental ♛ Diplomatic ♛ Devious ♛
Be creative but don't go overboard. 3 paragraphs max, 1 paragraph minimum.
Vara is a large man, standing at a staggering 6 feet and weighing about 170 pounds, though despite his thin looks he has a whole lot of muscle from training for hours on end. He has midnight black hair that he usually wears in a messy but sensible style and will often adorn it with golden head pieces. He has nice ivory skin that goes well with his vivid golden eyes, something that is a trademark for his family. His normal attire consists of mostly gold and black and changes depending on where he is going and the mood he is in, though he will always have the symbol of the Beastkin somewhere visible.
Vara will only fight for the Beastkin and for those who support them, however if he suspects someone, even another Beastkin, to be plotting against him he will not hesitate to take them out.
♛ Shifting; - This is an ability that all Beastkin share, it is what makes them who they are. Each Beastkin can shift into a singular animal, many Beastkin share traits from the animal they can shift into. For example Vara can shift into a black crow which are known for their intelligence and adaptability.
Theme Song

Mesa, The Holy Dragon
134 In Drakari Years
Straight, though she cares little for relationships at the moment

Loyal ✴ Determined ✴ Compassionate ✴ Childish ✴ Skeptical ✴ Anti-social
On the outside Mesa can be seen a cocky and even a little childish. She can seem inconsiderate and very distant, never letting anyone ever get to close to her. She will never tell a lie and often will leave people with a bad impression, she never holds back what she's thinking and comes off as a little too blunt. However for those select few who have spent time with Mesa would realize that she's just a lonely person who diligently believes that she must do whatever it takes to serve her purpose - even if it means sacrificing her own happiness. She takes her duty to maintain peace among the Drakari very seriously, but that also doesn't mean she doesn't try to enjoy herself once in awhile.
Like most Drakari Mesa was born at the base of Kokkina Dentro, she was born while the sun was at it's highest in the sky. The cheif of her tribe saw this as a sign that Mesa would be important to their people and as such took her from her mother in order to raise her himself. Thinking that Mesa needed to grow up strong and proud the chief was harsh and drilled Drakari beliefs into her head, he told her that she had to live up to high expectations and had to do what needed to be done for Drakari no matter the cost. Because of this lifestyle Mesa grew to have a hard time talking with others, she felt like she couldn't confide in anyone for fear of being seen as weak or not fit for the role she was to play....whatever that may end up being.
Many years passed and Mesa went through a lot of trials and obstacles. At a very young age she was stranded in the Erimos Desert and told that she had to make it home alive, that it would strengthen her "resolve" and test her. Mesacne almost died several times and by pure luck was able to drag herself back home where her people praised her. Soon it became normal for her to undergo rigorous and hard tests each seemingly worse than the last, all under the name of making her stronger and better than before.
Before she realized it Mesa became a fighter and defender for Drakari all over and while she may seem rude and uncaring at first Mesa takes keeping the peace among her people very seriously. Drakari tribes don't always see eye-to-eye depending on which of the Celestial dragon they take after and it can be difficult to maintain a balance, however Mesa has been able to do just that for many Drakari tribes. Years passed and now Mesacne fights for her people as they have become embroiled in human and beastkin affairs, the two fighting within Drakari lands. Because of her determination and ruthlessness for defeating those who would harm her tribe she has become somewhat infamous among non-Drakari. What most don't realize however is that Mesa feels she has no other purpose in life than to serve and protect her people, so she carries out this "purpose" as best as she can.
Mesa has strawberry blonde hair that goes down to her back, piercing red eyes and black horns on her head. She quite small which often takes people off guard and she often uses this to her advantage in fights, they don't realize they are dealing with a battle hardened Drakari. Mesa has a pair of large feathered and scaled wings that are her trade mark as most Drakari either have fully-scaled or fully-feathered wings.
Mesa will side with whoever her Tribe sides with, for now.
Dragon Flame; Like all Drakari Mesa can breath and control fire to an extent, though unlike many Mesa can direct that heat into the weapon she is wielding. This takes a lot of concentration on her part so she can no maintain it for very long.
Flight; Again most Drakari can fly as most of them have wings, Mesa loves to fly so she if very good at it. In fact aerial combat is probably one of her best attributes.
Dragonsong; This is an ability that was thought to be lost however at a young age Mesa was shown to posses it, even if she doesn't quite understand how to use it. This ability allows Mesacne to sing a song that only Drakari and dragon-kind can understand, it will boost the abilities of any Drakari or dragon-kind in her vicinity.
✴ Determined - Because Mesa is a very driven and determined individual she's able to achieve things that some can't, simply using sheer willpower.
✴ Courageous - Mesa was raised to be brave and to face anything that may come in her path, because of this she can stand up against enemies who may be stronger than her without any hint of fear. Though even she gets frightened, but even then she pushes through that fear.
✴ Lack Of Social Skills - Mesacne was raised harshly and was often kept away from others, this resulted in Mesa not really being able to read others well. She will often say things that come off as rude and unknowingly pushes others away.
✴ Stubborn - Yes she may be determined but that can also be a fault, Mesa will sometimes try to challenge others who are obviously much stronger than her and she ends up in bad situations because of it.
✴ Unstable - Many people don't realize it but Mesa is constantly battling a war within herself, she wants to do right by her people and to do what they want but at the same time she wants to live a life that isn't laid out for her. Because of these conflicting emotions she has began to grow distant from everyone around her.
Theme Song
Dragon Den