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Raelynn Hawkford

Snobby Breton healer from a TES roleplay.
Started out as a vain and selfish asshole.

Is still very much vain and selfish but is learning to love her friends, use her skills to actually help people and make a difference and positive contribution.

Here she is getting tortured;
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Although I certainly love and adore most of the characters I've made, there are three who stand out as my favorites... And surprisingly, two of them are males LOL. Go figure!

- The top spot goes to the queen thot herself: Marlena Alejandra Castillo. Entitled, stubborn, and the literal embodiment of a spoiled brat. Although I wasn't able to play her as long as I would have liked IC, a GDocs 1x1 with @Altered Tundra has allowed me to see her growth from an insufferable teenage brat to a loving mother of three finding love again after her husband's passing.

- Second place? Santiago Emmanuel Fernández: the Devil of Crown Heights. The resident fuckboi people love to hate in Palm Beach Royal: Senior Year, who is now currently struggling with karma biting him in the ass for all the shit he put his girl through.

- And finally, a character I have developed incredibly in my head yet haven't had the chance to do so in writing: Dante Sterling Mossos. Here's to hoping I someday find the motivation and outlet to tell his story again.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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@Dirty Pretty Lies FUCK SANTI

But nah. He's cool.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

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@HaleyTheRandom LOL don't worry. Give it a little and you'll watch how karma continues to screw him over 😂
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nemaisare
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Hmmm, if I had to pick only one, an admittedly difficult endeavour, I think there'd be a lot of seconds, but the stand out character I would almost always want to play (at least if he fit the rp) but might hesitate to bring out, is Lucas.


He started out as a wanted character whose backstory I admittedly didn't think about as hard as I probably should have, but I've had the opportunity to bring him into play a few more times since then to the point where I like his history now and I just enjoy writing his posts. But I don't think there's a lot of rps he'd fit into, and he's probably not easy to rp against. He's not the best at holding a coherent conversation... :\ So, part of the reason I like him so much is probably the lack of opportunity to get tired of writing him, heh.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Favorite characters and their posts, huh? Wow. That's a tall order for me to be honest. I've been roleplaying pretty seriously for the better part of the past 5 years. So many characters I've written for and so many iconic posts. If I had to narrow it down to just a few, I think the following would be the ones I'd choose with three of my favorite posts from them:

First off we have a character who is quite possibly the one I've used the most and have even spawned into various other characters. And while the spin-offs have been great, I feel like you can't beat the OG of my slice of life characters: Jackson Torvald Drake (Camp Liberty SheetBeverly Hills High II Sheet) . Anyone that has seen me in high school roleplays or has possibly stalked my character thread might see this character being adapted into various settings and he is without a doubt my most iconic one. I've always gone back to his character archetype, which is to say the type of knucklehead who thinks with his heart and fists (and sometimes his manly privates) more than his brain and common sense). He is the kind of character who is a ball of joy wrapped up in a 6'0, lean machine often portrayed by Evan Peters and Jensen Ackles. He is that guy who will make you wanna punch him while also giving you a good laugh when you most need it. And he is the kind of guy who, in my humble opinion, is my biggest self-insert out of all of my characters (mainly for him being an idiot like me and being someone who does things with the best intentions but not always perceived in that way).

Favorite Posts from Jackson Drake:

This was hard, but I've narrowed it down to the following in the order of what they mean to me.
Nothing but Bloody Silence • Beverly Hills High II
Reason • This one was a really personal post for the character. In this RP, he had just royally screwed up in three ways: kissing his best friend’s younger sister, getting caught by said best friend, and a two-parter of confronting his crush angrily (and her telling him how it was in a harsh manner) and getting into his father’s Mustang and driving back to his house drunk. He went through a series of emotions and made a decision to use his phone while drunk as he was driving. He sent a voicemail to someone (it was never revealed who it was) and after he did, he crashed.

This one really stuck to me because it dealt with a lot of emotions that were intense. Jackson has often been portrayed as a happy-go-lucky guy. He never really frowned all that much, but in this post and the events leading up to it made him feel everything from anger, guilt, and despair to flat out shame in what he did. All of it came rushing to the surface in a single phone call that resulted in a DUI accident. I remember choking up a few times while writing it because I was -- and have always been -- attached to Jackson as a character.

I’m Okay/No You’re Not - Co-written with @TootsiePop • Welcome to Camp Liberty
Reason • Similarly, this one was on the more emotional side, but it demonstrated Jackson’s pushiness and refusal to give up on something. In this case, it was his friend from camp, Ash. they had a unique bond that was hard to understand and even more difficult to explain. It was Jackson being pushy and Ash being -- well, she was being Ash, but in the end, it ended with one of my favorite quotes from any of my characters: “I’ll romance the fuck out of you.” Still to this day, it remains one of the most iconic quotes I’ve given to any of my characters.

There was a rare connection between them and I think, even though Jackson is married with kids now, Ash brought something out in him much like how I think the Camp Liberty RP itself had some of my favorite moments from Jackson Drake.

The second character I think would be my favorite (of my collection of course) is one that is closely tied with first place, but I feel like the only reason he missed out on first is that JB is a little closer to representing me as a whole. That being said, Alexandros Stefano Mossos (General Character SheetMinutes to Midnight Sheet)is definitely one I think a lot of my friends can agree is one of my best. Putting aside that he was created for one of the best RPs I was in, he is also the start of what would become a family dynasty, spawning even into @Dirty Pretty Lies’ Dante Mossos (Alex’s nephew).

Admittedly, he was the first real “fuck boy” character I made when I was starting my transition into a slice of life roleplays. He was very stereotypical in the beginning, but over time, he’s developed almost as much as Jackson has (though not used nearly as often). I’ve tried different versions of him and attempted different things with the character. I’ve tried a more sensitive Alex and someone who was a little bit less of an asshole, but DPL could tell you that he wasn’t exactly the same character, so I scrapped what I called “The Prodigal Son” iteration. But now he is a business tycoon, married, and a father of five. He’s also less of an asswipe than he was in his high school days.
The BDSM Club • Crooked Young (1x1 with @Dirty Pretty Lies

Reason • This one might be one of my more recent posts with this iconic character of mine, but I think it’s also one of my favorites with Alex mainly due to the reason that it was the first time I was able to write him surrounded by his friends and not people he pissed off by being so arrogant. I have a tendency to do that and it’s honestly really special to me that Alex seemed like a decent guy among so many other fuckboys. Plus, the name alone of the group and the post still makes me laugh. It’s also a defining moment where Alex realized he loved Audrey. It’s a pivotal moment for the character if I do say so myself.

For Nostalgia’s Sake (A collab post written with @Inkarnate)

Reason • I think collab posts should count and this one really stood out because, again, it was a showing of Alex being with a friend but unlike the one above, which I love, this was more of a “battle of egos” between my Alex and Ink’s Richard. I think both characters played off each other brilliantly and I remember it being a pleasure writing it with ink. But even that aside, it stands out to me because it’s Alex interacting in a way where he can truly be himself and not feel like he has to be something people expect him to be. Plus, it’s just so entertaining seeing him and Richard one-up each other.

The third and final character for this particular topic was hard for me and I truly mean this because I have so many others. But when I think of an iconic character, unlike the two above who are more focused in a slice of life roleplays, my final one is one that predates my time of being in such roleplays. This is a character that has been with me for 5 years and that has been a part of my most successful 1x1 roleplay with @Hero. His name is Wesley Alexander. He is an honorable prince and loves and fights with his heart. He loves his people and is a true example of what a king-to-be should be like. Eloquent in how he speaks, faithful to those closest to him, but when the situation calls for it, he is ruthless beyond reproach.

Wesley Fights For LoveCharacter Sheet

Reason • And thinking about all of the wonderful posts I’ve written using him, only one comes to mind. After countless posts of building towards his relationship with Hero’s Nadeline, Wesley feels very strongly about her. And when the character Shion stole Ultima from her, Wesley felt obligated to do something about it. For other reasons that led to the impulsive decision to act first and ask questions later -- something that his own esper noted was in accordance to my other male character, Jaakuna, who always did just that -- it was a great moment for Wesley because it showed his development. He was always the tactical and careful one, but in the post, he went forth and did something from his heart without thinking much about the consequences other than how much he loves Nadeline and this moment was the highest point for his love.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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It is difficult for me to pick my favorite among the ones that I have made. I do a lot of Gming, and by a GM's very nature they usually make and control a lot of characters. But the list gets considerably smaller when I only include characters in RPs where I was truly a player and not pulling the strings in a direct way. And the list becomes even smaller when I limit myself to only characters on this forum. With that criteria in mind, My favorite character is without a doubt the late Amber Bianchi, AKA Shining scale. I don't typically do characters like this. 28 year old hardware store managers who are transformed into tiny magical girls are not really what I expected to play. But random number generation has a way of presenting you with options that you normally wouldn't take. But Shining scale, the magical pirate girl was quite a character. She had a familiar called Sue and fought with a giant pirate cannon. But she was at her best interacting with other characters. I'm having a really hard time putting why she was so fun to play into words. I typically play in advanced level RPs with much more firmly defined mechanics, and this was just an experiment for me to see what happened when I cut lose with pure entropy.

You can read her first post here. It's a good primer, but things usually don't go that smoothly for her. She's usually stacked against odds she can only just barely escape, like this fight scene here I did with PlatinumSkink.

But now we're onto season 2 of the RP, and I'm a co-GM now. Amber met her end before the final fight, but her familiar has sort of taken things over in her stead. It's been a trip.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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"What is you favorite genre to write and why? What is you least favorite genre to write?"

Ex. Slice-of-life, Sci-fi, etc.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Greenie
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Fantasy (low or high) has always been my favourite genre to write, whether in a roleplay or in general. I just like the idea of different worlds, creatures, magic, things that are not directly related to real life, something that fuels the imagination.

In that sense, slice of life is probably my least favourite genre to write. It becomes mundane quite quickly and, well, I'm already living life ;D I want something more from my entertainment.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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I don't necessarily have a least favorite genre, but there are a few of them that I wholly suck writing for and it's why I choose not to do them. But, for the sake of doing it in order of how the question was written, I shall list my top three favorite genres to write for:

✔ High School Slice of Life
✔ Urban Fantasy
✔ Small Town Superhero mysteries

I feel like these three could be combined into one unique rp, but even when separate, I really enjoy writing these three genres because, a, it doesn't take much thought from me in the sense that I would be able to focus more on the plotting of character connections. Plus, when it comes down to it, I have more of an investment in these three genres than I do in the next three that I am about to list.

✘ Medieval Fantasy
✘ Sci-Fi
✘ Horror

Again, these aren't three genres that I don't like. I mean, I adore all three genres, but I completely suck at writing in these kinds of settings. I don't know if it's because I have little experience and I don't put myself out there or what. All I know is that my writing style is more in line for modern settings because I enjoy throwing in pop culture references into my writing and it's better to use them in a time where they are relevant than -- well when not. Also Horror and me just never have clicked writing-wise because I suck at using the right descriptors I would need to build suspense.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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I love writing Fantasy the most. Whether Urban or High. It's my favorite because it's literally the only genre I can write. And maybe some semi-realistic Modern Action and Superhero genres.

I can't write super Sci-Fi 'cause I get "That's not how that works! That's not how Chemistry and Physics work! That makes no sense because that's against the Law of Thermodynamics!" and stuff like that.

I can't write Horror because I'm a scaredy-cat.

I can't write Slice-Of-Life 'cause I don't want to live a second realistic life. Also, if it hits too close to home, it gets pretty awkward and uncomfortable.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

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This was always something I considered, but this question finally gave me a reason to think about it further. I’m afraid my favorite roleplaying characters have been lost with time and other sites that no longer exist. It doesn’t help that I haven’t really had many long roleplays on here, which make most of them less deep and complex as others in my own fiction. Character sheets used to be a lot more fun for me to make, but I honestly find the process tedious now. Most of my effort tries to go into the writing itself versus describing my characters favorite breakfast cereal. But gun to my head, which one here (that I still have any evidence/knowledge of) was my favorite? (Just based on the potential I had in mind for them?)

Well to help me remember, I tried reading some of their introductions and the rest. To see which one resonated with me the most. And well I’m not sure if this sheet is the best, or even the longest one. And their introduction post is the longest, but I don’t think it’s my best work. I still remember being disappointed when creating one of the sections. But I’ll admit, I love creating godly beings. (And so rarely am I able to, when so called creative types limit it so frequently. Even in roleplays where god-like beings are bound to exist.) Azmoday (God Of Sins, Demons and The Underworld) Character Sheet and the introduction.

I probably have more developed and even better written characters, even in this forum. But damn it's a shame that I was unable to develop the story I had in mind for this god and his children. It was just fun to make this one and it probably looks the best visually. It’s not stupid long and overly detailed. But I think it gives you just enough information and snippets of each character to understand their place. At least that’s what my answer is for today... (Favorite character(s)? I don't know that for certain. He might've been if I got the time to build upon them.)

For genre favorite? Easy and probably said before. Dark Fantasy. (Where you can put as much innocent fluff as you want, before getting to the good part. ;D) I’ve just always enjoyed this and I never stopped reading, writing and roleplaying in the genre. (Okay, I really should be reading more of it. On my to do list, I swear.) I think it’s just the freest and most open genre for roleplaying. Maybe you’d argue fantasy would be that, since adding dark presumably puts you in a box, but really it just opens you up for more serious possibilities. Toothless fantasy doesn’t often engage me, and without those dark or sad moments, it feels like a hollow and one-note setting.

Least favorite? I’m not sure if that’s as easy to narrow down, but I’d have to say Slice Of Life. Because the word itself is almost entirely meaningless. For one, I write things for escapism or to make them more interesting than real life. That’s harder to do, if I’m desperately trying to mimic it. Hell if it’s just to relax, I really don’t understand it. Because reading and writing both take focus, and at that point, why don’t you just go outside? Live the life your writing down. At least slice of life anime or shows, have pretty visuals and music that accompany it. But it's pretty hard to write interesting mundanity, but if you have no desire to write interesting things. It will at least kill some time…

Everyone’s a critic, amirite?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

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Oh I didn't know I totally forgot to reply to the most recent topic. Dipshit = me.

I sure as shit tend to gravitate towards certain genres more than others, but I tend to play everything at some point. I've already been in a wide variety of different types of RP, but the most common link between them is probably this overarching "Fantasy" feel to them. I'm a big sucker for magic of any kind, so settings with that in it grab my attention more than those that don't. General weebery is also always encouraged.

I find it much easier to pin-point what I don't like to play, honestly. I don't really like anything to do with military, post-apocalypse or generally "Reality but slightly fucked/the same" of any description. I won't play a setting that's just "Imagine these real people having real lives" since like, I can get that from everyone around me. I like exploring characters in a world that isn't ours, whether is be an almost comedic concept like shipgirls or something more low-key like a general fantasy setting with its own rules and boundaries. Not being tied to our modern day life is a good thing for me.

Also, y'know, anything Yu-Gi-Oh. I'm kind of the resident YGO guy around here.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Finris
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Funny enough I have a problem to filter out the genre I like best. I love magic, in mostly any setting. I love special abilities not connected to magic. I like cute and adorable settings as well as those where the whole world or just the main character's world is broken or dangerous. There are many genres I like to revisit, but it is oftened more about the character than the genre.

If I needed to decide for one thing, I would probably say Historic settings, centered around Industrialization, World Wars, maybe colonization and Renaissance. I like the times, mostly because I like the shifts in living and thoughts and the clash of old and new society structures and the gaps and tensions created by this.

The genre I really do not like (as a gerne) is Romance. In most cases I do not like to create characters just so they can fall in love and live through a relationship. It is just not my cup of tea.
I admit romance often gets to be part of a good plot - I had more than one character falling deeply in love and if that happens it is a wonderful source to deepen character or even the plot. In this case I really like it, being another aspect of life and making everything feel more rounded.
The one reason I can pinpoint why I do not like Romance for Romance, is that it does not feel like a true "match" if I create a character just to fall in love. I admit there must be more, as for example dark and twisted romances are sometimes okay with me - I just can not really point out what exactly it is.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nemaisare
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I think I can safely say that my go to genre is fantasy. High, medium, low. With or without magic. Tolkienesque or new-made, completely out there world. Modern supernatural and historical genres fit in with this pretty nicely, and I can easily expand to romance or adventure or whatever the heck people want, but I'm rarely satisfied if there isn't at least some smidgeon of not quite Earth tucked in between the layers.

I don't necessarily think that it's because I don't want to write about the things in this world, given as I'll often appropriate something useful to stick into a different world, and there's so many interesting aspects of Earth I couldn't possibly write them off as not worth considering, but I love world building too much to have nothing to do with all my extra ideas.

But something I do enjoy about the less out there stories are that rather than concerning myself with world description, I can focus very readily on character development. Not to say that one eclipses the other, but when I don't have as much work to do on the one side, then of course I'll be dividing my focus less. So, I guess I could also stick slice of life in there, though when I actually look up the genre, it tends to confuse me. But yeah, fantasy with slice of life moments is probably my favourite.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by One Who Tames
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One Who Tames Trigger warning. Range is hot.

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My favorite has always been science fiction. The more firmly grounded the universe the better. While I have never been a huge fan of magic, I do admit a strong affinity for Shadowrun. BattleTech is my first love.

The classic fantasy setting is pretty low on my list of likes bit it is such a popular setting that I simply can not ignore it. So I tend to make my own or look for settings that are low on the more bullshit elementals of fantasy. Again, the more firmly grounded the better.

No-go zones are most things including anime, super powers and modern popular culture.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by rebornfan320
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My favorite one for roleplay is anime and fantasy. I love writing something in these because of the potential endless possibilities between two people in terms of a roleplay. Horror I feel like I can't really write anything scary but I can watch something scary of a movie.
I can say my least favorite would be Sci-fi, as normally there are things that do not make sense and it conflicts when someone is more of a logical pathway to things.

Well I can ask a question I suppose to keep the thread going.

What's your genre that you found fun or underappreciated in your roleplay experience/opinion?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Spambot
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Spambot ✍⌨⌨⌨⌨⌨✎

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The literal reverse of Altered Tundra's list applies to my genre interest, on both sides even. Medieval Fantasy is pretty much my calling and the source of most of my characters and content. It is the easiest for me to write and a foundation I've built on for many years. Sci-fi comes in second, but only with particular mediums; it can very easily turn me off. The top subgenre I am interested in for that would be cyberpunk. Though I've done very little with the horror genre, I do have a long standing interest.

Conversely, I'm not particularly interested in modern contexts, extremely easy to turn off from modern fantasy, utterly disinterested in school contexts (especially high school, you would probably need to kill me and resurrect me as a mindless zombie to involve me in that genre, or wipe all of my programming and make a new program from scratch) and weary of most implementations of superhero contexts.

For the most recent question, it's hard to tell as I've been rather out of the loop for deciding what has been underappreciated as far as an actual genre. I know fantasy may be over appreciated in all forms, which is ironic given my interest. Perhaps the least usual category I would find fun that's still broad would be the aforementioned horror, where I have an interest in exploring the dwindling psychology of a character when they are exposed to certain situations. Most recently I've been very interested in considering the psychology of a character going through a mind-rending dungeon, filled with classical demons, but also elements that strip their sanity along the way. Essentially, the premise of the first Diablo game.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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"What is you favorite genre to write and why? What is you least favorite genre to write?"

My favorite? It’d have to be medieval fantasy.

I love pretty much every genre I’ve ever written, but medieval fantasy is about the easiest to write because I have been writing it the longest. I grew up on Arthurian myths, Tolkien & Jordan, sword & sorcery films, and roleplaying games. My first short story I wrote in elementary school was within this framework. You can do pretty much anything you want with a good medieval fantasy story, you just have to be interested in applying the themes that move you and tell good character stories.

My least favorite has recently become Slice of Life, not because I'm disinterested in telling modern drama stories but rather than the community that comes with it. I won't go into it more than that, but I have never been in a more toxic space than that genre in all of my eighteen years of participating in this hobby.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Kuro
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Same boat as Inkarnate. I had spent numerous childhood weekends at my grandparents and they were heavily into fantasy. There were entire shelves filled with pieces from my grandmother's unicorn collection while my grandfather had dragons, as well swords and even a framed knife collection with fantasy designs (I forgot if they were from something or not, I'd have to ask). Even more so, my grandfather was heavily into Everquest, had some Tolkien stuff (I remember seeing LOTR stuff on top of his desk), and even was a tabletop roleplayer back in the day (Like grandfather, like grandson? lol).

Anyway, they wound up getting me hooked on fantasy early on, and later on a then-friend of mine introduced me to the "gateway drug" that was World of Warcraft, which leads us to fantasy being a favorite of mine. That being said, survival horror is certainly creeping up there as one of my favorites, if not the most favorite already.

As for least favorite, I think it's tough to decide, but I'll have to say Sci-Fi. I have no problems RPing it; just that never really was into Sci-Fi. I'm always game for smuggler/bounty hunter/miltary stuff--gun battles, space naval warfare, heist chase scenes, etc. However, Sci-Fi feels like it gets super technical. Speeders, droids, guns, etc. all having specific design and make, if you get what I mean. Also, sometimes they include concepts I don't enjoy, like Jedi and Sith in Star Wars. The whole idea of overpowered space wizards makes me roll my eyes; I'd rather just be a bounty hunter on Nar Shaddaa or some trooper fighting in a battle against droids.
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