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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 7 days ago

Bidzil and Nix were both sitting on their haunches on one of the upper tiers of Sunfire's great tree. They were on the edge, looking down into a specific area of the trees below. "Alright, if we jump from here, it should be the quickest way down to the tamer HQ!" Bidzil said was an adventurous look in his eye. He turned to Nix, who was in her descendant form. She however, had a more worried look than him.

"I-I don't know, what if your spell doesn't work! You could fall...," Nix said before leaning over and inspecting the drop once more. "And what if mom finds out? I don't think she would like this," she added looking back to Bidzil.

"It will be fine! We have done this plenty of times before, just not from this high up. It's only like, five more seconds of glide time than our highest goal. C'mon!" Bidzil pulled out his staff and spell book, standing up as he did so. "To safely traverse between these heights, partially grant to me the gift of flight!" the book and staff glowed in unison and with a pulse of energy the flowed over Bidzil, two wings appeared to float behind Bidzil's back, each wing took on the look of three blades of red glass. "Alright then, lets go!" He said as he put his book and staff away. He then lightly hopped off the edge, and started to freefall. "WHOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!"

"AH! BIDZIL, WAIT FOR ME!" Nix cried out. There was a dark glow that enveloped the girl as turned into her true dragon form and jumped after him, gracefully gliding down as well.

The two were in freefall and some of the people who saw it quite surprised, after all, it was a long drop from the top. Bidzil watched as the ground started to get closer, and then slowly started to spread his faux wings out, causing him to start gently start gliding down. The tent was in sight, and he had a clear line to land just at the entrance. To his surprise, he actually has a smooth landing, stopping right at the opening in the tent. Bidzil stood proud at the tent as he thought his landing was absolutely fantastic. A plan well executed. He waved at the two other people inside talking to Petra, and then looked to her, "Hey Petra! I finished that delivery task you sent us on, Nix should be just behind m- OOF!" Bidzil surged forward and rolled into the tent, his wings dissipating as he lost his focus from Nix who had not such a good landing, and instead ramming into him. They both slammed into the desk, Bidzil letting out a groan.

Nix transformed back into her descendant form, rubbing her head as she stood up with Bidzil, her ears down. "Ow....I'm sorry, I was trying to catch up and I couldn't slow down fast enough...."

Bidzil was rubbing his back where she had landed on him. "ah, geez, ...it's fine. It was almost a perfect landing anyway..."

Nix saw Petra and quickly seemed to recover. "Petra! Hey! We finished the thing!" she said excitedly, not knowing Bidzil had just told her.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zealous Blade
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Zealous Blade The Soul Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Torch stared at the guard's banana beggingly as he finished it. Donovan wasn't sure if he'd like the fruit but he'd try just about anything he could sink his teeth into. "Seems like it," he responded. While Torch waited to hopefully be fed, Donovan took time to process the information that he received. So I'm not looking for some lost child. The circumstances were entirely different than what he originally imagined. His entire approach needed to be reconsidered. He may not want to come home and if he doesn't then I won't make him. Still, he already accepted the job so he couldn't turn back without at least trying.

"Thanks for the info." It was the best that Donovan could do to show his gratitude given that he was short on funds. "C'mon Torch," he ordered the Magma Dog, not really caring if he was given the banana peel he craved. Regardless, Donovon would make sure that his monster was well fed later on. For now, he had to focus on finding the home with the white tulips as instructed by the guard, heading in the direction that he was told it was in. Should he manage to come across it he'd knock on the front door and wait patiently for someone to answer.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mogget
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Jones considered Petra's warning, but stupidly she decided against it. Jones shook her head, "I barely know how to use this one." She said referring to Ack, "anything else is gonna just get in the way." And with that she was off to Twilight Town.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Miraboreasu

Miraboreasu Nope

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Sakuya spaced out for a bit. "S-Sorry," she said. The young woman cleared her throat. "My name is Sakuya Grady, and I'm from Gaia." She offered the pale-haired woman a smile, noting that she seemed uneasy about her monster being restrained only by a rope around his neck. "Don't worry about Barro. I raised him from the egg. He's very well behaved."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 20 days ago

Vrondi Jungle

Twilight Town was a ways away. With a beaten path already set though she could move directly there. Though invariably thick the jungle was quite hospitable. Insects did not travel across or move down the path very often nor did birds. A communal agreement between the natives of Vrondian land and the many creatures that exist in nature. This is not seen anywhere else. The sounds of their buzzing and singing was undeniably loud. There were scarcely anyone moving along this path. The only visible traveler was a single man on a wagon full of goods and a ox. All headed to Twilight Town as well. He began to pass Jones before eyeing her creature. He tilted his farmers sunhat and greeted her with a "Good day."

Petra waved Jones goodbye then she had to notice Bidzil rolling in. She laughed a bit uneasily as they seemed to be happy about completing their job. But she was indeed worried that these kids are focused too much on fun. If not she would never get out of this tent. "I'm glad you completed your job." She had a letter rolled on the table and grabbed it. It opened unrolling. "Lets see. You did your job perfectly. Full payment is due. So good job!" She reached under the table for another chest. She counted up coins and placed them on the table in two stacks of ten. "Here you go. Twenty pieces as promised."

Indeed the peel was tossed to the wolf. It gobbled it up greedily much to the knight's intrigue. Taxis knights were more likely to be slaying a dangerous beast than taming one. He waved the boy goodbye as he made his way to Henreta's home. Sunfire's homes were simple and seamlessly merged with the inner workings of the Sunfire tree. There was no light inside the tree save for light emitted from a single giant glowing orb on the high ceiling. The orb that emitted an intense light like the sun. The house was right ahead. Indeed it had white flowers, many of a specific kind growing in its unenforced front yard. The other homes all had their own colored flowers and types. The sign on the homes even read "House Rose", Or in this case "White Tulip House."

Once Donovan knocked on the door he would have to wait a minute or two before an unmistakably elderly woman's voice called out. "Who is it?" @Zealous Blade

"Sakuya! Nice to finally meet you. You're soon to be ready to be on your way making mone- err I mean helping out here. As a tamer you will receive benefits. Umm, once they start coming in. Oh but ofcourse you get these!" Petra showed Sakuya the bag of essentials for her travels and then held out a paper for her to grab. "This is a job list. Lets see. Two have already been taken. Maybe you can find another? If not you can maybe wait a little bit and we should have more jobs coming in soon."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mogget
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Huntress started her journey through the jungles of Vrondi, it would be second time in these lands. Jones still marvelled at how few monsters trekked or flew to cross the path, it was quite the different story where she came from. Ack who was dull on a good day had no discernible thoughts about the jungle. Soon the two found a traveller on the same path, Jones sized him up, nothing out of the ordinary she thought. Ack looked at the man, the monster tilted it's head to the side as it hung around Jones's head. The young huntress batted the monster out of the way, she found Ack aggravating, before she answered the man's greeting. "Good day to you." She greeted back, "what brings you on this fine path?"

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zealous Blade
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Zealous Blade The Soul Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Donovan was able to relax when his knocking was answered. Immediately, he introduced himself to alleviate any concerns that the house's occupants might have. "I'm Donovan Alford, a monster tamer. I'm here to help about a missing boy." Although he was still unsure about the legitimacy of the mission, given the details he had learned from the guard, he wanted to find out the truth from the mouths of the people who were directly involved.

As Donovan conversed with the elderly woman on the other side of the door, Torch sat down and patiently waited. He looked up to Donovan, perhaps hoping that he had another banana peel for him to enjoy. With the passing of each second, it became increasingly evident to Torch that he wasn't going to be getting feed again anytime soon. Letting out an overdrawn whine, he expressed his disappointment.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 20 days ago

"I'm just headed back home to Twilight town after picking up some goods in Sunfire." His carriage seemed to slow down as it came closer to her. The rider seeming a bit worried. "You and your pet going to be ok out here all by yourselves?"

"Oh please." She came to the door quickly. Upon opening it an elderly woman with long white hair curled up in rows going down her back. Small white bark like antlers on her head with a yellow flower and a few vines hanging down them. Her eyes, for the few times they were visible, were a light green. Greying a little from her poor sight. On her simple white robe was the symbol of the sun as a necklace around her neck. "Do come in." She opened the door and let the boy in, but paused at the sight of the monster. "Oh my. Is it possible for you to leave your pet outside?"

Once Donovan was inside she would sit them down on a giant mushroom table with chairs with no back support. Yet she felt just fine on the cushioned fungus. In her hands and offered to Donovan was tea. "While we Sol here in Sunfire don't mind it much. This tea clears out spores and pollen. It's nearly always spring here." She had a kind face and lightly laughed. "I do miss my grandchild. He just up and vanished. I sent the Taxis to find him but they said he left to be with a woman he's been seeing! But where is he? Why doesn't he let me see her or tell me where he is? Can you please find out for me? No one seems to believe me when I know there's something wrong here!"
@Zealous Blade
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mogget
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jones shook her head, and as politely as she could she let him down. "I thank you, but I won't need it. I'm more than ready to survive in such places, but from the looks of it I'll mostly be eating cooked bug." She grimaced at the thought.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zealous Blade
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Zealous Blade The Soul Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

So he was indeed at the right house. That brought relief to Donovan. When asked to leave Torch outside, he looked down at the Magma Dog and gave him a half-smirk. Torch whined, understanding that he could not go inside with him, and laid down reluctantly to relax. Once that matter was settled he'd enter the house to discuss the necessary business. "Thank you." Donovan accepted the tea with pleasure. It had been quite some time since he had a drink and he was feeling quite parched.

"If you want me to find him then I will," Donovan promised her. "Whether or not he wants to come back is another problem." He didn't know how he'd convince her grandson to go against his heart and return home, but he had to figure out a comprise of some sort. First, he needed to find the boy before he could even get to that point. "My pal out has an unbelievable sense of smell. If you have anything with his scent on it, it'll help us help you tremendously."

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 20 days ago

"So you're a hunter? Can't say I know much myself about surviving in the wilds but Vrondi is a fruitful land." He winked. Pointing upwards to the fruits hanging high up. "Maybe your little friend could be useful in retrieving some." The fruits above were orange and a bit long and fat. The less ripe ones were more sun kissed yellow. "Drop me down three and I'll pay you five gold pieces for them."

@Zealous Blade
"OH well. I do believe I have an old tunic of his." She looked around and began to get up from her seat. She slowly shuffled her way to a back room down the hall. Soon reappearing with a white silk tunic folded in her grasp. "Please use this. It's an old shirt of his but I'm sure it will be useful in finding him. The last place he was said to be was on the higher floors. Maybe at an inn." She let out a tired sigh. "Please try your best. I may pay you even if you don't find him. But please try."

Once Donovan was out the door and on the trail he would be led, mysteriously, further down inside the tree towards the elevating magical platform made of wood. Up he would go up a weightless stream with remnants of the supposed magic encircling him and his monster for a few minutes after they've stepped off. The town would grow a bit smaller below them as they began to rise up several meters. But the second floor was right on level with them once they arrived. Down the busy streets now, this was where the businesses of Sunfire were held. He would be forced to stop at a building's front door. One shaped like a giant bush, covered in leaves. It read Bound by Love. The door was made of wood.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mogget
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jones was about to say no, then she thought about it a bit. Gold is gold she decided, but she did consider it to be too much for such a simple task. "Ack!" She commanded, her monster sprung to attention, it had been startled by the tone she had used. "Three fruits," she said, she pointed up to three golden fruits which hung from a tree. "Bring them down for this traveller here."

Ack would do as she said, it would fly up and slowly bring a fruit down one at a time.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 7 days ago

"Thanks!" Bidzil replied happily as he scooped the coins into his hand, and into a money pouch. Nix watched the shiny coins fall with wide focused eyes and ears perked up. She couldn't explain it, but something in her really liked gold and shiny things. Never really to wear it, but she just kinda....wanted it. When the coins were properly stored Nix placed her hands on the desk, peering over the edge up to Petra. "Hey, Petra! Petra! Is Aela and Ace in town!?" she asked innocently enough.

Bidzil's face dropped a little at hearing Aela's name. He was sure she didn't like him for some reason, he just wasn't sure what. Though, what he heard from others sounds like he doesn't have it as bad. He figured it was because of Nix, because oddly enough, Aela seemed to like Nix. What Bidzil couldn't stand is Aela trying to recruit Nix as her own monster. "Aela is probably busy on a mission, Nix. Besides, we should probably pick up a new mission ourselves and prepare to head out. We won't have much time to hang around of its too far." He looked over to Petra, Nix a little crestfallen behind him, "So, Petra, what assignments are up right now?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zealous Blade
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Zealous Blade The Soul Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Donovan accepted the tunic. "This will do," he told her. "And don't worry." That much he felt he could promise. He couldn't explain why, but he had a good feeling about how things were going to turn out. Everyone might not be happy but he expected them to be fine. Of course, expectations didn't really mean all that much. Still, he intended to do his part to reach a proper compromise for the involved parties.

Leaving the house, Donovan reunited with Torch who jumped onto his feet with excitement. "Here you go, boy." Donovan knelt down to present the tunic to Torch so he could pick up its scent. The Magma Dog opened his mouth to snatch it. Thankfully, Donovan was able to yank it back in time before Torch could devour it. "No that's not food." Once their misunderstanding was resolved, Donovan gave the tunic back to Torch for him to smell.

Torch sniffed the tunic and picked up a scent in no time. Turning, he took off from the house presumably in the direction that the scent led him. The hardest part of being a monster tamer, that Donovan had come to find out, was that he didn't always know what his monster was thinking. Torch was especially unpredictable in his behavior which presented a challenge for Donovan. The Magma Dog was usually friendly, but he still couldn't allow him to do as he pleased. Jogging after him, Donovan gave his best effort to keep up and reached the bush-shaped building well after Torch did, huffing and puffing.

I've got to get my stamina up. Soon he'd be crossing mountains and forests on a regular basis so it'd be good for him to increase his fitness. Setting that aside, Donovan returned to his business. I don't know if we're in the right place. Donovan knocked on the building's door. "Hello! I'm looking for a missing grandson!" He announced. "If you're here can you please talk me to?" That was all he was going to ask for at that point. He wanted to get the full story first.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 20 days ago

With each fruit brought down the traveler would express his joy with an expression. "Oh" He said for the first fruit. "Ah." For the second and "Hehe" for the third. Something about watching the insect work like an obedient pet or the fruit itself seemed to have made him particularly happy.

"Well thank you kindly young lass." He said while putting the fruit in a sack. Then he reached on his side belt and pulled out a leather coin pouch. He tossed it to the girl. Assuming she would catch it. "Five pieces as agreed." If she opened the bag she would see he made good on his promise and she had earned five gold coins already. He tipped his hat to her goodbye before whipping his ox and rolling his supply cart faster than she could walk.

"Aela huh? Might you be interested in dating my little sister?" Petra asked with a bit of a strange smile whilst tilting her head. "I believe she's with the master tamer Zephel. Since she's completed a few missions already he's prepping her for something big related to trainer battles. She is our most astounding uprising star after all." She spoke with a giddy pride of her sister. But she then quickly sank into a deep sigh. As if the air in her joy had been pressed out. "But she does need to change her attitude... Anyways You're up for a real assignment since Zephel said you show promise. He needs you to go witness fusing monster experiments being done by the Magoi. He said it's worth ten gold to report back what you find. Might even acquire some new monsters on the way. You are missing a third." She said sternly while looking at the note Zephel left her.

"You are to go to the Magoi guild. May I suggest using the traveling carriage to Tearia for five gold? It will get you there faster. But there won't be any monsters on the way unless you want to forfeit your seat. Ah well.. It's up to you. Be careful out there!"

The door opened slowly for Donovan to see. Though it was not by the hands of a person. Instead the vines within the crevices of the door moved and it opened. Soon Donovan's eyes would adjust to the sight of there being a front desk and a pristine white room. A woman with a pink flower in her short blonde hair was at the front. Her yellow eyes were welcoming as she smiled for Donovan to enter. "Welcome to Bound by Love. Would you like to rent a room?" She asked him. Not entirely hearing what he said outside. She saw the monster Donovan had and pointed. "Please leave all pets outside."
@Zealous Blade
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zealous Blade
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Zealous Blade The Soul Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Confused as to how the door opened apparently on its own, Donovan put his finger to his chin as he tried to come up with a reasonable explanation for the phenomenon. Those vines must be special. The architecture here never ceased to amaze him. Stepping into the building, Donovan saw the woman at the desk. His curiosity was raised. A place of business? But what kind? Hearing the woman tell him that pets weren't allowed, a prohibition that he was learning was quite common, he looked over his shoulder to see Torch sitting outside with disappointment. It was as if he knew already. "Sorry boy," Donovan apologized to his companion, giving him a weak smile. He really owed him a treat after this.

Approaching the desk, Donovan's next course of action was to figure out if he was in the right place. He was thrown off when asked if he wanted to rent a room. A hotel? Bound By Love was such an odd name for such an establishment. "No thank you," Donovan declined the room. "My name is Donovan Alford and I'm a monster tamer." He wasn't sure how much weight that carried but he was only trying to get across that he was there on business and not to enjoy whatever luxuries the place offered. "There's a fella I'm looking for. Supposedly, he ran off from his grandmother to be with some girl. My pal out there picked up his scent and it led me here." Donovan hoped that what he told her was at least half true. Although a Magma Dog's sense of smell was reputed to be reliable, he had no way of knowing that if the scent that Torch picked up was the right one. For all Donovan knew he could have led him there because he smelt some delicious food. If that turned out to be the case it would be utterly embarrassing.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mogget
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jones held the gold coins in her hands, she seemed almost surprised to have made that much so soon. She closed her hand and made a fist, the huntress passed the coins into her leather bag which hung around her waist. Ack flittered around her head, as if it expected something. Jones paid it no need, it was only an animal she thought, not worth a dime.

And so she continued to her destination.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 20 days ago

Donovan was met with a surprised yet understanding face. The woman pulled out a scroll of paper and flattened it out. With a bit of effort she looked down the list at who was checked in. "It seems we have three people who are currently here. Three couples that is. This is a love making inn. For newly weds, long time lovers, or deviants." She sighed at the last part. "You may knock on the doors to see who answers and ask away. The rooms are down this hall to your left." She pointed so Donovan could move along.

Once he chose a door and knocked on it a few times it would open. A rather hefty sized man and a thin woman were in robes within a rather nicely decorated room. He was rather tall and grumbled at the sight of the boy. "What?" He would say. Then again after Donovan's explanation. He then seemed to have enough of whatever Donovan was talking about and closed the door in his face.

Next door that opened had a man with a beard and wizards hat. Multiple women walked around inside behind him. "Yes?" He would ask politely. Given that he was only wearing a bath towel. Then once Donovan explained the man stroked his beard. "No sorry wrong person." He would then close the door.

The final room had a young man wearing a white tunic open the door. "Hello." He would then hear Donovan's explanation. After he took a moment to reply. Nodding his head whilst looking to the ground. Before he could open his mouth a woman came behind him asking who it was. He summarized it to her then looked to Donovan. "I understand. I admit I haven't been able to see my grandmother due to my relationship. You see I am a Sol and my wife is a Tyro. My grandmother doesn't approve... I have to sever ties with her. Tell her I'm sorry." He then closed the door. A gentle conversation happening behind it followed by silence.
@Zealous Blade

The path would continue for some time before the end of it began to come into sight. At the end of this path was cleared of forest and a few huts were visible in the clear to the right and left of the path. A snake could be seen slithering into the grass. life was more abundant here yet still retained to a smaller level. Ahead was another path, the final major jungle path before Twilight Town.

As she would finally enter the shade of the next path a figure slung down from the jungle above and landed before her. All black tightly fitted leather and a light iron helm. "Say little girl." He rolled his shoulders back and a single eye could be made out from beneath the helmet. "What kind of pet is that you got there? I like it." He asked. Pointing to Ack curiously.

Once she explained he hummed with delight. "A monster! Can I have it?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 7 days ago

"Wha-what?" Nix exclaimed, taking a step back from the counter, red faced. THough it seems that Bidzil was just as shocked at Perta's 'dating' statement. "N-no! That h-hasn't crossed my mind at all! Shes too uppity..." Bidzil stated as a rebuttal, cheeks slightly red as he crossed his arms. I was just wanting to know if she was around to play, but I guess not..," Nix said a little downcast.

they listened to the rest of what Petra had to say and took the quest. "Wow, a big quest, all the way to Tearia too! This should be interesting, if not anything but to take Sedna to a place she is more comfortable in for a bit. Though, I'm not sure about this fusion thing...I'm interested... yet..... concerned. Ah well, I'm sure its just imagination. C'mon Nix, we have a carriage to catch. He turned and waved goodbye to Petra. Nix followed behind him, "Bye! Tell Aela we said hi!" she said, waving to her as well before slipping out of the tent.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mogget
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jones had been shocked at first when the strange man outfitted in black had dropped in front of her. However, she had gotten over it. All it left was her deep rooted suspicion after he made his request. "No." She replied to his demand, "I'm apart of a monster organisation, it'll look bad if I lose my monster on the first day on the job." And I don't trust you, she left unsaid. "But hey if you join I bet they'll give you a monster too." She added.

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