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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DocTachyon
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DocTachyon Teenage Neenage Neetle Teetles

Member Seen 4 days ago

Issue 7.5

New York City, NY --- Queens Neighborhood

Pete hadn’t seen Amber Memorial Park before, but the thick trees stood vigil around the property, lonely oaks joined together into something of a bastion against the whining noise of the police cars belting through the borough. Their noses were to the ground like hunting dogs, searching for tiny spiders. What equipment there was in the park had rusted over from a decade odd of rain, all cracked and fissured from children pushing the equipment through the rust, leaving flakes of corroded metal to seed the earth.

The girl found her place on the monkey bars, standing watch over the boys as they came to a stop. Her eyes were like jade daggers. He could feel them in the folds of his costume, probing him beneath, something other, a second thing closed around him in a black coffin -- with off-white eyes staring back at him from the dark.

Peter nearly ran into the boy in front of him as he stopped, puffing his chest out like half the goobers trying to make their names back at the wrestling tournament. “I’m gonna need you to start talking. Who’re you, and why’d you break into a police precinct?”

“Same reasons anyone does it, I guess. Fame, glory, legions of adoring fans in blue.” Peter rocked backwards as he spoke. Every time the cold red of the boy’s visor passed him, he found himself moving to either side, trying to stay out of his direct gaze. He looked past him and the girl had stopped kicking her legs, staring right at and past him. Like she was looking at something that wasn’t there, beyond him, but on top of him at the same time. Maybe she didn’t like my answer.

“Look, you guys do the whole ‘superhero’ thing too, yeah? X-Men, right? You get it -- I’m Spider-Man, man.” Peter went for the strap of his bag. “I just wanted some information that our blue boy scouts weren’t moving on.” He pulled it over his shoulder and dumped it at his feet. He nudged it forward with his foot.

“I was gonna grab the files, swing on out, and have a holly jolly Christmas with Donut Patrol none the wiser. But then some glorified traffic cop spotted me and...” He shrugged. He should have been in and out of there in a flash, even once that glorified traffic cop spotted him. But then… Haze. “Then they, uh, whammied me with something awful back there. Still not sure what, come to think of it.”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin.

Location: The Batcave - Wayne Estate, Bristol County
Welcome to the Masquerade #1.07: And Twice As Twisted

Interaction(s): None
The rain hadn’t stopped for days.

It plummeted from the sky, drenching the panicked figure running down the narrow alley. The man's footsteps echoed down the alley, soaked boots stomping against the wet cobblestone. A newspaper was crushed under the man’s heavy sole, the ominous headline still visible on the soggy page.

Peter Pan Killer Strikes Again.

Stumbling as he rounded the corner, Lewis LeBeau caught himself on the bricks, cutting his hand before letting out a sharp curse. Regaining his balance, he ran along the sidewalk, waving at the passing cars as he tried to flag down a ride. Wiping the wet hair from his brow, Lewis tucked under a nearby awning.

Suddenly, the canvas above his head was punctured as Lewis found himself dragged skyward. A hand took ahold of Lewis collar as he was brought face to face with a monstrous visage.

“Where is Roy Blount?” The horror roared as Lewis felt the fight drain from his body. It had been almost twenty-four hours since the Peter Pan Killer had taken his latest victim. The previous five victims had all been killed within thirty-six hours of their abduction.

Each abduction had been the same. The killer had entered the child’s residence through an unlocked bedroom window before abducting the child from their bed and transported them out into the night. There was never a trace another individual had been there, the killer always leaving without so much as a single footprint left on the windowsill.

The media had dubbed the murdered children, ‘The Lost Boys’ due to the killer’s preference for abducting young boys. But his modus operandi had changed, the latest abduction had been different. This time, the Peter Pan Killer hadn’t abducted a single child.

He had taken two.

“Two children.” The monster roared into LeBeau’s face. “You were there.” It accused, warm spit and saliva flying from its angry maw. The latest victims were siblings, a nine-year-old boy and a thirteen-year-old girl. They had been taken from Gotham’s Upper West Side last night.

“You were driving for Blout!” The monster roared. “Where did you take them!”

“D’you know what he’ll do to me if I tell ya?” Lewis managed to stammer before he was pulled closer to the heavily breathing face Gotham’s Bat.

“Do you know what I’ll do to you, if you don’t?” The Bat retorted.

“I know you won’t kill me.” LeBeau replied, a smile crossing his face. A soft chuckle almost escaped from between his lips before dying in his throat. A cold sweat began to bead on Lewis’ forehead as he noticed the monster before him smiling back.

“You’ll wish you were dead.” As soon as the words left its mouth, LeBeau felt the hand at his throat loosen. The ground below suddenly came closer before the sickening crack of breaking bones and cartilage echoed in his ears.

A cry of agony escaped from Lebeau’s mouth as he flailed about on the ground. Another yell echoed into the night as something took ahold of his ankle, pulling Lewis skyward again. The blood rushed to Lebeau’s head as he was hung by his ankle.

“Next time,” The Bat growled, “You won’t walk again.” Lifting the man’s leg above his head, Gotham’s Dark Knight brought LeBeau’s face up to his own again before speaking.

“I won’t ask again,” He snarled, “Now, where did you take them?”

The forensic scanner rotated around the broken device Terry had retrieved from the body of Richard Cunningham. On the main screen of the Batcomputer was a three-dimensional reconstruction of the device based on extrapolated data.

“So it was a band of some kind,” Terry said, nodding towards the image projected on the large screen. As Bruce turned to answer, Terry felt something cold and wet nudge against his hand. Looking down, he smiled at the large dog before petting Ace behind his ears.

“Good, Bad-Dog.” Terry muttered as Bruce began to speak.

“It’s a neural transmitter.” Bruce stated, “The signals transmitted by the device are consistent with neural oscillations. Brainwaves in layman’s terms.” He added, nodding towards Terry, “ It’s a highly specialized piece of technology.”

“Wait, are you saying it’s a mind control device?” Terry asked, raising an eyebrow as he shot Bruce a confused look.

“In crude terms.” Bruce replied, “The neural oscillations synchronize with the wearer’s, opening the host mind to suggestion.” He explained, “It’s high-tech hypnosis.” Turning his chair towards another screen, Bruce magnified the damaged neural band before pointing towards a mark on the device.

“That’s a manufacturer's mark.” The older man stated, “There however is notably no conformity mark. It’s not mass produced.” Bruce continued, “But there should still be a patent, and if there’s a patent, we’ll follow the evidence and locate the perpetrator.”

“And if there isn’t a patten?” Terry asked.

“We’ll follow the evidence and locate the perpetrator.” Bruce repeated, his voice devoid of any uncertainty. For the briefest of moments, Terry could have sworn the old man smirked.

Turning back to the console, Bruce’s fingers flew across the Batcomputer’s interface as he input the search parameters into the system. Watching his mentor work, Terry couldn’t help but feel impressed as Bruce didn’t hesitate on where to act next. Years of training and decades of experience had made the old man a force to be reckoned with. An electronic chirp interrupted Terry’s thoughts as he re-adjusted his focus to look towards the screen.

“Stagg Enterprises?” Terry asked. “What does Stagg Enterprises have to do with a Wayne Employee’s murder?”

“Nothing,” Bruce replied, “But they manufactured the technology that was used in the murder. The patent, however, belongs to a Dr. Jervis Tetch, a Gotham resident.”

“Jervis Tetch,” The younger man interjected, raising an eyebrow as a smirk of amusement. “Did his parents want him to suffer through life?”

“Jervis Tetch.” Bruce echoed, muttering the name as he mused primarily to himself. Pressing a button on the Batcomputer’s interface, Bruce spoke again. “Computer, cross reference the name Jervis Tetch with all cases files.”

The computer responded to the command with a quick chirp as it began to process the parameters.

“What are you thinking?” Terry asked, approaching the computer as Bruce pressed his hands together, resting his chin atop his arched index fingers. Looking from the screen to Bruce, Terry spoke again.

“You think he’s one of yours?”

“No.” Bruce replied flatly.

“I rescued him.”

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Supermaxx
Avatar of Supermaxx

Supermaxx dumbass

Member Seen 21 days ago


Viceroy City Police Department Viceroy City, South Carolina

Viceroy City was a crumbling husk of civilization. Back in the 50s it had been a bustling hub of activity, boasting over fifty thousand residents and acting as the seat of over a dozen corporate headquarters. The financial and political elite of the city were some of most important rising stars of the period- speculation had even been made that it might one day rival New York City in terms of economic and cultural importance.

It couldn't last forever.

Greed had rooted itself into the very foundations of Viceroy City. Everyone, from the highest offices to the lowest of the low, had become embroiled in a race for vanity and power. Not a single soul was clean of that dark influence, and for that reason powers beyond our understanding decided to intervene. Calamity befell Viceroy. A natural disaster, followed by a financial crash, culminated in political upheaval so widespread and violent that the city never recovered.

Much of the suburbs lay abandoned. Smashed windows, overturned cars and the crumbling remains of burned-out homes marred the outer layers of Viceroy, and traveling deeper within the city only revealed further disrepair. Entire office buildings were empty. Businesses on every corner boarded up, many of their 'for sale' signs covered in profane graffiti or rubbed clean of anything assembling words. Any business with a lick of sense had moved over to Greenville and hadn't looked back. Less than ten thousand people remain, those still there either too poor or too stubborn to leave with everyone else.

The Viceroy City Police Department was one of the last remaining vestiges of authority in town, but even they were faltering. It was 8:30 PM and the station was nearly empty, every cop on their payroll busy dealing with some altercation, accident or some such. There was barely a skeleton crew remaining to deal with everything from phone calls, walk-ins, and all sorts of administrative duties.

That beleaguered staff couldn't really be blamed, then, for not noticing the sudden flash of light coming from inside the supply closet.

An odd man wrapped up in a fine suit of emerald fabric stepped out of the threshold first, a cigar jammed between impossibly perfect teeth- it's smoke was wafting up toward that smattering of ginger and white locks he called hair. He took a step to the side of the hall and pulled the door further open, motioning for another figure to join him.

Kent Nelson gave a reluctant shake of his head as he stepped out of the portal and into the dirty and rundown police station. It'd been decades since the last time he remembered getting Displacement Sickness- teleportation had once been trivial for the famed Doctor Fate. But Kent, the old magician with sagging jowls, deep wrinkles and arthritis in his hands? It was quite another matter entirely.

"Don' mind the stench," Corrigan chuckled, letting go of the door a second too soon, allowing it to smack up against Nelson's shoulder as he shuffled inside. "Think that's just the rats. Nothin' 'ta worry about, 'ol pal."

"The odor isn't what concerns me." Nelson mumbled. He could feel his connection to Order weakening by the second. There was a thick, repugnant power in the air that was stifling Fate's ability to commune with Nabu. It made him feel uneasy, like a thousand eyes were staring daggers into his back. A shaky hand found it's way into the pocket of his old suit jacket, running its fingers along the golden surface of Nelson's pocket watch. He could feel the whispers of Inza's comfort in its touch. And the pulsating power of Fate sketched into its very existence. "Chaos reigns here, doesn't it?"

Jim gave a nod. "One way'o puttin' it, yeah. Sorry fer bringin' you to a place like this, Doc, but I need your help."

"So you said earlier, but I'll need more details than that."

Instead of replying with a straight answer Jim chose to start walking down the hallway, setting a pace too brisk for Kent to easily match. Rather than protest he chose to follow, knowing full-well how beings like the Spectre operated. Ancient entities of judgement living within the corpses of long dead men didn't have a habit of being forthcoming with information. It was always games with these people...Even when lives were at stake, it was as if nothing truly mattered at all.

They rounded the corner and came to a stop in front of the station's interrogation room, marked by a rusty plaque bolted onto the steel door. Corrigan waved his hand through the lock and forced it to pop open, allowing the two entry into the observation area. A one-way pane of glass in the wall with a desk sitting just underneath it, scattered files and papers lit by the light of a dying lamp.

Jim kept his eyes on the glass- or more specifically, the man beyond it- while he slid a file across the desk and toward Nelson. He waited until it was in Kent's hands to describe it's contents. "His name's Mitchell Shelley. Been calling himself 'Resurrection Man' since he got to Viceroy, though. You heard o' him?"

A pair of reading glasses slipped onto the end of Kent's nose from out of thin air. He thumbed through the files pages, but it didn't have much to tell. His priors were all vigilantism and various minor infractions related to that. Some two-bit meta playing at superhero, if he had to guess. "Should I have?"

The Spectre just shrugged, taking another puff from his cigarette. "Figure a guy like you knows a whole lot more'n the rest'o us. He's old school, like us. Been running away from Death since the first time some poor sobs tossed his body into a coffin."

"So he's immortal?" Kent raised a brow. "A rarity, I suppose, but I'm not sure why that would require my intervention."

"He's not just immortal," Jim grunted, "He can't die, Kent. Period. End'a story. No loop holes, escape clauses, hell, we don't even know if there'sa expiration date. Man might live on past the known universe n' I wouldn't be all that surprised."

That caught Nelson's attention. Death was supposed to be a certainty. It was one of the seven Abstracts- laws of existence that could not be broken no matter what. Kent had heard of attempts to escape the fundamental guidelines of...well...everything, but he didn't think anyone could ever succeed. "How?"

"We dun know. Spectres before me spent a whole lotta time tryin' to put him down, but we've never had any luck. Hell, just this year he's gone down over eight hundred times and he's still chuggin' along like it ain't anything. Decided 'bout a hundred o' so years ago that it wasn't worth the effort 'ny more, so we made an...agreement with Mitch. A contract. Heaven wouldn't try'ta collect his soul anymore n' he'd go on being virtuous. Part of that agreement was that we couldn't talk to him without a 'neutral arbitrator' to ensure everything was on the up and up."

"And something's happened that requires contact, so you came to me." Kent finished, finally beginning to understand the situation. "Seems more suited to someone like the Sorcerer Supreme if you ask me."

"He's a busy fucker these days. You hear that apprentice'o his ran off? Kids these days, no respect. 'Sides, what kind'o friend would I be if I let you wallow in self-pity all the live long day?" Corrigan gave a slap to Nelson's shoulder that very well could've dislocated it. Nelson didn't so much at wince at the searing pain it sent through his ancient joints, too proud to let Jimmy see what had really become of him. "Now come on. Can't leave the ol' boy waitin' forever, now can we?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Roman
Avatar of Roman

Roman Grumpy Toad / King of Dirt

Member Seen 17 min ago

X. Alive - Epilogue

Matt woke up.

The first thing that hit him was the sudden and startling realization that he was alive. Shortly after that, he realized that being presently alive was no guarantee that such a state would continue into the immediate future. And after that came the crashing waves of excruciating pain, and Matt thought that perhaps death being potentially close wasn't quite so grave an idea after all.

He tried to sit up, only to find himself pushed back down onto the bed - he realized he was on a bed - by a thin rod. He heard the owner of the rod grumble quietly, and then move around Matt and his bed to take a seat next to him.

"Don't you dare move. Took me all night to re-set your bones and bandage you up. You've been damn reckless enough already."

Matt was incredulous. "Stick?"

He heard the old man chuckle dryly. The bubble of wry mirth burst across his face and illuminated the old mentor. There was no mistaking those long, weathered features.

"You thought that swollen bastard was the only one with hidden agents? Very entertaining, that brawl on Times Square. Very public, too."

"Yeah, well, I didn't get a plethora of venues to choose from." Matt shot back, coughing as he spoke. It hurt to breathe, but it hurt more to take Stick's tired old criticism in silence.

"You didn't get a choice, and that's your problem. All your choices have been made for you. You just watched it happen."

"I stopped Fisk."

There was a pause from both men. The statement hung in the air like hovering vermin, and the full weight of the implication hit Matthew harder than Kingpin ever could have.

"I...God forgive me. I killed him."

Stick leaned forwards. "Of all the farcical messes you have embroiled yourself in over the last two weeks, that is the single decision you have made yourself, and the one act I am proud of you for. You did what was necessary to remove evil from the world."

"I killed a man. Criminal or not, I am a murderer."

Stick leaned back, considering the statement, both hands resting on top of his cane.

"Because of what you did, Wilson Fisk will never come back, and his empire will crumble. People will not live their lives in fear. Because of you. The act is done. That is that."

Matt didn't answer. He rolled onto his side away from Stick, feeling something creaking inside him.

"How did you get me out?"

Stick laughed again. "The Hand aren't the only ones who can Hide. They got that from us. Everyone had men in that crowd - us, The Hand, Fisk. We got to you first, and I would think The Hand and Fisk's men thought we were either them or the other. They never considered a third party presence. You're safe, for now, but give everyone a couple days, and they'll realize who we actually were."

Matt frowned. "You say 'we', 'us'. Who are you talking about?"

"Did you really think you were my only pupil?"

Matt floundered. Stick laughed that dry laugh again.

"Son, looking at that shoulder wound, I don't even think you're my best pupil, despite what you accomplished tonight."
The realization hit Matt like a cheap body-blow, below the belt and ugly. He twisted inside.


"Miss Natchios got you good, didn't she? She was always promising, always filled with potential. She represented so much to the Chaste...but that girl loves money and power. And we couldn't offer her either. It's not what we do."

"She knew who I was from the beginning."

"Oh, very likely. Clever and cunning, that one."

"And then when I became a problem for Fisk..."

"She sold her info. There's money."

"So the Hand assassins..."

"Fisk thought he'd hired them, but they always have their own plans. Tests, trials. Maneuvering you into position. Fisk didn't just stop people getting out - he stopped people getting in."

"They were banking on me stopping Fisk."

"And there's power."

Matt rolled back onto his back and stared at the ceiling. Neither of them said anything for a while.

"So now what." Matt asked flatly. Stick took a moment to consider.

"Fisk's empire is collapsing as we speak; no one wields the fear and respect necessary to replace him, so other players will step in to loot and divide what's left. The Hand just had their biggest obstacle removed for them; their Fingers will begin to lay claim to anything they can in the name of the clan. And Fisk's final gift, to you, is the terrible truth delivered: Matthew Murdock is Daredevil, the Man Without Fear. And Daredevil killed the Kingpin. People are going to want revenge. Or glory by proxy."

Matt nodded, and sat up. Stick put a hand on Matt's shoulder, but he pushed it off. With some effort, he rose from the bed, woozy on his feet at first but soon finding his balance. He walked across the room, one arm slung, the other clutching his bandaged ribs, towards a small table, upon which sat a dark cowl with red eyes that had been staring at Matt from the moment he'd woken up. Beneath the cowl were two new batons. Matt lifted the helmet in one hand, staring deep into the eyes of the Devil.

"Those were our gifts to you - a welcome."

Matt put the helmet on, and carefully sealed the clasps. "No."

"There is no refusal here, Murdock. There's us, or suicide. The Hand will find you. What's left of Fisk will break you. And every new name flooding into the city will kill you. Everyone wants your notch in their knife. You need the Chaste."

Matt picked up and sheathed each baton carefully, then turned around to face Stick. With the cowl on, he could feel an old fire sparking within him again, giving him strength."Thank you for the rescue, even if it was only to recruit me. But I am not the agent of some higher will."

"You'll be alone out there, Matthew. Just you, against the entire city."

Matt paused at the doorway. "Fisk was the city. And I've already killed him once."

"It will become chaos out there. Your city will need a saviour."

Matt smiled as he left, leaving Stick behind in a dark room, with an empty bed.

"My city doesn't need a saviour. It already has a Devil."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by webboysurf
Avatar of webboysurf

webboysurf Live, Laugh, Love

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Hinterlands, Brazil - Present Day
Issue 1.04.1: South of the Border

Interaction(s): None

Romanoff raised her hand, and the soldiers behind her slowed down. At the edge of the forest, there were about twenty SHIELD operatives decked out in camouflaged military gear. Romanoff lowered a set of red goggles and tapped the side. What at first seemed to be akin to red-tinted shades suddenly lit up, revealing an electronic overlay. The goggles began scanning a single metal door with a concrete frame leading into the mountain. She began seeing inside, noticing working electrical wires lining the interior of the small bunker. There were a vast array of working consoles and tools inside. Needless to say, this base was clearly in some sort of operation.

Romanoff gave a nod, and the other SHIELD operatives sprung into action. Half surrounded the entrance, while the others held the tree line. One operative planted an explosive on the door before backing away. With the pressing of a trigger, the thermite ignited and began cutting through the steel door. It didn’t take long before the door slowly swung open, and the operatives began storming in. Natasha watched from the tree line, her sidearm drawn. After an uncomfortable minute, a voice came over the comms. “Widow, you should come in here.”

Natasha gave a nod and held up a fist for the rest of the operatives to hold the tree line. She slowly approached the bunker and cautiously entered in. Her firearm was drawn and ready as she went down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, the SHIELD operatives stood throughout the concrete bunker. Along one wall was some sort of pool with various wires and machines hooked up to it. Along the other wall was some sort of workshop, with various tools and tables set up with various gadgets sitting there half worked. Near the work bench was a short, hunched figure with his hands raised in the air. He slowly turned around, giving a small smile towards Romanoff. ”Pleasure to see you again, Natasha. It took you long enough.”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
Avatar of IceHeart


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Life as the BatGirl
Issue # 4

Gotham Old Town – Abandoned Shop Baby Girl

I could feel my fingertips dig into my palm as I clenched my fists as hard as possible. Before me was one of the most deranged criminals I had ever encountered before. The amount of lives he had permanently scarred for life already was unforgivable. Despite his pig mask, his eyes sparkled with the joy of a kid at the thought of mutilating me next so I could become his ideal doll. There was no trace of remorse, only of glee and joy at the 'good' he was doing. The fact that he could take such joy in destroying the psyches and bodies of his victims was absolutely sickening.

I was happy I was wearing gloves; otherwise I might have started to bleed just from squeezing my hand too hard.

I made my way over with the intent to give this pig the beat down he deserved, but grew weary as he seemed exceedingly confident. I tried to see if maybe he was about to reach for a concealed weapon, aside from his blade, but instead he just seemed to be inviting me with open arms.

"That's right, come closer to Professor Pyg so that I may properly fix you." His disgusting grin made my hair want to spontaneously combust in anger, if he was going that far to invite me I might as well accept the invitation; with a fist to his face.

Before I could attack though I heard Detective Yin shout out a warning. Instinctively I changed directions and rolled forward. One of the poor doll men had tried to grab me for behind, apparently the earlier knock down hadn't been enough for a proper knock out. I transitioned my roll into a handspring, twisted my body around to face my assailant and rebounded off the wall to drive my elbow into his gut. He bent over my elbow in pain and as quick as I could transitioned his forward bend into a full on flip onto the ground.

"An impressive display Batgirl but my doll-o-trons are the perfect fighting tools, they feel no pain!" Professor Pyg boasted as the floored assailant started to get back up again. I sensed a presence to my right but by this time Detective Yin had also recovered and managed to trip up my other would be assailant.

"Thanks detective!" I said, quite happy for the assist.

"Just returning the earlier favor!" Yin smirked, but soon had no time for any more quipping as the other doll-o-tron quickly recovered, forcing the detective to fight so I could avoid being double teamed.

They weren't impressive fighters by any stretch but the fact that they felt little to no pain, meant they could ignore most injuries. Without limits though, a body wouldn't last very long so I needed to end the fight quickly or risk the doll-o-trons permanently injuring themselves even more than they already were. If I was the Batman from the stories I’ve heard from my father, I’m sure I would already have a plan for safely taking them out and the atrocious Pyg but I’m not him, nor do I have the vast amounts of equipment he used to have.

While I might not have a tool for every situation in my utility belt there was still quite a bit one could cook up with outdated police and military surplus equipment. It could be really hard to find or make replacements though, but if I wanted any chance at stopping this madman I couldn’t afford to be stingy. The doll-o-trons couldn’t really feel pain, but their senses would still be vulnerable, maybe even more so than with their sense of pain intact.

They didn’t stay down for long and were already on top of us, so while we were fending them off I quickly clued Detective Yin on my plan.

“Detective, let’s push them as far away as possible then we need to quickly take cover!” I unclipped a cylindrical flash bang, dyed black with a fun little yellow circle with a bat symbol in the middle and made sure Yin got a glance. Detective Yin nodded, though I could tell she was a little concerned that a vigilante had such equipment but knew what needed to be done.

Was the symbol and paint really necessary? No, but a Batgirl couldn’t just use some regular old equipment without some kind of paintjob! What kind of a vigilante would I be without proper looking equipment?

I nodded back and we both rushed the animal masked men and rammed them as hard as we could, they were taken aback by the sudden shove and we quickly rushed back as far as we could while I took out the pin and dropped the package. The tube rolled over to them, the doll-o-trons looked down dumbly as I quickly covered both myself and detective Yin with my cape, the dark fabric being perfect to protect our eyes from the flash to follow and we both covered our ears as best we could.

The poor victims screamed in pain as they were blinded and the full force of the blast overloaded their senses causing them to collapse to the ground, I sure hoped I hadn’t caused more harm but I needed to end this quickly to prevent more casualties. Unfortunately Professor Pyg had been smart enough to take cover, which just showed that even though he was mad, his intelligent was still intact which made him even more dangerous.

“A pity but I do believe that is my cue to leave.” I heard the pig saw while I quickly checked to see if Detective Yin was alright before turning on him.

“Not so fast professor, the detective and police would like to have a word with you about doll cruelty.” Perhaps not the best quip but we were in a doll house after all and he did call those poor thugs his dolls.

“Another time perhaps, I have a circus that needs my attention. Baby Doll, if you would so kindly secure us an exit; I believe some uninvited guest will no doubt be coming any minute now.”

I mentally cursed in my head, Professor Pyg had realized any more delays would no doubt allow the cops to block off any escape routes if he stayed any longer, also I had nearly forgotten about Baby Doll. I thought about rushing him but I could see Baby Doll had managed to avoid the scuffle and was now protecting Professor Pyg with her teddy of nightmares that was packing a dangerous gun in its belly. They were already near the back door, which meant there was not enough room for me to maneuver to avoid becoming a poached bat.

Detective Yin grimaced as she remembered her gun as somewhere in the room, probably thinking if she had it then maybe we could turn this situation around. Unfortunately I was out of stun grenades and I had to rush here so fast I didn’t have the opportunity to properly scope out the store to know how to cut them off if they escaped. As I glared them down I tried to think of a way but nothing was coming to me.

“Ya ya, I hear ya liddle piggy,” Baby Doll spoke in her usual childish manner as if to hide her true age, “Make sure to give Baby plenty of candy once we say goodbye to the nice ladies.”

“Of course Baby Doll, I’ll even give you a little extra for being such a good sport about everything.”

“Oh goody!” Baby Doll squealed in delight as the two made their way out the back. “Well ta-ta now; I’m sure we’ll get to play again someday.”

“I’ll be sure to perfect you the next time we meet, you have my sincere promise.” Professor Pyg sounded disappointed as they disappeared out the back. I wanted to go after them right away, but if I went out the same door I was sure to be gunned down by Baby Doll.

“Damn it! If only I hadn’t fallen right into their ambush!” Detective Yin slammed a fist on a counter top in frustration. “I should have been more careful after seeing that button; I should have known such an obvious clue could only mean he wanted to be found.”
I could feel her frustration and certainly sympathized with her. If she hadn’t gotten caught like that could I have formulated a plan to capture Professor Pyg? If I had time maybe, but I didn’t have time and at least we were not completely empty handed.

By this time the two doll-o-trons had recovered and were standing again but just stood there, staring at the wall blankly. It was like the flash bang had completely fried what little brain they had left and they were now only empty shells. Mostly likely their moment of unconsciousness had made them forget their previous orders and without Professor Pyg to tell them what to do, they were stuck like a program not being given the start command.

I walked over to the one with a wolf mask and looked at him; his eyes were devoid of emotion and completely empty. It was depressing to look at, a man, who probably had been a terrible person, was now more like a walking corpse than a person, no matter what crimes he had done, he didn’t deserve such a fate.

“I know it’s not much consolation but we did manage to save two people today, if there is any of them left in there.” I waved hand in front of his face but not even a blink, though that could just be because his vision hadn’t returned yet. I certainly hoped that was the case at least.

“If I had been more careful that pig wouldn’t have a chance to make more victims like this!” I winced a little as I heard Yin’s rant, if I had been Batman, I’m sure I could have taken him down and saved Gotham from such a plague of a psychopath. I was not Batman though, I was Barbara Gordon most of the time and Batgirl when I had a decent lead. Could I have done better if I had made my Batgirl activities more of a priority? But if I did it too much I wouldn’t be able to do so well in school and secure my future.

Seriously, from the stories I heard about Batman it seemed like he was working the night shift all the time! How in the world did he manage to work so much? Did he have a forever caffeine drip or something?

I sighed as I heard polices sirens closing in to the shop, it was time to leave before the real heroes of the day could pick up where we left off. “I’ll see if I can pick up their trail but that pig had this thing entirely planned out so I doubt I’ll find anything. Don’t worry detective, we’ll be sure to bring him to justice before he can do too much more damage.”

I saw the crestfallen look on the detective’s face one last time before I disappeared into the night. I wish I could believe my own words after being so easily outmaneuver by that hell spawn of an artist. I knew this work was never easy, but knowing I had let such a dangerous individual get away to wreck havoc on more citizens hurt a lot more than you’d think.

I could only hope that it was possible for those two poor souls to recover from Professor Pyg’s ‘help’.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: ???, ???-No idea
Queen's Heir #1.05: Falling Arrow

Interaction(s): None

"There is and can be no other way to mysticism than the way of personal experience and suffering."

"You just have to breathe, Connor. It's all as simple as breathing."

I breathe out and let the arrow fly. For the very first time, I score a perfect bullseye! I can't see him without looking away and breaking form, but beside me I can feel Master's smile.

I love it here at the monastery. Everything's peaceful. The air is warm and soft on sunny days like this, barely any breeze. The shooting range where we practice archery is so cheery, all green and sweet smelling from cut grass. There are always bugs humming around us, but it's still nice because it helps with boring meditation practice.

I turn and grin up at Master Jansen, victorious. He's always what I imagine a grandpa would look like. He's bald without shaving his head like I do and way taller than me still. Plus his face is tanned all brown and covered in lines, from smiling and laughing at the world, he says.

"Yes! Just you wait, Master! From now on, I'm gonna hit it every time!"

His hand is on my shoulder now, and his smile turns to a frown, like the sun going behind clouds.

"Hitting your target isn't the goal, Connor. A Master can miss every shot, and still be a Master. A novice can place every arrow perfectly and still know nothing of the Art."

My face scrunches and I stare at him confused. With the other monks I'd hold my questions in but not with him. I know he likes my questions.

"Then why do we even practice archery, if we don't care about getting good at it and hitting stuff?"

My dad is an archer, the greatest archer in the world! He's a hero and he uses archery to help people! Master told me so.

"Archery is just a means to finding inner peace. Tell me, when you let go and hit the bullseye just now, what were you thinking about?"

I think hard. I try to remember but I can't remember much. "Not a lot, I guess. You telling me to breathe? Breathing?"

He nods, I can feel his grip on my shoulder tighten. "It's like that, Connor. We train in archery like we train in martial arts. To discipline ourselves, quiet our minds. The bow is something that was used for wars, and sport. But here, we use it to find peace."

The grip of his fingers grows tighter. Suddenly they're cutting into me like knives, or the talons of some vicious animal. I don't need to look up to see him eye-to-eye now, the little old man has nothing but cold disappointment on his face.

"You never truly understood this, did you? Now look at you, using my teachings for violence, maybe even murder! No wonder there's so much pain and suffering in you, when you're so quick to inflict it upon others!"

I remember these words, but last time I heard them they were directed at my brother, not at me. Master drags me out of the monastery, like I saw him drag Ricardo. My bow is gone. My fists are bruised and covered in blood, there's more blood on my face, hot and clingy with its metallic stink. I don't know if it's mine or someone else's. I try to struggle but my muscles won't respond. My limbs are weak and limp as noodles from the way his fingers dig into the pressure point at my shoulder. The tears in my eyes are only partly from pain. Suddenly I know what this memory is, how it ends.

More than that, I know what it means.

"Master, please-"

"You've chosen your path! You no longer belong here, and you're no student of mine! Remember, you bring all of your suffering upon yourself!"

He throws me bodily through the gates, surprisingly strong. They slam shut behind me as I sail through the air and now I'm falling...


Freezing water splashed Connor in the face and he woke up gasping for air and looking around, still dazed. His throat was in pain so intense that only the icy cold shock was keeping him breathing. There were bright lights burning in his eyes no matter which way he turned, and when he tried to move he felt himself tugging against rough restraints, chafing his wrists and ankles.

Another wave of cold water hit him, but this time clarity came with it.

Okay. He was tied to a chair. His throat felt crushed because Brick had almost crushed it. He couldn't see because of the lights, but somebody had to be there with him, because he was still getting freaking buckets of ice water thrown in his face to wake him up.

He tried to talk, through chattering teeth and coughing up water. "Whoever's...there...you really don't need to do this!"

The buckets stopped pouring in, like whoever was soaking him noticed he was really awake for the first time, not just thrashing around. Connor heard a chair scraping across pavement in front of him, and a shadow fell across his face and blocked some of the lights as someone sat down.

Maybe they could talk this out after all.

"Oh, but I do need to do this Baby Arrow. I really do."

Craaaaap, well, this was getting worse for Connor by the second.

"You see, you have no idea what it's like to be a mutant in this city, in this country! No idea what I had to do starting out as a nobody in the Glades, a two bit thug everyone assumed was just dumb muscle. Now I'm the king around here, and I didn't get that way from stone skin and a little extra in gains. Nah, there's people in this world who make all of that look like nothing! I clawed my way to the top by being smarter and more ruthless than anyone who even thought about coming at me! I did hundreds of things that would horrify a lesser man and I did them all gladly because that's the price of power!"

He paused, like he wanted Connor to appreciate the weight of his words.

"Now that I have power, I have rules, because I can afford to be generous. Even now, with Green Arrow gone I leave everything north of Midtown alone, and I look after my own in the Triangle, my territory. When the real Green Arrow took me down well, I could respect that and so could my men. He was another man who understood power, and we had a disagreement over what was best for this city. So, he took his shot at the king and he knocked me down."

He clapped a stony hand down on the back of Connor's waterlogged head, tugged and tilted Connor's chair in close, leaning down until Connor could feel the heat of his breath.

"But when a little bitch in a homemade costume starts hitting my operations, making my men look incompetent that undermines my power. So now I throw the rules out," He jerked Connor's head from one side to the other and now he noticed that far beyond the glaring white lights, there were little blinking red ones. little mounted cameras, recording. "and that means you're gonna die on my terms, completely defeated, while the whole world watches from every angle. But first, a little payback."

Brick dropped Connor's chair back down and stood up from his, moving out of Connor's field of view and leaving him blinking away glare again. This was bad. This was really bad. But he could find some way out. The ropes were swollen a little from the water, and tensed too tight. Maybe he could snap them, escape. Or maybe-

The lights dimmed and for the first time Connor could see his surroundings. Not much to see except for the lights and all the cameras, in a bit more detail. Dingy concrete flooring, no windows in sight and just one metallic door off in a corner. Once his eyes started to adjust, Connor could see that every surface around him had a slight sheen, like they were all covered in plastic tarps...

Oh. This was some kind of kill room. This...really was serious.

Connor's half-memory half-dream from before flashed through his mind, too vivid.

Maybe it's what I deserve, after all...

As soon as Connor thought the words, Brick returned and once again filled his field of view as if summoned. This time he was holding something in a big rocky fist, something long and silvery and for some reason sparking-

A cattle prod.

Brick was holding a modified electric cattle prod, and the water from earlier wasn't just to wake him up.

Connor's mind started racing, all thoughts of guilt and self-pity obliterated. He was seeing the world ooze by in slow motion like it was filtered through syrup, his world shrinking down to a pinprick as he tried not to cry, tried not to panic. He tried to focus instead, to brace himself for the pain. To meditate and seek detachment, like Master Jansen had taught him.

I accept this pain. May this suffering serve to awaken compassion in me.
I accept this pain. May this suffering serve to awaken compassion in me.
I accept this pain-

"Remember. Speak up for the recordings."

To his credit, it was almost two minutes before Connor started screaming.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Supermaxx
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Supermaxx dumbass

Member Seen 21 days ago


Nighttime | Bayville, New York City
Hundreds of people gathered for the wake celebrating the lives of Officers Dean King and Joseph Martin, the NYPD officers that lost their lives saving the students of Bayville High School from their deranged peer that had terrorized the community just two nights before. They'd packed the church full of people to the point where there was barely any standing room left. Many of the front few rows were filled with men and women in NYPD uniforms sitting beside their families. Even with all those people packed in there it was nearly silent. One could've heard a pen hit the floor.

Griff didn't want to be there. His tie was too tight, he had sweat running down his forehead, and the sound of Mrs. Martin's sobs was echoing painfully throughout the entire church. And of course they had to sit him and his classmates in the front row with the families of the deceased. He knew he shouldn't be annoyed by that sound. He knew it made him a piece of shit. But he just-

He needed her to stop.

Rem and Duncan sat on either side of Griff. Duncan's fat face was contorted in anger while Rem's hung in sober stoicism. None of them had been the same since the attack, but they hadn't bothered to talk about it yet. Nobody was sure what there was to talk about. 'Hey, remember when we all nearly got killed 'cause we messed with the school's freak? Wild time, right boys?'

Griff felt lost. Lost in his own thoughts. Lost about what to do next- how to move on. Every time he closed his eyes he could see Lance standing there, that rage on his face burned into Griff's retinas. He'd been a second away from death more than once that day. Tortured, too. How was he supposed to move on from that? How in the hell could he forget how...how powerless Lance had made him feel?

Someone coughed into the microphone, drawing Griff's eyes up to the front of the church. An aging man was leaning on the side of the podium, his grey hair disheveled and dark bags hanging underneath his eyes. He looked like he hadn't slept since the incident. Whoever he was, he'd abandoned his suit jacket because of the heat, and he'd rolled up the sleeves of his button-up shirt to his elbows. His arms were surprisingly thick for a guy his age. Griff...wasn't sure why he noticed that. He wasn't sure why he did a lot of things anymore.

"There's a lot of new faces in the crowd tonight." The speaker started off. His voice felt small in a sanctuary that large, even with the mic beside him. "I...wish it were a happier occasion, but I welcome all of you to New Apostles Church. For those of you who don't know me I'm Reverend Stryker, but you can call me William. I've been the pastor here at New Apostles for goin' on twenty five years now. And If you'd come by last Sunday you would've been greeted at the door by Dean. Officer King was a busy, busy man- every officer in this city is- but he still made time on Sundays to serve his congregation. He was one of the best, most devout men I ever had the pleasure of knowing.

"Dean was a man of strong conviction. He believed in justice, righteousness and loyalty above all else. We're here to mourn him and his partner, Joseph, yes- but I think it's important we remember them, and all the good they did for this community..."

Stryker went on for awhile about Officers King and Martin, and about their lives, service, and families. Griff had zoned out for most of it. It all felt so far away from him. He didn't know either of them. He hadn't even seen them in the school when the incident happened. The only reason he came was because he and the other students had been invited, and because he mom was close to finishing Lance's job and killing Griff if he didn't finally get out of the house.

He was just about ready to 'go to the bathroom' and skip out on this whole, depressing shebang when Stryker said something that dragged him back into the real world kicking and screaming.

"...Their deaths were a tragedy, yes. But not an isolated one. It tears at my very soul to even think about it, but I cannot ignore my conscience and continue to be silent about this. King and Martin lost their lives to a sickness. A sickness that has taken root not just in our neighborhood, not even just in this city, but in our whole nation. This disease takes more and more people from us to meet the Lord every day. Just an hour ago, in fact, a...friend of mine...and his wife were found slaughtered and mutilated on a back road in Connecticut."

Stryker paused. If it was for effect or because he was starting to choke up on his own words, Griff couldn't be sure. But he managed to continue after a few moments of composing himself.

"I must stress this: I am not a bigot. I do not hate anyone for being born a certain way, nor do I hold an ounce of hate in my heart for the...people...that did these things- Christ did not make us to hate. But while I am a Christian, I am also a pragmatist. And anyone with workin' eyes can see that there is a group of people in this nation who hold far, FAR too much power over the rest of us- they make us feel so weak. So...small. They have no accountability to anyone because the government turns a blind eye on their atrocities, and that makes them very, very dangerous. America is sick, folks. And it is in desperate need of a cure."

Griff didn't know he'd been holding his breath until it started to hurt. It felt like he'd been holding it in for the past two days and nights, and there was a great sense of relief that washed over him as he let it spill out from between his teeth. He didn't notice, either, that he'd begun to sit up.

"Our politicians refuse to be a part of that cure, only a desperate few of them even willing to acknowledge the disease that's lopping our arm off as we speak. Their sin- their greed, their vanity, their lust for power- keeps them from saying what needs to be said and doin' what needs to be done." Stryker wasn't as quiet anymore. The weakness in his voice when he was speaking about the fallen officers had vanished- replaced by a powerful conviction that was sweeping across the crowd. The spirit was working within them; William could tell as much.

"It is we the people who must take matters into our own hands. We must protect our friends, families, churches and communities from the plague growing within our midst. It is we the people who have the power, the real power, of Christ, and we must use that to our advantage!" William pounded his fist against the podium suddenly, and it sounded like thunder through church's expensive sound system. "Do you hear me men and women of God? We can do something about this! We can make sure that more civil servants like Joseph and Dean don't have to go to an early grave- that no more of our brothers and sisters have to leave behind wives, husbands, and children. We can prevent further tragedy. You and I have that power."

There was a mumbling among the crowd. Some of it was from unconvinced or uncomfortable strangers that hadn't heard such speech before. People who felt it inappropriate talk to be had at an event like this. But they were in the minority. Most of the gathered people were bobbing their heads in agreement. A few, empowered souls let out whooping cheers at Stryker's rallying cry.

Griff was as silent as the grave, enraptured by William's words.

"If you want to talk further about how we can be that cure, and I'd humbly ask that you stick around after the service is finished. We'll be having refreshments downstairs in the basement- Dinah made her signature chocolate muffins and I'd urge you all that try them before you go." Stryker quieted down again, retreating back behind the podium to wrap things up. But there was still an urging in his voice. A powerful, deep eagerness to convince people to stay behind and talk to him about the cure.

Any desire Griff had to leave was gone.

Several hours had passed and the sun was creeping closer and closer to waking, but Griff had never had this much energy before. He could feel it pulsating through his entire body, running through his veins like electricity. The sparks of it kept his fingers from sitting still for more than a second. It was like he'd downed eight Redbulls in a row.

Duncan and Rem were equally pumped about this. They'd sat around a table in the church's basement for what felt like an eternity, just pouring their feelings out to one another over a couple of mugs of coffee. Both of them felt almost exactly as Griff had, and Stryker's speech had hit them just as hard, too. This was their chance to stop feeling so powerless. To be able to take back control over their lives and stop feeling like victims of some unstoppable force of nature. William had came by and explained it to them- these things they were dealing with weren't unstoppable.

In fact, Stryker and his people had been stopping the disease for longer than Griff had been alive. And he was giving the three of them- and a whole lot of other people who felt the same way they did- a chance to join in.

The three of them stood together in a half circle in some warehouse a friend of the church owned. It was huge. There were crates everywhere, and shelves covered in crates, and crates stacked on top of other crates. A whole lot of boxes, too. Most of them were marked by what was inside them, or what company they came from, but the few they'd been brought to were all barren. Stryker took a crowbar from one of the workmen beside him and jammed it underneath the crate's lid, prying it open with strength someone his age should never have had.

Anxiety and excitement in equal distribution built up in Griff's chest at the sight of its contents.

"You boys ever shot before?" William asked, hoisting up an assault rifle between his hands. It's black, nearly polished sheen made it out to look brand new.

Rem and Duncan both shook their heads, but Griff gave a short nod. "My dad used to take me to the range on weekends. It's, uh, been awhile, but I remember most of what ya gotta do."

"Been awhile?" Stryker raised a brow.

Griff shifted uncomfortable. "He passed awhile back."

A look of realization dawned on William. He stepped forward, letting one hand fall away from the gun so he could grab Griff's shoulder. "You have my condolences, son." Griff was struck by just how sincere he sounded. Most people got real uncomfortable when Griff mentioned it, but...Stryker...

"Thanks." He nodded, quickly trying to change the subject. "So, uh, what's this? An AR?"

"This would be a select-fire M4 Carbine fitted for 30 round box magazines." Stryker corrected, passing it to Griff. "It's not loaded. Ammunition is stored over there." He said, motioning with his head toward a line of olive-green boxes stacked on some nearby shelves.

"Ain't these illegal?" Rem spoke up, his voice shaking with uncertainty.

William gave Rem a long, serious look, like he was staring right into the boy's soul. "Sometimes the law of man and the will of God don't line up. And God's will always supersedes whatever whims made men criminalize these tools. That's what these are, boys- they're just tools. Isn't a single about them that's immoral. It's how you use them that matters. And what we do today is going to save many, many lives in the future."

Griff furrowed his brow, looking up from the carbine and back to the pastor. "And what are we doing today?"

Stryker grinned, and led the group over toward another series of crates. These ones, unlike the others, were marked with a name in big, bold letters.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Retired
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Retired "Hayao Miyazaki"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Manhattan, New York City | Five Days Ago

Chapter One | Part Two

Elijah watched as the girl spun around, her bright red hair seemed alive as it whipped around with her excited movements. She scanned the room, pausing briefly on each new, alien object as she took in her new home.

It wasn't much, Eli knew. A warehouse on the docks he had known to be abandoned for years, its doors locked tight until today. Maybe 2000 square feet at the most, the interior was largely barren. Several empty crates scattered about, discarded scraps, and the used mattress Eli had brought over the previous night in preparation were all that remained.

"It is so..." She paused, considering which word of this new language best fit. "Spacious. Are all Earth dwellings like this?"

Eli's lips twitched up into a half-smile. After spending all that time in her space pod, I guess this really does seem huge in comparison.

"Nah," he told her, "this isn't even a house. It's meant to store things. Usually for big companies or shipping magnates. Or the mafia, maybe."

"Mafia?" She looked at him inquisitively.


As the girl floated up into the air to observe the rafters above, he thought back to everything she had told him in the past forty hours.

Her name was Koriand'r. Starfire, she had informed him after screwing up the pronunciation twice, was the approximate English translation. She was from the planet Tamaran, somewhere in the Vega system, though that meant nothing to Eli. She hadn't provided a lot of details about this next part, but there had been some sort of civil war on her world. In the chaos of fleeing, her escape craft had been damaged and knocked off course, trapping her inside. She was uncertain of how long it had been, but the distance traveled suggested an amount of time that was sickening to even consider. It had only been sheer luck that her trajectory took her close enough to Earth's orbit to be pulled in.

Eli could only imagine the trauma such an experience would have on someone. To be not only completely isolated while hurtling through space with little hope of rescue, but to also have seen her homeworld be consumed by war. And, although she had not said anything, he got the sense that Koriand'r had lost someone before her escape. Yet, he noted, she seemed... bubbly.

"I'm sorry there isn't anything here for you right now." Eli glanced at the meager mattress that would serve as her cot. "And I know it isn't the most comfortable place in the world, but it's only temporary. I'll try to find someplace else for you."

"It is wonderful, Elijah. Please, do not worry." Koriand'r glided back down through the air to land before him. "Your kindness brings me much joy. I will be very happy here."

"I'm glad," he said, "but still, I promise I'll do better for you."

Her smile brightened. "And you will visit, yes?"

"Of course. Every day. I've got school and all most of the week, and some martial arts classes, but other than that I'll be here. You're new to this world, I'm not just gonna leave you out to dry."

The golden-skinned girl's face scrunched up. "I do not understand. I am not wet, why would you dry my person?"

Elijah momentarily felt his face flush slightly as he caught her puzzled expression, her absurdly beautiful features forming into an adorable frown. "No, uh. It's just an expression. A figure of speech. It means I won't abandon you. I'll be right by your side."

"Oh!" Koriand'r floated closer towards him, letting her hands fall onto his shoulders as she smiled once more. "I would very much like that."

* * *
Present Day

"Well, what do you think?" He looked at Koriand'r expectantly. "I'll be right by your side the whole time."

She pursed her lips, her gaze drifting downwards towards her clasped hands. Having now spent the majority of each day for an entire week with her, Eli knew she was thinking intently. Not that it would have been difficult to figure out anyway, as he had come to discover that alien facial expressions and mannerisms were not all too different from a human's.

"It will be safe?" Koriand'r asked, her eyes raising to meet his. "My presence will not draw suspicion nor endanger you?"

Elijah hesitated before answering. What he was asking of her wasn't a simple task and he wanted to make sure he provided her with every relevant detail and honest answer that he could.

"I mean, there's gonna be risks, sure. I've got no personal experience with this sort of thing, but what we'd be doing wouldn't exactly be legal. And there's always a chance someone could get hurt. But it's worth it. I think we could make a real difference. Do some good."

"And," he added after a moment, "I can take care of myself."

I hope. Elijah let that brief thought of doubt echo around his mind for only a second before shaking it off. He may not be as capable as his new alien friend, but he had trained for years with the expectation of enlisting one day. It was dangerous, he knew, but Eli was confident in his abilities. And, given his mother's position on the military, this may be his best chance of serving his country. Even if he had to break the law to do so.

For months he had watched news coverage of various masked individuals rising to prominence in cities all across the country, and even the globe. Vigilantes using their enhanced abilities and sheer willpower to stand up for what was right. To save people. To put an end to evil injustices just as his grandfather once had seventy-five years ago. As his uncle had after the War on Terror began. And now, here was this powered individual who had practically been sent to him from the sky above. Eli couldn't just sit back and do nothing while knowing there was a role he could play. And, he suspected, neither could Koriand'r.

She stood suddenly to her full, statuesque height. Right fist clenched before her chest and eyes flashing with excited passion. "I watched as my home was consumed in conflict by those with evil thoughts and desires. I may not be of this world, but I wish to help prevent it from the same horrors my planet suffered. Yes!" She proclaimed. "I will join you! I will be this hero you speak of."

Elijah joined her on his feet, pumping his fist in victory. It would be a difficult journey, he was sure, but together he felt they could succeed.

"Great," he told her. "Then today we go on a test run. Just get you used to being out in the city."

Eli paused, looking Koriand'r over from head to toe. "But, first, I've gotta grab you some clothes that won't stand out."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hillan
Avatar of Hillan

Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 22 days ago

Location: Central City
Post #1.07: One step ahead

Interaction(s): None
Previously: Exit Light

It had been two weeks since he fought The Shade. The city had been electrified by it’s new, bonafide hero. The news cycle had been almost nothing but reports about the speedster in the local news, talk show hosts had talked about it and all of Central City’s influencers had been on it. Several of them had already released videos such as “The Flash unmasked” and “Finding out who ‘The Flash is’.” They were all quickly debunked, but it still showed the very quick takeover of the city in favor of its new scarlet hero.

And today was the date for the biggest heist in Central City’s history up until this point. Today was the day Leonard Snart and Mick Rory would reemerge from their tenure underground after robbing the Central City museum, shooting and almost killing a rent-a-cop and making off with 15 million dollars in valuables. Today’s heist would make that 10 times over. They had used their money to create weaponry fashioned by the elements, Leonard would use his cold-gun, Rory would use his Heatrifle. They would take on the Central City National Bank and steal the ancient Madagascar jewels that would be in the secure vault, about to be displayed in the Central City museum next week.

Leonard was a master thief, a man of great patience and caution, a true criminal mastermind. A genius in his field, an Albert Einstein of burglary. If there was a man in Central City with the intellect and strategy required to best The Flash’s power and ability, it was him.
Rory was a hothead, in every sense of the word. He was Snarts pitbull, a loyal guard who just wanted to watch the world burn with a cold beer in his hand.

The Flash blurred past the streets, those who caught wind of him cheered in excitement, as he pulled up into his perch in his apartment over the slums of Central City. He removed his hood from his face, pulling it back down, revealing his blonde hair as he touched the interface on his arm, activating Gideon, a holographic digital clock popped up into the air. 2:36 P.M. Seven minutes.

“Seven minutes till showtime. To do what it took Allen weeks of fighting, I’ll do in mere seconds. The Shade was a wrench in the plan, an unexpected actor. But, I’ve seen my fair share of those in my time. I’ll adapt. I’ve already observed Snart and Rory’s movement and preparation. They are acting as anticipated.” Thawne spoke, his words ringing with sinister overtones and an underlying sense of pride. Almost as if every word about his imminent victory was to gloat to the dead Allen.

He put on his cowl and cracked a smile.

“Gideon. It’s Flash time.” And he vanished, vibrating through the window and running down the outside of the building. He would make it across town as the alarms went off at the bank. The cops had a 3 minute response time. They couldn’t measure up to the speedster.

He appeared as Snart and Rory were emptying the containment of the safe container that held the jewels.

“We’re gonna be rich!” Rory exclaimed in excitement, and Snart let out a tisking noise at him.

“Two minutes 36 seconds.” The mastermind mentioned, watching his watch. The timing had to be precise.

“No. You’re out of time, I’m afraid,” Thawne said with a smile, leaning against the bank vault door. He could’ve just closed the door, but their weaponry would’ve blasted through the door, and that would’ve been messy. He would have to force them cross their beams, as their weapons would cancel each other.

“Ah. You... The.. Streak, is it?” Snart teased, his hand on his gun, as he walked towards The Flash with swagger in his step. He wasn’t afraid or scared of the red, black and gold-clad speedster. Thawne had dealt with Snart many times before, he’s one of the few people of this time he actually sort of liked. That was perhaps the most likely reason why he hadn’t vibrated his hand through his chest.

“They’re calling me The Flash. Who are you supposed to be? Snow bandit and the Burn victim?” He asked, nodding to the parka on Snart and the clear burns showing under Rory’s tightly fitting shirt.

The two rogues drew their weaponry and fired at the Flash, who immediately dodged it, their hands moved as if in slow motion. Sure, the beam was fast - faster than him, but their hands weren’t. Rory’s gun wasn’t much of an issue, it couldn’t really hurt him. Snarts, on the other hand, could temporarily neutralize his powers, making him one of the most dangerous foes The Flash would ever face.

He dodged to the right and ran around the two rogues in a half circle in the square-shaped vault. Rory fired at him, screaming something along the lines of
“Burn you red piece of shit.” Thawne avoided the flames, ducking under them, zig-zagging and then it hit him, in the blindspot generated by the flames. The one tick of ice, a simple squeeze from Snart’s trigger, and the ground under Thawne’s foot turned to ice. The absolute Zero blast almost caught Thawne, but once the ice formed around his foot, he vibrated out of it, before it could negate his power.

The two kept firing as one, they had clearly anticipated the Flash’s moments. Perhaps even used his rather vividly videotaped encounter with The Shade as a means to gauge his speed. If Thawne wasn’t annoyed that this ‘battle’ had taken a full 30 seconds, he might’ve been impressed.

Finally, they got him pinned, a ice blast to his knee, they both took aim and let out their blasts at him to finish the pinned speedster off as he was trying to vibrate himself free again. Rory was smiling wide, Snart had a focused, albeit satisfied grin on his face.

“ I told you he'd be nothing!” Rory shouted with laughter and Snart was about to ease up when he caught it in his peripheral vision.

“There’s two!” He shouted, but too late to move his gun as the red blur appeared in between the two gunmen, his hands vibrating their guns to pieces, and then pushing them both in opposite directions, making them hit the walls of the vault. Hard.

“That’s what you call a ‘speed mirage’. You didn’t actually catch me, Snart. Better try next time, Captive Cold.” He said, venomously to Snart as he leaned over, hearing Rory groan from the other side of the room, and the sound of the sirens getting louder and the cruisers stopping.

“What the hell are you?” Rory cried, holding his broken rib.

“I’m the fastest man alive. And that’s a Flash fact.” He vanished again, leaving the beaten rogues with no other choice than to let the cops arrest them with the stolen jewels, laying in the bag on the floor. As Thawne exited the bank in his super speed, he caught the glimpse of a certain young man, pulling his red hair out of his face, whom for the first time caught sight of The Central City Comet.

Lightning strikes twice. Thawne thought when he saw the young man.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Supermaxx
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Supermaxx dumbass

Member Seen 21 days ago


Night | Queens Borough, New York City

Cyclops reaction to Spider-Man’s words was difficult to ascertain. Most of his face was hidden behind either the dark blue- nearly black, even- fabric of his mask, or the ruby red visor locked around his eyes; the only window into Scott’s thoughts was his pursed lips and the crossing of his arms over his chest. Silence held in the air like a fog for a time as he mulled over the black clad vigilante’s story. His serious demeanor and tight frown clashed spectacularly with the over-the-top spandex that clasped around his tall, lanky form like a glove.

“No, I don’t get it.” He finally said, letting his arms fall down to rest on either of his hips, like a cowboy searching for his missing holsters. “You broke into a police station and attacked law enforcement officers. I don’t know where you learned to ‘superhero’ but that’s not how we operate. It was reckless. And stupid. They could’ve killed you.”

He rubbed his thumb against his forehead in an effort to sooth the pounding headache he was starting to develop. Summers had plenty more to lecture the other vigilante on, but Jean decided to cut into the conversation first.

“What was so important you risked getting murked, anyway?” She called over, her tense voice muddled by her piqued curiosity as she motioned toward the duffle bag.

The boy seemed to move away from Jean whenever she spoke. Those bulging bug eyes of his stayed locked on her and he fell closer to the ground, balancing on his haunches. He rested his hands on his knees. He swallowed.

“Someone… Someone very important to me had something bad happen to them that I couldn’t stop. But now, with this? Maybe I can do something about it.”

Jean kept her eyes locked with the white voids of Spider-Man’s ‘eyes.’ There was an unnerving energy pulsating from them, like an aura of malice sewn into the very fabric of his costume. Grey was far from some withering, backbone-less violet, but there was just...something about this guy that made her wince. It didn’t match his cadence or body language at all- he looked and sounded tired. Vulnerable.

So why did she feel afraid of him?

Cyclops’s headache spiked again and he wasn’t sure why. He tried his best to shake it off and get back to the pressing matter at hand. “Maybe- maybe we can help each other.” Scott hesitantly suggested. Trusting a stranger like this after what he admitted to doing didn’t match the Professor’s modus operandi for the team, but after their enormous screw up in Bayville...Scott was desperate. “Like I said before, helping mutants is sort of what we do.”

The fabric on Spider-Man’s forehead scrunched, along with the filament covering his eyes. He looked right into Scott’s visor, for the first time.

“You guys keep saying -- uh, not that there’s anything wrong with it, or anything, but, uh, I’m not a… Yknow. Mutant. Oh, uh, sorry, am I not supposed to, yknow, say it? Is there another…? Well, uh, either way, I’m not, uh, that. Sorry.”

Scott’s mouth slipped open, revealing the surprise that his facial expressions couldn’t. “You’re...not-”

“I know,” Jean spoke over Summers in a tone like hot coals. She pulled herself up onto the jungle gym and stepped out into the open air, landing with the speed of a feather against the playground mulch. “Just looking at you makes my head feel like it’s gonna...explode, so what’s wrong with you, Pe-”

She caught herself, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip hard enough for an iron-taste to wash over her tongue. “...Spider...Man…”

Wrong with me? What’s wrong with u--” Spider-Man bounced up to his feet, chest out and hands wound into tight fists. It was as if he’d grown a full inch, it looked to Jean almost like the surface of his costume was moving. Something twitched on the surface and he shook his head. He looked down and his shoulders dropped, all the air had gone out of him.

“I, uh. It’s been a long night. Did you just…?”

The moment he moved it felt like somebody had set a thousand alarm clocks off in her head. Pulsating, pounding pain shot through her frontal lobe. She stumbled backward a step, an open palm pointed toward the nearest piece of playground equipment for the half a second that Spider-Man looked like he was about to pounce. Jean didn’t answer his unfinished question with anything more than a glare.

“Whoawhoawhoa, breathe. Both of you.” Scott was on his toes, thankfully, and was quick to step between the two, a hand held out toward either. He turned to his teammate first. “Marvel, take a break.” He ordered, before turning his attention fully to the apparent non-mutant.

“What was…?” Spider-Man rubbed his temples and closed his eyes, the lenses closed with them, quickly fading into a silver goop and disappearing into the rest of the fabric. He took a long, shuddering breath before he opened them again.

“I’m...sorry, for that. She doesn’t have a lot of control over her telepathy. Sometimes...she gets her thoughts and other people’s mixed up. Shit just slips out sometimes.” Summers calmly explained. “She didn’t mean to do it, I swear to God.”

“I… Yeah.” Spider-Man waved it off. He looked down at his hands, turning them over one at a time. “Felt a little Freaky Friday for a sec there.” He stooped down, reaching for his bag.

It wasn’t hard to tell the man in black was in a hurry to get out of there. After everything that went down, Scott couldn’t exactly blame him for that, either. “I meant what I said before. Even if you’re not a...mutant, we’re here to help. I don’t know what all you’re going through but you don’t have to do it alone- I...uh...do you have a pen?”

“Memory’s a steel trap, Eye-guy.” He fastened his bag over his back as Scott gave him the phone number for the mansion.

Watching Spider-Man turn to leave still wasn’t anything like watching a man move. White webbing shot from his wrists and he pulled himself into the air, light as a feather. He twisted in the sky and came back down, landing on one of the branches at the park’s perimeter.

“Hey, since your girlfriend over there already knows, I’m Pete. Thanks for, uh, this, I guess.”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ceta de Cloyes
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Ceta de Cloyes Roziphontes

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


M O N - E L , M I K E M A T H E W S

Location: Amnesia, Jump City - Present Day
Familiar #1.06: Formula

Interaction(s): None

The bright glimmer of Rao's light, the hum of a humidifier. "Wake up Mon-El, your lessons are due today." Holograms, keypads, crystal encoders and math equations.

An insistent metallic ringing, and star shadows on the floor. "Wake up Mon-El, the reveille is sounding." Footsteps in sync, dark shapes, reaching hands, copper in the air.

Laughter, tender touches, secret lamplight whispers. "Wake up Mon-El, your mother is coming." Running, climbing, falling - she is no one, do not touch her!

Masks in white, a secret sign in cold metal, the manipulations unheard, and the treason unseen. "Wake up Mon-El, the sky is falling and the world is burning." Sinister green shards, dust clouding and choking, a light has vanished in the dark.

A soft touch, labored breathing, fear twisting in knots. "Wake up Mon-El, you are dreaming. Tubes and tentacles, a beating golden heart.

Mon-El shot up, scooting away from Reep's concerned gaze and tumbling off the other side of the cot. "Holy fucking sprock!" As reality crashed down his sight returned to normal. He could no longer see the alien beneath the facade, instead he focused on a daxa- no, a human face, freckled with dark curly hair. Reese. Reep - whatever, same thing.

"Uh, you okay there Mon-El?" Reese asked unsurely, peering over the side of the cot where Mon-El lay with a stricken expression, breathing hard. He very obviously wasn't okay.

"Yeah," he said, voice strangled even to his own ears. "Just- uh, just a dream."

Reese made a considering noise, "Mm, yeah, I could tell. Your mom sounds like a bitch." An observation, that quite effectively rendered Mon-El silent, quickly gaining control of his breathing when he held his breath and gave Reese a startled look. "What? You talk in your sleep." Rolling his eyes carelessly, Reese threw a shirt at him. "Come on, get up! It's opening day!"

Oh. Right.

With a sigh Mon-El took the shirt and headed towards the washroom. Today he needed to look his best, but he also needed to be on time or Q would kill him.

"Oh, Worm, I've got x-ray vision, mark that off. Ugh, I did not need to be that intimately acquainted with Durlan anatomy." He withheld a shudder, thinking of the squishy organs Reese hid under his skin.

Oddly, Worm's response was sarcastic; "Of course, my prince, whatever you say."

Scrunching up his brow in confusion as he flipped the shower handle on, "What is that supposed to mean?" He was less surprised and more annoyed when the AI ignored him. "Worm? What does that mean?!"


If only his parents could see him now; the Crown Prince of Mighty Daxam, working as a bartender in a grungy illegal alien pub... and honestly? He'd never been happier.

As it turns out, Brin was more than just a little well connected, he knew over a dozen aliens just in Jump City, and he'd managed to convince all of them to turn up for opening night. Even the Karnan woman Fen and her daughter Laura, who was underage and wouldn't be drinking, had come, unable to miss what promised to be the start of something important to all of them. Mon-El never got tired of the looks of awed relief when someone entered through the door and didn't earn a second glance for their inhuman appearance, nor their excited joy at asking for a drink from their homeworld and actually getting it.

He'd been away from Daxam barely two weeks and he already missed listening to his people's music and speaking their language, he couldn't imagine how homesick he'd be if he had to go that long without a single swig of zakkarian ale!

"She's doing it again." Mon-El cheerfully informed Brin as he came around the counter with a tray full of empty drinks. The two of them glanced over at the far table where Q sat with a trio of blue aliens, notepad in hand and speedily jotting down notes as they spoke.

Since opening Q had been simplemindedly focused on scoping out the sort of danger and discrimination their new patrons faced, and Mon-El couldn't lie; the more he heard, the more convinced he became that Q's argument was just. Between the four of them they all had unique powers they could easily use to crack down on crime and stop others from getting hurt, and the aliens of Jump City needed that protection desperately.

"She's won you over hasn't she?" Brin asked, sounding simultaneously amused and resigned. Mon-El only shrugged. With a sigh, Brin nodded. "Well I guess that's it then. Better get some spandex Valor, you're going to need it."

Mon-El rolled his eyes, catching Brin give Q a subtle nod out of the corner of his eye. he looked just in time to catch the blinding smile she sent his way, determined glint in her eye. Bartender, vigilante, alien, prince... his life was getting more complicated by the day.

At least Amnesia had turned out nice.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 3 mos ago


“Over there, over there… send the word- send the word over there…”

DCI Gates curled his upper lip at the sight of the man. To call him disheveled would be an understatement. He rested against the wall of the back alley, dressed in a long smock that reeked of piss and shit. His hair was matted, as was the black beard that covered his jaw. He had the far away look of a man chasing the dragon. Gates knew the raggedy man well. Hell, half of Shanghai knew the American well.

Kent Allard was perhaps the most notorious opium addict in the city. He’d literally washed ashore sometime in the summer of ‘21, dressed in a tattered uniform of a US Army aviator. From that point on the man was a fixture at all the best opium dens in the city. Gates and the rest of SMP knew Allard because he was suspected of a laundry list of petty crimes, but just suspected. They had never managed anything concrete enough to warrant an arrest or caning.

“I thought you were dead, Allard,” spat Gates. “That was the rumor among the underworld, at least. Heard a group of monks chopped you up into little bits.”

“Reports of my dismemberment were greatly exaggerated,” said Allard. He giggled and added, “Unlike the Green Gang, I am very much intact.”

Gates stared long and hard into Allard’s glazed over eyes.

“I know you’re one of Green Gang’s best customers, or were one of their best, where were you last night, Allard? What did you see?”

“Just the pipe and the back of my eyelids,” the junkie mumbled. “Besides, why are you asking me? You should be looking at the Green Gang’s competition. Who is that?

“Goro,” said Gates. Normally he would tell someone like Allard to piss off. He was the one asking the questions. But for whatever reason, he felt the strong desire to tell the man. An odd need to please him. “Goro and his gang of Japanese mutts.”

“Where are they hiding?” asked Allard.

To Gates, there was a strange tone to the man’s voice. The sleepiness of the opium high seemed to have faded, a strong and commanding tone taking its place. Allard was now on his feet. Curiously, the filthy smock and dirty hair was gone. The Allard that stood before him was clean shaven and wearing a clean black tunic with matching pants and shoes.

“Goro has a tea shop that he runs drugs and whores from,” Gates whispered. “SMP are going to raid it tonight at eight.”

“Make it nine,” said Allard. “I don’t want you and your policeman chums getting caught in a crossfire.”

“Sure thing,” Gates said with a small laugh. “Whatever you say, Allard.”

“One more thing,” he said as he raised his hand. “You will forget this conversation ever took place, and as far as you know Kent Allard is still rumored to be dead.”

Allard snapped his fingers and like that, he was gone.



“Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

Chicago Mayor Claude Fellows held his head in his hands. Fellows sat behind the expensive desk in his office while Chief Weston and Roy sat and looked on. Officially, Roy Tam was only a lieutenant in the CPD. But he was the most powerful lieutenant in the entire organization. And his power solely rested on his own entree to power. He served as Chief Weston’s right hand and knew when to keep his mouth shut. Like this little scene with the mayor.

“You know I used to be somebody,” said Fellows. “I was the goddamn chief of staff for the White House!”

“Mr. Mayor,” said Weston. “I--”

“I could have leveraged it to be something important. A senator, a governor, hell even a fucking cabinet secretary. But what did I do instead? Run for mayor of my hometown, thinking I could change a goddamn thing!”

“Mr. Mayor--”

“Six years of eating shit sandwiches from this fucking hellhole of a city, barely being reelected. And all that political capital is wasted. I’m just a brokeass mayor of a brokeass city.”

‘Sir!” Weston shouted. “If you could give the pity party a rest, we can talk about a solution.”

Fellows slid the tablet across his desk towards Weston and Tam.

“I don’t see a solution, chief. I see a media nightmare. One of your officers shot an unarmed man. The bodycam footage shows it clear as fucking day. CRB is gonna get this video and have a field day with it.”

“I if I may,” Roy said, clearing his throat. “We believe we an option.”

Fellows put his head down on the desk.

“I’m all ears, lieutenant.”

Roy straightened his glasses before leaping into it. “The civilian review board has oversight on any use of lethal force the CPD carries out in the city of Chicago. But from the reports of the officers that night, the suspect they were pursuing lead them into unincorporated Cooke County. That’s where the shooting occurred. According to the CRB’s charter, they have no oversight into this matter. Cooke County Sheriff’s have the jurisdiction on this.”

“And Sheriff Zebrowski owes me,” said Weston. “Owes me enough to help keep this muted. It’ll let us take care of the problem in-house, and the bodycam footage officially becomes their evidence, out of the reach of the review board.”

Fellows raised his head and sighed. “Fuck. It still smells like shit, but you knocked enough of the smell off that I can at least swallow it--”

Weston and the mayor continued on, but Roy wasn’t listening. He was transfixed by the little voice inside his head. It wasn’t his conscious. His job had trained him to suppress that a long time ago. No, this little voice was something else. It was a voice he’d heard a few years ago. The night he almost died.

“Roy Tam… your life belongs to me. As hard as it may be to pull yourself away from your repugnant work, try to me meet me tonight at our usual place. We have much to discuss.”

Roy swallowed hard and wiped the sweat from his brow. Fellows and Weston hadn’t noticed his sudden white face. He let out a sigh of relief that the voice in his head was gone. While Roy Tam was known for his discretion when it came to secrets, there was at least one man he told everything to. A man who did not hesitate to remind Roy that the only reason he continued to draw breath was because of him. And if he even had the slightest notion to not show up to the meeting, the man would reach out to him again with a warning. Because, he reminded Roy, he knew. He always knew.


Larson snorted before spitting on the ground in front of him.

“It’s time we give that nigger his comeuppance.”

Larson and the three other patrolmen in his squad were gathered around Larson’s old Buick, a collection of empty beer cans on the trunk of the car. The Buick’s radio blasted out classic rock that filled the air. The late night bender was their usual tradition after going off-duty. Twelve hours humping it in a squad car gave you a strong thirst. And it was during the drinking session that they always talked their usual bullshit about Q.

“Easiest thing in the world to rob that motherfucker,” said Larson. “Who the fuck is gonna call? ‘Yo, man dis da po-leece? Man, they stole my muthafuckin’ stash!’”

Larson and the other men roared in laughter.

“He’s had it too good too long,” said Mike Milkowski. “Walks around that fucking neighborhood like he owns it. Thinks he’s some fucking drug dealing version of Steve Jobs. He just got lucky and didn’t die or go to jail like the rest of the project niggers in the nighborhood.”

“Acts like he owns us,” said Roger Leatherman. “He pays us fucking chicken feed and thinks we should be grateful for that shit.”

“I hear he pays narco three times what he pays us,” said Larson. “It’s a goddamn disgrace. Which is why we need to remind him who the goddamn law is around these parts.”

The rest of the men murmured in agreement. Larson polished off his beer and tossed the empty can over his shoulder.

“In the morning before we go on duty, Rog I need you to buy some ski-masks. I’ll take care of the shotguns. Make sure you all bring some black clothes to change into tomorrow night. Not the usual late night unwinding we do, but we will sure as fuck celebrate once we’ve taken care of Q.”

The four cops started to work out the plan, the steps, how to get inside the dealer’s house and take him out, how to make a clean getaway. It was obvious the plan was something Larson hadn’t just come up with. It had been crafted over time, methodically built piece by piece every time his patrol car had passed by the drug dealer’s home.

They talked low enough among themselves so that the radio would mask any potential eavesdroppers who happened upon them. But it was a futile gesture. They were being watched from the dark, and their interloper didn’t need to hear them to know what was in their hearts. They were planning something bad. And the thought of what they were planning to do made the watcher laugh.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial The Elder Fae

Member Seen 4 days ago

Location: Atlantic Ocean, near Metropolis - Present
Issue #1.02: Don't Flinch

Kara pushed harder, faster, as she dove further underneath the cold ocean tides.

Of all things to happen under her watch, she couldn’t have anticipated that an off-shore naval facility would’ve been targeted by a group of armed terrorists.

When an explosion was triggered on the naval facility, Kara had been halfway across Metropolis, rescuing people from the effects of a violent industrial fire that had spread from a derelict factory in the Suicide Slums. Before she even had time to breathe, the urgency of the situation off the coastline became apparent to her and she was off soaring over Delaware to reach it in time. There was no time to catch her breath as the facility’s crewmen plummeted into the ocean, or worse, caught by the debris as the tides pushed them deeper and deeper. Fortunately, according to twitter, Kara was faster than a “speeding bullet” and arrived before anybody could drown.

Don’t worry guys, you’ll be out of this in no time.

Kara dove underneath a large metal railing, one of the many pieces of debris that had been blown free from the explosion that rocked the facility only minutes prior. The first two members of the crew that had been knocked underneath the debris now in clear view. The kryptonian superheroine kicked her feet, a large burst of speed pushing her forward in a blink; before she could even realize it the men were over her shoulder and she was hovering above the coastline.

Like a crack of thunder, Kara dove into the water below several times until all of the men and women who had been flung in the waters below were safely on the shores to her left. She had spent the last few months getting used to her powers, but the reality of how much speed and strength she had still surprised her on a daily basis. After years of being precise and secretive in Midvale she was finally allowed to see what she was capable of.

The blonde’s eyes shifted to the facility, letting out a short, hushed breath.

A loud ‘crack’ filled the sky as Kara zipped from the shoreline to her destination, the sound of gunfire clattering in the corridors below. It was time for her favorite part.

Punching bad guys.

Her blue eyes shifted in a second, becoming dulled as she focused her vision to filter out the “noise” in front of her. A few months ago she had discovered in addition to her vast sensory abilities that her meta-biology also allowed great visual perception. It required focus and effort, but seeing through walls was a handy ability to have if she was going to take on criminals directly. Gods, it was like she was an interstellar Wonder Woman. As her x-ray vision took effect, Kara pressed her tongue against her upper-left canine, counting the amount of armed gunmen and other external threats. The private security firm Simon Stagg had hired to protect his property seemed to be definitely outnumbered and outgunned; and that was after the explosion had sent several people flying into the Delaware Bay.

Eight specialists and some kind of meta. Gonna have to put a stop to it before more people are hurt.

The best plan was to pick off the exterior guards first, make her way in to the big bad. Control her strength so she didn’t go overboard. Terrorists didn’t deserve her hesitation, but she was trying to be the good guy in this situation; the hero like Liberty Belle, like Wonder Woman. She wasn’t some kind of antihero. She wasn’t like the folks in New York.

With arms crossed she let out a smirk of bravado, covering up her anxiety with a false sense of arrogance.

“Attention bad guys! If you surrender now, I promise not to hurt you!”

The response was the expected, but Kara had learned by this point that she was bulletproof. She sighed, rolling her eyes.

“Fine. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by webboysurf
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webboysurf Live, Laugh, Love

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

20,000 ft. over the Pacific Ocean - Present Day
Issue 1.04.2: Allied

Interaction(s): None

Steve shook his head. ”This is clearly a trap.” He stood on one side of the mirrored glass, while Phineas Mason sat at a metal table in a high-tech detention room. In the corner were the appropriate bathroom facilities and a bed. Standing next to Steve and also monitoring Mason was Nick Fury, who had his arms folded.

Fury simply shrugged. ”Possibly. But this is the only lead we have, Captain. And he wants to talk to you specifically.”

Steve Rogers sighed and entered into the detainment cell. Phineas gave a small smile to Steve upon entering, and Rogers took the seat across from Mason. ”Let’s keep this simple, Mason. Where is Rina Patel?”

Phineas pursed his lips for a moment, seeming to weigh the options for a moment. ”I will explain... but first I want a deal.”

Rogers shook his head. ”You really think we’re going to give you a deal, ‘Tinkerer?’ This isn’t a negotiation.”

Mason nodded his head for a moment. ”I didn’t want to help them. One moment, I was in an SUV with a few SHIELD agents. Next thing I know, we’re upside down and everyone was dead. I was pulled into a different van, and I was given an ultimatum: build whatever they want or they would kill everyone I cared about.”

Rogers leaned back in his chair, folding his arms. ”Do you really expect me to believe that you care about anyone?”

”Even I have family, and I’m sure you understand how I can be of use to you. Who do you think made your outfit and gear? Who do you think can get you Zemo?”

Cap tilted his head slightly, leaning forward. ”Zemo died in forty-five the same day I went in the ice. You’re going to have to do better than that.”

Phineas gave a small smile. ”Zemo had a son. And then a grandson.” Steve remained silent, so the Tinkerer continued. ”Helmut has had me working on something that can undo everything you did in forty-five.”

”I’m not here for games. What are you talking about, Mason?”

The Tinkerer waited a moment for dramatic effect. ”HYDRA wants to use one of your former agents to stop you and the other heroes from winning your little war.”

Steve rolled his eyes and stood up, walking out of the room to leave Phineas alone. He entered back into the observation room, where Fury was standing there waiting. ”What do you think, Rogers?”

Cap shook his head while standing at attention while watching Mason through the glass. ”Well, sir, he’s a known criminal and liar. He’s responsible for the deaths of our agents, and he’s been working for HYDRA.” Cap stopped for a moment, hesitating before he continued on. ”That being said, Romanoff stated that he was compliant and seemed to be waiting for us to find him. And my gut says he’s telling the truth.”

Fury gave a nod. ”Then we pretend to make a deal with him. We give him his old job back for now until we get Patel and take down Zemo. Afterwards, we can throw him in a cell.”

Fury turned to quickly exit the observation room, but Steve stepped aside and held up a hand to stop his CO. ”As much as I think he deserves it, if Mason is telling the truth, then he deserves a legally binding agreement. He seemed to be just as much of a victim as our agents, and since when did we start throwing human dignity out the door?”

Fury tilted his head slightly in disbelief. ”Have you lost your damn mind, Captain Rogers? Let me remind you that I’m the motherfucker who gave the order to recover your frozen ass. Yet, ever since you joined this team you’ve questioned every decision I’ve made, Rogers. You’re on thin ice, Rogers. If you so much as think about subordination in this matter again I will personally make sure we drop you back in the ocean again so you can be someone’s else’s problem seventy years from now.” Colonel Fury stormed past Captain Rogers, leaving the veteran to watch Mason nervously fidgeting in the other room. Steve sighed and entered back into the detention room.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial The Elder Fae

Member Seen 4 days ago

Location: Atlantic Ocean, near Metropolis - Present
Issue #1.03: Don't Flinch

Kara smacked her hands clean as the last of the terrorists that pointed their guns at her collapsed to the ground after being thrown thirty feet across the ‘deck’ of the facility.

There were still four more armed gunmen and the metahuman terrorist that probably set off the explosions that rocked the facility while Kara was busy rescuing people from a burning building on the opposite end of the Delaware Bay. In the entire time she had been throwing people across the top deck of the facility she hadn’t heard any explosions. The only sounds, save for the gunfire directed at her, had been the blaring alarm. She switched back immediately to her x-ray vision noticing that her friends downstairs seemed to have secured whatever information they had been looking for; but that wasn’t what got her attention.

One of the five skeletons stood, arms behind their neck, with their head looking up in her direction. They were waiting for her.

“Oh great. They’re waiting for me. I love it when they're extra crazy.” Kara took a light breath. “Well, time to say hello, I guess.”

Kara looked over to the stairwell going down into the deeper corridors of the Stagg Industries’ facility. Chances are she was in for a fight, and for the first time since she landed in Metropolis it was going to be with someone equally as gifted in the meta-biology department. The first time she was dealing with someone with superpowers. No guns or robots. Was she ready? Could she ever be ready? Gosh, she wasn’t sure. Her nerves felt more on fire and she had literally swooped into a burning building only a few minutes before being shot at.

And she felt like she was ready to lose her lunch.

She took another light breath before putting on the same bravado as before and began walking down the stairs. In only a few moments she finally stood face-to-face with a woman who she could only describe as “the girl the eighties forgot”.

The blonde felt a sudden tension in her bones as she looked at the metahuman in front of her. Either this was the ringleader or the muscle of this whole attack, and she honestly wasn't sure which was the worse conclusion. Her smirk dropped as the electromagnetic energy began to pulse around the room, causing the overhead lights in the corridor to flicker violently. That's when the metahuman spoke.

“Hi there. You must be Supergirl. Wanna play?”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Jailbreak In Fairyland I

The Station, Betwixt the Realms
Time is like an illusion dude

“My dad always taught me that Merlin closed the link between Faerie and the Mundane to prevent a war from breaking out after humans invented cold iron.”

“That is the lie that we are sworn to tell, a lie to protect the balance.” Voodoo explained as they walked.

“Protect it from what?” Zatanna questioned as her voice rose in intensity. Zatanna knew that her father wasn’t particularly a paragon of truth, and yet these more recent discoveries stung with a pain that lies never carried before. Perhaps, it was the fact that he was dead. All that was left of him was a stackful of his journals and the childhood memories that she had. The lies took away those memories, toxifying them with the distrust and resentment that had come to define their relationship in the later years. It made her question if even those early memories were actually as good as she remembered of if she was just too naive to see her father for what he was.

“From every young magic-user who after reading the Tempest believed that they could triumph where Prospero failed.” Voodoo coming off with the tired tone of a professor’s introductory lecture that they give at the start of every semester for the past fifty years. “Conflict between the Mundane and Faerie would be inevitable”

“So you stifle curiosity for a measure of security?” Zatanna retorted incredulously. As a matter of principal, Zatanna disagreed with any argument that relied on the basis of any kind of inevitability. A narcissistic impulse asserted by an ability to prod, warp, and tweak the laws of reality itself. Such abilities made a viewpoint of anything less than seizing the bull of life by the proverbial horns seem fatalistic to the point of nihilism in comparison. Why admit defeat or live in fear when you can just ask the universe nicely to do as you want.

“We do not wish to forbade curiosity timoun,” Voodoo insisted gesturing broadly with his staff as he walked. “We only wish to cultivate it such that it can’t become tainted by more base desires.”

Zatanna snorted in disbelief

“I see why you and my father got along so well ” Zatanna replied rolling her eyes.

“We both were well aware of the consequences of not seeing the bigger picture.” Voodoo agreed either choosing to ignore or having been oblivious to the open hostility in Zatanna’s comment.

Quickly realizing that a continued pursuit of the debate was pointless Zatanna held her tongue. Instead, she tried to wrap her head around the layout of the station, as she attempted to keep track of the path that Voodoo was following. Much to her frustration this task was much easier said than done. The further in they went, the further that Zatanna was reminded of old childhood memories of being trapped in a corn mazes around Halloween, the white marble hallways and the ornate gilded doors began to blend together into one entangled mass within her mind, just like those seemingly endless rows of corn. The confusion was only made worse by the station’s escheresque properties as there was often moments after heading up a staircases, she could of swore that they were actually going down. Persistent as always, Zatanna continued trying to count the turns, staircases, and doors as she went encouraged only by the fact that Voodoo and the other curious travelers that rushed past her seemed to know exactly where they were going.

Before Zatanna was able to crack the code they arrived to a new section of the station. A hallway that seemed to doubleback and swallow itself emptied them out into a much larger cathedral-like space, marble transitioning into worn stone. The ceiling above them had expanded dramatically stretching literally skyward as what was once matching marble ceilings having been replaced with a van Gogh style night sky except that the stars actually twinkled and the clouds move slowly across the frame. Descending from this nightscape and lining the walls of the “cathedral” were large stained glass windows that took Zatanna’s breath away as she could of swore they managed to capture colors that didn’t even exist. Each window depicted a scene of intersection between Faerie and the Mundane: King Arthur receiving Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake, the exploits of Fionn Mac Cumhaill, and finally at the far end of the cathedral sitting above the large set of double doors that Voodoo was leading her towards was the Severance.

The scene showed Merlin’s Severance of the Realms.Two opposing armies, one from Faerie and the other from the Mundane world, faced one another as the skies above them were cast red as if to foreshadow the violence destined to take place. Standing betwixt the two great armies was the wizard Merlin holding his staff high above his head calling down a burst of red lighting from the bloodstained skies. Looking up at the piece, Zatanna felt a wave of unease wash over her as she noticed Merlin’s eyes. They were locked in rigged concentration and full of great power and judgement. This judgemental gaze either through some simple perspective trick or minor enhancement followed you wherever you went in the room. Zatanna wanted nothing more to escape its spotlight gaze, but Voodoo walked across the space with at a slow and persistent pace, and Zatanna did not want to risk going ahead of him as she did not know if the station’s geometry would continue to twist.

Pulling her eyes away from stained glass in an attempt to alleviate the pressure Zatanna looked around the cathedral. It was only then that Zatanna noticed that the crowds that persisted in the rest of the station were absent. The only other beings in the room were clusters of hooded figures praying at a series of small altars that lined the walls. They wore long black robes and Zatanna could only assume the strange noises that emanated from the shadows of their hoods was some sort of prayer.

In her observations, she took a step closer and as her foot made contact with the floor each and every one of the hooded figures all turned to face her. The chanting was now directed fully at her causing her entire begin to be assaulted with a sea of unfathomable noise. The words spoken were in an old and forgotten tongue but the fear they carried was all the same. Zatanna found herself unable to move as the muscles in her legs seized. She tried to mutter out a spell but when she opened her mouth, the only words that spilled out were the same ominous chanting. All the while the hooded figures moved in closer their bodies stuttering forward like they were a frame behind the rest of reality.

Suddenly Zatanna felt a hand grasp hers and turn her away from the chanters. Voodoo pulled her along never breaking stride. His grip on her hand was like a vice and she would of complained about the bruising she was going to have if she could talk. Purposely keeping his head towards the floor Voodoo began to whisper instructions to her, his voice cutting clean through the chanter’s cacophony.

“Don't run. Just keep walking forward and whatever you do, don’t look back.

Half walking, half being pulled along, Zatanna followed Voodoo as he made a break for the door. As they increased their pace, the chanters’ volume crescendoed matching their pace. Zatanna had to put in active effort to try and combat whatever enchantment was laced into the twisted prayer that sought to immobilize her. Thankfully, Voodoo was helping her ever so often squeezing the hand that he still had a hold of. The pressure and arrhythmic nature of the pulses helping disrupt the drone’s trance.

They were only halfway to the door and Zatanna could of swore that the hooded ones were gaining on them. A chill ran down her neck as it felt like a set of fingers was inches away from grasping at her head, their assailants so close that their chanting sounded like a whisper in Zatanna’s ear. As they got closer, the chanting grew less and less unintelligible, the words becoming clearer. A promise of peace and rest and all that was needed from her was to turn around.

Zatanna slapped herself hard across the face as she ran nearly toppling herself over. The sting of the impact flooded her senses as neurons and synapses flared. The chanting seemed more distance, the words that she was hearing a minute ago back to a meer garble of noise. Finding something to grasp onto she focused in on the pain in her face and throughout her body. There was the feeling of pins and needles in her hand from Voodoo’s stress grip as blood circulation began to be cut off. There was the feeling of pain in her feet as she was currently in a deadsprint in heels of all things cursing herself for not choosing more practical footwear to go with her show outfit. And she pulled all that pain closer constructing a mental bulwark against the enchantment.

As they neared the exit, Zatanna saw Voodoo’s mouth began to move as he began to recite a incantation. His words were drowned out by the noise, but the power that they held was all the same. Energy swirled around his staff before exploding outward in a burst of concessive energy. Projected forward, the column of pure force slammed into the large double doors causing them to burst open with a concussive boom akin to a cannon shot. In their haste to push the last few feet towards the door, they fell through the open doorway, the pair of doors slammed shut behind them. From the otherside of the door the chanting could still be heard accompanied by the sounds of claws scratching feverishly at wood. Eventually, the clawing stop and the chanting grew dimmer and dimmer, until there was finally silence again. And very slowly the door to the cathedral began to sink into the surrounding wall before soon enough it was gone in its entirety.

The silence that now surrounded Zatanna was almost as deafening. The magician suddenly becoming aware of everything again from her laboured breathing to thunderous drumming of her heart as it threatened to burst free. She pulled her fists together into tiny shaking balls digging her nails as hard as he could bear into her palms.

“What in the hell....” Despite it only being a whisper Zatanna felt like she was screaming, the sound of her own voice strange on her lips.

Voodoo for his part seemed less shaken by the whole affair. He was already on his feet brushing the dust off of himself. The tip of his walking staff still caught in the afterglow of the spell that had been fired off from it moments earlier. Catching his eye, Zatanna reflexively flinched at the anger that was there but also noted that there was concern there as well. Leaning on his staff, he looked down at her shaking his head.

“I warned you not to stare.” He stressed using the same tone you would when discipling a child for doing something that they wouldn’t know was wrong.

“You didn’t tell me what I should not stare at! I was fine up until now looking at whatever I wanted! So maybe next time you should be more specific old man! ” Zatanna argued pushing herself up from the ground. She pushed herself straight into the older man’s face her eyes flaring with anger and magical energy as they did. Voodoo might of just saved her life, but she wasn’t about to let him chastise her. She shook her head frustrated,“What the hell were those things anyway?”

Voodoo looked like he had seen a ghost. The rest of his face was the still the age-worn visage that she had come to expect, but there was something in his eyes. It was gaze that Zatanna was all too familiar with. It was the same one that her father had whenever he thought about her mother. Taking a step back from her, Voodoo quickly regained his composure. Whatever brief glance Zatanna had acquired vanished back beyond the walls that he had carefully curated over the years. There was a brief moment of painful silence as Voodoo looked down and played with his staff.

“Well,” Voodoo started with a brief cough “I suppose my instructions... could have been a bit more specific yes. And those things serve as another line of defense for the station.”

“Defense,” Zatanna asked shaking her head “You’re telling me that those things are there on purpose?”

“Not necessarily,” corrected Voodoo, “it was more like they are the original owners of this place. The station was built on top of the ruins of their cathedral. And any attempts to remove them... only lead to a bolstering of their numbers.”

“Well isn’t that lovely,” Zatanna muttered taking a few precautionary steps away from the wall where the door once was “You mind if we get as far away from here as possible?”

Voodoo chuckled.

“Now that is a plan that I can agree with.”

The door had emptied them out onto what looked like a more traditional looking Tube platform. Travelers of all shapes and sizes gathered on the platform many carrying bags, sacks, and there was even a strange blue goblinoid creature that had what Zatanna could only describe as a three-headed peacock in a large birdcage strapped to his back. The same announcements that a normal line would get about minding the gap, and being observant were piped in from an unknown source, but the lines were also repeated in several languages that sounded completely alien to the magician’s ears.

Claiming an unoccupied bench, the pair made themselves comfortable. Zatanna tried to start up a conversation with Voodoo, but the older magic user had conjured a large black tome out of thin air with a snap of his fingers and was enraptured by his reading. On a whim, Zatanna took out her phone. To her surprise, despite being what she could only assume was several hundred feet underground she still had perfect reception. Even though it herwas n phone it felt almost voyeuristic as she scrolled through her emails, texts, and social media. Her regular life, the life of Zatanna Zatara, Vegas’ greatest magician seemed like it belonged to a different person, somebody she wasn't. It was like that life was an artist imitation of the strange, bizzare, and colorful world that she was currently submerged in.

Strangely enough despite his severe distaste in modern technology, in that moment looking down at her phone made her think of her father. He would of had to deal with his duality serving as a guardian of this magical world and a father in the mundane one. All of her life, she had resented the training, the drills, the ceaseless preparation that he made her endure, and even know she still thought there would of been better ways to go about it, but she was able to understand it a little better. Dealing with things like this everyday, Giovanni must have not seen any other choice. It wasn’t like he could pretend that this danger didn’t exist.

The shrill sound of the whistle on an approaching train drew her attention. Putting her phone away, Zatanna looked around as the platform began to come to life as the train approached. Zatanna looked over at Voodoo who seemed unconcerned still just silently reading his tome. Zatanna tried to follow his example and wait patiently but it just wasn’t in her. Standing up, she pushed her way through the crowd towards the platform’s edge. Peering down the the tunnel and far off in the distance, a light was beginning to get closer and closer.

As the light drew closer, Zatanna began to make out the approaching vehicle. It looked like one of those old steam locomotives that were now regulated exclusively to display pieces in museums. Yet despite its antiquated appearance it was moving at speeds that could rival a modern bullet train. It's charcoal black exterior blended with the darkness of the tunnel save for the few gold leaf accents scattered about its body. Its whistle continued to blare as it drew closer to the station. Zatanna could see sparks jumping up from the tracks as the breaks were thrown causing metal to scrap against metal generating heat and light. The screeching noise reverberated across the platform and despite an obvious effort, Zatanna was sure that they were still going too fast and the train was going to overshoot the station. Yet as the train entered into the light of the platform it appeared almost as if the air surrounding it became thicker as the jelly-like substance helped pull the locomotive to a full stop.

A cloud of white steam coated the platform like a thick fog. Zatanna tried to push the steam away from her face, coughing as she did. As she coughed, an ocean of activity moved all around her. The doors on the train opened letting loose a tide of travelers. Some of these individuals stopped to embrace friends and family that had gathered on the platform while others rushed past and headed back into the station. And after this first wave of departures began, a great embarkment began as many more on the train rushed past Zatanna to get aboard. All the while strange stout reptilian looking conductors shouted amongst themselves up and down the platform as they ushered the new batch of traveler’s in. This push and pull of moment nearly knocked Zatanna over but she managed to maintain her balance and not get trampled underneath the feet of the crowd.

“Impressive isn’t it?”” Voodoo called from behind Zatanna as he wisely choose to move from the bench only after the initial rush.

“It’s all very Hogwartsy... “


“Really? Of all the cultural references you don’t know?“

Following Voodoo onto the train, Zatanna was immediately struck with the ornateness of it all. Embroidered red carpeting on the floor, the walls rich dark-almost chocolate brown wooden paneling, and a chandelier with real crystal in every car. It called back to level of excess that was rarely seen in the modern age of mass transit whose philosophy was more geared to carrying the most people in the most effective and cheap manner. Instead it seemed to invoke distant images of luxurious ground travel that was still conjured with titles like the Express d'Orient. And even Zatanna, who self admittedly grew up in a very privileged background felt very small walking through its corridors.

Eventually, the two of them found a booth in a cabin near the far end of the train. A few small clusters of travelers were grouped together but compared to the initial rush outside the dull noise of their conversations was like being in a monastery. An androgynous figure dressed in a waiter’s uniform moved from booth to booth taking down drink orders. Zatanna slipped into one side of the booth scooting all the way down towards the window which overlooked the now mostly empty platform save for a few of the lizard conductors that were loading luggage into the train’s undercarriage. Voodoo slipped into the seat across from her and with another snap of his fingers conjured the book that he was reading earlier.

“How long will it take us to get there?” Zatanna asked curious

“As long as it takes.” Replied Voodoo flatley

“Oh thanks for that insightful information.”

At that moment the waiter that had been moving around the cabin approached their booth. At first glance, they looked almost human to Zatanna. They were cast in hues of white and black, ivory colored skin paired with short hair and eyes both ink black in their coloration. Their face seemed more more angular than any regular human proportion like it was constructed exclusively from sharp sweeping lines and harsh angles. Even their ears as opposed to being rounded were pulled back ending in fine sharp tips, like the end of a quill. And as they smiled, Zatanna had to fight the urge to shiver as it revealed a mouth filled with rows upon rows of sharp knife like teeth.

“And will you be having tea or coffee today ma’am?” They asked their voice rising and falling in a sing-song pattern.

“Tea,” Zatanna answered “no caffeine though... something herbal if you have it?”

“As you wish ma’am” The waiter responded scratching something the order down into what looked like a piece of wood with a sharpened fingernail. “And you sir?”

“Coffee, black.” Voodoo responded without looking up from his book.

Just as the waiter left them for the next booth the train began to move. As the light of the platform was traded for the darkness of the tunnel, Zatanna pulled herself up against the window laying her head against it. In her first moment of peace in what felt like days, the young Zatara felt sleep slowly began to take over her. She didn’t fight it as she closed her eyes and let the slow vibrations of the train as it moved through the tunnel rock her to sleep. And just like the world that she once knew, she to was swept away by the darkness.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
Avatar of Mao Mao

Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Washington, D.C.
Present Day

Issue #3.03

Arriving at the hotel near Capitol Hill, Diana exited out of Rogers' car and waved goodbye while it drove off. She wished him luck on his mission and headed towards the hotel. Once inside the lobby, Diana checked into a room and quickly headed towards an elevator. She wanted to remain unnoticed, but it was hard for her to hide from the world. Especially with her being on the news for the past couple of days.

While on the elevator, Diana pulled out her phone and saw that Candy responded to the apology. Even know it was short, Diana didn't want to make excuses for leaving her friend behind in Transia and not answering any calls. She noticed that her phone started to ring and it was Candy calling. Diana answered the call and greeted her with a warm 'hello.'

"I forgive you, Diana. I understand why you decided to run. Just know that you have friends that can help you next time." Candy addressed the text message.

"I will."

"Good." Candy said contentedly. "Anyway, are you sure that you can handle the committee? Keast can help you out."

"I am grateful for her offer, but I have to do this on my own. I need to stand up for myself and my actions." Diana responded.

"Alright, then. Have a good night, Diana. Don't forget that we will be supporting you tomorrow."

"You too, Etta. Tell the others to have a good day." Diana hung up and put the phone away for the night. It was a peaceful night with the full moon shining brightly. She turned on the television and it played the local news which talked about tomorrow's committee. When she changed channels, there was another news channel talking about the best seller book, "Wonder Woman: Untold Stories of The First Superhero."

One of the news anchors, a young blonde woman, started talking about how the book revealed secrets about the superhero. She also mentioned how it became a best seller across the nation. The other news anchor, an older man with grey hair, introduced the author, Emmett Mueller. While both men were talking, Diana was astonished about not knowing a book about her was published. But then again, she was dealing with the footage being released.

Suddenly, the woman brought up Trasnia and asked Mueller if that event caused increased sales of his book.

"Elizabeth," Mueller answered with a grin. "I believe that terrible event made people realized how Wonder Woman is a massive threat to the mortal man. Of course, you didn't need to know that mutants like her are the most significant threat in human history. Look at the two brave NYPD officers that were murdered by a mutant. Then, we have the X-Men that champions and protects mutants. What if they decide that enough is enough and fight back against us? Well, I hope that our government does something before it comes to that."

Diana turned the television off in frustration after listening to Mueller's rant. She needed to focus on the committee without having insignificant thoughts in her head. Instead of getting some rest, Diana prepared for tomorrow; however, she wanted to take one last look outside. It was a beautiful night despite the city lights preventing some of the stars from appearing. After staring at the night sky for a few minutes, Diana went back inside and started writing out a rough draft.

Dunkirk // 1940
France was going to fall. Diana understood the harsh truth after learning that the Nazis successfully invaded the country. The French High Command knew that defeat was inevitable and gave up all hope despite her and Churchill's attempts at comfort. Now, the British were planning a daring evacuation without informing anyone. Diana was outraged when she learned that French and Belgian soldiers were being left behind. Naturally, she made her way to notify them of the evacuation, but she met resistance by someone close to her.

"Diana!" Steve Trevor shouted as loud as he could while running towards her. He took a moment to catch his breath and calmly said, "You cannot tell them about the evac."

"Why not?!" Diana asked, clearly angry.

"Because we have orders from-."

"Screw command! You are asking me to stay silent while thousands of young, scared men think there's no means of escape!" Diana interrupted and yelled at Trevor. She took a moment to collect herself and then started pleading, "For the love of Hera, please don't make me lie to them. I already lied long enough."

"I am sorry, but we have to keep on lying. And I know it fucking sucks, but we need soldiers to stall the incoming German forces. If there isn't any resistance, about four hundred thousand men will either die or become their prisoners. We need those French and Belgian soldiers to believe in the lie." Steve responded and tried explaining to Diana the reason for the Command's decision to not tell.

"I am sure that plenty of men will voluntarily stay behind-"

"Diana, that's foolish to believe that." Steve cold-heartedly said to Diana. "You said it yourself, these men are scared for their lives. And if there were a chance of escape, nobody in their right minds would stay here any longer and we won't have any protection. That means everyone is doomed."

"It isn't fair. We have been retreating and losing since Poland." Diana said depressingly as if she sounded tried.

"I know."

"Now, we are abandoning Europe to the hand of these Nazi bastards!" Diana cried out while waving one of their leaflets, showing that they were surrounded, at him. Then, she tore it into small pieces and threw them away.

"We aren't abandoning Europe. We need to regroup and come up with a better plan to retake it from the Nazis and beat them for good. And to do that, we need our boys back home. That means we have to make sacrifices to achieve a successful evacuation." Steve consoled.

Diana glanced at French soldiers carrying sandbags to form a makeshift defensive front. She breathed and looked back at Steve. "Then, I am staying behind."

"What?!" Steve was surprised by her announcement.

"If I have to lie, then I will standby their side while everyone else retreats." Diana explained her reasoning for staying with the soldiers.

Steve stared at Diana and begged her to not stay here.

"Why can't I?"

"Because the whole world needs you." Steve sighed and placed his hand on her shoulder. "They need Wonder Woman to be there for them now. Nobody, not even you, can withstand the German military. We need you to protect Britain from any threat it will face. And when we are finally ready, we will need you to help us fight back. I know that you don't want these men to risk their lives, but their sacrifice will save the expeditionary force."

Diana curled her hands, made a fist, and started squeezing as hard as she could. She knew that Steve was right, but it didn't give her the needed peace in her mind. She looked down at the ground and muttered, "You are right. Let's go back..."

"Thank you. I know this is hard, but I will make it up to you. I swear." Steve promised and started to make his way back to headquarters. Meanwhile, Diana turned towards the French soldiers finishing placing the sandbags. One of them saw Wonder Woman and waved at her while telling his pals about her. Each of the soldiers started to cheer on Wonder Woman and praising her heroic work.

She responded with a smile and said chirpy, "No, you are the real heroes! Keep on working!" Diana felt ill after the exchange.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Natty
Avatar of Natty


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Are you sure we need him?"

"Shut it, Rory."

"I just think we can do a bit better, that's all. And I'm pretty sure the Discovery Channel said that crickets aren't even a thing in the UK."

Their whispering was interrupted by the clanking of plates, as the creature in front of them began to tear into his food. It dripped manically from his pincered mouth like larvae as he did so. He hunched over the table as he ate, perching on his back spiny legs. His chitinous exoskeleton sloped across his body up to his head, where a large pair of insectoid eyes jutted around the room madly. His wings lay sleekly across his back, motionless bar the occasional flutter. He ate ravinishely as if feasting on his prey, drawing eyes from all around the room, who watched in a mixture of horror and confusion.

Illyana and Rory didn’t know what to expect when they initially asked if the insect wanted to meet, however, it certainly wasn’t going for a meal in his local pub. A swift stepping disc teleportation had transported the two to the English city of Canterbury in next to no time, and the creature’s distinct appearance had allowed them to find him almost immediately. The three sat across from one another at a small table in the centre of a large English pub. Cheap and uncheerful, the place was full of vomitous carpets, unmatching wood paneling, fruit machines, and all the shoddy artwork a cheap beer devotee could desire. It was certainly not the usual place to meet potential recruits in the war against Limbo.

Actually…” The Canterbury Cricket managed, taking a breather from the mess of food on his plate. “The cricket that forms my body came from the local university.

She lived a life of hardship and suffering before the Lord brought her to me.

Rory shuddered slightly as he watched the insect speak, a look of visible disgust across his face, which he quickly attempted to hide after receiving a look from Illyana. The Cricket’s appearance didn’t bother her too much. After a childhood of demons and monsters, it was surprising how normal these kinds of things quickly became.

Realizing he was being rude, Rory backed up his chair and rose to his feet.

I’m going to grab another drink.” He confirmed before heading off across the room, flashing the two with an apologetic face as he walked away.

I’m sorry about him.” Illyana apologized, turning her attention back towards the cricket.

Cricket simply smiled, his antennas flexing slightly as he did so.

No need to apologize, I’m used to people looking at me like that by now.” His voice was jovial, yet Illyana still couldn’t help but feel sorry for him.

I’m much happier though now.” He continued, offering her another smile. “Which is why I want to say to you, that that sadness inside you gets better.

Illyana froze as he spoke. It felt as if the words were cutting into her heart. How did he know how she was feeling? Was it really that obvious? Was there a dramatic tattoo saying she was damaged on her forehead? Her mind raced back to the rooftop from when she had first met Rory. The comment he had made about her soul. Was she really that broken?

No. She wasn’t. He was wrong. He had to be.

You don’t know anything about me.” The words left her mouth impulsively, her finger pointing at the cricket accusingly.

He retreated back slightly at her remark, surprised. Then after a moment of thought, he continued.

I know you’re scared.” He spoke firmly, raising his clawed arm to stop her when she attempted to interrupt. “I was scared too when this first happened to me. Obviously, our situations are very different, but I know how you feel. It’s tough.

Magik sunk back into her chair as he spoke. Her lip trembled, and all she wanted to do was call out and tell him he was wrong. But deep don’t she knew that he wasn’t.

You go around and the whole world thinks you’re a monster. No matter what you do. No matter how many people you save. They’ll always define you by your past. By how you look. By where you grew up. But Magik...

The Canterbury Cricket reared up from his chair and took Illyana’s hands into his own. They were cold and monstrous, yet she didn’t flinch.

They’re wrong. They’re all wrong. You are you, and you are beautiful. You’re not a monster.

Illyana couldn’t help but let a smile escape from her lips.

I want you to say it.

Illyana let out a confused laugh. “What?

I want you to say you’re not a monster.” The Cricket demanded, giving her an encouraging look.

I’m not saying that.” She scoffed.

Do it.

Fineee” She groaned childishly before beaming once more. Rising herself, she held the Crickets hand’s and spoke confidently.

I am not a monster.

A cold laugh cut across the room, silencing the murmurs of the pub’s patrons.

The axe blade cut through the Canterbury Cricket’s body like a knife through butter. He didn’t even have a chance to scream. The upper half of his corpse dropped onto the table before them with a loud thud, scattering the cutlery and plates over the floor.

Illyana just stood and watched. Everything felt numb.

Her eyes followed the blade up as the axe’s owner lifted it back into the air. When she saw them all she wanted to do was scream but no noise came when she opened her mouth. There was only pain.

The three figures before her stood tall and strong, towering above her menacingly. Their bodies were sheathed in scales of red and brown. Their eyes piercing and cold.

Hello poppet.” Spittle broke free from the jagged teeth of their leader, S’ym, as he spoke. “Did you miss me?

They were the Demon’s Three; Belasco’s royal enforcers.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Supermaxx
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Supermaxx dumbass

Member Seen 21 days ago


Viceroy City Police Department Viceroy City, South Carolina

Mitch's mouth had been dry for a good two hours, yet none of these kind officers had bothered to get him a drink.

It wasn't as if he hadn't bothered to ask, either. Quite the opposite, in fact, as the detectives that had been interviewing him could attest to: Mitchell Shelly had been asking for a cup for water since they had his ass dragged into the station. Wasn't the only thing he was telling them, either. He kept going on and on about how he was a 'superhero' and this entire thing was just a big misunderstanding. Cape Imposter Syndrome was a tale as old as time the world over, but Viceroy had seen a significant uptick in crazies since the town started to swirl down the shitter.

"I could really use that drink." He muttered again, his lips hidden behind the thick curtain of blond locks that Mitch called 'hair.' His head was angled down, giving him a view of his torn-up work boots and equally worn blue jeans.

It'd been a long day for Shelly, better known in Viceroy City- and beyond- as the Resurrection Man. He'd lost count of how many times he'd died this time 'round. Too many to remember, 'specially when his brain was splattered on the concrete half of those times. Difficult to recall things when the thing holding one's memories is busy looking like somebody dropped ground beef all over the street.

"Shut your fucking gob about it already. Tt ain't happening." The detective across from him snarled.

Mitch had to admit, for how obnoxious this guy was, he at least kept to character. He hadn't once dropped the 'grizzled old cop' act in all the time they'd known each other- it wasn't much more than a hundred and twenty minutes, but still! It was a thing to be lauded, if nothing else.

"You've been playin' coy with us for two god damn hours. Two. But we need answers, n' we need 'em now. And you're gonna give 'em if you ever wanna see the light of day again. Why'd you kill those people?"

"You're sneaking in the conclusion, detective," Mitch waggled a finger in his direction, "'cause I didn't kill anyone."

"Bullshit!" He snapped, slamming his palm against the table. "We found you with over thirty bodies!"

"And I was among the victims!"

"There wasn't a scratch on you, but you should be fuckin dead."

"Because I'm-"

"-Resurrection Man," he screamed over Mitch's tired point. "You told us the first two hundred and eleven fucking times!"

"I told you, I can prove it!" Shelly protested.

"We aren't going to shoot you, you crazy bastard!"

Both parties let out an exhausted sigh, the cop practically leaping out of his chair. They weren't getting anywhere with this, yet it was the only lead they had. There wasn't an ounce of evidence that anyone else had been at the scene, and this 'Resurrection Man' literally had the murder sitting a few feet from him when they arrived. The VCPD officer wasn't sure what the perp had been trying to pull by putting himself in a bloody shirt and laying among the dead, but they hadn't found even an iota of damage to his body; he had to be their guy. Wasn't any other option.

"I need to take a leak. Take this opportunity to decide how you'll be decoratin' the concrete cell you'll be spending the rest of your life in." The frustrated officer waddled out of the room like a child that got the wrong happy meal, slamming the door shut behind him.

Or he tried to, at least, until a hand shot between the door and it's frame at the last second.

Two men who didn't look at all like police officers slipped their way into the room, completely ignored by the detective they walked past. Mitchell made eye contact with each of them, more than a little confused by their presence. "You lawyers?"

"Strictly speakin', no." Jim Corrigan took the lead, sauntering forward and plopping down in the detective's former seat like a man without a trouble in the world. He whipped a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, struggling to pick one out with his shaking fingers. "But we did get your call."

Mitchell shifted in his chair, his eyes dashing between the two strange strangers. "Uhh...I didn't get a phone call."

The man in green started patting down his other pockets in search of his lighter, talking over the stick jammed between his teeth. "Not that kinda call. Y'know-" Jim placed his palms together and bowed his head slightly, glancing up at Shelly to see the recognition dawn on his face.

"You guys are angels?" He asked, somewhere between awe and disbelief.

"Just call me Michael. My friend here is Gabriel." Corrigan motioned to the old man still standing near the door. "You, uh, you got a lighter? Must'a left mine back at the pearly gates-"

"-Leave the poor man be, Corrigan." The other man finally spoke up, seeming to break out of whatever trance had kept him hovering passively near the entrance.

His appearance surprised Mitch. His shoulders were hunched and his body thin, almost frail; the brown suit he wore was cheaply made and ill-fitted his tiny frame. His hairline had retreated a little too far up his head for comfort and the grayed locks that remained were slick with sweat. It wasn't what Shelly expected the famed biblical messenger to look like in the slightest- he so was...underwhelming.

Kent didn't acknowledge Mitchell's gaze as he leaned over the table to light Jim Corrigan's cigarette with just a snap of his fingers. Once that was finished and the vessel for the Wrath of God had given his nod of thanks, Nelson began to settle down into a chair that hadn't been there a second before. It's appearance was so sudden that Shelly thought he'd just missed seeing it before, despite the fact that he'd been sitting in that God forsaken room for two hours and he was sure there'd only been two chairs in there.

"So, uh, if ya'll aren't angels then...what are ya?" Shelly asked, leaning forward in his seat.

Nelson furrowed his brow and looked to Corrigan, confused. "I thought you said you two had met previously?"

"Naw," Jim shook his head. "Not me. He's been brained, splattered and chewed up by other Spectres, jus' not me. Pleasure to make yer acquaintance, Mitchy ol' boy!"

Mitch let out a panicked scream. He attempted to retreat away from the table only to find himself jerked back to it by the binds on his hands and feet. "Why the hell is a Spectre here?!"

"Well he's in a mood, in't he?" Corrigan puffed air out of his nostrils.

"We had a deal, man! I haven't done jack shit!"

"You called us, asshat."

"Enough, both of you." Kent snapped. Mitch's screaming had given him one hell of a headache, and Corrigan's incessant need to antagonize and provoke for his own jollies was rapidly getting on Nelson's nerves. "Sit back down. He won't hurt you." He promised, tapping his fingers against the table. "Right, Corrigan?"

The Spectre just shrugged. "Couldn't if I wanted to. Contract's bindin', pal. Big Guy doesn't break covenants, it's sorta his shtick."

Hesitant at first, Mitch eventually rejoined them, though he was considerably jumpier than when they'd first arrived. The three sat in relative silence for a few moments. Corrigan was staring at Shelly with ravenous eyes and Mitch looked ready to make another break for it if Jim so much as coughed wrong. And Kent had the pleasure of sitting between them.

"Shelly." Nelson spoke quietly, drawing Mitch's eyes away from Corrigan and toward him. "Why did you need help? Why did you call for us?"

"I..." His voice caught in his throat. "I don't know what it was, but something...attacked a crowd, here, in the city. I tried to stop it, but it- it was like nothin' I've ever fought before. And I've fought some gnarly shit in my day. Don't know how many times I went at it, my..uh...my memory isn't so good after a couple of deaths. But I remember it hitting like a truck. And everything was- well, everything was on fire."

"Is that what the detective was interviewing you about?" Nelson quietly asked.

Mitch nodded. "I didn't know who else to call. If I could handle it myself, I would, but I just- can't."

Kent gave a side ways glance toward his partner. The Spectre alone was powerful enough to tango with whatever monstrosity from beyond the veil that Mitch had ran into. Nelson likely wouldn't even have to don the Helmet if everything went according to plan. "You did your best, Shelly, that's all those people could've asked for. We'll help you, but we need to know where we're going."

The immortal vigilante's eyes lit up like Christmas trees. "A, uh, Walmart not too far from here. Just a few blocks."

Jim let out a snort. "Guess we're goin' 'ta go fight a demon in Walmart now. Sounds like my average Tuesday night."
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