Basic Information
Superhero/villain Name: Green Lantern
Civilian Name: Preston Westfield
Origin city/Planet: Vespasi, Sector 2814
Hometown: New York City, New York
Sex: Male
Race: Human/Vespasian Hybrid
Height: 5'11
Weight: 158lbs
Age: 24
Birth Date: April 17th
Costumed Appearance: Green Lantern Uniform
Civilian Appearance: Preston Westfield

Costumed Personality: See: Civilian Personality
Civilian Personality: Preston is paired with a strange combination of undaunting determination and distracting curiosity. Once he gets set on something, he will stop at nothing to see it through, but that doesn't mean he doesn't attempt to manage multiple fixes at once. This can lead to him confusing and distracting himself, though the information that he learns while on these various quests.
Super abilities:
-Skills: Combative prowess - Raised on Vespasi, Preston's body has been turned into a fine tuned weapon. Though not a master of combat, Preston can surely hold his own as a fighter.
Intergalactic charter - Being raised by a green lantern, you see many places. Preston's knowledge of the cosmos served him well before he took the ring, and seldom requires its autopilot feature to get him places.
Willpower - With an indomitable will, Preston refuses to stop or give up on anything or anyone. His tenacious mind partnered with a durable and hearty body make for a fierce warrior.
-Powers: flight - The limits of his flight speed is questionable at best, but Preston's ring allows him to visit sister star systems, other galaxies, and even other sectors of the known cosmos in a mere fraction of the time that would normally be thought possible.
Energy construct generation - Through the ring, Preston can make anything he wants, and use it rightly so as long as he understands how it works in theory. The strength and durability of the constructs is heavily dependent on his state of mind, and can be weakened or strengthened depending on how he is.
Civilian Occupation: Currently None
Character History/Origin: Preston Westfield was born on his mother's homeworld, Vespasi. He always stood out, from the moment he was born. Despite his mother being a full blooded Vaspasian, and one of the finest warriors the planet had seen, Preston himself was not. His father, Morgan Westfield, was a human through and through. Despite what the Vespasian people thought of Preston, his ambitions were much higher than his home.
His father was a Green Lantern, the protector of their sector of space, and a legendary hero in the cosmos. Why Morgan had left earth so long ago to pursue a life in the stars, Preston didn't know, but he always heard the stories of the Wondrous Emerald Knight. Morgan was once a hero of earth, and apparently was a champion serving along side like minded others. He knew the stories, he knew many of the Green Lanterns. Hell, Morgan had even snuck Preston onto Oa once to see the sights.
The Vespasian people were fierce warriors, not unlike the Romans or the Spartans of earth. Armed with both the wisdom of their ancestors and cutting edge technology, the Vespasian people thrived and intertwined themselves with technology, allowing for hybrid children like Preston to exist in the first place. Preston was a mighty warrior like his mother, and had the cunning and will of his father. His teenage years were brash, reckless, and without regret.
The death of Morgan Westfield was one shrouded in mystery. One day, the Power Ring arrived on Vespasi, searching out Preston. He and his mother were distraught, but the honor of succeeding his father was something he could not ignore or deny, even in mourning. He accepted the ring and came to Oa, desperate for answers. However, the answers never came. The Guardians of the Universe were shifty on the details of Morgan's death, and refused to be direct with Preston lest he fall to a path like his Godfather Sinestro. Preston would have to find things out himself.
But before he could hunt the cosmos for the answers he craved, he was handed his ass in training. His personal desires clouded his mind, leaving him unable to perform at the high standards his late father had unknowingly put before him. There was only one logical solution to the problem. Send him to Earth.
The other Green Lanterns could handle a little more territory than normal, at least until Preston had his bearings and was up to par. For now, Preston was bound for Earth, ready to train and prove to everyone that he is deserving of his father's mantle and the knowledge of what happened to him.
Optional information
Allies: Sinestro - Godfather, sometimes an ally, but don't bet on it. Preston still sees the good in what Sinestro is trying to do, and almost understands why as he too is face with opposition from the Guardians.
Hope Corgi - A little quadrapedal creature who was gifted a blue Lantern Ring. The little thing serves somewhat as a mentor and a caretaker to Preston, and though he himself would not admit it, Preston greatly enjoys the company he provides.
Team: Green Lantern Core
Other: Morgan Westfield Preston's father. The recently deceased Green Lantern has been the Talk of the Corps, mainly due to the fact that nobody knows how it happened. The ring reported his death, and that was that. Morgan, years and years ago, went by the name Emerald Knight during his first few years as Green Lantern, wanting his own name outside of the corps. By the time Morgan grew fond of the Green Lantern name, he was already a well established hero on his home planet, and couldn't really change it.