@ArkitektLet me know what I ruined!

Gender: Female
Age: 24
Race: Human
Origin: The Rigomar Islands
Attire: Hardened leather jacket with a hood, loose shirts, leather gloves, dark trousers, dirty boots, and a green scarf.
Demeanor: Devil-may-care, smug, and hotheaded.
Flaws: Pistols At Dawn— Respect is more precious than gold. Prudence will not ignore any insult, taunt, or challenge, and she’s quick to turn harmless words into deadly violence.
Me Knife’s Sharp! — And just her knife. Prudence isn’t a raving idiot, but she isn’t bright. Hell, she barely qualifies as dim, and that’s only on a good day. She illiterate, bad with numbers, and pretty easy to manipulate.
Might Makes Right [3] - Intimidation. A reputation for violence and an aggressive demeanor help make others susceptible to her whims. Rolls whenever Prudence attempts to strongarm an individual. Successes means she gets what she wants, within reason. Failures typically means she gets what she deserves.
Master Of Arms [1] - Weapon knowledge. A military background has made Prudence better prepared when it comes to fighting with more than small blades. Rolls whenever Prudence picks up a new weapon. Successes knock the -2 Modifier of fighting with unfamiliar weapons down to a -1.
Just A Scratch [4] Toughness. Prudence can take some pretty meaty wallops before her body gives in. Rolls whenever Prudence attempts something that’d end up getting herself hurt. Success means she takes less harm. Doesn’t roll when someone attacks Prudence.
Soldier On [4] Athletics. Prudence doesn’t necessarily treat her body like a temple, but it seems to be carved out of similar materials. Rolls whenever Prudence attempts to use her speed or strength to accomplish something demanding.
Honor Is Dead [3] Sucker punch. The easiest fights to win are the ones where the other bastard doesn’t even know there is one. Rolls whenever Prudence initiates combat against an opponent. Successes deal significant harm.
Prudence deserted the Rigomar Merchant Navy two years ago. It occurred during yet another routine trade run for the Pricer Company, a “family-owned” company that held a monopoly on just about all of the spice that came from the Rigomar Islands. Roberto Pricer, eldest son of Wyland Pricer and heir to the company, happened to be on the ship. He also happened to be a total asshole, and after a heated argument with Prudence over this and that he also happened to be really good at getting stabbed about six or seven times in the chest. Prudence realized her defense of “he had it coming” wouldn’t save her from the firing squad, so she took a dinghy and rowed to the nearest town. From there she stowed away on a ship and ended up in Gullian.
Nearly delirious from dehydration and half-starved, the first door Prudence stumbled through on the docks was the Red Sail Brothel. Madame Fontaine gave her food and water and offered her a place to stay, and like a fool Prudence thought this was some kind of altruism. It was only a few weeks later when Prudence had regained her full strength that the Madame hit her with the bill. Without any money she had no hope of repaying Fontaine , so her debtor proposed another deal. Prudence vehemently disagreed at first, thinking that Fontaine was talking about her becoming a whore, but Fontaine laughed her off. She didn’t need a whore; she needed an enforcer. Fontaine had recognized Prudence’s jacket as being Merchant Navy, and she figured having a professional soldier on her side might give her the leg up on her peers. In return for free room and board, plus a little spending dough, Prudence just did whatever Fontaine ordered her to do. In a way, it was no different than the military. It wasn’t an awful option for it being the only one. Prudence took it.
The last two years have been pretty good for Prudence and Madame Fontaine. Prudence has grown fiercely loyal to the Madame, and Fontaine sees to covering for Prudence when her impulsiveness draws the wrong kind of attention. As well as doing dirty work for Fontaine and extending her influence outside of the Brothel, Prudence regularly assists in security at the Brothel and holds the same protective stance like her boss has towards the other girls. Fontaine might be the one who marks those who would harm her girls, but Prudence is the one who holds them down.
-Hooded jacket. Quite worn, but made of hard leather so if offers some protection.
-Set of clothes. Decent quality, nothing exciting.
-A dagger. Standard iron, well used.
-Blackjack/sap. Fontaine doesn’t always want bloodshed.
-Utility belt. Scabbards for her dagger and a pouch for coins and small items.
-Silk scarf. Green. A gift that holds some sentimental value. Worn over her belt.

Prudence Stolz
Ammunition: 0
Ammunition: 0
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Race: Human
Origin: The Rigomar Islands
Attire: Hardened leather jacket with a hood, loose shirts, leather gloves, dark trousers, dirty boots, and a green scarf.
Demeanor: Devil-may-care, smug, and hotheaded.
Flaws: Pistols At Dawn— Respect is more precious than gold. Prudence will not ignore any insult, taunt, or challenge, and she’s quick to turn harmless words into deadly violence.
Me Knife’s Sharp! — And just her knife. Prudence isn’t a raving idiot, but she isn’t bright. Hell, she barely qualifies as dim, and that’s only on a good day. She illiterate, bad with numbers, and pretty easy to manipulate.
Might Makes Right [3] - Intimidation. A reputation for violence and an aggressive demeanor help make others susceptible to her whims. Rolls whenever Prudence attempts to strongarm an individual. Successes means she gets what she wants, within reason. Failures typically means she gets what she deserves.
Master Of Arms [1] - Weapon knowledge. A military background has made Prudence better prepared when it comes to fighting with more than small blades. Rolls whenever Prudence picks up a new weapon. Successes knock the -2 Modifier of fighting with unfamiliar weapons down to a -1.
Just A Scratch [4] Toughness. Prudence can take some pretty meaty wallops before her body gives in. Rolls whenever Prudence attempts something that’d end up getting herself hurt. Success means she takes less harm. Doesn’t roll when someone attacks Prudence.
Soldier On [4] Athletics. Prudence doesn’t necessarily treat her body like a temple, but it seems to be carved out of similar materials. Rolls whenever Prudence attempts to use her speed or strength to accomplish something demanding.
Honor Is Dead [3] Sucker punch. The easiest fights to win are the ones where the other bastard doesn’t even know there is one. Rolls whenever Prudence initiates combat against an opponent. Successes deal significant harm.
Prudence deserted the Rigomar Merchant Navy two years ago. It occurred during yet another routine trade run for the Pricer Company, a “family-owned” company that held a monopoly on just about all of the spice that came from the Rigomar Islands. Roberto Pricer, eldest son of Wyland Pricer and heir to the company, happened to be on the ship. He also happened to be a total asshole, and after a heated argument with Prudence over this and that he also happened to be really good at getting stabbed about six or seven times in the chest. Prudence realized her defense of “he had it coming” wouldn’t save her from the firing squad, so she took a dinghy and rowed to the nearest town. From there she stowed away on a ship and ended up in Gullian.
Nearly delirious from dehydration and half-starved, the first door Prudence stumbled through on the docks was the Red Sail Brothel. Madame Fontaine gave her food and water and offered her a place to stay, and like a fool Prudence thought this was some kind of altruism. It was only a few weeks later when Prudence had regained her full strength that the Madame hit her with the bill. Without any money she had no hope of repaying Fontaine , so her debtor proposed another deal. Prudence vehemently disagreed at first, thinking that Fontaine was talking about her becoming a whore, but Fontaine laughed her off. She didn’t need a whore; she needed an enforcer. Fontaine had recognized Prudence’s jacket as being Merchant Navy, and she figured having a professional soldier on her side might give her the leg up on her peers. In return for free room and board, plus a little spending dough, Prudence just did whatever Fontaine ordered her to do. In a way, it was no different than the military. It wasn’t an awful option for it being the only one. Prudence took it.
The last two years have been pretty good for Prudence and Madame Fontaine. Prudence has grown fiercely loyal to the Madame, and Fontaine sees to covering for Prudence when her impulsiveness draws the wrong kind of attention. As well as doing dirty work for Fontaine and extending her influence outside of the Brothel, Prudence regularly assists in security at the Brothel and holds the same protective stance like her boss has towards the other girls. Fontaine might be the one who marks those who would harm her girls, but Prudence is the one who holds them down.
Personal Effects:
-Hooded jacket. Quite worn, but made of hard leather so if offers some protection.
-Set of clothes. Decent quality, nothing exciting.
-A dagger. Standard iron, well used.
-Blackjack/sap. Fontaine doesn’t always want bloodshed.
-Utility belt. Scabbards for her dagger and a pouch for coins and small items.
-Silk scarf. Green. A gift that holds some sentimental value. Worn over her belt.
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