Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Seraph shook her head at Nathan's question. "That rain is as much a problem for them as it is for us. Frankly if the rain hadn't flooded the forests, there would be plenty of food to forage there too. Not to mention I've seen a Rain Dance preformed before, but not this intense or for this long. There has to be a pokemon every one-hundred meters or so doing a rain dance for days on end. Even pokemon who could naturally summon a raid storm wouldn't be able to cover this whole area this badly. Unless well... It's a powerful one." Seraph listened to everyone as they offered to help. She had a small smile on her face, pleased to hear this. "I know Mr. Merc wouldn't want any of us to leave to look into this right now. Too dangerous. If Mrs. Mimi was here I'd gladly go out and find out what's been happening myself. But since you all are here I think we can work something out. The ghosts will be a problem, but I have an idea that'll help you all fight them. We can't do it tonight since it's late, but tomorrow first thing in the morning I'll be teaching you all a move that should help you against both the ghosts, and any pokemon who might fight us. For now rest up here. I'll bring out some blankets."

Meanwhile as everyone was enjoying their meals, Munchi gladly took Ravi's bowl when offered, scarfing it down and licking it clean. He gave a satisfied burp before falling over on his side and quickly falling asleep. Vi would be able to consume food normally too, and it felt satisfying as one might expect when you eat food. It didn't feel quite the same as how she passively consumed emotions, but it fed her hunger either way. As for Nathan, being a seedot was weird, but he would have the biologicaly knowledge that his "mouth" was located at the bottom of his head, roughly where his chin would be. It was a bit odd considering that he was effectively a head on wobbly legs, but it would have to due.

Seraph and Honey would leave to get some blankets. They could only manage to get three, but they also brought some firewood to keep the fireplace warm and a few more cushions. Honey tottered forward laying out the bedding. "Um... Tomorrow, I'll also be going to the forest and getting some mushrooms for more soup. I'm pretty fast so I can usually go on my own, but the mushrooms near the house are all gone now. I'll have to go deeper so... If you all could come with me, that'll be great! We can after Seraph teaches you all that new move." Honey yawned as Seraph held the buneary close. "We should go to bed now Honey. Don't mind Munchi, he's actually a very quiet and heavy sleeper. He can be very comfortable to sleep on as long as he doesn't roll on top of you. Anyways I'll see you all in the morning."

Soon the two would leave the party on their own. There was no sun to tell the time, but after the intense fight with those murkrows and the general discomfort of sleeping on a dirt floor, the house was soothing and would easily lure any of the pokemon to sleep. Still they were free to discuss things among themselves and the fire was going strong enough that it'll last some time before it would need more firewood. With full bellies and a plan, tonight's sleep would be fitful and without any threats or unusual occurrence. At least, none that anyone would remember.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 1 day ago

Okay so it sounded like Sunny Day wasn't gonna be much help with this much rain. As Nathan tried to think of something else to help the farm he also tried to figure out how to eat the soup, his mouth being as low as it was wasn't a big deal when it came to berries and it definitely wasn't the main concern here. "Okay, how should I do this with no hands?" His question wasn't aimed at anyone in particular and he hoped someone would have an idea.

Eventually he managed to use his feet to tip the bowl just enough that he could drink out of it, but he had to be careful or else he would either spill the soup or burn himself.

After Seraph and Honey brought the blankets Nathan picked out a spot that wasn't close enough to the fireplace that he risked getting burned but also not far away enough that he would be cold. After he made sure Munchi was asleep he spoke up. "This storm might be far worse then they realize. I only know of two instances that sound like this, the first two movies. And both times the storm was likely to cause global damage."

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 11 hrs ago


Even Ravi was a little impressed by how fast both the bowl and Munchi hit the ground. His group appeared to give off a good first impression from the looks of the older ones’ smiles. In silence his head turned away from everyone and let out a trembling exhale to lose his inside jitters. Facing forward to smile brightly at the adults going to grab some blankets, the word alone brought him comforting thoughts that only would be better when he slept without worrying about staying warm if the fire goes out. Forcing his voice to squeeze out every drop of sweetness to make lemonade of his sour situation. “Thanks! That would be lovely!”

He immediately coughed then attempted to clear his throat, giving himself a gentle reminder. “Eh. Note to self, remember to breath before speaking...” To avoid further issues, he waited for their return to quietly watch them laying out three covers that they needed to divvy among themselves. An easy solution ticked off in his brain, seven of them and Vi wouldn’t need it. So two could share and curl up beside each other — which sounded quite cozy indeed. Despite Nathan’s attempt to start a dialogue, due to how sluggish a few were acting, Ravi recognized that discussion would have to come later. After mentioning their morning plan to scavenge the forest for mushrooms, the adults also excused themselves for the night. It sounded like the perfect way to repay their kindness, for granting the whole team a far superior shelter than the cramped cave.

“Goodnight.” Ravi yawned. Though even sleepiness hadn’t softened his scary grin at the others, as he began to slither underneath a blanket. “Ssso, who wants to cuddle up with me? I promise I don’t bite.

Despite the obvious attempt to be playful, his tone made it almost impossible from anyone not to be dubious. But if it helped them sleep at night, Ravi would soon go out like a light and wouldn’t stir until sunrise...
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Seeing that she could eat physical goods, Vi immediately ate the rest of the soup. Good information to know. Perhaps something would happen if she continued feeding off of the emotions of others? Maybe something she'd need to test later. Oh well. For the most part, She passed the rest of the meal in silence, preferring to listen to the others, and soon they were done. Honey and Seraph brought some blankets for them, and she gratefully accepted one. Not that she probably needed it.

"Beats me, seedling." Vi replied to Nathan's question. "Dunno much about pokemon stuff so I can't say. Glad to know I can eat normal food at least." He was right though, this storm seemed unnatural by most standards, plus there were those creepy ghost things that attacked them the other night.

Hm, what to do, what to do~

"...Well, for now we should probably all get some sleep." First thing she was going to do tomorrow, was wake up early and see if she could actually phase through objects like any self respecting ghost should be able too. She plopped herself down onto the floor next to Ravi, completely unconcerned, intending to sleep the rest of the night away.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zanavy
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Zanavy slightly derpier than the setting

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Jeri listened to Seraph's soliloquy in stony silence. So, this place is a hellworld for its native inhabitants, too. At least, it had become so recently. Jeri had hoped other Pokémon would know what to do about their weird dimensional travel situation. But it seemed there were many strange events even lifelong Pokémon couldn't explain.

"Much appreciated," she responded politely as the farm dwellers provided information and provisions. Now that Jeri was in a warmer and safer place, her temper had softened quite a bit.

Jeri carefully tilted her soup bowl back with her mouth so she could pour a small stream inside. Strange, how so many of her companions happened to lack hands... and of COURSE, pretty much every other Pokémon they encountered had something at least close to hands. Well, hopefully Jeri would gain some appendages whenever she evolved into whatever Dunsparce evolves into.

"I hope that move is pretty good," Jeri said to the group in general. She wriggled underneath the third blanket. "Maybe, with more people- uh, Pokémon- everyone can try to do somethin' more than just survive another day."

With that, Jeri relaxed and closed her eyes.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Trevor didn't know why, but he found himself suddenly quite shy of these new pokemon. How, though? He was just fine around the pokemon he literally met yesterday... what was so different, today? He thought about this while he ate his soup... it wasn't a flavor he liked, but he was so lost in thought that he didn't even notice. Ravi offered his portion to someone else, which was probably something Trevor would have done if he wasn't in this condition, and then he overheard something about rain storms... constant rainstorms for weeks. There's really only one answer for that: Kyogre... or maybe even Primal Kyogre. Trevor thought. Kyogre, the legendary guardian of the sea would be impossible for Trevor to fight, primal or not, since, not only did it have a type advantage against him, but it also summoned rain wherever it visited, and if it were still in his primal form, that rain would never go away, and would make Sunny Day completely useless. Everyone talked about the weird zombie pokemon for a bit, and they implied that they were a recent thing, so, at least he wasn't alone on being completely in the dark about them when he first saw one, and eventually, it got late, with the buneary telling them that she was planning to go collect some more mushrooms tomorrow. There were a few blankets being passed around, and unfortunately, Trevor missed his chance at one, so, he had to sleep close to the fire as a result. Oddly enough, this didn't really bother him too much. He was going to tell his team how they should help her out, but, well... he must have been more tired than he thought he was, since he just... fell asleep, right then and there.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Celina kept eating her soup before finishing and hearing what the group said and what Honey said about going to get some mushrooms for soup. She looked at her calmly. “Sure.. I could go with you tomorrow morning.. the least I could do for all the help you gave us.” She then says calmly to her before listening to what the group had to say and hearing what Ravi had to say about cuddling. She looked at him unsure slightly and though about it. She then looked the group. “Considering my wings…. I think some people could come sleep on them if you feel like it… I mean... they are like pillows, so why not. “ she says smiling, moving her wings around and going to head to bed afterwards. Tomorrow was going to be a big day, that Is for sure and she knew she had to help this family as much as possible. Never know, maybe she could see fruits high in a tree that was not taken yet and bring it to Honey tomorrow. When she gets to her designed bed, she fluffs up her wings a bit and relaxes, closing her eyes to go sleep. She kept telling herself that tomorrow was going to be new day. And she still had to figure out if there was a way back home or if she was stuck here forever.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

As the party laid down to rest, the warmth from the flame, their blankets, and the cushions would ensure a restful sleep. Even the rain which had once threaten to chill their bodies or even drown them in a torrent of water became something more akin to a lullaby. But not all was normal tonight. As they slept everyone would get a strange dream. A vision of the forest outside, almost as if they were running full speed. They would spot a black dog snarling viciously at them as flames shot from it's mouth. They would then see a strange warrior leaping from the trees to kick them, only for you to narrow dodge. And finally you'd see a mansion. A massive place made of stone, brick, wood, and glass. Compared to the humble home you're in now this place was a veritable fortress. In a lightning's flash you could see three round figures standing behind a glass window on the top floor. And then you'd wake up.

You'd be awoken by the sound of Munchi dropping a log into the fire. Some of you may wish to continue resting once you figure there was no threat, but it would seem that the rest of the household was also active. Merc simply came into the room and picked up the rock that Muchi had been sleeping with while Honey and Seraph prepared a light breakfast made from yesterday's leftovers. There was unfortunately not enough to make it as thick as last night, and today's stew was very watered down. Additionally in order to conserve supplies, instead of being given small loafs of bread, everyone only received a toasted slice. Still food was food.

Once everyone had eaten up, Seraph goes over the plans for today once more. "The rain still hasn't let up, but that's no surprise. Still we can train in this weather. Outside Mr. Merc and I set up a few targets to practice with. Once we're done practicing, Honey will head into the forest to do some foraging. Feel free to go with her, as for myself I'll be staying here with Mr. Merc and Munchi to defend the house, and try to salvage anything around the farm. When you're done, just meet me outside." Honey would also volunteer to clean up your dishes as Munchi finished off what leftovers wouldn't be good to keep anymore. Outside Seraph stood with a makeshift umbrella made of a large leaf on a stick.

"Now since you're young, I'll try to keep this simple. Today I'll be teaching you how to use a move called Hidden Power. Just about every pokemon can learn Hidden Power, though some are more adapt to it than others. It's a special attack, so those of you who rely more on physical strength might find it lacking. Still if you're facing those ghost pokemon, it's better than nothing." Seraph held her hands close to her chest, and with great ease she was able to create a small blue colored orb in her hands. "The unique thing about Hidden Power is that each user has a unique element when they use it. Some of you might have a fire element, some of you might have a dark element. It's not always similar to your actual pokemon's element either, for example mines is water. Now manifesting your Hidden Power is... Complicated, but at the same time once you get a hang of it it's very easy. First you need to focus. Calm your mind. You mustn't think of anything, not even about Hidden Power. You need to empty your thoughts first, and once you do you've taken your first step to harnessing this power."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 1 day ago

It seemed the others wanted to sleep instead of talking about the storm, while Nathan didn't agree with it he understood that everyone was tired and didn't try to force a conversation. The next morning he had forgotten most of his dream, like usual.

Honestly the stew last night already wasn't great and watering it down didn't make it any tastier. Still there weren't a lot of options for food so Nathan didn't complain and ate it all.

Once everyone was done with breakfast Seraph led them outside and told them about Hidden Power. Nathan was happy for the explanation since he had gotten it mixed up with Secret Power, and this saved him having to think up an explanation for knowing about that.

Before Nathan tried emptying his mind he asked the Kirlia the first two questions that popped into his head knowing they would be bugging him too much otherwise. "Does having Hidden Power help you learn moves of the same type it is? How about ranged moved in general?"

Despite his best efforts the Seedot's mind kept going into circles and the same thoughts kept popping up, namely how worthless he had been against the red eyed Pokémon, the storm somehow getting strong to destroy the entire world, the question what type his Hidden Power, whether or not he could get nutrients by hanging from a tree which would mean he wouldn't be a burden to the farm and of course how the rain sounded and felt.

After two hours he finally managed to materialize a blue orb from his forehead, though it was smaller than the one Seraph showed upon noticing his succes his concentration was broken and the orb popped, sending drops of water everywhere. It took him another thirty minutes to manage another Hidden Power but in order to launch it he tried head butting it towards the target which of course didn't work. "Hey Seraph do you have any tips on how to launch the orb without hands?"

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Zanavy
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Zanavy slightly derpier than the setting

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Jeri frowned at Seraph's guidance to 'empty your thoughts.' It sounded like some hippy meditation mumbo jumbo. Though, this was a new world with weird rules, so perhaps mumbo jumbo would actually do something here.

The Dunsparce tried very hard to focus on nothing. She couldn't think about her home. The big wrestling match she missed. She definitely couldn't think about the chilly raindrops that fell on her pancake body now and then. And she most certainly did not think about the crows, the zombies, the raining forever, and how stupid and frustrated she felt right now. Even as her mind faded to black for a second, Jeri realized with an audible huff that even blackness was a thing, and she wasn't supposed to think about things!!

The thoroughly frustrated Jeri opened her eyes a crack. Some of her companions were already starting to get ephemeral blobs of brief color. She briefly glared at them, then at Seraph, who talked like all this mind emptying stuff was so freakin easy!

Her fellow students may have had their lack of thoughts interrupted by a sudden sloshing sound as Jeri dug a hole into the soggy mud and followed her tail in backwards. She didn't care. Jeri just needed to be alone for a minute, away from the wind and possible threats, away from anyone who was getting this Pokémon stuff better than her. The dark, confining hole felt soothing to this Pokémon's instincts.

Don't think about Hidden Power, Jeri coached herself. One step at a time. Just stop being mad first.

Even that was easier said than done. But Jeri recalled her practice, her anger management skills from way back, before sports and high school, back when aggression was not acceptable for a little girl. Jeri breathed deeply and counted slowly from 10 to 1. As many times as it would take.

After several minutes, the emotions and numbers both numbed into vague form. All that remained was a little ball of ancient rage, small but dense, a core fragment that could never be removed...

Jeri opened her eyes to see a penny-sized ephemeral sphere floating in front of her face. A deep blue-violet mixed with small orange swirls. The instant an excited breath caught in her throat, the sphere exploded out with a roaring sound. The Dunsparce froze, wide-eyed for a second. Then she emerged from her hole, mud and a grin plastered on her face.

"Well, somethin' happened," Jeri remarked. "Not sure what type, but it was pretty dope. How 'bout y'all?"

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Somehow, Trevor woke up somewhat early, at least, compared to the others, which was certainly new for him. By the time he would have said something, or tried to wake someone else up, however, they were already talking about training everyone, and somehow, Trevor managed to say "Yeah... sounds like a good idea," though, he sounded far from confident, for some reason. He then followed the kirlia outside, and under the umbrella, where she started to explain how the move worked, and what it was. Trevor knew all about the second half of this, but the first half would be news to him, especially since the games never really went into detail on how pokemon learned how to perform their moves. Trevor simply nodded at the instructions, and tried to focus, tried to clear his mind, however, that was much more easily said than done. Certain thoughts like Why can't I seem to talk to these other pokemon? and I hope I don't disappoint my team with this... clouded his mind as he tried, and tried again, failing quite spectacularly, each time... worse, he HAD to figure out how to do this if he was ever going to properly learn Solarbeam, and there were only a handful of useful sets that didn't include SOME kind of grass-type move for a charizard. Thus, in a bid to try to win a war against his own issues, he kept at it, he kept trying to the point where it was starting to frustrate him, which, of course, only made things worse, and, after a while, likely after everyone else had already finished up with their training, he finally managed to calm himself down, and actually empty his mind... was this finally the one that was going to work? Was he finally going to be able to use this move that would be a gateway to other moves, such as solarbeam? Trevor went through with the rest of the motions whether or not it finally worked. What Trevor was unaware of was the fact that he had already launched his sphere of hidden power... missing the target due to his bad accuracy at any shooting range, and due to the fact that he had his eyes closed, but still. The orb he launched was a sort of yellowish green color... not grass, and certainly not electric, and probably less useful than either to a pokemon like him.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


As Celina woke up, she went to get a bit of food, hungry in the morning, a bit groggy cause of the night. She stayed calm and listened to what was being said before going to head outside and hearing what their teacher was saying. So… hidden power eh? That could be very interesting to get, that is for sure. She thought about it a bit before going to clear her mind. She stayed calm, feeling the rain and wind falling on her. It was a bit hard to not think of anything cause of the rain that was falling on her, but she stayed calm. After some time, she felt some energy in front of her. What she saw was a bright green orb of energy… that launched and lobbed straight to the floor once Celina saw it and lost concentration on herself. She frowned at this and shook her head. “I.. I will be guessing that was grass type.” She then said, shaking her head a bit, seeing some of the grass around where the orb fell just grow a bit to try to get to the orb that was once there. She breathes deeply and kept concentrating on this, staying calm as she went to keep practicing. She needed to master this move, cause grass type could be useful against water types that they might face considering all this rain. If they were to face someone that was really strong and was water type, it was best to get as many tools as possible to go and do this.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Vi woke with a dopey yawn, staring at the ceiling, still half asleep. Well now, that was the weirdest dream she had in awhile. How spooky. The Misdreavus pursed her lips as she pulled the covers off of her. Dreams were considered prophetic in some cultures, and considering the situation, she couldn't discount it as something of such a nature. Morning continued, and food was handed out. She could probably pass and still be fine, so long as she could get some from somewhere else. If they were heading out, it'd probably be easy enough to get some nourishment from them being spooked.

Hidden Power huh? When she followed the others outside for practice, Vi was somewhat familiar with such things. It was a common practice in meditative practices all over the world. She had tried it a number of times before, but back on earth such things were good for relaxing, but not much else except pseudo science, even if it was fun to imagine otherwise. In fact, didn't she already sort of do this before with whatever psychic attack she used before?


Well, one way to find out.

Vi closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath as she focused her mind, emptying it of all thoughts. Not too difficult of a task for her, of course, but it still took a few moments to get the feel of it. Cracking open an eye, she spotted a bright pink, sparkly sphere before it briefly fizzled out. Frowning, she attempted it once more. Keeping focus for longer caused the sphere to expand more, before she was able to launch it towards the target - barely missing and grazing it, the pink sphere exploding in with some sparkles.

"Huh, dunno what type that is but its kind of...sparkly?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 11 hrs ago


"Please move...”

Ravi’s thrashing movements were noticeable from underneath the blanket. Dreaming that everything besides his quivering tongue was immobilized and unable to flee the approaching flames. In reality, the nightmare had him scooched closer to the fire and contorted his body into a pretzel knot. Instantly undone as he was startled awake by a sudden noise and flash of intense heat. As a tiny spark erupted out after the log was dropped in, landing dangerously close to his tail that was poking out of the covers. Was he being attacked!? Eyes open as he sprung into action, making a scary face with a gaping maw ready to unleash a powerful hiss that instead sputtered into a silent sigh.

...Oh — it was only the adults wandering through the barn. His posture quickly relaxed as he looked around at his teammates with a smile, relieved that he hadn’t stirred them from their slumber. He wasn’t that much larger than they were, but he still found their tiny sleeping bodies precious to behold. Helping him pull some positive thoughts out for a pep talk. “Another wonderful day to be alive! Time to go make myself useful to my providers and companions! I can do whatever I put my mind to!”

But the adults seemed so busy that he didn’t wish to interrupt them by asking if they wanted help with anything. So he conquered that nagging feeling by slithering by and politely greeting each member as they woke up. “Morning,” followed by their name, “sleep well?” He didn’t care if the recipient was too drowsy to respond, as long as he shared his happy vibes. Interrupted by the smell of food getting brought to them, likely waking up the ones lagging behind. Impossible to have any expectations, since he didn’t eat last night, the food provided appeared perfectly sufficient to his eyes. Strongly deciding yesterday that it wouldn’t benefit him to be too gluttonous in the wild during uncertain conditions. His stomach would grow accustom to the amounts of food he was digesting and divide the energy accordingly. But eating when he wasn’t strictly hungry, caused two setbacks. First, his body got sluggish and he needed to stay speedy. The second was falsely prepping himself to expend more than what he’d normally take in. Seraph explaining that they planned to train them outside in the rain, as he enjoyed his breakfast, slurping down the bowl and swallowing the toast whole.

"An excellent idea. Maybe I'll offer to help Honey forage for supplies." Ravi thought.

Then Seraph went on to describe a Hidden Power, that unlike those that knew the games better, it was a concept that sounded completely foreign to him. But a leader wasn’t supposed to act clueless. So he carefully considered what should be asked about this move, without saying a stupid question. Perhaps, it would be beneficial to let the others speak up, so he could listen intently and piece together assumptions from the information. Though her advice to empty the mind and focus, contradicted his plan to cram it all in his head. So that’s what he did, imagining an orb to pop out of his forehead…how grotesque. What element would best synchronize with his abilities and prolong his survival? Surely, the most vital tool to a Seviper was having powerful venom and poison would be the inevitable answer.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 1 day ago

With Seraph's advice on how to aim Hidden Power Nathan went back to learning it. Unfortunately it took him some time to create the water orb again as he kept reminding himself to aim with his eyes and because he kept getting distracted by the semi-successful attempts of the others.

Eventually though after another thirty-seven minutes he finally managed to keep the orb lasting enough to aim at the target. Not wanting to wait too long and give it change to fade away or explode again Nathan tried to launch it soon as possible. He looked at the target with one eye closed to help him aim and tried to mentally force the attack towards it.

The orb moved somewhat erratically simply the Seedot couldn't stand perfectly still which slightly changed with part of the target he was looking at, but it seemed to be mostly on track. In the end though he whiffed it as the ball of water went just barely past it.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 19 min ago


Lance awoke to the sound of wood being dropped into the fire. It took him a moment to remember where he was, but the brief moment of confusion quickly subsided. The others seemed to have woken up at this time, as well. As their breakfast was handed out, Lance noticed that it was significantly less than they'd received last night. Of course, it was understandable. They'd already said they were short on food.

They had all headed outside soon enough, to a clearing with several targets set up around them. This new technique they were about to learn seemed simple enough. All they had to do was completely empty their mind, and she seemed to pull it off fairly easily. It quickly became apparent, though, that this was much more difficult than she made it look. Lance found that clearing his mind was much more difficult than it seemed. The more he failed, the more frustrated he'd become, which only made it more difficult. He had to take several breaks to calm himself, but eventually, he did manage something. A glowing green sphere appeared between his blades, and it made some kind of hum, almost like the buzzing of an insect. Lance was somewhat surprised at its sudden appearance, which, of course, caused it to disappear instantly.

The second attempt was much easier, now that Lance had some idea of how to pull it off. He knew what to expect this time, so it didn't immediately dissipate, either. He took aim at one of the targets, though he wasn't entirely sure how to aim it. The orb flew, headed to a spot nowhere near where he was trying to aim. Though it just barely hit the outer ring of one of the targets, it wasn't the one Lance was aiming for. It was only through luck alone that he'd managed to hit the target at all. "It may be a while before I can effectively use this in combat. Still, thank you for teaching this to us. You said it would help with the ghosts, yes?" It was clear that he would need to practice more, though at least now he had some way of harming the ghosts.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

It took a few hours and it certainly wasn't easy, but eventually everyone would learn how to summon their hidden power. At its very core, it was a glimpse of the "magic" of this Pokemon world, for lack of a better term. As Seraph explains it, "For many pokemon who can call forth different elements that they aren't naturally attuned to, being able to empty their thoughts until they can focus on the raw element they need is how a Pokemon like charizard can use dragon claw, even if charizards aren't dragon type. After all, such attacks aren't simply swiping your talons at the enemy and just hoping maybe they won't resist it. You need to be able to empty, focus, and then channel those raw elemental powers through your attacks. This is obviously very difficult which is why most Pokemon would never learn more than maybe three or four attacks like that."

At this point Honey came out to meet everyone out back wearing a large backpack. ”Hey everyone! If you’re done training, we should head out soon. I’ve been looking at the clouds and I think the rain will lighten up soon, so that’ll be a good time to go before the gale hits us hard. I also got some water for everyone, clean and refreshing!” Honey began passing around a covered bowl containing clean boiled water for everyone to drink. ”If there’s anything else you need to do, please hurry. I’ll be waiting by the south side over there.” Honey pointed towards the southern forest, where the cave was before Wendy brought them to the farm house. After everyone had their fill of water, Honey would leave and wait for them. Seraph herself went back inside to dry off and stay on watch. Merc had left to salvage what he can from his fields while Munchi was also on watch, albeit standing outside of the farmhouse armed with his rock.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 1 day ago

At first Nate was happy with Hidden Power simply because it gave him a way to fight if any more Ghost Bidoof showed up but he quickly realized how lucky he really was. Having a Water type move would give him an unexpected advantage against Fire types after all.

After Seraph was done with her speech and everyone had drank some of the water he really wanted to go back the target area and practice more moves but he and the others owed the farm residents and so he headed straight for the South side and Honey, hoping he would be of some help in combat this time. "Honey, are there plants and or mushroom we should avoid picking because they are poisonous or something?" He doubted that would be the case as the games at least didn't feature any dangerous plants, not counting certain Pokémon of course.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 11 hrs ago


On paper, it should’ve been a painless process for Ravi. Planning to will his desired element into being, by believing that there’s a hidden power lurking from within. In practice, it made the fear of failure all the more agonizing. “I can’t allow myself to be the one that failsss...” The last word trembled out like his tongue, before it flicked with determination and he quickly shifted focus. "Don’t whine. If a method I chose is failing, I’ll find another way to get results...” His thoughts then fractured into conjuring every possible option until something happened, but only produced a splitting headache. His pain fortunately fleeted fast, but this moment killed him slowly like poison when he realized nothing was accomplished after a whole hour had passed.

That was when Seraph’s advice suddenly struck at his core. “That’s it! I can’t be stubborn in this situation. Maybe I don’t know anything about this world — but I have to learn for everyone’s sake.” Closing his eyes and heavily sighing away his preconceptions, becoming very quiet and still. “Don’t think about how I’m channeling my energy. Don’t assume what element I need. Stifle your desires. Be entirely..." His speedy pulse was now under control.




Remaining motionless even as strange static shocks surged through his body. Was this an Electric current? His eyes and smile sparked to life, letting a short laugh escape. Feeling like he earned his peace of mind, he overcame any worries about Honey heading in the same direction that lead to the dangers they’d previously faced. It might’ve been too risky for her to go alone, but he could place his trust in her, himself and his friends new-founded abilities. Taking big gulps of water to save time, then slithering forward to meet up with the ones that had already entered the forest.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Curious, at least. Now that training was done, Vi was eager to see what else she might be able to accomplish. She could stay at the farmstead, but they looked like they could handle things. With Nate and Ravi slithering after Honey, there was also a good chance they could handle whatever it was tossed at them. Well, whatever. A few extra hands and a little paranormal activity never hurt someone in a rainy forest.

Following after Honey, Vi brought up the rear, chuckling lightly as she came up behind Nate, pulling lightly on his stem before floating past.

"I for one, would love getting my hand on some shrooms." Vi hovered in place, taking a quick look around the area. "Jokes aside, what are we looking for?"
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