Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 1 mo ago

While his siblings and esteemed ancestors were quarreling up a storm Yllwythyr felt relaxed to be in contact with the soil. It felt nice, different. He experienced his non-existent years melting away and his not so elderly bones being rejuvenated. The formless void and the indiscernable white fog were interesting at first. Their potential essentially limitless their promise fascinated the elderly looking young god. Yet ultimately they were nothing, they could not be touched and staring at the void gave him no pleasure. This soil, on the other hand, was nice. It was cool to the touch yet warm underneath the sun. It could actually be touched. Having a form was a relief. It might've limited one's potential yet the results were so rewarding. Yllwythyr preferred a potential that could be grasped by his own two hands rather than some ephemeral, untouchable void. In that moment he already made his decision. With a gesture which took exceptionally large effort of him, he closed his eyes and concentrated.

Yllwythyr tries to consolidate his claim over the Dominion of Earth
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by jimapple
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Amelia Thanks Illias and Laughs at Duhyxbin

Illias thank you so much for doing that. I was just inching to get my hands on him. Well since you do not want us here and I am sure all the rest wants to just get going to keep playing with molding dirt. Let us get started for the reason why we are all here. Let us talk about Domain distribution so we don't try to kill each other over it. So far these are the claims.

War - Amelia
Wisdom - Amelia & Duhyxbin
Life - Hum
Death - Hum
Earth - Yllwythyr

Then these are the ones unclaimed.

We don't have enough time before this time moves again. So can we start discussions on who gets what so that most of us are satisfied. I do want to let you all know that I did already spend a lot of power to consolidate War & Wisdom. If I am to forgo either one then I need to be somehow repaid.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


“Repaid” Ira murmured and paused. The anger from Amelia was almost infectious. The impatience from Elder God doubly so. Ira’s emotions were overwhelming. Together with her brothers and sisters, yet so far apart. “REPAID” Ira began to roar. “We have been repaid, sister.” With her Molten hand she began to gesture. “This is our payment. Our father’s gift.” Her voice once again grew louder, “Yet you and OTHERS take and take. Claim and steal. For fun or for glory. You do not SHARE father’s gifts. To WHOM must be repaid more so than those who have not yet gotten claims.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Antay Voices his claim

Seeing his brothers and sisters voices their claims over domains of existence, all that had been created by the All-father now claimed by those who were only his children. His inferiors, those who could not reach his power or magnitude of consciousness, yet they claimed. Antay was a man who wished to create to make and to perfect such creation, but then again what was he but a shard of the All-father, if he was to one day reach his heights, perhaps a minor thing would have to do for now.

"Brothers and sisters, the All-father is a master of creation due to him we and all that is exists. I cannot fathom the power needed to do as such, I strive to one day create a perfection such as that he creates. As such, I ask of you to allow me the stake on the creation of things on the material plan"

OOC: Antay claims smithing
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by jimapple
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Amelia Responds to Ira


“Repaid” Ira murmured and paused. The anger from Amelia was almost infectious. The impatience from Elder God doubly so. Ira’s emotions were overwhelming. Together with her brothers and sisters, yet so far apart. “REPAID” Ira began to roar. “We have been repaid, sister.” With her Molten hand she began to gesture. “This is our payment. Our father’s gift.” Her voice once again grew louder, “Yet you and OTHERS take and take. Claim and steal. For fun or for glory. You do not SHARE father’s gifts. To WHOM must be repaid more so than those who have not yet gotten claims.”

Ira if you don't want to claim anything then don't. I have used up power to try and consolidate Wisdom and War, I'm not just about to give it up for nothing. If all you want to do is praise the First Father I can tell you where he is.

Brother Antay claims smithing, does anyone have any concerns of such?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by jimapple
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double post.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Ira’s anger began to boil. Her hatred for her sister, whom she loved so dearly, yet despised so passionately in this moment that she could barely contain her rage. “SISTER” Ira caught herself, in a rare moment of self control. “I do desire to claim. But I desire for all my brother’s and sisters to have their own claims. There is one realm for each of us. One realm, one god. For now at least.” She then looked at each brother and sister. Those who have claimed and who have not. “If I am to rule a realm, then my guess would be that of flame and fire.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Schylerwalker
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The blank black stare of Xanaros swung slowly back and forth between the gods and goddesses gathered on Edenia. Long black claws clattered in a gesture of impatience on its bony knees, a sound like spider legs on stone. It listened to their claims and their grievances, their quarrels and their pride. Disgust and despair radiated off of the King in palpable waves; flowers and blades of grass turned monochromatic around it. After a while, it rose, and dramatically dusted off the dirt and dead plants off its legs. A brittle voice, dripping with loathing, came from everywhere and nowhere.

"I am the God of Nothing. It seems...unfitting for me to 'claim' one of these 'domains.' If nobody else does, I will claim the Domain of Destruction. Not that I care."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

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The grounds crust was breaking, saplings were blooming to life, forcing their way out of the soil and growing into monuments of nature. The forest grew around Morvakin, vivid shades of green curling towards them in a tender embrace. It would take time, but the formation of their domain was taking place. They could see it all, a vast map lay before them, of everything the world could be, and all of it was within reach beneath the earth.

They knew what they had to do. The beating heart beneath their feet yearned for a master, the right master to guide it, direct it. And who better than they? As wild as nature itself? Morvakin had heard the summons on the air and had denied them, returning instead to their den nestled amidst the green they had created. Preserving their strength, they prepared their claim, and when the challenge came they roared.

A primal roar that echoed across the world. At once a challenge and declaration. The Domain of Earth would be theirs.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 6 days ago

First Choices

"I will say, that as the Goddess who is most associated with wanting to Create and has demonstrated an affinity already - before all of you came to interrupt it - that I would hold domain over Life," spoke Illias. "Not to mention, I do not feel great comfort in allowing someone among us Mastery over both Life and Death..."

Namely she was directing her attention to Hum, whom was trying to do just that. "The Domain of Lightning is also mine to be. I will seek to both bring Life yet also judgement should it be needed..." she added. "Everything else, you can exchange among yourself. But Life and Lightning are mine..."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by jimapple
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These are the claims thus far

Illias thank you so much for doing that. I was just inching to get my hands on him. Well since you do not want us here and I am sure all the rest wants to just get going to keep playing with molding dirt. Let us get started for the reason why we are all here. Let us talk about Domain distribution so we don't try to kill each other over it. So far these are the claims.

War - Amelia
Wisdom - Amelia & Duhyxbin
Life - Hum & Illias
Death - Hum
Earth - Morvakin & Yllwythyr
Destruction - King in the Waste
Fire - Ira
Smithing - Antay

Then these are the ones unclaimed.

Hum as Illias claims Life and since you have claimed it as a joke are you willing to let Illias claim life solely.

Illias there is no lighting domain as I am aware.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ascendant
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Ascendant No One In Particular

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Hum chuckled, this meeting was not going particularly well, "As far as I can tell, no Domain currently belongs to any God. I see little point in simply relinquishing Life to Illias. Indeed, I have already spent a great deal of my Power on grasping this precious orb." The dark spirit held up the rapidly solidifying ball of light that was beginning to pulse as if it had its own heart beat, "I certainly wonder what concessions could be made in exchange... Hmmm..." Hum liked that his name was much like the sound of humming itself, his own name a bit of a joke in and of itself.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Ira had turned towards her brother. Who had horded this orb of light to which he so unsubtly referred to as life. “Again you all speak of reparations for your greed. Are you all so empty that you must gobble up what you can without thought, steal from your brothers and sisters?” Her body shifted, twisted, and boiled. “HUM this gift is not a joke. It is not a game. This is our chance at something. Something to be made. Do not make an enemy of your brothers and sisters. Do not breed conflict for a laugh. Let us at least seek to distribute to whom deserves and not who wants.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 6 days ago


Hum chuckled, this meeting was not going particularly well, "As far as I can tell, no Domain currently belongs to any God. I see little point in simply relinquishing Life to Illias. Indeed, I have already spent a great deal of my Power on grasping this precious orb." The dark spirit held up the rapidly solidifying ball of light that was beginning to pulse as if it had its own heart beat, "I certainly wonder what concessions could be made in exchange... Hmmm..." Hum liked that his name was much like the sound of humming itself, his own name a bit of a joke in and of itself.

First Insult

Illias looked rather peeved at his attitude, with others already having step foot onto her Island she was working it really hard not to banish them all from her presence and Island.

"So. You'd eagerly make me angry and make sure to sour your relationship with me for eons over your dumb jokes?" she growled. "Let me put it this way. Hand over the Domain and I shall hear out your ideas what you wished for it."

"Otherwise I will still attempt to do it by force. While you claim to eagerly want two Domains - you are splitting your power between two. You can't manage both while I only need to focus on one," she grinned. "Also we have plenty of brothers and sisters interested in Death - who are much more direct in their wish and application of it. Can your greedy nature hold back attempts from multiple angels?"

"Be polite...and I shall return the favor in the future," she said, winking at him. "Deny and you shall scorn me for a very long while..."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Schylerwalker
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A high, cold, cruel laugh echoed across the gathering. "Meaningless chatter. I had hoped to gather the measure of you all from this meeting. I have to say, this has all been most educational. Continue your bickering, 'brothers and sisters.'" With that, the King in the Waste performed a mocking bow, and once more ripped open a tear in the fabric of reality, pulled itself through, and was gone.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by DX3214
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DX3214 God-like Cyborg

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At the summit of Edenia, Duhyxbin for the beginning of the reunion to the current moment just listened to his siblings and reasoned the situation until Xanaros left

Blue flames began to rise from himself engulfing his body he picked his staff hit on the ground launching a beacon of blue flames to the skies and beyond saying "ENOUGH" in a voice that sounded like thunders roaring the flames then subdued and he said "Although I hate when we fight is not a time for conflict no domain is under control of someone here... YET we fight, insult, fight, Insult for what? We are all family here there are 12 known domains and we need to know how to split then or soon we will be splitting this world in half fighting amongst ourselves" he took a deep breath and begun to think
He then looked at Hum and said "Hum why do you seek command over both life and death that is my question to you because you seem to feel more inclined to be the god of deceiving" he then looked at Amelia and said "Amelia although I love you as my sister your attempt in taking control of the domain of wisdom made need to mine intervene as I don't believe you are ready for such a task..." he continued looking to all of his siblings "We are all given this world by our father but we cant start conflicting about what steps must be taken and what we should focus on first or simply who should hold two domains"
He then looked to mountain ranges of Edenia and said "In this world, we have plans of sculping it change it and putting creatures here but we can't start doing that if we start fighting... Brothers sister for a moment I ask all of you to simply lay down what you seek and put aside your ambition your "Fun" and your proudness for at least one second and for a split moment at least come together in an agreement" Duhyxbin lowered his staff again calm like when he arrived.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ascendant
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Ascendant No One In Particular

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Hum shrugged his shadowy shoulders, "None said I am 'eagerly' trying to make you angry. You are fully capable of doing that yourself." The shadowy God motioned towards Duhyxbin, "Practically attacked our brother was, for trying to bring us all together to discuss who gets what. Were it not for him, I would not be here to discuss your claim to Life. Yet the one who wishes to rule over Life sure does have quite the temper. Perhaps..." Hum raised the orb of Life to his lips, whispering just loudly enough for them to hear, "Life deserves one of sturdier character..." A ghoulish grin spread across his face.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DX3214
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DX3214 God-like Cyborg

Member Seen 4 days ago


Hum shrugged his shadowy shoulders, "None said I am 'eagerly' trying to make you angry. You are fully capable of doing that yourself." The shadowy God motioned towards Duhyxbin, "Practically attacked our brother was, for trying to bring us all together to discuss who gets what. Were it not for him, I would not be here to discuss your claim to Life. Yet the one who wishes to rule over Life sure does have quite the temper. Perhaps..." Hum raised the orb of Life to his lips, whispering just loudly enough for them to hear, "Life deserves one of sturdier character..." A ghoulish grin spread across his face.

Duhyxbin then approached Hum and said smiling "And what you think Sturdier should life be Brother?" he looked at him and wondered for a minute and looked to the left and said, "Afterall the concept of life can mean anything at all from rocks to plants to others..." he looked back Hum.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by jimapple
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Amelia responds by saying Duhyxbin and I worked things out. I shall not use any more power to wrestle Wisdom away from him.

These are what have been decided so far.

War - Amelia
Wisdom - Duhyxbin
Life - Hum & Illias
Death - Hum
Earth - Morvakin & Yllwythyr
Destruction - King in the Waste
Fire - Ira
Smithing - Antay

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Conrad


Member Seen 17 days ago

Alcadeas shifted his gaze through all of the family, his mask hiding most of his face beneath an eerie shadow of infinite darkness. The Archangel seemed too quiet, walking in circles while meditating what he saw before him. A crowd of children, bickering for anything they could claim out of greed. Duhyxbin and Yllwythyr were the only ones fit for his respect, he thought. The rest are just amateurs, driven by emotion. In a split of a moment, Alcadeas stepped forward, resting the bottom of his lance on the grass and the upper part over his shoulder. "If any of you had a little sense, then you'd realise there are only two ways we can discuss this matter in a civilized manner. We can either nominate some of us for a specific domain and who gets the most votes shall retain that domain. Alternatively, we can all turn to our All-Father and let him choose the domains fit for his children. Either way, allowing one of us to just choose his domain without anybody else having a say in it is pure chaos, you will NEVER get to the bottom of it. The only thing this anarchy serves is to provide opportunity for those....

The Archangel pauses for a bit and turns his look towards Hum, rising his mask forward only to reveal the bottom of his pristine shaven strong jaw, together with his mouth which displayed a look of obvious disgust."Nobody should have the audacity to claim life or death, as if it would be yours to dictate. Only Father can choose to give breath of life or death upon anything, should he wish. You're but a scratch compared to him. I see through your lies, Hum. Your attempt at gaining dominion over something that will later come and bring so much pain to all of us, is nothing sort of disgusting. Were it for me, I'd give you the dominion of latrines for all I care. Same goes to that lifless husk called 'Xanaros'. A self entitled 'God of Nothing' that wants to claim DESTRUCTION? DO YOU NOT READ BETWEEN THESE SIMPLE LINES? WHAT THIS MEANS? IT WOULD PUT US ALL IN JEOPARDY AT ANY TIME, SHOULD YOU BESTOW SUCH POWERS ON XANAROS!

Pausing one again, this time seemingly calming himself. The Archangel's feathers began to loose down from the early upright form."Still, I'm just one, and cannot impose my will on any of you without a majority of support and such, I come back to my earlier statement. I suggest each of us nominate one of us for a domain, and then decide which one will be based on who has the most nominations.
With a step backwards into his original position within the circle, the Archangel speaks his last phrase before becoming spectator once more "I will nominate myself for the Domain of Time. My next nominations are as follow:"

- War: Amelia, she has the fiery passion for that claim, and I will always support my sister if it means she will oversee this dominion with clarity and responsability. War should never be taken lightly, but violence is a necessity for life.

- Wisdom: I don't think this needs further discussion. I nominate Duhyxbin.

- Life: Altough I'm skeptical, I will nominate Illias for the sake of not having Hum dictate this.

- Death: Nobody, absolutely nobody but our Father should dictate death as she or he wishes. I warn you that nominating Hum to this dominion will only bring blight upon us all in return.

- Earth: I am inclined to nominate Morvakin for this, I believe he is best suited for this.

- Destruction: Xanaros has no right to claim destruction, especially since he cannot display a responsable attitude towards anything. My claim rests upon Yllwythyr for this domain, for the sole reason that he is the most responsible out of you all, and has the clarity and calmness to judge what should be destroyed or what shouldn't.

- Fire: I will nominate Ira, with the hopeful thought that she will utilized fire only for the benefit of this world, and not be driven by emotions.

- Smithing: Antay, I nominate you to be the one dictate this.
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