Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Ira’s creation while undoubtedly beautiful, slowly grew boring. One could only witness that perfection of creation so many times, before one must attempt to perfect perfection. So she left Phyra. Crossing the greats seas and the vast void of fresh clay. No longer did a sense of fury and hatred fill her heart. For that rage had been spent creating magnum opus. Now she was serene. Calmed. Joyful. Obsessed.

As her hand touched the clay she thought of her creation. Thought of the process of destruction and rebirth. Thus as she touched the clay, the land molded into a vast shrubland. Bush and grass waiting to be bathed in rain and sun. Even the simplest of creation had a sense of arrogance. An arrogance to think that it deserves to live in comfort. To grow fat off bountiful lands. Ira did not feel the need to provide such comfort. These lands shall be scorched by the sun.

She watched as her beautiful fires spread and died. The plants grew fat only to be quietly and methodically destroyed by flame. This would do. She continued to expand these lands northward. Never stopping and rarely tiring. Fire in her wake. Ash all that survives.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Schylerwalker
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A Throne in a Sea of Salt

Centuries passed. Xanaros stirred from his slumber on his great Salt Throne in an expanse of near-nothingness, the clay of the Great Father, waiting to be shaped by his children. After seizing Destruction -- NOTHING -- from those who would take from themselves, Xanaros had been spent. The King had reclined upon the Throne of Salt while its power returned, slowly collecting the ambient energy left over from the forging of the world. It sensed new things in the world. New lands, new powers. New sweating, bleeding, crying things crawling and dying in the riotous ways only they knew. The King's siblings had created lands for them to flourish in the thrive, gently pushed them out in to the new worlds. It felt contempt. Rage boiled within, the fury of its sister Ira perhaps rubbing off on it.

"Then I will create for these beings a realm of their own," it thought, slithering off of its Throne and planting its hideous clawed feet in to the ground. It raised its hands in to the air and gazed around, its disgust and hatred of all life growing within, until it leaked out of the King in the Waste like a noxious cloud. The land began to take form around the King. It took on the ugly nature within the King, a dark reflection of its twisted and hateful nature. The earth cracked, and filled with salt and jagged stone. Sulfur and noxious gases bubbled and burned up from within. There was life also, in the form of twisted, thorny trees, hideously bright plants festering with poisonous barbs, venomous reptiles, and predatory insects and raptors. The land was fearsome hot, a shimmering haze of barely survivable light and fury. The King poisoned lakes and rivers, making them barely drinkable even for the inhabitants of its land. A wasteland fit for the King in the Waste. It would be called...

The Blistering Sea

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by jimapple
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AMELIA strolled around the wold for centuries until she had traversed every part of it thousands of times over. She remembers Alala, the first human she ever met who has passed away a long time ago and is likely now residing in HUM's realm. AMELIA remembers the talks they had despite the poor human barely being able to communicate any compound thoughts. While she would never reveal her true self, she enjoyed communing with all created beings of this world. For a few decades here and there, she would come and live with the gnomes too. Although for the hundreds of years in between, she spent her time with the creatures of the forests, the waters, and even those that thrive in the mountaintops.

Then one day she felt that new power coming over her. She was not sure what it was because it was so different from when she took command of the Dominion of War. This power was a calmer and more peaceful but still forceful and dominant. She nodded her head and expected a visit from the First Father. Knowing what was likely going to happen next, she decided it was time for her to play a role in shaping this world rather than just experiencing it. She walked to the middle of mainland and smashed her fist on the ground. The earth all around her sank that she found herself in a great canyon about six thousand feet deep. Then she touched the ground one more time and water started to seep out of it until the entire canyon was filled with fresh drinkable water. The canyon had become a great lake. All the years later, plants and animals started to flourish all around the lake. As rivers stream from the lake the organism started to bloom in their new environment.

This place will be a place of growth and sustenance for millennia to come. The water here will nourish many creatures. Civilizations will be founded and grow around it. Although someday, these same creations will selfishly desire more of this life giving body for themselves and their kin. It will be then when fights will happen, when battles will occur, and when wars will be declared over it.


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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

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Yllwythyr watched over his creations. A tiny yet hardy race in constant struggle with various predators. Being a worrywart for once the Blackstaff showed mercy. Sparing them the immense hazard of foraging he granted them a simple gift: agriculture. Planting seeds, growing them and gathering the harvest. While primitive this fragment of knowledge could have a monumental effect, perfectly syncing with the gnomes' diligent nature.

Yllwythyr teaches the Gnomes agriculture
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Antay sculps the earth

Being given the domain over the material things by the all-father was an incentive enough for Antay to continue his works on the first plane, his work continued to spread around the 2nd continent a large number of savannahs, jungles, mountain and rivers, all filled with life well with whatever life could spread itself over there. However, he noticed that the rest of his brother and sisters were focusing on water as a main source of water, and truth to it most of the creatures, the gnomes, and even the humans consumed water as if there was no tomorrow. It seemed so important to them that if Antay one day wanted to create creatures on his own image then they probably also needed water in grand amounts, thus he created many rivers and even a grand lake one that connected to the rifted sea through various large rivers.

However, he also thought that one day if the creatures he made would forget about him or not even acknowledge him, after all, they needed reminders to be kept in line, after all, the fragile humans kept dying and let's not talk about the gnomes, they were basically a snack to every predator taller than them. So he made a special place, too perfect to have been made by nature alone. Such a place was surrounded by mountains and jungles, tracks of savannah connected it to the outside world and inside it had four symmetrical lakes, connected to the main body of water through underground channels. If the creatures Antay once discovered this place they would surely remember it as "The Remembrance" a place that would let them remember, that there was a higher being who made these lands.

[The yellowish color should be considered Tropical savanna]

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by DX3214
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DX3214 God-like Cyborg

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As Duhyxbin meditated and observed after his meditation how the world has grown in its formation and the new races that walked the earth observing from a long range he grew both excited, curious and intrigued by the new races and the creation of his brothers he then began to wonder if he should make his own mark on the world he continued his meditation until his body split between red flames and white flames as until his mind once again wake up with the flames suspending he looked at his hand thinking "If I let my mind slip so much wich one of my sides would take charge"
As his attention once again turned towards the world he landed on the right at the center of the island next to Edenia he then though "I never did this before, hopefully, it won't create problems I will focus only in a single direction" he took his staff and hit it in the ground and from beneath him raised a mountain growing taller that he could see far and wide from behind him it exploded in a volcanic eruption releasing ashes through the center of the island he pointed his staff to the south of the island with other volcanos exploding and rising from the ground and as he moved his left-hand mountains raised together in the east and southwestern side of the island, as rivers formed together with the movement of his powers, and as the ashes pilled in the sky the whole of southern side of the island was engulfed in a storm covering the sun in ashes.
As the ashes finally began to settle Duhyxbin floated above the land and extending his arms from what he learned with his brother's grass become to grow across the island together with trees and other vegetation and as he floated in the land he made he said "And for the final touch" he then bent space and moved across the rest of creation collecting all kinds of animals except the Humans and Gnomes and settling them on the island as the molding finally ended, he floated to the top of one of the mountains to contemplating what he made.

Duhyxbin shapes the land

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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Gods, Men and Everything in Between

Turn 3 (1/3)

The Natural Plane, circa 1,750 F.A.

Notable Races

Humans continued to propagate themselves. With reasonably long life spans, durability and opposable thumbs at their disposal, they seemed reluctant to die off--mostly doing so after 25-30 years. Due to the high suitability of their biome and lack of predators or opposition in the area, the nomadic humans continued to populate the Alcadean Peninsula, especially on the coastal areas where life was easier. Humans however remained mostly isolated, uninterested in much else than subsisting on the land and breeding.

Gnomes lived and died, mostly flopping around in the very mud they were created from. For hundreds of years the heavy rains cast upon them made life difficult. Gnomes hunted for bugs and rabbits, usually beating them to death with a rock or strangling them. Unto them however, life was improved when their Creator, the God YLLWYTHYR granted them the skill of Agriculture. The cultivation of fields upon which to grow crops allotted them a more sustainable food source, which allotted them to come together to tend the fields. Three tribes grew to prominence: Yogggnen, Sannaff and Meruun.

Given life by the God HUM, the Arachnids sprawled into form in the Grove of Moravkin, fostered by MORAVKIN himself. They spun massive, intricate webs--communicated with one another and began hunting the life that had prospered when MORAVKIN himself had created the forest. They spread quickly, given they had come to life in perhaps the most protected of biomes--sheltered from sun above and predator without.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

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The bark splintered beneath Morvakin's claws, digging in for purchase on the great branch they lingered upon. Assuming one of their more favored forms, a twisted automaton of bone, plant, fur and flesh, they watched the latest intrusion into their grove with curiosity. The stench of Hum, of acrid death and sweet life was upon them, these scuttling creations that feasted on both flora and fauna, leaving ropes of silver in their wake.

The God observed the Arachnids for a time, the first sentient creatures they had laid eyes upon. They had heard their siblings declaration echoing throughout the grove, promising great deeds, and yet to Morvakin's eyes they were pitiful things. Those that wandered too close to their unseen watcher found themselves rent asunder by ferocious claws and the snap of jaws, sent to their creator's true realm by Morvakin's own hand. For amongst the Children of Alnaeus, Morvakin had always enjoyed the physical application of their powers.

Eventually, they grew bored yet inspired of these eight-legged creations. Deigning instead to return to the deep heart of their grove where they would sleep. In slumber, they mused and allowed their roots to sink deep into the Earth.

Morvakin observes the Arachnids in their Grove and slumbers, conserving their Power for something greater.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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Gods, Men and Everything in Between

Turn 3 (2/3)

The Natural Plane, circa 1,750 F.A.

DUHYXBIN Becomes Master of Time & Wisdom
The movements of Alnaeus were like the very wind of the world. Felt, but unpredictable. DUHYXBIN was pulled and stretched and then all at once somewhere in the world. Beside him, the First Father, and far off on the horizon--a Gnome, the very child of one of Alnaeus' own children. They watched. The world was still, and yet the world of the Gnome and the world of all the Gods was all so very different.

"You can feel it now, can't you? You can even see it." The Gnome, in the time that the two Gods had appeared overhead to observe had been born, hunted, gathered, met a mate, had children, began farming and grown old. Now, he was nestled in a stand-to, a small half hut of worn leather and thistle branches. His chest heaved and each labored breath threatened to be his list. "Things move forward. All spiraling outward, like jagged vines climbing a tree. They grow strong. Until they grow weak. It is.. time. But you felt that, didn't you? You just didn't know what to call it!" The First Father said, chuckling. "You could turn it back, if you wanted. It would not be the way of things." And then the Gnome took it's last breath, and the First Father was gone.

IRA Becomes Mistress of Flame
The Weeping God IRA was busy, but not too busy for the First Father, who came to visit north of the Alcadean Peninsula, where the Weeping God was busy sculpting the land--dragging into the formless world rugged and desolate biomes. "The blood runs hot within you, child, that I know, for I was the one who ordained it." The First Father watched for another century as IRA sculpted the world. "With it, you can create, but you can also destroy." As she worked, whether by the command of the First Father or by nature itself, a raging fire in the shrublands started--cleansing the world in fire and allowing new plants to grow, new animals to move in.

MORAVKIN Becomes One With Nature
Since his beginning, MORAVKIN had not left his Earthly abode. It troubled not the First Father, who appeared and walked in the machination of the Forest God himself. It was not long before MORAVKIN came upon him--for his scent and aura was infinitely different then the Arachnids who now called the forest home. While the physical manifestation of the Forest God remained perched to the trees above, ALNAEUS summoned him to the forest floor. "It's different, isn't it? They shape and twist and breathe life into the world, but know it exudes a life all it's own, don't you? Mmm, yes. You feel her breath on you." The First Father bent, tucked some Earth between his fingers and lifted the dirt and grass and leaves free. His fingers plied the material, letting it fall free like sand. "They'll take it from you. They'll come and build monuments to one another. They will plow the fields and shred the forests. They will seek to claim Her as their own."

AMELIA Takes to the Sky
The tallest peak, an unknown and unnamed peak in the Natural Plane, overlooked grasslands on one side and a thick forest on the other. This high, only the whistling wind kept one company. AMELIA blinked and she was there, the booming voice of the First Father carrying on the wind. "Things are changing already. But the Others, they know not from where the change comes. It comes on strong winds. Sometimes quickly, and sometimes slowly. Your lungs will be filled with the very Wind of World--and from it the creatures of the world will pray to you for it. Forgot not the power of the changing winds."

ILLIAS Becomes Lady of the Sea
Somewhere, deep in the Far Sea, a school of fish plodded along. A larger fish scooped a smaller fish down it's gullet. ILLIAS was there--yanked from Edenia all at once. "Life exists in all different forms, and from the Sea is no different. You must dictate the Currents of Life, as a great many will depend upon you for it, Dear ILLIAS."

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

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Solumna Breathes into Creation

The cold winds of the north swept up into a frenzy, wisps of snow encircling the icy pillars that dotted the landscape of the frozen realm of Naschya. Their dance crept south, carrying with them the snow and the cold, their frigidity calming into a cool breeze as they crept further south. Along with them were carried the seeds of a new forest, great pine trees with bark as black as a cloudy night sky growing up beneath this great wind, the trees' nettles greeted into the world by the cold and decorated for their arrival with hoarfrost and snow. Solumna breathed, and from her breath he built a new realm: the Black Woods. A land to shelter the far north of Naschya from what might lie one day to its south, transitioning Solumna's homeland into the affairs of the rest of the continent. The Naschyan winds would cull any trees that tried to colonize the farther north, stunting them and keeping the Black Woods in their place, defending the snowscape from its neighbours. These trees would be the first forms of life created from Solumna's fingertips, and he cried his frozen tears and shaped with her cold hands each detail of them, the first mortal matter the solitary god would ever forge.

Where the breathe came, life followed. All manner of beings of the forest sprung up from the earth, their next of kin naming Solumna their grandfather, the frozen deity's power birthing them as it birthed their home. Lynx and hares chased each other throughout the tall black pines, leaving faint tracks behind them as their trotted, marking the ground here with signs of life for the very first time. The ice goddess did not forgive these creatures of his cold embrace entirely, their land only just warm enough to live in, and many of their kind forced to sleep the winters away, lest they perish as the Naschyan winds come rolling in to cull the Black Woods of life too abundant or prosperous. The Black Woods would be a place where life could survive—not thrive. For their suspicion of creation, Solumna could not begrudge the paradise they knew they could create to exist so close to their own appendages of ice in the frozen wastes of the north. The silent deity would not permit the subtlest inklings of life to exist so near to her, to condemn into the background any disruptions that could one day shake their home.

The shaping did not end. Solumna deigned to create another land, a more hospitable place, beyond a chill-river that would divide the Black Woods definitively from what would exist beyond it. This river, the Kepsis, would mark the northern border of Solumna's third creation: a nameless place of sullen hills, sprinkled with low-lying marshland to break the plane. These swamps between hills would feed into each other through interconnected underground rivers, an entirety ecosystem beneath the hills, connecting Lake Amelia with the shores of the ocean. Eels would rule these subterranean rivers, their fresh water also populated with fish and hardy plants, the caves and dirty walls they tunneled through to reach the great lake and the ocean coated with moss. This nameless place of mud and muck, uninviting but non-hostile, would be the after breath of Solumna's second song of creation; here, farthest from them, could life hold the greatest sway over the land.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Gods, Men and Everything in Between

Turn 3 (3/3)

The Natural Plane, circa 1,910 F.A.

Creation Continues
The World continued to be filled, with forests propping up around the Amelian Lake, and from the great icelands of Naschya arose a forest of heavy and dark pines, from where the river Kepsis also arose. As the Gods created and filled the world, with each motion, with each creation, they would find the power that ran back through them was less. Just less.

- [No Random Event this turn.]
- [TEST: Please submit orders via IC at the end of a post. Please post Power usage. No need to show Remaining Power. If Consolidating Power then post Bid via Private Message.]

[Turn 3 has ended. Turn 4 has begun.]
[All Deities gain 8 Power.]
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Loved. Ira had felt love. The love of a father towards her daughter. A parent towards their child. Unconditional and smothering. Her father Alnaeus had left sooner than he even arrived, but Ira did not care. A warm passion burned brightly within her. The words of her father striking deep within her heart. A nature within her that had always been there, deep within her soul. She would become the cure for decay. The chaos necessary for life.

Content, she continued with her creation. Expanding the vast shrublands that burned and boiled until they touched the blistering sea. A land stagnant with death. A land that offended Ira’s very nature. Her brother’s domain. With that she raised vast jagged mountains marking the border between the two domains. No longer would her creation be forced to witness endless decay.

Eventually, she grew bored of the shrublands. They were refined, but they were not perfect. The perfection of order and chaos could not be achieved by fire alone. So to would she need blood. Thus springing forth from the earth itself like an infestation were the Idimmu.

Winged monstrosities that hungered for life. That consumed the flesh of both plant and animal. Descending upon the lands and ravaging them until all that remained were scraps. Retreating only when the time comes for mating season. A lengthy year long period were new Idimmu are born and the old are cannibalized. A grueling barbaric, but effective process.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by jimapple
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AMELIA was sitting the by northwestern part of the Great Lake throwing small rocks right into the middle of it when she had thought pop in her mind, “How are their water vessels going to get out to sea?” She then motioned her index finger on her left hand from the lake towards the sea in the north. She then waved her left hand again and created another direction for the river to split into. These motions divided the ground in half and freshwater rivers that was 600 feet deep and 600 feet wide was created. After that, she looked to the west and wondered, “What should we put up there? It’s still pretty barren over there.” She then jumped up and started flying overhead and was waving her hands about similar to an orchestra conductor. Every time her hands moved, grown trees in that direction would sprout up and she did this until the entire area was a tropical rainforest covered green. Giddy, she then landed in the middle of the new forest and started to climb tress and to swing from vine to vine. She then played in the forest for centuries.

Amelia shapes a tropical forest and rivers.

After playing around in the forest for a very long time, AMELIA decided there should be more tropical forests in the world. She found the forest so rich with life and was one of the most exciting places on the planet. She loved climbing the gigantic trees and enjoyed staring up at the canopies as light tried to pierce thorough. She loved examining the different mosses, ferns, palms, orchids, and other foliage that thrive in the forest. After that she came to the conclusion that a new tropical forest was to be created just to the south of her first one. She again jumped into the air as forest conductor. When she was done, there was another tropical forest on the land with a river that again split in two and this one reached to the sea to the south of the continent.

Amelia shapes another tropical forest and river.

Sweet AMELIA who’s been doing a cartwheel for about an entire year in the rainforests suddenly stops at a spot which seems like any other vast empty space on this world. She falls to the ground and breathes a huge deep breath. Laying on her back and looking towards the stars she smiles at them and says, “This place right here. There is no other like it in the world.” Right then the air all around her starts to swirl and it pushes her into an upright position. She then places her hands to each side her with palms open toward the ground. The winds become more and more forceful until it turned into a tornado miles wide encircling her. She then says a single word, “Now.” Right then ground begins to tremble underneath her. Then all of the earth for miles around start to rise up. When it finally stopped, there were three massive rock formations that made up a single mountain, which was thirty thousand feet high. She says to herself, “Oh the wonderful things that will be created because of you.” The mountain she created was filled with potentially valuable and useful minerals. The lower half of the mountain and all the ground around it was covered with beautiful tropical trees. The top half of it was covered with snow and as it partially melted, it caused many small streams to be formed and most of the water drained into the lake to the southwest of it. The new land structure she created towered high towards the heavens and she was significantly inconsequential in size compared to it. She made sure, though that northwestern part of the mountain did not touch the river so that there would still be an easily passable land route there. AMELIA then stood at the highest point of her most recent work and from there could see the ends of the world. She had hands to each of her side letting her strike a superman pose before loudly shouting, “You will be known as Mount Alnaeus!” She smirks and whispers softly as her breath could be seen because of the cold, “This one’s for you.”

Amelia shapes Mount Alnaeus.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 6 days ago

First Creation

Illias had been rather surprised when she had suddenly one moment woken up under the sea and then saw how life flowed and continued - one fish eating another. The voice of the All-Father had given her the power to feel the current flow and waves of this world - something that made her smile.

Although, she wouldn't return to Edenia just yet - as she sat under the tides, she pondered and looked at how life flowed and worked. Only on the second day, would she return to Edenia and begin to mimic the actions of her two other siblings. From the very ocean she would create a race of her own - in her own image and in the future, many would ponder which one would have come first.

As Illias focused all her energy and created the race that would be known as 'mer' or elves - into the land of bounty that she had created. Pulling the water and filling it with the warmth of her smile and existence - before letting it take shape in the form of elves. From this would remain a chilling liquid - devoid of the warmth of life now, already cold and freezing by the mere presence of it.

This she couldn't leave here - less it take away the children she had created just now. Thus Illias would gather all of this ice water and would sent it away to the east of Edenia. Chilling the lands and morphing them into a tundra - with one remaining drop of life, creating a hotspring in the colden north. Once she was finished, she smiled at her creation - although just as immediately, Illias would fall back into the waves - exhausted and in need of recovering her energy.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by DX3214
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DX3214 God-like Cyborg

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Duhyxbin began to use the power of time to watch the past until the present he then said “What is time? it is truly just a line born, live and die the faith of us all is this true? Do we have true free will of our own? or time is just a series of possibilities?” Duhyxbin warped space and got on top of the sea seeing the humans just a few meters on shore he used the hourglass to see the future seeing a city of gold and marble he then said “One possibility show me another” he then saw a city on flames as the timelines constantly jumped he could see great cities average ones and destroyed ones as the hourglass stopped he said “Time is truly magnificent”.

He then retreated to the island that he molded the southern side, he then manifested a The Book of knowledge containing all the information of the universe looking through it he noticed the birth of a new race made by Ira thinking to himself “Should I make race as well?” thinking for a time he smiled saying “Yes I should" he meditated for a while.

As he observed the island he made Not knowing what to make, while on top of a mountain a lizard had walked near him, he took his attention to him and as the lizard climbed up his hand Duhyxbin took a small look to him and as a spark came up his head, he then said “Little one you gave me an idea” he put the lizard back to the ground and said “I recommend leaving here little one” he would descent from the mountain stopping it at its foot, using his powers he raised several stone blocks and using his powers he began to sculpt the stone into a new race and with a wave of blue fire from his hands the statues catch on fire falling the outer layers reveling scales and they take their first steps Duhyxbin disappeared as he said in an Ethereal voice "Walk on my children, walk on Aureus."

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Schylerwalker
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The Wasteland

Why have I done this? the King pondered as it walked across the desert it had...created. An act entirely against the King's very nature. Its...lack of nature? Twisted branches rattled in a scorching breeze and noxious pools bubbled in the King's wake. It watched as a fat-tailed lizard scuttled on to a jagged boulder and flicked its pale blue tongue at the menacing figure striding past. With half a thought, the disgusting creature vanished; there was a gentle pop of displaced air rushing in to fill the void where it had been. Xanaros took a dark pleasure in the simple, petty act of destruction, returning its own creation to the NOTHINGNESS that had spawned it.

This is my home Xanaros thought, stepping over a chasm filled with salt deposits and eyeless horrors. This is what my father meant. It remembered the words the Great Father had said when the King in the Waste had seized control over the power of destruction. It had felt validation. Purpose. There was no condemnation, no judgment from the father. As far as Xanaros was concerned, it was justified in this strange and destructive act of creation. This is my purpose. It began to climb a series of jagged mountains that had not been there a century ago. It sat down and wrapped its arms around its legs, its blank face gazing out over the Blistering Sea. Behind it were the mountains and scrublands of Ira. Far across the "sea" were the jungles that Amelia had grown, and the great mountain she had raised up to honor their father.

They fear me. Its "brothers" and "sisters" were trying to trap it, encircle it in vibrant life and towering stone. As it thought this, one of the latest most purulent creations alighted on the King's shoulder. It began to gnaw at the King weakly, half-dead from its long flight over the mountains. Xanaros examined the creature with half-interest, half-disgust. And they mock me for what I bring to the world. This...this creature may prove useful to me in the future. There was another soft pop as the creature was ushered in to oblivion. Xanaros stood, arms crossed. I will show them. I will show them the folly and horror of creation. I will bring them the pain of life that they so desperately crave. And then it was gone.

The King traveled north. It had always been "closest" to Solumnia, at least in ideology. Both were cold and distant, especially to their other siblings. Neither were friends, and both certainly had differing views on the worthiness of creation. The King looked upon the dark woods and icy wastes of Naschya. And it felt a begrudging respect in the twisted lump of hate-filled matter that passed for its heart. It knelt before the river that now cut its way across the blank whiteness that their father had made as their foundation to enact their whimsical acts of creation upon. Once more, it sank its onyx claws in to the near-nothingness, listening to the pounding roar of the great river.

From the river spread a land of wild wetness. A place of subtly rolling peatland interrupted by small, tangled groves of pine trees. They dripped with moss and vines and were cluttered with stinking pools. Slimy stones thrust up out of the rotting soil at odd angles, quicksand and sucking bogs lurked in the hollow places. Mosquitoes, gnats, and other biting, stinging insects swarmed in their millions across this land. They tormented giant turtles, lethargic serpents, pus-spewing frogs, and butcher birds, who lurked in the bracken, gorse, and sagebrush. A new Waste from the King, its dark gift to the world.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 4 mos ago

The Eye of Antay

The work of creation continued for Antay, yet his work required a myriad of things to be done but there was one he wished to do most than the others. The creation of something to honor his work, something that would last for times and times to come, a sort of sacred place a place in which would be remembered as the "Eye of Antay", a place at the very top of the continent a place in which he would keep watch of his creation for times to come.

With that in mind, Antay cleared the way and began to fill the cold emptiness of the north with jungles and savannas, he created four rings of both water and earth, and at the very center, Antay created a mountain and a jungle, a place of tranquility and peace. When he was done, he noticed that it indeed looked like an eye, at least, from his top-down perspective. The creatures down there wouldn't know though, and would probably never realize it, but for Antay this was an act to show himself and the other Gods his mark on the plane that the all-father had created.

Even when it was done, Antay wanted to give the mountain peaks a yellowish color and so he picked gold, one of the various materials of Earth and made the mountains peaks out of gold, so that from his perspective the "Eye of Antay" would have a relucent golden center. When Antay finished, he proceeds to continue to fill the plane with more life, making sure that there were rivers, mountains, jungles and even entire small seas covering his creation.

He was halfway done with the fill of his creation, yet he knew he still had a large track ahead to finish what he had started, but at the same time, as time passed the power he regained dwindled. He wondered what could be the meaning of such an occurrence, but being too busy with resting and filling the Earth, that thought quickly vanished from his mind.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Conrad


Member Seen 17 days ago

The eerie quietness of the dark cave crumbled within the blink of an eye, his wings once more rising up and opening widely, heralding the wake of the Archangel. The hundreds of years spent in slumber once more brought vigor to the immortally annointed body of the deity. Alcadeas, the father of mankind, sought the dim shine of the sun through the cave's corridors, eventually reaching the entrance. Stepping outside, he took a brief moment to meditate and envision the past events that his counscious missed while asleep. He spent months wondering the Alcadean Peninsula, observing his own creation, and how little they managed to realise and how petty they still are. He decided it was enough, and set off to jumpstart the greatness he envisioned for the race.

The Archangel swept through the Peninsula's various settlements, disguising himself in mortals in every settlement, being only accompanied by Ryon, his loyal wolf companion which he found as a small puppy aimlessly wandering through the forrest at the base of the mountain where he made his slumber.

Over the years, Alcadeas wandered around the Peninsula, bestowing upon the juvenile mankind the secrets of agriculture, as he observed from his brother Yllwythyr. Following the divine intervention of the Archangel, humanity began to achieve the first permanent primitive settlements on the Peninsula. From these small settlements, mankind was on the right path to the glory envisioned by their father, Alcadeas.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ascendant
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Ascendant No One In Particular

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

HUM, Handler of Souls, God of Life and Death

The shadowy God HUM was temporarily called to the Natural World from Sanctuary by the death of a human male. This was an increasingly common annoyance, one that was jeopardizing HUM's accrual of Power as he felt as if there was a strict time limit before being in the Natural World caused more trouble for HUM. It was just as HUM was beginning to marshall the human towards Sanctuary that he once more felt that pinge in the back of his mind that a soul needed to be taken, causing him to mutter, "Damn Humans. One of these days they'll be thousands of them dying at once, how the hell am I supposed to be in a thousand places at once?" As the human and HUM crossed over into Sanctuary, an idea occurred to the God.

HUM lifted his arm and called forth one of the first human females to enter Sanctuary, Ahlil. Although she had died of starvation in her late thirties, the woman now appeared to be a perfectly healthy twenty-one year old. Upon seeing HUM, she immediately dropped to her knees in irreverence, an intelligent thing to do in a Realm ruled strictly by a single Deity.

The God pressed his dark palm upon her forehead, declaring in a voice that resounded throughout Sanctuary, "You are the first of the Sirens, the first of many. You shall feel the pain of those that are deceased and lost in the Natural World and are thus tasked to go collect them. In order to do so, you shall use my power to cross between the Realms to the souls of the dead that wander the Natural World and bring them to Sanctuary."

As his little speech was finished, Ahlil opened her eyes to reveal shadows instead of sclera or irises, and suddenly popped out of Sanctuary to the lost human soul that was wandering the Natural World. A minute later, the pair returned together, HUM nodding in approval, "Good work, my disciple. If you need more Sirens, call for me, and I shall appoint them. Now then, I must attire to my home."

In truth, HUM was just too lazy to personally perform his mission of guiding souls to Sanctuary, though it was true that eventually there would be too many souls wandering the Natural World at one time for him to be able to accrue more power by remaining in Sanctuary.

A moment after approving of the Siren, HUM popped away across Sanctuary towards the center of the Realm. While a sea had appeared there in Sanctuary as the Realm had currently simply mirrored the Natural World, HUM waved his hand, causing an enormous mountain to thrust out of the land and upwards into the sky. The highest peak of any in Sanctuary, HUM named it Skypierce, and upon its summit he set about painstakingly crafting an elaborate home for himself, letting the Siren do her work while HUM passed the years by in Skypierce, pooling his Power and biding his time before he would once more return to the Natural World.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gods, Men and Everything in Between

Turn 4

The Natural Plane, circa 2,000 F.A.

A New Species Propagates
The Idimmu propagated the entirety of the brush within simply a few hundred years, though the desolate terrain made it difficult for them to move beyond, as well as the presence of predators outside the shrublands allowed for them to not just survive--but thrive--in the shrublands. The other deities continued to craft and mold the world, a fact that bestowed upon them the gratitude of the First Father. The shrublands grew out to a wild and jagged mountain range that separated it from the Blistering Sea.

Elsewhere, another island was turned to tundra, though life continued on in a secluded and hidden hot spring. On the same island, far to the south the God of Wisdom & Time, DUHYXBIN fostered into life the AUREUS, a dragonlike humanoid.

A short century passed and on the neighboring island, the ELVES sprung from the water, clambering a life on the shores of a fertile lake on the island of Edenia. The Arachnids continued to thrive, as did the Humans, while the Gnomes consolidated their livelihood in a chiefdom of sorts west of the Great Mountains. The Humans learned that life was easier along the coast.

- [No Random Event this turn.]
- [TEST: Please submit orders via IC at the end of a post. Please post Power usage. No need to show Remaining Power. If Consolidating Power then post Bid via Private Message.]

[Turn 4 has ended. Turn 5 has begun.]
[All Deities gain 7 Power.]
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