Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Sara blinked to Dia and Ari as they seemed to speak. She stayed quiet, listening to Benjamin's words.
Dia looked towards Sara before looking at Benjamin before she sighed.
"A patient that Ari has taken a liking to." She said before she looked at Ari, who had left to look around a bit more. She looked to Sara quietly, she moved to gently touch Ray's shoulder. "His name was Franklin?" Ray said in Dia's voice.

Sara blinked and thought, "Franklin... That old cop?" She whispered, before Dia nodded gently.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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It was a patient Benjamin didn't know, but he added the name to the list. Maybe it was unrelated to Simon's death, but he didn't want to call it a coincidence and brush it off either.
"Thanks for the soup," he said, when he noticed the people on the table ahead turned around to see where their soup was, and a quick glance over his shoulder learned him Marc was almost at their table too.

Marc was at the table just behind Ray and Benjamin and administered an injection to a patient. When that was done he moved to the next table and placed two cups on it. "Ray, Benjamin. Take your medicine. If you fail to take any by tonight, you will get an appointment with our psychiatrist to re-evaluate the treatment and the type of medicine used. Your conditions can easily be treated if you will just take your pills." He gestured to the room with his arm. "Everyone takes theirs, they all know it will help them. Please stop being stubborn and take it."
He remained at their table a moment longer to see if they would take it, but he had to move to the next patient soon.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Sara mouthed that she'd talk to the two soon before she continued on putting soup out. She went along how she normally would; but a bit more smily towards the other patients.

Ray looked at Marc as he spoke to her, looking down at her meds before she looked at her soup and started eating without another word. She didn't need to comment on anything he had to say, he wasn't important to her at the moment. Talking to him was Sara's task.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Contest Mod Seen 12 hrs ago

Benjamin nodded to Sara and turned his attention to Marc as he spoke to them. "Actually," he said, "I would like an appointment with the psychiatrist about my medication. Maybe if I tell her again that I don't need it, she will opt for another therapy and then you and I don't have to go through the same conversation over and over again." He showed the broadest smile he could master. "Good plan?"

Marc shrugged and noted it on his medication list. "Whatever you want, Benjamin. I'll ask for an appointment." After that he went to the next table to give the patients what they needed.

"It's going to be absolutely pointless," Benjamin predicted as he too ate from the soup. "But maybe, with a bit of luck, they will see that I'm not causing any harm with my delusions or hallucinations or whatever they call it, even without any medication."
One could always hope, but he wouldn't bet any money on them agreeing with him.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Ray listened quietly before she had an idea, she moved her hand under the table to check for any small lips at the edge of the wood. She did it discretely so no one could notice what she was doing.
Her fingers gripped around the edge underneath to no avail; which caused her to frown. She moved her hand back onto the table as she tapped her fingers against the wood in a rhymic motion.

Sara had finished her soup round, pulling her cart up to where it originally was. It was good timing, as a swell of weakness flooded over her, causing her to lean against her cart for support for a moment.
Stop. she tried to hiss at the other being in her body. I'll get the music out.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Contest Mod Seen 12 hrs ago

While Benjamin hadn't seen what Ray was doing, he did notice the frown and the tapping. "Something wrong?" he asked between two spoons of soup. While the soup didn't have much flavour, it wasn't bad either. But that was true for most of the soup: not bad, but not great either. He didn't have high hopes for the main meal either, but with low expectations the meals generally were okay.

Marc had stopped at one of the tables, the medication for one patient had changed and he went over the new schedule with the patient, and the best way to take the new pills. After that he had one more table to go and then they had to wait a bit before they could start handing out the main meals. Everyone needed a chance to finish the soup. But, the asylum did allow for staff to eat whatever soup was left, so he would check with Sara to see if there was any.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Ray looked up at Benjamin with a shake of her head, "Nothing, nevermind." She started, thinking quickly as she moved to scratched her ankle. Momentarily forgetting her pills were in her hands and accidentally slipped one down the side of her shoe. She placed her hand on the table again and paused, feeling the pills in her hand.

She was confused at her own hand for a moment before she wriggled her foot. She blinked and gave a small smirk at herself, looking around to see if any of the other nurses had seen.

Sara just watched everyone now, the dark spirit seemed to settle itself down for once.
Her eyes drifted to Ray and Benjamin as she noticed Ray looking around, before she looked away in hopes to not arouse suspicion.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Contest Mod Seen 12 hrs ago

After nodding, Benjamin focussed on the soup. If Ray said it was nothing, he believed her. The pills remained untouched on the table. Maybe Marc hoped he'd take them anyway. He looked over his shoulder, Marc was still working. His patience with him was admirable, he had to admit that.
He noticed how Marc looked at his list, then checked everyone in the room, followed by taking his phone. It didn't matter, Benjamin decided he'd focus on the one person in this room that mattered to him.
"It's decent this time, isn't it? The soup."
The soup was gone soon and the main course would soon follow.

Marc waited until the security on the other side picked up. "Susanna is absent..." he frowned as he listened to the reply. "Home? But I didn't hear anything about ... Right, I will change the list then. Thanks."
After putting the phone away, the took a pen from his pocket and scratched out her name from the list.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Ray glanced up as she was eating; Benjamin was talking to her. She had zoned out before his voice called her back to reality.
"Huh?" She asked, Dia moved to whisper his question into her ear before she nodded, "Oh yeah! The Soups... Okay. I wonder what's for main though. Maybe something actually edible and that looks like food."

Ari had looked towards Marc with a sneer, almost growling before Dia moved to touch her arm, relaxing the other spirit before they both seemed to settle down.
Ray's mind drifted again, before she had finished her soup. She placed her cutlery down before she looked around again.

Sara stayed out of the way of everyone else on staff. Her eyes on the floor as she tried to hold back the feeling bubbling inside her. The other spirit had gone back inside her for a moment, moving around; making her feel queazy and horrible.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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"Probably pork, that's the cheapest meat." He picked up his cup with pills and pushed his chair back. "I'm going to return these. And maybe see what that frowning and altering the list was about. I'll be right back."
He crossed the room and went straight to the medicine cart. When Marc noticed he was approaching he took place between Benjamin and the cart, in case his attentions weren't good.

"It will be a waste to throw them away," Benjamin said, handing Marc the cup.
"True," Marc said as he took the cup back. "Feeling a bit rebellious today, Benjamin? To hand me the pills publically?"
Benjamin hadn't thought about that, but he liked the idea. "Maybe." He glanced at the list on the cart, looking at the crossed out name. "I didn't see Susanna yet," he continued. "Do you know where she is?"
"I just called and was told she has gone home. She took her meds. You see what happens when people follow their treatment?" Marc wouldn't leave any opportunity unused.
Benjamin made a derogatory noise. "She traded them for painkillers most of the time. Bet you didn't know that." He turned around and quickly walked back to the table with Ray. His expression changed to worry, something he had been very careful to not show to Marc.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Ray looked up as Benjamin left, she turned back to her last pill before she shook her head.
Part of her wanted to take it, maybe if she did she could get the fuck out of this hellhole, but she needed Dia and Ari with her- Living without them would be... Too hard to do.

Dia looked to Sara as she stayed out of the way of everyone, nudging Ari and notioning over to Sara.
"Go talk to her."
"You're close to her, she can hear you."
Ari sighed angrily before she walked over. Sara looked up in surprise to see the 'darker' spirit walk over to her.
"Dia wants to know what's wrong." Ari said quietly. "You seem... more reserved."
Sara smiled softly and glanced around, lowering her voice to a whisper.
"Its my spirit, they're acting up." She uttered, "Its okay, She's staying down for now."

Ray looked up towards Benjamin as he walked back. She noticed his face and frowned.
"What's up?" She asked, keeping her mind off her pills.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Benjamin sat down, looking at Ray, then at Dia and back at Ray. "Dia and I met Susanna earlier today," he whispered. "She was going with a nurse to evaluate her medication. And now she has gone home, according to Marc. But even Marc didn't know she would go home, she was still on his list." He looked around to make sure no-one was listening in on them, but the staff seemed to be busy and the nearest patients were just busy with themselves. "And remember that Simon had been taken away for an evaluation of his medicine before he died. Once can be a coincidence, but not twice. Whatever is going on here, it's not good."

The desire to leave this place had never been higher, and the knowledge that he couldn't... "Oh damn," he muttered, trying to keep his breathing calm. He grabbed the edge of the table, taking a deep breath in and slowly letting it escape.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Ray frowned at Benjamin's words, she didn't speak. She didn't know what to say, What should she say?
Her mind reeled, trying to find what was about to happen. Her head started to spin, her vision blurred and her breathing started to speed up.

She didn't want to die, she didn't want to die here; not to these monsters, no to these... these, sick fucks.
Dia watched Ray she couldn't do anything; not while Ray was panicking like this...
She looked over at Ari, Ari was usually able to break through this, but she was with Sara and didn't seem to be paying attention.

[b]"Are you sure you're okay?"[/i] Ari asked Sara, not paying attention to Ray at the moment.
"I'm fine. I promise." She said before she glanced to Ben and Ray, her eyes narrowing and a frown on her lips.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Benjamin, doing his best not to give in to the feeling of being trapped, heard Ray's breathing speed up. He looked at her and saw the look on her face. Immediately he reached out and grabbed her hands.
"Ray," he said with a sharp tone in his voice. "Calm down. Take a deep breath. If they see you are panicking they will sedate you. Come on, listen to me. Focus on my voice." He gently squeezed her hands. "It will be fine, Ray. As long as we'll look after each other things will be fine. Deep breaths, you can do it. Just take deep breaths."

He kept his eyes on Ray, even though he wanted to look around and make sure no-one of the staff was coming in their direction. He did hear a giggle from a nearby table, but he ignored that. Let them think what they wanted to think, he couldn't care less. What mattered was Ray, she needed to be calm again.

Marc noticed Benjamin holding the hands of Ray. Were they... in love? He made a mental note to report it, the doctor always wanted to know if patients developed relationships. In some cases it could be good for therapy, but more often than not relationships formed here were toxic and couldn't be encouraged.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Ray's shaking slowly settled, especially when Benjamin touched her hand.
She started to focus back into reality, slowly but she shook her head.
"I'm fine... I'm... Fine." She started, "I just... Don't want to die again."
She heaved, closing her eyes for a moment before she shuddered. "I'm fine." She said, her voice less shaky and stronger now, "I'm okay."

Ray focused on reality, as much as her memory seemed to flood over her. She felt the memories, the pain on her body trickled up over her before she shook her entire figure.
"Sorry. I'm sorry." She started, glancing to Benjamin, "You're going to get in trouble, you're going to get into trouble because of me."
Dia gave Ray a gentle pat on the back. "You can't say that." She started quietly, "Things will go fine."

"She's panicking." Sara started, Ari shrugged.
"She does that." Ari started, "Not sure why though."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Once her voice was stronger Benjamin let her hands go. It hadn't been his intention to scare Ray like this, but she needed to know. He wasn't sure what to do with the information himself, but it was more important than before to see the file of Simon. Something had to be there about his true fate.
The look in his eyes was one of kindness when she started apologizing and once again he put his hand over hers. "Don't worry about me, I'll get in more trouble over my medication than I will get because of you. I'll be fine." He was, for now. Although after learning about Susanna he was a bit more worried about meeting the psyciatrist. But things would work out.

Marc went to Sara. "Hey," he greeted her, smiling a bit. "They are getting ready to hand out the trays with the warm meals." Some of the staff were already cleaning up the empty soup bowls. "I will feed Carol, will you help Geoffry?" He turned to look at the 32 year old patient, who seemed to constantly mutter to no-one in particular. "The tremors in his hands are getting worse, he needs help to eat." They had stopped giving him a spoon to eat the soup days ago, he drank it from a cup, but as long as it was possible he had to eat regular meals. Although it was obvious his condition was getting worse.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Ray relaxed a little when she watched the kindness in Benjamins eyes. She smiled slightly at his words about getting in trouble for medication, "I feel like they've given up on trying to get me to take meds now." She said with a weak laugh, "The Pychs don't even mention medication anymore, they're more focused on ways to prove I'm insane. And finding out ways to stop me drawing."
She looked over to Sara, Ari was still with her. She furrowed her brow as Marc walked towards Sara.

Sara flinched as Marc walked towards her, glancing to Ari as the darker spirit seemed to straighten up and stare at Marc with a deathglare.
Ari huffed and opened her mouth slightly, showing her sharp teeth before she pushed past Marc back to Ray and Benjamin.

Sara smiled to Marc as he spoke to her, she paused as she looked over to Geoffry, she had a realtively okay with Geoffry; she hadn't had anything bad happen yet.
She nodded as she walked towards Geoffry and pulled out a chair beside him.
"Hey buddy. Hows your morning been?" She asked with a tilt of her head.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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"They haven't given up on me yet, they still hope to cure me." Benjamin sighed, he wasn't sure if that was good or bad. As long as they hoped he could be cured they would nag about therapy, but if they would give up and want to prove he was insane, he'd never leave this place. He would be trapped here forever.
He cleared his throat. "Right," he quickly said, pushing back the uncomfortable thoughts before they would get a hold on him. "Let's draw something together." He paused. "Well, after Ari, and me excusing to the staff for missing group therapy, and the meeting with the psychiatrist." He laughed a bit, rubbed the back of his head. "My afternoon seems to be pretty full already."

Marc watched Sara go and went to the catatonic patient. While she was unresponsive, she did react to food or liquids and managed to chew and swallow just fine. "Hello Carol," he said, sitting down at the table. "We have a wonderful lunch for you." He looked at the tray that was placed on the table. All mixed food of course, they didn't dare risking giving her solid food to eat.

Geoffry just muttered things under his breath, barely audible. When the tray was placed in front of him he took the ergonomic fork with the big handle, but his hand shook so much he wasn't able to scoop up any food.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Ray quivered as Benjamin mentioned something about curing him, but her attention perked up at the idea of drawing. She looked around for a moment, trying to find something to scribble on before she looked to Benjamin as he mentioned his afternoon was full.
"And as per usual mine will be empty because everyones afraid of coming near me." She said with a sigh, pausing as the staff seemed to distribute more food.

Sara moved slowly to gently put her hand over Geoffry's to take the fork.
"Let me help. Please?" She asked, trying to pull the fork out from his grasp, "Your shakes are getting worse and you won't be able to get much food on your fork without help."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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"It's their loss, not yours," Benjamin commented, but paused when trays were put on their table. The vegetables seemed soggy and the potatoes didn't have the most appetizing appearance. "I sometimes wonder what my family is doing now," he said, as he poked one of the potatoes with his fork. "I haven't had any contact with them ever since I came here. I haven't been allowed to call them, I didn't receive any calls nor any visits." He frowned as he realized something. "I haven't seen any visitors." He looked at Ray, who had been longer here than him. "No-one ever visits, right?"

Geoffry didn't let go of the fork, but he did allow Sara to keep the fork steady and guide his hand between the plate and his mouth. He continued to mutter between bites, but suddenly he clearly said: "They killed Simon," only to go back to his usual incoherent mutters straight after. He hadn't looked at Sara at any point.
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