Five years ago, the land was brought to the brink of destruction. With the descent of Bahamut, king of dragons and elder primal, the Battle of Cartenau was met with a rather decisive end. He ravaged and destroyed the land beneath him, taking countless lives and reshaping continents. In present time, adventurers are a common breed, doing their part to return the land to its former glory. Escorting merchants, making deliveries, and exterminating monsters are just a few things those with skill do in their efforts to help. The Grand Companies of the Eorzean Alliance suffered grave losses at the Battle of Carteneau. Bahamut's wrath cost the Grand Companies countless troops, and of those who survived, many reportedly deserted the battlefield.
When the dust of the Calamity had settled, it became apparent that consolidating the strength of the Grand Companies was imperative. The resurgence of the Garlean threat could not be ignored; the Grand Companies needed to replenish their troops to ensure the safety of the realm. And so, in an effort to bolster their forces and encourage the cooperation of adventurers, the Eorzean Alliance sanctioned the creation of free companies—mercenary groups that would serve as an extension of the Grand Companies.
Both established and operated by adventurers, these new organizations require little if any contribution from the Grand Companies to sustain them. Moreover, their contracts are formed on an individual basis, making the assembly of troops against opposing threats swift and efficient. By the decree of the council of the Alliance leadership, adventurers are now free to lend their aid to any Grand Company, transferring their allegiance as they please, and as a result, provide the Alliance with the manpower it needs. As the forces that threaten Eorzea continue to grow, the policies of this new system will allow adventurers to undertake such duties as transcend political boundaries.
Our story begins with a posting at each Adventurer's Guild, calling for aid for a Free Company identifying itself as the Blessed Twelve...
This RP will be taking place five years after Bahamut threw his temper tantrum following the events of the Blessed Twelve, a small group of adventurers recruited for some adventuring shenanigans. This is firmly in AU territory, with a majority of canon characters doing their own thing. What I'd like is for the party to be made up of moderately fresh faced adventurers, people who have some experience under their belt but nothing world-saving just yet. That said, a world recently ravaged does have some dark themes, so heads up if you're sensitive to those and would rather not.
For those that are aware of the MMO, the RP is going to turn a blind eye to some job lore; I'd like it if people had jobs already without going through the classes. That said, almost everything else is going to try to stick to the world's lore. Want to be from Doma? Sure, tell me how you got to Eorzea. Want to replace or be related to a major NPC from the game? PM me, let's see what we can do. I'm open to ideas and the like so long as you understand my word is final.
For those unaware of the MMO, it's an expansive world rich with culture and more lore than your local library can handle. From dungeons to politics to even the surprisingly dark atmosphere on a world that nearly ended, Hydaelyn is one where magic is prominent and commonly seen, though there are plenty of warriors that prefer swinging weapons. Because of how massively detailed the game is, a quick Google search (or you can ask me since this game and Square Enix own my soul) should answer any questions you might have.
tl;dr FFXIV RP starting out as saplings and havin a good time