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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mavis, Gabriel, Jarvis, Jamie, Sasha, Penny

"Yes." Mavis said unconcerned at the tone in his voice. "I did. The cost.... well, Law always has a cost, who knows better than I? But I decided the benefits far outweighed any potential risk to myself." She said, knowing that this was something that she would have to deal with, however it showed. She had already suffered enough losses, losing the descendants of the great guilds.... well, she hadn't been prepared to let that happen. She'd watched quite a few of them grow up, from her island.

They were hers, and that was all that mattered. "You'll recall that I once told you that sometimes we have to do things that are reckless and foolish for a reason. You asked why. I told you if you had to ask, then you had never been in such a situation." She sighed softly, looking over everyone before she said, "Don't poke at him. You know very little of what brought him here. Without him, why we'd be lost. As I understand it, I imagine he'll return to his own time.... or cease to exist. Either is a grim end for him, and yet he still fought for a better end for us."

Her expression turned morose, and she looked over her island, damaged and scarred from the fighting it had experienced, now and before. And Law hadn't been easy on it too. With a heavy heart, Mavis knew this island, that had been her home for so long, would be irrevocably damaged by the magic used. And she'd have to leave it, perhaps forever.

"I have a request of you, Ferrin. I need you to free me from this existence... i fear this island is no longer home."

Making his way slowly towards a girl that was lying limp, a small Exceed slapping her, Gabriel paused. Was the girl alive? She had to be, if the Exceed was slapping her like that. Unless the Exceed was doing some weird form of resusertation. As he drew closer, Gabriel could see that the girls chest was rising and falling. Relieved, although wondering why the tiny Exceed seemed intent on giving the girl bruises, Gabriel slowed as he reached them.

"Is she okay?" He crouched, and around him his spirits formed- quite clearly intent on protecting his back in such a vulnerable position on this damned island. He didn't summon then- after Leo just popping up whenever he felt like it, he had grown use to it. There was no point questioning it, anyway.

He reached out, the gently squeeze the qirl's shoulders- but she seemed well and truly out of it. "I can carry her... "

"We will, little one." Jarvis said softly, leaning down and lifting Amelia into his arms- even though she was much too old for it. "Soon" He shifted his hold on her, making sure that she was secure. "Let's make sure everything is okay, that everyone is okay."

Jamie lay a hand on Jarvis's shoulder, leaning forward slightly to give Amelia a soft kiss on the cheek before she stepped forward, joining Jack in approaching the Dragon Slayers of old.

"We've created guilds, we've worked together. We've learned. And together, we face Zeref. We fought the darkness, and is that not all that matters today? I am Jamie (I cannot remember last name), one of the guild leaders of this time."
"Patrick... he can take you somewhere you can belong, if you wish." Sasha said softly, weariness filling her as more and more she let herself relax.

One part of her life- of what kept her here- was okay. Closing her eyes a moment, taking comfort before she was looking around again. "Sasha. Jasmine. Ariel. Ariel!" Penny still didn't understand why Ariel had been allowed to come, why she had wanted to, but the girl would have been plagued by magic. "Where is she?"

And Jasmine. Jasmine had seen her die... where was she? It was Penny's fault she was here. She looked up, but Ignatius was gone- gone, she presumed, to find Rajah. And that meant finding Jasmine. Jasmine would be okay. She had to be.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Roseletta


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Amaya VanIsis

"I am as insignificant as the sand beneath my but in the scope of things. I came in hopes to find mom. Instead i find the one who damned my unwanted magic. The man who caused me to lose so much on my travels to Phoenix wing. Now I see the slayers of the past and I...I cant bring myself to speak to them cause they bare their magic and pasts with pride the power they weild is so much more then I ever will. My magic...shouldnt belong to me, I am too passive to scared of what it can do...to scared of what I can become from using it..I want to forget my magic but...I just can't"She said gently looking over her shoulder at everyone. She didn't like crowds. She prefered to remain forgotten. It was how she was always even as a kid. Trying to be seen or known. It scared her. Everything new scared her. Honestly if Aurora never left her that message. She might still be hidden in the frozen moutain isolated from the world.

Amaya pushed her knees to her chest wrapping her arms around them leaning against joshua "Sorry for the outburst...sorry for scaring you..."She said more quietly as cecrila watching them as she also watched the othwr geoup taking in everything
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Joshua Tamashii


Joshua listened as Amaya proceeded to go on a bit of a monologue, wether to herself or to him as well he could not be certain. But he listened to her words and took them in, causing him to frown at her largely negative view of herself. He knew she was not the most confident person but he had hoped she viewed herself in a more positive light then this. In a way, it made him actually a bit angry at her that she would talk about herself in such a manner. When she apologized for her outburst, he felt a bit guilty, having not wanted to possibly make her feel worse.
"You're not insignificant at all, you know that? You are far from it. So never, EVER say you are ever again, you hear me?" He said to her, his tone a bit stern but still very gentle. When he continued, his tone lost any hint of sternness, instead being as gentle as he could make it. "So, you didn't find your mom like you had hoped. That doesn't mean you should give up. If anything, fate may have blessed you, since you got the original dragon slayers from so long ago in front of you. If anything, they may be able to help you.

As for your magic, don't ever think that it's not yours, for that is exactly what it is. It is yours to use and wield as you see fit. You don't need to be some rampaging, short-tempered, fiery, destructive person to be worthy of it. Aurora determined that you were and she taught it to you so that you might be able to protect yourself when you need it but also because I think she knew that you would protect those you care about when you really needed you. You can and will act to protect everyone here when you need to and you just did against Zeref. ZEREF of all people Amaya. Even if you did so out of simple anger, most people would freeze out of fear at the simple mention of the guy's name. But you actually went to fight him with no hesitation.

You are braver then you think you are. You can do more then you think you can. I've seen it, Cecelia has seen it, and everyone here has seen it. So there is no reason to change who you are. I hope you never do change. I love the person you are now and I think that person is beautiful. So please, do not think so lowly of yourself.


Amelia Averyonna


Amelia let out a small gasp of surprise as Jarvis suddenly lifted her up into his arms. She did not object though and simply wrapped her arms around him in a hug, the simple act helping her feel more comfortable and safer in his arms. Her cheeks grew bright red and hot as Jamie leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, though once again, she did not object. It was comforting to know her parents were concerned for her, though she still found the notion odd after all this time. But she was content to stay in Jarvis' arms, watching everything that was occurring around her from that safe place.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ferrin Astra


Tenrou Team - The Magi's story: Shadow of the Past

The young wizard's anger extinguished like a candle before a breeze as put-off exhaustion piled on his shoulders and dragged at his words. "Yeah yeah, enough bringing up the past." He sighed, waving his metal hand. "There's too much going on at the present to worry about the future." He followed Mavis' gaze as it turned sad. "Well, strategist, what will be our next move?"

"I have a request of you, Ferrin. I need you to free me from this existence... I fear this island is no longer home."

"Huh?" He blinked. "...huh." He said again after a pause. "If you would elaborate, that would be nice. Now, I am not one to jump to conclusions, but your phrasing could use some work."

Meanwhile, the masked woman had seemingly lost interest and wandered off, walking around from mage to mage. She spent nearly a full minute studying each small group intensely, before soundlessly passing them by. Through this, she said not a word, nor made a sound. Even her footsteps were so faint that few would hear them. However, when she reached the shore, she noticed the water in large area was steaming. More that that, she recalled seeing a big geyser over here earlier. She felt two sources of magic coming from below the surface. Was someone down there? This wasn't the time to take a swim.

She reached out to the darkness, and it answered her like a loyal companion. She drew from the darkness of the deep, from the shadows cast by the rocks beneath the island, and from her own. She swung her arms back and long tendrils of inky blackness extended from her sleeves. Then she cast them forward. They responded to her movement, lengthening and shooting beneath the waves. Seconds later, two girls popped out of the water, caught like fish on a hook. Despite the light emitted by one, and the fire by the other, the shadows grasping about the waist them kept their strength, though weakened. The two mages were reeled in by the darkness to be gently deposited in the sand at the feet of the shadow mage.

She regarded her catch. One seemed all right, if a little waterlogged. Some weak flames still danced from the Red One's form, turning the ocean water to steam. She bent over the girl and stretched out her hands, gathering shadows in them, the darkness stretching out from her sleeves. Her shadow rotated unnaturally to envelope the burning mage. The flames dimmed and appeared to be sucked downward, into the shadow. In seconds, the last of the flames were gone. She released the magic and stepped back. Then she just stood there, watching the both of them.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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Trinity Stratos
Tenrou Island

@Crimson Raven@t2wave

She had been wondering what she was going to do. If she had the magic power for it, she could have wrapped herself in her energy make, but her power had been fading the last couple of months. She couldn't get a grip on why, but she had the feeling it has something to do with the technique she'd been using in the magic games. A pool of magic she had to cheat her way into. Thinking back on it, of course it was a bad idea. Should have done more research.

But that was neither here nor there. She felt something wrap around her, which was alarming enough. Shadows? They pulled her toward the shore, and not into the depths, so that was good. Ariel was being pulled too, even better. She let it take her ashore.

Once in the shallows, she pulled herself to her feet and located the source, a mage. Well, of course it was. The woman? brought Ariel over to her and started doing... Something to her. It didn't seem like she was trying to harm her, and she had to be grateful for the assistance, so she approached slowly. "That was you, then? Thank you." She looked at Ariel obviously, "what, ah... Whatcha doin' there? Miss, er..." this wasn't anyone she could remember seeing before, "Miss shadow magic."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

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Cody Bloodstein

Cody winced as he shifted his shoulder uncomfortable a few times. Holy hell, did that hurt. Just how strong was this Plutus anyway? Maybe it just showed how much training Cody still needed, but once the younger boy had latched onto his wrist Cody couldn't shake him off and almost had his shoulder torn apart.

"I would have way too many questions if we received a friendly one." Cody mumbled in agreement as he bent down to pick his sword up. He had dropped it thanks to Plutus' surprising man-handling of his arm. Seriously, what was his problem?

Jasmine Lockwood and Rajah

Jasmine was indeed well and truly out of it, though it wasn't like a blow from Rajah would leave much more than a mark. The exceed certainly didn't have the strength to bruise a tomato, let alone a slayer. But even so, a torrent of slaps, shaking and abuse at the volume that the little exceed dished out would probably wake just about anyone up.

When Gabriel came over, Rajah latched onto his hand with her tail and floated over him, glaring daggers down at the boy. "And just who the fuck do you think you are huh?" She couldn't believe the nerve of this human! That he thought he could just casually swagger over to them and lay a hand on her disciple...unthinkable! She had three-quarters of a mind to smite him for such an idiotic, feeble-minded action. However, his offer was certainly more than tempting. I mean, of course, she could easily carry Jasmine, she was a superior divine being. But at the same time, such a task was beneath her. She supposed she could allow this worm to carry out such a task. It wasn't like she lacked the physical strength to carry a pillow, let alone a human girl for longer than five seconds. Totally not. Slanderous lies.

"Hmph, no matter. I shall permit you to carry my disciple. You should be honoured, to be of use to one like myself." The sheer disdain and snobbery on display was simply staggering, each word oozing arrogance that defied belief.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by twave
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Having only just gotten her wits about her, what little she could muster, Ariel made her way upward after Trinity directed the way. Her strength wasn't with her though so making progress was slow. Fighting to hold her breath she hardly noticed the dark appendage that coiled around her until the resistance of the water was felt. Plucked from the sea and deposited on shore the woman fell to her knees gasping for breath. The dark patch of land under her registered but there wasn't the sense of mind to do anything about it. What remained of her Flame magic was drained away into the shadow. Twice spent of magic in a span of minutes she collapsed briefly face into the sand.

The impact with the grainy surface was enough to wake up the mage though. In the absence of any strong feeling her magic and appearance shifted back to Aether. Sputtering and rolling over she tried to get the salt out of her mouth. "Oh go... pff... ugh." A pulse of magic sent a spray of sand in all directions. Stopping herself she tried not to let her magic get out of hand. It was exactly the most straightforward to understand or control. Coughing several more times her eyes rolled upward to get an upside down view of the one that had pulled her from the ocean. "Th-thanks for the save. Not sure I would have made it." Turning her head to Trinity she gave a weak smile. "You too." Even though she had another magic her body would take a little while to recover.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mavis met Ferrin’s gaze, holding it as she remained silent for a few moments, her youthful and rather innocent looking face serious as tears swirled around her wide, wise eyes that were at odds with her child-like face. She was going to lose her island, but it was for the best. The island was unstable, the magic here needed time to recover and with her here, that just wouldn’t happen. It still wasn’t an easy choice. Bound here like she was, Mavis wouldn’t be able to do anything but hinder its process.

It had been home for so long… she’d treasured a baby girl here, had a few glorious handful of years loving her as she did every member of her guild, the perfect combination of Lucy and Natsu. And now, in a way, she had come back to her in the form of two boys. Her gaze broke away from Ferrin’s, drifting to Natsu. That conversation was not one she relished, but she knew that it was her responsibility. She had been there when Lucy had died, and he deserved to know. She brought her gaze back to Ferrin, her expression sorrowful and yet at the same time, determined.

“I am bound here, Ferrin. The guardian of Fairy Island- or rather, Fairy Island is… was the guardian of me. My body needed healing, my soul bound in a crystal. Zeref…. In a way, he saved me from the death he caused, despite the curse that was upon me, his was stronger. The island… it kept me safe. In a way, I became the island. Cana… she tried to set me free, but then the battle started and… “ Mavis swallowed, looking away, her eye lids lowering as if to hide the few tears she shed, “She died. You’re the only one that can help me, Ferrin. Please.” She looked back up to meet his gaze once more the previous unshed tears slowly sliding down her cheeks- ignored for the moment.

Before Ferrin could answer, her gaze turned towards the coast. “And afterwards, there’s someone you need to meet.” She said, having no doubt in her mind that Ferrin would do what she requested. She’d lived with one curse, she did not think that Ferrin would let her suffer another.

Gabriel was tired, and steadily growing annoyed as he looked at the Exceed that was, it seemed, steadily beginning to berate him. It was rather… cute, trying to display anger despite being pint sized. It was the smallest Exceed he had ever seen, and he waited it out, raising a brow at the small creature.

“You have a bit of an attitude problem, how do you carry it around, being so small and all?” Gabriel asked as he turned his gaze away from the Exceed and back to the girl that was still unconscious. With no regards to the exceed, Gabriel leaned closer to the girl, beginning to check that she had no serious injuries. He didn’t want to move her if she had bad bleed, or had hurt her back or something. When he was satisfied, Gabriel gathered her into his arms with apparent ease, securing her against his chest before rising.

The girl was small, light… Standing there, he turned his gaze to her face, and for a moment he studied her features before he started to walk towards the others, assuming that the exceed was going to follow.

He’d get the girl help, and then… he’d figure out what he was meant to do next.

They’d all have to figure out what they were doing next, but maybe… they could have time to gather themselves once more.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Jasmine Lockwood and Rajah

The only one here with an attitude problem was this human! Fuming and crossing her arms over her chest, the little exceed glared down at Gabriel as she hovered over him. She had half a mind to strike this human down right here and now. However, he still had a purpose to fulfil and so instead she just grumbled under her breath about not being small and followed after Gabriel after he had scooped Jasmine up in his arms.

Groggily, Jasmine's mind began to click into gear once more as she felt a warm embrace around her. What was this feeling? It felt so familiar, a floating sensation combined with a strange warmth. A strange lub-dub noise echoing throughout her mind as she began to stir in Gabriel's arms. Her eyes felt so heavy, in fact not just her eyes but also her arms, legs...and well everything. Her entire body felt like it was coated in cement and even a small movement caused a wave of pain to wash over her entire being. Confused, her eyes slowly fluttered open. At first, though all she could see through her glazed over eyes were a blur of fabric and blue, an unfamiliar scent filling her nostrils as she gripped the fabric of Gabriel's shirt. Who was this? This didn't smell like Penny.

Nor was the embrace anywhere near as warm or comforting. She sniffed again, yet still couldn't place the scent. But at least her vision was starting to return as her eyes adjusted, her mind starting to wake up through a cloud of exhaustion still hung over her. Now it was starting to become clear to her that the strange floating sensation she had been feeling was in fact...her being carried. But who was it? It couldn't be Penny, otherwise, Jasmine would've recognised the scent.

Cody? James? No. The duo had gone out on a quest before the guild had gotten together to go to Tenrou. Ah, now she knew why this embrace was so familiar. It reminded her of Magnolia. When she was rescued by the two Phoenix Wing mages from those strange moth people, she had woken up being carried by Cody and...


Her eyes shot wide open the moment her mind finally processed what was happening. Her face slowly retreating from the shirt she had buried it into and had been openly sniffing at it, rather obviously at that. Slowly her eyes trailed upwards to look up at the person...man that was carrying her. For a moment, time seemed to freeze for the girl moments before reality came crashing down on her.

She had been sniffing this complete stranger like an absolute utter freak.

"Uh..um..t-this...isn't umm..." Her face flushed a deep crimson as she tripped over her own tongue, unsure of what even to throw up in defence. How could she even explain this? She wanted to just curl up and die in a hole.

At least it delayed the realisation that was her being held in a princess carry. Then again, which one was truly more embarrassing anyway?
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ferrin Astra


Tenrou Team - The Magi's story: Shadow of the Past

Ferrin held Mavis' gaze. He saw flickers of what she was feeling, her sadness, her pain. Pain reflected in his own gaze, the pain of having all you love taken from you.

He broke eye contact first. He was suddenly afraid. Afraid she would see through his confidant golden eyes and arrogant swagger. See the man he had become and be disappointed by what she saw.

She might glimpse the anger that drove him. The wild emotions he kept reined in on a tight leash. Cooled and hard on the surface, yet ranging below like old lava.

He forced a dry laugh. "Stars, girl! It is like you have forgotten who you are talking to. That you feel you have to ask is almost insulting. Me, getting involved in, and cleaning up, this mess was a forgone conclusion when I decided to come here." He reached into a pocket and with a flourish, produced an actual silk handkerchief, which he held out to her. "So dry those tears, love, and lets write ourselves a happy ending." He smiled a smile he didn't feel, slitting the throats of his emotions and burying them deep. He had to be strong. Strong for himself, strong for those around him.

The alterative was going mad.

He sank down until he was eye level with her. "What must I do?"

The masked girl said nothing.

She turned her face to study the one who had spoken to her first. There was a brief shift of her shoulders that may have been a shrug, but the cloak made it hard to tell. If she was surprised at Ariel's sudden colorshift, she gave no indication. However, she did tilt her head slowly one way, then another. Something about her body language spoke of puzzlement.

She leaned in uncomfortably close to Ariel, so close she could hear the figure's breath. She tilter he head again, this time seemingly studying Ariel's face from different angles. She stared a moment longer before both girls could hear her gasp. She suddenly backed off a pace as her hands went up in a feeble point at Ariel.

"!" She made a soundless exclamation. "!!!"

The two wizards got the distinct impression she was trying to say something, but could not.

"..!" She tried again. Her hands fell to her sides as she began to look wildly about, suddenly animated. She dropped to her knees, and started frantically scratching in the sand, making breathy noises somewhere between a whine and a pant.

But it was nonsense. Lines and loops, dots and curves haphazardly placed. Here and there were almost recognizable letters, but it was all jibberish. The words wouldn't come. She desperately swept the sand clean and started again.

And again.

And again.

The fourth time, her finger halted above the tossed ground. It began to shake, the girl was trembling. Suddenly in a burst of violence, she started pounding the ground, the frustration practically boiling off her. Disturbingly, the ground began to crack and dust flew up as she struck with superhuman strength.

The tantrum lasted several dozen seconds, before she stopped as abruptly as she had begun. She sank back into a sitting position, and from the sobs and sniffles coming from behind the mask, began to cry. Tears dribbled out from behind the eerily serene face.

She reminded them of a small child, unable to do simple tasks, and easily frustrated.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

She was sniffing him… It wasn’t really the strangest thing that had happened to him. Dog often sniffed him- and from what he understood, the Slayers had heightened senses. The girl hadn’t had any injuries, at least nothing serious… she just seemed to be… overworked. Was she a Slayer? It seemed likely with the tiny exceed with her. He looked down at her as she stirred, and didn’t seem to be aware of the smile that flashed across his features for a few seconds at the expression on her features as she became aware of things.

“It’s fine.” Gabriel said softly, “You’re a slayer. I get it.” He shifted her slightly, making an effort to ensure that she was comfortable, “Your exceed was… ahem, rather insistent that I help. I didn’t mind giving a helping hand. Not for someone as equiste as you.” He cleared his throat, and continued to carry her towards the guilds, only putting her down when he was certain she was safely with her own guild.

Mavis held Ferrin’s gaze until he looked away- although she didn’t. Accepting the handkerchief he handed her, Mavis delicately padded at her eyes, drying them before tucking the sheet of material away, and turning on her heel, she walked away from the recent scene of victory. She didn’t turn to see if Ferrin was following, knowing that he would be. She walked without hesitation until they were climbing an incline, slowing before she reached the top, and turning towards Ferrin. She appeared uncertain, and perhaps a little frightened. She dropped her gaze, before she brought it back to his.

“It was after you disappeared, Ferrin… Zeref’s power, his curse, was stronger than mine own and… to explain would take longer than I believe we have- I am not even certain we have the time for this, however the island will wait for me.” She said, shifting back on her feet, her tone certain at the statement. “It lead to my body falling into a stasis- almost as if it was cryogenically frozen worse than my youthful state. My consciousness was secured into a lacrima and I became this island upon my deliverance here, for my curse was still active despite the fallen state of my body. In order not to harm others.”

The explanation was not precise, but to explain it so would take time they couldn’t spare, not with things the way they were. The island… she gave a heavy sigh. The place that had been her home for so long… the sentient creation that it was kept others safe from her, and had protected her body, giving it the sustenance it needed to survive… they had worked in symbiosis and she wasn’t certain how things would go from here. “There are a few magics of the fairy… and one that can free me. Fairy Glitter… it needs to be you, Ferrin. The last original member of Fairy Tail… and perhaps the only one powerful enough to wield the magic.” She shifted and gave Ferrin a charming smile. “This way.” Fairy Glitter had not been freed since Cana had used it… Mavis’s grave still protect it from misuse, but it was time for it to be freed. The magic could rival law, and it was one of a very limited set of magics that could harm her, both her ethereal form and her physical.

She slowed once more as she reached a cairn, the memorial of stones that marked her grave appeared well looked after, the stones were crystalised and within her stationary form could be seen. She seemed to study her body for a few seconds, before magic seemed to stir in the air, and she held a lacarmia out to Ferrin, the crystalised stones seeming to fade away.

Mavis knew that it was a weight, even as Ferrin touched the lacrima it disappeared in a flash of light, glyphs seeming to appear for a few seconds. “Fairy Glitter is extremely powerful.” She said softly, “but can only be wielded by those worthy.”

Her gaze moved towards the small scrying pond, tilting her head. She wasn’t certain how things were going to go, or even if she would survive what was coming, but Ferrin deserved a little happiness. “I’m sorry, my old friend. For everything. You’ll find happiness here, I am certain.” She smiled, clasping her hands in front of her. “You just need to see it for yourself.”

It was with a somewhat heavy heart that Jamie began to check her guild members were alright, and that any injuries were being looked after. She took her time, and as she did she checked on any one she came across, whether they were her own or not, for right then they were all her own. They had fought dragons together, after all. When it seemed that she had checked on everyone she returned to her little family and rested her weary form against Jarvis, taking a few precious moments to gather her strength before she began to speak.

“I know a few of you are from Frenzy Plant, and that the general has…. Taken a leave of absence. If any of you need a place to belong, even for a short time, you will be welcome in Phoenix WIng.”

Sasha let herself relax as things relax, closing her eyes a moment and letting out a soft breath. It was over. They had done it. She smiled and laughed softly, unconcerned with whatever anyone thought of her. It had been a long time, so many years since she had first started on this path and it seemed incredible that it was finally over.

Opening her eyes, they were drawn to the top of the mountain, watching intently- not sure what she was even searching for. Whatever it was, though, she was certain that it signified an end to something. Drawing in a breath, she let it out before beginning to move, ushering people towards the ship, knowing that they ought to get off the island as fast as possible, within reason.

After all, they were wizards and home was waiting for them. And soon enough, she was sure, there would be another job or cause that needed them.

For they were Guild Wizards, and together that was what they did.

Join us, at a soon to be disclosed location, for our next chapter

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

"And so, with Zeref seemingly vanished by the united strength of the Wizard Guilds of Fiore, the Dragons freed of their curse by the same power, a unity of hearts and souls not seen since the days of the legendary Fairy Tail and its fellows. With the crisis averted and evil thwarted in its attempt at a hostile takeover, the Wizards of the modern day returned to their homes and lives within the Fiore proper.

The members of Dragon Fang returned to their home in Shirotesume Town and resumed day to day living, enjoying each other's company and remembering those who could not join them in ushering in a new era of magic.

Frenzy Plant, for a time, enjoyed a similar prosperity, but eventually disbanded for reasons none of its former members felt a need to share. They went on to make names for themselves in other guilds or on their own; though they never forgot the guild that had given them the skills and wisdom they needed.

And Phoenix Wing? Heh, well, they went on helping the people and causing trouble of course. How do I know? Well, let's just say I've known it's members for a long time. And besides, who said the story was over, what with so many bright futures shining out in the night sky in all the guilds?

One things for sure, the story of Phoenix Wing and the other guilds? It's just beginning."
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