Mission briefing:
Many agents died to get us this information. Intelligence painstakingly assembled, coerced and bought from several sources has been corroborated by the Emperor’s Voice. It has confirmed the findings. That should tell you about the gravity of the issue.
After a series of calamitous events on Tython resulted in the capture of the Dark Force User operating under the sobriquet of ‘Selene’, actions must be taken to minimise the threat she poses to the Galaxy. She has been an elusive, disturbing presence for far too long. The Empire wants her. The Emperor wants her.
Her capture provides an opportunity which cannot be ignored. She is detained by Jedi, with the intent to transport her off-world. The vessels assigned are few. Your mission is to intercept the Republic convoy, and take custody of ‘Selene’. The strike must be surgical, quick and clean. Due to the haste in which the strike team has been assembled, outside elements have been recruited to augment our forces. It is rag-tag, admittedly, but work with what you have. Failure is not an option. When you hear my head hitting the ground you know yours will be next.
Gather your gear. You ship out within the hour.
While the prompt’s been written from an Imperial point of view, this story is actually open for almost anyone. Republic characters have an easy ‘in’ by getting on the convoy as guards. Imperial characters will obviously be part of the strike force. Independent characters can be on either side, though as you have read, the Empire recruited several hastily to bolster their contingent. This is really also a chance to get your Sith on. You're welcome to make a temporary character, or bring in your existing one. Just make sure the character's presence is justified and plausible. The mission takes place in 6ATC, after the events on Tython involving Selene. The mission leader/coordinator will be my own Collem Corvinian.
Please express your interests, thoughts and apply below. Let's blow some shit up.