Time ✒ Evening
Location ✒ Swan Songs Record Shop
Mentions ✒ @Pilatus
Interactions ✒ @Pilatus

"I hate this..." Tao thought as he stood by the bar, handing tapping the wooden counter top in a nervous fashion. He rarely met his clients in person, preferring to simply talk on the phone. It was safer that way, people wouldn't know what he looked like. The boy tugged at a loose string on his sweater, he was beginning to get twitchy just waiting there. "I probably look so out of place here." He glanced over to where he had left his friend Felix who upon spotting gave him a wave and a wink. Tao could only roll his eyes at his friend. As he was waiting a girl came up next to him and ordered a drink, though he paid her very little attention. He was too wrapped up in the dozens of possible scenarios that could happen, both good and bad.
That is until the woman next to him spoke his name. His head snapped in her direction in surprise, taking in the blonde hair and green eyes. He did not know this girl and he was certain that there was no way she could know his name, but then a thought entered his mind. "Have I been caught?" It was entirely possibly that the client he was supposed to be meeting told the police, who then had figured out who he was and sent someone to arrest him. Panic and anxiety slowly began to set in, his heart racing. Tao was ready to bolt and hope that maybe the crowd would slow her down, then she spoke again.
“I like your Hawking quotes, but I think I prefer Asimov.”
That made him stop and realization washed over him, the panic he had felt turning to relief. The only person who would make such a claim would be the client he had spoken to on the phone, though something shiny caught his attention. The panic returned in full blast as his pale green eyes spotted the badge that peaked out of her jacket. "I need to get out of here." That was the first thought that crossed his mind and he was already looking for the door, but would he really be able to get away? This was obviously a cop which meant she was probably more fit than he was. He hated any physical activities so he was out of shape, he wouldn't even make it to the door fast without being out of breath. He was stuck.
Trying to calm his frazzled nerves Tao looked to the blonde woman, suspicion clear in his green eyes. "Asimov was a great writer and biochemist..." He said slowly, he was trying to figure out what to do in such a situation. "What does someone in your position need of me? There has to be someone more....qualified?" He softly, referring to how he could clearly see her badge, thus knowing that she was a cop. He was also trying to see why she was here. To arrest him? Or perhaps it really was she needed his hacker services, but weren't there better people out there than him? Then another thought struck him, it was the quote itself.
He gave out the codes, never using the same one over. He kept track of what codes went to what person, that way if someone contacted him he would know who gave said person the code. For the specific one this girl had used there was only one person who know of it...and as far as Tao knew he was in jail. CT had been something of a friend, if that's what someone could call it. He had to admit though that the guy was a brilliant hacker, even if he was kind of a douche bag. God he could already feel a headache beginning for form, this was way too much stress for a guy who just did small-time work and he had a feeling that she wasn't going to need some easily obtained information. "I wish I had stayed home..." he thought duly.