She looked at herself in the mirror, unable to really grasp what she was about to do. She was a woman that had no idea who she really was, about to go out for a social meetup with a coworker. Was Sandy a coworker? Or was she Booster's boss? The hero honestly didn't really know.
Didn't really know. That was the story of her life at this point. She didn't know her real name. Didn't know where...or when she really came from. Hell, she didn't even know what kind of drink she usually ordered at a bar! She was a cypher to herself, how could she possibly have anything to say to another human worth their time?
She adjusted her shirt to make sure it looked as she hoped. Nothing more than a simple tank top and a pair of jeans to go with it. If she was being honest with herself, she had no idea what was considered fashionable in this time. She had seen so many different styles. This would, at the very least, be passable in the
"Ma'am?" Skeets's voice emanated from the door of the bathroom. She had gotten used to him not giving her much privacy. He was a robot, after all. He wasn't trying to be creepy, he just had no semblance of what was appropriate when it came to human behavior. "Are you okay?"
"Fine, Skeets," she shrugged. "Just getting ready to go out for a drink. What do people drink in 2019 anyway?"
Skeets buzzed for a second, "Bloody Mary's random fried food stuffed into them. Beers brewed less than five miles from where they are consumed. Whiskey."
"I think I'll stick with whiskey," Booster muttered to herself, the words seemingly springing from her subconscious. "Yea, that sounds good."
"Sounds good, ma'am," Skeets was apprehensive. "But that's not exactly what I meant."
She turned over her shoulder and looked at the robot, "What do you mean, then?"
"During the meetings today, you had two more reactions," the AI responded matter-of-factly. "Once when Captain America was mentioned, and once when Tony Star was. It didn't read differently on your vitals than when we first appeared in this time."
A long sigh escaped her as she thought about it. She knew that Skeets had been monitoring her vitals. Of course he was. The robot was attached to a suit of armor she never really took off. He knew when her heart rate spiked. Skeets hadn't brought it up to her yet. Maybe he did know a little bit about propriety. He didn't want to hurt her by bringing up things that made her uncomfortable.
"Yea, Skeets," she nodded. "I think...I think they're my memories. They're triggered by words, phrases, sights...different things. I don't know. But they hit me like a punch in the face."
"These seemed a little less intense than the one the other day with the news reports of Captain America killing that Stryfe character," Skeets added.
She thought about that long and hard. The vision that had come to her that day was the most intense that she had experience outside the initial one when she woke up in 2019.
Booster looked up at the robot and started, "When we saw that news report, I had the longest vision I've had yet. I saw the moments before I...before we were sent back in time. Parts of it at the very least. I was in a room. It was under siege. Captain America was there. He was giving me instructions. At least I think he was. But he was old. At least a few decades. Iron Man was there too. Then three people I'm not familiar with. An older guy in blue. An older guy in blue and red. And an older guy with white hair on the sides of his head. The three of them were working around some computer. You and I were in a transporter or something. I assume it was what sent us back to this time. As I said, Captain America was giving us instructions. Iron Man was preparing for something to come through the door of the room. I could smell ozone burning. Everyone else looked like hell. They looked like they had been through a war, and they were all on their last legs. This was a last stand. That much was obvious. Everything else was a blur. But before I was...transported, Cap said something to me. Something that wasn't clear in my vision. But it was important. As my vision began to be taken over by the time travel, something came through the door of the room. Ripped through Iron Man like he was a paper doll. That was the last thing I saw, I assume, before waking up in 2019."
Silence hung heavy in the air as Booster finished her story. It was something that had haunted her dreams since the day she saw it, but what made it even worse was the fact that she didn't know what it meant. The words that came from Captain America's lips were nothing more than the wind on a summer day on the beach. They were like trying to catch smoke. Each time she tried to figure out what he had said she just got a headache. It was maddening.
"I'm sorry, Booster," was all that the robot could respond with. "I remember nothing of our final moments from where we came from."
She looked over at him, "I kind of assumed that. If we ever get a chance to link up with Tony Stark or someone else who can fix you, we'll have them take a look."
"I would like that, ma'am."
"So would I," she nodded. Not because she cared about the robot's well being, but because she needed to know everything he had in his databanks.
The clinks of glasses and the hum of conversation floated in the back of Booster's mind as she shifted uncomfortably in the seat across from Sandy. She was wearing the same blouse from earlier, a shiny off-white, though a few of her buttons had been undone since she left work. Her hair, usually worn up while in the office, was now falling down to her shoulders in red, slightly-wavy cascades. It was lovely, Booster had to admit. Her gin and tonic rolled in her hand as she swirled her glass, and sighed, "It's good that this job pays well, because otherwise I dunno if I'd be able to take it."
Booster's eyebrow raised, "Dealing with me is that bad, huh?"
Sandy's freckled cheeks went deep red, almost matching her cheeks, with a blush, "Oh, I didn't mean it like that!"
"Relax!" Booster also spat up her drink from laughter. She had ordered a whiskey. Maybe it was something in her subconscious that told her she would enjoy it, and she really was. "I was joking."
"Not funny," Sandy shook her head at the superhero. "Pretending that I just pissed off the most powerful person I know isn't exactly ideal."
"Sorry," Booster was apologetic. "But I would figure Agger was the most powerful person you know. He is technically my boss, after all."
"Please," the PR rep rolled her eyes. "Agger's terrified of you. Only reason he looks so calm around you is because you make him money, and that cures all ills for him. But he's the reason I'd probably leave the job if you hadn't come around. Working for a company with big money sounds great at my age, until you really see how the sausage is made, and Agger is ruthless. When the world is moving away from oil, he's fighting tooth and nail to keep it alive. And even ignoring that...something else gives me the willies."
Booster was surprised to hear that, "You are a superb actress. In that meeting I would have thought you were behind him fully. But it relieves me you feel that way. The guy is slimier than a sea slug. Am I really the reason you haven't left?"
"Sure," Sandy nodded sheepishly. "We can do some good here, even if it's in the name of a shit company. But you need to be careful on this mission."
The superhero leaned over the table closer, "How so?"
"Agger is obsessed with Irons's project," she explained. "I've never seen him more invested in a single company project. He swears up and down that there's no desire to weaponize those suits, but I don't buy it. There's something fishy going on. At least I think there is."
Booster considered her words. It was nothing more than conjecture, and could be nothing more than Agger's normal ick factor. But if he really was involved with what was going on with the stolen suits, it meant he wanted to sell them to the highest bidder. Iron Man wanted to keep such tools out of the hands of those that would misuse them, but it tracked that other people would try to do the exact opposite. That was a scary thought.
"If something's going on, I'll figure it out," Booster comforted Sandy. "After all, who better to foil a plot than Booster Gold? I do it in my sleep."
Sandy's eyes narrowed at her suspiciously, "You can't fool me with that braggadocios attitude, Booster. You're hiding something too. And I'm going to figure it out."
"Well, when you do, let me know, would ya?" she responded, only half-joking.