Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Flint Marrow - Atlanta, Georgia - Legion Facility

"Damn it" Agent Marrow was more then a little annoyed with the situation & developments taking place. The past three months hadn't been easy, with everything "The Incident" had caused. He recalled the early days when they'd first uncovered the futuristic technology from the alternate dimension they would serve to cause massive damage to the world as well as empowering & murdering several individuals on it. "This is not good."

He was looking down at some paper work and shaking his head. Two days ago they'd been forced to murder another individual with abilities. A Man with the ability to melt solid matter, and a known criminal prior to his powers. Legion had been forced to open a center in Atlanta as during the first month after "The Incident" a kid with powers had killed 100 students at his high school by draining the oxygen out of their lungs.

Members of Congress were proposing a bill that would force people with abilities to register with a Government database with language making it sound similar to the Sex Offender list. The main problem this would cause for Legion's work was that if people with powers were being forced to out-themselves, and be recorded with public knowledge making them disappear would cause more questions & raise more alarms. "The President needs to get a fucking handle on this! We can't have this damn bill passed. We need to track down as many of these individuals as possible, and place them in the camps! Of course we can't spill the beans to everyone in fucking Congress, but your going to have to make something happen!" Flint screamed before hanging up his phone and placing it down.

His hands cupped his forehead as he took in a deep breath clearly frustrated with everything going on. "My job is getting harder everyday, and the Director is breathing down my neck." He said now speaking to himself as he kept flipping through his paper work. Files on the superhuman they knew about, and there were still plenty more out there. Although they'd managed to recruit a small handful with some military & government backing that proved to be loyal to the cause it was no telling how many more where out there, and how truly dangerous their abilities could be.

He turned to look at his laptop, and saw he had a new email. "More bad news huh." He sighed and reached over for his ash tray grabbing a still lit cigarette. Taking a few puffs he leaned back in his chair as he opened up the electronic message. "What?

Hello Agent Marrow, we've received information that an agent from your division was compromised. Greg Konnovich was recently revealed to have connections to a dangerous drug cartel associated with Hector Salzaras, suspected to have died in a freak tidal wave minutes after The Incident occurred. Further more during our investigation into him, he's suddenly vanished off the face of the earth. In the final period of our investigation into him before we took him into custody we know he was looking for an individual who'd managed to steal a sizable amount of money from the Salzaras Cartel. We are 90% sure he had no idea that we had any surveillance on him or that he had any awareness of his ties to the Cartel. He'd called for back-up claiming he had uncovered an extremely dangerous super powered murderous individual in Atlanta, below is footage transmitted from Backup before they went offline.

He opened the file, and saw it showed about four armed legion agents searching a warehouse area. A few minutes into the video one of hte agents was knocked across the room into a wall with powerful force. The other three agents turned around raising their weapons yelling out. Out of thin air a car appeared slamming into a second agent. Then the camera was distorted, and all he could see was what appeared tobe some massive object coming down towards the agents then the camera went blank and nothing but static was heard.

"Shit....." Flint got up from his desk and the cigarette fell to the ground. "Just like I thought more bad news."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by role model
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role model Drunk With Odd Memory, High On Knowledge

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Erik was sitting on an old, small wood bench directionally looking at the fenced in basketball court where two groups of guys were shooting hoops opposite each net. This was the number three court, marked because there were five courts in the neighborhood. The ballers were going hard, but everybody knew everybody and the mischief was minimal... just some swearing. They all were wearing shorts. Some of them were wearing white tee shirts, and all of the other ones had on tank tops. This was code. It was their culture. Most of them did this everyday, albeit everybody missed a day or two. Erik wanted to play, but there was the thing. He was "different."

Erik tried to be extremely calm, extremely cool. If he got too angry, he could catch a pass to him and it could possibly light up like a star shaped like a basketball in his hands. And, it didn't matter if it was day or night. This would be the result of Erik's difference. He could control kinetic energy. That included microwave energy. But, he doesn't like to talk about it. Like, ever.

After he watched the game, he walked down the block and turned up an old apartment complex's stairway and went into his home. It was a one bedroom, one bath studio pad. It was neat. The blue couch had a white quilt run over it so he didn't spill anything on the couch, or if he wanted to take a nap. He had a little table with an empty beer bottle sitting on it. The medium sized refrigerator had some beer in it, and also some cheese and meat and milk, and bread. He shut it

Next, he went into his bedroom. He checked his college e-mail, answered a couple of them, then looked in his tiny closet and admired his Jumpman 23 low cut sneakers. Next, he went to his bathroom and scrubbed his teeth and broke off an oxycodone and took it orally. Then, he called up a girlfriend and requested her to be his date to the movies. They were familiar with each other, so the conversation was almost light, being that Erik got off on being teased a little bit. So, it was a win. He jumped in the shower, sprayed on cologne, dressed, and waited for her. He didn't have a car.

90 Minutes Later, Regional Cinema Theatre

"How's your mom doing?"

"She's fine. She's got shingles from screwing around," said Sierra.

They were arriving at the movies place in a '13 Ford Mustang. It was a nice car. Red, with updated tires and rims. The only thing that could be better was if it was a convertible.

"So, you like the Avengers?"

"They're OK. I wanted to see the new Leonardo DiCaprio, but maybe next time."

They rode past the warehouse where some thing had happened. They both commented on it. The police were everywhere, and a little smoke was rolling out of the warehouse somewhere. It didn't look good. Given all of that police presence, you would think they would organize a roadside check, or something, but it was nothing. Sierra made a comment after Erik noticed it. Then, they found a parking slot and walked up to buy their tickets. They entered the movie and bought popcorn with condiments and they both had a large Sprite to drink.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jace Williams - Atlanta Georgia - The Bluff

"I pop a Perk, it's BOOSTING MY STAMINA! I hit that nat like an animal oooh!" Jace Williams yelled out singing along to the lyrics of hte popular Stunna 4 Vegas Song, Animal. He was cruising through the streets of one of Atlanta's most notoriously dangerous drug infested neighborhoods "The Bluff". He had the volume blasting in his 2009 Black Toyota Corolla, with a half burned swisher full of marijuana in between his lips.

His whole life had been one downward spiral since getting involved with selling drugs & his older brother Jason getting shot to death when he was in high school. Luck, it seemed was on his side with the newfound powers he'd gained from "The Incident" as the world had come to call it. Although he'd read plenty online about how people with powers were blamed for the Incident, and fear of them was rising since the empowered individual who killed 100 high school students in Atlanta it didn't bother him.

His music was interrupted as his phone began ringing. He groaned and picked it up. "Hallo, watchu want Auntie Keisha? I told you I'm mafucking working I ain't got no time to talk bout no bullshit."

"Boy! Where the hell you at! You ain't been to work in three mafucking days! I stuck my neck out to get you that job when you got out! I told you time and time again to stay out these damn streets." His auntie barked through the phone, concerned for her nephew's safety, and worried about what trouble he might get into in the streets.

"Look you ain't my mama so stop trying to be her, I ain't."

"BOY LOOK! Just cause Devon, and Tamara here don't mean yo ass can be! If you don't get yo azz back to work, then you need to get the FUCK out my house! Ain't no gang bangers finna live at my house, especially if you fucking with Cornell! I seen you meeting him at the Quicktrip the other day, and only work he got is white!!! You betta be at god damn work in the next 24 hours or Don't come back!!!" She screamed and the phone cut off.

Jace rolled his eyes, he respected his auntie she'd held him down but with the gift he'd been given the car dealership didn't appeal to him. He shook his head and hit the blunt a few more times before ashing it. He turned the wheel and made a sharp right. He pulled down the block and parked his car. "I fuck with you auntie, but Cornell's about real bread. " A smile on his face he reached for the backpack in the passenger seat, and opened it to check on his two bricks of cocaine. "Ight let's get it."

Mind set on what he wanted to do, the backpack full of drugs was zipped up. After the keys were removed, and making sure the car was off, he tossed one strap of the bag over his shoulder. He took a minute to look around his surroundings as he tucked his glock in his pants pocket. Aye Unk, I'm here I'm finna do like I said so get ready finna make some shit shake with Ramon. He walked over to a door of a house where loud music could be heard blaring, and the pungent aroma of marijuana was strong in the air. A few knocks on the door, and seconds later it was slowly crept open.

"You here for Ramon?"

Jace slightly opened the backpack full of dope and nodded. The door was slid open, and Jace walked in. Inside was even more lively then inside. Rello guts, rello's, empty beer cans, and bottles were strewn across the floor. Analyzing the room he saw the heavily built man who led him inside had an assault rifle in hand. Following him down hte dimly lit hallway to the living room he saw Ramon counting several blue hundred dollar bills, two women by his side drinking Hennessy straight. Taking in the rest of the room he saw some other drug dealers gambling, playing cards, playing 2k19, and some barely dressed women cooking crack cocaine in the kitchen.

"Cornell's boy huh, how much you want for that?" Ramon said in between puffs from his newport that he ashed on the floor.

"Man I ain't here to play witchu, you know what I want. 13, and no less." Jace spoke un-deterred by the scenery, including armed dealers around him.

"Yo ass bold, walking in here by yo self all that dope, and no back up? Bruh you ain't fucking Superman, you lucky Cornell's name good in these streets, aye Red bring that shit over here." Ramon yelled out. One of his lackeys walked over with a bag of his own and opened it up taking out stacks of hundred dollar bills in rubber bands placing them on the table. Jace slid the bag of drugs over, and picked up the money taking a few bills out the rubber bands and holding them up to the light. "Awh you really tripping, we go way back, long as you bring us good dope, you good to serve out here, shit one day maybe you and Cornell might be able to boss up like me." The Drug dealer snickered although Jace was un-amused.

"Like you? Listen up bitch" The whole energy in the already tense drug deal changed, as Ramon lowered the cigarett as if Jace had lost his mind.

"N..have you lost yo motheorfucking mind speaking to me like that." Without warning one of Ramon's men slapped Jace across the face, audible across the entire room. Everyone including the women cooking drugs turned their attention to everything as Jace rubbed his face, and licked his lips.

"Oh naw...you shouldn't have done that, I was just putting yo in yo place, and yo had to put yo crusty ass hands on my face. "I was going wait but listen up, the streets is mine like I said bitch,." In quick motion Jace reached out and pulled out his gun. Suddenly every armed thug in the room raised their weapons and aimed at Jace, as Ramon stood up furious.

"Ion know what the fuck you been smoking, maybe Cornell got you on the sherm, but you real close to not walking out here alive! You know we run this shit, me and Salzaras got this whole city on lock. Now give me one fucking reason I shouldn't have yo ass popped right here."

"Bruh shut the fuck up, tell Lucifer I'm sorry I couldn't send you earlier." Jace raised his gun when suddenly every thug in hte room opened fire on him. His body was riddled with bullets and he stumbled back dropping the money and hit the ground. The hail of bullet fire continued for a few seconds before stopping. Ramon stood up and looked at the fallen dealer's body.

"Fucking idiot, aye grab the money, go ahead and call Yoda, we need to air Cornell's shit out, shit air out his ex shit, what that bitch name Keisha, kill all them motherfuckers, I want all of them dead before fucking eight o clock, and anyone that gotta problem going end up like this stupid ass negro hopped up on whatever the fuck Cornell had him smoking." Ramon barked, his voice heard across the room. "Turn that fucking music off when I'm talking business I swear."

"Swear what?" The whole room went silent as Jace stood up cracking his neck taking off his shirt, showing the bullets had no effect on his body. With one swift movement he punched a hole clean through the body of the nearest assailant, then slammed his knee into the other one cracking every bone in his body. "I told you mother fuckers its over with, you ain't dealing with no regular brother no more."

"Ah shit....kill this FOOL NOW!! KILL HIM!!!! >" Ramon jumped up raising his own gun shooting, as Jace smiled raising his gun increasing the strength and pulling the trigger. One shot fired causing explosive force tearing through the apartment and killing several. The entire scenery turned bloody, bullets flying, people running for their lives, and Jace literally tearing people apart. Ramon took off running as Jace walked forward calmly grabbing one of the girls who attemptd to flee and ripping her in half while laughing." Stupid ass hoe, shoulda stayed in school, come on Ramon where the fuck you think you going now."

"YO!!! LISTEN BRUH!! LISTEN!!! I ain't even know what I'm talm bout, shit I didn't know you had super powers My G, listen! I got plugs, I got connections you ain't never heard of! Fuck working with Cornell, shit fuck Red too, stupid ass he ain't shit, look Salzaras find this shit out, we can run the city, really you, I can work for you, I ain't even." Before he could finish talking he felt immense pain as Jace had ripped off his right arm and smacked him with it twice before tossing it into a window.


"You wanna live, WHERE THE FUCK is the rest of yo fucking money and the coke bruh listen I ain't playing, I will fucking tear you in half!!!" Jace barked as Ramon lay on the ground screaming as blood poured out. He struggled to point somewhere before Jace raised his foot and stepped on Ramon's head crushing his skull killing him instantly. Within a few short minutes Jace was walking outside the damaged building, covered in blood, with two back-packs one full of cocaine, and the other filled with about 90,000 dollars that was stashed in the house. He could hear sirens in the distance, as he hopped in his car calmly and tossed the bags in the back seat. Taking his time he plugged his phone back into the aux, and shuffled to Da Baby's Today. "Fuck a ***** mean, I'm on they ass today, I just went and picked me up a bag today."

Skrt!!! His tires were heard screeching, as the super thug pulled off from the bloody scene car full of drugs, and money. Adrenaline flowing through his system as he sped down the residental street doing 80 miles per hour. His attention divided between the road, and his phone he shot Cornell a text. Ramon's gone Unk, it's time for us to take the streets, ain't a motherfucker finna stop us not him not Salzaras not nobody. Grabbing a big stack of hundreds he couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah no disrespect Auntie but Imma be able to get my own place." He said aloud as he headed down to the new apartment he'd bought in buckhead two days ago, ready to begin his new life.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A man in black plastic pants and a red t-shirt stepped out the back of a plain grey van. It was far from what many of his associates would consider his normal dress, but he'd been out of the game for a while, slowly laundering his hard, but illegally earned money through his bookstore. Of course it was about time he got all of his suits out of the attic.

When he got back after the incident he had a bit of a dispute with his microwave and had been disputing it with his fist when and arc of lightning shot off. It was invigorating. Alan hadn't felt alive like during that moment in years and he knew from that moment he was going to have to get back into the game and use this power for something huge. Something worthy of his talents. Since then he'd spent the last month trying to get a handle on just what he could do with his powers and getting the gang back together. Which is why he was now a few blocks away from some forgotten warehouse. The last man he got in touch with, a getaway driver by the handle of "Garfield" had called him out here to discuss something in private. It seemed fishy, but probably nothing he couldn't handle.

Alan walked up to the driver's window and knocked on it to get her attention. She was a short woman who went by the handle "Madison". She normally handled hacking and other computer based functions, but Alan was short on available manpower right now with everyone taking care of personal things before they were ready to come to him. Across from her was "Tyler", an expert gunman and occasional sniper. He was mostly around in case things went wrong; which was often enough to keep him on the payroll. That and he was good help around the bookstore. Madison rolled down the window and Alan directed her to drive around the warehouse until she was needed.

A few blocks of walking later Alan came upon the open door of the warehouse. Inside in the center was an expensive looking, orange sports car. All around the place though there were old moldy crates and rusting racks with various decrepit pieces of hardware strewn along them that Alan payed no mind to. Next to the car was Garfield in a fine black business suit. It was a trap. Alan's new powers were pretty cool like being able to detect the electrical signals running through people. People like the two guys Garfield had as backup behind some of the crates. Of course he had guessed from the moment this meeting was set up that it was going to go badly and under normal circumstances Alan would have scouted it first and then probably come in guns blazing from as many angles as possible. This time however, Alan just wanted to test out his new powers.

"You're a little dressed up for this don't you think?" Alan called stepping through the huge doorway. "I thought this was supposed to be a casual meeting between friends."

Garfield spat some chewing tobacco on the ground. "It is. What do you think about my new car?" Garfield said motioning to the orange vehicle with one hand while the other wiped his lips.

Alan stepped forward into the room and pointed a hand out to the stack of wooden crates Garfield's backup was hiding behind. Without warning a bolt of electricity shot from his fingers and burned a hole through the wood. The anguished screams of two unfortunate souls signified an end to that particular threat. "Now Garfield, I'm sure later that I'm going to have plenty of time to look at your car after I'm done mounting your head to it, but why exactly are you trying to kill me?"

Garfield had a look of shock on his face with eyes glued to Alan's hand. it took Alan walking up no more than a few meters away for the driver to suddenly collect himself and reach for something in the breast of his suit. Wrong answer Alan thought as a second bolt left him, this time at Garfield. It wasn't meant to kill. It was meant to stun. Alan intended to have some... fun with this traitor later. Preferably after he had tortured a motive out of him.


Some time later with Garfield tied up in the trunk of his own car and Alan lazily waiting on the hood the grey Van Drove in and with the vehicle still running Madison came out. Tyler stayed in the car with a vigilant eyes scanning everything. "So, I take it that the meeting went" Maddison paused to look around only counting the burning crates as damage "Well... Did you convince Garfield to be our getaway driver?"

"Not at all" Alan replied. "I'm going to need you to give me that backup one you were talking about.

"He's not" Madison stopped herself. "Sir we don't know what he'll be like on a job. He's untested. Are you sure you want that?"

"We're always going to need new blood Madison" Alan sighed. "Now give me his number or whatever." Maddison fished out a cheap looking phone that was probably just a burner and dialed a number before handing the device over to Alan. "What's their name?" Alan asked belatedly.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Legion HQ, Somewhere

"I really don't feel comfortable clearing him to go operational."

"Marrow and Kannovich have been bitching about how they need more manpower! Just clear this guy so they can shut the fuck up and quit cluttering my inbox."

Two men stood in a dark room on the other end of a two way mirror. The mirror allowed them to look into a whitd room where Marcus Stone sat on a fold-up chair at a metal table. Dr. Knowles was unsure about clearing Marcus due to failing his psychological assessment. Agent Warren on the other hand wanted to deploy Marcus as soon as possible.

"Isn't Kannovich dead?" Dr. Knowles wondered why Agent Warren included the man.

"Did he? I guess that means Marrow will just bitch twice as much for losing one of his best guys. Even more reason to send this crazy fucker. Marrow wants the help, make an exception and give it to him." Agent Warren suggested before exiting the room. Dr. Knowles just stood there and watched as Agent Warren entered the white room. He listened in while he signed off on Marcus's documents

"Mr Stone! I think Dr. Knowles just has to sign a few things and you should be good to go. How do you feel about being a part of a Kill-Capture Cell in Atlanta?" Agent Warren smirked as he tucked his hands into the pockets of his black slacks.

"Kill-Capture? Too easy." Marcus said simply as he smiled, glad to have made it through the process of being cleared to operate as a member of Legion. Agent Marcus Stone. I'm lovin' the sound of that.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Meleck

Meleck Cleric on the Northern Plains

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Father Thomas Alexander

Link to Character Sheet

Location: Cathedral of Christ the King, Atlanta, GA

Thomas started thinking about vocation as he exited the Bishop’s office. He was still a priest, but one that could not preside at Mass, administer the Sacraments, nor do official church business. He like a hand full of priests across the world had been impacted by the event a week ago. Now he found himself stuck in the slow churning bureaucracy that was the church.

“Until we get to the root of this...,” the Bishop had said leaving Thomas with room and board, a little pocket money, and way too much time on his hands. After a month of being board he was invited to come down to Savannah. As like many organizations, the church had its public face that was officially worried about people using powers in an abusive way against others, governments making them into super soldiers, and the theological implications. In private, the church worried about finances, the instantaneous loss of church members meant that there would be big changes. It also worried that governments would take things into their own hands and be immoral to those with powers now, people like Thomas.

Unofficially, the church had been involved with some illegal but not immoral activities. Many a stranger passing through the Benedictine Priory of Savannah they were welcomed, fed and clothed, and helped on their way either northward towards Atlanta or other port cities where immigrants are welcomed and less questions asked. Now the church was gearing up to help those with powers that were fleeing or trying to move undetected. The financial crunch meant that elements of the church would be welcoming money from different sources, including drug smuggling or other illegal means while officially condemning such activities.

Since the event the crime rate has dramatically increased.

As he walked out of the church trying to catch his breath, a text message came in, “Bring the van, down when you come.”

Thomas sighed. His powers had manifested in small ways at this point. Fixing a coffee cup his mother gave him that broke was the first thing. Since then, he has tried using his powers to fix other things. Things around the church, things in the neighborhood, and things in the parish thrift store. All this he did in secret, away from the sight of others.

As he went to get the keys for the van, he wondered what he was getting himself into.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalep Jackson - Atlanta, Georgia -- Paradise

"Don't you get it! Listen up people! The End is near! "The Incident" as you label it was God coming to get his chosen! We are the remaining, the sinners, the inadequate! The Rise of the Antichrist, and the Devil's forces is upon us! Repent Repent! God is giving us one final chance before the Great Tribulation, the great horn was sounded!" The Man screamed at the top of his lungs. Pastor Grady Adams spoke.

A click was heard, and a television was turned off. Kalep shook his head, and leaned back in his chair. All in all today had been an alright day, another day at the dealership. "That man is fucking crazy huh." Another patreon at the bar said as he downed a shot of ciroc.

"Shit is he though? I mean, I doubt this shit is the rapture, or anything he's saying. But if it is, I know why God left me behind." The mind reader spoke matter of factly as he took a gulp from the glass full of Hennessy on the bar table. Maybe this was divine punishment, although he figured perhaps his entire life was divine punishment.

Ion see how God's involved, but these freaks need to be killed. Kalep's head turned to a woman in the corner of the bar drinking a blue motherfucker. Her cycnical thoughts made him feel self conscious about his own powers, but she was downing hard liqour like him in the middle of the afternoon so she didn't seem to happy about her life in general.

Man I wish I was one of those guys, gotta couple people I'd fuck up if I had powers. "You ask me it's fucking aliens." The inebriated customer said as the bartender brought him another shot.

"Aliens naw, your off your rocker. It's the fucking Government, hell everyone with these powers probably is in the Government, it's all a plan, there trying to run shit forreal." The Bartender spoke as he placed the two shots of ciroc in-front of the customer.

Kalep finished the rest of his drink, and sighed. He'd been able to get somewhat of a hone on his ability to pick up the mental chatter in everyone's heads around him. At least enough to be able to turn it on and off, and even be a little selective with the thoughts he let in. The power that he found the most interesting, and most tempting was the one he'd discovered about three days ago. It was purely accident, but amusing enough. His co-worker Kevin had been getting on his nerves, when he thought to himself that he should "Go fuck himself."

What happened next was completely unexpected, his co-worker dropped his pants down and proceeded to masturbate in the middle of the sales-room. Shortly after that mess, he began realizing he could direct thoughts into other people. He'd taken advantage of that power earlier today before he got off to influence all four customers he had today to buy a car, and for his boss to give him a cash advance of $2500 to cover the commission he made today, and the past week.

This is the type of power, I can fucking use. Although it's not like Jace, man he's fucking bullet proof, and can pick up SUV's like feathers, while I'm learning that being Professor X in real life ain't the best thing in the world. He'd found out his friend Jace had powers, powers he felt were way better, more fun, and problematic then his own. He thought back to what his friend suggested, with their powers they could run the drug game in Atlanta, get rich, and then focus on music. Although he didn't feel his powers were useless, he wasn't bullet proof. An aggressive take over of the Atlanta Drug market could leave him riddled with shells, but maybe there were different ways he could use his power to get ahead.

I could get Iyana back, hell maybe Tasha too, my job, shit I could run the firm. As the alcohol settled in his system, he pondered all of this. Before he heard a noise of a hand being slammed onto the table. "Aye Kalep, you know your tab is $90 fucking dollars, and you still owe fucking $50 from yesterday! You gotta fucking job don't you damn, where the fuck is my money."

Fuck it, Jace is right, I need to use this shit to get ahead in my life. "Man, I'm here every damn day, I got tired of drinking at home, plus I already paid you. In-fact I loaned you $200 fucking dollars, give me my damn money back." Kalep was irritated with the bar-tender, who's mind was overtaken by his power.

"Oh my bad your right man, I'm tripping." Reaching into his pocket he took out a wad of cash, counting up the 200 dollars, and handing it to Kalep. As he waltzed away, Kalep looked around the bar, and it seemed nobody thought anything weird of that. He decided to finish his drink, and head out the bar. Maybe it was the dark intoxicant running through his blood, but he felt good. The time for divine punishment in his life was over, he knew whatever Jace was doing with his powers he was making his life better, it was time for him to do the same.

As he stepped outside he felt a hand on his shoulder and spun around defensively only to see his friend Darius, the owner of the bar. "Darius? Man don't be grabbing me like that."

"Man or fucking what, look I know Terry be giving you a hard fucking time and all, but there's no way in Hell you owed him $200!! Now I don't know what kind of fucking mental mojo you just used to run game on him, but I need my money back, damn hit licks on somebody else." Jace told me he could read minds, but shit if Terry gave him money he gotta be able to control em too.

Kalep was taken aback, and more then a little irate that Jace had told their mutual friend about his power. "Man you be scamming Terry yo self, what's it matter if I skimmed a little off the top for emotional damage."

"Bruh you got to be kidding me, you going play me like this, then you going need to mind control me bruh, otherwise I'm not letting this shit slide, you know Taste of Paradise is fucking struggling."

Kalep relented, and took out the money he'd mentally strong armed from his bar-tender and handed it to Darius. "Ight bruh you right, I ain't even think you was up at the bar."

"Man where the fuck else would I be?! I'm trying day and night to get the city to let me to turn this shit into a strip club so I can get some real money." Darius sighed as he pocketed the money, and shook his head. "You and yo potna need to be careful, I know you seen the news, they talm bout some Empowered Registration Bill, the shit you got slick, but if you using it like that you might wind up in some deep shit. Already in enough shit as it is, now some of my customers got fucking super powers."

"So you willingly letting folks with powers come inside Taste of Paradise, you really don't want Atlanta's approval to turn this bitch into a club, man see if I was your lawyer still you'd be getting paid."

"Yeah, well you got fucking fired, I told you I'd break you off, and why the fuck wouldn't I let people in with powers? I need all the money I can get. Plus I'm black, this country ain't for us, the way I see it, I'm fucking with anyone who's getting the shaft in our country, besides you black AND you got powers, so what the fuck is you talking about." At this point Darius reached in his pocket to take out a marbolo red and lit it. "Honestly you need to take ya head out that damn bottle, and figure out a way to get some paper, I know if I was you I'd be 100 bands up within a month of figuring out I can play with people's headss."

Kalep paused to think about what his friend was saying, and took out his Juul to take a few puffs. "I ain't finna be fired for long Darry, but you right. I should be making money, we should be making money. Jace been telling me to use my powers to help him push dope, but if you know what he can do, and what I can do, well the power I got ain't good for being a super thug."

Darius exhaled some smoke from his cigarette, checked his text messages, and glared at Kalep. "I know about Jace's shit, he already came to me, trying to use the bar to clean his money, but the way he moves especially with what he can do now he going end up dead, or locked up in some super prison, so I'm straight on any money like that, I don't fuck with trapping, especially not in my business."

"Man you tripping, I ain't talking about selling drugs, Jace got that shit. I been thinking about what I can do. We can get some legal money ten different ways, I just need ya help. I ain't going lie I been trying my best to avoid my power, you know how bad this shit is sometimes lotta shit in people's heads you don't wanna hear. I can get my job back, hell maybe I can get the whole firm, I'll get Taste of Paradise turned into a club, with your business sense & my powers we can get rich. Plus, The Government is finna crack down on people like us, so what if we can offer them safe haven in exchange for...them using whatever gift God gave em to make us more money, it's a win win situation. Plus I'm going need some people to practice on, and you know more then a few shady characters you can refer me to."

Darius took in all this knowledge as he dropped his smoke to the ground and stepped on it. "Ight, I'm with it. Truth be told, if we can get some money, and put the middle finger to the feds without moving work you know I'm in. You right though, I ain't got no powers, but I'm smarter then you, bitches like me more, & I know I can come up with better ways for you to use your power then finessing bar-tenders in fucking public knowing Georgia finna crack down on yall, it's a deal, and yo ass better not be mind controlling me, let's work." Darius held out his hand and Kalep grinned shaking it.

"Say less, let's get some real paper Darius." Now this is what I need to be doing with what I got, this is how I'm really finna come up. Ever since he almost killed himself driving drunk two weeks ago he wondered what purpose his life had, and whether these powers were good or bad. But, considering the current condition of his life he'd be a fool not to utilize these new talents to make some money, to finally be able to get the success he'd been longing for his whole life. As much money as selling drugs had brought him, it cost even more in lawyer fee's and his reputation. Darius had always had the right idea in not being a saint, but staying away from the drug game. He remembered what his parents had always told him, there's no retirement in the drug game. In the power game though, it looked like he had a lucrative career ahead of him.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Meleck

Meleck Cleric on the Northern Plains

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Father Thomas Alexander

Link to Character Sheet

Location: Cathedral of Christ the King, Atlanta, GA

Thomas found the tire flat and the spare missing on the van. People were always nice to your face or when you helped them out. But, you turn your back. Not all the people, he told himself. Jerks, were jerks.

He walked the keys back to the office and told the secretary handing back over the keys. Thomas learned quickly not to get on her bad side, she was a force to be reckoned with. So he made his way out of the office. He pulled his cellular phone from his pocket and called The Apostle Grady Adams, Bishop of his own Baptist Church.

Thomas liked Grady and gave him a hard time. Grady was a brother in Christ. With a passion and sense of humor that was as big as his heart. Grady Laughlin’s told him that he was going to make Thomas into the best black preacher ever to preach in the isles of the cathedral. A big challenge since he was a Caucasian and preached from the pulpit. Thomas had “lightened up” some.

He left a message for Grady that he needed to get to Savannah to pick something or someones up. Grady knew people and had connections that Thomas did not. Being a hometown boy didn’t hurt either.

Thomas went to one of the side chapels and prayed. Waiting for the phone call.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Flint Marrow - Atlanta, Georgia - Abandoned Warehouse Murder Scene

Flint was sitting in his car at the warehouse sparking another new-port, with his ipad out. Riddley Storms, former CIA operative. Very dangerous, ability unknown, mother killed when engaging in contact with a dangerous empowered individual. Apartment set ablaze, after examination of the nature of the destroyed apartment we're assuming her powers to be some form of energy manipulation, fire powers or even full blown control of all elements. Very dangerous individual, managed to kill three Legion agent.

"Riddley Storm." He knew of this girl, and had a close relationship with her father. He was one of the many vaporized by the initial Incident, and her mother as well as her had been recruited into Legion following "The Incident". Looking over her file again, he shook his head. He had no idea what really went down in that apartment despite his high ranking, and wondered if anyone in Legion alive day really knew.

But with destructive capabilities like that, she was an empowered individual he wanted on his side. Although it seemed it was too late for that, but whoever took out these soldiers at the warehouse was a force to be reckoned with. Greg Konnovich had called back up to deal with whoever had wiped them out, and in the back of his mind he suspected Konnovich was aware of Legion being on his tail. He'd reached out to the CIA Director and although Greg had worked as an informant numerous times in the past for cartels, his work with Salzaras appeared to be self motivated.

"Agent Marrow, you have any idea what were dealing with? Who this son of a bitch is that took out Konnovich and his men? You think Salzaras ordered this?"

"Well hopefully the Cartels don't have a team of empowered soldiers on their side, but we can't rule out any possibilities. But considering Konnovich called for help, and he was working with Salzaras it seems whoever carried this out wasn't working for him. We do know that Konnovich was, and our agents were taken out in the cross fire."

Local police had came to assist with the situation, but none knew of Legion's involvement, even some of the CIA agents on the scene. "So what fucking power you think this was? Two of our guys bodies are gone, not a trace, you saw the footage right? a Car coming out of nowhere, some guy just getting slammed into a wall dead, and two agents gone. I was assuming it might be some form of teleknesis that could explain the first two deaths, and maybe teleporation could explain the second two, but."

"Don't think about it too much, Agent Warren's sending me an empowered agent to help out, says he's ruthless. Until we can gather more intel on these various powers, all we really have against them is guess-work when it comes to determining how to defeat them, based off what we know about their abilities. According to Konnovich there in Atlanta, so we need to find them and take them out, we don't need another high school incident. Congress is pushing for a nation wide registration bill, but the President was forced to announce individual states have the authority to pass their own. Georgia is looking like one of the first places that might happen, and then things are going to spiral out of our control. We've got work to do."

Ipad tucked between his arms he made his way back to his car, and plopped into his seat. One way or another, this individual had to be stopped. Thoughts of Riddley Storm, and her potential powers crossed his mind against. The world was rapidly changing, and the limits of what could be pardon might have to be challenged. So far they'd managed to capture some empowered, and even succesfully kill the most dangerous, but they had no idea what the limits of these powers might be for some of these individuals. They had to level the playing field sooner rather then later.

Just as he was starting his car to leave the ware-house he felt his phone buzzing and saw it was his second in command at the Atlanta Legion Head-quarters, Diana Sullivan.

"Speak to me Diana, I'm leaving the warehouse right now where the back-up Konnovich called was killed, we have any leads on what power or who might be responsible."

"Not at all, but we've got reports of some potential superhuman violence. Local police and FBI are investigating some gruesome murders of Ramon Cooper, a known criminal suspected heavy involvement in illegal cocaine distribution. Him and his entire crew are dead, arms, legs, heads ripped off, a couple people ripped in half, from the remains we can determine the majority of his crew was present during the attack if not all of them. Seems someone with powers is trying to shake up the drug game, plus according to intel we acquired from a FBI confidential informant it seems Ramon was in bed with Salzaras.."

"Fuck, so I'm guessing whoever's responsible for Konnovich's murder is tied to this Ramon Dealer guy, either that or Salzaras has some pissed off enemies who picked up a few parlor tricks from "The Incident", both options aren't good. ."

"Not at all, I just want to let you know I don't agree with fire on fire, but Agent Warren's sending in the Empowered agent, just watch your back Marrow he's your responsibility, if we get fucked up cause of him, that's YOUR ass, and this is my facility at that point. Luckily the area where it happened isn't exactly a media friendly place, so no witness's said anything if they say anything, but if the public catches Georgia might get hip to the registration Bill on a state level, we need to stop that, and any criminals with murderous criminals with super human powers need to be eliminated at all costs."

A beep was heard, and the phone connection was out. He slammed his fist into the horn causing it to go off, before starting the car and heading back towards Legion head-quarters. Warren I really hope whoever your sending can make a difference, cause we're going to need a miracle if any more super violence in Georgia goes public.

Adora Zayas - Atlanta Georgia - From One Apartment to Another
"No what the fuck are you."

"Hungry, just like you are, all the time, interesting turn of events isn't it? The Flip of the script, I love it, I have to admit it it's not what I was looking for but I can't say I won't find it useful, better then the last suspect Korovich had this is something at least it's useful, the last person I just put out their misery." Adora spoke out with a smile as she layed her hands on a somewhat obese man with a bullet wound.

As she placed her hands on his chest, a surge of energy was seen flowing from his body to his as he screamed out in pain. The injured man screamed out in pain as the transferal of energy was completed. Within a few moments the man's lifeless body was left on the ground as a pool of blood oozed out from under the carpet beneath him. She removed her hand and took a few steps back not wanting his blood to stain her new shoes. The Audible sound of her stomach growling was heard by none but her as she licked her lips, and closed her eyes taking in a deep breath soaking in what she'd just taken in.

On the floor was the gun she'd managed to grab from her would be attacker. "Dave you shouldn't have made use that, I could have gotten more years from you then that." Leaning down she snatched up the weapon and examined it before her jaw elongated and she ate the weapon with ease. "Metallic, the icy cold effect was refreshing like a corona straight from the freezer. Pity it wasn't Salzaras, I could always go for Mexican on the menu as much as I like Chipotle nothing beats authentic cuisine."

With that she made her exit from Dave's apartment, a content look upon her face. I suppose I should thank Konnovich, and Salzaras really how much of this would be possible without them?

A few hours later she was seen sitting down on a couch with a glass of wine poured. Scrolling through her phone as she sipped the intoxicating beverage, shifting her attention between social media & the television.

"The State of Georgia is holding a meeting in Atlanta, all citizens are welcomed & encouraged to come. The matter at hand is the Empowered Human Registration Act, as Georgia was ground zero for a gruesome power enhanced murder at our own schools, we are in the process of putting together legislation to force Georgia residents with superhuman abilities to be part of a public database. When not if this bill is passed, all Georgia residents who harness these inhuman abilities must enter their information as well as any knowledge they have about the powers they have. Not only will this make law enforcement with these people more enforceable, but will help separate those who have criminal intent with their abilities from those who simply wish to live a regular life and integrate with the rest of society. Failure to comply with the Registration act will result in a minimum prison sentence of no less than five years. Next on Channel 3 News Pastor Grady Adams says the Rapture has came and gone, and we are the one's left behind."

Adora chuckled. A Bill like that could pose to serve my interests. If people were stupid enough to really come forward and register. Although anyone with half a brain who wields any real power wouldn't listen to these fools. "You hear that people with powers are going to have to register, how well did that work out in Marvel comics?"

"You really comparing fucking movies to real life Adora, look what the fuck did you want? You said you called me here to make some money!" A Man was seen sitting in the room with Adora smoking a blunt and looking quite irritated.

"Awh Marco am I wasting your time? Well I lied, I called you here to make me some money? How's your friend Hector Salzaras doing these days, still paying you well? I hope so, because I'm going to need something from you, $20,000 dollars transfered to my account."

Marco let out a boisterous laugh. "You've really lost your mind, you still haven't chanced, the same time wasting scamming bitch as before." Marco stood up and with a quickness whipped out a gun pointing it at her. "Lucky for you I planned on you bullshitting me, I don't know what rock you've been hiding under but if YOU were smart you'd stop worrying about super heroes, and worry about your life. Hector has money on your head, you really thought you could slide away with 200,000 dollars. After a while we started to think you really got vaporized, but Hector wants 100 large for your head. The best part, I ain't even have to look for you, you were dumb enough to tell me where your at."

"The Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over...and over again expecting the same result is it not? For me that would be trying to go up against Salzaras by myself with no weapons, and for you that's still trying to seek some large payout when your far too incompetent to get any work done that would dish out that type of money. Marco this is your final warning, if you want to live give me the money, or you'll end up like Maria, & Santiago."

Marco's eye was raised as Adora mentioned two other Cartel members he'd worked with frequently in the past two years. "You've got some nerve, even if you some how managed to get to them your done, already called Hector, told him I got you, and he put 50 grand in my account, soon as his people get here I get the other fifty it's over with puta."

"You really should have heeded my warning, I mean honestly I probably wasn't going to let you live money or no money, you run your mouth but you could have had a position in the new Salzaras Cartel, or should I say the Zayas Cartel." Without moving an inch Marco's gun vanished into thin air and he stepped back.

"W..What your one of them...."

"Of course you fool, unlike you I'm no idiot, I know your motives, I knew you'd report me to Salzaras. Honestly I'm tired of waiting in hiding, I've had time to get what I needed, and thanks to "The Incident" no one can stop me, not you, not Salzaras, not even the world."

Marco stepped back in fear, his heart racing at the fact that his gun vanished. "Listen Adora! I change my mind, I didn't know what the fuck I was talking about! I can send you the money look calm down! " The cartel member whipped out his phone and pulled up his Zelle app in a hurry as Adora got up.

"Oh your going to send the money alright, but it's too late I issued you a warning, and unlike Salzaras I keep my word." Her eyes flashed and suddenly Marco's entire world shifted. He screamed out assuming her power had disintegrated him or turned him into dust, closing his eyes shut expecting immense pain. After a few seconds of realizing he was still alive he looked around only to realize the truth of Adora's powers.

"Now you clearly understand the nature of my powers don't you, you bafoon? Disintegration would be child's play compared to what's going to happen to you, and your stupid lackey's." A booming voice was heard, as Marco looked up to see Adora was now towering over him. His already face heart beat was so fast his chest was in pain and he saw his giant phone next to him still on the Zelle app.

Her giant hand reached down picking up both him and the phone, as she made her way over to the kitchen. With a few clicks she used his Zelle app to transfer the 50k Hector had sent him for her location to her own account. "Now that's the most useful purpose you've ever served, as a last request I'll let you see Maria & Santiago one last time."

"MARCO!!!!!" He turned to see his comrades also miniaturized by Adora's power standing in a plastic container. Adora took out a bic lighter and held it up to Santiago flicking it. The flames ignited a small spark to her but to Santiago it was a massive flame that engulfed him burning him alive in the container. Maria stumbled back screaming bloody murder as Adora laughed.

"Lit like Bic literally, this power makes taking out the trash so much easier, but oh no no no no it gets better." She picked up Maria who was struggling for her life in between Adora's gargantuan fingers. "Please shut the fuck up you stupid bitch, begging for mercy when you were literally trying to get paid to kill me? Your no saint, in this line of work this was bound to happen, although maybe not this gruesome." With her hand she reached for her blender, and turned it on dropping Maria in laughing as she was gruesomely ripped apart in the blender screaming bloody murder as she was brutally murdered in seconds.

"NOO!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD YOU EVIL PUTA!!!!!" Marco screamed out as Adora rolled her eyes, picking up Maro who was hyper ventilating with tears rolling down his eyes begging for mercy as she held him above the blender. "Bloody flesh smoothies, honestly I need to patent the flavor and sell it to Planet Smoothie, although I can understand how someone could have a distaste for the flavor."

"ADORA LISTEN!!!! I can tell you everything about Salzaras operation, we can take him down together, with your power, and my information the possibilities are endless."

"Oh really we can work together, you mean you don't want to kill me anymore, what about Maria and Santiago, burned to crisp, and shredded into guts, surely your upset about your comrades amigo."

"NO!!!! I don't even like them motherfuckers! I always hated them! Shit really Salzaras gets on my fucking nerves too, I mean just 50K and I'm risking my life fuck that, with me we can make millions! I know where everything is! You got super power, but Salzaras he has real power, and I can tell you everything you need to know to take it."

"Interesting you say that, unfortunately your services are no longer needed, just holding you in between fingers I know everything you know, and I need to be going like you said Hector's men are on the way. I got the drop on you idiots, but I'm not Superman, I can die, you can die, or well you will die, but don't worry I'll grant your last request and spare you the blender, as gruesome as it is, you don't deserve a death like that."

"Oh my god, Adora I won't forget this, you put me back together, you fix me, I don't know shit I didn't see shit! Not yo powers, I'll tell Salzaras I was geeked up on boy, I."

"I didn't say you'd live now did I? The Blender is just too quick, I was thinking the microwave or maybe a little parlor trick I learned from a friend earlier, let's see how it works." With that she dropped the miniaturized cartel member into her glass of wine. At his size he took in mouth fulls of wine as he plunged into the glass of alcohol gasping for breath as he struggled to stay a-float while his chest was burning from all the alcohol he swallowed from his initial drop. "Adios Marco, tell Lucifer I won't be joining him today, or any time soon, you always did say you liked the heat." Her hand wrapped around the glass of wine and she downed it with the cartel member inside. Guzzling the contents of the glass she put it down on the kitchen counter, and dropped his phone in the sink running water over it.

"A couple murders, 50 grand up not bad, I could get use to this, I really could." Grabbing the blender she turned it over pouring the contents of Maria's shredded guts onto the carpet, and set Santiago's burned body on the ground. Focusing on her power she enlarged the remains of both murdered cartel members to full size wanting to leave a spectacle of the carnage she caused. "Hope you get the message Hector, I'll be seeing you soon love." With that she waltzed out of the apartment she was in enlarging the body of another murdered person, the occupant of the apartment she was in.

Taking out her phone she took a picture of the deceased owner, her head cut off clean from her body. "Stupid bitch, I'm reported missing at sea, and you call your credit card company to charge back all the clothes you bought from my site. I hope of you all enjoy hell, I've got some people to send there." She laughed as she exited the apartment and made her way to her car parked out-front, leaving the complex eager for Hector to find out what remained of his men, as well as her "innocent" victim.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Bella's Condo, Downtown Atlanta

"You know I HATE this shit, right?" Bella was pacing in her heels that clicked on the hardwood floor of her living room. The woman was dressed in a black wrap dress that was suited for her day to day entrepreneurship. Across from where she paced was a bruised man in his boxers on his knees atop of black sheets of plastic. Two men in clean suits stood beside him to ensure Bella would have less to worry about. "Ooh I really hate this shit! I hate it!" She stopped in her tracks to make eye contact with the man on his knees. "I bring you into the fold. I let you call a few shots. Be treated like a grown-ass man!" Bella thrust her hand down in the air, causing the man's face to be slammed into the floor. A hard smack and whimper were heard as a result. "I don't even want to look at your fucking face… but I have to."

The man's body was then raised off the ground and hovered upright over the plastic, his face now trickling blood from his broken nose. The man whimpered but didn't seem like he could get a word out.

"My father always told me I had to look people in the face. Always." Bella stared the man in the eyes for a few seconds in silence as he looked back with fear. The man's eyes burst in their sockets. "Not the fucking eyes! Just your face you piece of shit." The man cried unintelligibly in pain before repeatedly slammed to the floor. Each time his body smacked the plastic-covered floor a grunt or the sound of something breaking was heard. Bell simply waited till she heard neither, just the sound of a limp body smacking the floor. "Clean that shit up." Bella ordered the two men before she walked away and into her kitchen where a line of cocaine waited.

She knelt down to it while pinching one nostril closed and snorted directly into her open nostril using her telekinesis to guide the powder where she wanted it. The rush was good, but it couldn't compare to the first line she snorted to prepare to do what she just did. The man she had just killed had not only taken money that wasn't his, but he was heard saying that Bella should have stayed gone with the rest of the four million. He sought to delegitimize her, so he, in turn, had to go. Her phone rang for about a second before she answered. It was her childhood friend and now subordinate, Anthony.

"Yes, Anthony?... What?! What the fuck do you mean they're all dead?!... Jace?! Who the fuck is Jace?!... Just fucking Jace?! Get his fucking last name, Anthony! And get Hector in contact with me!" Bella hung up the phone. "FUCK!" Everything in Bella's immediate vicinity trembled.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“Kalep? Where does that name come from?” Alan’s face skewed in confusion as he turned back towards Madison, his short hacker.

“It’s biblical boss. Don’t worry about it” she sighed.

“Alright. Alright” Alan exhaled and turned back around as if it would give his conversation any more privacy from his two crew members standing no more than ten feet away. He dialed the number Maddison provided him and waited.

Kalep had just finished up his conversation with Darius, legitimate money that was the goal. It was better then resorting to crime, it's not like he was going to get some lucrative opportunity that would influence him to change his mind. As he was walking back to his apartment he felt his iphone buzzing in his pocket and picked up. "Hello?"

"This is Carter. I'm looking for a driver. Someone who knows the area and can help me get around to several... meetings. I'll be sure to make it worth your while, I am under the impression you are in need of funds. For more information" he said as he began motioning to Madison to pay attention "I will have an aid email you an address." Catching the hint the short hacker got on the menial task of emailing the location of Raven's Haul, a small bookstore on the edge of town toKalep. "Consider that the location of an interview. Be there in" Alan stopped to consider how long it might take him to prepare for this new meeting "two hours."

"Carter" Kalep paused as he allowed himself to focus and listen to the conversation. He tried to remember if this was someone he met through his brief stint as an Uber Driver when he first lost his law license. "Well I certainly know the area, but I've got pending charges so you going have to let me know what kind of funds your talking about." He felt hesistant after he said that but the $2500 he'd got wasn't going to cut it, and Darius made a point that mind controlling people connected to him could have unintended consequences. "I'll be there."
Two hours later Kalep parked his car outside the book store looking around to make sure no police had spotted him, he had yet to pay his car insurance, and he'd had a couple drinks. I really need to be more careful "A book store, what the hell can they pay me in starbucks gift cards?" He rolled his eyes as he made his way to the entrance and knocked on the door. "Yo, I'm here for Carter."

A tall and lanky man in a long black coat greeted Kalep by the door. "My boss will see you upstairs in his office" he instructed before motioning Kalep to follow him. The store itself seemd almost devoid of people and considering its location on the outskirts of the city, maybe that should be expected, but it was more like nobody was really wanted around here. Still the shop looked the part. Rows of books lined shelves with advertisments for all of the most current fad reading materials and old classics. A checkout counter sat next to the door where Madison was currently seated, though she was paying much more attention to whatever was on her monitor than Kalep. Above it all was a long balcony where one could oversee everything if they wanted. It was there Tyler directed Kalep and more particularly to a heavy wooden door which he opened to reveal his boss.

Alan for his part had taken some of his two hours to change into a more presentable blue suit. Sitting behind a desk which was half covered in security monitors and half covered in folders he beckon Kalep. "Come in. We have much to discuss. I understand you have a criminal record.."

"Yup that's who I'm here to see." Kalep announced to the man in the black coat as he entered the store, and followed along as instructed to where he needed to be. He took note of the disintereted woman on the computer, and wondered what role she had to play in all of this. This place is filled with books, but there's not a customer in site. So either they cleared the area just for me or this is a front, hope I didn't get dragged into some more nonsense involving drugs "Alright looks like it" He took a seat without asking for permission and let out a sigh. "Yeah I gotta criminal record, it's hard to go from a corporate lawyer salary to working at a run down car dealership & support a family." Not that my family's together anymore, shit child support might cost even more "What's this about, get to the point?" He decided to put the ball in Alan's corner.

"The point" Alan stated as he stood up from his desk. "Is just like I said. I need a driver." A murmuring came from the left side of the room where a lone closet door adorned the wall. "A competent one who can keep his mouth shut." Alan said with some venom, though he did not face Kalep when he said it. Alan paced towards the closet door and turned back to Kalep. "Someone who knows the area and..." he said and exhaled to calm himself. When he continued his voice was very serious "One so desperate for money that they wouldn't hesitate when I told them I could easily pay them over a million dollars to be my getaway driver when I hit the federal reserve in the city."

"A Driver huh" Kalep said still having some regard about this situation, wondering what he was really getting himself too. He'd just sat down with Darius about getting Taste of Paradise off the ground, and getting some legitimate money. He was half way thinking about just waltzing out the door when Alan mentioned this would involve robbing the federal reserve, until he heard the dollar amount. He felt his skin tingle, that amount of money would change his life forever, and would take care of any initial financial barriers to working with Darius, to getting his whole life together. " A million dollars or more, and you just need a driver huh."
No doubt this will definently get me in jail, and how I know this ain't the feds tryna trap me.
Focusing on his own ability he began to filter through the thoughts he could read from some of Alan's subordinates. Ight so he checks out, this man is the real deal but let's see what's going on his noggin He turned to Alan focusing on him intent to peer into his mind picking up only a few words before all he heard was static. Static, what the fuck... Undetered by his failed attempt to pierce his mental veil, he attempted again pushing through the static suddenly causing a mental feedback that was felt by both of them, a brief yet sharp pain. Why the fuck can't I read his mind, what the fuck was that He thought accidentally speaking to Alan telepathically due to being caught off guard by the feed back.

Alan winced a little in pain until he heard the voice in his head. Kalep's voice. Interesting. Very interesting. Maybe he would be more useful than just a driver. Or more trouble. This guy might be another person to return with powers. It seemed like he was having some trouble with them though. "You wouldn't happen to be trying something funny with would you?" The how would have to wait till later. Alan couldn't let up on his performance just because Kalep had powers. " Reading someone's mind is really poor form you know. Even if you are failing to do it."

"Ohhhh fuck" Shaking his head he was irate, he was exposing his powers to more people then Spiderman in the third film with Toby playing him. "Funny? Naw man I've dabbled in a little bit of everything but when I tried comedy they were laughing AT me not with me." Recovery with an attempt of humor, his go through when he felt stressed but he worried it might not work in this situation. "Yeah your not the first person to feel some type of way about me playing Professor X today, really think yall are too sensitive. It's not like I'm turning people into stone or making them breathless. You ain't normal either man first off your talking about robbing the federal reserve, second your mind is like a fucking electric grid it literally shocked me." He added in his defense wondering what his retort would be, he didn't know what he was capable of but if he was trying to rob the federal reserve & confident in his ability to do so he was dangerous

Alan laughed. It started off low and dragged out too long, getting louder and louder till eventually he calmed himself. He wasn't laughing at Kaleps attempt at humor, but rather that he told Alan that he was not normal. If only Kalep knew the half of it. Understatement of the year. "Kid" he smiled. "You don't know the half of it." There was another murmur from the door and Alan kicked it, but otherwise paid it no mind.

"I suppose" seriousness seeping back into his tone "that your description of being shocked is apt" Alan said splaying out his finger between himself and Kaleb. "I too returned with a pretty impressive power." Electricity ran from one finger to the next and slowly increased in intensity from a slight connecting strand to a raging and erratic storm that threatened to leave the confines of the space between Alan's fingers, but the thief would not let it. It was just a demonstration, not a weapon, but maybe it was a threat. In an instant Alan dropped the energy. "And I can do more besides that."

"I agree I don't know the half, maybe not even a quarter." Kalep spoke although he felt more reserved then before as he sat back in his chair watching the display of power Alan put forth. This was the first individual he met with abilities like his own outside of Jace, and it seemed this fellow was trying to cash out in a very big way. "So The Incident turned you into Electro, and me into Professor X, huh, and buddy in the closet, what's his name hmm Garfield he's the unlucky fool who tried to betray you." Kalep hadn't payed much attention when he first came in but due to the murmuring he couldn't help but investigate and peaked into his mind. "I'll take the job, as you said I need the money, I do want some more practice with my powers I doubt that's why you brought me in, but clearly with my power and yours we have a better chance of pulling this off and getting away without dying or being in a cell until we have gray hair."

"Exactly!" Alan Exclaimedisn't it all so exciting. "I haven't felt this giddy since I robbed my first bank! My associates will be keeping an eye on you an you'll recieve an email tomorrow explaining anything I might need you to help with in the preporatory phases. We can handle the specifics of the heist closer to the date. In the meantime... I suggest you get some practice in. And some confidence."

A scowl came across Kalep's face, and he shook his head. He'd been wanting the universe to hand him something better then selling used cars. "Exciting isn't the word I'd use for the heist, that's what I'd use to describe my life after we get the cash if we get the cash." He said matter of factly, although Alan was right that he'd need practice. Almost certain this wasn't some ploy by the authorities put him at ease in that sense but not in the actual mission ahead. He'd promised Darius he wouldn't drag him in down bullshit so there was another promise to keep. "Glad to know I'll have Electro's minions watching over me, and I'll be sure to check my email, as far practice if we're robbing the Government I'll be putting in over time Coach." He said as he got up from his seat his adrenaline racing today had put so many lucrative opportunities in-front of him, if he could carry them out he wouldn't be worried about his family struggling, child support, or money for lawyer fee's he would finally end up ahead in life. I need a fucking drink, a couple of em
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Meleck

Meleck Cleric on the Northern Plains

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ivy Smoth

On the scroller of znn news came an announcement of manhunt for a man wanted for a person of interest in the murder of three federal agents in Knoxville Tennessee outside the Department of Energy’s research site three days ago. The man’s name is Andrew Grey who was employed as a research scientist. Reports are that he has stolen weapon grade uranium and is extremely dangerous.

Ivy was the first to speak arguing for the proposed new legislation, “Thank you governor. Ladies and Gentlemen, good people of Georgia, this great nation and the world. We are at a great moment in time, where life as we know it hangs in the balance. A great danger and blessing has been cast upon us. A few days a go, a young man used his powers to kill a hundred innocent children. My son Travis, was one of them.” She paused to wipe away a tear as her maternal side showed. “Reports have been coming in from all over of people using these powers to steal, manipulate, and kill. Others report heroic events where lives were saved.” She let her presentation show pictures of the different reports for about twenty seconds. Good and bad. “Like all things we need to understand these new powers and study them so that those that wield them can use them safely.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Riddley Storm
The noodle shop didn't have the best selection of food, but it was one of only restaurants Riddley could get to via foot by navigating the blind spots of Atlanta's street cameras. So that's where she ate tonight. While she would usually grab a meal to go, she needed at least a moment away from the safehouse. Spending her mornings, afternoons, and evenings there perusing through her parents' things was draining. She was still struggling to unlock her mother's laptop, which is where she would find information on Legion--if there was any to find. Riddley always thought she could figure out her parents' passwords or keys if she needed, but life wasn't like the movies. There were no cute phrases or important dates that her mother trusted enough to guard her secrets.

Riddley sighed as the bowl of noodles was placed in front of her, the chef with an expectant smile. "Thanks," she offered. That seemed to be what he wanted because he nodded and returned to his place in the kitchen behind the counter.

She dropped the hood covering her short, dark wig and half heartedly ate the soup. Other than the occasional slurp, it was quiet in the shop--Riddley was the only one, as usual. That was no surprise to the woman: the shrimp was slimy and the noodles a little too soft for her liking. There were much better places to get your noodle kicks in Atlanta, but none so out of the way. At least the serving is ridiculously huge, she thought with a shrug. It'd keep her full until breakfast.

One she finally finished eating, she sat there for another moment to let the food settle. She was satisfied enough, and pulled a twenty from her pocket to leave on the counter before she left the shop. The air was fresh and no one paid her attention as she hid her fake hair again and started the trek back to the house. She knew the route well now--it wasn't a direct line, but it got her to and from food and safehouse undetected by Atlanta's cameras. Not that she was terribly worried about being recognized--she had fled New York after all. But it was better to be safe than sorry--especially with an unusual amount of super activity rising in Atlanta.

This was on her mind when she heard a cry for help. Her red brows furrowed and her walk grew into a jog as she looked for the source of the sound, still not deviating from her usual path. She came to a stop when she spotted it--a man with a woman in the alley opposite the street, his hand clamped over her mouth as he held her against the wall. Clearly, he was pushing for something that she wasn't interested in. Anger overcame Riddley like a wave, but she stood straight and still against it. Instead of moving, her gaze flickered about the corners and posts on the street. To help, she'd have to expose herself to the cameras. But if she didn't help...

Well, she decided, she didn't have to expose herself as a Storm or an Invincible. It would one man against a former CIA operative in disguise. So she crossed the street.

Her approach wasn't noticed until she threw the punch, knocking the skinny man off the girl and to the ground. "Go," she said to her, brown eyes never leaving him as he recovered--rather quickly, Riddley noticed with a scowl. Too quickly--Riddley hadn't blinked and she was suddenly on the ground, dazed by a pain in her head. How did that happen? Where did he go? She was still processing when she picked up and shoved to the wall instead. All of this happening as the girl was still turning on her heel to run."Oh shit," she groaned, realizing she decided to confront another invincible. He could move faster than she could see, growling about how'd she regret playing the hero tonight.

He pulled for her hair, only for her wig to slide off and reveal her natural orange strands. Then he noticed her eyes brighten, the dull brown suddenly a glowing gold. Now he realized he was fighting another invincible, and she was pissed. He tried to step back, but she had a grip on the arm still holding her dark wig. He was fast, but she was stronger. He was caught, and she wasn't letting go. First, he felt the heat on his arm, and then he saw the flames. "Oh-- Wait, no, no, no!" he pleaded desperately against the burning pain.

Riddley couldn't help the cruel smile that came to her face as the fire grew around the man. He remained trapped in her iron grip as the flames consumed him as he screamed. Now, proper cremation usually takes at least 2 hours to complete, leaving nothing but gravel in place of flash and bones and teeth. But Riddley wasn't a furnace and she wasn't weak--she didn't have a limit. Practically vaporizing the man, she had nothing left to hold onto after a couple minutes. The wig he gripped, his clothes, and body was gone--just a few pounds of ash on the ground instead.

The girl was smart, gone without a word of protest. But Riddley still stood there, catching her own breath after having made the most of the oxygen in the alley. "Dammit," was all she could muster up, though she still had a triumphant smile on her face. In a futile effort to protect her identity, she did not even glance at the street cam. she knew was watching. Instead, she pulled her hood back up and quickly fled to the blindspots again. She guessed she'd have a few hours at most to return to the safehouse and decide on her next move.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Bella's Condo, Downtown Atlanta
COLLAB with @Chulance

Bella found herself pacing again. If it wasn't one problem it was another. Now she was just waiting on Hector to call about her current concern... Ramon and his whole operation getting wiped off the board like it was nothing. The drug supplier was Hector Salzara's, but this all happened on her turf. Bella didn't care that Ramon lost his life, she cared that she lost his cog in the wheel that represented her hold on Atlanta. She stopped as her phone vibrated on her kitchen counter. Facetime. She answered it, her face hard and cold.

"Hector. You have to tell me what the FUCK is going on." She was clearly passed the pleasantries.

Hector tapped his thumbs on the keyboard, usually, he was the model example of calmness & precision. But things were getting out of hand he'd lost another 50k, and got word that some of Bella's best distributors were torn apart.

“Adora Zayas, she must have an ability. As much of a nuisance as Marco was, he was nothing short of effective.”

“Sir, we were unable to get to Marco before local law enforcement, & media, it’s already made the news in Atlanta, college student’s head ripped off, two other victims torn apart by a superhuman individual they suspect to have inhuman strength or some ability to exhibit excessive unnatural force, an inside source from inside APD says they recovered Marco’s phone, but it’s severely water damaged.”

“A Few routes might get seized, a couple grunts arrested, that’s of no concern. But this stupid puta Adora has now managed to get a quarter-million dollars from me, & although I was no fan of Ramon, he was effective in moving coke in Bella’s network. “ He took a sip from a red bull can he had on his desk.

“You believe Adora Zayas, and whatever ability she wields is responsible for both incidents.”

“Greg Konnovich’s death as well, a CIA operative in his prime on our side, that’s a loss that’s unacceptable, she’s well on her way to becoming a problem more costly than the funds she’s stolen. Raise the bounty on her to $100,000, I want her dead seven days from now at all costs, leave!” Hector barked at his employee who took note of what he said and left to ensure the message was delivered. He picked up his phone, swiping to Bella’s name and pressed face-time, tapping his fingers on his desk until he heard a sound to indicate she picked up.

“Such a harsh tone considering all the problems are coming from your turf. Clearly, we’re dealing with a problem of a super-powered nature. As far as Ramon’s murder I’d like to know if you have any intel on the culprit as I have a problem and money to pay you to fix it. Adora Zayas, a woman I’d taken a liking too in the past, and a launderer with potential like you, she was swept up in The Incident. Some of my best found her, and according to Atlanta’s evening news they’ve been torn to shreds in a much more brutal fashion then Ramon’s team. The real question is what power might Adora have, what power did the person who took out Ramon have, oh and you know our CIA connect Greg Konnovich the invisible man who helped us get in a record amount of cocaine into Georgia he’s dead as well, at Adora’s hands….Suffice to say WE have a problem on our hands.”

"Let us get one thing straight. OUR problem is focused on your people. All because you were mixing business with pleasure we have three big players out of the game and money missing. Bella sighed deeply. She felt she had every right to bitch at Hector, but it wouldn't fix anything. "I can play the blame game all day, but we should definitely fix this... I got the name of a guy named Jace. I can't confirm that he was the one who hit Ramon and his guys, but I hear he got a business offer from this Jace guy today. No one knows who this guy is. He's the only abnormal slice of this shit pizza. I'd bet my life this shit isn't just a coincidence. You heard of the guy before?" Bella's calm and cool nature was beginning to take hold. She was still waiting for more info on this Jace character.

Hector winced as if her words struck him like a blade, she'd put the situation into an entirely different perspective. I suppose I'm not blameless in this situation, Miss Nova has a point. "Jace...Jace...you remember Cornell Williams? He got his nephews Devon, & Jace Williams moving product, and they got nabbed, according to my sources their reckless behavior is why they got caught and why a good bit of product was wasted. Cornell paid their debt, but I cut ties with them hmm." Hector wanted to think about this, the flame of vengeance was burning in Cornell but because of the relationship he'd had with his father, he spared him & his nephews. "If Jace Williams has an ability then he's responsible, Ramon was his replacement, your father was right I should have had them killed but I spared them because of past loyalties to my own father. Adora Zayas, & Jace Williams must die, they were both capable & dangerous individuals prior to powers, I can send extra manpower & weaponry if needed, but you yourself were vaporized Bella and yet your still here, Adora & Jace must die. If it's necessary to issue any bounties on any of their associates contact Pedro and he'll issue the funds."

Bella nodded her head, the name Jace Williams seemed to echo in her head. Adora Zayas was secondary to her, but her actions would soon touch her money in due time. Hector almost deserved this grave he dug himself in, but Bella needed his organization.

"Jace Williams. It's crazy how he has ties to you too? I'm starting to see a trend here Hector... I can have him dealt with. I'll run it on my side. We will not create a fed shit show for two people. Their names and ties are enough... Hector if I end up having to kill them myself..." Objects around Bella began to tremble for a moment as she shut her eyes at the thought of getting her hands dirty. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes. "There WILL be a change to how money flows between us. Protect your people and don't let her bait you. That's all I need from you. My father spoke highly of you. Don't make him a liar."

Hector's face turned into a scowl, Jace Williams was an unexpected nuisance to rise again, Adora Zayas a constant thorn in his side regardless of her new superhuman powers. "When your network is vast & reaching you tend to interact with a multitude of people. We're dealing with an entirely different ball game then before, I myself had a gun to Adora's head when she was disintegrated in front of me and my ship swept up in a freak wave. " He stopped speaking the whole incident still infuriated him so close to taking care of this loose end before a literal supernatural event intervened. "I do not intend to disappoint the reputation Victor left of me, our friendship extended beyond business so this is personal to me. If you do end getting blood on your hands directly, I'll make sure to compensate you accordingly Bella, you have my word. After all, you have to fight fire with fire, power with power, let me know when they're dead."

"I will keep you posted. Please watch your back, Hector. I'm pissed at you, but it would be shitty to lose you to that bitch. Bye Hector." Bella ended the call and sighed. "Fuck... I just have to make some moves."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Meleck

Meleck Cleric on the Northern Plains

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Father Thomas Alexander

Link to Thomas' Character Sheet
interaction with: Bella(@FunnyGuy)

Grady was just finishing up another sermon about The Remaining. He truly believed in his heart, that "The Incident" as it was named was directly caused by the direct hand of God, or at the very least part of his divine plan. He himself had struggled with fornication in the past prior to The Incident, and felt that was the reason the holy father had left him on earth. "Dear Lord, forgive me for my past transgressions against you. To be a man of your word, yet willingly defile my marriage I understand why I was not chosen. Please give me the strength and power to lead others to the truth as the end times approach." Grady opened his eyes as he finished his prayer, and saw his cell phone was ringing. "Ah Brother Thomas" Without hesitation he answered the call. "Hello Thomas, my fellow brother in Christ how are you."

Thomas smiled, “How’s my favorite black pastor?” He said as he answered, “How was the T.V. response? Getting any new diamond rings?” Thomas liked to tease Grady. Being on T.V. would scare the heck out of Thomas. Grady was reaching people, and they were repenting. People were talking about Grady’s messages even at his church., well former church. “I have a problem,” he said, “I need to get to Savannah to pick something up.”

“Doing better Thomas, every thing day-by-day what with everything going on." Despite the world's situation, humor still wasn't lost to him. It was perhaps one of the only things keeping him going besides God's mercy. "In all seriousness it's difficult, TV pastors don't have the best reputation, and plenty of them really seem to be in it just for the material benefit. In my humble opinion listening to them is one of the reasons so many of us are part of "The Remaining" and not up in Heaven, but you know my testimony I'm no saint either." Even when he spoke in jest he never wasted an opportunity to proselytize. He took the time to consider what Thomas had requested, contemplating any options he had to help him. "Well I have a solution Brother Thomas, I don't have the means to get you there myself. However my old friend Vincent Nova's daughter Bella Nova might, he owed me a favor before his untimely demise and she's let me know that still stands. One of the business's they own is a transportation service. I can arrange that if you want, provide you a direct line to Bella, get you right on your way." Grady spoke enthusiastic to help a fellow pastor.

Grady texted Thomas Bella’s phone number, so Thomas called hoping to find her in a good mood.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 3 days ago

Zoe Flores

Location: Rivera Family Home (West Vancouver; Canada).
Interacting With: No One.

The sound of silence... it was golden.

The only thing that was disturbing the peace was the gentle breathing of the eight year old child that was now in her bed; and she'd been there long enough to know that the girl wasn't about to wake from her slumber anytime soon. At least, not unless the urge to draw something new struck her. Then it just couldn't be helped. The very thought of what the little girl went through every time she saw the future; it broke her heart... Maybe she was just getting soft... Maybe the girl was getting to her- finally worming her way into her heart. She wasn't sure it would be a bad thing if that happened.

Not wanting to wake the child, the small and quite colorful - thanks to all the painting - figure that was the bunny known only as Athena slid itself out from under the little girls arm. It's whole body trembling a moment; shaking off any loose fur that was still latching onto the rest before she was once again on the move. The drop from the bed to the floor was nothing she hadn't done before. It had been a few weeks; plenty of time to get used to the routine. Hopping further out, putting space between herself and the bed, the normally white rabbit began to grow. The fur disappearing from sight. Leaving behind nothing more than the beautiful and extremely exposed - and colorfully painted - woman standing in its wake. Her arms lifting up, body tilting lightly from side to side in an attempt to stretch herself out as her dark gaze turned around. Landing on the figure of the young child sleeping calmly within the bed.

How long had it been since she had such a luxury of being able to stretch her legs..? The luxury of sleeping, wrapped up in the comfort of a doona, rather than curled up in the hay that lined the inside of the hutch, or the girls arms whenever she could get away with it..? She knew the answer, and it was too long.

Stretching a spell longer, Zoe let her arms drop back down by her sides. Her hips swinging almost rhythmically from side to side with each step that she took out of the girls room. Wandering down the hall and towards the kitchen of the otherwise empty house. Aira's parents were gone. Again. She couldn't deny that it pissed her off to no avail. What kind of parents just left their eight year-old to fend for themselves while they jet-set around the world..? Her jaw clenched for a few moments before it relaxed with a sigh. It was nothing new... she just had to keep doing what she was doing.

Reaching out to pull open the fridge, the light from within shone over her and she glanced down at herself. She was going to need a shower... but it was going to have to wait.

Hand first going to her stomach as it growled, Zoe reached into the fridge. Gathering up whatever there was that she wasn't going to use for the girls meals the next day, she turned her back to the fridge. Nudging the door closed with her hip, she brought it all back to the bench. Reaching out to take up an apple from the fruit bowl, Zoe took a bite. Munching away as she set to work making herself a late dinner.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Meleck

Meleck Cleric on the Northern Plains

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Sitting at the bar, He raised a toast to his team. Today, they had pumped enough oil out of their little operation to make them each millionaires. OPEC was scrambling as were many of the other oil markets, they had calls coming in from China trying to bypass the American Export embargo. They were pumping out enough oil to drive the price below the breakeven point of most operations. Well drillers, wild catters, and the big oil companies would be scrambling to adjust their operations. He had spent two weeks, pushing his abilities to produce enough crude oil to glut the crude market. It would take weeks for the world to absorb that much oil and longer for the prices to stabalize. The South American oil cartels would be devastated. Countries whose economies were so dependent on the oil trade would possibly have their governments collapse. It would take him another week of work till he could flood the market again.

He thought he might need to fly down to Brazil and pick up a few girls to bring back with him now that he was a multi-millionare.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Christoph Tanner

Interacting with: @Vicier

Christoph slowly closed the door behind him, careful not to make a sound. Not that it mattered if he did, there was nobody else in the house to disturb, but it felt almost like a ritual to ward off bad luck. If he was very quiet, maybe nobody would notice him as he walked around town, and he could clear his mind without worry.

As he began walking, he took a look at his hand, having caught his attention as he left. He was beginning to pale dramatically, after several months with little sun. It probably wasn't healthy for him. he should probably ease up on his paranoia, open some curtains in his house. As long as nobody was spying on him, it would be fine.

As he pondered his predicament, his feet continued to carry him along barely lit residential streets, trailing a new path while he wasn't paying attention. He wasn't worried about getting lost, since the Incident he had a nearly perfect memory, one of the few good things that had happened to him. As he came out of his deliberation, he found himself in front of a particularly large house, separated from it's neighbors by a wide yard and a tall fence. He would have liked to take a better look, but at that moment he stubbed his toe on a crack in the sidewalk, barely suppressing the shout that wanted to force its way out. When he tried to hop on one foot to ease the pain, instead of stumbling against the fence like he expected to, his entire body fizzed in a familiar way; with dread, he fell through the fence and into some kind of animal pen, right through a small wooden structure. In desperation, he tried to crawl back to the street, but luck was not on his side today. His phasing ended abruptly, with one leg still caught in the wood of what he saw now was a rabbit hutch.

"I hope I didn't hurt a rabbit..." he muttered to himself as he tried to settle into a more comfortable position. He could only wait for his power to activate again, and hope nobody in the house had been woken up buy the noise he had made when he fell.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 3 days ago

Paradise Maine & Kaidyn Maine

Location: Atlanta, Georgia; USA.
Interacting With: Each Other.

"..we're lost... aren't we..?"

Head shaking in response to the question, Kaidyn drapped his arm over his sister's shoulders. Tugging her small figure closer against his as the two of them kept on wandering down the road. He knew exactly where they were. They'd turned left when they'd left the hotel in search of a conveniance store, and then taken a right at some point... Alright. So maybe they were lost, he wasn't about to go admitting it to her. What was the point in making her worry for nothing..? And it wasn't as though they were helpless- they had options. Both of them had their phones on them. They had the address of the hotel; google maps. And despite the fact that it had been a long tiring day, full of driving, it was nice to get out and stretch their legs.

"Nah... we ain't lost. I know exactly where we are..!" Flashing his sister a smile, he gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze.

"Oh yeah..? And where's that..?"

"Right here. On this street. In Atlana. Searchin' for somewhere to get some grub."

Rolling her eyes, she couldn't help but smile. The small change in expression lighting up her features, Paradise tilted her head. Letting it come to a rest over her brother's shoulder while her arms snaked around his body. Giving him quick hug. Typical. Even in times where neither of them had any clue as to what they were doing, or where they were going, or even what was happening; he was always trying to keep things light for her. It was sweet, "You're a bloody idiot."

"Yeah... but you love me. And even if you don't. You're kinda stuck with me, so..." Poking his tongue out at her, dodging her attempt to hit him in the ribs like she normally did whenever he teased her, Kaidyn picked up the pace. Giving a light jog as he moved ahead. His body turning, now walking backwards, he shot a quick glance back over his shoulder at where he was going before turning his attention back to her. His arms held out wide, "Oh..! It's like that is it..? Well come on then. Bring it on. Show me what ya got, Paras."

"Oh, you are so dead..!" Chuckling, her smile only widening over her beautiful features, Paradise took off after him. Her hands coming up to hit at his chest, she squealed when she felt his strong arms wrapping around her. Back arching slightly, her feet left the ground as he swung her around. Once more gaining solid footing, though only long enough for her brother to give her his back. His body crouched somewhat, she knew what he was doing. Her hands reaching out to rest on his shoulders, she climbed onto his back. Another squeal filling the air as she was hoisted up. Arms wrapping around his neck from behind as he once more began to walk, "Haha..! Can we hurry up..? I'm starving..."

"Yeah, yeah. What do you feel like, anyway..?"

"Hm... burgers..?"

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