Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kidd
Avatar of Kidd

Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Flint Marrow and Riddley Storm (Collab with Chulance)
Faster then a speeding bullet, more durable then a locomotive..not really, but the Tesla was nothing to sleep on. After his conversation with Diana Sullivan was on high alert, and it seemed he'd finally had a lead on someone with powers. None other then the woman he was researching earlier Riddley Storm. One of the advantages of his vehicle was it's anonymity since it didn't make sound. "So this is where she's most likely hiding." Flint parked the vehicle, and gripped his weapon. He'd purposely not called in any back-up, he had ulterior motives in dealing with Riddley. The first thing he checked was his glove compartment making sure he had his wet wipes chemically dosed with sedatives.

He made sure the weapon was in reach, as well as checking for his taser and canister of tear gas. Depending on how this confrontation went he’d need the whole trifecta not to mention his back-pack. He tossed both straps over his arms, and turned his vehicle off grabbing some binoculars laying on the dash board. “Let’s see if my hunch paid off.” According to his research from his brief investigation it seemed she was moving in camera blind-spots, and with his knowledge of the city he’d pulled up to the most likely location where she could be within the vicinity of the man who was killed by her power.

“Come on baby come out, we need to talk.” He muttered to himself once again checking to make sure his tesla was completely off.

When Riddley had first arrived back at her safehouse--a small and empty warehouse more comparable to a shed than house--she undressed and burned the clothes she had been wearing during her shenanigans earlier. While she wanted to follow up with a proper shower, she settled on wiping the soot off her face and hands with a wet rag before dressing again. She wore plain but comfortable clothes: light jeans, a t-shirt, boots that were heavy enough to break toes but not so heavy that they slowed her down. Under the back of her shirt, a handgun with ammo to spare in her bag. To top it off, she hid her bright hair under a plain brown wig and her eyes with large sunglasses. It would have to do until she made it out of Georgia.

She managed to pack light: she was wearing her spare change of clothes, so she only packed her mother's laptop in the book bag she had. A few products for hygiene were already to go along with a few hundred remaining in cash. Riddley took one last look around the warehouse and decided against setting it ablaze. They would no doubt figure she had been there, whether or not she destroyed what little evidence was left.The hair under her wig was still damp when she was ready to leave.

Riddley glanced to the watch on her wrist; it had maybe an hour after the man's true time of death. She didn't put enough faith into the feds, nor local law enforcement, to expect anyone to be outside to confront her. She had heard no movement outside anyway, save for the usual sounds of a city in the evening. So, confident she was about to make a clean break, Riddley took a sigh of relief and stepped out into the open.

Flint was bidding his time wisely, and getting ready to act, hoping he'd made the right move. "There she goes, time to handle this." Flint turned his silent vehicle on, and turned the volume knob up to the maximum. "Let's go Flint." Reaching in the back seat he grabbed a riot gun and put the tear gas canister in the center. He fired the tear gas cannister right in-front of Riddley, and turned his volume up to max, before playing a pre made recording. "YOUR UNDER ARREST!!!! DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RESIST! "

Zooming forward into the smoke screen, he tossed the riot gun in the back-seat, and tossed his back-pack to left him on the driver side floor mat. As the recording turned off he swerved through the smoke near Riddley. "HEY!!!! If you want to live and get away hop in my car now!!"

Riddley's gaze snapped to the cannister just as landed in front of her, then about at her surroundings to find the source. However, the smoke erupted too quickly, and she groaned--sounding more annoyed than panicked. "Oh come on," she complained, squinting and shielding her mouth and nose into the crook of her elbow. How did they find her already? She coughed, starting to move back toward to the warehouse she had come from-- when a car appeared in the smoke.

She squinted at the driver, debating whether or not to follow his oh-so kind suggestion. Her eyes were watering from the tear gas and she could barely see, and it was growing harder to breathe. She glanced back for her former safehouse, then back to the figure of the driver she couldn't make out. "Fine, okay--" she coughed, grasping for the door handle twice before successfully opening it and sliding in. "Drive, drive, drive!" she said, door barely closed after her.

"Shit" He floored it pressing his foot against the gas, and driving as fast as possible to get away from the situation. I can't believe it worked I'm really getting away with this, everything according to plan "We're going we're going!" Within a few minutes they'd made their way out the smoke screen and Flint was doing at least 80mph despite being in a residential area getting out of the smoke screen he could see the effect the tear gas had on her. "Damn it, you really need to stop learning to mind your damn business! Shit isn't safe for people like us anymore! " He said implying that he was one of them as he kept racing down the streets in the Tesla, reaching in the glove compartment he grabbed some wet wipes handing them to her.

Riddley stayed low in the backseat, but raised her head just enough to look through the the back window. Removing her sunglasses, she watched as the smoke screen and warehouse disappeared quickly behind them. She squinted a bit, worried about the lack of pursuers, but was ultimately relieved as she sat back in the seat. She coughed and shifted where she sat, allowing herself time to breathe normally again.

At his criticism though, she rolled her eyes and shook her head a bit. It seemed like he was talking about her scuffle in the alley. "I couldn't do nothing--and I didn't know he had powers," she said. She added a "thank you" when he passed back some wet wipes. She took the moment of safety to shrug off her book bag and wipe her face clean.

"Who are you anyway? Why'd you jump in and save me?" she finally asked when she could properly breathe again. She glanced to his mirror then around the inside of the Tesla.

And now comes the hard part huh, well I've made it this far. Flint was focused on the road as he was zooming through the streets, he had her trust, but trust wasn't going to be enough to protect him from getting burned to a crisp once she found out he didn't have any powers. "Your welcome, you can thank me more by being safe. My name's Dean." He decided to go with the name of a fictional character who's looks he'd always been compared to, he could see the resemblance but he didn't agree. Maybe his real name would work, but he didn't want to take any chances of her connecting any dots.

In the distance they could hear fake sirens, Flint had Diana call in a fake police report of an empowered individual on the loose just to stop any further suspicion from being aroused. He pulled up in the parking lot of a safe house and turned to face Riddley. "Also one last thing, I'm going to apologize in advance, but one way or another I did save you." Now was time to give up the guise she'd fell for his ploy and used his chemically doused wet wipes so the sedative drugs would begin taking an effect she'd be out in minutes if not seconds.

"Apologize?" Riddley repeated, her gaze still flickering about as she leaned forward a bit. She grew still when she spotted the riot gun. Then her eyes moved to the wet wipes in her hands. And as the realization dawned on her, a smile came to her face. She grinned harshly at him through his mirror, eyes glowing gold for just a moment as she tried to fight the sedative--and then she was out.

"Awhh shit she's gonna want to roast me on fire, come on Flint your gonna need your A game for this one, not like the flirting you did with Amber at prom." He muttered to himself as he watched her succumb to the sedative. "Fuck...." His heart was racing as he'd seen her eyes glow in the rear view mirror. " I was almost a roasted fed, okay, now for the even harder part." He went to pick her up and put her over his shoulder.

“Ugh” He grunted as he kept her over his shoulder. “Heavier than I thought, it must all go to her hips, cause she’s not chubby. The chicks always weigh like 120 in the movies.” He complained to himself about the difference between cinema & reality as he took her inside the safe house. An hour later she would come to hand cuffed to a table in a room with one exit in a dimly lit room with fire proof glass. Outside the room Flint was sitting typing away at his laptop, and saw she was coming to. He reached over and pressed a button allowing his voice to be heard in the room through an intercom.

“Wake up sleeping beauty, sorry about the wet wipes honestly I didn’t think I’d work, but Plan B was riskier.” He reached for his back-pack he carried in the car earlier and took out a fire extinguisher. “So your probably wondering what the hell is going on huh.”

Riddley blinked awake, finding herself sore from resting against such a hard surface. She was still disorientated when the man's voice spoke to her through an intercom, and when she tried to stand, she found herself bound to the table. Frowning, she looked around the rest of the room--it was small, makeshift. She didn't see any of her belongings, but she wasn't taken into proper custody. "Hm," she mused with a twitch of her eyebrows. "What do you want?" Her voice was still groggy from being knocked out.

"Sex." He said with a cheeky smile as he looked at her. "Well that, a corona ice cold bottle no draft, and a cheeseburger I love cheeseburgers, but you can order whatever you want on the menu if your giving it up." He leaned back in his chair and turned his laptop around so she could see he was looking at her file. "So since I'm being honest with you can you do the same for me, and we can both walk outta here on mutual terms. First off real name's not Dean, it's Flint, Flint Marrow, I work for Legion, also work for the CIA just like you use to. Now I really do get in between your leg, but I'm almost 80% positive at this point you just wanna roast me like a marshmallow at a campfire so maybe we can revisit that in the future, so instead how about I save your life again, and you save mine?" He said the last statement in an inquisitive tone wanting to see her response which would dictate how he'd further respond.

Such are men. Riddley rolled her eyes and tugged at the handcuffs as he rambled about burgers and beers. Though she looked back to him when he gave his real name--it sounded familiar--and her gaze hardened into a glare at the mention of Legion. "You're Legion?" she questioned, doubt in her voice. Questions filled her head--she had suspected the only thing Legion wanted for her was a bullet between the eyes. But he had her here alone, taking precautions against her powers rather than simply killing or properly capturing her when he had the chance. Curiosity had the best of her.

"Okay, Flint," she relented. "I'm listening." She shifted to get as comfortable as she could cuffed--he liked to bullshit, so this could take a while.

He was happy with her reaction it wasn't all bad or at least as bad as it could be considering the circumstances, maybe she saw he just didn't want to be a wooden log in a camp fire. "Alright here's the thing I'm not some low grade take orders Legion grunt who gets yelled in if he clocked in at 8:01 instead of 8:00, I'm with the big boys. ." He closed the laptop file feeling as though he made his point and didn't need it anymore. "Your trained in espionage like me so you know I could have put a bullet in between your gorgeous eyes but I choose not to. Legion wants you dead, but I don't. I knew your mother personally, we worked together, it's a shame she died, that's why I need your help." This was it, the selling point. "I can pardon you for the murders not just the Legion agents, the whole apartment, besides one of the guys you killed he owed me $150 dollars he didn't plan on paying back and trust me I know how much we get paid every week he could pay it back so we can write him off. I don't think your all bad, in fact I'm working to stop the registration bill from getting passed. But there's a very dangerous super powered person I'm dealing with, and there trying to take over the Salzaras Cartel, one of the most notorious, if a super powered bastard gets control of one of the biggest drug cartels in the world, we're not just in sheets creek, we're all the way up its ass."

Reaching over he grabbed a bottle of water he had on his desk and took a few sips. "I've got the immunity pardon paperwork in my drawer right now, help me stop this person and you get a fresh start, you'll even get put on salary last I haven't checked indeed recently but I hear the fugitive position isn't paying well these days."

Riddley listened patiently, maintaining a poker face as he went on and on. Despite the wildness that came with power over fire, Riddley was surprisingly cool. Even when he mentioned her mother, she didn't bat an eyelash. "This sounds a little good to be true, Flint," she finally responded, looking to him. "Like you said, I killed three of your men and dozens of innocent people. I can take on another super, no problem, but I have a feeling you're just playing nice to get what you want. What will happen to me after I help you? Paperwork is great and all, but Legion isn't exactly on the books from what I can tell."

"Ah Ah Ah, Legion isn't on the books, but the CIA is." Another cheekly smile popped up on his face. "As for playing nice to get what I want, that's generally what I do with the ladies but I was up-front gotta keep the honesty flowing." He looked over the paper work to make sure it said what he needed. "You didn't kill them it was an "Accident", you understand me. Oh and one last thing before I came in there take off those cuffs Human Torch, I put a little micro chip in your neck and in the event that I wind up as charcoal, our buddies at the CIA just press a button and let the ricin flow through your blood." Although he had put a micro chip in her neck, he'd went against the CIA's wishes, and instead put in a harmless micro-chip it was a bluff, just in case the CIA decided his hired help was too dangerous. "That being said, am I good to come in, and show you the papers, or are you still gonna try to imitate the music video for Nelly's hot in here?"

"Is your microchip fire proof?" she asked, a smile on lips as she tilted her head.

"Damn it, alright look lady you got me beat." Flint sighed, people always told him he was going to Hell, but he really hated fire. Paperwork in hand he made his way into the room with the key to the cuffs and sat at the table. "I'll call the Director to send your first check, or you can yourself." As he said that he stuck the keys in and removed the hand cuffs handing her the paper work." So how about it? Let's stop a deranged super powered sociopath from taking control of the most powerful drug cartel on the planet, and potentially stop an all out war between mutants & humans, I like X Men, but I think in real life you guys as an army is gonna smoke us every time."

"You're right about that," Riddley agreed, watching him as she rubbed at her wrists. She was impressed to see him walk in after all the precautions he had taken, but her eyes remained a passive brown. "Thanks," she said again, taking the paperwork to look it over. She relaxed a bit, her neutral expression and tone allowing some lightness--she felt genuinely relieved that she had a way out. She couldn't have run forever.

After some time, she nodded slowly and snatched a pen from his pocket to sign the papers. "Yeah, I'm in," she said, scribbling her name and date where it counted.

When she finished, she returned the paper and pen. "And it really was an accident," she added hesitantly, watching the other. "I didn't mean to kill anyone."

"If it makes you feel any better, I'm sorry about the cuffs, and I understand if you don't wanna use any of my napkins or drink any of my water." Again trying to diffuse the situation with humor, he'd never been a coward but in this situation he felt real primal fear. Here he was with someone who could literally burn him with her thoughts. "Well I believe you, ever since I read your file that was my hunch, that and I only tracked you down because you set a repeat sex offender on fire." He couldn't help but feel a little bit more relaxed even though he wouldnt' let his guard down. "Come on let's go grab a bite to eat, cheeseburger, steak, tequilla, no panties owed."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Chulance
Avatar of Chulance


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Robin Murdock & Zach - Atlanta, Georgia - Adora Zayas House
“I can’t believe Ryan convinced me to look into this but it’s probably nothing.” Robin Murdock was a 42 years old disillusioned ex cop. Fired for what she said where “political reasons” aka getting put off the Atlanta police force for excessive force. As a former homicide detective she felt many of the cases she handled had nothing but excessive force required.

“I can’t believe your really taking a hunch from Ryan, this kid is literally calling this shit the Vanishings, I know your bitter about business being slow but we paid rent this month, so whats the big deal.” Zach complained, the only other employ at her private investigation form, and the source of all her good paying clients. Ex Military who’d 2 million from the lottery after taxes a year ago, and worked cases just to escape the numbing boredome of being in the house.

“We’re not all fucking millionares Zach, you still only contribute to half the rent so yes I’m going to take a hunch for Ryan, you act like he hasn’t helped us get some clients before.”

“Yeah THREE clients in the past year, geez, but whatever it’s something to today, if anything it’ll finally prove to you that the kid had a few lucky breaks, but any journalist with half a brain could have figured out the shit he did, let’s go, like we’re investigating some random chick who runs a clothing store, because 30 of the missing people complained about her store before they vanished. “Zach shook his head, and took a few more swigs from a heinken he had.

Robin scowled at him, Zach definitely had a drinking problem, he wasn’t a stumbling alcoholic but he kept and drank a case everywhere they went even while she was driving. Twenty minutes later they arrived at the house Adora Zayas was renting out, and Zach had walked around to search the perimeters for clues.

“No car in the driveway, dosen’t look like anyone’s home. Fuck it.” Looking around at her surroundings and making sure no one was inside, she went ahead and picked the lock making her way inside.

The aroma of marijuana filled her nostrils, although it seemed it was from a few hours ago. “Ok, so she’s high on weed, not exactly a crime ugh please don’t let you be wrong Ryan.” Then again all he’s saying is she’s connected to her company who’s connected to people vanishing, even if it’s someone with powers tied to her they could be trying to ruin her reputation, maybe I shouldn’t be in here, if she does come home I’m in the wrong, Zach’s gonna be pissed.

Thoughts of turning back be damned she continued her search to see what else she could uncover and find regarding the situation. There had to be something, besides she was already breaking and entering. As she began to search the downstairs area, she made sure to check for her police badge. Although she’d long since been fired, she’d snagged her badge back the final time she’d left the station.

“Strange even though there’s no car here, I don’t here anyone inside, she would have confronted me by now, but it looks like someone was just here.” Curiosity killed the cat, but that didn’t worry her as it seemed the Zayas residence was truly vacant. After a basic walk through of the down stairs premises she walked to the front and peered through the blinds to see if her vehicle was still parked, but raised an eyebrow noticing she didn’t notice Zach anywhere.

“This isn’t The Prince of Bel Air’s mansion, where the fuck did he go” He probably left once he saw me break in, but on foot? Zach’s tipsy but he’s lazy, if anything he’d be waiting in the car She was beginning to feel uneasy about the whole situation and wondered what was really going on. Against her better judgement she whipped out her gun wondering if she’d need it and slightly concerned for her irritating co-worker’s safety.

Slowly but surely she headed upstairs, and noticed a room where the pungent cannabis odor originated from. hmmm


Turning her hand super fast she looked around as she heard the sound of a lighter being sparked. Gripping her weapon she walked forward and pushed the door open slowly, the creaking noise it made didn’t help with the situation. “What the fuck is that, I could have sworn I heard a lighter just now.” Looking around the room she noticed there was no one around.

The hairs on her arms stood up straight a sudden feeling of unease flowing through her as she felt someone was watching her. Then she heard a scream come from Zach, and instantly turned around her gun in hand. “Who the fuck is here! ZACH!!!? Zach!?” Damn it the one time Ryan is completly right “I need to get the fuck outta here.”

“Robin..where are you going?” Zach’s voice uttered so calm considering the scream she just heard.

Robin whipped around but didn’t see Zach, and she felt a growing pit gnawing at her stomach there was something going on. Was that even Zach, what the hell was going on. Having enough she peered outside the window, and her heart dropped into the pit of her stomach, her car...was gone into thin air. “No...No...No...what the fuck.”

Stepping back engulfed in fear she tripped and stumbled back hitting the ground. “Fuck!” She tried to pull the trigger of her gun but noticed it wasn’t in her hand. “WHAT?!” Having enough she got up and bolted out of Adora’s room and headed to the stairs car or no car, Zach or no Zach she was getting out of there. She made it all the way down stairs when she felt something grace over her shoulder. She turned around attempting to kick whatever it was but her leg swept through air. “What the fuck…” Turning to the door she saw her gun appear from thin air and drop to the ground in front of the door.

Her hands were practically shaking as she was trying to figure out what was going on.”What the fuck is going on?”

“You came to see me didn’t you Robin? Come on go get your gun, pick it up. Come on Robin don’t you want to help people? Clearly not you left Zach to die.”

Looking around her heart was thumping through her chest, wondering what she walked into she had no response but saw the gun laying on the ground and no one around, then the creepiness was amplified as she heard...Zach speak.

“Get the fucking gun! Help me! IT took me! It took me! HELP!!!! Robin please! Fucking help me! GOD DAMN IT HELP!!!! HELP AAAH HELP!!!!” Zach’s voice cried out from nowhere and Robin was on the verge of breaking down, she was a tough woman but this was too much even for her.

“FUCK!!!!” Robin screamed and rushed forward to grab her gun only to be kicked into the wall and the gun vanishing again. The Door she’d opened was slammed shut, and Robin was trembling with fear. Suddenly her entire vision was distorted, and warping as she felt strong hands around her neck choking her as well as feeling herself getting weaker. Rapidly her energy was being drained, she felt everything leaving her, hopes, dreams, aspirations, will to leave, her eyes closed and everything went to black.

As she came to she felt disoriented but still alive. Looking up she saw none other then Zach and was in disbelief at what she saw. Looking down she screamed there was nothing beneath her, but she wasn’t falling. “What the fuck is going on” Looking it appeared Zach was inside of a microwave, none of this made any sense. As she regained full consciousness she realized where she was. The Kitchen of Adora Zayas, and it appeared she was suspended in mid air or rather walking on air.

“No...wait a minute” Putting her foot down hard she realized she was standing on a surface, a surface she couldn’t see and her mind began racing to put answers together, thinking about things she’d seen from both the superhero & horror movie genre. Everything appeared to be so massive, she was standing on some invisible surface, and Zach was in some giant microwave.

“ZACH!!!!” She called out to him, but it appeared he couldn’t hear her in the microwave. Then the worst happened a beep was heard, and the microwave turned on. She watched in horror as her friend screamed in pain as the microwave continued and his body imploded into a bloody mess. “HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! OH NO!!!!!”

“Oh yes oh yes, yes indeed.” Adora’s voice was heard, and suddenly she materialized going from invisible to visible, and she was massive, a giant compared to her.

Looking down she saw she was standing on a massive table that was suddenly visible beneath her. “You...your the bitch, what’s going on...what did you do, you killed Zach, your a fucking monster!”

“Name calling won’t you help you little one” Adora said her voice booming causing Adora to wince looking at the massive girl as Adora approached the table. “I must say your energy was delicious, Zach had a much more sour taste, the main reason I put him in the microwave, felt like he just needed to be a little warmer but he couldn’t take the heat.”

“No….No…”She was in disbelief about the whole situation invisible tables, things vanishing, her friend being placed in a microwave, and her being minituarized, none of it made any sense, but suddenly it all did. Horrified she reflected back on what Ryan said. People are missing, victims vanishing without a trace, if this woman can control size that’s why there’s no remains the shrinking not to mention the brutal ways she disposes of them

“You shouldn’t be waltzing around my house, snooping you stupid bitch, I hate cops. I had to have a little fun with you, the look on your face, the fear, the beads of sweat coming down your forehead as you looked for answers, and the TERROR flowing through you when your friend got treated no differently then an ice cold lean cuisuine that needed to be thawed out.”

“Help us please help HELP!!!” The screams of others, suddenly she noticed Adora had one of her fists enclosed and she lowered her fist to the table and opened it letting two more minimized captives roll out on the table. Two men in uniforms, she recognized them as security guard clothing from the Mall of Georgia. “PLease we were just doing our jobs, we saw her shop lifting we followed her outside, and then the next thing we were here, she’s been threatening to kill us for hours please we.”

BOOM! Adora’s foot came down crushing both of them alive. The whole scene occured in slow motion to her, Adora had raised her leg and brought down her bare foot on the guards crushing them alive like bugs. Her jaw dropped as she watched them get flattened under the flesh of her sole, a horrifying crunch heard as they were mashed into bloody post, and an ear defening scream as their lives were snuffed out in a second.

At this point Robin burst out into tears, fearing for her life begging and pleading with the woman. “Listen! Listen! You want to know how I got here! Fuck it! I only care about myself! His name is Ryan Coleman, a reporter he.”

“Silence you spineless bitch, the one thing I hate more then cops, is a snitch.” Without warning she moved her foot to crush Robin but brought her foot down a few inches away from Robin sparing her from death from a few centimeters away. She raised her foot off the table and put it back on the ground as Robin was hyper-ventilating sobbing.

“Please….I’m sorry whatever you want, we can work this out, I’m a police officer, whatever you need I can help you”

“What I need is for you to stop getting on my god damn nerves.” Adora picked up the ex cop and walked over to the kitchen sink and flipped a switch turning on her garbage disposal and flashed a wicked smile at her. Robin heard the grinding of the kichen appliance and began shaking nearly seizing a tears rolled down her eyes. “Also your not a cop your an ex cop, a dead ex cop.” She loosened her grip and let Robin fall.

“AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!” She screamed for her life as she fell from what felt and in her eyes appeared tobe a massive drop. Within seconds she plunged into the garbage disposal and was violently ripped into pieces, experiencing unbearably excruciating pain as she was ripped apart.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 3 days ago

Zoe Flores, Christoph Tanner & Aira Rivera

Location: Rivera Family Home (West Vancouver; Canada).
Interacting With: Each Other.

Reaching her hand out, she turned the flame down. Attention instead drawn by the sound of a commotion, her head gave a light tilt as she honed in on the sounds that were around her. Listening, almost acutely, for something that seemed off, aside from the obvious. It wasn't the girl's parents. That hadn't been a car- she knew, almost intimately, the pur of an engine... the screetch of a tire; hell, even the slaming of a door.

This was far from that.

Leaving her food on the lowest flame to continue cooking, Zoe reached out. Her fingers curling around the handle of the chefs knife she'd been using earlier. Better be safe than sorry. Silently lowering the knife down to her side as she moved, she took up her half-eaten apple. Bringing it back to her lips, she bit down once more. Chewing on what she had in her mouth as the gap between her and the glass door closed. Her brow raising and lips parting slightly from one another as she caught sight of the scene waiting for her. That... was new. At least, not what she'd been expecting anyway. Flicking the lock, she slid the door across. The night air, not at all uncomfortable or uninviting, hitting her figure as she took a step forward. Her posture relaxed as she leant herself against the frame of the door.

"Oh, I wouldn't worry too much, Papi... I'm sure I'll live."

Startled by the sudden voice, Chris spun on the spot. At least, he tried to. It mostly wound up looking like a pathetic flop, with he leg still trapped.

"Wait, I can explain! I-"

At this point, Chris had managed to fully comprehend what he was looking at. Mouth slightly agape, he gazed at the woman standing in the doorway, completely unclothed besides the paint splotched at random across her skin. For a second, he only stared, speechless at the sight, before suddenly realizing the position he was in and clapping his hands across his eyes.

"I- I mean- you..."

Nawwe... it was so adorable when men got all flustered like that.

Chuckling softly to herself, Zoe brought her attention to the apple she held in her hand. Twirling ig for a moment in her fingers before finally, she took another bite. The crunch of the peel something she had always enjoyed listening to as her teeth cut through the fruit. Lingering a few moments longer, she pushed away from where she was leant against the door. Her bare feet tickled by the grass as she closed the gap between her and the stranger that was, without a doubt, one of the worst burglars she'd ever come across.

Keeping her legs together - there was no need to fluster him further, though it would have been amusing to watch him squirm - she crouched. The arm of which she held the knife coming across to rest over her bent knees; she tilted her head. Watching him curiously as she finished her mouthful, "So... something you want to tell me, Papi..? Because you either really suck at breaking and entering... or you made a wrong turn somewhere."

Chris kept his eyes firmly covered, even as he heard the woman walking towards him. He could feel her proximity as her voice came from much closer than before, and a combination of an overactive imagination and fear of the knife he had seen in her hand robbed him of any semblance of peace.

"No breaking and entering here ma'am, only... uh... entering. Not on purpose though, I tripped." Pausing for a moment, his mind went into overdrive trying to come up with a believable explanation, and failing. With nothing else left, he decided to go with the truth. "I tripped... through the wall. I was just out for a walk, and stubbed my toe, and then I fell through the wall and got my leg trapped in the hutch here. You can see my leg sticking out of it, but it's not broken. I swear I didn't mean to be here."

"..you have powers."

His surprise at her statement almost caused Chris to drop his hands. Almost.

"Powers? Sure, I suppose you could call them that if you were feeling generous. I haven't felt very powerful recently, more like I'm trapped in my own house." About to say more, Chris shut his mouth, realizing he was starting to spill his life story to a naked woman in a house he had just broken into. "I just have to wait to phase out again, then I can get up and get out of your hair. I really didn't mean to intrude."

"Break it. I'm sick of living in that thing anyway."

"Are you sure? I- wait living in? The rabbit hutch?"

"You didn't think you were the only one with abilities now, did you..?"

Shooting him a wink, she stood to her full height. Casting a look around the rest of the yard, her attention was eventually brought back to him. Her hip jutting out as she leant her weight over a single side' the hand holding the knife reaching out slightly as she motioned for him to get moving, "Rápida. Come on, move it so we go inside. I have food on the stove. And be thankful it was me that found you instead of the niña. She has a set of lungs on her, I'll tell you that..."

"Y-yeah, right." Removing his hands from his eyes, but being careful not to look too closely at the still extremely naked woman standing nearby, Chris placed his free foot against the wood next to his trapped leg, but just as he was about to push down and free himself, his body fizzed again and his foot fell through. Not wasting a second, he rolled free as his body returned to normal, carefully standing up and brushing himself off. "Right, that worked out I suppose." As he tried to get his bearings, the last thing the woman had said caught up with him. "Wait, niña? You have a daughter?"

Quirking her brow, a smile playing over her naturally pouted lips, Zoe motioned down at herself with the hand that held the apple. The knife held down at her side in a non-threatening mannor, "..does this body look like I've had a kid..? No, the girl isn't mine. I'm just here to watch over her."

"To be fair, I've been doing my best not to look to closely at your body. I'm afraid I'd catch fire if I did. Bare minimum, I'd lose the ability to speak." And Chris had, in fact, been trying, but some part of him couldn't resist taking a peak every now and then, despite his better judgement.

"Why..? Clearly I don't mind."

"I prefer to keep my wits about me when invading another person's home. For the life of me I can't remember why though." Chris was fully aware that he was rambling at this point, and tried to steer the topic back into safer waters. "But you're cooking you said. Not a good idea to leave a flame unattended, I'll just... see myself out."

"Get inside and sit your ass down at the bench, Papi. You look skinny enough that next time you fade, you'll fade away." Rolling her eyes, Zoe turned her back to him. Her hips once again swinging in time with her steps as she led the way into the house and in turn, the kitchen.

Finding himself unable to argue, Chris simply followed the woman, trying his very best to keep his eyes above her neckline. "Um, I'm... Chris. Christoph."


Rounding the bench once she'd reached it, she placed the knife down over the chopping board that she'd been using earlier. Instead replacing it with a wooden spoon as she leant over the pan. Giving the rice held inside a rough shake and a quick stir to make sure none of it was burnt before turning away again. Going through the cupboard to collect two bowls and the fridge to collect a couple of beers before returning to him. Turning off the flame once she was satisfied, she separated the rather quickly made fried rice into the two bowls. Slipping the now empty pan into the sink as she pushed one of the bowls towards him. Eventually handing him a fork as well, "Zoe Flores."

Chris gave a small smile as he took the fork, finally deciding he'd better just roll with whatever was going on right now. "Well, Zoe, I can't say I do this often, but I'm pretty sure fried rice isn't the usual response to a break in. Especially when one is looking after a child."

"True... but my madre would kill me if I were to let you out of the house without eating. Besides... this isn't a normal situation. And she isn't a normal child."

"Another powered person? What are the chances of that?" He took a bite of the food in front of him and chewed thoughtfully, his eyes no longer focused for the moment.

"Yeah... she's a special little girl alright..."

Chris snapped out of his contemplation and looked at Zoe, before immediately averting his eyes again. Standing up, he tugged on his collar a bit. "Well, uh, thank you for the food. It was... good, but I should really be going and let you get back to... whatever it was... you were doing. Before."

"Eating. Alone. Like always."

Her dark eyes meeting and holding his, her expression was different. Softer like her voice as she explained to him what she had been doing before he had, for lack of better words, stumbled right into her life, "..I'll have a shower... order groceries online for delivery tomorrow because Aira can't go shopping, and I can't leave her on her own... then I'll take whatever I can find that's left in the fridge, and I'll make her breakfast... lunch... and dinner; because she doesn't know how to cook yet. She's only eight years old. I'll then watch over her while she sleeps- keep an eye on her in case she gets up to draw or paint again. I'll sit on the edge of the bed, and I'll once again become her pet rabbit. I'll probably only get about an hour or two of sleep myself before she wakes up to another day. Alone in this big house. With no one to look after her..."

Chris swallowed as he stood there, no longer avoiding looing at her. Slowly, he sat back down, wondering if he was really going to stay. His mouth made the decision for him.

"On second thought, I don't have anything to do tonight. Or tomorrow, or really ever. I could... keep you company."


Lingering where she was for a moment, movement caught the corner of her eye, and she turned her head to follow it. Her lips parting slightly from one another, Zoe didn't bother to utter a single word before she was on the move. Her body rounding the bench for the forth time so far that night, her bare feet barely made a sound over the timber flooring as she made her way down the hall, "..Aira..."

Confused at Zoe's sudden departure, Chris lagged only a second behind, wondering if he should be following her deeper into the house or just staying put.

Slowing as she reached a half open door, a little hesitant and feeling her heart already beginning to break, Zoe paused. Glancing back over her shoulder at Chris - by God, what he was going to think of all this... she was used to it, but him..? - the glance lasted only a few moments before she turned back to the door. Her hand finally reaching the wood, she pushed it open. Slowly stepping in and out of the way so Chris could join her as her dark gaze settled on the young girl.

The sound of her hands over the walls was muffled; and all that filled the decent sized bedroom apart from the gentle stream of light that streamed in through the window. At least, that was until the door was opened, and light flooded the room from the hallway. Allowing the two other figures to be able to see as they stepped into the bedroom. But it was as though the girl hadn't heard. Focussed instead on what she was doing. Her soft lips parted in concentration, she seemed completely unaware that she even had company. Her normally dark chocolate brown eyes no longer, instead glazed over a milky white as she stared at the blank spaces as though they were nothing more than a canvas; her paint covered fingers working quickly to fill in the gaps.

How many nights had she spent standing in front of the wall..? Fingers covered in paint, or hands clutching hold of a pencil, crayon or marker...

There were paintings and drawing everywhere. Littered all about the room. On the walls... on the floor- in everything from crayon to paint, pencil to brightly colored marker. Each addition only helping to ruin yet another layer of wall paper in such a short amount of time, her parents had given up and instead had just left her to her own devices. And why not if it had benifit..? What was the point in having a daughter who could provide you with the future if you couldn't use that information to get ahead in life..?

Stepping back from the wall, Aira turned. Her knees hitting the ground and her body hunched over itself as her hands once more hit the paint that was smeared over the floorboards. The girl pausing only long enough for her to look back over her shoulder at the wall. Watching on as the blank white spaces seemed to darken before bursting to life with swirling color- lines forming. Making the picture whole, though only in her own eyes. Standing back up, she hurried back over to the wall. Her hands pressing against it once again so that she could continue her art, but instead, she froze in place. Her head stooping for a moment, she turned attention from side to side; the whites of her eyes seeming to stare right through the woman before flicking across to settle upon the man.

“..did you come to draw with me..?”

Chris stood in the doorway, almost in awe of what he was seeing. The girl didn't seem to be in control as she painted, more like a brush than an artist. As she smeared paint across the walls, he realized this must have something to do with her power.

"I... would love to draw with you. What are you drawing?" Chris took a step further into the room, looking at Zoe from the corner of his eye to judge her reaction. Part of him wanted to help this girl through whatever episode she was having, but if Zoe tried to stop him he would back off.

Shifting slightly on the spot, Zoe kept where she was. Watching carefully as Chris stepped forward to interact with Aira, she didn't even try to stop him. Always unsure of what she could do in situations like this.

Her intense gaze lingering on him a moment longer, strong; almost as if she were staring into his very soul, Aira turned back to the unfinished painting on the wall in front of her. It wasn't the first... and it was more than clear by the state of the room that it wasn't going to be the last either. Pictures of gloom... of happiness... one of a woman, frantic and screaming as a large hand with pink nails held her over what looked like a blender; while another showed a man, relaxed and stuffing his mouth full of popcorn. A smile on his face.

There were pictures of things that had happened... of things that were yet to come. Though just when these predictions were to happen wasn't always so clear; even to the little girl who once more had her fingers gliding over the wall. Taking the image she was seeing, and putting it on the wall so that others could see it as well, "..the bad lady..."

"The bad lady..." Chris muttered, crouching down low to the ground. Placing his hands in the paints like the girl had, he brought them up to look at for a moment. "Alright little one," he said, standing up, "Where do you want me to help?"

"..she lets it all burn..."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Meleck

Meleck Cleric on the Northern Plains

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Another one." Bella said as she sat in her home office looking at her vibrating phone that rumbled against the hard wood. She reached for her black coffee mug first and took a quick sip before answering the call. She was somewhat expecting it due to courtesy text message from Pastor Grady, one of her father's friends who was cashing in on a favor. "Hello, may I ask who's speaking, please?" Bella answered politely. This almost a different woman.

Thomas wondered about the greeting she gave, very defensive like people called her often to ask for things. It put him slightly on edge as he was calling to ask her for something. He responded, "This is Father Alexander and Pastor Grady gave me your number saying that you might be able to help me go and pickup something in Savannah at the Benedictine House there." His pause wondering if he should tell her about the flat tire, that would then bring up a question of why he needed a ride and from there it would get complicated. He hoped that she just wanted the short version.

"Father? A priest asking for my assistance is a a man who will be helped." Bella spoke in a way that made her hard to read. Was she patronizing the man, or just trying to do a good deed? "Are you with Cathedral of Christ the King? My father loved that place. Said it was the only decent place left in this city."

Thomas answered her, "Yes, Ma'am" one of the few southern phrases he allowed himself then he continued, "There are a lot of good places and people in the city if you look hard enough. Grady is one of them. A couple of the neighborhoods are having a revival."

"A revival? I'll have to get with you on how to provide a donation that might help with that. It's what my father would have done." Bella's voice trailed off towards the end before she took a breath to compose herself. "So Father, is it a courier you need, a vehicle, or a driver? I can provide any for a man like yourself."

Thomas smiled as he said, "A donation would be quite nice, I know of some needs that could easily be met." He thought about a couple soup kitchens, and one of the schools that really needed some new technology if the children were going learn how to make it out of poverty and drugs. "Well, I need a vehicle and a driver. I'm not sure what I am picking up yet. The brothers told me to come; we may need to stay the night at the monastery. The room would be free and the food is very good."

"Simple enough then. I'll get your phone number to a driver and he will call you to set up your pick up free of charge. Don't hesitate to call if there are any issues. And I mean any issues at all.... Oh and expect the donation in a few days and let Grady know he gets to keep his favor and that he should use it on himself next time." Bella smiled, glad to making conversation that didn't pertain to work. Maybe I need a vacation... Probably after I wipe Jace Williams off the map.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Meleck

Meleck Cleric on the Northern Plains

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Towards the end of the press conference, Ivy was getting ready to make her good-byes.
A reporter called out, "Governor Ivy, Are you planning to run for president?"
Ivy blushed a genuine blush.
"I do declare! The thought hasn't even crossed my mind. I've only been Governor for a short period of time and right now," she said then paused for effect.
"My focus is on keeping the good people of Georgia safe. That is why we need to pass Empowered Registration Bill, it is sad to see that this President and congress are making this a partisan issue. Putting politics in front of children like my Tyler and allowing the empowered criminals to be above the law like some others think they are."
She let that hang, letting people associate it with whoever they felt fit that bit.
"Let me be clear, there are good honest Empowered people and I want to protect their rights too," Ivy said.

Again the voice called out. "Are you going to run?"
She smiled and waved.
Running for the presidency she knew that would take a lot of money. Running as a independent meant that she did not have big political machines to help her. over her years she had made both republicans and democrats mad at her. There would need to bea ground swell of support.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Meleck

Meleck Cleric on the Northern Plains

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Father Thomas

True to her word, Thomas' phone rang. The man introduced himself as Vincent and wanted to know where to pick him up. When he arrived, Thomas recognized him. He, his wife, and two children came to mass fairly routinely. This made Thomas smile. When the box truck came to a stop, Thomas went and climbed in the cab. He had worked at a warehouse when he was in seminary.

Vincent looked at him a little funny and said, "Company policy is no riders. But, I got a call from the big boss telling me to come pick you up and treat you nice." There was a little smile, as he confessed his sin. "So, enjoy the ride." There was no radio in the truck, and Thomas' cellular phone did not work, there was just a heads up display with a screen built into the dash connected through some private radio network.

Vincent looked at Thomas, "Company policy, no cell phones. They are jammed. Not radio either. It is safer that way." he shrugged.

Thomas smiled and made small talk with the driver. Talking about church and the man's family. When they got into to traffic, a computer voice came on. "Traffic, please be quiet and pay attention." Vincent shrugged. Thomas pulled out a rosary and started praying in a whisper. "Is the traffic that bad that you need to pray," a woman's voice came through the screen.
"It's brutal, some bozo with New Jersey plates driving his Mazda keeps weaving, think he could kill with that car," Vincent said giving Thomas a wink. Thomas got the idea, that he needed to be quiet.

When they stopped at the first club, He tapped some buttons on the screen then hopped out. Thomas got out too.
"You push a dolly?" Vincent asked. Thomas nodded and climbed up the ramp that had been pulled out after the door was rolled out. There was enough booze and other boxes to fill the box. Two dolly's were there. Vincent loaded each and had Thomas help him wield it in to the back door of the club, through the kitchen.

When they came into the bar, Thomas' mouth just about hit the floor. A couple patrons and a couple of the girls tried to hide, but when you are 97% naked, it is hard to hid yourself. Thomas started looking at the floor. Papers were signed and a bag passed over. Then they were on their way. This was how much of the day went.

At The Paradise, some of the girls took am interest in Thomas. For some he was fresh meat, others thought he was cute, one described him as sweet and kept pressing herself up against him. He had blessed a few of them and prayed with a handful more. He was having a hard time. Natural biological reactions are natural reactions and he was trying hard to keep his thoughts in check. He even took confession from a young lady that was topless and acted like it was no big deal. With a gaggle of girls scantly dresses, Vincent called Thomas' name, making him look up. The camera on his phone clicked and the message was sent. Vincent ordered them two steak sandwiches that they ate in the truck. "Sorry," Vincent said, "the boss wanted protection."

As they headed for Savannah, Thomas asked if Bella was going to black male him? Vincent smiled and said, "No, she just wants you not to get so nosy into her operations. She told me that she would destroy the picture or we can stop and have a 9 by 11" photo printed. Not many people get that royal of a treatment, you are a novelty." Thomas was suprised to find that there was a lot of different stories and reasons the girls did this job. Some liked the power it offered, others because they were desperate, some because it was good money, and others because of addiction issues.

When the reached the monastery, Thomas hopped out of the truck tired and sore as Vincent drove off. He would call him in the morning for the pick up. Thomas headed for confession then to the chapel to pray. They were created in the image of God. They had fathers and mothers. They were someones child. Vincent texted a copy of the picture to him. It didn't help and he didn't delete it either. All the girls were "clothed" or covered as not to appear naked for the camera. Still this was a dangerous photo.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Chulance
Avatar of Chulance


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rita Salzaras & Estabon Lopez - Gwinnet, Georgia Highway Rest Stop
“200 pounds of cocaine, I see why your delivering this yourself Rita. You and your brother are quite the team.”

“Why thank you Estabon, I got call that one of his suppliers best dealers was murdered it appears to be an empowered incident, he made me aware, even offered me to allow you guys to handle the shipment, but I’m already in America, and when it comes to 6 million dollars worth of coke I’ll handle it myself as I’ve done in the past, you know not many people outside of the higher ranking members of our organization are aware of that relationship.” Rita Salzaras spoke out.

She was sitting in the passenger seat with Estabon driving, one of her most trusted men. They were moving in a box truck, on the side of the truck Nova Consolidated could be seen. Around them on the highway was a fleet of other box trucks, cocaine dispersed throughout them although a larger amount was in the truck Rita was riding in. In her lap was a semi automatic with an extended clip and to the right an RPG launcher. She placed her hands on the weapon and smiled. “Even if, one of these beings attempts to stop us, well...there bullet proof true enough but we’ll see how well the do with a rocket.”

Estabon looked at Rita, and couldn’t help but have some admiration. True she was Hector Salzaras brother, and Jose had raised them both to be ruthless, but an RPG in a truck full of cocaine, ,while they had police connections who were going to do everything in their power to prevent them from being pulled over, she kept the RPG close. “Hopefully we will not find ourselves in that situation, we need to make a stop soon and refill.”

“Noted, will do let’s do that now. We don’t need any distractions, we have 30 minutes at most before we get to the city.” She didn’t miss a beat, no fear about the drugs, the weapons she had, or how getting caught could jeopardize her United States citizenship.

Before long they pulled off to the rest stop, it was about 9 trucks in total, and at least 22 men armed besides Estabon and Riddley moving with them. “Estabon I need to use the rest room, stand guard outside, unfortuntely I’ll have to leave this in the truck, but only momentarily, but it’s not as if anything will happen in the blink of an eye.”

“Understand Rita, Miss Salzaras I mean.”

“It’s fine Estabon.” Rita couldn’t help but giggle at Estabon’s professionalism. He’d been one of the Salzaras best security guards over the past ten years, and well paid for his skills.

As they parked, the men of the Salzaras Cartel all dressed in civilian clothing with weapons tucked away begin filling the trucks, as Estabon escorted Rita to the rest room. 6 Million dollars of coke, 100K in my own pocket, Hector’s plans to keep stepping up the shipments are really going in, we’ve been making drops across the states, once we hit Georgia, we can head back home, I’ll have made 5 million dollars..sometimes I wish I could find a way to retire Loyal to the family, with the money he was making now he was thinking of an exit strategy where he’d retain his head.

These thoughts occupied his mind as he stood outside of the rest room, he had on security clothes as to not arouse any curiosity from onlookers about why he was carrying a weapon at the rest stop. Still he didn’t day dream for long, and looked down at his watch noticing nine minutes had passed. “Hmm..Rita! Are you in there?”

He called but got no answer, he felt tense, griping his weapon and barging into the women’s rest room scaring an older middle aged caucasian white woman doing her make up. “What the fuck.”

“I apologize, security, have a very high profile client in the rest room here.”

“Sir!! There’s no one in here! I don’t know what kind of games your playing but I can call the fucking cops!”

Estabon’s face scowled, the problem was it sounded like this woman was telling the truth but he couldn’t take any chances. “I see...well.” He lowered his weapon walking over to the stalls past the scared women.

“I told you fucking creep! Now tell me why I shouldn’t ca-” Before she could finish Call Estabon lunged to the side and hit her in the skull with the butt of the gun. She collapsed to the ground, and Estabon picked up her slumped body and sat it in a stall, deciding against killing her. “Where the fuck did she go, Rita…” THis dosen’t make any sense

He looked around at his surroundings, and sent out a message to the others in the group text. Rita Salzaras is missing, she was in the stall I can’t find her, this is an emergency situation we need this handled right now.

Estabon was getting worried and stepped outside the bathroom to see the combination of his men and the Nova Consolidated security guards. Then the site that befell his eyes was confusing it was none other then Rita herself infuriated and yelling. As he approached, what he heard was even more puzzling.

“What do you mean! You missing packages?! What the fuck” Rita barked making quite the scene at the rest stop, but to onlookers it could simply look like Nova Consolidated manager getting mad at employee’s for missing merchandise, if the didn’t let it escalate much farther.

“What the fuck is going on! Weren’t you in the bathroom? How the fuck did you get out here?” Estabon questioned something wasn’t right about this situation.

“There’s product missing.”

“From which truck Rita, what happened, someone answer for this!” Now Estabon didn’t even care to further investigate how Rita got from the bathroom to outside yelling at hte men but what she said next shattered him.

“All of them, all of it is gone! We’ve made checks every stop, so who the fuck stole.” The situation was getting out of hand, there were other cars parked at the rest stop. Some getting gas, some truck drivers resting, some smoking, the couldn’t make a scene, and have a whole bloody murder but the couldn’t move any farther if 200 pounds of cocaine went missing, this didn’t make any sense.

“This...dosen’t….” He stopped and he saw something that made him pause, this woman looked like Rita, except for one detail a tattoo on her shoulder was missing, and his head began swimming as he raised his weapon to her. The others instantly were on alert, wondering why Estabon was turning. “Your not fucking Rita, where the fuck is Rita! I’m well aware of your kind, what the fuck did you do to her.”

“Sir that’s clearly Rita Salzaras, are you high!” A Cartel member spoke up wanting to diffuse the situation as they were in public.

“Shut the fuck up, look at her shoulder Rico! Look at it, the tattoo is gone, the tattoo of her father!” The soldier turned and was shook, although he didn’t understand what Estabon was getting at, every soldier in the unit knew the importance of that tattoo, not to mention she had it moments ago.

The Rita imposter began chuckling and laughing as she looked at Estabon. “I guess your right, you might know me, there’s a bounty on my head, my name is Adora Zayas, but you all should start calling me Rita, Hector Salzaras sister. Not too many people know about her, but Greg Konnovich did, he’s a major reason she was able to keep her identity secret, making it appear she worked at Nova Consolidated, this is a nice scheme you cooked up. Using this woman Bella Nova’s company to transport coke across the state, and you people sent her a payment of 20 million for her services, shame she won’t get to make any additional money from moving the coke.”

“Whatever parlor trick you did to look like Rita, snatch her from the bathroom and steal the coke undo it now or you’ll be killed.” Estabon barked infuriated at the situation, he wasn’t prepared to deal with superhuman interference. This is the woman Hector spoke off, I don’t know what power she has but it’s dangerous. The Question now is how useful it is in combat, she made herself appear to be Rita attempting to turn me and the men against each other.

“Really your going to shoot me in public? A supposed manager at Nova Consolidated, for what? Your trucks look like well supplied, except for the coke, I suppose you’ll have an explanation for why Rita’s security shot her at a rest stop, the situation is already tense, oh did I mention the police have been called. I told a gentlemen that I was kidnapped from Mexico by sex traffickers who are partnered with Nova Consolidated to launder women to the states as sex slaves. He’s probably still around.”

“Let her go!!! You bastards!” Turning they saw a man in a grey suit with a gun of his own raised pointed at them, with another man pulling up in a pick up truck next to him. “She told me what ye sick bastards are doing, and the cops are on the way right now! “

“BILL!!! Thank you! Please!!! Help! “ Adora cried out in Rita’s voice as Bill gripped his gun even tighter pointing it at Estabon, people at the rest stop saw the tense situation and many began heading to their vehicles to leave not wanting to get involved, as police sirens were heard in the distance.

Damn it Bill, your always trying to play the god damn hero, we’ve been out the military for two fucking years, if I didn’t love I wouldn’t lift a finger to help this random girl. Jared was irritated at his fiancee, although he didn’t care about the situation, the girl had come to them crying and Bill wanted to play the hero again like their tour of duty in the middle east where they met wasn’t enough.

Estabon was infuriated, the entire situation was falling apart. This Adora woman had stolen their coke, Hector’s sister, taken her form, got random civilians involved by claiming they were sex traffickers, had a police report filed that Nova Consolidated was involved with sex trafficking, and to top it all off the police were on the way and by the sound of the sirens they were getting closer. It felt like there was no way to come out of this situation victorious, but he knew if he wanted to keep his job & most importantly his life he’d at least need to save Rita wherever she was. She could already be dead, I don’t even know what she can really do, but if she was powerful enough to just kill someone maybe she wouldn’t have involved the cops, or maybe this is a way to hit us where it hurts, if that’s the case the only reason she’d still be alive is to have leverage over Hector

He was prepared for many things but shape shifters, and Rita Salzaras vanishing into thin air as well as all the drugs being gone, and police getting drawn into it was not one of them. It was a tense mexican stand off and it seemed his men the Salzaras and the Nova Consolidated security detail was looking to him for answers. “Fuck, your going to jail too!”

“She will not go to jail! You sick bastard, stop trying to play with her head, you sick fucks” Bill yelled out gun raised on Estabon. The Sirens blaring louder, as four squad cars raced into the parking lot.

“Alright, Estabon if you make it out, I slipped a piece of paper in your pocket when I took Rita. Hector’s time is over, and I know how dearly you want an exit plan. I will take control of the Salzaras empire, I could use a man with your skills, and I’ll pay you 5x what Hector pays.”

“POLICE!! STAND DOWN!!! STAND DOWN!!” Police officers were yelling as they emerged from their cars, and more sirens were blaring. “LET THE WOMAN GO! You are all UNDER ARREST!!!!!!!”

Adora smiled, and looked at scene she made. While some people had fled, some had stayed to record the situation. Estabon with his gun drawn, The Nova Consolidated security guards & Salzaras cartel members looking tense, Bill & his fiancee Jared with weapons drawn, and now the police had arrived.

“I appreciate the audience, but it’s time for everyone to die.” Adora laughed and suddenly she grew to gigantic heights still in Rita’s form. Estabon stepped back in fear dropping his weapon, and the people who didn’t want to leave all began heading towards the cops. Pulling out a gun she opened fire at the police officers. Giant bullets soared down tearing through the squad cars, and tearing through police officers body.

“EVERYONE WILL DIE!” She laughed as the scene erupted into one of chaos after she fired the giant bullets, and she opened fire on the pedestrians fleeing from the rest stop bullets tearing through the cops and lodging their way into the ground blocking the exit. Both the Nova Consolidted security,and Salzaras members opened fire on the giant woman while Adora dropped her gun letting it crush two Nova consolidated trucks and the men stil inside them.

“Fuck!” Estabon had took off running, seeing the exit blocked by a giant bullet he was running towards the entrance from the highway. When suddenly a giant shoe slammed into the ground in-front of him causing a shockwave that knocked him back.

“Oh so now you want to flee Estabooooon, I could squish you like a bug, all that tough talk but the offer still stands.” Adora smirked at the frightened cartel security member and with a light tap from her foot sent him reeling in the air until he slammed into a parked car.

“I fucking hate bugs!!!” Yelling out she raised her foot and began stomping on the nova consolidated trucks, Nova security guards fleeing, Cartel members fleeing, and pedestrians. Police cars zoomed into the rest stop area examining the bloody carnage, while Adora leaned down grabbing the pick up truck as Bill had hopped in with Jared who was flooring it towards the entrance.

“I thought you wanted to save me? Your leaving without me? Departure so soon.” Lifting the car up and rising back she flung the car into the nearby high way traffic. Laughing as Bill & Jared screamed until their catapulted truck slammed into an 18 wheeler causing it to flip causing an eight car pile up on the highway people screaming, and cars racing by seeing the giant women causing a rampage at the nearby rest stop.

“We’re all going to die...it’s over.” Estabon was in intense pain bleeding from being thrown into the back of a car, looking up at the giant Adora in Rita’s form destroying everything around him. He could see his mangled men, and destroyed trucks. Struggling he managed to rise up shattered glass around him from the impact, some lodged into his back.

Adora kicked the rest stop building tearing through the structure then stepped on it several times killing those unlucky enough to still be inside. Leaning down again she brought both her fists down crushing the remaining trucks, and cartel & security guards who’d survived thus far aside from Estabon who was limping to the forest in pain. Sirens were blaring, and the whirring of helicopter choppers was nearby. “Fools, they should all be running, Hector...you’ve made an enemy that’s too powerful.”

“Pathetic puny cops.” She spit at the cops, the giant wad of spit slamming into three police SUV’s pulling up, the pressure of the spit flipping the police SUV cruisers up, shattering the windows on impact and Adora slammed her foot down on the entrance to the rest stop destroying it.

“Damn it Hector…”Estabon stumbled forward dropping his weapon but seeing no need for it as he stepped onto the grass and fell to the ground in immense pain from being kicked. His heart was racing and his eyes widened as he saw Adora bring her foot down destroying the rest area. At this size her spit can flip vehicles...we’re all going to die… He was still in disbelief that Adora had let him alive, and wondered why. Maybe taking on Rita’s form caused her to have some mercy, perhaps she really wanted him.

“Oooh the news, and the police, eenie meenie minie moe, catch a chopper by its toe.” Looking at the two news helicopters, and one police chapter she clapped her hands over one of the police chopppers crushing it in mid air, debris raining. She snatched the rotator blades off the police chopper and watched as it whirled to the side crashing onto the highway, increasing the destructive scene.

The last news chopper had turned around, the camera man screaming, as Adora stepped over towards the chopper, lightly blowing causing the chopper to spin out of control before inhaling the chopper and crushing it chewing it up and gulping it down. “She’s not human at all, even at the size she shouldn’t be able to literally chew up a helicopter….” I’m on the wrong side Estabon’s final thoughts as he passed out. Adora turned her attention to the chaos on the highway and stepped forward her shoe crushing several cars.

Stepping over she stepped on the other side of the highway crushing several cars, and she kicked into the highway causing asphalt and debris to come uip taking down other cars. Without warning she vanished into thin air, and just like that the rampaging monster was gone, leaving behind several dead bodies, death & destruction all while still looking like Rita Salzaras.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Zoe Flores, Christoph Tanner & Aira Rivera

Location: Rivera Family Home (West Vancouver; Canada).
Interacting With: Each Other.

Sitting back, Chris wiped his hand across his forehead, realizing too late that he had accidentally slathered paint on his face. Ignoring it for now, he sat back and took a good look at what he had helped make on the wall.

A soft yawn breaking the otherwise heavy silence in the room, Aira lifted her hands up. Rubbing sleepily at her eyes and smearing paint across her young features as she did so. She was tired... she always was after seeing something like that- after plastering it all over the wall. Arms dropping down to her side, her small figure fell against the larger one beside her. Her hands lifting, balling into small fists around Chris' top, she curled herself against him. Unable to stop herself from giving a second yawn as her eyes closed; once more their normal color now that the episode had come to pass.


"Alright little one." he said softly, scooping her up to return her to her bed. Placing her gently on the mattress, he carefully removed her fists from his shirt and did his best to wipe the paint off his hands before pulling the covers over her. Smoothing her hair back once, he left her to sleep before stepping back and turning to Zoe.

"She should probably have a bath, with all that paint on her," he said in a low voice, "but I'd feel bad making her stay up, after what she's been through."

Nodding her head, the only sign that she was even paying attention to what was being said to her, Zoe let her attention linger. Watching the child a few moments longer to make sure that she wasn't going to wake again before she let her gaze wander. Turning instead to meet with Chris', "..I'll change her sheets tomorrow... make sure there's a bath waiting for her when she wakes up... for now, I just-... I want to let her sleep..."

Nodding, Chris motioned toward the still open door, turning to follow her out after taking one last look at the painting now adorning the wall next to the others. On the canvas, a woman stood over a body on the ground, and several trucks burned in the background. The trucks on the ground had 'Nova' painted on their side, but Chris had never heard of that company. Once they were both out of the room, he carefully closed the door, not letting the handle go until it had latched without a sound, he sighed as quietly as he could and then looked at Zoe.

"Is it just the two of you here, alone in this house? Where are her parents?"

Scoffing at the mere mention of Aira's parents, Zoe dropped her head. Shaking it lightly from side to side before once more her gaze met with his. Her arms folding over the front of her chest. The action causing her breasts to look bigger than they actually were, not that she was trying, "Those pendejos. I wouldn't consider them parents. As soon as they figured out what Aira could do, they used it for their own gain. Struck it big at a few races... won the lottery, then pissed off somewhere and only come back when they need another injection financially. They abuse her ability, and then leave her behind to fend for herself."

"What?" Chris growled, looking back at the door. For a very brief moment, part of his brain told him he needed to take care of her, that parents like that wouldn't even notice she was missing, but kidnapping was a crime regardless of the situation. Letting his sudden anger drain, he blew a breath through his teeth.

"Well, I can't in good conscience let you two keep on like this alone. It must be exhausting taking care of her like this. What can I do to help?"

"..you have no idea..."

Breaking into a small smile, Zoe shook her head lightly; and for the first time, he could see just how tired and worn out she actually was, "..I've been here the better part of a month, and I think I've only gotten a couple of hours sleep a night... sometimes less. And then even when her parents are here; they aren't here, if you know what I mean. They just don't care. So I sneak around at night; I cook, I clean, I order groceries, I do the laundry... it's... severely exhausting, yeah... worse on nights when she has episodes like she did tonight..."

Chris rubbed his palm against the back of his head.
"I know you just met me tonight, but I want to help that little girl. I feel like she and I are the same in a lot of ways. Both basically without family, both having to work around the changes we're going through." Looking away, he muttered almost to himself, "Plus I wouldn't mind spending more time with you."

Clearing his throat, he continued, "I don't want to get in trouble with her parents when they come back, but if you need anything, just say the word and I'll do what I can.

He... wanted to spend more time with her..?

Surprise flickering across her features, her brows raising slightly, Zoe watched him. Her head dropping when he cleared his throat. That wasn't something that she'd been expecting- honestly. She hadn't been expecting anything that had happened through the night thus far. It was definitely an eventful one, though, she had to admit that it hadn't been without its benefits, "..stay then..."

"Stay... here? As in, here in the house?" Chris let the surprise show on his face, "Aren't you pretending to be a rabbit? I guess that might be blown after tonight, but what happens if her parents come home tomorrow?"

"..they've been gone for almost two weeks without so much as a phone call... either they aren't coming back, or when they do walk through that door, I'm going to ram my fist down their throats for what they've put her through."

"I..." Chris hesitated, sure that something would go drastically wrong. He wanted to say yes, perhaps partially because he had been alone for so long now, but he couldn't help but imagine all that could go wrong. When was the last time he had trusted his heart and taken a leap though?

"I'll get my things tomorrow, then."

Nodding her head lightly, showing him she understood, her arms broke away from across her chest. Hands lifting up until she was able to rub at her face, unable to help a yawn from slipping through her own lips, though she knew she couldn't rest yet. There were still things she needed to do. For fucks sake, she still needed that shower. As much as she loved a pop of color, being painted a multitude of them was most definitely not her style.

"..there's still so much to do..."

Dropping her arms back down to her side, she looked away. Her gaze staring off down the hallway for a few moments of respite before she brought her attention back to him, "..you have paint all over you, by the way..."

"Yeah..." he chuckled, looking down at himself, "Honestly it's not a new experience. Not even the first time this week. I'll probably grab a shower when I go home to pack, a bit of mess doesn't really bother me in the short term."

Remaining silent, chewing on her lower lip thoughtfully, Zoe turned away from him. Her movements slow, with purpose as she headed off down the hallway that led away from the girl's bedroom, and instead wandered towards the master bathroom. Her body pausing in the doorway, she glanced back at him. Holding his eyes for a brief spell, she slipped inside and out of his sight; though the invitation was more than clear as the door remained wide open behind her.

Eyes closing, head tilted to the side, her hand lifted to lightly ruffle at her long and dark wavy locks as her feet carried her through the room until, thanks to pure memory, she came to a stop in front of the shower. Her body leaning into it, she reached forward with her free hand to twist at the taps. The ever relaxing sound of water flowing filled the air, the alluring warmth of the steam causing a smile to once more play over her lips. Her body relaxing the very moment that she took that step and entered the shower... allowing the warm water to wash over her; running rainbow with the paint that began to slowly wash away down the drain at her feet.

Chris wondered what he was doing as he followed her down the hallway, completely spellbound. What if he was reading things wrong? What if he ruined everything right here? What if-

All thoughts of what if fled his mind as he turned into the open doorway and saw Zoe there, standing in the running water. Finally allowing himself to actually look at her, to take her all in, and he came to a decision. For tonight, at least, he would stop worrying about the future, about 'what if,' and give things a try the way she did.

His decision made, he stepped through the door.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Meleck

Meleck Cleric on the Northern Plains

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Towards the end of the press conference, Ivy was getting ready to make her good-byes.
A reporter called out, "Governor Ivy, Are you planning to run for president?"
Ivy blushed a genuine blush.
"I do declare," she said then paused for effect.
"The thought hasn't even crossed my mind. I've only been Governor for a short period of time and right now, my focus is on keeping the good people of Georgia safe. That is why we need to pass the Registration Law" she paused as one of the State troopers approached her turn his back to the crowd and whispered something to her. Ivy went a pale. She turned and talked with a couple other officials on the stage. Then she was rushed off the stage. Reporters shouted questions trying to figure out what was happening.

In the Limo, Ivy flipped on the television set to watch the film crew live casting the death and destruction. She started to tear up. She knew those news crews. Those police officers were under her command. As she went into the situation room at the Capital and sat at the head of the table. They needed to upgrade the technology being used in this room, she thought. The news station had better camera feeds and connections to the world. She could be connected anywhere in the world there with a green screen and a video camera. Getting a briefing of what was known and what was happening, she picked up the phone and conference called the leadership of the legislature. "Another hundred dead within weeks, and no action. If something isn't done quickly, I will declare a state of emergency and use executive orders. I expect to see something on my desk before sunrise," she said hanging up the phone.

When the Secretary announced to her that the President was on the line, she pointed at her press secretary to video the call. When the camera was going she picked up the phone.

"Good Afternoon, Mr. President," she said looking serious.
"Ivy, I hear you are having trouble down there. I saw it on television. Oh the carnage and meaningless loss of life. I've got the best people working on this. Smart people. I want you to know we are going to make resources available to you..." the president said, "Anything you need just ask."
"Thank you, Mr. President. The people of Georgia appreciate that. We really need to get a registry going so we can know," Ivy said being cut off.
"My people say that won't work...," the President said, "We need something else. My experts are working on it. They are are smart. Very smart. They'll come up with a way to deal with this. We just need more time and we've got to be patient. I've got to go Ivy, sorry about your son. It's a big loss and my heart is with you. Let me know if you need anything."
"Good bye Mr. President," Ivy said hanging up the phone.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nova Consolidated HQ


Maddison pulled the car to a stop in front of the Nova Consolidated building and Alan got out of the passenger side door. They’d stick around in case things went really poorly, but that seemed likely. Still, you always need a plan to kill everyone you meet in this business. Even the daughter of an old associate. Apparently the old man went and died while Alan was gone for a week. He really ought to have Maddison dig into everyone who vanished so that he could at least have an idea of who had powers. It was only a few million people. Should be doable in a month. Right?

The building itself blended into the inner city well, at least after the big red Nova sign stopped registering from having seen it so often. Alan walked straight in the front door and took an elevator all the way to the top and Bella’s office. “I’d like to have a word with Ms. Nova if she can find the time” He said to the receptionist after he came out of the elevator. “”Tell her a Mr. Carter would like to see her. She’ll understand.”

The receptionist, Deborah stared at Alan with an almost deer-in-headlights expression. There was nothing on Bella's scheduled for this time and this man didn't appear to be important enough to request her boss. His direct manner of speaking did make him seem important enough to not shoo him away. Deborah forced a smile.

"She just got in, but I'll call her." She said a bit nervously before dialing Bella's office. "There's a Mr. Carter here to see you. Oh. Yes ma'am." Deborah hung up and looked to Alan. "Just down the hall, sir." Deborah pointed down the long hallway that led to Bella's office.

It never ceased to amaze Alan how simply acting like you belonged somewhere was enough to make most people go along with you. Of course its not as if he was entirely unwelcome, but his official reason for being here if asked was somewhat weak. Officially he needed to provide belated condolences for the late Mr. Nova. Unofficially..."Why thank you ma'am" Alan said with a slight bow before turning on his heel and heading directly down the hall.

Entering Bella's office Alan walked up to her desk and pulled out a chair on the other side "May I take a seat?"

"Of course. You've earned the privilege from the work you did with my father." Bella was seated behind her desk looking at the man seriously. She hadn't dealt with Mr. Carter before, but only heard from her father that he was the best man to use in the worst of times. "Reliable, professional, and an expert at his craft" he'd spout. She had heard this man hung up the towel, so she was a bit concerned to see him so suddenly. "How are things?" She asked as if she hoped it was the correct question to ask. The question that would reveal his intentions.

"They're going spectacularly!' Alan almost sang as he sat down. "The state of things these days has really got me going." He talked with his hands, spreading out his arms as if to encompass the whole world. "Which," he added with a calmer voice "Is why I'm here. To tell you that I'm coming out of retirement for some.... Personal projects. Not that I think you should be worried. I have no intention of messing with your business, just that you should put my pieces back on the metaphorical chess board. Call it a professional courtesy."

"Really?" Bella leaned forward as a smile crept onto her face. She wanted to remain serious, but this was the first bit of good news she's heard all day. [Color=magenta][i]Dad was right about this man.[/color] She cleared her throat which gave her a moment to prepare her words carefully. "I guess you just have perfect timing. I have a few projects you might be interested in taking up. My company is successful as it stands, but I have to be honest about needing a man with your experience. You see I currently have a few clients, but one in particular needs just the right package with just the right services attached." Bella grabbed a picture of her father on her desk and turned it to show Alan. "I can't help but be as much of a perfectionist. I think I'm going to see what I can do first. Give this Jace Williams fellow a way to sample or try out a few things before I go looking for your help. I want to make sure this goes well." Bella placed the picture of her father back on the desk, but facing Alan. "He vanished one time.... Didn't see him for a week... So now that he's back, he's got my attention." Bella was a lot more intimidating with her tone that had grown harsher with each pause.

A wicked smile crossed Alan's lips. "He vanished you say?" he asked rhetorically. "I've been listening to some stuff on the net recently and one of the tidbits that caught my attention was that most criminals stop being criminals around age 28. After that it's like they..." he wiggled his fingers in front of him like he was trying to grasp onto something intangible. "They just lose the impulse... become more conservative and less willing to go against the man. Just a thing that happens when people grow older" Alan sighed. I couldn't really say how true it is, but I find it sort of funny. I got out at 28, but I felt completely differently about it."

He leaned in to make sure he got Bella's attention. "I'm going to tell you something that your father knew well. I work to push myself. So when I tell you, that if you give me the word, that I will hunt down this... Jace fellow, for whatever your base rate is, I want you to know that its because I want the opportunity to test myself." Leaning back the wicked smile returned. "It sounds fun. Hunting supers."

Bella would never admit it, but the man took her by surprise. It was like having the knowledge of something thrilling versus actually experiencing. She had wondered what he was getting at, but it all came around as he talked to her straight.

[Color=magenta]"Like a second wind?" Bella almost said to just herself as she thought about a lot of what the man in front of her had said. Did he disappear too? Getting out of retirement... testing himself... Plus the confidence. Bella bit her bottom lip and looked away for a second. When her eyes met Alan's again she shook her head. "I don't know you that well, but I don't want to send you into something I don't even have knowledge of. These people that came back can do a lot of damage. They can kill people without touching them." Bella spoke in a low voice. She knew the power she herself held, and she could make a deadly man a ragdoll.

She was worried. Cute. Even if it was only out of a need to keep an asset around. He did not say anything about it though. This relationship needed to be kept as professional as could be managed. Being in good with Mr. Nova had allowed Alan to mostly ignore the politicking within the underworld while skimming some good jobs and there was no reason to jeopardize that with some jokes at Bella's expense. Or being too eager. "Alright" Alan stated flatly. "I will wait till you need me. I can always find some already planned on methods for prepping my personal project. Alan stood up added. "I really only came here to say hello, so unless you have anything you are dying to discuss I don't think I should be taking up any more of your time."

"I'll contact you when I'm ready. I just need to be sure I know what I'm dealing with... Thank you for the courtesy of meeting with me." Bella wore a smile, but she was beginning to feel the pressure of her position. A lot was happening and she needed answered before she could just act on things. Hopefully no more bad news would get to her. As Alan exited, her phone rang... It was Anthony.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Riddley Storm
Just a day ago, Riddley was wearing itchy wigs and struggling to shower daily. Now she sat on a new couch, wearing nothing but a towel for her wet hair, and stuffing her face with overpriced sushi delivered via UberEats. The TV before her tuned to the local news channel as she tried to learn more about Atlanta and its people. She had told him as much when they shared a meal, but that Agent Marrow had balls and she had to admit it. He was shaking in his boots the whole time, but he did confront a dangerous super when he could've just let Legion take her down. Riddley always believed bravery was acting justly in the face of fear. And she had never felt truly brave as she had never felt truly afraid. And now with insane powers and an international coalition behind her, she couldn't imagine anything could frighten her.

Riddley stretched, feeling refreshed and content after her meal. It had been a long time since she could rest comfortably under a proper roof--well, more or less. Her father didn't much believe in comfort. Being too comfortable made people complacent, he'd always say. Despite their wealth, the three of them lived rather humbly when they were altogether. Much to her mother's irritation at times. Riddley smiled lightly as she recalled how different her parents were from each other. Her mother took comfort where she could--the woman needed it, her own mind keeping her busy enough for all three of them. She looked over at the counter, where her mother's laptop still rested from when she first arrived at the apartment. She needed to get in there. But she knew the laptop was set to wipe itself if she tried and failed to break into it. Maybe being in Legion's corner, she could find some help as tech wasn't her strong suit.

"...more lives lost last night, again some of our own here at CVV Atlanta..."

Riddley's attention snapped back to the TV. The report carried on, giving vague and unhelpful details about the people involved in another empowered incident. Nothing she couldn't learn from Marrow and Legion. However, the segment used the incident to continue onto politics. Ivy Smoth, a proponent for a registration bill to track, monitor, and ultimately put down supers as needed. Riddley's gaze narrowed as she recalled Flint briefly mentioning it to her, but Riddley found it difficult to care much for politics among humans at the moment. But now that she saw it on TV, with growing support with each violent act, she grew irritated. All the power in the world, and her fellow supers were killing each other over drugs and money?

"Tch." A disappointed shake of her head. That wouldn't do. Riddley was recruited by Flint to stop these assholes, but she was thinking redirection would be more beneficial--not that he had to know that just yet. Supers could and should be on top, not fighting for pointless scraps. And Riddley would do her best to see that they come together to make it happen.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 3 days ago

Elle Marrow

Location: Outside Atlanta; Georgia.
Interacting With: No One.

She’d had enough. More than enough.

The man was more than infuriating, though oddly… endearing. It frustrated her to no avail to have to deal with him on a daily basis. But then it couldn’t be helped. He was the Prince- heir to the throne, and she a ward to his father. That didn’t mean, however, that she had to put up with his crap. And as if on cue, there was an angered rapping of knuckles upon the door of her bed chambers. His booming voice, full of frustration filling the air from the hallway.

“Freya... Open the door..!”

Clearly the man thought enough was enough when it came to this little fued between them.

Turning her head, the sound of a second round of knocking filling her ears, once more followed by the voice of the arrogant Prince, Elle watched the door for a brief spell longer before turning her back to it once more. Of course he was here. Had she not made it perfectly clear that she wanted nothing more to do with him..? For the love of the Gods; he was so insistent on keeping her held tightly within a cage, and yet, even when she willingly locked herself away from the world, he still wasn’t happy.

Arms folded over her chest, her bright eyes locked upon the view that was lain out beyond the open doors of her balcony, Elle ignored the call of the voice in the hall. She didn’t want to see him- she didn’t want to speak to him, and nameday or not, she would hold no pleasure in celebrating the pompous prat by having to stand by his side all night as was expected of her.

The knocking however grew louder, and it became painfully obvious that he wasn’t about to just go away any time soon.

“I will not go away, Freya. So either open the door, or be forced to listen to the sound of my voice until you do..! I have no qualms about being here all day.”

It was though he had read her mind, and that very thought had her jaw clenched as she once again turned her head towards the sound of his voice. Anger flashing behind her eyes, she crossed over the room. Not bothering to utter a single word as she wrenched the door open to reveal the man stood on the other side. Her eyes bearing into his for but a moment before she was gone. Already on the move as she made her way back stand in the open doorway of her balcony. Awaiting for him to get on with whatever it was that had brought him to her door that morn.

“Freya… please.”

“..your timing, Gwaine, is impeccable… my gift to you was brought to my chambers just this morning.”

Turning her head, glancing back at him from over her shoulder for only a moment, Elle broke a single arm from across her chest. Motioning over towards the far side of the room where a young baby goat was lain upon a pile of blankets near the corner. A large bowl of water and one of hay and grass sat next to the little thing, “..I wish you an… enjoyable nameday. My apologies, however… I fear I shall not be joining you at this nights celebrations…”

“I expect nothing from you, other than your appearance tonight. If nothing more than to keep up appearance. You are the one keeping yourself in a ‘cage’. Well, I have had en-...” His voice faltered slightly as he finally glanced over to where she had gestured. Surprise and confusion clear on the man's features. Staring at the animal as though the longer he did so, the more it would make sense, “..a goat..?”

“Well… yes. What would be the point in getting you a donkey..? You are already an ass…”

He looked back at her, as if waiting for her to provide any further explanation, though when she didn’t he took a step forward. Huffing out a frustrated sigh, “So it is alright for you to insult me in such a manor; but I seek to protect you and suddenly, that is not okay..?”

“Protecting me is one thing; being an asshole is another completely.” Shaking her head, Elle once more crossed her arms over her chest. Keeping her back to him as she let her gaze focus again on the view spanned out before her.

“Oh, yes… Asides from the fact I am sure you would have been perfectly fine if it had been anyone other that me seeking to protect you. The problem is not me being an ass; it is that you do not want to look past that view..!”

“Do not want to-...”

Anger and indignation flashing behind her eyes, her arms breaking apart from her body as she turned back to confront him. All of it melted away in an instant at the sound of music began to fill the confines of the room, causing her to blink once… twice…

"Shit. Pause..!"Cheeks flushing a light shade of red as she recognized the song playing, Elle’s hands shot to her gown. Sliding over the material for a moment for that one pocket she’d managed to slip in without making it too obvious. Lifting her head, finally discovering and pulling her phone out of what looked like nowhere, she shot an apologetic look to the guy opposite her before turning. Her thumb brushing over the screen to answer the call before she brought the phone to her ear. Her posture relaxed, and personality a complete three-sixty from what it had just been as she stepped out onto the balcony.

“You’ve reached Elle. What’s up, bitches..?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hector Salzaras, Pedro & Manny - Mexico - Cartel Safehouse, Also Adora & Rita at Adora's House
What qualities does a man have that remains on his feet against his odds. No matter what enemy he faces, or what problems come his way what makes him adapt? What gives him the strength, the determination, the power? Many people think they have power, but truly the don't. Real power dosen't come from pummeling someone in physical combat, or commanding armies with your wealth, or even raining down lightning from the sky. Real power comes from presence, how people feel about your presence from the history of your actions. From how you react when faced against immeasurable odds that would crush even those ten leagues of bravery above the common man. The truest and rawest power is realizing you are insignificant to another in every way possible, but you still find a way to bring them down to their knees, and make them tremble. For all those who contemplate about what it means just answer this question from Hector Salzaras, have you ever made a god cry?"

Hector was standing still in his office in a suit engaged in his thoughts. The news of his sister’s giant rampage in Gwinnet, Georgia had reached him. His “Sister” that is, he knew his sister didn’t have abilities, and if she did she’d never do a public stunt like this especially one that involved 6 million dollars worth of cocaine missing, as well damage to their reputation, and relationship with Gwinnet.

He was drinking a glass of ice cold water, and oddly seemed calm and collected about the whole situation considering the likely hood of his sister being dangerous. Looking up he saw some of his men entering. “Manny do you have news for me, any updates ab out the situation” The Cartel Kingpin asked as he took another sip of his cold refreshing beverage.

“We’ll we picked up what you asked for, but the situation is as bad as expected. All our men are dead, as well as the Nova security detail. Rita Hernadez’s identity as your sister is safe, but that’s partially because Korrovich is dead, and the secret may have died with him outside of these walls. No one else besides me, Pedo, and Tuco are aware.” He said refering to the men in the room.

“Perfect you know she called me today? Tuco I need you to go and get in contact with are other distributors in the other states and let them know this situation with Rita, and Zayas will be handled shortly go on now.” Tuco nodded and walked out the room.

Hector gestured Pedro & Manny to sit down as he reached for his laptop. Turning it on some footage came on showing Rita badly beaten, tied to chair and Adora with a gun to her head, it was clear the were watching a recording.

“Listen up Hector, I know your watching this more then once sweetie. If you want to see Rita ever again breathing I want 30 million dollars, I don’t care how you bring it, but I need it in the next 24 hours, cash I know you have it or.” Adora smacked Rita on the back of the head with her gun then pushed her chair over causing Rita to fall hard on her skull clearly she was in pain. “You’ve got my message, I want my fucking money or your sister is dead, I don’t even have to kill her I let her walk the streets anywhere in Georgia, and she’ll be shot dead.” Adora laughed and the message ended.

“So Rita’s still alive! “Manny spoke up while Pedo just remained quite, it seemed he realized something about this tense situation that Manny didn’t. “We really have to give her 30 million dollars to get her back, we have to kill her after that.”

“After?” Hector looked at Manny confused and shook his head.” No..No..No.” Hector stood up the first time he was clearly agitated about this entire situation even after watching the video of Rita’s torture. Hector cracked his skulls and smiled although there was pain behind it. “I won’t give that bitch a single penny, my sister is as good as dead, she insisted on delivering the shipment, I told her this morning I had an enemy with abilities, a dangerous one, I love her, but my Empire, this game, it is my life. I’ve worked years for this, my father worked many more.” Hector looked down at Manny who seemed visibly shaken.

“But sir that’s your sister, she’s the key second in command for this organization” Clearly Manny had ties to Rita, Hector knew they’d been fucking, and had feelings beyond that so he saw he was visibly upset but Pedro still remained quite.

“Regardless if I give her the money, she’s as good as dead? What we know so far is she can assume the form of my sister, possibly others, how do we know Rita isn’t already dead, and that’s another victim of hers made to look like Rita. Further then that she’s a walking weapon of mass destruction, to send any men to engage with her with 30 million would be utterly foolish.”

“I agree sir.” Pedo spoke up for the first time, when it came to the money he was in complete agreement.

“I have a question for you Manny, do gods cry? Have you ever made a god cry?” He poised the question to Manny.

“Make a god cry, what the fuck kind of nonsense is this? I saw the video, if we can save Rita we should! It’s about money, but that’s your blood, what the fuck do you intend to do. I’ve always respected you but this is far too much, we’ve been working together, I’ve been working with this Cartel since your father, this is not what Jose Salzaras would do! 30 million is alot, but we make billions! Your going to sacrafice your blood to not risk loosing 30 million dollars! She’s a Salzaras.”

“Manny…” Hector looked his friend and long time employee in the eyes as he walked over to him. Getting close with a quick jab he put a blade through his chest then stabbed him twice more and pushed him to the ground kicking him several times before taking out his gun and shooting him in the head. “Instead of disrespecting me you should have answered the question, your an employee, stick to an employee’s place, come on Pedrdo we have work to do.”

Moments later they were seen in another room Hector & Pedro that was. Hector set his laptop on a desk and went to Rita’s phone, going to face time. A Few rings and Adora picked up.

“Hector...brother...help me.” Rita’s voice was heard weak, and Hector looked at the screen emotionless. Turning the screen Adora’s voice was heard cracking as she saw a man she use to have deep feelings for bloodied and beaten on the ground.

“Cory!!!” Adora yelled out through face-time, and Hector could almost smile.

“Yes Cory, the man you use to love, you said besides me, he was the only man you ever loved, and considering you played me to get my money, he was the only man you ever loved, as soon as I saw the news, I had my men pick him up from Texas, you have the love of my life, and I have yours, so I suppose I’ll settle for 5 million it’s only right.”

Adora paused, she wanted the millions more then anything, and five was still alot, Hector was ruthless, but he was big on loyalty, big on family. “You think your a god Adora? “

“A god, I’m Lucifer Listen Hector, I’m willing to settle, we can make the exchange, you can have your stupid sister back, give me my 5 million, and let Cory go…”

“Your Lucifer huh:” Hector raised his gun and fired three shots into Cory’s head killing him instantly blood gushing out and Adora screamed out seeing the only man she’d ever loved dying in-front of her.

“YOU FUCKING BASTARD!! YOU STUPID FUCK!!!! Your father took my father, now you took Cory! I’m going to fuck Rita up, by the time I’m down with her that bitch won’t even look like fucking Rita! I’m going to fucking kill her, I’m going to fucking kill you, and I’m going to take your entire organization. You stupid pathetic piece of shit. I will step on you like a fucking bug, and laugh as your fucking bones crush under my shoe. Your nothing, The Incident it made me bigger and badder then EVERYONE!!!!!! Adora was fuming screaming at the top of her lungs as she began laughing grabbing Rita’s chair and flipping it over she began to punch her over and over as Rita screamed out in pain for Hector to save her. “YOU HEAR THAT! YOU CANT SAVE YOUR SISTER! SHE’S GOING TO DIE! THANK YOU FOR SHOOTING CORY IN THE HEAD WHAT IM GOING TO DO HER IS TEN TIMES WORST! ILL SHOW YOU WHAT A GOD IS! OH NO I’ll save my FOOT FOR YOU I want to beat the shit out of her with my bare hands, and let you watch, keep on watching, yeah don’t hang up.”

“Are you done?” The only question Hector poised to Adora, and she looked at him like he was crazy. “Rita stop calling out my name. I informed you this morning, that I had enemies with dangerous abilities, but I wasn’t certain what they were. Your a fool, I LOST SIX MILLION DOLLARS because you didn’t FUCKING LISTEN! Like always, you stupid bitch. Adora dear go ahead and kill her, there’s consequenes to your actions, we have two ears and one mouth for a reason. Listen more then you speak.” Hector smiled

Rita’s eyes widened in fear, she knew her brother was cruel but to let her get beaten after everything she went through .”Hector….please.” Tears welled in her eyes, and Adora was even visibly shook. Having just lost the man she loved, she knew all Hector had left was his sister.

“I don’t like to waste time, just like you didn’t waste any time taking my money, now I want all my money back, the 6 million, the 200k you stole before you had powers, and the 50 you took from Marco, that’s 6.5 million, let’s make it 7. I’m giving YOU 24 hours to give me money, you think your a god? Your an insolent little child, let me give you a history lesson Adora. Kronos leader of the Titans, possessed overwhelming power, yet Zeus & The Olympians much weaker where able to win, David slaughtered Goliath, and Lex Luthor played a key role in Superman’s death. You don’t scare me, if I’m an insect a bug, then your a dust particle. .”

The screen flipped and Adora’s eyes bulged horrified at what she saw. “Mom…” Adora was shocked, her hands shook, she saw her mother was tied to a chair, beaten and bloodied, tears coming down her eye.

“Adora….my daughter your so powerful, going up against the Salzaras Cartel, for what they did to your father, my jose...he would be so proud, I’m so proud.”

Hector walked over to Marie and kicked her in the skull knocking her chair over, Adora screamed out. Hector began kicking her multiple times, before helping Maria up in a chair, her mom moaning in pain.” HECTOR ENOUGH!!!! ENOUGH!!! I have the coke ! I have it listen!!!! Leave my mother out of this, you killed Cory!!!! I’ll let Rita walk right now, with the money, listen.”

Hector turned to her, and motioned for Pedro who wakled over to him and handed him a sword, taking it he swung downward slicing off Marie’s left ear, then kneeling down. “One...two...thee...four..” Every time he said a number he brought the sword down slicing off one of Maria’s toes blood spurting as she screamed in pain, blood pouring from her feet, and her ears.

“MAMA!!!!! HECTOR STOP!!! PLEASE!!! HECTOR!!! I SWEAR!!! I CAN GET MORE THEN SEVEN MILLION! YOU SAW MY POWERS! ILL TAKE THE WHOLE BANK, ALL OF EM!! HECTOR!!!!” Adora was screaming out to the cartel boss, as tears began streaming down her eyes. “Whatever you Fucking want! Anyone you want dead, an entire police force, an entire city! I’ll clear Ritas name, stop! JUST STOP!!!! I’m not you, my family is more important then some fucking money you bastard.”

“You notice your mother is soaked, I had so much fun water boarding her? But we dried her off...you see Adora, I see your pain.” Hector raised the sword and swung towards Maria’s neck as Adora screamed falling to her knees begging Hector to spare her mother’s life. Right as the blade was about to cut through it he retracted it and put the blade down.

“As a measure of good faith, send back the 50 I sent Marco on Zelle, in fact send 100, for time and inconvience do it right now or I’ll slice your mother’;s head off on face time.”

Adora’s hands were shaking as she fumbled for her phone tears rolling down going for her zelle up and putting in the amount he requested and sent it. Hector looked at his watch for a few seconds, then felt a bing in his phone and swiped it open seeing the money had been wired to his account. “You see that, that’s good business. I’ll be coming to pick up the money myself, in the event I die Pedro will run my empire, he’s the closest thing I have to a son, but kill me, and your mother will certainly die. .”

Adora was now full force crying, but at this point she didn’t care about the money. “Fuck you Hector, fuck you, I..I..”

“Oh and by the way Adora? Remember how you lied to me? Lied to me several times during our relationship about how much you enjoyed being with me? Your suppose to be dead, but you know right before was about to kill you on that boat before you were vaporized. I forgave you, I understood my father killed your father. That pain crosses generations however…” Hector reached in his pocket for a lighter and put it to Maria’s chest and suddenly she screamed in pain as she was set on fire, Adora realizing she was drenched in oil as her mother was burned alive infront of her.

“God Forgives, And Hector dosen’t. Lucifer was the first to fall, me I’m the Devil, I’m the one who rose from perdition to challenge the higher power while already having lost everything.” He smiled as Maria screamed, and Adora let out a blood chilling scream on fire, as Hector picked up the sword and jammed it through Maria’s burning skull then pulled it out and chopped off her head, then laughed.

“Your nothing Adora...power or no power, I don’t care if your 500 feet tall, 1000 feet tall, or the Empire State Building. If you thought for an instance taking MY money, damaging my reputation, would go unpunished your a fool. Just like Icarus you flew a little too close to the sun, no more games. I’m coming to get my coke, and my money, and your life. You miss your mother so much I’ll send you to Hell to meet her, and your stupid pathetic excuse of a father. Good Bye Love, see you shortly. “The face-time ended and Adora had collapsed to the ground crushed, the only people left in life that she truly loved slaughtered by the man she hated the most, The Salzaras Cartel had wiped out everyone she loved her father, her mother, and her true love.

At the safe house Hector cracked his neck again. “If only you’d just answered question Manny. Have you ever made a god cry? I have, and it was deeply satisfying.”He felt re-energized and ecstatic from breaking Adora down turning to Pedro. “Pedro, get the plane ready I’m going to Atlanta, enough with tears, Ah I feel just like Judas, I’m going to make a god bleed.”

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 3 days ago

Zoe Flores & Christoph Tanner

Location: Rivera Family Home (West Vancouver; Canada).
Interacting With: Each Other.

The bed was warm... perfect...

Pressing back against the strong mass behind her, the feeling of arms wrapped around her body a comfort she hadn't enjoyed now for quite some time, Zoe lifted her arm up. Hugging his tighter against her body, and when she felt it slipping away, a soft whimper of protest fell from her lips. It was way too early in the morning to be thinking about getting up. Groaning softly, she instead wrapped her arms around the pillow she was using, hugging it closer to her as she curled up further under the thick and heavy doona and blankets that covered her mattress.

Stirring back to life after a few minutes longer, she opened her eyes. Staring at the wall of the master bedroom they had commandeered as their own, she eventually turned over onto her back. Her head continuing to roll as she let her dark gaze flick up to the figure that seemed to be trying to slip away from her.

"..trying to leave me already, are you..?"

Surprised, Chris turned from his seat at the edge of the bed to look back at Zoe, letting his gaze linger for a moment before answering. He figured he probably didn't need to be embarrassed anymore.

"Um, I just thought I should get an early start if I'm going to be moving in over here. I have a lot of supplies I need." Looking down at the shirt he was holding, still covered in paint, he added "Plus I need some changes of clothes."

Sitting herself up, the sheet falling down her body to rest over her lap, Zoe scooted closer to him over the bed. Her chest pressing flush against his back as she let her arms wrap around his torso from behind. Her lips meeting bare flesh as she pressed a soft kiss against his shoulder. She understood. There was so much that needed to be done; and it was one hell of a big change for all of them. Within the space of a few hours during the night; the three of them had become some strange little family without barely a tie to one another asides from the fact that they were all alone, and wanted to help each other out in some way.

"..I get it... just wish I could help..."

Chris gently brought his hand up to caress her arm, leaning gently into her. It had been longer than he could remember since he had felt anything like this, and part of him wanted to ignore the coming day and simply stay here, enjoying the proximity. Still, after what felt like an eternity crammed into a few seconds, he decided he needed to get a move on. He turned his head to press a kiss to Zoe's temple, then stood, gently breaking the circle of her arms.

"I'll be back before too long, I'm just getting the essentials for now. I'm sure you and the little one have things you need to talk about anyway."

Finishing getting dressed, he moved to the door, pausing there to gaze back at her.

"I'm... glad I met you two. God that sounds dumb now that I've said it.

Arms falling from his person and back to the mattress as he stood up, eyes still closed, lingering still in the moment where his lips had been against her forehead, Zoe regretfully opened them. Forcing herself back to the present before his words had her smiling. A soft chuckle falling from between her lips, "..your right; and it's fine... besides, if it helps, I'm glad stumbled into my life..."

"At least I didn't go that cheesy."

Chris stuck his tongue out at Zoe as he walked out of view, chucking to himself.

Cheesy... Cheese. His words striking her like a ton of bricks, Zoe fell back over the now otherwise empty bed with a groan, "Fuck... that reminds me; still need to order groceries..."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 3 days ago

Elle Marrow & Flint Marrow

Location: Atlanta; Georgia.
Interacting With: Each Other.

"Damn it Elle I almost thought this was a voicemail."

He knew she was still upset about the work he was doing with Legion, but at least they were on speaking terms again. Besides he'd need her help if he was going to be able to fix this situation. "Look I need your help it's an emergency, please can we meet up? Where are you?" Flint didn't even want to crack any jokes until she was in-front of him, he'd got Riddley on his side the firepower, but if he wanted to find out who she needed to aim the gun at he'd need the brains.

Despite the fact she'd been in the midst of a heated argument not moments prior to answering her mobile, it was just too early for this shit... especially the type of shit her brother continued to drag to her. Eyes widening slightly as his voice, already yelling, could be heard clearly through the receiver without having to use the speaker option, Elle held the phone a slight way away from her ear. Blinking a few times, and giving it a minute or two before her brother seemed to finally calm down. Actually giving her a chance to speak.

"..well, hello to you too. I'm fine; thanks for asking. Not dead. Nope, still kicking."

Flint knew that Elle wasn't always going to be happy to speak to him, but still he hoped he could get the point across and she she was the same as always. Oh Great, she's the same as always "Well I figured you were still alive when you picked up Elle, but yeah I'm glad your alive too." So far it seemed dropping the humor wasn't exactly advancing his goals as much as he wanted. "Are you doing D'n'D again? Look you got plenty of time for dragons, knights, whatever it is that you like to do again but right now there's a real problem going on, and I could use your help, come on I'll give you a beer, nah... TWO Beers."

"Two beers..?" Her brows raising, Elle leant forward. Her elbows resting over the balcony, "Geez, you must be desperate."

"Yeah two." He said regrettingly as that was coming out of his check, usually he'd offer her maybe one or to 'have some of his', "Desperate? I won't steep that low. In need of extra help with few trust worthy options is better, alright you want me to come pick you up or you can come to me?"

Turning her head slightly, Elle glanced about at the mass of people she could see below from where she stood on the balcony. Each of them just as dedicated as she was to the world they'd all made and developed together. And as much as she wanted to stay; Flint was family... she couldn't exactly say no to him... again. Least not to hearing him out. Once she had, then she'd make up her mind on if she was going to help or not. Sighing out, she brought her attention back to the call.

"..you're gonna have to come get me... I was expecting to be here for the full week, so my ride to the airport isn't coming until Sunday..."

"Of course it's never easy, shoot me an address I'm on the way." He sighed as he made his way to the Tesla, this is one of the main reasons he was glad he had a self driving car. It was always turning out to be convenient in different ways.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Meleck

Meleck Cleric on the Northern Plains

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Father Thomas

It was 2am when Matins started, Father Thomas was roused from the sleep that over took him while he was in the chapel. Hours of prayer will do that to you. Thomas' knees hurt but the thoughts had stopped for now. He prayed the office with the Brother, his Latin was not what it was when he used it daily. After the service, one of the brothers took him to a confessional. This was strange as this was a time of silence and the only talking allowed was for critical things. So, being brought to a confessional was strange.

Thomas made the sign of the cross and kissed the Christ on his Rosary and entered. They had brought him to the confessor's side of the booth. As he entered a man started, "Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. It has been four days since my last confession."
Thomas replied, "Continue my Son with your confession."
Through the opening in the privacy wall, a package was passed.
The man whispered, "This is what you are to pick up. Do not open it. Say one Rosary before you exit or you will not be safe."
Then the man said, "For these things I am heartfully sorry."
Thomas gave him the standard penance. The man thanked him then left.

Thomas spent the twenty minutes praying the rosary, then left the booth and headed for his room.

In the morning, Before breakfast he got a call from Vincent that it was time to head back. With two fresh Carmel rolls, two cups of coffee, a backpack with two old illuminated books that he carried in his arms. He waited for Vincent to arrive.
When the truck arrived, he noticed that it was riding low again. He handed up the coffee and roll, then put his stuff and climbed in. He showed Vincent the Illuminated books in Latin. The first was a was a missal, in Latin, for the offices. It was new, and one of the brother's had noticed his Latin was getting rusty. So this was a gift. The brother who illuminated the book had spent months working on the book. The other was a prayer book that was older, wrapped in leather. The second was near priceless due to its age and condition.

Thomas read through the Missal, as they drove.

About an hour into the drive back a semi truck loaded with metal pipes had a securing band break causing pipes to roll from the bed as the truck and start falling on the passing lane and shoulder of the express way. Instinctively, Thomas put his hands up to protect his face. As he did this, his powers activated. Fueled by fear, the heavy pipes lifted and flipped to the shoulders of the road away from cars. As on pipe floated slowly in the air, Thomas watched in amazement then mentally flicked it to the side of the road too.

Vincent got the truck to a stopped and off to the side of the road, they noticed that none of the pipes that came loose had hit any of the vehicles. Vincent let out a string of expletives, and Thomas' response to Vincent was that his guardian angel must be watching out for him.

Thomas was in shock of being able to move pipes like they were nothing more than tooth picks.

A little after Noon, Thomas was dropped off at the cathedral and delivered the precious book to the Bishop's office. The rest of his stuff he put away in his apartment and headed to the store.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ejected
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

There were many perks to having your own car. For Tyra Washington, her absolute favorite was not having to catch a ride with one of her friends or pay for a Lyft whenever she wanted to go to some party that everyone was raving about on social media. The car was nothing too fancy or expensive; it was just a little something that she could afford with her TA salary and that got her from point A to point B without breaking down. It sure did a fine job the night before when it took her on the hour long trip to the University of Georgia for yet another PWI frat party her friends just had to see her at. And although she was slightly tired from practicing all week, and still a bit freaked out about her new abilities, she went. I mean, "powered" or not, she was still your average, college-aged girl. One party out of town couldn't hurt, right?

Wrong. Tyra woke up the next day in the same house she'd remembered strutting into the night before, her body sprawled across the couch. Taking a quick peek around, the young woman could she that she wasn't the only one who'd had a little too much to drink and ended up involuntarily spending the night. Her friends, however, were nowhere to be found. A quick glance at her phone told her that they'd made it back safe earlier that morning, but had for some reason left drunken Tyra alone to fend for herself. Some "friends" they were, huh? Well, at least she didn't have a super bad hangover to deal with as well.

In swift motions, Tyra gathered her things and began the quick journey back to her vehicle. Five minutes later and she was on the road, blasting her current favorite songs and dying for something to eat. It wasn't long before she finally gave in and pulled into a rest stop in Gwinnett County. She figured that she could also use that time to change into the sweatpants and hoodie she had left in her trunk from practice, and maybe even try to fix the way her hair was looking at that moment.

The rest stop bathroom was pretty gross-looking, but that didn't come as much of a surprise to Tyra. Careful not to touch much, the young woman entered one of the stalls and slipped on her change of clothes. And once she'd gotten to the sink, she flung a bit of water in her hair and raked her fingers through it in an attempt to refresh her curls. She then offered the elderly lady that stood at the sink next to her a small smile and nod before exiting the bathroom and making a beeline for the snacks.

Potato chips, candy, sunflower seeds, apple juice... Tyra's weird combination of foods that she placed on the counter earned her a funny look from the cashier. But neither of them spoke a word as her things were rung up and placed into a plastic bag. It wasn't until after she'd pulled out her credit card that she began to hear commotion on the other side of the room. "Who the fuck stole?" a woman's shrill voice called out, causing a few bystanders to approach the scene and check things out for themselves. Even Tyra stood on the tips of her toes and took a quick look over the shelves, momentarily forgetting about her snacks to see what was going on. She immediately regretted her decision to be nosy, however, when one of the men decided to point a gun right at the screaming woman's face.

"Aw shit, why me? Why now?" Tyra said as she quickly turned back to the counter, tossed a few crumpled bills onto the counter, grabbed her bag, and began to make a beeline for the exit. "Fuck... fuck!" By the time Tyra got to her car, the police had already arrived. It was also around that time that something out of the ordinary happened... something that she wouldn't have even believed before the incident gifted a select number of individuals with dangerous abilities. The woman who'd been screaming earlier suddenly began to grow to gigantic heights. Without wasting any time, Tyra grabbed her bag of snacks and got out of her car before deciding to put her newfound powers to good use. She ran away.

“EVERYONE WILL DIE!” Tyra heard the large woman scream as she sped away from the rest stop, trying her hardest to dodge the woman's footsteps. Tyra found herself yelling a few curse words as the narrowly missed being crushed by a supersized, black Air Force 1. Soon, however, Tyra found herself at a safe distance from the rest stop; she'd come to a stop in the middle of the forest. It was then that the young woman realized that her car was more than likely destroyed, which meant that she would have to rely on her super speed to get her back to her apartment.

But her curiosity, and empathetic nature, caused her to return to the scene after the damage had been done. With wide eyes, Tyra sped around the rest stop in a desperate attempt to find any survivors. She was just about to give up her search when she spotted a bloody, familiar looking man laid out in the grass; it appeared as though he'd been making his way deep into the forest when he passed out. "Shit," Tyra said under her breath as she took the man's pulse; it was weak, of course, but she figured that there was still a chance for him to survive if she could quickly get him the help he needed.

"God, why couldn't I've been gifted with super speed and strength?" Tyra said in a strained voice as she hoisted the bigger man onto her back and took off running. Soon, the young woman was running through the front doors of the Grady Hospital; she made sure to hide her face and wear her hood as she carefully laid the man down on an available gurney.

"This guy needs some help over here!" Tyra barked at a few doctors that stood nearby, visibly shaken up by her sudden appearance. "Like, now! He's gonna die, you need to hurry the fuck up!" In an instant, doctors came rushing to the man's side, but Tyra didn't stick around long enough to see them in action. Instead, she sped her way back to her apartment so she could process everything that had happened within the last few minutes. It wasn't until after the young woman had been standing in the shower, watching the man's blood wash off her body and go down the drain, that she came to a sudden realization.

She forgot her fucking snacks.
4x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by role model
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role model Drunk With Odd Memory, High On Knowledge

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

He pulled away from Sierra's house. She lived a privileged life. Her parents were both veterinarians. They were the bohemian type, and like Sierra who smoked cannabis, they used animal tranquilizers and pain killers, which were the same kind of pain relievers humans used. Sierra had done well with her academic career. She was majoring in Biology. She was going to be a teacher or a veterinarian. Maybe, a real doctor. He had a spot for her. She was in Erik's top three.

He was going into the main highway when he dipped into an abandoned ice cream shop. He reached into his pocket and retrieved a sizeable bag of hydroponic pot. It had cost him $50 for seven grams, so he removed his glass piece from the cargo bay that was on the side of his left pant leg. He sat that on top of the center console, broke up what looked like to him to be half of one gram. Then, he smoked it and sat there at the condemned building for only a few minutes before he started to get high. He threw the bag of drugs in the back of the Mustang, turned on his lights and hit the road.

He was driving coherently, but almost got pushed off the road. A lot of people couldn't obey traffic laws, and the guy who zoomed past him was moving too fast and straight to be drunk. One more asshole, Erik thought to himself. The tiny incident made him increase his speed, pushing it another ten or fifteen miles per hour. So, he was intoxicated and speeding... that's when a city cop patrolling the area lit up his blue lights and operated his speaker system and hollered at him to stop the car immediately. Bullshit... but what? Right away, he knew he would get a ticket for decriminalized possession, but wondered if the policeman would let him keep the chronic. He drove a quarter mile until he found somewhere he could park at. Finally, he pulled into a McDonald's and turned off the car.

The patrolman rotated his wheels and pulled in behind Erik, then also out of the way of traffic flow. He turned off the loud sirens and lights, dispatched what McDonald's he was at, and got out of his cruiser and approached Erik. Erik already had the window rolled down, and did not beat around with the officer when it was stated to him that the odor of pot was obvious. Erik had to get out of the car, and the officer found the bag of hydro in the backseat pretty fast. Erik was calm, and then assured by the cop that it was less than $100 ticketed penalty. Since the man had spent less than two minutes searching the car, he poked his nose back in and found two recreational bags of cocaine in the side pocket of the driver's side. He started to get mouthy with Erik then. He was hollering all about this registration, that unhandled tag, possession of felony drugs, it was the works! Then came Jace.

The police was in the middle of checking for more drugs, possible guns and knives, or even bullets so they could crash the trunk. Suddenly, the cop doing this went flying into the air. He smashed into the windshield of someone's car, and was knocked out cold. Perhaps dead. Erik didn't know what happened when he turned around and observed the silhouette of a short, bulking figure in the dark. He didn't know what to say, or how to act, so he stated that clearly he could shove a kinetically glazed rearview mirror up his ass if he wanted to tango. That's when Jace revealed himself.

"What the fuck are you doing riding around high downtown?" was his question.

"I'm coming from the movies. This girl has the weed. It's her car. How am I gonna throw it out?" Erik told him.

"Shut the fuck up and get in my car." Jace was pissed off, but it stemmed from what he was going up against dealing with the cartel.

Erik got on, and the two hustled at each other for a moment, and then they hit the road. It was mostly a stolen vehicle, but Erik was not one to ask questions about things of that nature. They chatted back and forth for two miles. In the end, Jace come up with $800 and a little bit of an alliance with Erik. After he dropped off Mr. Strong at the bus stop, Erik took his advice and decided to stay low at Econo Lodge, a $600 a month dope spot. He had slipped his mind about whether the hotel was a 24/7 service, but it was. He got a room for a week, costing him $190. He got the receipt, got in Jace's old car, and pulled to room 718. It was an upstairs room, and then he was surprised to find out the roach motel had WiFi. He checked his pockets to see if he handed the drugs, but they had gone flying away with the cop. He went into the bathroom, and prepared and gave himself a shower.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 3 days ago

Zoe Flores, Christoph Tanner & Aira Rivera

Location: Rivera Family Home (West Vancouver; Canada).
Interacting With: Each Other.

Chris pulled into the driveway with his station wagon, trying not to think about how his hand-me-down car looked parked at a house this nice, or how awkward he felt moving in with a woman he had just met yesterday. Besides, technically this was squatting, which didn't make him feel any better. Maybe he should suggest they move into his house instead. It wasn't as nice, but it felt more morally defensible, plus he wasn't sure he wanted to leave his studio behind.

Deciding that was exactly what he would bring up, he got out of his car, locking it behind him on instinct. For a moment he just stood there, unsure on how to proceed, and if just knocking on the door was the way to go.

The black dress shirt she'd found in one of the draws now helping to cover her body, as much as it could anyway, Zoe ran her hand back through her hair. The other lifting, joining the first as she gathered it all up. Tying it back in a messy bun on the top of her head. It felt... strange. Walking around on two feet during the day again when she had spent so long on all fours, twitching her nose, and being bombarded with carrots and lettuce.

Honestly, it made her never want to see another salad again...

Closing the gap between herself and the kitchen bench - the groceries had finally been both ordered and delivered - she began to go through the bags one by one. Putting it all away where it belonged. Just another thing she could cross off her never-ending list of things she needed to do...

Deciding to just go back the way he had went in last night, Chris found that the door hadn't even been closed. He also found Zoe standing in front of an open cupboard wearing nothing but a dress shirt.

"Somehow, wearing more clothes has made you seem less dressed. Also, impossibly, hotter."

Chuckling softly as the voice that was quickly becoming very familiar to her filled the room, Zoe smiled. Glancing back over her shoulder at him as she continued to put the groceries away, "Oh really..? Just you wait till I get my hands on my riding leathers or heels..."

"I've never really been one for leather, but on you?" He let his voice trail off at the end of the question, coming fully inside at last. "I would offer to help put things up, but I don't know where anything goes here."

"I've just been putting it where I think it goes... what makes sense."

"Fair enough I suppose. We can always fix it later." Chris grabbed a bag and found some space for the contents, making sure to take time to admire his... whatever she was at the moment. He was going to let that question sit for a while longer, worried he'd ruin the mood with a serious discussion.

"So I brought all the important stuff over, but I was thinking on the way back that it's a real shame to have to leave my family's home behind, and my studio."

She paused. Hesitating a moment before she finished what she was doing. Putting the packet of pasta away in the cupboard before turning to face him. Chewing on her lip as she fell against the counter; her hip resting against it, "..so what do you want to do..?"

"I... hadn't actually planned any farther than bringing it up." Chris looked over at her and found he couldn't quite decipher the look she was giving him.

"Probably not my best idea, forget I said anything, I can live with it, and I don't want to uproot the two of you."

"I can go anywhere; I prove that just by being here. I live in Barcelona. So it's not to much uprooting me; it's Aira..."

"Then we'll ask her, but it can wait a few days. She's already going to have a lot to process at the moment." Chris put the last of his bag into the cupboard, then turned to face Zoe. "Speaking of Aria, has the little one woken yet?"

Nodding her head lightly, Zoe turned back to the bag of groceries that she was unpacking, "She woke up not long after you left... I ran her a bath and we spoke- she's still calling me Athena... and now she's in her room drawing again..."

"Do you want me to go keep her company?"

"That would be helpful... yeah... I'll come join you guys once I'm done here."

Nodding, Chris spared one last look at Zoe before heading down the hall towards Aira's room, glad he had learned her name at last. Coming to the door he remembered, he knocked softly.

The pencil coming to a stop on the page at the sound of knocking, Aira twisted her body slightly. Sitting on the floor with her legs to one side as she stared at the door, waiting to see who was there.

When he didn't get an answer, Chris eased open the door, ready to close it again if he had to.

"Aira, are you there? My name is Chris. I'm a... friend of Zoe. I mean, Athena" Remember what Zoe had said about Aira, he decided to correct himself to make things easier.

Staring up at the man standing in her doorway, her still wet hair pulled back in a braid, Aira twisted where she sat. Her legs swinging around until she was able to cross them underneath her, "..your the man from my pictures..."

"From your pictures? You mean when I painted with you last night?"

Shaking her head lightly in response, Aira tore her gaze away from the man, instead looking around her at all the pictures she'd drawn in the last few weeks. Littered about the room making it more of a mess than it used to be. Pushing some of them aside, looking at each of them until she found the one that she'd been looking for, she stood up. Her braid bouncing lightly over her back as she closed the gap between them; the picture held out towards him. One that showed the two of them standing in front of a wall painting together, much like they had done the night before.

"That's... me and you, last night." Chris gently took the offered paper, actually impressed by the girl's skill, even as he wondered at what her ability was making her draw. "Do you remember painting together last night?"


"No need to worry about it I suppose." Chris muttered, before turning a bright smile on Aira. "What are you drawing now?"

"..a mermaid..."

"Can I watch you draw?" Chris asked, running out of things to say. He would probably be just as wary as the girl if someone walked into his house and started asking him questions, not to mention she was still a young child who's life was going through a lot of changes. None of that made this any easier for him.

Nodding her head lightly, Aira reached out. Her touch soft, gentle as she took hold of his hand, already leading him back to where she'd been sitting on the floor drawing, "You can draw too. Athena said you were good at it."

Chuckling as he was dragged across the room, Chris nodded. "I suppose other people say that sometimes."

Sitting down next to her, he took an offered pencil and piece of paper, then waited for her to start drawing again before he started sketching her. With quick pencil strokes, he stayed true to reality at first, but left some blank spaces around her head, which he later filled with rabbits with butterfly wings, sitting on her head, or playing with her braid, or being distracted by a painting on the wall. It wasn't his best work by far, but it was certainly the most fun he had had with art in a long time. Part of him had forgotten what it felt like to forget exhibits and commissions and just draw something for fun.

"Athena says you're staying... is that true..?"

Pausing in his drawing, Chris took a moment to look at Aira. After his hesitation, he asked "Do you want me to stay?"

Head tilting lightly to the side, Aira continued to draw, "Will you keep drawing with me..?"

With a grin, Chris waved his paper in the air. "I love drawing, and it's more fun together. There's also painting, and even carving and sculpting we can do."

"Then you can stay."

Chuckling and returning to his sketch, he decided to add a crown on Aira's head. "I'm glad to hear that, milady."

Giggling, a smile breaking out over her features, she swapped out the color she was using for another one, "You're funny. Athena said you were funny. It's why she likes you."

Pulling a face without looking up from his paper, Chris pretended to be offended.

"She likes me because I'm funny? Why I never! I'll have you know I was voted most serious person at the clown tryouts."

"Says the man who stubs his toes and falls through walls while walking."

A smile lighting up her features, no longer as tired as they had been the night previous, Zoe made her way into the room. A soft chuckle falling through her lips, she slowed to a stop beside him. Folding herself down on the ground beside Chris before she reached forward. Placing a plate full of wraps down for them with one hand as she lowered two soft drinks down with the other, "..thought you might be hungry..."

"Actually, I'm starving." Chris said, bumping Zoe's shoulder with his head for her wall comment while reaching for a wrap gratefully. "Thank you Athen.... Uh, Zoe."

Raising her brow, Zoe turned her head to look at him while he attempted to figure out what name to call her, "You too, huh..?"

"She's very convincing. Chris explained with a shrug.

"..mhm..." Picking up one of the drinks, Zoe held it out towards him. Her attention drawing back to the little girl who was already munching hungrily on the wrap without hesitation. The sight bringing a smile to her lips, "..did you show Chris the drawings you showed me, Aira..?"

Shaking her head, using a single hand to grab up a fistful of the drawings that were around them, Aira continued to eat. Holding the pages out towards Chris.

Taking a moment to bite out of his own wrap and sip from the offered drink, Chris balanced his meal on his knee and wiped his hands before taking the drawings. The pile he held was in an entirely different style to the picture Aira had in front of her, and the subjects in the frame varied vastly. From a picture of an entire lake full of dead animals, to a couple sitting together in a tall tree, to a fire reflected in what seemed to be the eye of an animal. At the very end, the most detailed picture was one of a hospital falling over, and two people silhouetted against the scene. In one of their hands, a newspaper fluttered in the wind, the headline reading 'Georgia to Pass Contested Powered Registration Bill.'

Looking up at Zoe in surprise, he gestured to the pile of papers he was holding. "Are these all from..." He trailed off his question, glancing at Aira happilly munching away.

Meeting his gaze, a weary expression on her own, Zoe nodded her head in response, "..but look at the date on the newspaper... that's this Friday..."

"That's... worrying for a number of reasons, but if this is the future, it's the future in America. I feel bad for the people there, but it's not like we could warn anybody."

"..can't we..? We haven't even tried..."

"The most we know from this picture is that a hospital somewhere in America will collapse on Friday. I can't read the name of the hospital, and even if we can be fairly sure that this is in Georgia, that newspaper could actually be from anywhere. I would love to call someone and warn them in advance, but with only this much information, I can't think of any way we can help."

"..it's worth a shot isn't it..?" Her lips parting from one another, Zoe searched his eyes, "..we have the prior knowledge that something... disastrous is going to happen. I don't know about you, but... I'd rather not watch it pass knowing that I didn't do everything I could to try and stop it..."

Chris was about to keep arguing when he looked into Zoe's eyes and the fight went out of him.

"I... alright. There's no harm in trying. I may not know anybody in Georgia, but I do know someone in London I met once with a scary good memory and possibly too much time on her hands. I can give her a call."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Jace Williams -- Atlanta, Georgia -- Buckhead
“Bruh I ain’t tryna hear nun dat foo!!! Gimme the motherfucking jewelery or I’ll fuck you up!” Jace screamed out at the owner of a jewlery store. He ha on a black mask with openings for his eyes, and a mouth piece.

“You no rob store! Leave Leave I’ll shoot! An older Chinese man yelled, Jace turned his own gun and shot himself in the chest the bullet crunching up against his skin. The Chinese man backed up dropping his shot gun and began pouring jewelery into the two bags Jace handed him.

“Ight Bitch!” Jace laughed before smacking the jewlery store owner with the butt of his gun knocking him out as he rushed out the store. Two police cars rushed up to him and he opened fire spraying the police cars with bullets taking out both cars laughing as they cars crashed with their occupants dead.

An all black 2019 infinity convertible pulled up with three girls in it, a light skin african american female in the drivers seat, in the back an arabian girl, and an hispanic girl. Jace strutted over to the car and hopped in the passenger seat dumping out diamonds from the bags onto the floor of the car. Then reached in his pocket taking out two fat stacks of all blue hundreds $20,000 coming out of each pocket. “Come on Tasia why you looking like you got sum up yo ass.”

“Bruh you just shot the fucking cops! You really think this shit a game! I’m the one driving the fucking car, you ain’t even have to do em like that.”

“Girl shut the fuck up, You know who the fuck I is? I ain’t worried bout no mother fucking opps, I ain’t Muslim I will barbacue them pigs fa fun!” Jace yelled still wearing his mask and laughing. “Ah look ya digg this a muthafucking movement, all my N****’s, all my bitches it’s ya boy YRN Reparations. I got a message for the streets, shit different round here! If you black and you proud, fuck with me! We done built this motherfucking country, but it’s all white folks with the money. Fuck all that shit ya digg, It’s been 400 years and we still ain’t get paid for all that damn field work. Oh no hell nah nuh uh yall got me FUUUUUCKED UP! Fuck with the movement, rob em if they white, cause it’s only right! I’m a mafucking Ghetto superhero, follow on IG “therealyrnreparations”, youtube same thang. If you ain’t black and you got them racks, empty yo motherfucking pockets, come on! I’m giving out free MONEY every 100K views I get on this video, errybody getting paid! Fuck with the movement, We ain’t dodging opps, feds geting popped!! ON GANG!!!!! If you out here getting dat bag, moving that work, swiping them VISAS! Go ahead and spread the money, let’s get that BLACK MONEY HOE! YRN REPARATIONS 2019 GETTING RICH FUCKING YO BITCH!!!”


The scene changed to Jace still in the mask, with gucci pants on, a hermes belt, and all black T shirt with stacks of blue hundred bills in rubber bands under the word YRN Reparations.

The Screen went all black and a message in all whtie came as the beat for K camp, Lottery started playing.

Disclaimer, All weapons, Narcotics, Hoes, and anything else you see in this video including the MOTHERFUCKING CASH IS REAL!!! YA DIGG FUCK THE LAW! BITCH TWELVE COME DO SUM HOE!!!!! The black image faded out and showed Jace still in his costume with several bad bitches, sparking a ten gram back-wood in one hand, with a pint of promethazine/codeine in the other and. Several guys were seen with guns, throwing up gang signs, and holding money turning up with women throwing ass,

Dont give a fuck a what a hater going say, giving out reparations everyday
Dont give a fuck what a hater going say, giving out reparations everyday
Dont give a fuck a what a hater going say, giving out reparations everyday
Dont give a fuck what a hater going say, giving out reparations everyday

Stay with that strap on my hip, I shoot the feds in they face
Ain’t a bullet that can touch me, mafuck the cops to they face
Gelato bags straight from the bay, White pure like its from 88
Wake up and burn down pound a pound, rob a white man everday
400 years them white folks still ain’t paid, might jugg the white house Today
Put a white boy in they place, Shoot a a N**** if they hate
Fresh Prince Flow Hancock Mode, flipping they car like a 8th
BOA, Wells, Region, Today Imma rob me a Chase
Toss a SUV with my bare hands, I don’t need a strap or a blade
Upping the Tool in Buckhead, My homies taking yo place
I ain’t Tay K, I kill a N***** I’m walking I;’m doing the race
Wop got me leaning side ways, if you aint black stay the fuck out my way
Fuck around slap and rob Oprah if she got some shit to say
Bitch been had a billy helping Africa, why a N***** gota wait
2019 Fuck with Reparations, every Hood in the A getting Paid
K Camp on the remix, Super N***** no I didn’t pay
K Camp Chorus
Cash on me like I hit the lottery (Hit the lottery)
Hoes a trip, watch 'em how they fall on me (Wait)
Hundreds blue, yeah, I got 'em all on me
Go (Go), go (Go), go (Go), go, let's go (Mmh)
Prada shoes, yeah, I keep a style on me (Style on me)
Pretty freaks, make them bitches pile on me (I swear)
Rack party, I got thirty thou' on me (Right now)
Go (Go), go (Go), go (Go), let's go

The Music Video panned out, and kept playing, the rest of K Camp’s Lottery including the chorus and second verse playing again before finishing out with “YRN Reparations”S Chorus. Throughout the video besides excessive alcohol & Drug use, sexual promiscuity with women of varying races, & expensive cars, with K Camp in the vide on his part, where scene;s of Jace riding around inthe infinity throwing hundred dollar bills in three different impoverished hoods in Downtown Atlanta, then finally actual footage of him robbing a chase bank for 200K early this morning.

Jace’s hand reached for his laptop, changing the song from YRN Reparations - Everyday to Gucci Mane Ft. Youngboy & Da Baby Getting Riche Then Everybody, but his attention was drawn to a heated conversation he was having on the phone.

Jace was seen sitting in his new apartment with his mask still on, as well as two diamond chains and a Golden AP watch checking his IG he already was up to 160K followers, and the youtube video was at 700,000 views. “Yeah look bruh this YRN Reparations! I know you seen the news, this shit ain’t no joke bruh! Play my motherfucking song on the radio, or I will air out the fucking station.”

“Now Now hold on with all due respect MR. Reparations, I thought your whole song, and your image is about giving back to black people.”

“Bruh I threw 60K in the motherfucking streets, bruh I will literally, not metaphorically, I will rip you leg off and shove it up yo ass. I don’t give a fuck about Nicki Minaj stank pussy ass, Drake bitch ass, if they wanna link I’ll push up I’ll drop a grey hound on them motherfuckers, play the god damn song or I will pull up to 107.9 and kill yall bruh dead ass, call 12 and they dying too no cap bruh, you ever got hooked with Superman, you ain’t finna survive, im knocking yo ass out the window from the top floor, uh huh that’s what hte fuck I thought, and I ain’t paying shit either. This my reparations, ight dawg I got hoes checking every 10 minutes, play with me and you going be eating jello through a straw.” Jace hung up and leaned back in his couch two women next to him both naked. “Ight ladies my bad my bad.” Jace still had his YRN reparations mask on but besides that was just waring shots.

“Caramel, & Caramel, ooooooh. “He got a hand full of one of the girls ass and kissed behind her neck .”Aye Bitch Number 2 fuck is you doing you better be showing me what that mouf do, Bitch 1 I need that ass on my face right NOW! Come on we finna work!” Jace laughed, he was going to use his powers to make his life better by the second.

He picked up both women, and took them the bed room leaving the news on in the distance.

“Yes breaking news, it seems an empowered and dangerous individual going by the name YRN Reparations is promoting music about the robbing of caucasians with the reasoning being that Blacks were never compensated for slavery. According to local authorities, today alone six jewelery stores were robbed by the individual with the stolen merchandise weighing about $400,000 and a Chase Bank was hit as well fo 200K. Several video’s have been uploaded to social media of this individual true to his word giving out stolen jewlery and money in low income areas downtown, more on this story when we get back.” The News clip ended, but Jace was already deep in some draws by this point.
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