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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 1 day ago

Isabella Françai

Location: Isabella and Saville's Home (London; Englnd).
Interacting With: No One.

The journey had been a long one… Very long. However, the very sight of the beautiful castle looming overhead, casting its grand shadow over the land, was a godsend in both her heart and mind. She was tired; and was more than sure that Phillipe was just as in need of a well-earned rest as she was. Letting go of the reigns with one hand, Isabella lifted it up to the hood of her cloak. Her fingers curling gently, holding the material for a few moments before she pulled it further down over her face. Shielding it almost completely from view as she continued onward, gently nudging her horse in the sides with her heels in an attempt to urge him forward and through the gates that led up to the castle itself.

She couldn’t say exactly what it was that had drawn her to the Kingdom. Whether it was the constant dreams showing her the exact path to take… or the rumors of a monstrous beast roaming the lands- perhaps it was a combination of both; she couldn’t tell. But there was just something that had pushed her to make the journey... and whatever it was, she was going to do everything she could to find out.

Slowing to a stop once she was at the foot of the stairs leading to the castle, Isabella drew her leg back over the horse. Stepping down before she turned to look up at the stunning grand structure that stood tall, towering in front of her. It was... daunting… to say the least...

Turning her gaze over to a few men from under her hood as they approached her, she hesitated but a moment before reluctantly handing the reigns over to them so that they could tend to Phillipe. Letting her attention turn back up to the castle, she lifted her head up. Her hand coming up to slowly lower her hood down to her shoulders so that she could get a better look at it. Even if she didn’t get the chance to hunt down the beast that roamed the Kingdom, then maybe… just maybe she might be able to get some answers about the dreams she had been having for as long as she could remember…

~ . ~

Pulled from her slumber by the sound of music filling the confines of the darkened room, Isabella groaned softly. Her arms tightening around the pillow for a few brief moments before rolling over. Her back hitting the mattress, her head continued to turn. Her hand reaching out. Patting a few moments at the bedside table, she eventually found what she was looking for. Her fingers curling around her phone, she tilted it. Her eyes, opening slowly, flicking up to glance at the time displayed on the screen. It was early. Really early. Like not even four in the morning yet. Who in the world was calling her at this time..?

Unable to help the yawn that passed through her lips, her body stretching. She relaxed. Her thumb brushing over the screen answering the call, Isabella once again closed her eyes. Bringing the phone across until she was able to hold it against her ear, not bothering to even so much as sit up.

"..mmm... hello..?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 1 day ago

Isabella Françai & Christoph Tanner

Location: Isabella and Saville's Home (London; Englnd) & Rivera Family Home (West Vancouver; Canada).
Interacting With: Each Other.

"Isabella? This is Christoph, from Canada. I wouldn't normally bother you like this, but I'm afraid I've run into a bit of a hard to explain emergency and you're the only person I know who might be able to help."


Christoph... A frown crossing her features, her tired mind eventually catching up to the conversation, Isabella's free hand hit the mattress. Her body shifting slightly over the bed until she was able to sit herself up. Her back resting against the headboard as she took a moment to rub at her face. Reaching over to flick her lamp on only once she was comfortable and a little more awake, "..Christoph Tanner..? Hi... yeah, sure, I'll do my best... what do you need..?

Chris took a breath to prepare himself for a lengthy explanation. "So, I'm sure you've seen news reports about people who disappeared a while back having returned with new abilities. Well, a... friend of mine has a form of precognition, where she draws future events. One of her recent drawings is... unsettling, but detailed enough that with some help, we might be able to find out more and warn somebody ahead of time. The only person I know who can help spread this around and find someone who knows the location is you."

It was definitely too early in the morning for this type of conversation... but Christoph was one of the most talented artists she had ever met, not to mention one of the most polite gentlemen she'd had the pleasure of meeting. He was a good man, and a good friend; and lack of sleep or not, she wasn't going to turn down helping him out when it seemed as though he needed her, "Uh, okay, okay... hang on a second."

Throwing the covers back, her body twisting as she did so, Belle's feet hit the ground. Taking a moment to get up and stretch before she brought the phone back down to rest against her ear. Already on the move. If they were going to have a serious conversation such as this, she was going to need a cup of tea...

"I... well, yes, I mean... I have been made aware of the people who vanished for a time. I-... I was one of them. Though I wasn't aware that a number of them were gaining abilities. If I'm being completely honest with you, it sounds like something out of a Stephen King novel..."

"I know, it's... hard to take at face value. I would probably be more skeptical myself if... if I wasn't constantly dealing with the side effects of my own power." Chris wasn't sure how to react to the realization that Isabella was another person who had disappeared. He decided to file that information away for later and just focus on the topic at hand.

"You have abilities too..?"

Pausing as she reached the kitchen, her hand on resting on the cupboard handle, Isabella let her gaze wander a moment, "Okay, now I'm really beginning to feel left out. Because when I returned, I had nothing but a mountain of work waiting for me back at the museum..."

"I wouldn't," Chris sighed, "At least two out of the three people I know who got powers have pretty much had their lives ruined by them. Though things might be looking up for me at least." He spared a glance for Zoe, and considered that even with all the misfortune his abilities had brought, without them he wouldn't be here, with her. At that moment, the phone he was holding passed through his hand and dropped to the floor with a loud thud. Scrambling to pick it up and almost knocking over the food still balanced on his lap, he hastily put it back to his ear.

"Sh- I mean, sorry, dropped my phone.."

"Oh, it's fine. Don't worry about it. I'm just putting on the kettle. So... you mentioned something about painting..?"

"Right, I'll send you a picture now." Laying the drawing flat across the floor in the best light he could find, Chris used his phone to carefully take a photo, like he had so many times with his own art. Sending the file as a text attachment to Isabella, he returned to the call.

"It should be coming through now."

Pulling the phone away from her ear, her thumb flicking across to hit the speaker button, Isabella laid her phone down on the counter. Her hands busying themselves with getting her tea ready, her eyes were drawn back to the screen as the notification saying she had a message popped up. Opening the conversation, she leant forward. Her elbow resting on the benchtop as she began to flick through the various works of art she had been sent. Waking up further the more that she looked through them.

"..this... isn't your work- these are amazing. Who did you say the artist was again..?"

"Well thanks," Chris said wryly. "The way you said that kinda sounds like you knew they weren't mine because they were good." Shaking his head, he looked at Aira.

"The artist is someone you wouldn't know, and that's not their usual work, though she is remarkably talented for an eight year old."

"Christoph, please... you must give me more credit than that. I know the work isn't yours because the brush strokes are different- you have a unique style. One that is not so easily replicated." Shaking her head lightly, her attention drawn to the kettle as it whistled, she grabbed up a tea towel. Folding it over a couple of time, she took the kettle off the stove, pausing before she could pour the hot water into her cup; his words finally catching up to her, causing her gaze to draw back down to her mobile.

"..wait. Did you just say an eight year-old is responsible for those works of art..?"

"That's right Isabella, and I'm afraid that's all the information I can give you about her over the phone. For such a talented budding artist, I'm sure you understand my desire to keep her out of the spotlight at such an early stage." Chris didn't mention anything about the hardships Aira had gone through already because of her art.

"..I understand... and I shall keep the information to myself. Though, I must ask, what do you expect me to do with this..? What are you looking for exactly..?"

"The best idea I could come up with was to spread the painting around like an old phone tree, and hopefully someone will be able to recognize that area. You were the person I thought of with the most connections."

"..I'll get on it right away." Replacing the kettle back to the stove once she was done with it, Isabella took a spoon to her tea. Stirring it lightly before adding a dash of milk and repeating. Speaking again only once she'd lifted it to her lips and had taken a sip, "..I have a few friends in the blogging world. I'll give them a call, see what I can do. But I'll also dig around in the art world and let you know what I come up with. Is there anything else..?"

"No, I- Thank you for everything, Isabella. We should... catch up, sometime when there isn't an impending crisis. I think it's time I brought myself out of isolation."

"It would be nice to see you again, yes." A soft smile playing over her lips, she turned her back to the kitchen counter. Leaning back against it as she held her tea in front of her, "There are quite a few people wondering where you have gone off to."

"I'm going to work on it slowly, get these abilities under control before I reenter the public eye, but for now I want to find people I can trust with my secret. I'm tired of being a hermit."

"Well, I'm honoured you trust me enough with this. And if there's anything else you need, don't hesitate to call."

"I'll keep that in mind. Goodbye Isabella, enjoy your tea." Chris hung up the phone with a sigh, then looked at the time printed on the screen.

"You know," he said slowly, "It occurs to me now that London is in a different timezone than Vancouver."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 1 day ago

Paradise Maine & Kalep Jackson

Location: The Paradise Bar - Atlanta, Georgia; USA.
Interacting With: Each Other.

"Ughhh, practice makes perfect."

That's what Kalep was so prone to hearing, yet it seemed like his life was one mistake after another. He'd decided against telling Darius about the heist for now, and was contemplating telling Jace. He was surprised he didn't see Jace on the news, so maybe he wasn't as bad as he initially thought. Probably just the calm before the storm, I do need to be practicing my powers, that Carter guy had a whole fucking light show, and I'm still bending the will of bar-tenders not to pay for drinks. Maybe I can't get a million fucking dollars in a day, but I need to make something or else I'll be back at the dealership if this Grand Theft Auto Mission dosen't work out. Thoughts in his mind he made his way into a popular diner near Taste of Paradise, and ordered a full course meal baked chicken breast, sweet potato casserol, green beans & mac n cheese nothing beat a good southern meal especially when you were nursing a constant hangover.

"I'll go order our food, you grab us a table and wait."

"..okay..." And with those words, her brother was already on the move through the crowd towards the bar. Aside from having that little bit of a language barrier, really, it was the one thing she couldn't understand about America. They allowed children to get their drivers license at such a young age, but when it came to drinking alcohol legally, the age restriction was set pretty high. Back home she could go out with her friends, she could drink without fear or worry, here though... here she wasn't even allowed to approach the bar without getting into trouble..! It was so strange...

Sighing softly, her hand lifting, neatly tucking some of her vibrant orange locks back behind her ear, Paradise glanced around the room. Her soft gaze flicking about as she searched for an empty booth or table.

Spying one not too far from where she was standing, she kept her head down as she headed towards it. Not wanting to disturb anyone else around her. If she was being completely honest with herself, she wasn't sure she even liked Atlanta... it wasn't her first choice of places she would have chosen to visit; and why her father had chosen to come here, she wasn't too sure. The mere thought of her father caused her heart to ache slightly. She hated not knowing... not knowing what had happened to him- not knowing where he was... She only hoped they could find him soon so that they could all just go home and back to their normal lives.

Slipping into the booth, she slid across until she was able to lean against the wall. Her hands resting on the table, and her gaze focussed on them, she played with the end of her sleeve. Staying silent as she waited for Kaidyn to return to her.

It wasn't long before his food got to him and he was ecstatic tearing it apart. The first meal of the day when it was early enough that he felt too guilty to drink was the best, even without alcohol enhancing the flavor. As he downed his food, he mentally instructed his waitress to bring him an ice tea, and forget to put it on the tab. Now let's see what thoughts I can peak around in, hopefully nothing I can't unhear or unread whatever. "Yeah the Drinking age dosen't make sense here." He said a little bit too loud as he heard some female thinking outloud about how some of America's drinking laws were ridiculous. Come on someone think something interesting that's not disturbing whoever thought mind snooping coud be fucking boring.

Lifting her head at the sound of a voice, her glossed lips parting from one another, Paradise glanced around. She... hadn't spoken her thoughts out loud again... had she..? Heat rising in her cheeks, embarrassed by the situation and at having gone and made a fool of herself, she hesitated. Eventually scooting over in the booth until she was able to look around the end of it and into the booth that was right beside the one she was in. Her eyes settling on the man that was eating on his own.

"..I-... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to disturb you..."

So he decided to put all his attention into his food, there wasn't much else going on. He figured he might go to a junkyard later, and see if he could run some jedi mind tricks on the owner to let him practice his powers. "Huh oh" He looked up seeing a beutiful girl sitting down in his booth with him to apologize, and he realized he'd responded to her thoughts out loud. Err, I can't exactly tell her that much as well accept the apology... He took another sip of his ice tea and chuckled. "Naw it's all good you ain't bothering me at all, shit is different out here in the states, we can go to the military and die at 18 but can't drink until were 21 fuck that." He'd always been personally irritated by that law, especially before he was of legal drinking age but as of now it wasn't a problem.

"Heh... tell me about it..." Relaxing slightly, her hands coming together in her lap, Paradise met his eyes with her own. Holding them for a moment before her gaze dropped to the table between them. Her hand lifting to nervously tuck her hair back behind her ear again, "..our first night in the States, I got yelled at for sitting at the bar... back home the legal drinking age is eighteen, so... I mean, I'd heard it was older here, but I didn't think that was actually true..."

Sure he didn't find any interesting thoughts to survey, but he found something he even better Paradise. "You got yelled at for sitting at a bar? Nonsense, I mean I get it nobody's trying to get closed down, raided by the cops and go to jail trust me not out here... but it also depends on your with. Guarantee I can get anyone to serve you a drink, even here I'd bet 20 dollars on it, the gift of gab." Yeah I got the gift of gab, just needed to be vaporized to really use it. "You didn't think it's true? Honey anything about the laws being tougher here is true, they'll arrest anyone out here for any little thing if they catch you slipping." He took another sip of his tea, and cut into his chicken before eating a few more bites. "So what brings you to Atlanta? Career in music or movies, vacation, work?"

"..our dad went missing a few weeks ago... last we heard from him, he was in Atlanta... we came to find him..."

"Damn I'm sorry about that." Kalep felt for her, that's what thoughts he'd read in her mind earlier. "Not trying to be funny or anything but did you try calling the police, ya know making a missing person report, I don't like cops myself, but this is one time the might be useful."

"..they said there was nothing that could be done... it's why we're here..."

"Yup that sounds like the cops out here, be careful out here though." He felt bad for her, from a whole different country out in Atlanta, trying to find her dad. But that was his problem always trying to help other people, even whe he was in a bad situation himself. I'm sleeping on my sister's couch and I'm really thinking how could I help this person. Still the growing itch to do something was gnawing at him and he peered into her mind trying to read into her recent thoughts to get some insight about her, and her predicament.

Chewing on her lip for a moment, Paradise nodded her head lightly. He was worried about her... it was sweet; especially since they'd just met and didn't even know one another's names. Relaxing that tad bit more, her hand sought out the pendant she wore around her neck, playing with it absentmindedly as a small though sweet smile crossed over her features. Causing her eyes to sparkle lightly, "..we will. Thank you."

Peering into her mind he was surprised at what he read. Another one? She's in control of her abilities right now as long as her emotions are in check, yup moral reason to use mind influence if I need to. Thoughts of her home life, and powers flooded his mind rapidly, unlike Alan she was an open book. "Sure thing Paradise, my name's Kalep by the way, it's crazy..to think were similar." This time he used his power to speak to her mentally allowing her to hear his voice in her head. I mean sure you can make it hotter, colder, rain, sleet and snow, I'm jeleous but I kind of like my talent too.

Smile faltering slightly, his voice filling her mind causing her eyes to widen and her lips to part in surprise, Paradise stared at him. Her eyes flicking back and forth between his, seeming to search them for answers.

"..you-... you can read minds..?"

Read Minds, or talk to you with my inside voice, but the parlor tricks don't end there. Using his power ever so slightly he caused Paradise to lift a few feet off the bar seat hovering before setting her down lightly. "Weight lifting without my muscles, that is honestly more fun then reading anything you hear alot of crazy and personal things people would never say, working on being able to completly control it still." He sighed there were some thoughts he didn't want in his head.

It... was a weird sensation.

She knew she wasn't heavy, but she wasn't exactly the lightest person in the world either- wait... did that even matter..? Was weight a factor when it came to lifting people with your mind..? She wasn't quite sure. And as soon as the puzzling thought was in her mind, it was gone again. Her attention returning to him as his words hit her ears. He was upset... Everyone always joked that if they had one super power, mind reading was one of the top three that they would choose from, but no one ever really took the time to think about it... about how it could affect them.

"..I suppose it's not always nice... hearing everyone's thoughts..."

"Yeah I'll back off I'm sorry invasion of privacy and all, but it matters but it dosen't. You know my mind has its own muscle I have to work out, but lately I've been working out my liver too much instead." He grinned dark humor was his favorite kind especially when it a hint or flavoring of truth. "It's crazy I've met two other people like me in the past week, you make three... I wonder what it all means."

"..I don't mind... and... I guess if you know about my powers, you know that my brothers the same as us too..."

"Your brothers powers." Kalep raised an eyebrow he must admit he didn't scan his mind. He'd read thoughts about her brother, and traveling there but he was more focused on her, how attractive she was, and most importantly the plight with her father. "I must admit no I didn't pay that any mind, speaking of him did you say anything before you ditched him not that I'm ever in a hurry to loose the company of someone as gorgeous as you." He flashed a smile as he threw her a compliment.

"..you-... you think I'm pretty..?"

Heat once more rising in her cheeks, the blush more than noticeable on her gentle features, Paradise let her gaze linger. Locked with his, "..u-uhm... he's, uh... he's getting food..."

This is where I need to read her mind at. He decided against it, what if he ever lost his natural charm, he had to keep the skills useful he had before his powers. "Whaaaat, pretty naw beautiful there's no way you see your face everyday in the mirror and don't think the same." He nodded his head to what she said about her brother as he kept his eyes interlocked with her. She was gorgeous, but it was something else about her that drew him to her. Her vibe was so pure, the feeling was reminiscent of how he felt about Tasha when he around her.

His words only serving to help the blush that was already giving color to her cheeks to grow brighter, Paradise finally managed to tear her gaze away from his own. Letting her eyes fall to rest on the table between them as she began to chew rather shyly on her lower lip. Her hands both lifting to play with the ends of her hair. He thought she was pretty- no. He thought that she was beautiful, "..I-I dunno, I... I look in the mirror and... I just... I just see me... nothing special..."

He noticed her blushing, and actually smiled a bit. She was such a genuine person, he had second thoughts of even flirting anymore. It seemed everything he touched had a way of crashing & burning, and he didn't want her to get caught in the cross fire. ."Really, I know what I see." Using his ability he allowed an image of Paradise to show with bright light in the back ground truly illuminating her figure. "Your special, don't let nobody tell you different."

The way that he saw her... she'd never seen herself like that before. It was so... different, but... in a nice way.

Hands falling away from her hair, instead coming to a rest on either side of her, fingers curled gently over the edge of the seat cushion, Paradise lifted her head. Her soft gaze once again locking with his as she leant forward a little. Her smile lighting up her features, and reaching the corners of her eyes causing them to crinkle slightly. He was so sweet, "..thank you, Kalep... really..."

"AWhh it's nothing really, someone gotta tell you the truth." One thing about this power was it made him want to be honest to people he wanted to trust or like him. Being able to infilitrate minds, made being fake feel even worst then ever before. I'm really starting to get the hang of this mental mojo tho He was feeling more confident with his abilities, he wondered if that was just her energy rubbing off on him, or just working his mental muscle was helping him out. "Whatchu finna get into today? It might not look like it but I just started using my power often a few days ago, I need to practice if you wanna join me let me know. The last message he directed towards her again speaking mentally not wanting to say that out loud

Today..? That was a good question... Surprise flickering over her features for a moment, caught by the offer that he'd just given to her, Paradise lifted her hand from where it was rested to instead delve into the depths of her jacket pocket. Pulling out her mobile, she flicked a glance at the time on the screen before she laid it down on the table in front of her. Heh... where had the morning gone..? Guess it was true when people said that time really did fly when you were enjoying yourself... enjoying the company...

"..nothing much really- I mean, I don't have anything planned. We only just got into town last night, so... Kaidyn and Dean are probably gunna go ask around about dad; I normally just... hang around the hotel and wait for them to come back..."

"Yesterday huh, well I def wanna practice some powers, but I can show you around the city I don't work today." Or ever again at least at that raggedy dealership, I refuse to live like a peasant with super powers. "Shit we can look for him too, I really asked cause I need help to learn from what I saw your better with yours then mine"

"..well... I don't see why not..." Smiling softly, thoughtfully, Paradise shrugged her shoulders lightly, "..it would get me out of the hotel; and even if we couldn't find out anything about my dad, it would be worth it, helping you with your abilities... so... sure. Okay. I'd like that."

Kalep was relieved to have her company, but also help from someone else with powers. Sure he wanted to work with Alan as well, but he felt when that came it be far more rigorous. "Yeah I can show you around, places to go, places you probably want to avoid, and it;s not all about me I'm sure you can learn stuff too." Really, he just wanted her presence it was something about her, beyond her power but he didn't believe in anything beyond basic liking or lust at first sight but they had been talking. The Waitress came over to the table to give Kalep the bill which he gave along with a $10 tip. "Tell me about yourself besides being Storm, what do you do? What do you like to do out of curiosity?"

"Well... I'm only nineteen, so I'm in uni at the moment. That normally keeps me pretty busy, but I do like to sneak away and go camping with my friends when I can. Get in touch with nature and all that."

"Nature huh, it does have a certain serenity about it. Personally with my lifestyle I've been dragged and stuck in the city, the industrial lifestyle too damn long too damn often." He paused perhaps what he needed the most was a vacation. "I miss college, but what I don't miss is not having a steady income." Yeah well what she don't know is shit a brother still ain't got one now.

Chuckling softly, Paradise's smile brightened, "Admittedly, camping does help out with my course work. I study botany, horticulture, and zoology. And I'm also looking into branching out to marine biology as well."

"Huh, who'd ever thought, but whatever works works dosen't it. And Marine Biology, sexy and smart huh. I settled for corporate law, just want to be able to write up my own multi million dollar contracts ya feel me." Slightly bragging, but not completely intentional. Mostly because he had less then $2500 to his name so he wasn't drafting any multi-thousand contracts not to mention millions, but also wanted to show he'd been to uni himself. "Aye Listen why don't you take my number down, hit my line and we can parlay later."

Reaching out, taking her phone up from where she'd left it on the table in front of her, Paradise nodded. Her thumb brushing over the screen; first unlocking the phone before bringing up the contacts section. Making sure to press 'add new' before turning it around and offering it to him, "Okay.. sounds like a plan."

"Bet, Imma see you later Paradise." He got up feeling good about his plans for later, he could get some practice in before he got with her later. Ight, as warm as she got me feeling, I do need to fuck around and get some money today, I tipped this mafucka $10 and he ain't give me a refill in 25 minutes, shit I'm tripping I need that shit. He shook his head as he headed out the diner at least he was full, had a mission, and later today something to do.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Meleck

Meleck Cleric on the Northern Plains

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ivy’s alarm went off at 4:30am, she was up and around by 5:00 am. By 7am she had read the news wires from the services, checked her schedule and prepared a list of things she wanted the staff to look into. Her emails were responded to. Breakfast was ready for the children and lunches packed. As her daughter came in, she hid the second lunch bag and sat down to eat the extra plate of food. Everyone knew her mind was still processing Tyler’s death. The pain was there constantly, but she pushed herself to do what she needed to.

She smiled trying to keep her daughter “normal.”
”It like Tyler is out with his friends and just hasn’t come home yet,” her daughter said.
”I know dear,” she said going over to give the girl a hug.
Her husband came in hugged them both and kissed them. “An emergency came up. A child electrocuted themself after seeing one of the “Suppers” use electricity’”

Ivy had read that a child in Chicago had jumped to their death from the 15th floor of a building because they saw someone fly past the window. Not mention the unspeakable crimes that were happening rapes, murders, and kidnappings. People were being tortured. It seemed like anyone who had an issue with someone else was acting out and blaming it on the supers. This wasn’t to say that good things were also not happening. But negative and shocking news sells.

When she got to her office, the leaders were there waiting for her. They had come to a law that would register people if they abused their powers. The gun rights coalition was opposed as they saw it as a stepping stone to losing gun rights. She had to deal with factions, some wanted to setup interment camps, others wanted to execute them, some wanted the government to stay out of it.

People were up in arms because the stock market was being weird, Iran was talking about going to war, opec was having an emergency meeting with Russia. Israel was rumored to be creating a division of supers to fight the Arabs. China was a mess as people were fighting the state control. Other places had declared martial law.

Ivy wanted to find a nuanced solution. She wanted to know how this happened, she wanted to understand what they were dealing with, and then figure out laws to punish the criminal elements and to detain them.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Meleck

Meleck Cleric on the Northern Plains

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Thomas had gone to confession again for his encounters with the female entertainers. This type of sin isn’t easy to deal with. It gave him a different perspective on people struggling with it. Sympathy. He did not confess that he had help move drugs into these places, because he did not really know till one of the bar tenders opened a box. He thought it was a drink mix till one of the dancers clued him in.

He kept kicking himself, I should have stayed in the truck. the first time he got out to be helpful, after that it was like a Catholic school boy trying to look up a school girls skirt as she climbed the steps.

Thomas got a phone call from Harry Brown, a junk yard owner. He had been told by one of the priests that Thomas had time on his hands. One of the guard’s wife had a baby and he wondered if Thomas might take a few night shifts. The job required that he walk around the junk yard if the dogs barked, watch the video cameras, and he got to wear a guard hat, coat, and carry a baton. The uniform even had a badge. If something was going on, he was to call the cops.

When he hung up, he headed to the apartment. He tried to rest. He would go stop at the bookstore and get books on porn addiction to read up. The is was worse because when he closed his eyes, he could see the women, smell them, and feel them brushing against him. Tonight he would battle the devil.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Meleck

Meleck Cleric on the Northern Plains

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Bubba got a few phone calls. From oil companies around the world were calling to buy the rights to the oil. He even got a couple calls from companies that wanted to partner with him. He got threats from Russia and Aramco. Price controls were one of the key factors of tHe market. It cost companies money when the price dropped and Bubba had caused the price of oil to drop.

When he was invited to come to Brazil by Petrobras to talk, Bubba agreed. A corporate jet was coming to pick him up in a couple hours. He packed a bag for a couple days and threw it in his pickup truck. He called a couple of his crew to come with him. Everyone needed a wingman when you go to the party capital of the universe. Rio. Girls. Beaches. Warm weather. Did he mention girls.

His Spanish was fairly good, so he was feeling confident. Not remembering that Brazil speaks mostly Portuguese. Having his father, a local lawyer, and the plant Forman to handle negotiations (and explain it). Bubba felt free to PAAARRRRTTTTYYYY.

The flight attended was a beautiful woman wearing a tight black skirt, and a thin white blouse. She knew she was beautiful and carried that type of air to her. A couple of his wing men got flamed in glorious fashion. Her wit was sharp and she dealt with men everyday that were looking for fun away from home. Bubba’s father and the lawyer kept Bubba from making a fool of himself. His father wouldn’t even let him drink on the flight. In fact he was instructed to act like a corporate big wig and remain quiet. It was work.

When they got to the meeting, Bubba was again suppose to be quiet. There was a lot of discussion. In the evening, Bubba and the guys headed to the clubs. Bubba was hitting on a cute girl, that was there with her friends.. She was drinking one of those fruity drinks, he was drinking beer. After about 20 minutes of flirting, her drink was still full and the alcohol content was a lot higher. When she was tippy, he offered to take her home.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Zoe Flores & Christoph Tanner

Location: Rivera Family Home (West Vancouver; Canada).
Interacting With: Each Other.

The sound of her bare feet over the floorboards barely audible, Zoe made her way through the house. Slowing only once she'd reached the kitchen. Her hands working on autopilot as she pulled open the dishwasher, slipping the dirty plate into place in the rack, she closed it again. Her body turning, resting back against the counter, her arms lifted. Hands rubbing at her face.

By God, if only her mother could see her now- her sister. They'd both laugh.

She'd gone from being a house pet to a mother herself in the space of a few hours, and if she was being honest, she wasn't exactly sure what to do. She'd only just started to get her life back on the right track; settling down..? Having kids..? She'd never really taken the time to sit down and actually think about it; about whether or not it was something that she wanted. Now though-... Pushing away from the bench, the sound of beeping catching her ear, Zoe followed it. Her hand reaching out once she was in the laundry to shut off the washing machine. When all this was said and done... well, she wasn't sure what she was going to do, but calling home was a good start.

After making sure Aira was occupied for a bit, and patting her on the head for good measure, Chris got up to check on Zoe. She could certainly take care of herself, but she also seemed like the kind of person who would take on everything herself unless somebody intervened. Seeing her back as she entered what seemed to be a laundry room, he followed her, peeking his head around the door frame.

"Did you need to get some sleep?" he asked her, watching with concern, "I can take care of chores around her if you do."

"..it's just... overwhelming..."

Hesitantly coming into the room behind her, he reached out to place his hands on her arms, not really sure if he was helping. "Well, I'm here for you now. If nothing else, you can try yelling at me until you feel better. I'm sort of new to this whole... whatever it is we're doing here."

Closing her eyes at his touch, her own hands resting over the washing machine, she leant back. Her back pressing against his chest as she turned her head. Her dark gaze flicking up to meet with his once she'd opened her eyes again, "..I don't want to yell at you, Chris... but this is something we should talk about- all of this..."

"I agree," he said, moving his hands to wrap his arms around her, "Everything happened so suddenly, my minds are still trying to catch up. I'm happy, here with you and Aira, happier than I've been in a long time and it's only been a day, but I'm also afraid, afraid to act, that I'll ruin something before it has a chance to really begin. Like you said, it's... overwhelming."

"..the problem is... this isn't a normal situation we're in. Can we afford to put it off..?"

"Aren't we like super heroes now? I'm not planning on letting either of you go while I still have a say. Besides, as far as legality comes into play, I think there's a pretty serious case of child neglect here. We could report Aira as abandoned. She might spend some time in the system, but I can pull some strings to make sure she's taken care of, and once the case has been cleared, we can foster her."

"Chris..." Twisting in his arms, Zoe's hands lifted to rest gently over his shoulders. Lingering there a moment before sliding up. Her fingers curling lightly around the back of his neck as her eyes met with his own, "..we can't afford to let her go into the system- even for a few weeks. What if she continues to have her little episodes..?"

"She doesn't have any other family, does she?"

Hesitating, she shook her head lightly, "..her grandfather passed away not long after he gave me to her..."

ChukkleToday at 12:28 AM
Tightening his arms gently, Chris gave his head a small shake. "Then there isn't much we can do. If we want to do this legally, she'll have to be kept separated while the court makes their decision. I can talk to some people, call in what favors I have, and put her in the care of somebody we can trust. I might even get us the right to visit her, but short of kidnapping her and running away, there's only so much we can do." Closing his eyes, he pressed his forehead to hers. "I know it's hard, but if we go through with it, then it's over. We would legally be her parents, and nobody would be able to fight us over that."

Closing her eyes at the simple touch of their foreheads together, she hesitated, "..her parents..."

"We'll have to talk to Aira about this..."

"..God... this isn't what I signed on for- I haven't even thought about whether or not settling down and... and having a familia is what I want..."

"Me either..." he drew back a bit to look at her, his conflicted emotions clear on his face. "Yesterday I was a hermit, trying my hardest not to be noticed. Now I don't know what I'm doing, everything is happening so fast I don't have the time to process it. The only thing I know right now is that I want both you and Aira to be happy. I want to spend time with you, I want to explore these feelings more, but most importantly I want you to be happy."

Opening her eyes as she felt him pulling back from her, Zoe lifted her head. Her naturally pouted lips parting as she met his gaze, "..say we do this... would they even let us take custody..? I didn't exactly get here in the legal sense- no one knows I'm here. And plus... we're not married... that's not exactly the foundations of a stable household..."

"None of this needs to be solved overnight," he said softly, idly brushing a lock of hair from her forehead. "For now, nobody knows we're here, and we can take care of Aira together while we figure things out. I'll reach out to some people I know discretely for advice in the meantime, and we can hide away until we're ready. You made it this far, and now I can take some of that weight off your shoulders."

She couldn't help it. She leant into his touch. Remaining there for what felt like a lifetime until she leant closer. Her body lifting slightly, raising up onto the balls of her feet in order to close the gap between them as her lips sought out his. Pressing against them in a gentle kiss.

"..gracias... mi amor..."

Chris, stunned for a moment, said the first thing that came to his mind, something he would have kept to himself in any other situation.

"I love you."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Meleck

Meleck Cleric on the Northern Plains

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ivy was sitting at the table in her office. She had already been on the phone calling member of the house and senate stumping for her bill.

A knock was heard at the door. Davis White, the Commander of the Georgia State Police. He'd scheduled the appointment yesterday. Things are getting out of hand something must be done

Ivy got up to greet him and got him a cup of coffee. “What can I do for you Commander?” She asked.

Davis took a seat, and happily accepted the cup of coffee she offered him. "Thank you so much Governor, it's become an urgent matter for us to speak, for starters I am fully in support of the Georgia Empowered Registration Bill as it stands, but we have some serious problems on our hand that have become neccessary for us to address together." Davis took another sip from the mug waiting to hear Ivy's response.

Ivy smiled, this is where the push to act faster was going to come. The question was how far and how hard. “What specifically do we need to deal with and what are you suggesting?” She said leading back into the chair. She had interviewed the commander a few times, but she did not know him well yet.

"Well first of all the woman yesterday identified as Rita Hernandez, the public is fearful. I must admit of the public displays of power that was both the most brutal, and violent one. The fear is building on social media, which has allowed footage of the incident to spread across the country & the globe." He was a man who enjoyed power, who believed power should be used to enforce order, and Rita shook that whole foundation. "We live in a world with super powered criminals with no Superman, No Avengers I need your help for how to address this problem. Miss Hernandez is a priority, but there's an emerging hip hop artist named YRN Reparations who's commited a string of armed sometimes unarmed robberies including a Chase Bank earlier today."

Ivy looked at him. “Well, if it was really Ms. Hernandez, and this hop hop artists are really criminals, then you already have the laws that let you deal with them. But you need proof that can convict them. Without Hard proof, not just an image or Facebook.” She shifted a little towards him. “Last time I checked, Georgia hasn’t had a lynching for years. You and I are sworn not to let that happen,” she said. It seemed to her his solution was to uses maximum force first and apologize later and it seemed that he wanted her to authorize it.

"What do you mean if it was really Ms. Hernandez?" The state commander asked in a very inquisitive tone as if she was speaking another language. "I'm referring to the woman who grew to large heights yesterday the one responsible for 100 deaths, and 80 more injuries many severe. The Proof is all over the internet, in the pile of bodies at the morgue Governor! This is the problem this is all so sudden, Georgia but especially the city of Atlanta is overwhelmed by this problem. As it stands, our state has suffered the most superhuman related violence since "The Incident". The "rapper" I'm speaking off is bullet proof, and wields strength to kick an SUV across the street as easy as you or me could a pebble. His motivation for this crime, reparations to African American citizens in Atlanta believed to be owed from slavery. He released a music video this morning, he's managed to get a known Atlanta artist by the name of K Camp legal name Krisotpher Campbell on the song surprisingly with no criminal record. I've issued a warrant for Rita Hernandez arrest, but Mr. Reparations is fully masked in all appearances so his legal identity is unknown. Now the question remains what can the police force do to arrest a man with super strength & bullet proof? Forget conviction how can we detain him, as with Hernandez she's a mass murderer, if we manage to confront her while she's at regular height there's not a cop I know who wouldn't shoot her dead for if she grows to that height again only the military can stop her."

How do you lean forward and put her hands on the table, “One thing that I tell you some all my training as a lawyer is you best have some hard evidence. Just because you see it on the screen doesn't make it real. People can disguise themselves.” She thought about a case where she got duped in a protection case by a woman that looked like the mother, but was a relative. She said, “You need more evidence. You and I both know that the district attorney would throw that case out three ways to Sunday if you don't come in with more than just well we saw her. You need to physically put her at the crime.”

Davis was irrate at The Governor's response but forced himself to bite his tongue he'd come for solutions to his problem but she was lecturing him about the nuisances of the law. "Well I'm not here to argue evidence with Miss Hernandez, just from a strand of her hand we recovered we have her DNA her sizely rampage left behind more then enough to put out a bench warrant. What I'm asking is simple, her, Reparations and any other individual using their abilities to commit violent acts or crimes, what is the plan to contain them? How do we contain them, hell how do we capture them? I only issued the warrant on Hernandez because the state of Georgia is covered in fear & we had to act, but honestly tell me how do we arrest a man who can't be shot and who can quite literally rip a man in half with no effort. That is the issue I'm facing, the empowered who murdered your son takes oxygen away, luckily he's not bullet proof. But even if we arrested him, then what? When he wakes up, he can kill everyone near him in the prison near him including the guards. Governor Ivy we need a solution and now"

"Well the courts and jails will need to figure that out," she said. Knowing to many variables exist to even have a clue.

She tried to get to her second question that the commander was trying to dodge to make her authorize excessive force. "We need to get some of them on the force so everyones answer isnt kill them all,” she said trying to get across that she understood the situation quite well. Each one woild need to be handled differently. She couldn't give a kill order for any super.

She looked at him and asked, "Do you want me to come with you? To arrest them?” She knew the answer already, but she wanted to let the commander know she understood the risks they were taking.

Davis sighed finally giving up, The Governor was all for a registration bill, but he figured she was just a politician trying to make a name for herself, using her son's murder as a scape goat. "Come with me so you can die too, hell why would I go? Your saying don't kill them, but they don't feel the same way about us clearly. They didn't feel that way about your son, I've got several APD officers who refuse to engage Mr. Reparations, a few even quit rather then confront him, and he's not even a killer. As far getting them on the force, well we're a little strapped for cash most of the latest budget you got went towards education & road work, and frankly I don't know any officer who feels safe around these things. ."

“What about sleeping gas?” She asked. “I am no expert, but could we tranquilizer him with a bass that would knock him out. Or maybe takers, they are to slow to be bullets, but they can cause muscles to cramp up.”
She looked at him, “I know you are trying to protect yourself, but you are the police expert. I’m a lawyer” She knew there was a lot of options from bean bag bullets, to foam grenades, to tear gas, to sniper rounds.

Davis had been furious for the past few minutes but she had poised a good question, he'd grown so reliant on using guns to take care of any situation. "You've actually raised a valid point..Governor Ivy I apologize for my anger, you've given me the answer so now I have a better request. We need a jail to hold these individuals, we can't put them with general population, & we also need a division of police specifically for handling Empowered related crime, if we're going to hire any Empowered they need to work primarily on this division. We need to do this urgently."

She nodded, “That I can work on. By the way, they are not things, they are still people and I expect you to remember that. “ she said with an affirming smile. She knew the anger was from frustration. “Tell your people to be creative and I will do my best to get the, what they need.” She said.

"Hmm...well...I don't want to argue personal beliefs Governor, I'm just here to figure out a solution to the problem within the confines of the law as they stand right now." He was surprised by her defense of the empowered, with her son being murdered by one. Even still he didn't trust her, especially in office, she gave him a vibe far different from many politicians he'd worked with over the years. "Empowered Jail, Empowered Division, and..funds...to acquire Empowered law enforcement in Georgia, here's my card, let me know when there's an update. "He got up and handed her a card with information on how to reach him

She smiled and said, “You are on my speed dial already.”

Ivy started stumping again, this time for more money for equipment, training, and special prisons. This would be easier to pass.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Meleck

Meleck Cleric on the Northern Plains

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Father Thomas

Thomas spent the first hour reading while sitting in the guard shack. He learned some techniques that would help people. At least he felt like he knows something about dealing with it. They really did not talk about it in seminary.

Thomas started to try to play with his power lifting objects and restocking them. He started to take little pieces and try to fling it. With a little effort, he was able fling washers fairly well. Nails did not work well as they tumbled. He took pleasure breaking broken windshields.

When he got bored with that he started to watch you tube videos on how things work. Pad locks, safes, car engines, airplanes engines. When the dogs started to bark, he grabbed his batton and headed out. To see what was going on.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Alina Swanson & Adora Zayas

Location: From News Station Office to Adora Zayas House (Atlanta, Georgia)
Interacting With: Each Other.

A Day Earlier...........Wednesday Evening

"There has to be some sort of connection, this had to make some sort of sense." Ryan was looking through several printed news files he had. Being a journalist was his dream, he always wanted the truth to be exposed, maybe that's why he had developed such a close friendship with Alina Swanson. "Nobody is connecting the dots." He'd been doing his own research, and the murders today at the student apartment complex adjacent to Georgia State had proven it. There had been a string of disappearances reported in the past month but there didn't appear to be any rhyme or reason to it, but he thought he was starting to see a thread. "Hmm..so now I'm certain someone with powers is behind this, gotta fight fire with fire." With that he made his way into Alina's office, one of his best friends. "Hey Shadow Girl, I need your help, I've got a story, more then a story something people have to know about."

Alina sat in her office, reading over some notes over another story that she was working on. But it was kind of boring, someone losing their pet or something like that. It was pretty much a boring story, no one would probably ever read either, as she leaned back in her seat rubbing her eyes slightly. She turned her attention towards her office door, seeing Ryan there the only person she probably did trust after the whole Incident thing and her powers becoming a thing as well. "And you want me to sneak into someplaces that no one is really able to get into huh?" Alina asked him.

"Sorry to interrupt your note taking but we have a serious problem at hand, so remember my story that's gotten shut down multiple times "The Vanishings", you know all the mysterious people that have been reported missing with no trace." He sat down with a mixture of fear & excitement regarding the situation. "Maybe I went to the police with this multiple times, and while the think powers might be involved, there's no case without any evidence there saying it could just be Sex Traffickers or unrelated. So here's the thing I found out, of the missing about 30 of them reported complaints about an online clothing company that opened last year, about never getting stuff, its called Zayas."

"Nah it's fine, it's just one of those really boring stories anyway." Alina said as she leaned back in her seat looking over at Ryan as he started to talk some more about the story he was working on. She hadnt heard of the company before either, but then again she wasnt really into fashion a lot either. "This sounds like it would be a really big story. So do you want to get out of here then and check out this clothing company?"

"Boring stories you don't attract those, I mean you got the chief of police fires for accepting bribes." Ryan couldn't help but admire Alina, although maybe that was because of the crush he had on her but he'd never bring it up at least not now when she was half the reason his career was on the rise and mostly fear of rejection. "Well here's the thing it's an ecommerce store, so there's no physical location, and there's no information about the owner. But I did some more research. "He began putting files of news reports and other things he collected on the desk. "I've got a name Adora Zayas, she founded Zayas LLC, and since the company name is her last name I'm guessing she's the owner. Now here's the best part, she lives here in Atlanta. I got in touch with my friend the ex cop Robin remember her, according to police database her father was killed in a drive by shooting from members of the Salzaras cartel when she was a kid, AAAND she was arrested for Drunk driving and cocaine possession a week after she graduated from New York State University. "

"Finally, I looked through her social media, she hasn't made a single post since before "The Incident" but her company's instagram page is still active at least uploading pictures. Before "The Incident" she was super active, and she's renting a house in the city, I sent Robin to check it out a few hours ago."

Alina smiled a bit more and shook her head slightly, it was way to easy to sneak into the police chief's home, while he was away at work and she snuck into his place and snagged whatever copies there was that sounded incriminating. "Only because you helped get some sources." Alina pointed out as she looked at the files that were there, and started to read through them all, listening a bit more, sounded like the woman was also like her which could be dangerous as well. "Do you think Robin will be able to handle herself?" She asked him.

"Yeah I guess I did that." Ryan cared about his career, but he didn't care for bragging rights. The Closest thing he cared about in relation to that was just getting journalistic recognition for what he accomplished. "Hmmm well I don't know if this girl is responsible for what happened, someone she knows, or even an enemy trying to frame her..but I feel like whoever it is has powers." He sighed thinking about Robin it was weird for her not to call and give an update, maybe it just meant there was nothing to it. He went to her contact, and called twice going straight to voice mail both times. Suddenly he began to feel slightly worried. "Robin always calls me back even when the leads cold, but her phone went straight to voice mail, you know she always keeps her phone charged." The worry lingering in his voice

Alina nodded slightly it was really weird for her to not hear from Robin at all, and she usually does answer right away as well. ”Maybe something else came up, and she had to go and do something else?”She asked as she rubbed the back of her neck slightly and stood up. ”Do you happen to have the address at all?”Alina asked him

"Yeah but the last time I spoke to her she was on her to way to the owner of the clothing company's rental house,." He went through his text history then his notes before pulling up the address to the house. "I do, are you suggesting we go there? " He wasn't brave by any means of the word, but he'd sent Robin out there and if she was in trouble he wanted to help, although he wasn't a fan of Alina's shadow travel it made him nauseous.

Alina gave Ryan a slight nod and smiled towards him. "Yep, thats what i'm suggesting. Though I dont really have a car so mind if we use yours?" She asked, she mostly just traveled by public transportation, she only used her powers just for her job work and getting any files really and she didnt test how far she could go really either.

"A car, yeah I do I thought you were gonna suggest shadow travel, but the house she's renting isn't far from here it's about a ten to fifteen minute drive." All of a sudden he heard screaming from one of their co-workers as he was getting his car keys out wondering what all the commotion was about. "What the hell." Stepping outside of Alina's office he saw one of his co-workers on the ground crying, with two others comforting her. "What the hell happened."
"My Husband he's dead....that monster...killed him" She was crying furiously her face beet red, and before Ryan could further question he saw what was on the news footage of a giant Rita tearing up a rest stop in Gwinnet before swatting away a helicopter into highway traffic, then stepping into it.
"Breaking news, authorities are looking into the identity of the woman, she's not an American citizen. Information gathered says her identity is Rita Hernandez, here in America on a visa, has employment at Nova Consolidated...as a manager, currently we cannot reach a spokesperson from Nova Consolidated for further questioning, stay tuned for further coverage of this horrible event." A man on the television was speaking, before one of the employee's changed the channel away from the horrific coverage. Ryan himself was shocked this was awful.

"Well I know you dont like shadow traveling, and I can only do it if it's dark out, or if shadows are connected to each other, stuff like that." Alina said as she shrugged slightly. "Besides I want to feel normal anyway to." She said, she paused when she head a scream and followed him outside of the office. Looking at one of her coworkers, raising an eyebrow slightly her attention turned towards the news that played, which wasnt good at all either. "Well that isnt good.." Alina said mostly to herself looking over towards Ryan, before going over to tend to her coworker.

"Oh yeah I forgot you can't just poof willy nilly like Nightcrawler." Ryan just wanted to make sure Robin was okay, and seeing that giant woman's rampage on television just made the whole situation more surreal. There were people out here with extremely dangerous abilities, and any that were responsible for several lives being taken were dangerous. "I wish we could switch you wanna be normal I wanna be different." Ryan stopped wondering if that was inconsiderate with everything happening to people with powers or rather potentially about to happen. "Sorry..let's go." Grabbing his keys he made his way to the parking lo

Alina helped her coworker into a chair and offered a cup of water for her, looking over towards Ryan smiling slightly and shook her head slightly at the Nightcrawler compliment. "Yeah you'd wish I had blue skin and a tail." She said teasing him slightly as she followed him towards the parking lot, Alina wasnt sure why she had gotten her powers in the first place and shrugged slightly. "It's fine." She said towards him and smiled slightly.

"You know what I was talking about, although even with blue skin you still wouldn't look bad." He joked as he started up his car and sighed saying a silent prayer to a God he barely believed in that Robin was okay. Putting his phone in the holder, he quickly input the address, then began making his way through the agonizing slow Atlanta traffic. "I really hope she just lost her charger or her phone's just messed up Alina, I sent her here. " He didn't want to continuet hat train of thought she had to be okay

Alina got into Ryan's car and started to strap herself in looking over at her friend for a moment as he started up the car and nodded towards him. "I'm sure her phone is just out of batteries or it's out of reception or something, it will be fine." She said trying to reassure him.

Within no time they'd arrived outside of Adora's residence and strangely enough saw the front door was open. "What the hell." Ryan parked the car and got out looking confused. "The door's open, and her front door is open, plus Robin's phone been off for five hours now? What do we do?

Alina looked towards the residence seeing that the door was opened she wasnt sure what that meant and looked over towards Ryan for a moment. "Stay here, i'll check it out if I dont come back in an hour call the police or something then." She said as she got out of the car, looking around and then made her way towards the front door.

As Alina made her to the front door, she] caught a glimpse of two men inside the house with assault riffles. One of which was on the phone back turned to the front door. "I understand, I'm at the residence right now eliminate anyone with any connection to Miss Zayas."
Ryan sat in the car and just sighed he was getting worried, but he knew it was best to let Alina go to the door at least she had powers. "Damn it so it turns out I might not be wrong, but what does that mean."

Alina saw the two armed men she wasnt sure who they were and they didnt look like they had any police officer uniforms either, she decided to meld herself into the nearby shadows and moved a little bit closer towards them.

"Aye bruh you see that car outside, who the fuck is that." The second soldier raised his gun, and the first waved him to stop. "Shit boss lady said kill her, I'm starting to wonder if someone ain't do it already I mean her front door was fucking open." He said hesitantly looking at Ryan parked outside. The second agent rolled his eyes ."Bruh..don't do this bitch have super powers, we don't know what the fuck her power is, what if that car aint real or even really there, or the bitch is invisible we need to try to shoot anything we fucking see move cause we don't know what hte fuck she can do. "The soldier said as he raised his gun towards the car. The first agent was irritated. "If the car ain't fucking real, and you shoot at it its going fly through and hit a random, then we GOTTA dip, and Imma tell the boss you opened up on a mirage so think about this. "The agents bickered about shooting up Ryan's car

Alina listened in on their conversation, and looked directly over to where Ryan's car was for a moment when they started to say about something shooting at his car. She really didnt want her friend to get hurt at all or caught up any further than he already was right now. She moved behind them, and attempted to use the shadows around them to disarm them.

"Fuck that we here to body this bitch, anyone who come to her crib might be like her, I ain't taking a risk I've only seen one empowered on the news whose bullet proof." He put his finger on the trigger, when a shadow tendril sent his gun flying and his partners as well. "What the fuck!?" The second agent barked, as they both turned around seeing a girl. "Who the fuck are you?! Where's Adora Zayas" The first agent quickly pulled out a hand gun he had in his holster. "Answer the fucking question bitch or your dead."

Alina held up her hands, the moment that the men turned to face her after she had disarmed their rifles. Though one of them held a handgun directly at her, she didnt want to test which was faster her powers or a bullet. "Who the hell are you, and who do you work for? And i'm just a reporter, looking into her is all." Alina said trying to be calm.

"A reporter?" The first man still had his gun trained on her, while the second wished he'd brought a second gun seeing his was out of reach and didn't want to take his chance walking around. He was suspicious of her because she herself had powers but she looked nothing like Adora. "You heard what she said, look bitch get the fuck from here" The First man was quite then put his finger on the trigger. "You took the wrong story." Right as was about to shoot both reporters were reduced to the size of ants, with the bullet he fired being even smaller. "What the fuck!!?!!!! " Both men screamed out

She was about to disappear into the shadows as the one with the handgun was about to pull the trigger, when she didnt hear the gun shot go off, she opened her eyes and saw that they were very small now.

Out of thin air Adora appeared visible but in the appearance of Rita Salzaras and brought her foot down stepping on both men killing them laughing. "You shouldn't have come here lady, all these intruders today I was like I might as well leave the front door open huh. " She asked in a heavily sarcastic but heavy tone. "I like your parlor trick but instead of disarming them you should have put those tendrils through their hearts it's much more effective the world is becoming a dangerous place for us, and if you want to live you'd better accept that. I have a question for you, and I want you to be honest, and to ensure you will I've got your friend with me." Reaching in her pocket she pulled out Ryan's car miniaturized with him inside screaming. "I close my fist and he dies, so tell me why are you looking for me?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

A Day Earlier.....Wednesday Afternoon Jace Williams &
Bruce was driving around in his squad car, today was a hectic day indeed. The gruesome murders at the apartment complex neighboring Georgia State University were brutal. "I just need something regular after that," He was stressed his goal was always to meet quota and of course help the community but with all this super powered nonsense he had to be careful who he pulled over. "We're going to need the national guard to deal with people like that whoever they are, hold on that guy looks like he's swerving a bit, I hate drunk drivers." He rolled his eyes as he changed lanes and began navigating through traffic to get to a 2013 Ford Mustang

"I can't believe I'm getting high with you. I haven't seen you forever," said Sierra while she worked the steering wheel and smoked the pot rolled up cigar. He took the blunt. He told her he would give her some money to use her car, and she asked where the dude had got enough cash to rent a car. He said it was financial loans for school, and she said she would think about it. By the time they arrived at her apartment, she jerked him a little bit and let him have the car for two days for $300. He expressed how much he liked her and sped off. He was joyriding when he found a gram bag of cocaine beneath the driver seat. "Hell, Yes."

"Yeah this guy is defiantly on something." Bruce got around another car, and got behind Erik's vehicle. His whole black charger was an undercover police car making it easier for him to navigate, and remain anonymous. He quickly turned on his police siren, his lights blaring as he spoke through the intercom. "PULL OVER!!!"
"Hello got a driver I suspect to be high on something, 2013 Mustang, no back up required might just be a reckless kid who needs a ticket, stand by." He spoke into the police radio to the station

"Goddamn!" Erik was rubbed the wrong way by the undercover cop. He looked in the mirror and discovered him behind the '13 year model sports car that Erik had on loan. There was nowhere to turn and stop immediately, so the cop must have tailed him for one-quarter mile before the Ford pulled into a McDonald's. He parked it in a place, and turned it off. He thought,... this is a ton of shit that is coming down on me. I threw out the cocaine, but there's weed in the back, and it's not my car, and I don't have my fucking phone. He hung his head low.

"Shit I hope it's someone I can actually get that's worthwhile damn city making weed a ticket is making the quota harder and harder to meet." He sighed although he was frustrated with the law it was for the better. As much as he enjoyed the rush of authority that came from enforcing the law, some things were better off not having a big punishment attached to them. As the mustang pulled over, he positioned his gun in his holster. Hopping out in the Mcdonalds parking lot and walked over to the car." Whew wheee it smells like strong marijuana in here, you got the real thing not those vapes that've been killing people on the news, so to save time you already know that's probable cause, instead of trying to stick you with a DUI I'll just search the vehicle."
"Why don't you step out the car, and let me take a look kid, the way it smells you probably don't have anything left right?"

Erik played it cool. He scratched the left side of his face, and looked up at the cop with an accepting voice, and face. "Yeah, officer, I took a girl to the movies tonight. We had a good time." The inhibition he felt was fading away. He was becoming intent, besides free without motive. He was worried, and not content. He was fidgety, moving his leg a little bit.

"Well I'm glad you had a good day so far, hopefully it remains that way." Bruce said before forcing him out the car so he could take a look inside the mustant. Shining his flash light and ignoring the pungent aroma of cannabis he was looking around for anything incriminating, drugs, guns, etc. "Hmmm...might be your lucky day kid looks like I can't find...anything." A hint of disappointment in his voice, "Ah here we go." He said finding the quarter ounce in the back seat, and stepping out the car. "So far we have a marijuana citation ticket, $75 dollars, failure to pay or show up in court will result in a bench warrant for your arrest." Still his voice lacked excitement as he began writing out some paper work.
"I'll take one more look inside, and if there's nothing else your good to go, ." Back in the day this would be grounds for an arrest. Peeking back into the car to do one more search his eyes lit up. "Now that's what I'm talking about." He'd located two grams of powder cocaine in the pocket below the driver window, and stepped out the car. "What do we have here, party for your nose huh, and I didn't see any registration or insurance in the vehicle, your up shits creek, turn around your under arrest for Driving without insurance, driving without registration, felony posession of cocaine, & marijuana citation for less then one ounce." He said going to cuff Erik.

"You have got to..." and that was when the city cop he didn't have to do anything but his job. Erik complained a little, and he was starting to feel energy surging through his spine, his arms and his neck. He wanted to "bang" on the cop, but he steadily continued to keep himself calm on the way to the back of the patrol car. The officer didn't shackle him, and he loosened his hand cuffs, but put on a seat belt for safety. It wrapped around his stomach, and over his chest. "Fuck me running"

Bruce made his way inside the patrol car and spoke inside the radio. "Dispatch, I need an impound 2013 ford mustang, no registration, no insurance, kid looks like a dealer, I'll have one more sweep then I'll bring him to intake." Bruce spoke into the radio as another police car pulled into the mcdonalds parking lot sirens blaring, and he rolled his eyes. Katie, always sticking her nose where she dosen't belong "Officer Barnes, I said I didn't need any back up I've got this handled, but glad your here."

“Oh come on Brucey it’s a dangerous world out there right now, without Judy you couldn’t arrest a paper bag.” Katie spoke venom seething from her voice as she turned to look at Erik. “So that’s the druggie scum.”

“Yeah that’s him, nothing too big but the coke he has the quality looks very similar to what we’ve confiscated from Ramon’s people.” He said examining the cocaine he had in evidence. “Alright I’ll go ahead and take him in, we’re done here.”

“Ugh it’s a shame to grab the white ones, I’m sure there’s plenty of black guys you could have grabbed, there the one’s we don’t belong here.” She spoke letting her ever so present racism show, even though Bruce didn’t agree. As she stepped back into her SUV to turn her sirens off her car was suddenly flung across the parking lot into the wall of the Mcdonalds.

“What the fuck!!!!” Bruce quickly drew his weapon only to see a man approaching in all black with a face mask with openings for his mouth, and eyes approaching. “Stand down!!!! “ The man didn’t heed his warning so Bruce opened fire. Three bullets lodged into the man’s chest but were crushed upon impact. Bruce stumbled back only for the masked man to grab Bruce and push him sending him flying a few feet into the back of a parked nissan.

“Fuck you Bruce” The man waltzed over to Bruce’s car and ripped the door off, then reached for Erik’s cuffs and snapped them like tooth picks. “Dumb ass finna get booked, fucking round with Bella, I told you to stick with me kid.” Erik could recognize the voice behind the mask Jace Williams, another dealer who worked for Bellal who’d gotten fired for being too reckless. “Play along, and you can avoid jail I’ll go easy on you white boy .” He Took out a gun and pointed it at his head. “COME ON BITCH!!! GET IN THE FUCKING CAR LETS GO!”

Erik got into the car. He was moving fast. He had remembered this guy, he was a dope dealer. Then, something else about a car salesman. Erik was one more step away from charging up, then he realized it was over. He was freed, and with a capable partner. "I remember a little something about you, but I don't care; that is, unless I'm suffering memory loss... which is possible." The man looked at him like a cowboy looked hard at a prostitute. Basically, he stated to Erik looking at him to be quiet, and relax.

As soon as they were in the mustang Jace put the gun on his lap not wanting Erik to feel threatened by the weapon in his face, and took his mask off. "Memory less mayne ain't no need to be scared of me, you always been a tough guy don't let a bullet proof brother who can bench press SUV's change that shit forreal." Jace barked almost a bit too aggressively then instinctively calmed down. "Look I know you cool with Bella, and shit, but I killed Ramon and all his people earlier, they been at me and my cousins neck for a long time. With these powers I got, me and Cornell going run the dope game out here. I just know you gotta market on lock with the college kids, now I ain't finna force you to work with me or nun but you see how good shit is when you working with me, even the cops cant stop you" He said not wanting to be forceful, although he was violent when it came to working with people he wanted them to come willingly

"I have to go to class on campus a few times a week. I can do whatever you want, but this is bullshit how I've got into it with you. But, I can operate. We can work. Shit, I've got something coming out of me. Something violent, and none no-answer taking," Erik didn't have a lot to say. He was feeling like a hound on the trail of a six point buck. It was like being an animal, instinctual and fast moving. "What do you want me to do?"

"For now lay low, that cop who was tryna arrest you, his wife locked me up, so I wasn't joking about you not owing me shit for this, plus I'm sure Bella's mad at me for Ramon so I gotta keep some of her people outta the law's hands." He never had any personal problems with Bella, Hector was the one that fired Cornell, but if anyone could sway him it would be her. "You just need to lay low, all the witness's saw me put a gun to your head, oh yeah this yours." Jace handed him the drugs Bruce had confiscated for him. "Shit if I get Bella on my side we all on the same team already, if she gotta go night night we'll go from there." He said sititng back in the car. " Make that right drop me off over there, and get some fucking insurance on the damn car bruh you tripping." Reaching in his pocket again he handed Erik $800 in blue hundreds.

"Yeah, I got this. Bella ain't cooling down, but you can count on me doing this. All I got is a seven grams of weed, which has been smoked some, and then I got this little bit of cocaine. I'll probably be awake doing a little by a little, so can I call you? I'm going to the roach motel, where all the crackheads are at. I might end up hitting one of them with a charged up pillow," he said smiling. Then, the two exchanged positions, Erik getting behind the wheel and Jace riding the short distance to get dropped off at a city bus route bench. "I'ma call you."

"Shit we good money then, don't forget to get the right paperwork on this car next time you bout to get jammed I might not be cruising by white boy." Jace retorted as he stepped out the car, making sure to grab his mask and stuff it in his pocket. "Damn it's hot as fuck I can't be wearing this shit." Walking over to a trash can he took off the hoodie and tossed it in a nearby trash can wiping sweat off his brow. "Ight I got work to do, if I wanna really run shit in the A." He muttered to himself as he sat down on the bench and was breathing heavily. Increasing his strength and durability for extended periods had drained his energy. After resting for a few minutes he left the bus stop to attend to other matters
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Atlanta Georgia -- Legion Headquarters Facility -- Flint, Elle, Adora & Riddley

"Allllllright "Flint had some fake excitement as he waltzed into the office and plopped down at his desk, forgetting to keep the door open for Elle on purpose as they came in. "So Elle, while you've been all wrapped up in fantasy, fantasy has been becoming more and more real, no dragons or that other nerd stuff but who knows the way things are going it might just be the case." Nonchalantly he spoke about the situation with more and more people with abilities, every new one more exotic then the last showing up. After getting out his laptop and some files, he went to his mini fridge pulling out two heinekens, popping the corks, and handing one to his sister. "See that, man of my word, you can have the second one if you decide to help stop Armageddon."

Staring at her brother, Elle took the beer as it was offered to her. Listening to the onslaught of information he was giving to her, which only served to become more and more outlandish the longer that he went on. Right... Just what the hell was he trying to pull her into now..? This shit sounded like the worst D'n'D campaign she had ever ever heard of. One that you would run purely with a bunch of newbies in order to teach them basics. Tapping the side of her Heineken with the pad of her thumb, she nodded her head. Slowly. Her eyes never once leaving his figure, and her expression never changing until finally it did. Her brows raising and her features twisting into both surprise and something that clearly stated she didn't completely believe him as she lifted her beer. Taking a well needed swig before using it to motion to him.

"Ooookay. So one... you've finally lost it. Two... even if I did believe any of this, what do you expect us to do..? Drive around in a car and hunt monsters that go bump in the night..? We're not the Winchesters. And three... talk to your damn co-workers. They act like they've never seen a woman sporting a medieval gown and carrying a sword before."

Flint sighed it was always a tough sell with Elle, car dealers probably never had a good time with her, he was her brother for Christ sake. He needed another sip of his heineken right away, screw being 5PM somewhere, it was 12 here and he was proud. "I'm not even gonna respond to all three points, definently not in order. Grabbing a remote and pressing a button to flick on his TV screen it showed the headline "National manhunt for Rita Hernandez, 100 dead, 80 injured" and began playing footage of her at giant size stepping on highway traffic, tossing a helicopter into the fray of moving vehicles, and stomping on the rest area. "Does that look crazy to you, or I mean crazy like it's not happening cause damn it Elle it is.” Frustrated he took another much needed swig from his beer.

I know we're not the Winchesters, cause after their little arguments they get back together in 40 minute segments it's been over a week since I saw you, I expect us to do what dad would do if he was still here, do something about it. That girl right there, I know she's part of all of this. In the video I saw a tattoo for the Salzaras cartel's on one of the guys she stepped on, the main reason I need your help is one of my co-workers was dirty in bed with the Salzaras and he got killed by some super powered mofo trying and that same mofo is trying to take over the Cartels, something tells me "Rita Hernandez" if that's her real name is that mofo or working directly with her. I'm not asking you to agree with me or Legion locking up people with powers till we can figure out how to handle them, but at least lend me your brain and let's stop the Justice League from doing a fusion dance with the fucking Cartels or were all screwed."

"Hey, watch it. I happen to like the Justice League, so don't go speaking ill about those beautiful creations. And I can't help that I live and work in Miami..! If you're really that worried, you'd fly over and see me."

My, oh my, he was so damn frustrating at times. Huffing out an exasperated sigh, Elle's gaze was drawn to the news segment playing on the television. Okay, so maybe he hadn't lost it yet. He was certainly on his way. But he had a point. If their father was around, he would sooner kick their asses for wasting time bickering when they could instead be doing something to at least try and help out the situation. Tearing her attention away from the TV, she turned her back to it, groaning out in defeat, "..argh... fine. Okay. What the fuck do you want me to do..? And don't think you don't owe me big time for this, Flint. This is like, dressing up in tights and running around as Peter Pan worthy big time owing."

Flint rolled his eyes at her comment about superheroes, it was always something fictional popping up he much promised realistic media although the eye candy contributed a-lot. "Yeah well when the Justice League gets a whole movie series with girls that look like Scarlett Johansen let me know and I'll be very attentive to Wonder Woman and friends." The priority of course in his eyes was the super powered female leads for how much he'd pay attention to a live action Justice League film. "Yeah I'd fly over and see you more too..If I wasn't trying to take care of all this...fix this situation.." He trailed off, he'd told Elle he'd been involved with Legion, but never that their experiments where the reason people had powers, the reason "The Incident" happened and the reason their father was dead.

He caught himself, this wasn’t time, maybe it was later, maybe it was never, the very latter is what he preferred when it came to this topic. Reaching in his pocket he handed her a flash drive, and grinned. “Gracias, oh by the way you know what’s on there, senior year high school, when you were ready to show the world you weren’t innocent, my back-up plan was blackmail but we’re talking millions of lives at stake minimum” He decided to cough up his plan B not wanting her to find it or it came up later, and lead to more bickering.

“ I need those computer skills of yours, and I can even get Legion to give you a check, CIA approved work vacation time, just like your big bro.” He finished the rest of his beer and tossed it in the trash. “So hop on my laptop, go through the files, need to figure out who killed my partner Greg Konnovich, figure out who Rita Hernandez is, and how this all ties together, the quicker we find out which person is gunning to be Super Esobar, we can nip em in the bud, I can go back to putting the innocent living bombs in jail, and your back on the beach on the computer, fighting dragons on the weekend.”

"I agree with pretty much none of what you said aside from getting back to the beach and my alliance."

Her annoyed mood clear on her features, Elle reached out. Practically snatching the USB out of his hand before he had the chance to change his mind, not like it really would have mattered that much any way. As smart as her brother was; he could have his moments of stupidity. They were rare; but boy were they big. Like his plan B. What had he thought to accomplish by blackmailing a hacker..? And not just any hacker; but one who was his sister. One who had multitude of dirt on him, plus pictures in albums of when he was being potty trained. But she wasn't about to mention that. Not now. She'd let him have his little moment; let him think that he'd won this battle of the siblings.

Moving around his desk, already making herself at home as she dropped down into the chair, she put her beer down beside the laptop. Her fingers already moving quickly and skilfully over the keyboard as she got to work; remotely logging into her work computer and setting up that link to help her in her search for the information that he was asking her for, "And by the way... Gal Gadot plays the live action Wonder Woman. Israeli actress, legs for days; and man is she nice to look at."

"Fair enough that's all we need to be mutual about" As long as they came to an understanding of sorts thats all that really mattered, after all family was bound to argue. He decided against a second beer, wanting to watch his sister work her techno magic and see what she could uncover. "Oooh you might have just won me over, that's something I need to check out" He was ecstatic about his sudden interest in Wonder Woman, wishing real life superhumans could be tha attractive and not evil

"..okay, so this Korrovich, he's one hell of an interesting guy... some of the shit that's coming up..."

Frowning slightly, her ankles crossing underneath her, Elle leant forward. Bringing herself a little closer as her normal faded, leaving her with a slightly more serious attitude about what she was doing, "..wait... you said the name 'Rita Hernandez' before... right..? Because there are no records of anyone by that name- well, I mean there are records. Just none that prove that she's not some made up person, and she has some strong damn ties with Korrovich."

"Yeah well I need to know everything about him, he's one hell of a traitor but it pays to be a dirt bag these days." Flint was irritated about Greg, he was more so worried about finding his killer in order to take action against them rather then avenge Greg's death specifically. He sat back taking out his cell phone to message Riddley. Hey Swing on by to the HQ, I''ve got someone with me who's going through the information we have available and we might actually learn something "What do you mean by some damn strong ties? Come on spit it out?
"I mean they have some damn strong ties. Might even be, you know, ties. Wink, wink." A smirk crossing over her lips, Elle lifted her head up. Her eyes flicking over to meet with her brother's, though she was only met with an unimpressed and disapproving expression in response, "No..? Okay then." Bringing her attention back down to the screen, she once again allowed herself to concentrate on the information in front of her. Not even aware of the coding, barely visible, running up and down through her iris' as she continued to dig deeper.

"It seems their relationship ran deeper than just acquaintances, or co-workers that mingle around the water cooler searching for gossip... No... these two knew each other- like really knew each other. And-... Yeah. Thought so. There is no Rita Hernandez- no birth records, no DMV records, no passport; nothing. The woman doesn't exist."

Flint rolled his eyes. "Not all that interested in hearing about any of that right now, and trust me that's a first." Flint was eager to change the subject on that, and get back to figuring out what exactly Greg Konnovich had going on. "So it's all fabricated, everything, and if she was messing with Korovich he had the entire CIA database to make it look as authentic as possible.

"Flint paused to ponder the consequences of what this means." So we know someone killed Konnovich, someone with powers, that someone wants control of the Salzaras Cartel, but then Rita Hernandes the fake woman, has the power to turn into Godzilla, but according to the footage & what I've learned on my own the people she initially went Goliath on where involved with some company called the Nova Consolidate & some members of the Cartel, an unlikely pairing unless their working together & Nova had some shady dealings going on. “The more answers they got, the more questions popped up.

I'm half ready to assume Rita killed Korovich, and somehow she runs the Cartel. But Hector Salzaras was reported alive in Mexico less then 24 hours ago, and he wouldn't have someone kill his own people not with all that publicity, plus I've seen footage of the backup Korrovich called in getting killed easily. One guy looked like the force slammed him into a wall, second guy got hit with an object that came from thin air, and the last two....the screen just went black & there's no remains of their body...we had camera's all over that warehouse so even if Rita was there and went giant and stepped on those last two, we would have caught it, hell random people passing by would have saw it, her power is too flashy for her to be the one that killed those soldiers, dig deeper."

"I... don't think Korrovich is your problem here. And if Salzaras' not willing to have one of his top ranking men killed; then he isn't going to put out a hit on his sister for killing them. Besides. That whole point is moot anyway, because that..." Dragging out the word long enough that she was able to twist the chair she was in around, Elle reached out and picked up the remote for the TV. Pausing it on a picture of the woman causing all the damage, she motioned for her brother to look at it, "..that is not Rita Hernandez- or well, Rita Salzaras."

Flint was irritated, but Elle was only telling him the truth. He just wanted to crack the case, and be able to get out the office actually do something about the situation. "Rita Salzaras...Hector Salzaras has a sister." He'd been investigating Greg's ties to the Salzaras Cartel for three weeks prior to this, and had others in the organization doing the same, but the couldn't find out that Hector had a sister. "So who the fuck is that lady? And where's the real Rita Hernandez or Salzaras or whoever the hell she is. If that's not Rita, then I'm guessing whoever she is, that's the son of a bitch trying to take over the Cartel."

"Honestly..it's looking like it might be more then one person, maybe this girl if it's really not Rita which is likely has an ability that lets her alter her appearance, and her size, some sort of control over her body, or shape-shifting on crack I dunno, but the video that was a whole different power getting used, or I need to really scan the Marvel wikia to find out more." Just as he was getting frustrated he noticed a woman walking into the office. A Scientist who worked for Legion. "Good afternoon or morning whichever Hannah, what's going on "Hannah scowled at Flint and walked over to him putting a hand on his shoulder and shaking her head.

“It’s Afternoon, maybe if you didn’t have a fridge full all the time you’d know that, I was just coming by to let you know the prisoners were transfered to the D.C Facility, do we still need full security detail in the cells.”

“”Uhh yeah, there’s two stragglers, one guy can fly all he’s been doing is super shoplifting, the other girl Taylor Swinn she’s a contract killer, go ahead and pass the message along I’m busy here.”

“Yes Sir of course.” Hannah walked off and Flint shook his head.

“It shouldn’t matter if we have one fucking person, if there criminals we need full detail ugh” He was clearly frustrated by everything going on. “So what do you think we do now Elle?”

Falling silent, her gaze flicking to the woman talking to her brother, Elle placed the remote back down on the desk. Picking up her beer and taking another swig of it as she twisted back around. Turning back to the laptop she was working on, and giving Flint the space he needed as he and the woman conversed. Though once they were done, she didn't bother to look back up, "..in my opinion..? You need to find out who that woman is. And I would work it by assuming that Rita Salzaras is dead."

"Rita Salzaras is dead....great." Sarcasm dripping from his voice, if she was really dead, this meant the situation was going to get worst and probably more violent the cartels were relentless as is without their family's blood being spilled. "If she's really dead, and that woman or possibly man is involved, then we need to fix this situation quickly or there's going to be alotta blood spilled and not even by people with powers. "He sighed he was suppose to be working Legion and dealing with superhumans but somehow got roped into conflict with narcos.

“So we” Before he could say anything the alarm systems for the Legion HQ began blaring, and the sound of rapid gun-shot could be heard coming from the prison corridors. Flint quickly drew his weapon and stood up from his desk. “What the fuck.” Right as he said that a bullet the size of a boulder burst through the ground a few feet away from his office and tore through two security guards chatting off to the side. “Elle get down!!!”

Heart sinking, the look on her brother's face more than enough to tell her that something was wrong, Elle twisted the seat slightly. Her head turning. But it only took the glint of something silver in the corner of her eye to get her turning in the other direction. Her body falling forwards and off the chair, she rolled. Her arms lifting, covering her head as she slipped in and under the desk. Trying to avoid it, though getting hit by the broken shards of the window anyway. The glass cutting through what skin they managed to get in contact with.


Riddley still wasn't even dressed when her Legion-provided phone dinged! She sighed melodramatically, looking to it sitting on the kitchen counter. Well, she wasn't on payroll for nothing-- It was hard having to work for someone after so long on the run. She stood, dumping her food waste into the trash before walking over and picking up her phone to read the message: It was from Flint Marrow, of course, coldly identified by his number alone--no name. "Hey Swing on by to the HQ, I've got someone with me who's going through the information we have available and we might actually learn something."

"You got it, boss man," she texted back simply before properly preparing for a day of work. Over a tanktop, she would wear a button-up shirt. Feeling refreshed, she would braid her hair instead of simply tying it back, and take a moment to smile at herself in the mirror. She almost felt normal again for a moment.

And with that, she stepped outside to hail her uber driver. Legion didn't place her too far from HQ, so she would be there relatively quickly.

ALERT ALERT ALERT THE PRISON HAS BEEN BREACHED! The alarm was blaring full volume, Flint reached in his desk and tossed Elle a semi automatic. "Damn it Riddley where the fuck are you." He muttered under his teeth and motioned for Elle to follow him as he rushed out the room. "Come on we need to get the prison center right now, looks like someone's trying a prison break..and they've got a massive bullet...real big guns wait." Flint almost froze connecting the dots seeing the giant bullet. "Damn it! Elle, I think it's her the size of the bullet, but there's no giant woman outside!" Gripping his gun he looked to the stairs and sighed Riddley or no Riddley he couldnt let one dangerous powered person free others.

"You really think I can fucking run in this dress..!" Catching the gun, her body twisting on the ground enough that she was able to peer around the desk, Elle glared at her brother, "Who cares right now if it's them or not..! Go do your job..! Don't worry about me..!"

"What?! Elle I guarantee you'll be safer with me then up here, you see the size of these bullets bursting through the floor." Right as he said that none other then the empowered individual with flight who the'd arrested was flung through the shattered window and slammed into the wall lifeless. Rushing over to feel his pulse his eyes widened." He's dead....she killed one of her own, I thought she was breaking them out."

“Then you thought wrong Marrow” Flint turned to see none other then Rita Salzaras who appeared seemingly out of thin air looking at the lifeless empowered she’d just drained. “He’s pathetic, a shop lifter, we are gods, and he’s stealing food from walmart, food that should be given.”

“Look lady your not a god, your amped up on evolution, bad taste in wardrobe, and a whole lotta evil..” Flint raised his gun and fired only for the bullet to fall to the ground putting a hole in the ground, and he fell back as his gun felt heavier.

“Oh hush, I have places to be, people to meet, I just need one thing from your sister a hug, give me a hug Elle, or I’ll kill your brother and everyone else in here.” Adora barked at Flint’s sister as she held her hands out.

Oh, this was not happening...

It couldn't- it shouldn't..! Why wasn't this a dream..? Why had she been stupid enough to let Flint talk her into this mess..? When all was said and done, he was a dead man. She was going to shoot him herself for dragging her into this crap.

Body trembling as she slowly, but surely crawled out from where she'd been laying under the desk, Elle shakily got back to her feet. The gun that she'd been thrown earlier falling to the ground between her and her brother as she took a step back. Having nowhere else to go as she felt the mahogany pressing against her from behind. Her hands gripping at the long and rather beautiful material that made up her dress. Her heart pounding, eyes never leaving the woman that was, as she knew now, not the real Rita Salzaras, she shifted slightly. Blood trickling lightly down her arms and face.

"..I hug you, I save my brother..? Isn't it only fair you tell me your name first..? I mean, after all... you know mine..."

Flint struggled to pick up his gun that felt like it weighed more then a car, this was a mexican stand off where he had a butter knife and "Rita" had an RPG. "For a fucking hug bitch, are you that lonely get a damn cat"

“Was I talking to you? I don’t remember asking the ugly one for a hug, I’m feeling auburn today.”

“Alright talk to this.” Flint slipped his hand from the heavy gun and pulled out a knife attempting to rush Adora who glared at him and he fell to the ground with a thud screaming in pain. “Gah..aaah, why the fuck do I feel like someone put a god damn steam roller on top of me.” He yelled out in pain and the knife tore a hole in the floor digging deep as Adora smiled.

“I don’t have to be the size of a building to step on a bug Flint, now Elle I told you what I wanted do you want your brother to get flattened? Oh is that a gun, where you going to shoot me? There’s nicer ways to handle rejection” Without warning the gun hastily raced to the ceiling as if gravity didn’t apply to it. She slowly walked over to Elle and held her hands out. “Come on just a hug, is it my smell? I showered this morning. As a show of good faith I’ll let Flint breath.” Flint suddenly stopped groaning in pain as the invisible pressure was lifted off him but he was still hurt from it.

Yeah... she was definitely going to kill her brother...

The sound of her brother gasping for air reaching her ears, Elle turned her attention back to the woman in front of her. And for the briefest of moments, she finally understood why it was that her brother was so hell bent on hunting her down. Swallowing, forcing the lump that had formed in her throat back down, she nodded her head lightly. Silently and in understanding. A hug. That was all. All she had to do was hug the woman, and it was all over. Her brother would be saved.

Shaking, almost losing her legs out from under her as she closed the remainder of the gap between her and the woman, she reached out. Elle's hand first coming to a rest on her collar bone, over her top before the rest of the gap was closed. The same arm snaking around the woman's torso holding her tightly as she lifted her head up. Her lips brushing softly against the shell of her ear, Elle's warm breath fanned out and over her skin as she spoke, her other hand already moving; the dagger she'd bought purely for the fact that it went with her costume being pulled from the pocket she kept hidden in the folds of her dress, slipping into the woman's flesh as she spoke.

"..go to hell, bitch..."

It was as though a mine had gone off between them. The sudden shock wave shooting out through the room with the two of them at the center, rattling walls and causing the remainder of the windows to shatter, they were both thrown from where they stood. A pained yell coming out of her mouth as her back slammed against the far wall, the dagger she'd been holding fell from her grasp. Her body crumbling in a heap onto the ground where she groaned. Her eyes shutting in pain.

Flint said a silent prayer. God if your listening right now, I know we don't speak often, hell never, but if you can pull off a miracle to get us out of this at least Elle "Don't touch that bitch you idiot! She's going to kill you!" Flint screamed out as he struggled to get up the heavy force on him removed.

“Yes give me a hug Elle” Adora smiled. Now your everything is mine, memories, knowledge, I’m the new Elle bitch As their skin made contact Adora was giddy with excitement. She felt everything that was Elle, her memories, knowledge, her plan was working perfectly when suddenly Elle whisphered into her ears, the blade plunged into her, then the shockwave occured that seperated them sending them both reeling.

As Adora crashed through the wall, Flint rose up running over to Elle shaking her. “Elle! Elle what the fuck was that!: What the fuck did you do to my sister!!!” Flint screamed now up on his feet, turning to Adora who appeared down. “Damn it Elle! I should have left you at home, it wasn’t worth this.” Touching her neck he felt her pulse, and calme ddown a little turning to see Adora was standing up. “What...she put a blade through you!”

Some blood was seeping from her wound, but not as much as that should and he saw the dagger was on the ground behind her. “I can’t lie, that was smart. Using my own ability against me trying to feed me someone with powers after I just ate. “Adora could be heard laughing she was clearly injuerd but not down by the count as she picked up the bloodied dagger it looked bent as well.

“How in the fuck, what are you talking about, who has powers?”
“Oh you expect me to believe you didn’t know your sister was one of them. You want to hunt us down but you need us to hunt.” Adora held the dagger in her hand and lifted it up biting half off it off chewing it like a potato chip and swallowing then plunged the dagger into her own skin” Flint watched in horror as the dagger pierced for a second only to bend before it went deeper then the surface. “What are you.”

“Ooooooooo Death, won’t you spare me over till another year, I don’t wield control over size I am in control of mass itself, size, density, weigh-” Before she could speak further Dean had grabbed Elle’s gun and fired two shots into her chest watching as the did even less surface damage then fell to the ground.

“Blunt force against someone who controls said force, at least your sister wasn’t aware, your just stupid, I’m going to murder you.” Adora raised her hand and suddenly Flint felt the world getting larger around him as he was shrunk in size as Adora marched over to him reducing his size to a bug she raised her foot to step on him when suddenly Flint was resized, and he grabbed the heinken off his desk and bashed it against her skin watching the bottle break.

What...what’s wrong with my powers why did he get resized?! Damn it my powers are glitching

God, was that you twice, I...I..guess I’ll hold up my end of the bargain “Ha..HA! Bitch learn to stop eating when your full.”

“You realize your still going to die both of you?” Adora grabbed Flint punching him in the chest causing him to cough out blood, then she kicked him sending him reeling into the desk cracking it in half, as Adora raised her gun pointing it at Flint. “Here’s a message I got from your sister, Go To Hell!” Her finger was on the trigger about to pull it.

The uber came to a stop-- a harsh stop, that threw Riddley's head into the seat in front of her. Her anger flared and she leaned forward between the front seats. "Kid, you've got some fucking nerve driving like that--" She stopped when she noticed he wasn't listening and instead followed his gaze to the building ahead. It stood strong, but she could see lights flickering. And now that she listened closely, she could hear alarms blaring from outside the car. "Oh my God," she said, and immediately jumped out of the car. Her first day of work and OF COURSE the building was under attack.

Waving for the driver to go, and go quickly, she ran into the building as others were fleeing. She looked into each face for someone familiar, but there was no sign of Flint nor a sound from her phone. "You--" she reached out and grabbed a panicked woman--"Flint Marrow. Where is he?"

"I-I-- Just talked to him. He's--" the woman gasped, looking back at the buildling. "One escaped o-or broke in! She's--"

"Where is Marrow?" Riddley repeated, gripping the woman's arms as she pulled her to look into her eyes.

The woman seemed dazed, but the pain of Riddley's grip cleared her head enough to answer. "Two-- Floor two. Second floor."

Riddley was already running for the building again, hopping oddly as she abandoned one shoe. And then the other. The woman looked after her, clearly confused by whatever strategy this young red headed woman was going for. Why would she bother taking off her shoes only to keep running for the building? Then suddenly--
The thunderous clap startled escapees before they felt the heat. The ground under Riddley was obliterated as an explosion erupted just under her feet. The woman was propelled into the air by the blast. She was in the air for maybe 4 seconds before she crashed through the window of the second floor, not quite sticking the landing. She slid across the floor, the soot under her feet leaving streaks on the office marble and she hit the wall for just a moment.

"Ahahaha--" she was laughing, eyes bright with power as she found the target: the bitch with the gun. A second explosion--but this time from her hands as she threw a stream of flames at Adora. She braced herself against the pressure pushing back at her, grinning ear to ear, her power surprisingly targeting Adora alone as the room grew hot.

"Pull the trigger Rita, whatever the fuck you are! You think I care about what you can do! This is my job, whether your selling crack to kids, bombs, or you can chuck school buses like foot balls. I die, there's 100 other people including my sister to replace me, by my hand or someone else bitch your gonna get got." Flint barked out as Adora just started laughing.

“There’s no one here to help you Flint, your the only one getting got.” Right as she pulled the trigger a stream of flame engulfed her and blasted her through the wall melting her gun at the same time.

“Damn it, It took you long enough! My sister got hit with a shock wave, and The Cartel Doppleganger was playing Honey I shrunk the feds over here! If I get stepped on your fired!!” Flint yelled out clearly in pain, somewhat joking but feeling relieved. From the rubble of the fire blast Adora emerged still in Rita form clothes burned, but her enhanced density preventing her from dying or being down from the count but she had some burn wounds.

“Oh you just mad me mad...so so mad, you have power but you want to side with these worms! You want to be with the insects I’ll treat you like one.” Adora screamed her hand was engulfed in a blue light and she fired a laser beam right at Riddley.

No one had ever gotten back up from any of Riddley's fires, so she turned and crouched to help Flint. "We need to evacuate," she said matter-of-factly. That should've been the end of it, but Riddley heard someone take a few steps. Then she heard Adora's--Rita's?--voice. And she stood again, eyes snapping back to the target. She was surprised, but seeing Adora still somehow alive brought another smile to Riddley's face.

Now it was getting good.

Riddley dove toward the window as the light manifested in the other's hand. She had made the right call when the beam barely missed her face. "It's a little weird to go out of your way to squish bugs, innit?" she mocked. Part of Riddley was thoroughly enjoying the new challenge of facing another powerful super, but another part of her was confused. What exactly was this woman's power?

Fire exploded underneath her feet as Riddley propelled herself at the woman, elbow out and form low as she aimed to crack a few ribs.

"I'm tired of fucking around with you people! You've said one thing right I should never waste this much energy on a bug. I am as above you as your above Flint over there." She screamed out as she summoned laser energy as Riddley collided into her, however using so many powers as well as the shock wave was draining her rapidly. I can't take this, my mass skin is going to fall soon , I have to end this now Now her mind was filled with fear as Riddley had managed to overpower her sending her tumbling through a wall drawing blood, her mass skin already weakening.

“Time for you to die bitch.” Adora raised her hand to summon a laser to aim at Riddley, only for the laser to fizzile out.” FUCK!” She screamed, but had one last option. Tapping into the remains of her energy she managed to turn invisible. Now for the kill shot, one last trick She reached for a piece of metallic debris from earlier damage their fight had caused and gripped it.

Tapping into the prisoner she’d drained dry she levitated off the ground then launched herself forward flying at super sonic speed into Riddley bashing her into a wall, becoming visible. “YOU ARE A FUCKING BUG” She swung the metal rod down into Riddley’s abdomen struggling to hand onto her increased stength, and durability frmo her mass powers as she began brutally kicking the rot into Riddley’s abdomen while laughing. “I’m going to break every fucking bone in your body!!!!!”

"..you know... I’m getting real tired of stabbing you..."

An arm quickly snaking its way around the woman’s neck from behind, a figure, one that was an exact replica of Elle in every way, down to the very last detail, made sure to keep a tight hold on her as she slid the blade of the large sword she carried through the woman’s body. The replica’s eyes hard... cold as the blade pierced through to the other side.

"W--What?! NO!!!" Adora was bringing her foot down again to kick the metal rod into Riddley's abdomen when she heard a voice from a fighter she thought was already down. Her energy already drained from absorbing & utilizing too many powers as well as being caught by surprise she was unable to react. When Elle's skin connected with her, she screamed in pain her own power turning against her electrecuting her.
"NO!!! LET GO YOU STUPID BITCH AAH"! Adora wailed in pain using all the power she had left to maintain her mass durability to prevent the blade from piercing through her. "GET OFF!!!!"

Colliding into Adora was rather satisfying for Riddley: good old fashioned pummeling would never be less cool than torching someone. She could see the fear in the target's eyes as she continued toward her. With Adora struggling, Riddley's smile was fading-- Well, even the most powerful can't last long against her, it appeared. Her eyes glowed as her hand caught fire, smile gone. Riddley was bored and done. And then--

Adora slammed into Riddley with incredible force. She gasped in pain through a renewed smile as she hit the wall. "Yeah, get angry!" she managed to laugh-- Then choke as the other slammed the rod into her stomach.

Do I die playing hero? she wondered through it all, dazed from the pain as Adora went to town on her.

Riddley looked up when fear overtook Adora's voice again. To this coward? She was nearly disappointed in herself, but watched curiously as she struggled against the electricity. Her brown gaze lowered to the metal rod under foot, then back up again. Weakly, she reached out to grip the rod as her eyes burned yellow, rapidly heating it against Adora as she was attacked from behind

Adora was in excruiciating pain already from Elle's prolonged contact with her, already major flaw in her combat method against them. The pain was so intense that only at the last minute did feel her foot burning. "What?!" She screamed out in pain as the skin on her sole was getting burned, the rod had burned through her shoe entirely. The combination of the heated rod with Elle's clone reversing the effects of her power on her caused a point blank explosion of flame causing Adora to scream out as she was catapulted through a brick wall, beaten, bloodied, and the bottom of her sole burned as she was lost consciousness.

Flint was in a state of shock, Adora had been taken down by not only Riddley but his sister, but that wasn't his sister. He saw Elle's body next to him still unconscious, yet another Elle an exact replica had sprung up and taken advantage of some serious weakness in Adora's ability.

"My sister....she's one of them...she's....an empowered." Flint limped forward towards Riddley.. "PARAMEDIC! BRING ME A GOD DAMN PARAMEDIC! RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!" Flint damn near collapsed near Riddley shaking her. "Hey Hey! Your good! Okay! You blew that bitch in the face she's down. "I NEED FUCKING TRANQUILLIZERS! Don't let Fake Rita over there wake up, if you cant get it through her skin, pour it down her damn throat!" Flint yelled out to Legion workers still in the area, who stood by in a battle they ewre clearly outclassed in. "Riddley! We won, get the fuck up."! Flint turned to the side as he coughed out some blood but his main concern was making sure Elle & Riddley were okay. A couple potential fractures weren't going to prevent him from making sure his team was okay

Stepping back, her legs shaking, the replica watched on. Her figure flickering a couple of times, before eventually, it faded away into nothing, as though it had never been there.

As the paramedics were rushed in, Flint was leaning against the wall, taking out a new port to spark. What the fuck kind of power did this bitch have, god damn it my sister is one of those things. Dad What do I do.. As a Legion security guard lifted up Adora and propped her against a wall, they poured the sedative down her throat. "Hey Hey get outta my way." Flint said pushing guards to the side and handing one his phone. "Take a picture of me." Flint raised his foot and stepped on Adora's face with his black air force 1's pressed against her cranium. Waving at the agent he took the picture on his phone, and Flint smiled. Taking his phone back he leaned down and smirked at Adora." Who's the bug now bitch."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 2 mos ago

It wasn't Riddley's first time in a hospital, but it was her first time in a hospital as a superhuman. She thought that maybe her powers would give her a bit of an edge on the healing front... However, that was not the case: with each check in from the doctor, it grew more and more clear that she would get better at about the same rate as any other healthy, young woman. Life's a bitch, she thought, contemplating her multiple broken ribs and punctured lung and the next several weeks of healing. She shifted uncomfortably in the hospital bed, thankful that at least discharge wasn't long off. She didn't want to stay trapped in bed after the events earlier--especially with doctors expressing interest in her as a super case study.

Legion was really using Riddley for all she was worth after just one day. She had saved Flint and his sister, with her help of course. While confident it put her in good standing with Legion, she doubted trust came with it. Riddley did good, but she was still a powerful individual, and Legion was more interested in controlling people like her than they were in building trust. She wanted to talk to Adora, who was no doubt stuck in Legion's custody. She couldn't say the woman had guts or even particularly high intelligence, but she did have power--and Riddley wanted to make allies with people like that.

She turned her head toward the window, and longing swelled in her heart. It was such a nice day full of fresh air, but the air in the hospital was so stiff. She looked around her white walls, then back to the blue sky. Riddley needed to take a walk. With a pained groan, she slowly sat up and then slowly stood up. "Oo-oo-oooh," she whined as she stood to her full height, her face twisting in pain. She took slow and deep breaths as she tested how well her ribs and lungs were healing. Annoyingly average, she decided, before slipping on the plastic sandals provided by the hospital. She would slowly make her way outside, making a point to walk straight and tall so staff wouldn't dare stop her.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Grace Noel & Elle Marrow


Grace had been biding her time, waiting for Elle to leave the building before sending the picture she had taken, when all of a sudden every camera in the place went down. In a panic, she scrambled for a new view, landing on Elle's laptop that had thankfully been left open. Unfortunately, it had a terrible angle on the room, but she could see some kind of fight going on. At a lull in the fight, Elle walked slowly past the camera, then a few seconds later there was a bright flash and she came flying back across the screen.

"No!" Grace gasped, searching desperately for something she could do. She plugged into the emergency response system and sent an order for several ambulances to be sent to the building. There was nothing else she could think of, she wasn't a fighter, and she had nothing in place to save someone there.


Hours later, Elle was lying in a hospital bed, well in view of several cameras. She was alive, and safe for now. Seeing her phone sitting on the bedside table, Grace put together a little text message.

'When did I say you could get yourself killed? If you're not more careful, I'll have to start protecting you. Maybe in a concrete bunker.'

Cuts which had now been cleaned, and bruises that had already begun to show in purple splotches across her arms, sides and back... She'd had the wind knocked right out of her, suffered a hard conk on the back of the head, and as a result of the whole event, had a few bruised ribs to contend with. It wasn't pleasant- on the contrary, it hurt like a son of a bitch. But that didn't matter; none of it did. She had other things that were plaguing her mind right now.

The notification tone of her phone catching her ear from where it sat on the bedside table, Elle turned her head. Simply staring at it through her bright blues, the soft light flashing on and off, letting her know she had a message as she contemplated whether or not to just... let it go. Deciding against it after a few moments, she reached out. Her fingers curling around the phone, she pulled it into her. Eyes drifting to the screen as she read over the message. The familiar contact causing the corner of her lips to turn up in the smallest of smiles. Her hand lifting, attention drifting to one of the many security cameras only long enough for her to give a quick wave with her fingers, she began typing her response.

You think I planned this..? A week in pure renaissance bliss, remember..? Suppose I have you to thank for my little trip to the hospital...

'We'll call it even. Your dress looked good by the way. Love the sword, very 'warrior princess'.'

Moments later, a picture of Elle walking into the big, government standard building behind her brother came through, taken from one of the doorway security cameras. She also sent along a picture of her game avatar, wearing a very similar dress.

'I wanted to wait until next week for you to see that, but it looks like you might have your hands full. Don't worry, I'll save you some loot. Maybe. A few grays.'

Hands full... yeah, I guess you could say that. It was a mess I was dragged into; not one I wanted to be apart of.

'If you asked REALLY nicely, I could consider giving you a hand. I have something... special I've been wanting to try out.'

I... think we may have resolved the issue. The woman we were looking for; she came to us. So you remember that dagger I bought the other month..? Well, I kind of shoved it through her sternum. And my sword..? I've been told there's blood all over it. Though I don't remember stabbing anyone with it; at least, not outside of a dream...

'I didn't get a good look at what happened in that fight. Cameras were down. Do you really think that's the end of things though? Adora wasn't the only bitch with a new trick and a chip on her shoulder. She's just the first who caught your attention.'

Right. Of course she knew the person that they'd been digging into.

The first to cause my brother trouble, you mean. And of course you know her name. Don't go spreading it around though; I never got the chance to tell Flint, and if he's the last to find out, he'll throw a hissy fit.

'Don't worry, my lips are sealed. I don't work with just anybody you know. Besides, I hate to say it, but I need you to stay nearby for a while. I know you won't go tattling to LEGION about me, but if your brother finds me...'

She couldn't help it. She laughed. Though the moment she did, she regretted it. Pain shooting through her side from her ribs.

You know our deal. I'm the only one who gets to hunt you down.

'I'm not sure that's legally binding. Pretty sure your brother has jurisdiction over powered people where you are.'

Do I look like I care..? My brother is the reason I got dragged into this mess. The reason I-... Pausing, Elle shut her eyes. Slowly drawing in a breath before letting it out through her nose. Continuing on once she was done, I just think I want to go home.

Taken aback, Grace took a minute to respond to Elle's outburst.

'I wasn't thinking. You've just been blown up, and I'm asking you to stay and risk it again. You're right, this has nothing to do with you.'

Sighing, Elle lifted her hand up, rubbing at her face for a few moments.

No... I'm sorry... look, my flight home isn't until Sunday; I'll stick around till then. Go back to the castle, or... get a hotel room or something until I leave.

'I'll find you a place, you just get some rest.'

Thanks... and I will. Least until I check out of here.

'Night princess. Don't get blown up.'

I make no promises. <3
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 2 mos ago

It wasn't uncommon for Flynn to stay at work well after it closed. Though she wasn't a workaholic--in fact, quite the opposite. She tended to be late for work, sleeping off the night before after fighting with insomnia until 6 in the morning. So, with Jimmy's grouchy son gaining more and more responsibilities at the shop, staying late was her attempt to make up for the hours she'd miss in the morning. However, even that wasn't enough to cool him down. There was nothing she couldn't do after hours that she could do in the A.M., and she'd say as much, so he could go suck a dick or three for all she cared. Admittedly, she supposed there were safety hazards to working in a shop alone, but that never came up when she was being reprimanded. So Flynn would put on her headphones and tune him out as she worked, avoiding him as much as she could.

Anyway, when she finally left work, she was a greasy mess and needed a proper recharge. She closed up shop, left the keys under the mat, and smoked a cigarette. Late at night all alone, she didn't feel particularly worried. People tended to mistake her for a man on and off the clock, so she enjoyed the freedom of being one. She watched the evening as she smoked, enjoying the city life as people hurried home or to the bar or to the next scene. Flynn much preferred a quite rural or suburban life, but the city had its perked--and she'd be exploring them tonight. Cigarette finished, she dropped it into the gravel and hopped onto her dinky little motorcycle to return home.


A whole different Flynn left home. Her formerly messy short hair was tamed, giving her a smart look. Her baggy uniform was replaced with formfitting clothes: a red shirt and black shorts, accented by fishnets up and down her thin legs. Even her makeup was complimented by red and she'd certainly stand out now. A small bag hung off her shoulder, containing her cigarettes, cracked phone, and money (not that she'd be buying herself a drink). Instead of taking her bike, Flynn would call a Lyft to take her to a night club. While she waited, she smoked again, her head already light after pre-gaming at home with Jack Daniels.

When she arrived at Carpe Noctum, the pound of music from within the walls finally brought a small smile to her face. She needed to let off the steam, maybe even with someone else tonight.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Meleck

Meleck Cleric on the Northern Plains

Member Seen 1 yr ago

John Brown

John sat at his desk watching his four monitors and two televisions. He had set a webcam up in his outer office that pointed down the hall to the governor’s office. A stack of semi-important papers sat on the corner of his desk if he needed to intervene. Ivy was soft as a politician goes, she believed in the ideals of government for the people. On his wall was a picture of Ivy with former President Carter, proof to him that they could get her into the White House. He had waited a long time to find someone like her. Idealistic, charismatic, articulate, able to think on her feet, and looked good on camera. It did not hurt that she was constantly reading and following the news and current events. She was a fairly quick study at the political game. As far as he was concerned, the only problem she had was she believed that the system works. Money and power were what drove the system.

Two envelopes of pictures came in from a detective. Blackmail pictures. He would deliver two more yes votes.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 1 day ago

Elle Marrow & Flint Marrow

Location: Atlanta; Georgia.
Interacting With: Each Other.

Flint made his way into Elle's hospital room, although he wasn't in completely good shape. Surprisingly Elle, and especially Riddley had taken more damage. Clearly he knew they did more in the fight against Adora, he was outclassed although the situation was the same with Riddley. The difference was he had the element of surprise, he always had that element Adora was the first situation he'd been in with Legion where not only was he unprepared he didn't know what her power was. He'd gotten some texts from Malik who wanted to meet him, but instructed him to tell his sister Adora was dead if asked since she wasn't a member of Legion... yet... as Malik said. Still getting pressed by his own weight, punched point blank by Adora, and kicked into the desk he had bruised ribs, and a concussion, not to mention the back ache. He'd taken five 5 milligram percocet pills to be able to ignore the pain as he knocked on Elle's door then stepped in slowly.

"Elle... it's Flint..." He almost teared up seeing Elle hurt, he needed her help with the investigation, but he had no idea his prey would come to him, and quickly became the predator. "How are you feeling?"

Well... now she just had to wait. As much as they loved playing their little game of cat and mouse - in this occasion, she was definitely the mouse - it had been made more than clear over the past years that she could, somewhat, rely on Grace. For some reason, she always came through when it mattered the most. Her head lifting at the sound of a voice entering the room, Elle's bright blue's met with her brother's gaze. Holding it for a moment before she let her attention drop back down to her phone. Eventually, slowly reaching out to put it back down on the bedside table, she stared at her hands as they returned to her lap.

"..about as good as I look..."

"Damn it Elle." Flint felt bad looking at his sister's condition he didn't want her getting hurt, he'd grown obsessed with bringing down Adora, and obsessed with this job. Getting a little bit closer to her he took a seat in a chair. "Well good news and bad news, bad news we're still not rich, good news... that bitch is done she's not around no more, just took a couple X-Men to stop her." Flint almost chuckled at his joke, when he stopped silently remembering he was thinking about Elle's own powers being half the reason they had gotten a win, and felt a sense of despair in the pit of his stomach again. Oh yeah, that's right she's one of them damn it.

"..I don't care about money, Flint... and I guess it's a good thing that a couple of them showed up then... considering you hunt them down..."

"I know you don't." He let out a low sigh this situation was becoming more dangerous quickly and now he'd dragged his sister in it, not to mention Malik was threatening him to not give out more information if he wanted his job. "Look, I'm not here as an agent I'm here as your brother to make sure your okay, however I feel about... people with certain talents it dosen't matter. Personally, I don't think there all bad I'm not tryna round em all up and stick em in a cage." He wanted to tell her more really, especially with her having powers but he still felt accountable for Nathan, their father's death, even if he didn't directly pull the trigger.

"..I stabbed a woman, Flint- I stabbed her to save you..."

Flint looked down, this was the part he didn't want to deal with. Sure Elle worked for the feds just like him, but it was different. She was the one who got the info, she didn't have to see the carnage up front. "I know... Elle... and for that I really thank you, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, but neither would alot of people. It's never easy to just take a life, especially the first time but alot more people would be dead if you hadn't, everyone at that facility, even more people outside of it."

"..t-take a life..?" Her lips parting slightly at his words, Elle lifted her head. Her bright eyes meeting with his.

Flint's eyes didn't even want to meet Elle's as she looked up, he knew this was hitting her hard and he looked down. He realized Elle didn't remember what happened, maybe not even her powers. "Yeah Adora's..." He felt a knot in his throat. Damn it Malik.

"..I-I killed her..? I thought-... I thought you said two empowered killed her..."

Flint held his down, at this point he couldn't lie. This was something that he knew would come out, and he put his hand on Elle's shoulder. "Listen, sis... your one of them." It was so simple to just tell her, the pain medication made him feel light headed, warm, loose, like everything would be okay even when it wouldn't.

Shifting slightly on the bed, sitting herself up a little more, Elle pulled her shoulder out from under his touch, "..what do you mean I'm one of them..?"

Flint noticed her shifting, and for a second thought maybe the opiods had him too open. "Come on Sis, there's no other way to say it. That's how were alive, there was more then one of you, the other you.. .is why the real you and me are still breathing."

"..there was more than one of me..?"

Flint got up and walked to the door closing it. Upon doing that he went back and sat back down. "Clone. You made clone of yourself, Elle."

Letting out a nervous laugh, Elle shook her head, "Heh... good one. That's not possible. I didn't disappear... I was on vacation when that happened to everyone. I'm pretty sure I'd remember."

Flint scowled at Elle, and rolled his eyes. "Elle listen! You know how I feel about this situation, people having powers and everything. Maybe you were drunk outta your mind or just like everyone else you plain don't remember getting vaporized, but you turned into a clone!" Flint squeezed his forehead as a few tears formed in his eyes. "You think I would lie? My job is to bring people in, help the world, so what am I suppose to do when your one of them?! Not a damn thing. I lied to Legion, I lost my father, mom's not around anymore, I can't loose you too." At this point Flint wiped his eyes briefly and shook his head the whole madness of the situation getting to him.

"..our father... we lost our father..."

Flint just looked down. "You know what I mean sis, I can't loose anybody else someone's gotta look out for Tommy. He already lost Sandra and Rose." At this point tears welled up in his eyes, all the losses. Absentee mom, vaporized father, wife & daughter dead in the car crash from all those years ago, and he hadn't been able to see Tommy regularly since he worked for Legion.

"..don't... don't you dare try and use my nephew against me, Flint..." Shaking her head, her own eyes hit with a familiar sting, Elle held back any tears. She wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of having got to her, "I have always been there for him- for you. Even when you couldnt be."

Flint couldn't even respond to this he felt bad about bringing Tommy up at all, but this was all overwhelming as now he was lying to her & Legion. "I know Elle, this is just so much it should have been me, not you... if anything I deserve to be an empowered not you, but it dosen't matter they'll never put you in any prison for powers as long as I'm alive."

"..just... go, Flint..."

"Really? Alright... Elle..." Flint just got up he had nothing else to say to her, she knew she had powers, if she did anything and got in trouble without him then he'd do his best to help her as much as he could.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Atlanta
Interactions: @Chulance - Malik Henderson

Oh damn… where am.

"Oh… Make sense."
Michael said as he stared into a blank white emptiness… well except the empty Hennessy bottle on the white floor next to him. The fact that he was just waking up meant he had to have had an interesting night of drinking and traveling. A chuckle escaped him as he stood up to his feet and brushed off his clothes with a confident smile. "Can't leave this here." Michael picked the bottle up from the floor and looked around. "The Transit is empty…"

He suddenly appeared in what appeared to be another empty space. This one contained a large gray platform surrounded by several aimlessly floating platforms. On the main platform were rows upon rows of tough boxes and dressers. His eyes scanned the other platforms that held vehicles, furniture, gym equipment, and much more.

"Yo! Hello! No one? Good!" Michael rubbed his temple before appearing in a whole new area. An empty wasteland surrounded by a tree line. For this place he looked around a bit quicker before appearing next to a park bench being used by a homeless man as a place to sleep. Michael spotted a few Heineken bottles beneath the bench and smirked "I guess you had your own turn up too." Michael said as he placed his Hennessy bottle under the bench and texted his brother.

You got anything for me, today? I can drop that YRN Reparations dude. His music trash, so I might end up doing it anyway
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Kalep Jackson

Location: Atlanta, Georgia - Gas Station to Junkyard
Interacting With: Father Thomas

Kalep Jackson - Atlanta, Georgia - Gas Station to Junkyard
Kalep did what he did best after getting some food, get some drinks. After parting ways with Paradise he ended up stopping at a local Racetrack to get a six pack of ice cold corona’s. “Alright now I got everything I need to get to work.” Taking his car out for a spin finally, he decided to head to a nearby junk yard. He’d heard some surface thoughts from the owner earlier today when he was out walking off his hangover from last night and if what he heard was correct the guard had a child & they were looking for someone to cover the shift.

“Hmm maybe I can be the one to get that job.” He thought as he parked his car near the junk yard. Using his powers on the corona, he managed to telekinetically unscrew the cork with a little pop heard showing his success. “Ok ok.” He made his way out the vehicle, bringing along a second corona in his pants pocket. Taking a few swigs of his first brought he brought along he decided to get some practice in.

“Alright so this power like working out huh okay okay.” He decided to start off small focusing on his power to move objects with his mind, the skill set of his that needed the most work. After a few flukes he began using guided hand motions to hone his power on objects managing to lift heavier & heavier parts as he worked on his ability. “Oh ight we getting it.” Starting to really get into his vigorous mental work-out, he popped in some air pods he’d “persuaded” some girl to give him earlier. Putting them in he went to his exercise playlist, turning the volume all the way up and letting DaBaby Movie/Gorilla Glue play in his head. With the music flowing through his mind, his motivation going on he took his practice to the next level focusing on lifting up a car higher and higher then bringing it back to the ground.

“Oh hell yeah, I’m finna rock this shit ight.” He went to move an SUV lifting it up but accidentally lost his grip causing it to smash into a parked and clearly junked Van. “Fuck! Damn it cmon bruh.” Kalep was more irritated with himself then focused on the SUV again, feeling strain from mental lifting so much and began focusing on the SUV again causing it to lift again. So engaged with his training with the music blaring in his ears he didn’t even notice...the dog barking in the distance alerted by his mishap with the SUV & the van.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Flint Marrow & Malik Henderson(Stolen Body)

Location: Atlanta; Georgia, The Hospital
Interacting With: Each Other & Riddley @Kidd

Flint Marrow - Atlanta, Georgia - The Hospital
His sister had told him to leave so he did, usually he would have stayed to argue but now his mood was spoiled. Besides finding out she had powers added her to the rapidly dwindling list of people he had in his life. Not that he didn’t love her, but he knew everything at stake, and with the situation with Legion he couldn’t leave Tommy around her for now. “Damn Damn Damn.”

Stopping by a vending machine he made off with some cheeze-its and a coca cola. Munching on the snacks he decided to stop by Riddley’s room & see how she was doing. They had fire extinguishers at the door, and some other safe guards incase his powers flared up during treatment in combination with Flint downplaying the destructive nature of her abilities as well to medical personell.

“What...she’s not here.” He raised an eyebrow wondering where his fiery friend had ran off too when a nurse seemed to notice and address his concerns.

“She’s okay, I saw her going for a walk, she’s in alot of pain and honestly it’s a stretch for the staff to even be treating her, so we just let her go in her condition she won’t get far.”

“Damn it...alright thanks nurse.” A few more cheesy snacks plopped into his mouth as he walked away from the room. The Situation with Elle & the powers she manifested was occupying his thoughts, he wasn’t even fully celebrating their victory over Rita Salzaras or whoever that woman really was. Her power is something, even on life support, and in her condition she hasn’t reverted to her base form, so we still don’t know who the fuck she is, and if there were others working with her. Only person who can really tie the dots is Hector Salzaras

This was all a stressful situation to him, dealing with Empowered individuals in the midst of their rising number of incidents & increasing push for Government regulation. Aside from a few maniacs many of which they’d moved fast to neutralize not only in America, but other countries there were individuals like “Rita” who truly believed themselves superior to humanity, and had no regard for human life even if they were at their core humans as well.

Of course, evil of that nature was nothing knew to him with the field he was in, but amplified by superhuman powers it made it all worst. Before long he was outside, and decided to shoot Ridley a text. Hey one of the nurses said you went for a walk, your fucked up you need to be laying in bed damn it. How the hell do you expect to get better, anyway when I see you I’ll give you updates about the Salzaras case. He pressed send, and kept walking over to a nearby bench to sit down. All he wanted to do was collect his thoughts & figure out how to proceed with the situation at hand.

“Do I pay you to sir around Mr. Marrow? Please don’t tell me your celebrating due to your survival against Rita Salzaras? It’s hardlly the time.”

Flint heard an unfamilar voice, and looked up to see a middle aged white man in a suit approaching him brief case in hand and sitting down at the bench next to him. “Who the hell.”

“Don’t play stupid boy, you know who it is.” The older gentlemen stared at Flint when he put two and two together.

“Malik, going for a ride in someone else’s body again. Aren’t we suppose to be regulating people using their powers the wrong way, while you just hijacking everyone who can afford a better suit then you huh.” Flint retorted back at his supervisor while the man glared.

“How I use my abilities, my time, my money, or resources is of no concern to my underlings Flint. What should be your concern is the fact that Atlanta is a war-zone. I’ve spoken with Diana, and it seems Rita’s body is secured. Her DNA is that of the real Rita Salzaras, I’ve read your report about what she said of her abilities, and it’s troublesome. There’s no clear indication of what her ability is it’s.”

“Ah Ah” Flint quickly cut in on his boss’s lecture, having to speak his mind.”I told you what I saw her do didn’t I. Made me feel like I was getting pressed, put me down to size like Jimmney cricket, hell she vanished, and she flew into Riddley either that or she’s just got some good jumping power behind those legs. So your recapping things I saw first hand, get to the point Malik?”

The man hissed at Flint and almost knocked him upside the head with the brief case. “Before I was rudely interrupted! My fear is that individual may somehow be able to somehow grasp the abilities of other empowered, so we’ve decided not to go through with administering the liquid cynaide. If we can understand her ability, perhaps we can achieve our original goal in a far safe manner then the one that triggered “The Incident”, still the Salzaras Cartel should be your concern look into it further to see if she has any other connections with abilities, plus you MUST find Taylor Swinn her precense cannot be accounted for and we can’t assume Rita minimized and squashed her like you presumed. She’s a dangerous individual with ties to the Salzaras & escaped our captivity.”

“”Ugh alright got it got it, so nip Swinn in the bud, I’m guessing kill on site and try to figure out if Hector made any more super friends besides the bitch pretending to be his sister. I was trying to find Riddley, so if that’s all.”

“No there’s more, I faxed myself via the body I’m in take this.” The Gentlemen opened the brief case and handed Flint a folder watching as he began flipping through the pages.

“You can’t fucking serious, someone got ahold of the plans & The blue prints for the machine?!?”

“Lower your voice you simpleton. Yes, no we have no idea who, but we do know the destiation for the delivery was Savannah, Georgia. All the information you need is provided in the files, besides Swinn & The Salzaras this is the other main concern we have, take this serious Flint, their are lives at stake, the entire survival of the human race depends on us working together to get these things done at a brisk pace, get to work.”

With a flash Malik left the man’s body he was inhabitating and the man looked around confused.” What the fuck..where the hell..uh gotta stop taking that damn ambien”

“Yeah man, I know what you mean. My doc had me prescribed, and I thought the looney dreams were the worst, till I almost got arrested for coming to work in my underwear with a kitchen knife. Stay safe, remember what Regan said just say no!” Flint got up still with some humor left as he tucked the folder in his pocket and got up walking awaty from the bench. Even more bullshit, and now I can’t even go to Elle for help. His stress was growing rapidly, one of the main reasons he was reaching into his pack to take out another newport to smoke. As he was lighting up his smoke and walking his full attention was focused on the growing number of problems Malik had assigned him to deal with.

“Oof” He stepped to the side noticing he almost walked into none other then Riddley. “Damn it lady look where your oh..damn it Riddley look where your walking!” Having not noticed who it was before, he still retorted the same response. “Look why the hell aren’ you resting? I know your strong, but how many people’s ass you think you can kick if your still on crutches.” He shook his head not even really mad at her, but more so concerned about the newest problem added to the pile of bullshit he was dealing with.

Malik Henderson

Location: Washington D.C, American Legion Headquarters
Interactions: @FunnyGuy - Michael Henderson

Malik was a very organized man, and who was focused primiarly on his mission. After evacuating the body of the businessman he’d hijacked to speak directly with Flint, he was back to tending to paper work in the office. The stolen blueprints, the potential to use this “Rita” imposter’s DNA to complete their original mission safely, as well as dealing with the rising Empowered violence & other disruptions in the world caused by their abilities.

“Oil industry rapidly changing, no explanation given, hmm this company is at the forefont.” Potential Empowered incident, could be or could just be some folks who lucked out, still I should send someone to look into it. Malik was typing up a response to the report about the oil company when got a text from his younger brother.

“Hmm seems Michael wants to remain useful in life” He picked up his phone to text him back. The super powered hip hop artist, no most of what he’s done so far is antics compared to what we’re truly dealing with. Still he could grow problesome, don’t eliminate him. Track him down, he has potential to be useful, rough him up a bit if you have to, but just try to see what he’s about, what motivates his character, and get back to me. Depending on the information you provide we can determine if we need to pull the plug on Reparations or if we’ll issue him some reparations ourselves to get some work done.
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