Ten years ago, we reached the culmination of one of the most memorable chapters of our lives. On the 28th of May of 2009, we received our diplomas and excitedly threw our black caps in the air as we were officially declared high school graduates. During our time at King's Academy we lived, we laughed, we cried… But most importantly, we gained the skills and experiences that led us to become the successful adults we are today.
In honor of the tenth anniversary of this day, I have organized an event to celebrate King’s Academy’s Class of 2009. From the 7th to the 9th of June 2019, you will have the opportunity to reunite with your fellow classmates for a weekend of fun, relaxation, exciting events and long trips down memory lane. Spots at the hotel are limited, so I kindly ask that you please RSVP by April 24th, 2019.
In case of any questions, please feel free to contact me via email at amanda.woodall@gmail.com. Myself or my assistant will be available to answer any inquiries.
I hope to see you there!

2009 Senior Class President
Ten years ago, we reached the culmination of one of the most memorable chapters of our lives. On the 28th of May of 2009, we received our diplomas and excitedly threw our black caps in the air as we were officially declared high school graduates. During our time at King's Academy we lived, we laughed, we cried… But most importantly, we gained the skills and experiences that led us to become the successful adults we are today.
In honor of the tenth anniversary of this day, I have organized an event to celebrate King’s Academy’s Class of 2009. From the 7th to the 9th of June 2019, you will have the opportunity to reunite with your fellow classmates for a weekend of fun, relaxation, exciting events and long trips down memory lane. Spots at the hotel are limited, so I kindly ask that you please RSVP by April 24th, 2019.
In case of any questions, please feel free to contact me via email at amanda.woodall@gmail.com. Myself or my assistant will be available to answer any inquiries.
I hope to see you there!

2009 Senior Class President

Hello, and welcome to Palm Beach Royals: Class Reunion. The general premise of this roleplay is as crystal-clear as the title suggests: a class reunion (duuuuuuh!). In this roleplay, you will play an adult in their late 20’s that, in the year 2009, who graduated from the most prestigious private school in the whole state of Florida: King's Academy. This roleplay will follow the story of our darling characters as they get reacquainted with old friends, lovers and/or enemies while celebrating the tenth anniversary of their high school graduation. It will be one glorious, memorable weekend at a luxurious resort in the Florida Keys.
The GM will present a series of events to move the story forward. We are expected to last a grand total of 3 IC days. The approach of this roleplay is the lines of a romantic comedy: with the usual petty drama between characters, hookups, affairs, embarrassing and funny moments. Be advised that heavy subjects and adult situations such as alcohol, drugs, sex (following guild rules or course), etc. will be present.
** You did not have to be a part of Palm Beach Royals: Senior Year to join this roleplay, because although I use the same school for background it's a different graduating class with different characters. **

GM Note: Commitment and Communication are my most valued requirements when it comes to my roleplays (and biggest pet peeve). Before applying to this roleplay, I kindly ask that not only do you promise to be present and active, but that you are certain you’ll have the time, energy and motivation to see this roleplay through to the end. If you are to be absent from the site, unable to post in the period of time mentioned above, or wish to bow out please let me know in whatever via you prefer (PM or Discord DM).

The GM will present a series of events to move the story forward. We are expected to last a grand total of 3 IC days. The approach of this roleplay is the lines of a romantic comedy: with the usual petty drama between characters, hookups, affairs, embarrassing and funny moments. Be advised that heavy subjects and adult situations such as alcohol, drugs, sex (following guild rules or course), etc. will be present.
** You did not have to be a part of Palm Beach Royals: Senior Year to join this roleplay, because although I use the same school for background it's a different graduating class with different characters. **

- This will be a high-casual roleplay, which means I expect a 3 paragraph minimum per post. Of course, quality over quantity shall prevail.
- Because this is a limited-time roleplay, my deadline system and two week posting rule will be heavily enforced.
- Deadlines will be every other Sunday at midnight PST, and will always be announced beforehand.
- Extensions will be granted only if requested by the Friday prior to the deadline, and it gives you until Wednesday to post.
- Failure to ask for an extension on time or not posting by the deadline will result in your character being put on hiatus until the next scene.
- I will not accept lack of inspiration or not knowing what to do in your post as an excuse for not posting or for an extension. Communication is key, so if you ever find yourself on a bind or lost on what to do, please don't hesitate to message me so I can help you in any way I can.
- Because this is such a character-driven RP, interactions are a must. In order to avoid players being left out, for every character you have, you must have six established relationships with other characters to be cleared for posting in the IC.
- Drop your favorite dessert in the Extra section to make sure you read the rules. Your sheet will not be accepted until you do.
- Collaborative posts are accepted as long as they're posted by the deadline. An unfinished collab or a missing collab partner will not be an excuse for an extension. If this were to happen, you are to post what you have at that moment or make arrangements for a solo post.
- Please use one post per character in both the IC tab and the Character tab.
- If you have any issues with any players or the roleplay itself, please message me to discuss them in private.
GM Note: Commitment and Communication are my most valued requirements when it comes to my roleplays (and biggest pet peeve). Before applying to this roleplay, I kindly ask that not only do you promise to be present and active, but that you are certain you’ll have the time, energy and motivation to see this roleplay through to the end. If you are to be absent from the site, unable to post in the period of time mentioned above, or wish to bow out please let me know in whatever via you prefer (PM or Discord DM).

- There is a two-character limit per player.
- Real-life face claims only.
- I will only be accepting a maximum of nineteen characters: 9 Females and 10 Males. I will be occupying the remaining female spot to have an even 20-character roster.
- If playing more than one character, they must be of opposite genders so as to keep the gender ratio as balanced as possible and give everyone the chance at playing at least one character of their preferred gender.
- No Gary Stus or Mary Sues allowed. Enough said.
- The only alterations allowed to be made on the character sheets are font colors, font types and adding gifs/images.
- I reserve the right to approve, deny and/or make any comments or suggestions about the character sheets submitted for approval.
- Only finished character sheets should be posted in the OOC tab for review. Please make sure to tag me in the post.