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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Name: Kalep Jackson
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1
Weight: 175 lbs
Ethnicity: African American
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Religion: Christian,leaning towards Agnostic
Occupation: Car Salesman,Disbarred Corporate Lawyer

Ability: Psionic Manipulation

Background: Kalep Jackson's entire life he's always felt like the entire universe was working against him at every corner to keep success out his grasp. He was born into a lower middle class family in Chicago, Illinois. His father Bryson Jackson worked at the post office, and his mother Angela Jackson was a private practice therapist. Growing up with his sister Carol, his childhood was fairly alright. When he was five his parents moved to Atlanta, Georgia as his mother was given a job paying 30,000 more a year. With his parents making good money, he was able to focus on his academics, finding out early on that he didn't have a future in the NFL or NBA. By the time he was in middle school his mother's firm was closed due to a massive multi million dollar malpractice suit, and so the family had to live on their father's income for almost a year.

Over the next year he discovered many different things including marijuana, alcohol, & women. Thus, the downward spiral of his life started. In the midst of his freshmen year in college, his father became unemployed which lead to them loosing their house in Miami. He got involved with selling drugs with one of his friends Jace, and was able to support himself so his parents & sister could rely on unemployment. He cruised through the rest of school and managed to save up over 50,000 from selling marijuana & eventually cocaine. By the time he graduated both his parents had managed to find work again, and he decided to abandon his drug dealing career. He went off to college to pursue a degree in business management, although without his parents support he slipped back into his old habits a few months later. He ended up starting a semi-succesful T-shirt business with his college room mate Darry Fuller.

In the end it was meeting his future wife Tasha Moore which finally got him to straw away from selling drugs. The clothing business failed, but he had enough money to finish his bachelor's degree without too much financial headache. After college his relationship with Tasha grew more serious, and still having a knack for business he went to law school to pursue a degree in corporate law. He settled into a high paying internship, but reuniting with his old friend Jace Parker from high school got him hip to the hood again. Although now Jace was into music, and was making some waves with his career. Having been a fan of music his whole life, it wasn't long before he was in the studio as well. His music did fairly well, but like every other venture he tried it went to nothing. Luckily he remained in law school, graduated, and started working in corporate law. He got married to Tasha, who'd also been in law school & was now working as a criminal defense attorney. The first two years of their marriage were wonderful, and he had his first daughter Iyana Jackson.

In the end, life caught up with him again. A couple bad business deals put him in the hot water, and he developed a problem with drinking. He ended up getting temporarily disbarred for a year, and slipped into depression. He lied to Tasha for months never telling her he was disbarred, and his drinking was worse. In a desperate attempt to save his finances, he ended up wasting his savings of 15 grand on both trying to revive his failed music career, & the stock market. In the end his marriage crumbled, and Tasha left with Iyana. Seeking out help from Jace, he ended up getting employed at a car dealership, however because he wasn't selling enough cars to pay his mortage alone without Tasha he went back into selling drugs. A month after he was arrested for felony posession of marijuana & percocet with intent to distribute. The bulk of the money he'd made on this last run selling drugs went to legal fee's and he lost his house. He was forced to move in with his sister Carol, who was now working as a realtor and just when it seemed it couldn't get ANY worst "The Incident" occurred. He was vaporized right in front of his sister, but it seemed the universe had other plans for him. He reappeared back in Chicago a week later with no memory of "The Incident" and ended up reuniting with his family. Over the next few months he grew more depressed, and it only worsened when he began hearing people's thoughts including Tasha's the last thing he wanted. Knowing how the world felt about people with powers, he ended up getting extremely drunk and began driving to the woods with suicidal thoughts filling his mind. He lost control of the vehicle, and it flipped but another aspect of his newfound powers manifested and he was able to move the vehicle with nothing more then his mind to safety. It's been two weeks since then, and he hasn't told a single soul about any form of his powers. Part of him is hoping this is all one big nightmare from an acid trip gone wrong, "The Incident", the pending felony case, being disbarred, loosing his family & house. Hennesy's being consumed daily, and not even the manifestation of superhuman abilities is helping. Across the United States, especially in Atlanta it seems super-humans are the new group to hate. After all...the first month people began manifesting powers, some high school kid murdered over 100 kids at his high school by sucking the oxygen right out the school. With all hope lost, he's just looking for answers, and maybe these new powers might be the answer to this bullshit he calls life.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Name: Adora Zayas
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4
Weight: 130 lbs
Ethnicity: Arabian/Black
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Entrepreneur, Model, Ecommerce Business

Ability: Assimilation Mass Distortion

Background: Her life began in Los Angeles, California raised by her drug dealing father & her complacent mother Maria. Due to the increasing violence of her father's "occupation", her parents eventually opened a legitimate business a car wash. She was raised pampered, up until she was around eight years old when her father was murdered by a rival drug lord Jose Salzaras. Her mother took the remaining money they had, closed the car wash, and went back to working as a nurse. Due to her mother working long hours to support her as a single parent, she was able to have near limitless time to engage in every pleasure she wanted to indulge in including drugs, alcohol, and boys. She got involved with manipulating men, and selling drugs herself from a young age much to her mother's disappointment ironically. Towards the end of her teenage years her mother was able to go into business in real estate inspiring Adora to became interested in having her own business.

She ended up going to college at New York State University, seeking a change of scenery and also allowed her to leave behind bad ties. She was able to support herself with modeling building a name for herself on social media, although her drinking & drug taking increased. Around this time she wound up getting involved with a new type of crime that she found even better then selling narcotics, fraud. Within weeks she was a natural, and ended up taking her proceeds from scamming to open up her own ecommerce business which she promoted on campus. In her senior year she was arrested as she'd gotten involved with selling drugs again, and was arrested for cocaine & a DUI. Luckily it occurred a few days after graduation, however she wasn't able to pay her lease and was evicted by the time she was released. Seeking to take her business and scamming to the .next level she moved to Atlanta, where she formed a relationship with Hector Salzaras the son of the now deceased Jose Salzaras who'd murdered her father in child hood. She began money laundering for him, & the cartel he was working for. Seeking revenge for her father's death she ended up running off with a little over $200,000 from Salzaras. In the end she was kidnapped, and taken to face Hector in person on his private yacht in Miami. Before she was killed however, the entire sky was engulfed in a bright light, and disintegrated as a freak wave flipped the boat.

Other: Although Adoya is prone on taking the appearance of others, she's come to take a couple forms and utilize them far more frequently then others, to the point they've adopted persona's of their own, a combination of the personality traits, knowledge & memories from them as well as their genetics now imprinted into her DNA.

Name: Rita Salzaras
Public Name: Rita Hernandez
Identity Backstory: Rita Hernandez is Hector Salzaras biolgoical serious, and one of the most high ranking members of the Salzaras Cartel organization. Her main position entails acquiring large portions of product & whole-saling to various distributors like Bella Nova. Not having US Citizenship, she managed to finagle her way into legitimate & legal presence in America by working as a transportation manager for Nova Conslidated.

Adora's Rita Persona/Personality: Taking the identity of Rita Salzaras, she initially wore the disguise to both steal 200 pounds of cocaine from her, as well as go on a giant sized rampage at a rest stop in Gwinnet Georgia. In this persona she is destructive, chaotic, and violent. A fan of pain, any suffering that happens is collateral from her rampage unlike her regular persona where she enjoys drawing out torture & breaking enemies/situations down strategically. She's more prone to using her powers in a visible manner, showcased by growing to gigantic heights the first time she utilized it. She is the ruthless and fearless leader of the Salzaras Cartel, but has retained Rita's loyalty to those who work with & for her. Her superiority complex & god complex is vastly heightened in this state especially sine she can use her powers in public without fear of persecution of her personal life. The essential usage of this form is to utilize her powers in visibly destructive ways, and for large scale violence or destruction not easily hidden as regular Adora. While prone to eliminating obstacles without hesitation, her knack for torture still manifests in this state when she's totally in control of a situation or when engaging in acts of violence without time constraints in other areas of her life.

Skills: In her Rita state, she retains Rita's proficiency for hand to hand combat, as well as experience with various armed weaponry. She can speak fluent english, & spanish. Also the ability to operate helicopters, and boats/ships.

Name: Nadia Vasir
Public Name: Same
Identity Backstory: Nadia Vasir, is an Arabian-American, and political activist. American born, & raised in a highly political family. Both of her parents were social activist, her father owning his own public speaking business. Nadia followed in their foot-steps, and was higly involved in various social programs & Clubs in school. By the time she was in college she was a social activist for minorities, & other under represented groups as well as social issues. Upon graduation she sought work t her father's company & built a name for herself as an excellent speaker. After two & a half years of employment, she ended up opening up her own crisis management firm Vasir Associates LLC. Since then she's built up an extensive list of politicians, celebrities & other individuals thrust into the spotlight to help improve & mitigate various things related to their public relations.

Adora's Nadia Personality: Consuming the identity of Nadia Vasir, has allowed her to explore a different emotional spectrum from both herself, & Rita state. The Personality traits of this form include high levels of motivation, extreme work ethic, focused, fast thinking & effective strategist. Other prominent traits include a workaholic, constant over-achiever, high levels of positivity, & ability to convey trust in others to do what she needs of them. A Gentle touch when dealing with associates, friends & employee's but very final in her decision making. As a political fixer she's not afraid to get hands dirty and has a firm belief in the ends justify the means. In this state Adora uses it to navigate the world of politics & Business to support her financial endeavors as Adora & other allies. This form is also useful for handling things that require a delicate yet firm touch, and prefers to avoid using powers at all in this form, but if necessary will use them in subtle ways but mainly avoids any display of power that can link her to Adora or Rita.

Adora's Nadia Skills: CEO of Vasir Associates LLC who commands a respected & resource team of lawyers, legal aids, private investigators, ex military security, & ex federal agents to handle questionable tasks. Access to her current net worth of $9 million, as well as her three homes in California, Florida, & Chicago. Numerous political, entertainment, & celebrity connections, as well as other clients she's in good standing with. Well versed knowledge in various areas of the law, & talented convincing public speaking ability. Ability to speak english, mandarin, arabic, & decent spanish. Decent hand to hand combat skills in the form of karate, and knows her way around hand guns.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Name: Alan "Carter" Smith

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 180

Ethnicity: White

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Religion: Catholic

Occupation: Bookshop Owner (Thief)

Ability: Electricity Manipulation

Background: Even though he was born of middle class parents Alan didn't have much time to enjoy a normal life before both of his parents died at the hands of a cop during a traffic stop. The news was heartbreaking, but more than that, embittering towards authority. He and his two younger siblings spent most of their childhoods in an orphanage without really knowing the details of happened to their parents and without much hope for the future. It was particularly bad for Alan who hated the way the orphanage was run and could only barely coexist with the staff. Regardless he stowed it away for the sake of his brother and sister.

When he was a teenager he fell in with some pick pockets and wannabe pickpockets and had his first run in with the police. Alan outran them and eluded them all night until he met the man who would become his master, an aging man who went by Reagan, who just so happened to be a master thief. Really Reagan had scouted him.

He taught Alan everything he knew and before Alan was in college he was already participating in some fairly big heists. The money was, as Alan told himself, for his brother and sister to help them get on in life, but when they found out what Alan had done to get it, they dissociated with him only keeping his secret out of respect for their familial connection. So he threw himself at his work. Alan became notable enough to run his own crew and make his own jobs. One day though he stumbled upon the most beautiful woman he had ever seen by the name of Elizabeth. She came of old money and her father was determined to involve her heavily with his business partners and eventually marry her off like some medieval lord. They met in secret for a few years before Her father found out about them and forbid their meeting ever again. Eli complied and turned Alan away again and again. Abandoned by everyone in his life Alan removed himself from the world for a while before coming back to the criminal scene with a vengeance. He went after big heist after big heist before once again leaving the scene, telling his associates only that there wasn't anything else left worthy of his talents.

Now however things are different. the world is in a degree of chaos and Alan has some new abilities to test the limits of, so it looks like crime is back on the menu.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Name: Jace Williams

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Height: 6'1

Weight: 188 lbs

Ethnicity: African American

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Religion: Christian in name only

Occupation: Unemployed

Ability: Strength Manipulation: He has the ability to manipulate strength allowing him to absorb, transfer, increase, decrease, and manipulate the strength of himself, others, and objects. He can affect the strength of things wholly or partially, as well as affecting various and different types of "Strengths".

Background: Jace William was born in Chicago, in a rough part of town. His father left his family when he was only two years old, leaving his mother to fend herself and all his siblings. He grew up poor, and as such never wanted to experience that type of life again. His mother struggled to motivate him to take school seriously so he could succesful in life. However he ended up rebelling, spending most of his time getting into fights, skipping class, smoking cigarettes, stealing, & chasing women. Him and his older brother Jason ended up getting involved with selling drugs through his uncle who was a successful drug dealer. After his brother was shot in the head from a drug deal wrong, he was sent to live in Atlanta with his Auntie Keisha as well as his younger brother Devon & sister Tamara.

Scarred by his brother's death he began taking school more seriously. He landed a job as a waiter, and began playing football. He developed a close friend-ship with Kalep Jackson, and they bonded over their similar back-grounds & struggles. Due to financial hard-ship he ended up selling drugs again in high school, which led to him getting arrested his senior year. He lost his football scholarship, and ended up doing a year in jail for assault & heroin possession. He got his GED in jail, and ended up bouncing from job to job. Once again he slipped into a detrimental path, this time becoming a jack boy. Seeing how much profit he was making from stealing, he ended up leaving his job. With the money he was making he once again invested his into fornicating with women, smoking weed, and other degenerate behaviors.

He supported his sister Tamara who went to school to pursue politician science with the goal of going to law school, and helped out his brother Devon who got involved with selling drugs. Eventually Devon was arrested, and Jace was in the car with him. Devon was sentenced to 10 years in prison, while Jace was only given probation. While on probation he wound up discovering a love for music, and started rapping/making music. He made moderate success, and to fund his ventures he managed to land a job at a car dealership from a family friend, as well as working as a security guard part time. He ended up failing a probation drug test, lost his security job, and went back to jail for 60 days. After getting out he got in contact with his uncle who moved to Atlanta, and began selling cocaine. Seeking to monetize his profits, he regained his job at the dealership, and began selling to dealers to increase his profit & launder money. He also helped his friend Kalep who was down on his luck get a job at the dealership prior to "The Incident" taking place. Now with his newfound powers, he's ready to take on the world, and claim everything he deserves.
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role model Drunk With Odd Memory, High On Knowledge

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Erik Keystone




214 lbs.


Sexual Orientation:


Online college student

Kinetic energy use... His power is the ability to channel energy from within himself and objects around him to form forcefields or strike people with solid, fast-moving orbs or spikes of energy. He can also endow things with energy, or "charge them up."

Erik is from a bad trash neighborhood where he vowed to leave. He acquired a job when he was 16, and then graduated from school. Shortly after that, his mother deceased after overdosing on drugs and he broke down at the funeral. His uncle advised him to see a shrink, and he did. He was given medicine, but tried to off himself like his mother did. So, halfway on the way out he called the emergency line and doctors put him in the behavioral clinic.

He was suffering depression. They got him eating and sleeping correctly. After a couple of weeks, he was discharged from the hospital unit and started back working. He used his medicine, and it worked. He hardly ever complained, but he did get questioned several times about failing drug tests. He delivered the manager a note from his doctor. But, he felt like he was under profiling and quit work and applied and received government assistance.

It's been a lot of the same thing since he left intensive behavioral care. Nowadays... he's got a superpower and he runs with it.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Name: Flint Marrow

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Height: 5'9

Weight: 162 lbs

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Religion: Agnostic

Occupation: CIA Agent/Legion Agent

Ability: N/A

Background: Flint Marrow was born into a strict rule regulated military family. As a "military brat" as he was known he moved often making it difficult for him to maintain friendships. As such he was a loner, and kept his head in the books. He had a close relationship with his father Nathan Marrow who he idealized. On the other hand he had a strained relationship with his mother who prioritized gambling & cheating with other men over his family. Aside from his father he has a very close relationship with his sister Elle Marrow, and she's the person who's most important to him in life.

By the time he was in middle school, his father began working for the FBI, and his parents had a divorce. For the rest of his child hood he was a parental figure to his sister three years his junior, and focused on seeking validation elsewhere. He obtained popularity from getting involved with athletics, but was serious about his studies. After graduation, he left his home state of Miami, Florida to pursue a Criminal Justice degree in New York University. He ended up going into the military right after school, and served for seven years.

Upon completion of his service in the military, he wound up securing work in the private security business. Taking his job way too seriously he inadvertently helped stop a terrorist attack near his job site. From there he was recruited into the CIA, and excelled. He rose up in ranks very quickly, and became a high profile agent. He ended up marrying an agent he developed a close relationship with Sandra Brown. A year after his daughter was born, and aside from his job his family became the most important thing to him. Three years into his marriage, his wife & daughter were killed in retaliation from a criminal organization he helped break up early in his career. He was shattered, and many of his vices such as smoking, gambling & women grew worst. He was eventually recruited into Legion after the failed experiment that led to "The Incident". His father who he adored so much Nathan Marrow was one of the many who was vaporized in "The Incident", as such as he feels he was a catalyst in his death.

As one of the high ranking members who had a major influence on the project, he feels personal responsibility for the consequences of the "Incident" experiment. Everyday he wakes up he does his best to make the world a better & safer place for his son Tommy.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Meleck

Meleck Cleric on the Northern Plains

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Character Profile

Name: Father Thomas Alexander
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 130
Ethnicity: English and Italian
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual
Religion: Roman Catholic
Occupation: Priest

Ability: object manipulation (Primary- Object repair, moderate- Object manipulation, minor- object creation, animation)

Background: Thomas was born to a working class family in Indiana. His parents were devout Roman Catholics and he was raised in a good Catholic home. He went to mass and attended Catholic School till he graduated High School. As far as trouble, Thomas had some but nothing serious. His senior year his parents were in a car accident, his father was killed instantly and his mother was critically injured. Thomas promised to become a priest if his mother survived. So he dropped from engineering at Norte Dame to Divinity. He was ordained to the priesthood and started as an associate priest in a parish.

When the event happened, he disappeared. When the second event happened, his mother died when he showed up, the Church needed to figure out what to do with what happened. He and many others disappeared then came back. As the church investigates the spiritual source, if it was demonic, the start of the Second Coming, or something else. So, he is kind of lost in the system, unable to preside at mass or function as a priest except for emergency situations.

As Thomas was growing up, he loved to read about magic users. His power first manifested when he knocked a coffee cup from his desk that was given to him by his mother. The handle broke and he magically put it back together. He has been playing with three little drones, adding functionality, repairing, and modifying them.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Riddley Storm | 26 | ♀️

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Meleck

Meleck Cleric on the Northern Plains

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Ivy Alexandra Smoth
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Height: 5’6”
Weight: (Honey,you don’t ask a woman that)
Ethnicity: French, English, and African
Sexual Orientation: (Honey,you don’t ask a woman that either. Keep it up you’ll get on my bad side.)
Religion: Christian
Occupation: Politician

Ability: (N/A if Human)


On the walls of Ivy’s office sits pictures of the last two presidents, the last five governors, along with pictures of the Queen of England and other foreign leaders that she has met as a journalist. With pure southern grace, trained in Journalism and law, Ivy is a force to be dealt with.

For ten years, Ivy has been a local reporter for CBS Atlanta. Starting on special assignments, she worked her way up to being a news anchor. She had been requested by CBS to travel with the past couple presidents to trade talks, her soft southern charms and personality, hiding a pit-bull of a reporter that cares more about the truth than about political agendas. More than once, Ivy’s has been asked to be the press secretary, which she declined for the sake of the good people of Georgia, and her babies of course.

When the mayor had to fill vacancies, Ivy’s name kept coming to the list of people capable of filling a position. Even when she had gone after some corruption in the mayor’s office, she still had a good relationship. Ivy is an independent voice, not swearing allegiances to any party.

When the attack on the school happened and her oldest son was killed, she became a spokesperson for a movement capturing national attention. Advocating for the registration of theses new “super” humans.

“Not all of these invincible are evil, some are trying to help us. But, we register baby’s, our cars, we register out teenagers, we have drivers licenses, and we register our guns. We should register those with special powers so lives like Tylers," Holding up a picture of her son,"aren’t taken and people like his murder can get help before something like this happens. We need the registration law and the resources to protect our children and those that are vulnerably.”

Her face and plea made every news channel across the country and things started to happen.


Steve Smoth - Pediatric Cardiologist (Electrophysiology)
Grace May Smoth - ten year old daughter
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 1 day ago

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Meleck

Meleck Cleric on the Northern Plains

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Bubba Tyler
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 6’3”
Weight: 190lbs
Ethnicity: German, Irish, Mexican
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Religion: Not practicing
Occupation: Texas Wildcater

Ability: Fluid Manipulation


Bubba has been working in the oil fields of Oklahoma and Texas since he was 14. His father was a driller that moved from place-to-place. When the incident happened, Bubba ended up at a non productive well site and refinery. Scraping together a couple thousand dollars, he bought the rites and access to the pipeline. Within a week, his tanks were full and the refinery was ready to be brought online.

Bubba’s father oversees the operation while Bubba is technically the owner/manager. But functions as a rigger.

Bubba likes to hang out at the local bar with the guys from the plant. He wears a lot of boots, big hats and belt buckles. He has been known to chase a few of the local women.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Online

Name: Alina Swanson
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Height: 5'2
Weight: 127lbs
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Religion: Agnostic
Occupation: Freelance Journalist
Ability: Shadow Manipulation
Bio: Alina was born into a small family having a younger brother who is just entering high school now, she was born and raised in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Her father was a store manager at local supermarket while her mother was a preschool teacher, as she grew up Alina was always interested in the news and watching it as much as possible. When she entered high school Alina applied to the school news paper, mainly just doing the writing portion of it. She didn't really do any news casting that her high school did either, Alina would eventually graduate and made it to college for journalism.

She eventually got a job down in Atlanta Georgia and moved down there, working for some news companies mostly as a freelance journalist taking stories and sending them off to local stations as well. She enjoys doing her job taking whatever stories that are given to her, when the Incident happened she eventually found out about her powers as well, finding it easier to as well traveling through the shadows and easily taking any files she could get her hands on for any possible corruption cases as well.
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

{"You can't run from yourself. No matter how much you want to."}

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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Flynn Holmes | 25 | ♀️

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Meleck Cleric on the Northern Plains

Member Seen 1 yr ago

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Member Seen 12 mos ago


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Meleck Cleric on the Northern Plains

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: John Brown, Esq.
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Height: 5’ 22”
Weight: 280 lbs
Ethnicity: Kenyan
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Religion: Baptist (Grady’s church)
Occupation: Ivy’s Assistant to the Chief of Staff

Ability: None


John Brown is Ivy’s Assistant to the Chief of Staff and was a major player in getting Ivy in as Governor. He likes being the man behind the scenes, working the deals and negotiating the give and take of politics. In his public appearance, he is very calm and unassuming. In private he is very determined, even ruthless.

John wants what he thinks is best for Georgia and is not opposed to using hard tactics like blackmail or pressure to get what he wants. John worked to get Ivy into the position she is in. She is the face and southern charm, John is the real ambition behind the administration. He likes being the muscle that controls the neck that turns the head to where it should go.

John is married with two children. His law degree is from Duke.

John always has a plan, an alibi, and a scapegoat.
Knows lots of influential people
Knows where the skeletons are buried.

John would make a deal with the Devil if it helped his cause.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

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