Dawkin pored over the cube for a bit before putting in into his backpack. "Thanks, I think that covers it for now, if I have any questions or updates I'll be sure to communicate them to you." He said pleasantly. "Thank you for your trust as well, I do appreciate it. I'll be on my way now." Dawkin said and made his way out, with Florrie in tow more than likely. As he walked he pondered his next move. More than anything right now he was a bit curious about the Mythic Oasis. The girl with the abra in the Tomb had talked about it, and he'd heard a bit about when he was talking to the miners earlier. He felt like if he left now he'd be hard pressed to come back to look for it later. Plus, there might be some Zygrade cells there! "I think I plan on searching for the Mythic Oasis before I leave town. I heard there was some sort of service offered in town that could help with that. Do you have any suggestions before I start?" Dawkin asked Florrie.
Atlas Gender: Male Type: Steel/Rock Species: Aron Level: 13 Personality: A stubborn and sometimes disagreeable little fellow, he likes eating. A lot. He's smarter than he looks and can be quite devious in order to get what he wants. Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Fill in as we go. Probably Moves: Tackle, Harden, Mudslap, Headbutt, Metal Claw, Rock Tomb Ability: Sturdy. Allows the Pokemon to survive an attack that would otherwise knock it out. Held Item:
Gender: Female Type: Water/Ground Personality: Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Level: 13 Moves: Water Gun, Tail Whip, Mud Sport, Mud Shot Ability: Water Absorb, will regain health upon being hit with a water-type move. Held Item: None.
Gender: Male Type: Electric Personality: (Up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.) Level: 10 Moves: Thundershock, Charm, Tail Whip, Sweet Kiss Ability: Static, may paralyze other Pokémon on contact. Held Item: Dragon Scale.
Gender: ♂ Type: Rock/Dragon Personality: Affectionate, likes to nibble on things, and gets distracted easily Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: To be discovered Level:8 Moves: Tail Whip, Tackle, Roar Ability: Strong Jaw. Increases the power of biting-based moves. Held Item: None.
Gender: ♀ Type: Grass Personality: (Up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.) Level: 14 Moves: Poison Sting, Leer, Absorb, Growth, Leech Seed, Sand Attack Ability: Water Absorb. Contact with water restores health, including water from any Water-type moves. Held Item: None.
‘Good to hear! Good luck on your journey, then!’ Leila told him happily, as she saw him off. Dunstan was turned towards chemistry instruments and seemed satisfied with his part. Indeed, Florrie followed after Dawkin, and was there for when he asked his question.
‘Oh, yes!’ Florrie told, somewhat excitedly as it was a question she knew the answer to. ‘The area of the Mythic Oasis is always covered by a sandstorm, you may want to purchase some Go-Googles at the store, I think they go for 1,200P... Or if you don't mind not seeing, you can skip that. Anyways! The nearby Bug Garden allows you to rent their Vivillons, who have the ability to skillfully track down water, regardless of environment! We use them to find the Mythic Oasis within the sandstorm! It's like it moves, so it's the only reliable method to find it that we have... Though you could try your luck, I suppose?’ Florrie says.
In case he then heads to the Bug Garden.
The Bug Garden was a building, a fairly large building with plants around it and promising more plants inside.
There were signs.
“Bug Garden
Feel free to visit and enjoy Vivillons for the purpose of finding the Mythic Oasis can be hired for 750P per day They are not for fighting The Pokémon in the garden are wild, but we appreciate avoiding holding battles in the garden
Thank you for your consideration”
The bug-garden was indoors, a pleasant atmosphere in here where trees grew happily and the bugs could thrive. At the door, there was a place where you could hire the Vivillons for 750P. Past that one could enter the garden for free, where one could look about the many plants with food for the bugs, numerous trees standing about and a fountain in the middle. This was probably the fanciest place in Raremine Town. There were a few gardeners about, but otherwise it was all Pokémon. On the ground Scatterbugs and Spewpas strayed about, and in the air or on the trees fluttered Vivillons…
Pokédex Entry #664 – Scatterbug, the Scatterdust Pokémon. Using a dust which covers its body and regulates its body-temperature, it can live in any region or climate. If attacked, it can release a poisonous black powder which paralyzes upon contact.
Pokédex Entry #665 – Spewpa, the Scatterdust Pokémon. It lives in thicket shadows, where it hides until evolution. It’s body is tough to avoid predators eating it, and if attacked it attempts to scare its enemies away by rustling its fur. If all else fails, it can spew a powder at an attacker.
Pokédex Entry #666 – Vivillon, the Scale Pokémon. Known to appear all over the world, the pattern on the wings differ depending on the climate of their habitat. They’re extremely skilled at finding water, so if you release one in a desolate environment it can be followed to find your way to a spring. In the deserts of Isson, they’re the primary means of finding the Mythic Oasis.
However, it wasn’t just ONE colour of Vivillon. It was seemingly… all of them? The many Vivillons scurrying and fluttering with their wings around the area was in a multitude of colours, making the interiors of the Bug Garden a colourful one indeed.
Raremine Town is a moderately large, bright town on the edge of the only desert in Isson. By some twist, the largest mineral deposits in the land is located right under the desert, making it an attractive place to build mines. From that, Raremine Town naturally sprung into being as a merchant town on the edge of habitability from where the mineral could then be delivered to the rest of Isson. The temperature is hot, sun blazing down on this land where plains slowly become desert, the atmosphere dry and unfriendly… yet, life and trees blossoms among the buildings of Raremine Town.
The ground is still the grass from the Vast Plains, with buildings on top of them. The modern houses stand tall with plenty of architectural skill put into them, tools for building and living sold inside the houses. Everywhere, one can see workers walking about, but they’re happy workers, with their families living close at hand in the town and with the finest equipment available. Oh, and of course, plenty of Pokémon that assist with the finding of ores and such! The trees, which appear to have been planted and grown all over town by the residents themselves, gives plenty of homes for local Pokémon to live.
Overall, it’s busy, with people walking and talking all over, an active town indeed.
1. Find Pokémon. Can still search for Pokémon in cities~ 2. Talk. In cities, there are considerably more people one can talk to. Talking can give you info on local rumors and such. 3. Exit. Exit the town to any of the connected areas. 4. Specify. If you specify what you want to do, the GM will take it into account and tell the result. 5. Trigger random event. Force the GM to use his imagination to make a scenario for you. 6. Notable Places. Visit any of the places in the city! 6.1. Pokémon Center. Heal all your Pokémon. 6.2. PokéMart. Go to a store and buy things. 6.3. Pokémon Gym. Kristy, the Desert Princess. Ground-type Gym, Minor League 6.4. Desert Miner’s Hangout. The workers of the Desert Mine live around here. They can give tips about the desert! 6.5. Research Lab. For archaeologists, those who want to talk to Dunstan and those who want to resurrect fossils. 6.6. Stone Store. Where all the stones of the Desert Mines or Frozen Cave eventually end up! Lots of evolutionary and other kinds of stones! 6.7. Bug Garden. A garden within which bugs thrive. Vivillons can be hired here for tracking down the Mythic Oasis! 6.8. Warehouses. Because the things they mine here needs somewhere to be stored. This includes Ancient Pokémon, apparently, as some of the warehouses are pens.
Connected areas: Route 6. The Vast Plains open up to the north of Raremine. The shorter paths lead to Route 8 and 16, while west far enough leads to Lakewatch Town. Route 7. The single rocky desert of Isson, it connects to the Desert Mines, the Old Tombs and to the Mythic Oasis.
5,538P kuo berry - Cures Burns Antidote x1 Great Ball x3 Super Potion x7 Tiny Mushroom x 1 Revive x2 10 Ultra Balls Shiny Stone Amulet Coin Letter of Recommendation Escape Rope Mach Bike Calcium
Important Items: Castle Medal Crystal of Knowledge Coin Case - 970 Coins Little Cup Ribbon
Badge Collection: Challenge Badge - Redcoast Town, Hector. Minor League.
"Wah? Dunstan's back in Raremine?" Claire exhaled, frowning as it was revealed Dunstan was not in fact, in the city. Well that just sucked. At least she got a Larvitar out of this, though maybe this stuttery glasses guy could help? "...eerrr, sorry, it's kind of something I wanna discuss with only him." Claire replied, mulling over her options. She couldn't really tell people about meeting Uxie if something shady was going on, but maybe if he could get into contact with professor Dunstan for her and at least let him know she was coming.
"Ralia, where's Raremine at?" Ralia replied by pointing roughly east. She could probably make it there within the day with her trusty new bike, right? Totally. Placing a hand on Connor's shoulder, she gave him a winning smile. "Alright, I'll just scoot my cute butt over there real quick. Let him know a cutie by the name of 'Claire Blackwood' is gonna meet him and she's not taking a no for an answer."
"Rrralll!" Before she could even turn around though, Ralia had teleported on top of Connor's head.
"Girl we're in kinda a hurry here."
Ralia poked Connor's forehead.
"...Fiiiine, fine." Claire sighed, shifting nervously. "...can we talk uh, privately?" Maybe going through his assistant would make things a bit easier to get to talking with Professor Dunstan.
She had been expecting the answer to be a 'no' but the good news was that it wasn't an absolute no. So that would give her some hope that her request might actually come to pass. So, she gave Kalmia a smile before nodding her head "Thank you for at least trying. I know my request is completely selfish but... I doesn't feel right to leave any of my partners and friends behind." She said. She would glance around at her partners before going around and calmly collecting them while they continued to run from the twins. Unlike the other children, her partners, save Honedge who was still doubtful of her, didn't resist as she gathered them all. The Sword pokemon would acknowledge her wants and hover over to her but would not let her touch it. Amelia didn't pressure him and simply thanked him for the cooperation it did show before returning it to it's pokeball. Once she had all her pokemon were in their pokeballs, Amelia would bid fairwell to Kalmia and the twins before leaving.
Once she was outside the lab, she would walk down the streets, simply wondering the city and eventually ending up in front of the Trainers School. Having never really been able to fully attend school, especially after her parents began getting worse, Amelia decided to pay the building a visit and walked towards the building, wondering if anyone would be around at this hour since she was up late, not that was anything special for her. She was a night owl after all.
"Thanks, I think I'll pick up both of those." Dawkin said, and headed off to do just that. He grabbed a pair of Go-Goggles first and then headed to the Bug Garden. Upon setting foot inside he was surprised by the kaleidoscope before him. Plants and bugs of all sorts of colors and types presented themselves to him. After spending a moment adjusting and wiping the, slightly awestruck, expression off his face, he strode towards the person managing the sales. "Hello, I'm interested in renting a Villion for the purposes of helping me find the Mystic Oasis.
Actions: -1200 for Go-Goggles and talk to Bug Garden Salesperson.
Atlas Gender: Male Type: Steel/Rock Species: Aron Level: 13 Personality: A stubborn and sometimes disagreeable little fellow, he likes eating. A lot. He's smarter than he looks and can be quite devious in order to get what he wants. Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Fill in as we go. Probably Moves: Tackle, Harden, Mudslap, Headbutt, Metal Claw, Rock Tomb Ability: Sturdy. Allows the Pokemon to survive an attack that would otherwise knock it out. Held Item:
Gender: Female Type: Water/Ground Personality: Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Level: 13 Moves: Water Gun, Tail Whip, Mud Sport, Mud Shot Ability: Water Absorb, will regain health upon being hit with a water-type move. Held Item: None.
Gender: Male Type: Electric Personality: (Up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.) Level: 10 Moves: Thundershock, Charm, Tail Whip, Sweet Kiss Ability: Static, may paralyze other Pokémon on contact. Held Item: Dragon Scale.
Gender: ♂ Type: Rock/Dragon Personality: Affectionate, likes to nibble on things, and gets distracted easily Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: To be discovered Level:8 Moves: Tail Whip, Tackle, Roar Ability: Strong Jaw. Increases the power of biting-based moves. Held Item: None.
Gender: ♀ Type: Grass Personality: (Up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.) Level: 14 Moves: Poison Sting, Leer, Absorb, Growth, Leech Seed, Sand Attack Ability: Water Absorb. Contact with water restores health, including water from any Water-type moves. Held Item: None.
This battle was proving to be quite formidable easily shaking Erika's earlier confidence that came from defeating Daisy. Half of her team had fainted and things were teetering a bit on the edge with her hopeful plan failing unexpectedly. It was a good idea, right? To have Kay sap Nuzleaf's attack like that? It didn't matter now, anyway. She had to think of what her plan was now and despite the quite intimidated expression on her face, Erika was running through who on her team was next.
Eep could maybe hang in there but Confuse Ray is too valuable to lose before it can be used again. If Erika's next Pokemon fainted, Eep was next for sure. She just needed to get lucky. There was... maybe a way to tip the odds in her side's favor: Accuracy. With who remained, Chic and Sno have ways of maybe rigging those horrid unlucky dice to land on her side more often? It was an idea at least and since Sno could only raise her evasiveness, Chic was up.
Raising the Pokeball to her mouth, Erika whispered a tiny goodluck prayer to not only her but to Chic as well. "Alright Chic, we're a bit in danger here but I know we can pull through so hang in there..." With that she cast the ball out and Chic emerged ready to go.
Sand-Attack. Hopefully there was enough of a buffer between the accuracy loss and the confusion to let Chic get a few rounds off. However, the moment Chic gets hit, Erika would switch trying to take advantage of that type advantage, Chic's ability, and hope for the best with ember, looking for a burn.
‘Sounds like you’ve got the beginning of a plan. Don’t sweat the long-term, it’s really not that important. Don’t feel tied down to some schedule! Just do what you feel you should at every moment, and you’ll do fine!’ Kalmia said to him about the first part.
‘Oh,’ Vivia blinked a little in surprise when Skylar told he was not giving her Celebrity. She quickly waved her hands in front of her with a mildly awkwardly panicked expression. ‘Don’t worry about it! This feels right, too! I mean, it’s not as if I could possibly expect you to give me one of your companions, I’m- I’ll happily accept her if you ever decide you want to give her to me and she’s fine with it, but I’ll never ask you to give her to me, that’d feel wrong. I’m also trying to consider her feelings on the matter here, but, er, yeah. Okay?’ So Vivia said. That’s about it.
‘Heh, sounds complicated. Good to know there are Team Virtue members about trying to combat these Amethyst individuals, albeit perhaps they should be a bit more wary about who they attack. In any case. Good luck, tomorrow! Good night, Skylar, Vivia!’
‘G-good night!’ Vivia quickly called to the professor as she realized she’d been spoken to as well. Then she sighed out after the end of the call. ‘It’s going to be a while before I’m able to convince myself that I can relax around her again, huh…’ she lamented somewhat, but then they could say good night and each get a separate bed to sleep in and that’s fine.
So, the next day…
Skylar indeed woke up before Vivia, and got ready to do battle with his team. He did some training in order to get his weaker Pokémon some levels… and that’s totally fine, so, hunt some bugs and fighting types and eventually…
Smiley grew to Level 12! Smiley learned Haze!
… Honestly, it’s really hard to train any Pokémon to a higher level than that around here. The Pokémon just aren’t strong enough. So, it was on towards the Pokémon Gym!
After having walked for a while, he found the Gym. It was an older wooden building, but it was bigger than other buildings in Highhill Town and had a pond built around it. Someone had dug out a ditch and the Gym stood on this little island in the middle, a wooden bridge going to the entrance. A sign stood in the front.
Highhill Pokémon Gym - Minor League. Gym Leader: Lorette. “The Shrine’s Bug-Maiden”
‘Hello there!’ said a guy out of nowhere, having appeared and wandered up to Skylar. ‘You’re our newest champ-to-be, aren’t you? Going to challenge the gyms of Isson and prove yourself the best there ever was? Well, regardless! If you need it, I’m here to explain the details to you and answer any questions you might have! I’ll also be giving you tips specific to each Gym, so it’s worth speaking to me even if you’re experienced!’
‘Oh, and, you’re in luck! There are long periods of time when the Gym Leader here isn’t home, but today she got in nice and early to prepare! Did she know you were coming? Did she feel destiny approaching? No idea! But here’s my explanation on the Pokémon League!’
Now, Skylar can ignore this guy and go in without listening to him, but here’s what he has to say if he listens.
‘So, this is, as you no doubt understood already, a Pokémon Gym! The Gyms of Isson is divided into two categories, Minor and Major League Gyms. Each official town and-or city has a Gym waiting for you, which is one of the two! Defeating the challenge of the Gym earns you a Gym Badge, and there are nine Minor and nine Major League badges in Isson. You need eight badges of one kind to compete in the Pokémon League, against others of the same level! The winner of the Pokémon League then gets to challenge Elite Four and potentially the Champion!’
‘The Minor League is primarily for people to grow as trainers, compete in the League and learn more as they complete their Pokémon journeys, as well as for those who find they can’t beat the Major League Pokémon Gyms. The Major League is for those who wants to become the very best! It’s definitely recommended to start with the Minor League, and there’s plenty of rewards for competing in it, too! Good luck!’
‘Winning at the Pokémon League isn’t the only way to get to do the Champion Challenge, though. Any individual the Elite Four or the Champion judges worthy is allowed to fight the Elite Four and possibly the Champion for a chance to take the title! … But the normal way is most certainly to do well in the Pokémon League. Sometimes they even let multiple people who did well in the Pokémon League take the challenge, because the Elite Four aren’t immune to itching for a fight, too. Haha. But that’s for the future, back to the present!’
‘So, Lorette is a user of the Bug-type. It’s a type filled with sneaky little tricks that can stop you good, and the Pokémon evolve quickly so you can expect them to be tough despite being low-leveled. I’d recommend leaving Grass or Psychic type Pokémon at home, Lorette will gnaw them up. But, with Fire or Flying type, you may be able to snatch her up pretty well! Lorette tends to go easy on new trainers, so use that to your advantage! Go for it!’
With that, Skylar was set to go into the first gym.
It was dark. Few lights were lit inside this Gym. Now, that perhaps didn’t particularly affect Skylar, but he could acknowledge it at the very least. A single light faintly illuminated the large room, a hole in the wall right behind the platform in the very back. He walked in on a wooden balcony, under which there was a shallow layer of water that covered the entire floor, small plants and flowers scattered across the inside of the Gym. On the center of the Gym was a wide, octagonal wooden platform, obviously meant to be the battleground for a Pokémon battle. On the opposite side was another wooden balcony, alike the one Skylar had wandered in on, and both balconies had stairs that led down to into the water.
On said stairs sat a girl with long, dark hair, purple eyes, wearing a shrine-maiden like outfit, her bare feet dipped into the water. She gave Skylar a smile before she spoke.
‘I had a feeling I’d see one or two of you today. Hello, again. I’m Lorette, Gym Leader of Highhill Town,’ she introduced herself once again.
‘I inherited this gym from my mother. She was a fierce fighter, who brought the often underestimated Bug-type into the Major League of Isson Pokémon Gyms. However, rather than hunting down my opponent with all my might like she used to do, I figure I’ll play nice. Being this close to Pureplain City, I’m often the first Gym Leader many young trainers face. It wouldn’t do to demoralize them, now, wouldn’t it?’
‘You’re not like them, are you? Sure, you’re a young Pokémon Trainer who has yet to get a badge of your own, but you’re not some overconfident child with no idea what he’s getting himself into. I’ve seen you training in town. I’ve also heard the talk that some kids managed to beat a couple Team Virtue members on Route 3. That was you, wasn’t it? I think… I might be able to let loose a little today.’ So she said, crossing her legs and smiling a happy, yet somehow dangerous, little smile.
‘Six Pokémon, no items. One at a time. That should be fun, shouldn’t it? Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’ve never had a chance for a full team battle, have you?’ so she said, retrieving six Pokéballs and putting them to her left and right on the stairs.
‘So, with that out of the way… Let’s start, shall we?’
‘Accelgor! You’re up first!’ Lorette called, throwing a ball into the air and the Pokéball cracked open, from which a ninja jumped forth onto the battleground, arms crossed in a supposedly cool-looking pose, glaring forward at Skylar and whatever Pokémon he had out.
Pokédex Entry #617 – Accelgor, the Shell Out Pokémon. Having removed its heavy shell from being a Shelmet, it becomes very light and can fight with ninja-like movements. When its body dries out, it weakens. So, to prevent dehydration, it wraps itself in many layers of thin membrane.
‘For your first challenge. Catch something fast!’ Lorette called to him, smiling where she was still sitting.
Statement: The plot I had in mind here isn’t interesting enough and has mildly derailed already, I’m cutting this short.
Must have been quite the scene for anyone who watched, the happily yelling young girl getting scooped up on top of the huge, newly born Onix among the trees of Route 5’s shoreline at night. Still, the moment ended when suddenly she had to shout to Laurel about the unknown shape in the sky.
Laurel didn’t wait for Cutiecruel and Eryn to get back before starting the engine and making a beeline for Dragon Lake. Eryn unfortunately found herself left behind, but then some loud explosions happened over there. Now, Erebi was brought along to see it, but suffice to say there was a Pokémon Battle that took place and it was way over the level of any of Eryn’s Pokémon.
Charizard and Dragonair (used by Laurel). Omastar and Poliwrath (used by Lin). Jolteon, Whirlipede, Vibrava and Drifblim (used by attacker).
Eventually, however, the opponent escaped into the air, albeit without being able to collect any of the dragons he intended to collect. The ship came back and collected Eryn and Cutiecruel, with all the people on the ship looking a bit more exhausted now. Lin had fallen asleep, while Zak looked more than a little overwhelmed. Laurel looked satisfied, however.
‘Good call. We owe you both,’ Laurel told Eri and Eryn as he helped the latter onboard again.
That would be everything actually exciting that happened during this boat-trip. Eventually their shift was over and they’d be brought back to the base. Unless she had anything further she wanted to say to those she had travelled with, Zak took his leave with a happy wave, Laurel said she’d be welcomed back whenever she wanted to work again, and Lin’s… still asleep.
‘I’ve been told you did well. As such, in addition to the 6,000 P fee you’d normally get, you get the 2,000P bonus for being useful as well. Well done,’ the sailor at the desk told her. And so…
Eryn obtained 8,000P!
… It’s now morning. Working here forced her to stay awake all night. Still, now she’s in Lakewatch Town in the morning. What would Eryn do from here?
Lakewatch Town
As one looks upon Lakewatch, it is clear it was once built by the side of the water. Yet, over time, Dragon Lake has actually increased in volume, the water-level rising and swallowing the town. Then the natural conclusion would be to move the town back, follow the water-level, and rebuild at the new shore, right? That, does not appear to have been the thought that went through the minds of the designers of this Town, which is essentially placed out in the water on top of older buildings, the streets of the town flooded in water and to get around one has to make use of their many canoes or get on the back of a Pokémon.
The town of Lakewatch rises fairly high for its size, and vegetation grows pretty freely around the buildings. Most buildings and streets have white floating cobblestone to walk on either side of the streets, with a river of water flowing in the middle. People here are highly accustomed to this, and the streets are constantly bustling with people heading back and forth, as well as people actually gliding down from the higher buildings from the roofs above using strange little paragliders. It appears people live in the higher floors, while business takes place on ground/water-level. There are canoes basically everywhere that anyone’s free to borrow, townspeople commonly jumping down on a canoe, using the force of the jump to drift it to the other side and then simply jump off.
Now, anyone could hear from the name that Lakewatch Town is the town that basically rules the Dragon Lake. The Lakewatchers are a group of people that regularly patrol the waters, and become friends with the dragons that live there. Tours by the Lakewatchers are the primary tourist attraction of the place, along with the fish that is procured from the same lake, and guides are trained to show the way in any surrounding areas. Their boats are also those who trade with the western side through Highhill, keeping the place alive and busy. Plus, there’s always the rumors of treasure or otherwise hiding deep in Flooded Lakewatch, and Descent Tower looms in the middle of town for those hoping to explore… but who really knows? It’s a nice and different place, definitely.
1. Find Pokémon. There’s plenty of water here. Could be any number of Water Pokémon in the different rivers through town. 2. Talk. In cities, there are considerably more people one can talk to. Talking can give you info on local rumors and such. 3. Exit. Exit the town to any of the connected areas. 4. Specify. If you specify what you want to do, the GM will take it into account and tell the result. 5. Trigger random event. Force the GM to use his imagination to make a scenario for you. 6. Notable Buildings. Visit any of the facilities of the city! 6.1. Pokémon Center. Heal all your Pokémon. 6.2. PokéMart. Go to a store and buy things. 6.3. Pokémon Gym. ??? 6.4. Lakewatcher Base. From where Lakewatchers embark to patrol Dragon Lake. 6.5. Lakewatch Docks. For getting tours of Dragon Lake, just taking a ferry or fishing! 6.6. Explorer’s Guide Service. With all these strange places around, Lakewatch offers guides to the surrounding areas! 6.7. Descent Tower. A tower in the middle of town, with stairs down to Flooded Lakewatch. Come prepared for the underwater. 6.8. Back Alleys. … What? Lakewatch has a darker section? What are you talking about?
Connected areas: Wet Caverns. Water-filled caverns that are located to the east. There’s a small hill to climb to get to the entrance. Route 5. The main exit of Lakewatch, leading to a grassy incline connecting mountains, forests and plains. Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
‘A-a sensitive issue, i-is it?’ Connor asked. ‘R-Raremine Town is s-south of here, b-beyond Route 10, past F-Fr-Freecape Town, down Route 8 a-and the-then east w-when you’ve reached Route 6… I-it’s about h-half the d-d-diameter of Isson’s map, b-but it can be reached d-decently quickly and s-safely on a bike if you stick to the r-road…’ the scientist continued to explain, then Ralia teleported on top of his head when Claire was sounding like she was heading off.
‘O-oh?’ Connor didn’t look particularly bothered by either Claire’s hand on his shoulder or Ralia on his head. After Ralia had managed to convince Claire to stick around, he nodded to her request to talk privately. ‘V-very well. Th-this way, then,’ Connor gestured, and he led her some way through the laboratory to a bunch of offices, one of which he led her into. A typical office, it had a desk with a computer, plenty of shelves filled with scientific nonsense, a couch to the left and a chair for guests to sit in.
Connor sat down on the other side of the desk and gestured for Claire to sit down. From one of the shelves a flying Pokémon came scrambling out along with the sound of keys clanging about on its chain, as it flew to rub itself at Connor’s cheek. Connor lifted a hand to pat the little key ring fairy, before the Pokémon turned to stare at Claire and Ralia. Ralia especially if Ralia was still on top of Connor.
‘Klefki?’ the Pokémon asked curiously.
Pokédex Entry #707 – Klefki, the Key Ring Pokémon. A key collector, it sometimes infiltrates homes to steal keys. It never lets go of a key once it’s grabbed, so people give it keys to vaults and safes to prevent theft. Should it be endangered, it will threaten the attackers by fiercely jingkling their keys at them. Its diet consists of minerals.
‘N-now, then, wh-what did you wish t-t-to talk about?’ Connor asked Claire.
‘I understand. I’ll see what I can do,’ Kalmia told her, and then it was appeared that the time of the conversation was over already. Kalmia and the twins waved them off, the twins so happily saying they’d love to play with her ghosts again, and then Amelia was off. Eventually, she ended up in front of the Trainer’s School… and decided to wander in, despite it apparently being late! Because who closes their gates at night!?
It’s a school. Kids around Pureplain City flock here eventually to learn the basics of Pokémon battling, or there are trainers that come here only to attend the odd lesson before they embark on their big journey. There’s a patch of grass and trees on the side where wild Pokémon can be found, and every week the teachers are known to have found a new specie to release into it in order to keep the students interested. And, of course, there’s plenty of Pokémon battling among the students as they do their best to learn. In fact…
To the right immediately after one enters the school, there’s a list of students in a ranking-list on a wall. A huge list of the 50 top students, ranked in Pokémon battling ability, and there’s a thing that anyone who visits can challenge the list to get onto it temporarily. Leaving for too long obviously means falling off the list, but those who rank high gain some benefits and bragging rights.
But even above the #1… The school apparently had their own Elite Four and Champion that one could challenge.
Pureplain City Trainers’ School Elite Four: Georgia - The Brawler Loke - The Knight Penelope - The Idol Edwin - The Cricket
Champion: Daisy - The Siren (The Champion in our hearts, Maple - The Scorcher, is currently out on her Pokémon trip. We send out our most heartfelt wishes to her!)
However, Amelia entered late. There’s less activity than there is during the day. At least one window is yet lit, and there’s some students hunting in the park for Pokémon that might only show up at night. The school itself is open; students are free to study at whatever hour they feel the most appropriate. However, this is perhaps the wrong time of day if you wanted to challenge the leaderboard for trainers, because the young individuals of the school are typically home at this hour.
So, what would Amelia want to do here?
1. Pokémon School Park. There’s a small park of grass in here. What kind of Pokémon might be in it? 2. Talk. Plenty of students and teachers. This is a wellspring of knowledge, someone must know something. 3. Challenge. Work your way up the leaderboard! Specify the level of opponent. 4. Specify. If you specify what you want to do, the GM will take it into account and tell the result. 5. Trigger random event. Force the GM to use his imagination to make a scenario for you. 6. Study. You want to know something? Feel free to learn about it here! 6.1. Pokémon Habitats. Learn where you might find a specific kind of Pokémon! 6.2. Isson Geography. Learn more about the different places in Isson! 6.3. Names to Remember. Learn about Gym Leaders, Elite Four, or the like! 6.4. Local Legends. Learn about different tales from around Isson! 6.5. Pokémon Breeding. That’s also a subject. 6.6. Battling Basics. You likely know them already. 6.7. Specify. Tell what you want to learn and we’ll see if we have a course!
Connected areas: Pureplain City. All around, of course.
‘Do you want me to come with you? The desert IS my supposed area to search, and the Mythic Oasis should be my area…’ Florrie asked Dawkin, before he was allowed to wander off. He purchased the Go-Goggles from the store, totally fine, he now had a couple of goggles that ensured he’d never be bothered in the midst of a sandstorm. Then, off to the Bug Garden, where the clerk is like…
‘Why, sure. 750P per day. Have a pick,’ he said, and let Dawkin pick one. ‘The Vivillon will simply fly along with you and obey your commands, but it will not fight for you. It’s your responsibility to bring back the Vivillon in the same state as you got it in. The Vivillon will fly home on its own when time is up, and will inform us if you treated it badly. With that out of the way, which one would you like?’
Raremine Town is a moderately large, bright town on the edge of the only desert in Isson. By some twist, the largest mineral deposits in the land is located right under the desert, making it an attractive place to build mines. From that, Raremine Town naturally sprung into being as a merchant town on the edge of habitability from where the mineral could then be delivered to the rest of Isson. The temperature is hot, sun blazing down on this land where plains slowly become desert, the atmosphere dry and unfriendly… yet, life and trees blossoms among the buildings of Raremine Town.
The ground is still the grass from the Vast Plains, with buildings on top of them. The modern houses stand tall with plenty of architectural skill put into them, tools for building and living sold inside the houses. Everywhere, one can see workers walking about, but they’re happy workers, with their families living close at hand in the town and with the finest equipment available. Oh, and of course, plenty of Pokémon that assist with the finding of ores and such! The trees, which appear to have been planted and grown all over town by the residents themselves, gives plenty of homes for local Pokémon to live.
Overall, it’s busy, with people walking and talking all over, an active town indeed.
1. Find Pokémon. Can still search for Pokémon in cities~ 2. Talk. In cities, there are considerably more people one can talk to. Talking can give you info on local rumors and such. 3. Exit. Exit the town to any of the connected areas. 4. Specify. If you specify what you want to do, the GM will take it into account and tell the result. 5. Trigger random event. Force the GM to use his imagination to make a scenario for you. 6. Notable Places. Visit any of the places in the city! 6.1. Pokémon Center. Heal all your Pokémon. 6.2. PokéMart. Go to a store and buy things. 6.3. Pokémon Gym. Kristy, the Desert Princess. Ground-type Gym, Minor League 6.4. Desert Miner’s Hangout. The workers of the Desert Mine live around here. They can give tips about the desert! 6.5. Research Lab. For archaeologists, those who want to talk to Dunstan and those who want to resurrect fossils. 6.6. Stone Store. Where all the stones of the Desert Mines or Frozen Cave eventually end up! Lots of evolutionary and other kinds of stones! 6.7. Bug Garden. A garden within which bugs thrive. Vivillons can be hired here for tracking down the Mythic Oasis! 6.8. Warehouses. Because the things they mine here needs somewhere to be stored. This includes Ancient Pokémon, apparently, as some of the warehouses are pens.
Connected areas: Route 6. The Vast Plains open up to the north of Raremine. The shorter paths lead to Route 8 and 16, while west far enough leads to Lakewatch Town. Route 7. The single rocky desert of Isson, it connects to the Desert Mines, the Old Tombs and to the Mythic Oasis.
Common: #290 Nincada #529 Drilbur #664 Scatterbug
… But I could imagine that he’d want to head out to Route 7, too.
Route 7
A rocky desert stretches out behind Raremine Town. Route 7 is located in somewhat of a basin, surrounded by giant cliffs that cause all the clouds to empty themselves of water before passing this single area, causing the single most potent desert of Isson, the sun eternally glaring down with heat echoing from the sand beneath. While this desert contains a lot more rocks than a regular vast desert does due to the cliffs sometimes falling down into it and the boulders rolling about, there is somewhat of an influx of air soaring down into the valley, regularly blowing sand up into the skies. Sandstorms are a semi-regular occurrence on Route 7, and one in particular is always covering up the path that is said to lead to the Mystic Oasis, which can only be reliably found through the assistance of a Vivillon, which was found out a while ago by the citizens of Raremine Town. Still, the path to the Desert Mines is usually clear and populated by miners walking back and forth, and those fortunate can pass all the way to the Old Tombs without any issues…
Current Condition; Relatively Clear - It’s still decently calm, but who knows about later today? The usual sandstorm blows over the path to the Mystic Oasis, though.
1. Find Pokémon. Can be specified what kind of Pokémon is being searched for, and how you search. 2. Train Pokémon. With this command, we can jump ahead in time and skip posting about grinding. 3. Seek trainers. There are miners and the occasional archaeologist around here to potentially seek out. 4. Talk. They can also just be chatted to! 5. Move along. Move along normally, letting any events that may come happen naturally. 6. Hurry along. Intentionally avoid confrontations and try to get safely to the next destination. 7. Specify. If you specify what you want to do, the GM will take it into account and tell the result. 8. Trigger random event. Force the GM to use his imagination to make a scenario for you. 9. Area Specific; Delve into the Sandstorm. If you think you’re prepared! 10. Area Specific; Search the sands. There may be ancient items submerged in the sands around.
Connected areas: Raremine Town. A town of miners and research, on the tip between the plains and the desert. Desert Mines. What Raremine Town stands here for! These mountains are filled with dough! Old Tombs. Across the desert, an old and chilling place awaits those who wants to visit… Mystic Oasis. Somewhere within that sandstorm, that is.
Chic came out, and proceeded to Sand Attack at Nuzleaf. Nuzleaf prepared to counter-attack…
… Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand Nuzleaf proceeds to hit himself with his increased strength as he repeatedly hits himself in Confusion, and Chic helps the process by throwing the occasional Ember. Chic easily disposed of Nuzleaf by herself. Nuzleaf fainted.
Kay grew to Level 16!
Chic grew to Level 16!
Erika was victorious! Erika gained 510P!
‘Nicely done, young trainer. Come, Master Archie awaits,’ Ramsey said, bowing briefly before (after Erika got to heal) guiding Erika up the stairs…
However, before that…
Chic has a choice to make. There’s an energy coursing through her, that she could use to make it happen here and now… or she could wait for a more optimum dramatic moment. Because, doing it in action will fully heal her.
Chic felt the energy course through her as she began to glow. Letting it surge, her form changed, legs got longer, wings get larger, colour changed, neck elongated, and just in general became a bigger bird…!
Congratulations! Kay evolved into Combusken!
Pokédex Entry #256 – Combusken, the Young Fowl Pokémon. It toughens up its legs running across fields and mountains. It legs possess both speed and power, said to be able to deliver ten kicks a second. During a battle, the hot flame in its body increases, allowing to spew powerful fire from its beak.
New Pokémon evolved! Erika earned 2000 P!
Chic learned Double Kick!
And that’s about it.
Eventually, she headed after Ramsey, heading up the stairs, where Ramsey opened a hatch which they went through…
She arrived at a great platform, gazing out over a sea of trees.
The sun glares down viciously over the woodland region that is the Stillwood Forest. The trees stretch high, crowding to pick up every bit of sunlight there was. Under the treeline it was as if the sun didn’t even exist, but up here, above the trees that served as the roof of Stillwood Village, the powerful rays stung against the skin…
The landscape is under the effect of Harsh Sunlight!
Erika stood on top of another platform, larger than the one she had previously been fighting on, entirely created out of wood. Ramsey dutifully closed a hatch they had come out from, rendering the path down invisible and rendering the sunlit platform surveying the sea of trees stretching in all directions one from which there was no visible escape. Ramsey wandered to the edge of the platform…
There. Movement. A young boy was playing with a number of stray Hoppips and Skiplooms. He was laughing, running… he was running on top of the trees as if it was a floor, absolute confidence he would not be falling through down towards a long drop down to Stillwood Village. As if the crowns of the trees were as reliable as the earth itself, he ran without a worry, laughing so happily, a green cape with green flowers on it blowing after the teal-haired young child…
‘Master Archie!’ the butler called out to the boy, raising his voice as gently as he could.
The boy eventually heard the butler’s calls. Waving a bit to his Pokémon friends, he dashed over, running effortlessly on top of the trees below. Finally he arrived at the platform, leaping high into the air above the edge and landing before Erika and Ramsey. He looked over her with a wide, innocent smile and eyes which felt slightly unfocused.
‘Hiii…! Oooh, you look like ice. Gentle and soothing like water, frozen and sharpened by the determination in your eyes… Hahahahaha…!’ So the young boy said with a tone that was a cross between excitement and a daze, starting to half-prance around Erika to get a look at her.
‘Young master…’ Ramsey said in a reminding tone, walking to stand on Archie’s side of the arena.
‘Oh, yeah.’ The boy came to a stop before Erika. He did a small dramatic bow, before smiling to Erika once again, eyes still unfocused as he looked at her. ‘I am Archie, Gym Leader of Stillwood Village! I like to run around forests and places where there’s no humans, where I meet a bunch of cool Pokémon! Everyone home’s really impressed, but to me it’s just natural! Hahahaha!’ The young boy laughed slightly creepily as he took out a Pokéball and stumbled back from Erika.
‘Heeeey, did you know…?’ he asked with a slightly disturbing smile on a far too innocent yet dazed-seeming child. ‘When they have a great, blazing sun above their heads, that’s when many Grass-type Pokémon perform at their best. However, won’t your ice melt? Will you turn into steam for me? Or perhaps, is that exterior of yours hiding a fierce fire that will come out, bolstered by the sun, which will burn me and my plants? Or maybe your ice is just so strong you will overcome the sun and freeze this sea of trees along with my Pokémon? Or will you melt, floundering under the power of the sun and turn into water, which my plants will drink of?’ Archie smiled so widely. Ramsey now stood to Archie’s immediate right.
‘You can use six Pokémon. I’ll use three. You don’t have to worry about any sneaky secondary types, all my Pokémon are pure Grass-types. Most never get through first Pokémon on their first time facing, me, though, so don’t feel too bad if you lose horribly, okay? Hahahaha. Good luck~’
‘LET’S GO,’ Archie began, but in the middle of his exaggerated throwing motion Ramsey suddenly extremely deftly snapped the Pokéball from Archie’s hand, depositing in his pocket, and then put a new Pokéball back into Archie’s hand before Archie threw it, Ramsey now standing like nothing had happened at Archie’s side as the young Gym Leader went through with throwing the Pokéball without even a pause or seemingly noticing. ‘LILLIGIANT!’
The ball opened with a blast of light, and a form took shape. A humanoid shape with a green flower dress and a beautiful flower on its head, limbs and clothes of leafs and a crown adorned in the midst of the flower, stood before Erika… except it towered above her. It was easily five meters high, more than twice the height of any normal human, probably more than thrice as high as Erika. This was not the natural size of this Pokémon. It was positively massive, beaming out and looking so happy in the blazing sun…
Though the Pokédex showed…
Pokédex Entry #549 – Lilligant, the Flowering Pokémon. Famed for its most beautiful flower that will wither and rot if not given constant care. It is a symbol of status to have a thriving Lilligant with a blooming flower. Despite this, it is famously the most beautiful when it blooms in the wild. The fragrance of the garland on its head has a relaxing effect.
The flower most assuredly bloomed…
‘… Your Gym Challenge has started~!’ Archie smiled knowingly on the other side of the giant Lilligant, the “Lilligiant” as Archie had called her. The next move was Erika’s.
+ 10921 Pokedollars* + 7 Pokeballs + 1 Premier Ball + 5 Mysterious Herbs + 2 Super Potions + Wise Glasses (equipped to Seabreeze) + Heat Wave Potion + Old Rod + Two collapsible umbrellas. + Relic Vase
Seabreeze the Wingull (♂) Level 14 Water Gun, Supersonic, Growl, Wing Attack, Fowl Flap, Mist Keen Eye Wise Glasses Current Condition - Ready to Rock!
Paradise the Tropius (♀) Level 13 Razor Leaf, Gust, Sweet Scent, Leer, Growth, Stomp Solar Power No Item Current Condition - Ready to Ride!
Jonathan / JoJo the Ralts (♂) Level 13 Confusion, Growl, Double Team, Teleport, Disarming Voice Trace No Item Current Condition - Ready to Respect!
Mac the Torchic (♂) Level 12 Scratch, Growl, Ember, Sand Attack Blaze No Item Current Condition - Ready to Receive!
Smiley the Murkrow (♂) Level 12 Peck, Astonish, Pursuit, Haze Prankster No Item Current Condition - Ready to Rough 'em Up!
Celebrity the Jigglypuff (♀) Level 13 Sing, Defense Curl, Pound, Play Nice, Disarming Voice Friend Guard No Item Current Condition - Ready to Roll!
It was time. He had his team at their strongest, he was ready to go give this gym a shot. He raised his fist in the air, smiling at his posse of Pokemon. Seabreeze. Celebrity. Paradise. Jonathan. Mac. Smiley. If this was the beginning of a team that'd help Skylar make it into the books as one of the strongest trainers in all of Isson, he'd be more than happy to stand with this little squadron of birds and fairies. He was excited for the fight.
He stepped into the Gym, listened to the Gym Guide speak (both so he could feel happy and in case Skylar needed any pointers on the Gym) before he took a deep breath, turned to see his team again, and stepped into the room with his head held high. Win or lose, he was in it to have fun. If he lost, he could learn from it and grow stronger as a result. If he won, good! That's a badge in the bag and a victory under his belt. He was ready to rock and roll!
‘I had a feeling I’d see one or two of you today. Hello, again. I’m Lorette, Gym Leader of Highhill Town,’ she introduced herself once again.
‘I inherited this gym from my mother. She was a fierce fighter, who brought the often underestimated Bug-type into the Major League of Isson Pokémon Gyms. However, rather than hunting down my opponent with all my might like she used to do, I figure I’ll play nice. Being this close to Pureplain City, I’m often the first Gym Leader many young trainers face. It wouldn’t do to demoralize them, now, wouldn’t it?’
‘You’re not like them, are you? Sure, you’re a young Pokémon Trainer who has yet to get a badge of your own, but you’re not some overconfident child with no idea what he’s getting himself into. I’ve seen you training in town. I’ve also heard the talk that some kids managed to beat a couple Team Virtue members on Route 3. That was you, wasn’t it? I think… I might be able to let loose a little today.’ So she said, crossing her legs and smiling a happy, yet somehow dangerous, little smile.
‘Six Pokémon, no items. One at a time. That should be fun, shouldn’t it? Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’ve never had a chance for a full team battle, have you?’ so she said, retrieving six Pokéballs and putting them to her left and right on the stairs.
‘So, with that out of the way… Let’s start, shall we?’
Starting with a stronger bug type, eh? Well, if she was going to go all out, then starting with a powerhouse was definitely a smart idea. Still, she had her monologue, but Skylar hadn't even introduced himself yet. So... he guessed now was as good as a time as any.
"I think we met at the Silent Shrine, but I'm Skylar in case you forgot! I didn't want to come into this gym without being at the top of my game, so I've made sure to help my team be as prepared as possible for this battle. We're coming in this fight not expecting to win or lose, but to come and bear witness to an opportunity for us to grow as trainer and team, even if I'm relatively new! Get ready, Lorette, because we're gonna give it our all!"
Skylar grabbed hold of his sunglasses, smiling from ear to ear, as he tore them off his face, revealing to Lorette and any audience members the cloudy gray of his eyes.
Pokemon Trainer Skylar accepts the challenge!
Skylar turned back to his team, snapping his hands towards his own first team member. "You ready for your first real battle, Mac?"
"Tor~chic!" Mac smiled as he waddled forward, leaping as high as he could into the air before landing on the battleground with a puff of dust where he landed. Despite his small little frame, his eyes were emblazoned with a burning passion. He was ready to go!
"Mac! Prepare to Ember, but watch out for Accelgor's speed! When he tries to hit you, let loose the Ember!" Skylar shot his hand out as he called his commands to Mac, his smile only widening as this battle got started!
‘Tihi. Well met, Skylar. Alright, show me your all, and I’ll show you what I got!’ Lorette said, looking decently excited. So, just as Lorette might have expected, a fire-type came out to see her. Lorette smiled at little Mac.
‘Aw, cute little chicken. Good, you got the typing down, but are you sure you want to wait for me to attack?’ Lorette asked, before making her command. ‘Accelgor, Double Team!’
With that command, suitable for the ninja-like appearance, Accelgor vanished in a quick flash. In her place were now five different Accelgors, lined up side-by-side, and they were all preparing to dash in at Mac.
‘Quick Attack!’ Lorette’s next command rang, and the five Accelgors would blast forward at Mac at phenomenal speed, but only one of them was the real one…
However, notably, that was two commands. Quick Attack will be the first move of the second round, but Mac has a first-turn move that he can potentially make. He has time for that.
+ 10921 Pokedollars* + 7 Pokeballs + 1 Premier Ball + 5 Mysterious Herbs + 2 Super Potions + Wise Glasses (equipped to Seabreeze) + Heat Wave Potion + Old Rod + Two collapsible umbrellas. + Relic Vase
Seabreeze the Wingull (♂) Level 14 Water Gun, Supersonic, Growl, Wing Attack, Fowl Flap, Mist Keen Eye Wise Glasses Current Condition - Ready to Rock!
Paradise the Tropius (♀) Level 13 Razor Leaf, Gust, Sweet Scent, Leer, Growth, Stomp Solar Power No Item Current Condition - Ready to Ride!
Jonathan / JoJo the Ralts (♂) Level 13 Confusion, Growl, Double Team, Teleport, Disarming Voice Trace No Item Current Condition - Ready to Respect!
Mac the Torchic (♂) Level 12 Scratch, Growl, Ember, Sand Attack Blaze No Item Current Condition - Ready to Receive!
Smiley the Murkrow (♂) Level 12 Peck, Astonish, Pursuit, Haze Prankster No Item Current Condition - Ready to Rough 'em Up!
Celebrity the Jigglypuff (♀) Level 13 Sing, Defense Curl, Pound, Play Nice, Disarming Voice Friend Guard No Item Current Condition - Ready to Roll!
"Now, Mac!" As the Double Teams started to show, Mac had let loose his Ember, trying to score a hit on... whatever Accelgor he was looking at. He wasn't sure which one would be right, and since Skylar couldn't really see either, it was all up to the Torchic to figure out which Accelgor was the one he needed to hit. He'd at least know in a moment with whatever Accelgor was going to hit him.
On that note, the plan was still going. Immediately after the first Ember was shot off, Mac went right back to cooking up another Ember in his mouth, waiting for the Quick Attack to hit off before he'd let it loose on whatever clone wasn't as it seemed. Hopefully he'd be able to tell, anyway. Surely the clones were just illusions and not actually able to hurt the Torchic!
Mac shot off his Ember at the Accelgors… and it went straight through one of the false ninjas! That apparently was not one of the correct choices. The multiple ninja copies used Quick Attack, flying forth at Mac, rocking the wooden platform that’s somewhat floating on the shallow water of the gym a bit…!
Mac tried to Ember again, but being the stylish ninja she was, Accelgor avoided the fireball and knocked into Mac from the side, her real self blended in among her copies as Mac took the first hit. It honestly didn’t do that much damage, but he was no closer to hitting the real opponent.
‘That’s an interesting strategy, but I think Accelgor is fully capable of outmaneuvering your Mac by knowing where the Ember is going to go,’ Lorette told. ‘I’d suggest you switch. And in order to further encourage such a decision…’ the Gym Leader smiled at Skylar. ‘Accelgor, Water Shuriken.’
With that command, the five lined-up copies of Accelgor lifted their right hands, and watery spinning shurikens took shape, ready to throw. Only one of them were real, but despite not being water-type these shurikens would certainly do a lot of damage if thrown at Mac. The line of ninjas would wait a few moments before their volley.
+ 10921 Pokedollars* + 7 Pokeballs + 1 Premier Ball + 5 Mysterious Herbs + 2 Super Potions + Wise Glasses (equipped to Seabreeze) + Heat Wave Potion + Old Rod + Two collapsible umbrellas. + Relic Vase
Seabreeze the Wingull (♂) Level 14 Water Gun, Supersonic, Growl, Wing Attack, Fowl Flap, Mist Keen Eye Wise Glasses Current Condition - Ready to Rock!
Paradise the Tropius (♀) Level 13 Razor Leaf, Gust, Sweet Scent, Leer, Growth, Stomp Solar Power No Item Current Condition - Ready to Ride!
Jonathan / JoJo the Ralts (♂) Level 13 Confusion, Growl, Double Team, Teleport, Disarming Voice Trace No Item Current Condition - Ready to Respect!
Mac the Torchic (♂) Level 12 Scratch, Growl, Ember, Sand Attack Blaze No Item Current Condition - Scratched.
Smiley the Murkrow (♂) Level 12 Peck, Astonish, Pursuit, Haze Prankster No Item Current Condition - Ready to Rough 'em Up!
Celebrity the Jigglypuff (♀) Level 13 Sing, Defense Curl, Pound, Play Nice, Disarming Voice Friend Guard No Item Current Condition - Ready to Roll!
"Yeah, I'm not gonna let him get hit by that. Mac, return!" Skylar held out a Pokeball and brought Mac back up to him and the rest of the party, looking at the rest of his cast to see who'd be best suited to fighting now that the Accelgor was throwing Skylar a curveball he needed to be prepared for... hm...
"Paradise!" He pounded his hand with excitement at the realization, pointing out onto the battlefield as his Tropius leapt up over him and flew down onto the dirt of the Gym, staring down the Accelgor. "Tropius!" Skylar, meanwhile, let Mac back out of his Pokeball up top, who was confused (and arguably a bit disheartened) but still excited to learn from the fight so he could counter Double Team strats down the road.
"Paradise, Sweet Scent so we can actually find the right Accelgor." Skylar called out his command, knowing that if Paradise was to have any shot at beating Accelgor, this would be the best way for it to go down.
Skylar switched Mac out and sent in Paradise, who took some immediate Water Shurikens that had been meant for Mac, and they did barely any damage. Paradise started her next turn by shooting out a Sweet Scent, which scattered among the cloned ninjas… and one of them wavered, clearly distinguished from the other as that sweet scent dazed Accelgor’s mind.
‘Tihi. Sweet Scent would do it. Now, should I be mean? Why, yes I should. Accelgor, Acid Spray,’ Lorette commanded, and the ninja Pokémon immediately got back in the game, alert eyes going, albeit which one is the real one is no longer a question. On the same round as Sweet Scent, Accelgor shot forward to right in front of Paradise, and at this range, there really was no dodging.
Accelgor’s hands slapped together and a spray of acid blasted into the body of Paradise, and it hurt! Super Effective, and in addition, her Special Defense harshly fell! Now, avoiding would be impossible, but the move from there would be up to Skylar and Paradise. Due to Accelgor’s lack of poison typing and Paradise’s respectable Special Defense, it didn’t hurt as much as it could have… but her Special Defense had been halved, the next Acid Spray would hurt twice as much if she was hit with another.
While she hadn't been expecting there to be that many people in the school, especially students who she suspected were always more then eager to go home, Amelia was surprised that the building was still open to the general public at this hour. Since this was really the first time she had been in a school, this was something she was rather eager to do and the lack of people made it that much easier. Entering a classroom at random, she would walk around the desks, running her hand along their surfaces as she observed the room. It was simpler and less grandiose then she had imagined but she was fine with this.
After getting her fill of being in the classroom, she would begin wondering the building at random, letting Litwick out and rest on her head, the little candle-like pokemon lighting the flame on it's head using minute amount of life force from the people and pokemon around it, except for Amelia's of course.
Wonder the school, enjoying a first time experience. Maybe come across someone?
5,538P kuo berry - Cures Burns Antidote x1 Great Ball x3 Super Potion x7 Tiny Mushroom x 1 Revive x2 10 Ultra Balls Shiny Stone Amulet Coin Letter of Recommendation Escape Rope Mach Bike Calcium
Important Items: Castle Medal Crystal of Knowledge Coin Case - 970 Coins Little Cup Ribbon
Badge Collection: Challenge Badge - Redcoast Town, Hector. Minor League.
The redhead followed Connor further into the building. She had a few reasons for trying to get more information about the trio of legendaries. More information was always good, even if she was most definitely winging it most of the time. There was also something Uxie said that concerned her - that someone was hunting for them. If she could pinpoint who that was, she could just go and kick their butts before anything happened.
Once in the room, Claire made sure the door was closed and no one looked like they were trying to eavesdrop. Ah, this was kind of fun? She was like some sorta spy outta some spy movie, heh.
"Right, uh, so." Claire fished around in her bag for her pokedex. First, she was gonna show it to this researcher. She wanted to see his reaction to it before deciding how she wanted to go about this. Well, she wanted Ralia to get a read for his general feelings. "I heard the professor is doing research into legendary pokemon...and wellll, uh, here, just look." She opened the pokedex to Uxie's entry and handed it to Connor.
Ralia waved at Klefki, trying to play with its keys.
Lakewatch Town || Day 4: Early Morning || @PlatinumSkink Eryn left the ranger compound both riding a high from a night well spent and feeling like she could fall asleep on the spot. While she was giddy from just doubling her savings, thus making back whatever she’d spent earlier, she’d also just completely wrecked her sleep schedule—something she hadn’t done since a few, rather unpleasant nights during her third year of high school. But, again, it was worth it, and all she could do now was damage control.
“Righto, to the Pokemon Center,” she said, smothering a yawn. Rubbing her temples, she looked down at Kylie, who flashed her a tired smile. Beside her, Eri mirrored Eryn’s grin, showing her how tired she looked.
“I said, to the Pokemon Center!” Eryn repeated, fixing her grin and scooping up Kylie before setting off down the street. “We’ve got a few more things to do before we call it a night—morning. Whatever.”
The lobby of the Pokemon Center was, unsurprisingly, pretty empty at this early hour, so healing went pretty quickly. After thanking the nurse, Eryn headed outside again, searching out a rather secluded part at the edge of town before calling out Peri.
“Per-per, hello, sorry about putting you away so quickly earlier,” she said, hugging the rock-type, who was cold and rough to the touch. She should have seen that coming. “I can’t let you out inside the Pokemon Center, but get ready for some work when I wake up! We’re gonna get you on your feet—foot—whatever. It’s too, well, early in the day for this, so sorry and I’ll see you later, alright?”
Peri’s rumbling felt stronger than it sounded, vibrating the rocks she was composed of, and Eryn looked up at her with a lazy smile as she reached for her Pokeball.
“Night-night, Peri. Sleep tight!”
Then, returning to the Pokemon Center, Eryn was finally able to get ready for bed, releasing all her Pokemon but Peri. And, after she told them all to get a restful sleep in preparation for a good day, she crashed into the bed, falling asleep with the Pokedex in her hands opened to Phoebe’s newest message.
Route 5 || Day 4: Afternoon “I present to you, Peri, our very big team baby!”
Eryn beamed at her team as she called out the Onix, looking between their faces expectantly. As usual, Dei gave his ‘I’m not impressed but I’ll acknowledge you’ snort, and Tula flopped up and down, her eyes as flat as ever. Eri, on the other hand, looked somewhat impressed, warily eyeing the Onix who towered high above his low vantage point.
To her credit, Kylie seemed rather excited, but her level of excitement was beginning to concern Eryn. It had occurred to her that Kylie had a rather flat range of emotion; she was always happy, and though that happiness saw shades of difference when she grew tired or annoyed, it never varied enough for Eryn to term it anything but happiness. While Eryn wouldn’t go so far as to assume the emotion was fake, she wasn’t about to assume that Kylie was only capable of happiness either, so the options were up in the air. Either Eryn was just not very observant and kept catching Kylie when she was happy, or the happy mood Kylie was always in was intentional.
However, Eryn wasn’t about to go and confront Kylie about it. Her mood was the easiest to deal with in the team, even if it was also the hardest to read. Besides, though looking for the Mawile’s underlying motivations in her smiles always proved a challenge, Eryn was getting better at it. Right now, for example, Kylie’s smile said she meant no harm as she walked towards Peri, reaching a hand out towards the Onix’s side. When her hand touched Peri, her smile widened slightly, and with a happy “maw” she hugged the Onix, the clank of rock and steel sounding as she made contact.
“See, this is what I’m talking about. This,” Eryn said, indicating the hugging pair, one of whom was looking down with a rather curious expression that bordered on confusion, “this is the sort of excited you three should be.”
Once again, Dei snorted, Tula flopped, and Eri stared, a frown gracing the Jolteon form that Eryn was having him practice. In all honesty, a confused Jolteon was pretty much the cutest thing Eryn had seen in a while, but unfortunately his lack of excitement was not.
I introduce to you the confused Jolteon face
“Alright you three, get over here,” she said, walking over and picking up Tula before herding the other two towards Peri. “Say hello to your new teammate, and no more smoke from you, Dei, or I’ll pick you up too.”
After a forced hug and another few minutes of empty staring as Eryn gave Peri a quick run-down of her teammates, covering Eri’s illusions while she was at it, they were back to walking along Route 5. The goal for the day was to get Peri up to par with her teammates, and though that might be a tall order for a single day, Eryn figured her teammates weren’t too far out of her league just yet. Further down the line, catching new Pokemon might mean a more substantial power difference, but right now she figured it would be alright.
“Okay, two-vee-ones aren’t illegal when it comes to wilds right?” she asked, glancing around for the Caterpies her Pokedex told her were around here. “Dei, you’re going to help Peri take on bug-types, and Kylie will help with flying-types. Sound good?”
Other than an agreeable “maw” from Kylie, the team was silent, some opting to nod or snort instead. Eryn wasn’t about to name names or point fingers, but she didn’t exactly need to. The sounds and actions from below assigned themselves.
A strange sound—something of a mixture between a grind and a rumble—prompted Eryn to look up, her brows furrowing. What was that? Wait. No.
Her mouth dropped open a little. “Did you just…”
Peri repeated the sound, leaving no room for doubt.
“Damn it, Dei! Look what you’re teaching your teammates!”
Despite Eryn’s glare, though, Dei looked pretty pleased with himself, his chest puffed forwards as he continued on down the road.
Actions: Spent the morning sleeping, now looking to train on Route 5. Plan is to have Peri double-up against wilds, but if that’s not allowed (are there rules in the wild) Eryn will just toss and swap her out. Eryn’s seeking out Hoothoot and Caterpie to pit against Peri first, maybe throwing Tula out for one or two (if that’s even effective). If there are stronger Pokemon around, she’ll stick with Dei or Eri against them. And, as always, she’ll run back into town a few times for heals when her pokes get too roughed up.
"Of course I don't mind, it is always safer to travel together after all." Dawkin said, not overly concerned about exploring with company. True, it could be considered more impressive to do it on his own, but he didn't think that was a significant factor at the moment. Having asked her question and then gone to the garden and successfully acquired a pair of googles, Dawkin was prompted to choose a Villion. "Hmm, how about that one?" Dawkin asked, pointing at the Sandstorm colored Villion. That color scheme seemed the most suiting. Given that was able to rent his choice successfully the only natural course of action would be to leave town in the right general direction and to tell the Villion his destination and follow it.
Atlas Gender: Male Type: Steel/Rock Species: Aron Level: 13 Personality: A stubborn and sometimes disagreeable little fellow, he likes eating. A lot. He's smarter than he looks and can be quite devious in order to get what he wants. Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Fill in as we go. Probably Moves: Tackle, Harden, Mudslap, Headbutt, Metal Claw, Rock Tomb Ability: Sturdy. Allows the Pokemon to survive an attack that would otherwise knock it out. Held Item:
Gender: Female Type: Water/Ground Personality: Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Level: 13 Moves: Water Gun, Tail Whip, Mud Sport, Mud Shot Ability: Water Absorb, will regain health upon being hit with a water-type move. Held Item: None.
Gender: Male Type: Electric Personality: (Up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.) Level: 10 Moves: Thundershock, Charm, Tail Whip, Sweet Kiss Ability: Static, may paralyze other Pokémon on contact. Held Item: Dragon Scale.
Gender: ♂ Type: Rock/Dragon Personality: Affectionate, likes to nibble on things, and gets distracted easily Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: To be discovered Level:8 Moves: Tail Whip, Tackle, Roar Ability: Strong Jaw. Increases the power of biting-based moves. Held Item: None.
Gender: ♀ Type: Grass Personality: (Up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.) Level: 14 Moves: Poison Sting, Leer, Absorb, Growth, Leech Seed, Sand Attack Ability: Water Absorb. Contact with water restores health, including water from any Water-type moves. Held Item: None.
+ 10921 Pokedollars* + 7 Pokeballs + 1 Premier Ball + 5 Mysterious Herbs + 2 Super Potions + Wise Glasses (equipped to Seabreeze) + Heat Wave Potion + Old Rod + Two collapsible umbrellas. + Relic Vase
Seabreeze the Wingull (♂) Level 14 Water Gun, Supersonic, Growl, Wing Attack, Fowl Flap, Mist Keen Eye Wise Glasses Current Condition - Ready to Rock!
Paradise the Tropius (♀) Level 13 Razor Leaf, Gust, Sweet Scent, Leer, Growth, Stomp Solar Power No Item Current Condition - Bonked.
Jonathan / JoJo the Ralts (♂) Level 13 Confusion, Growl, Double Team, Teleport, Disarming Voice Trace No Item Current Condition - Ready to Respect!
Mac the Torchic (♂) Level 12 Scratch, Growl, Ember, Sand Attack Blaze No Item Current Condition - Scratched.
Smiley the Murkrow (♂) Level 12 Peck, Astonish, Pursuit, Haze Prankster No Item Current Condition - Ready to Rough 'em Up!
Celebrity the Jigglypuff (♀) Level 13 Sing, Defense Curl, Pound, Play Nice, Disarming Voice Friend Guard No Item Current Condition - Ready to Roll!
Skylar winced at Celebrity taking that hit. Yeesh, that wasn't gonna be pretty next round, but Skylar held fast. He didn't have many ideas for what could be done with a strategy, but he knew that Paradise was beefy. Maybe she could take another attack? Regardless, he pointed out his hand and called for Paradise's next move. "Paradise, Gust!"
The Tropius nodded, flaring her wings out and letting out a series of massive blasts of air. Of course, it was only a Gust, but the sheer size of the blasts would be enough to hopefully cause some serious damage onto the Accelgor. Heck, if Paradise withstood another Acid Spray, then maybe a second Gust would be enough to drop the Accelgor. It's what Skylar was going to go with, in any case. That being said, Skylar was planning ahead in case Paradise wouldn't be able to withstand the next hit, and he patted the Wingull nestled in his hair.
"Get ready, Sea. Paradise might need you to hop in and clean up a bit." Skylar said to his starter, still watching the battle unfold before him, even if it was incredibly blurry.
Nothing disturbed her as Amelia inspected the environment for a simple school life. There were desks on rows, a whiteboard for the teacher in the front with pens for them to write things. Books for the students to study was lying here and there on the sides, different projects by the students were hanging on walls, all of it feeling a bit lonely and dark currently as it was really late. After having finished her inspection.
She walked around school, the decently dark corridors without much activity, most activity at this hour is in the park or perhaps in the library, not the average halls. Amelia kept walking until…
Well. There’s ghosts in the school, she could feel. A floor above her, as well as on this floor…
It suddenly got cold. A chill went through the hall. Her Pokémon sensed it, too. The air itself got significantly colder. Now, this is the time a normal person might have gotten scared, like a draft going through the hall, and in the darkness beyond there was like something was watching… except, yeah, it's trying to affect Amelia, so. However…
The door of the classroom next to her slammed open! A brightly icy-coloured tuft of long hair flew out as a girl jumped out and stood on guard in front of Amelia, like attempting to protect her from the darkness! With her jumped moderately short blue dinosaur on all fours that looked and felt considerably cold, sending a chill even from there. Both stood in front of Amelia, facing the darkness.
‘Amaura! Aurora Beam!’ she called, pointing into the distance.
‘Amaaaaauuuuu!’ the blue dinosaur called as it shot a beam of aurora-coloured chill into the wall on the other side of the corridor… and froze it. They had decidedly missed.
‘… Missed again! Curses! You’re mine one of these days!’ the girl waved her fist in annoyance, before spinning around to Amelia…
Pokédex Entry #698 – Amaura, the Tundra Pokémon. This ancient Pokémon was restored from part of its body that had been frozen in ice for over 100 million years. It’s a very calm Pokémon that lived at a time without natural predators, and it’s comfortable in exceedingly cold temperatures. When it whinnies, it creates auroras.
‘Ah, well, hi! I’m Daisy, the Siren, Champion of the Trainers’ School, as well as future Ice-type Elite Four! That is, if I can’t make Champion!’ so Daisy called, giving a determined smile and a dramatic pose. ‘It’s been dangerous around here at night lately, but as long as you hold onto this, you should be able to keep away from potential dangers!’ Daisy told her, and handed over a piece of paper to Amelia…
Amelia received Seven Mysteries note!
1. A chilling hunter that attacks students who wanders the school at night! The temperature will decrease before the strikes! Students have reported being poked and startled and sometimes frozen by some invisible being, be careful!
2. An eerie cry sometimes fills the halls at night. It’s usually from the science room. It’s a shivering cry that echoes down your very bones… and those who goes to examine it are found knocked out on the floor the day after! Spooky!
3. The basement is occasionally spontaneously filled with smoke! People just go down there to grab something, when all of a sudden it’s all smokey and they have to run and fire alarms ring! Extremely suspicious!
4. A beautiful figure has occasionally been sighted in the window of the teacher’s lounge! No, not THAT beautiful figure, an unknown one! They say it has dark hair, white clothing and an indiscernible face… but upon examining the room, it’s empty!? Is this… a ghost!?
5. They say on certain nights, and only on certain nights, something comes out to play on the school roof. What could it be? What is the requirements for their appearance? What are they? All those who have seen them are entranced. What could it mean?
6. Someone reported that they opened the D-classroom door at night, and there was a dark hole in reality, just hanging there. Scared, he ran. Ever since then, that classroom has been locked at night. Why is that? Is something going on…?
‘I’m after the first one myself! The chilling hunter must be some loose Ice-Pokémon, and ice is what I’m all about!’ so Daisy confidently told. ‘Alright! Now where did it go!?’ she asked, as she spun and walked a couple of steps away from Amelia, Amaura following… and the chill left with them. For now? For now.
Rrrrrrrrregardless. What would Amelia do now?
1. Pokémon School Park. There’s a small park of grass in here. What kind of Pokémon might be in it? 2. Talk. Plenty of students and teachers. This is a wellspring of knowledge, someone must know something. 3. Challenge. Work your way up the leaderboard! Specify the level of opponent. 4. Specify. If you specify what you want to do, the GM will take it into account and tell the result. 5. Trigger random event. Force the GM to use his imagination to make a scenario for you. 6. Study. You want to know something? Feel free to learn about it here! 6.1. Pokémon Habitats. Learn where you might find a specific kind of Pokémon! 6.2. Isson Geography. Learn more about the different places in Isson! 6.3. Names to Remember. Learn about Gym Leaders, Elite Four, or the like! 6.4. Local Legends. Learn about different tales from around Isson! 6.5. Pokémon Breeding. That’s also a subject. 6.6. Battling Basics. You likely know them already. 6.7. Specify. Tell what you want to learn and we’ll see if we have a course! 7. Amelia Specific: Investigate the any of the seven mysteries…? 8. Familiar Faces: Daisy. Yeah, she’s still in front of you.
Connected areas: Pureplain City. All around, of course.
Claire took a moment, and then showed the Pokédex entry for Uxie.
Pokédex Entry #480 – Uxie, the Knowledge Pokémon. A Legendary Pokémon. It was born from the same egg along with its kin, Mesprit and Azelf. Known as the “Being of Knowledge”, legends speak of that with its emergence it gifted humans with the gift of intelligence, allowing ancient humans to solve problems and improve their quality of life, leading to the civilization we know today. It has full control of the memories of those who see its eyes, which it uses to make people forget they’ve ever met it.
‘Oooooooooh!’ Connor sounded out excitedly. ‘You actually encountered Uxie and managed to get its data!?’ Where did his stutter go? ‘Nobody seems to actually encounter Uxie, because anyone who does leaves with their memories erased! Oh, wait, actually, could it be that you have no memory of encountering this being, yet you found its data in your Pokédex!? Phenomenal, if so! Glorious! Ah, you don’t need to worry about side-effects, if that’s what you’re here for! It’s a very caring Legendary Pokémon, it doesn’t harm people! In fact, it’s helped us form society as it is! How I’d love to learn its secrets…’ Connor quickly shook his head, though. Ralia’s feeling excitement, wonder, and a little bit of sorrow.
‘Unfortunately, that’s forbidden, no disturbing the lake-trio. They hold the sacred duty to protect our land from an even greater disaster. … O-oh!’ Connor suddenly stuttered again, as he realized what he’d just said.
‘Y-you d-don’t n-need t-t-to worry about a-any d-disaster, though! W-we’re perfectly safe, th-they’re protecting us? H-hahaha!’ he laughed, trying to ease any form of worry. Hopefully. Maybe. ‘St-still, um. Th-that Pokédex… Y-you’re one of K-Kalmia’s trainer, a-are you n-not? I-it’s an ho-honour to meet you! S-so, about th-this entry… wh-what can I he-help you w-with?’ he asked, his stuttering gotten worse. Ralia’s feeling a bunch of worry suddenly, but still amazement at the Pokédex entry.
‘Klefki~’ Klefki meanwhile sounded happy, more than happy to play and wave keys at Ralia.
After sleeping for the, morning, and making introductions it was off to Route 5 to train!
Route 5
Just as Stillwood Village is the least visited settlement in Isson, Route 5 is among the least travelled routes on Isson main landmass. The route is a steady incline from Lakewatch Town to Stillwood Village, with some elements of the base of Mt. Chill nearby, the waters of Dragon Lake next to it too, sporadic forest from that surrounding Stillwood Village and some of the plain elements from route 6 as well, along with a very traveller-friendly road makes Route 5 perhaps one of the most naturally stunning routes of Isson. There are no roads for asphalt here, only travellers are explorers seeking or exiting Lakewatch Town for some reason, as well as Pokémon trainers on their journeys.
A peaceful route without any real dangers, it still offers a lot of variation. Walk on the west side by the waters of Dragon Lake to potentially encounter some Pokémon of the lake. Walk by the mountains on the east and perhaps feel some of the radiating cold of the range of Mt. Chill to perhaps see some more mountainous Pokémon or maybe an ice Pokémon that stumbled out of their caves. The route is a bit cold, attributed perhaps best to the proximity to the Frozen Cavern, and it gets colder the closer the mountain you go. Multiple rivers run down from the mountains, part of Mt. Chill that melts, but efficient wooden bridges help passage over. And of course, patches of forest here and there.
The south of Route 5 opens up towards what people call the Vast Plains, or simply Route 6. There parts of the Endless Forest spread out to make things a bit more covered in trees, but as soon as you leave this forest, all you’ll see is plains as far as you can see, and that’d be Route 6. On the other side of the route is the forest that covers Stillwood Village, you need to enter the forest to get to the village. At the middle by the lake is Lakewatch Town, resting a bit above Dragon Lake. And, of course, the passage up to the Frozen Cavern lies up that hill, for those who want to brave the range that leads towards the enclosed and frozen Route 9 on the other side.
So, training against Hoothoots was a no-go, because there’s no Hoothoots out during the day. Caterpie? Knock yourselves out, the little bugs stood no chance against multiple of Eryn’s Pokémon. They were easy experience, even against Level 1 Peri. Being an Onix gave some advantages against their kinds.
Peri grew to Level 4! Peri learned Curse!
Oddish and Deerling were harder to level against, but there were Pikachu and Emolga in the forest-parts. So, train against those, too, they gotta give better experience than those poor Caterpie. Something Eryn quickly noticed was that when sending out two Pokémon, she almost exclusively met Pokémon in pairs, for some reason. Which, was fine, honestly, because there bugs and electric Pokémon could hardly do damage against Peri, level difference notwithstanding. A couple tackles later, and…
Peri grew to Level 7! Peri learned Rock Throw!
… a proper Rock-type move learned!
That’s when Peri accidentally knocked over a tiny tree. The tiny tree promptly stood up and ran, crying.
Pokédex Entry #438 – Bonsly, the Bonsai Pokémon. It prefers arid environments. If it gets excess water, it leaks out the water through its eyes, making it look like it’s constantly crying, which also serves to make enemies less willing to attack it. It is a fairly good mimic and are often mistaken for real bonsai trees. Somehow.
… That aside! Eryn could train a while longer with the same strategies… eventually getting some form of a result!
Peri grew to Level 11! Peri learned Rock Tomb! Tula grew to Level 15! Tula learned Recoil-Free Struggle (Tackle)!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand with that she’s basically used her afternoon training, it’s approaching evening. Training takes time. And this has cut all the times she probably needed to go back to the Pokémon Center to get Peri back in shape again. Now, in a few more minutes the Hoothoots are going to be coming out. Regardless! What will Eryn be doing next?
Also, huh. There’s something lying here. Did a bird drop this? How a bird could possibly drop this aside...
Eryn found Sharp Beak!
1. Find Pokémon. Can be specified what kind of Pokémon is being searched for, and how you search. 2. Train Pokémon. With this command, we can jump ahead in time and skip posting about grinding. 3. Seek trainers. While not many, there are still trainers and explorers in the area, mostly trying to get to the next. 4. Talk. You could seek someone out to talk to them, if you want to. 5. Move along. Move along normally, letting any events that may come happen naturally. 6. Hurry along. Intentionally avoid confrontations and try to get safely to the next destination. 7. Specify. If you specify what you want to do, the GM will take it into account and tell the result. 8. Trigger random event. Force the GM to use his imagination to make a scenario for you. 9. Area Specific: Random House. Uh. There’s an excessively out-of-place red house in the middle of the route, the door standing wide-open. … Want to visit?
Connected areas: Lakewatch Town. On the south-west of the route, Lakewatch Town lies adjacent to the lake on the road to the Wet Caverns. Stillwood Village. In the north lies the forest which hides the village, Mt. Strength lying behind it.. Route 6. Vast plains start in the south-east, this route leads towards Raremine Town. Frozen Cavern. After an incline up to the ridge of Mt. Chill, a cavern of ice could guide the way to Route 9 and Cooldome City. Endless Forest. To the south, a dark forest looms. There are no indications as to why you’d ever want to go there.
‘Oh,’ Florrie looked a bit surprised at the accepted offer. ‘Then let’s see what the sandstorm holds! I’ll just, um, go buy my own Go-Goggles, ha,’ she did a little awkward laugh as she headed of to purchase some. Dawkin went and hired a Sandstorm coloured Vivillon…
He got a smile from the clerk at that one. ‘It’s a fitting choice, isn’t it?’ the clerk said, walking over to the Vivillon and holding up and arm. The Vivillon immediately got what was going on and jumped onto the clerk’s arm, and then the clerk went back to Dawkin and took the payment and then handed over the arm with the Vivillon. ‘We’re counting on you to take care of him, alright?’
Vivillon happily jumped onto Dawkin, and now he had a scale Pokémon for the day.
Dawkin and Florrie departed into Route 7…
And then, it was out on Route 7. You can skip the following hider if you’ve already read it in the last post.
Route 7
A rocky desert stretches out behind Raremine Town. Route 7 is located in somewhat of a basin, surrounded by giant cliffs that cause all the clouds to empty themselves of water before passing this single area, causing the single most potent desert of Isson, the sun eternally glaring down with heat echoing from the sand beneath. While this desert contains a lot more rocks than a regular vast desert does due to the cliffs sometimes falling down into it and the boulders rolling about, there is somewhat of an influx of air soaring down into the valley, regularly blowing sand up into the skies. Sandstorms are a semi-regular occurrence on Route 7, and one in particular is always covering up the path that is said to lead to the Mystic Oasis, which can only be reliably found through the assistance of a Vivillon, which was found out a while ago by the citizens of Raremine Town. Still, the path to the Desert Mines is usually clear and populated by miners walking back and forth, and those fortunate can pass all the way to the Old Tombs without any issues…
Current Condition; Relatively Clear - It’s still decently calm, but who knows about later today? The usual sandstorm blows over the path to the Mystic Oasis, though.
They were headed out with the intention to go into the sandstorm, did they not? As such, they turned an immediate right, suited on their Go-Goggles and let Vivillon fly free. Not his first rodeo, Vivillon flew against the sandstorm yet with determination in a single direction, which Dawkin and Florrie followed after.
‘I… should perhaps warn,’ Florrie says. ‘There’s quite a few that tries to get to the Mythic Oasis without paying the decently cheap price for hiring a Vivillon. Some by sheer willpower braving the sandstorm and searching, others by trying to use other Pokémon to counter the effects of the sandstorm, but some by-’
‘B-by taking the Vivillon of those who paid the fee…!’ Florrie said, a tad too late and realizing that she was too late. In fact, it is a sort of entry fee that each trainer that desires to enter the Mythic Oasis needs to battle a string of trainers…!
‘I’m in a PINCH! A great PINCH! And it’s a strong eat the weak world out here, I’M GONNA NEED THAT!’
Keep in mind, Dawkin can fight them himself… or make Florrie fight one or two of them!
Camper Braden would like to battle!
Pokédex Entry #316 – Gulpin, the Stomach Pokémon. Almost all of its body is its stomach, its heart and brain are tiny in comparison. It can swallow things bigger than itself, and its harsh digestive enzymes can digest almost anything. While digesting, it expels a vile, overpowering gas.
Will Amnesia if the enemy looks like a Special Attacker, and then Sludge until victory or defeat! … Or if faced by Atlas, Yawn and then do Pounds! Sticky Hold prevents item theft! … It’s not holding an item!
Pokédex Entry #27 – Sandshrew, the Mouse Pokémon. It lives in arid regions burrowing deep underground. It emerges only to hunt for food, which it catches by lounging out of their burrows. If threatened, it curls into a protective ball and bounces off from enemy attacks. If it gets cold at night, its body will coat itself with a fine dew.
Sand Attack first, then Defense Curl, then Rollout, powered up by Defense Curl! Also knows Fury Cutter, Rapid Spin, Poison Sting. Sand Veil increases its evasion in a sandstorm! It is a sandstorm!
Pokédex Entry #276 – Taillow, the Tiny Swallow Pokémon. Many Taillows are young, just leaving the nest, and may cry in loneliness at night. It feeds off bugs and crops in forests and plains. It’s a very gutsy Pokémon, known to bravely take on tough foes. It likes warmer climates and will migrate during cold seasons.
Knows Wing Attack and Quick Attack for primary damage! Also knows Growl and Focus Energy, in case. Guts will increase Attack if inflicted with a status problem!
‘Hey?’ said a roughish guy with a backpack. ‘I’ve been at this for hours, and yeah, be a pal, and just let me have that Vivillon, you get me?’
(thug) Backpacker Fraser would like to battle!
Pokédex Entry #529 – Drilbur, the Mole Pokémon. They and Excadrills dig out mazelike nests underground in which they live. Drilbur is known for being able to travel very fast through soil, able to reach 30 mph by putting its claws together and spinning rapidly, drilling through earth. They’re known to be rather friendly around people.
Its two effective attacks are Mud-Slap and Fury Swipes! Sand Force is going to boost Mud-Slap’s power in a sandstorm, and lo and behold, there is a sandstorm!
Pokédex Entry #613 – Cubchoo, the Chill Pokémon. Despite its nose always running, it isn’t necessarily feeling bad. The “snot” is its ammunition for ice-type moves, ready and produced at all times. It’s usually sticky, but when its not feeling well the mucus becomes more watery, decreasing the power of its ice-type moves.
… So, while it isn’t necessarily feeling bad, it is so NOW, because it was just sent out in a scorching hot desert in the midst of a sandstorm. It’s going to resolve to Icy Wind, maybe Play Nice if the enemy looks dangerous enough. If Icy Wind is ineffective, it’ll try Bide. Snow Storm raises evasion in a snowstorm! … It’s not snowing!
Pokédex Entry #631 – Heatmor, the Anteater Pokémon. It breathes in fresh oxygen through its tail that it then uses to fuel the fire coming out its mouth. It uses this fire as a tongue to burn through the armor of Durant, its prefered prey. It is known to chase Durants endlessly through their complicated mazes to get their meals.
Incinerate is its go-to fire-type move, but it also has Tackle, Lick and Bind if that’s ineffective! Flash Fire will power it up if hit by a fire move!
‘Aaah… I’m a ninja… but I’m stuck in the enemy’s trap…’ a boy dressed in a ninja was saying the sandstorm was the work of his would-be foes. ‘Y-you…! If I just use you, then…!’
And he approaches…!
‘Could I, just, like, follow you, please? I’d really like to see the Mythic Oasis… the kid asked, totally wide-eyed. … This is the same kid Dawkin already beat previously. Kid showed no sign of recognizing Dawkin. Not one for remembering faces, un-ninja-y enough.
Paradise spread her huge, leafy wings, and flashed them forward, sending a huge Gust forward at the opposing Accelgor. The ninja-like Pokémon made a dash to avoid, but she was way too close, and was caught by the blow. She was sent flying across the room, rolling and quickly standing up, having taken significant damage. Super Effective! Around half health? … Accelgor flashed back with a lightning quick dash and shot another Acid Spray into Paradise, burning at her leaves and doing even more Super Effective damage! It was a heavy blow…!
… But Paradise still stood! There was a moment there when Accelgor blinked up at the leafy (comparative) giant, hands forward in the position from having shot that second Acid Spray and just, like, remarking, “it didn’t go down, huh”.
‘Tough dino, huh,’ Lorette chuckled a bit on the other side.
Still. Special Defence harshly fell once again. No way Paradise can take another one of those. But… she’s got one more move in her! Or if Skylar takes her back, another move to use somewhere else!
What will Skylar and Paradise, and perhaps Seabreeze, do next?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Paradise slams down with another Gust! Accelgor was sent flying again, making laps across the room and crashing into the drink by where Lorette was sitting, the girl blinking a bit at it. Critical Hit! Accelgor fainted!
Paradise grew to Level 14! Mac grew to Level 13!
Accelgor would not have fainted if that hadn’t been a Critical Hit.
‘You took out Accelgor. Well done,’ Lorette said, smiling. ‘But since you beat one of them, you have to know who’s coming next, right?’ the Gym Leader said, picking up and spinning another Pokéball. ‘Escavalier! Go!’ Lorette threw the ball forward, and with another blast of shining light a suit of armour wielding two lances took shape, and contained inside the armour was a bug.
Pokédex Entry #589 – Escavalier, the Cavalry Pokémon. Karrablast evolved my wearing Shelmet’s shell, the steel armor protecting its whole body. They fly around at high speed, striking with their two lances. Even when in trouble, they face opponents bravely.
‘For your second challenge. Beat something hard!’ Lorette challenged. Escavalier is slow, the first move is Skylar’s.
Route 5 || Day 4: Evening || @PlatinumSkink “Yes! Tutu! You did it!” Eryn cried, running out to scoop Tula up and spin the Magikarp around, a grin on her face. “You’re going to grow up to be big and strong and amazing, and absolutely nothing less!”
The ground trembled slightly, marking Peri’s approach, and Eryn glanced up with a grin, patting the rocks making up Peri’s body. What a bunch of big babies, this team.
“You too, Per-per. You’ll also be big, strong, and amazing, but hey you’re more than halfway there already,” Eryn said. “Now, no more learning from Dei, alright? You’re your own individual, and if you’re really going to choose him as your role model, pick up something other than… you-know-what, alright?”
Peri stared down at her, silent, then made the now-familiar, half-grinding, half crunching noise again. Narrowing her eyes, she maintained eye contact with Eryn, as if daring Eryn to say something.
“Fine! Fine, see if I care that I’ve now got two grouches,” Eryn said, throwing one arm in the air. With her other wrapped around Tula, she walked back to her team, muttering under her breath about personality deficiencies and the possibility of Tula being the ideal.
Noticing her other Pokemon crowding together over something, she walked over. “Hey, what’s up? Everything good?”
Kylie turned around with a grin, raising a yellow object into the air. “Maw!”
“Oh, cool, what… is this a beak?” Frowning, Eryn raised the object into the sun, turning and examining it from different angles as she fished out her Pokedex around Tula. Was it bone? Rubber? Some kind of high-grade plastic polymer?
“Well, alright, Pokedex says this is a ‘Sharp Beak’ and ups the power of flying-type moves, which is, well, completely non-applicable to us right now,” Eryn said, sighing. “Into the bag it goes, I guess.”
Rolling her backpack off one shoulder around Tula, she opened it to put the beak in, then frowned, fishing out a large yellow stone, which gleamed with value under the light. “Wait, how—what? Ugh, Electric Gem? You know what,” she said, shoving both yellow objects into her bag, “whatever. We’ll see how much they sell for, at worst. Can’t go wrong with more items.”
Shaking her head, she looked back at her gathered team, which now numbered five strong. Not bad, not bad at all.
“Right, so, let’s see,” she said, scrolling through the Pokedex’s map, “our goals today are to check Peri back in with her parents and catch a water-type so I can phone Wilhelm back about the ruins. Besides that, we’re basically done. Sleep schedule’s ruined, obviously, but maybe we can tire ourselves out so we can head to bed early or something, and—oh, how about checking out that house over there?”
Pointing to the rather misplaced house in the middle of the route, Eryn frowned, checking her Pokedex over. The map said nothing really about a house, so was it a private place?
“Well, no harm in dropping by. Worst case scenario we get a ‘I get this a lot, scat’ or something,” Eryn said, grinning as she tucked her Pokedex away and walked her team towards the house. “Hey Eri, double me again, and if we’re going inside I might have to return you, Peri, alright?”
A rumble from overhead marked Peri’s agreement, and a glance behind her revealed that Eri had already donned her skin.
“Alright, nice, now, anyone home?” Eryn called, peeking her head in through the open door.
Actions: Checking out the random house on the route.