
Game overview
Marooned is a classic fantasy set in original world. The game is intended to be post-by-post, with some tabletop mechanics in the background handled by the GMs. Unlike most guild RPs, Marooned has a map with locations that have prepared scenarios that will be ran by the GMs for the players to interact with. The scenarios have progressive difficulty and are built with multiple possible endings to the game.
That said, the game is built to last a relatively short time in hope to avoid dying and dropouts, leaving plenty of possible sequels based on which ending is reached if the player base remains interested.
The setting
The characters tab will be organized as a wiki of sorts, with the 0th post acting as a table of contents. Visit the characters tab for more info about the setting of the game.
Please submit your character applications into the OOC. GMs will transfer approved characters into the Characters tab in order to maintain their inventory records.
1) Scenarios have a post order, so let us know in advance if you'll be unavailable for a time.
2) If you have to leave mid-scenario, your character temporarily falls under GM control. Outside of scenarios, your character will be considered sitting at camp or something to that effect. If you know ahead you'll be gone, you can ask whoever to take over for you.
3) Only one appeal against a GM's word, then the issue is considered settled.
4) Rules may be subject to change. We'll notify you in the OOC and highlight the new/changed rules in the 0th post.
The game area is set on a map that will be revealed as the characters explore and travel. If the characters split up, GMs will create personalised maps for each unless they decide to share with the other characters in-game.
Scenarios are special parts of the game map that have special story, rewards and NPCs that will provide advantages to those that find them. Some scenarios will be repeatable to facilitate resource gathering and opportunities for the characters to sharpen their abilities.
Day-night cycle and posting order
In non-scenario zones, players may post in any order and for however long they see fit. These zones (taverns etc.) will be open for the entire day to post if the character chooses not to move somewhere else or enter a scenario. There is no posting order in these zones.
In scenario zones, there may be only a set amount of time to complete it before nightfall, when character will be forced to abandon it and return to a safe zone unless they acquired supplies and tools that will allow them to continue into the night or at least safely wait out into the next day. In scenario zones, there will be a set posting order - each character participating in the scenario will get one post, followed by a GM post evaluating the character's actions and providing information for the next turn.
The length of the game day will be decided by the GMs based on the scenario and current player disposition, regarding vacations, the upcoming christmas etc.
In certain areas of the map, NPCs may be encountered to assign additional quests, trade items and services or provide advice and aid to the player characters. The characters’ actions will have an impact on their reputation with them, which will affect the services offered to the given character and may even open up a different ending.
The characters can find different materials in scenarios and trade them between each other and with NPCs. There is a recipe system created for the game, and players can invent them in two ways - experimenting with the materials, or asking a GM for the end result to be provided a list of components. Consult the characters tab for more information.
Basic magic, available to every character, works by combining runes to get the desired effect. Much like crafting, you may ask a GM for the runes required for a spell or a list of runes known by your character to create the desired spell yourself, or simply attempt to activate a random sequence of runes to see what happens. Advanced magic, available to well-practiced mages, does not rely on runes to cast. Consult the characters tab for more information.
Each of the playable races - Demons, Dwarves, Elves, Fairies and Humans - has traits that impact your character’s abilities, working to your advantage or disadvantage in situations from combat to exploration to interacting with other characters. Consult the characters tab for more information.
There are other races wandering the world, that will be subject to individual scrutiny by the GMs should you wish to play them.