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Zeroth Post

Game overview

Marooned is a classic fantasy set in original world. The game is intended to be post-by-post, with some tabletop mechanics in the background handled by the GMs. Unlike most guild RPs, Marooned has a map with locations that have prepared scenarios that will be ran by the GMs for the players to interact with. The scenarios have progressive difficulty and are built with multiple possible endings to the game.

That said, the game is built to last a relatively short time in hope to avoid dying and dropouts, leaving plenty of possible sequels based on which ending is reached if the player base remains interested.
The setting

The characters tab will be organized as a wiki of sorts, with the 0th post acting as a table of contents. Visit the characters tab for more info about the setting of the game.

Please submit your character applications into the OOC. GMs will transfer approved characters into the Characters tab in order to maintain their inventory records.

1) Scenarios have a post order, so let us know in advance if you'll be unavailable for a time.

2) If you have to leave mid-scenario, your character temporarily falls under GM control. Outside of scenarios, your character will be considered sitting at camp or something to that effect. If you know ahead you'll be gone, you can ask whoever to take over for you.

3) Only one appeal against a GM's word, then the issue is considered settled.

4) Rules may be subject to change. We'll notify you in the OOC and highlight the new/changed rules in the 0th post.


The game area is set on a map that will be revealed as the characters explore and travel. If the characters split up, GMs will create personalised maps for each unless they decide to share with the other characters in-game.


Scenarios are special parts of the game map that have special story, rewards and NPCs that will provide advantages to those that find them. Some scenarios will be repeatable to facilitate resource gathering and opportunities for the characters to sharpen their abilities.

Day-night cycle and posting order

In non-scenario zones, players may post in any order and for however long they see fit. These zones (taverns etc.) will be open for the entire day to post if the character chooses not to move somewhere else or enter a scenario. There is no posting order in these zones.

In scenario zones, there may be only a set amount of time to complete it before nightfall, when character will be forced to abandon it and return to a safe zone unless they acquired supplies and tools that will allow them to continue into the night or at least safely wait out into the next day. In scenario zones, there will be a set posting order - each character participating in the scenario will get one post, followed by a GM post evaluating the character's actions and providing information for the next turn.

The length of the game day will be decided by the GMs based on the scenario and current player disposition, regarding vacations, the upcoming christmas etc.


In certain areas of the map, NPCs may be encountered to assign additional quests, trade items and services or provide advice and aid to the player characters. The characters’ actions will have an impact on their reputation with them, which will affect the services offered to the given character and may even open up a different ending.


The characters can find different materials in scenarios and trade them between each other and with NPCs. There is a recipe system created for the game, and players can invent them in two ways - experimenting with the materials, or asking a GM for the end result to be provided a list of components. Consult the characters tab for more information.


Basic magic, available to every character, works by combining runes to get the desired effect. Much like crafting, you may ask a GM for the runes required for a spell or a list of runes known by your character to create the desired spell yourself, or simply attempt to activate a random sequence of runes to see what happens. Advanced magic, available to well-practiced mages, does not rely on runes to cast. Consult the characters tab for more information.


Each of the playable races - Demons, Dwarves, Elves, Fairies and Humans - has traits that impact your character’s abilities, working to your advantage or disadvantage in situations from combat to exploration to interacting with other characters. Consult the characters tab for more information.

There are other races wandering the world, that will be subject to individual scrutiny by the GMs should you wish to play them.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 16 min ago

We are up!
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Name: Lothar Wolff

Alias: N/A

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Occupation: Aristocrat/Merchant


Personality: Optional. If you do not list this for yourself, do take care for your character to be consistent.

History: At least a brief overview of events that significantly shaped your character's life so far.

Inventory: What of your character’s stuff survived the wreck (Attire/armor, weapons, runes...)?

High stamina: With the exception of Demons within the Abyss, Humans will keep going where others would have to stop to take a breath.
Inexperienced mages: Human mages are generally considered inferior to even Dwarven ones, though there are exceptions to the rule.
Good reputation: Humans are well-regarded by all except Elves, as Humans almost drove them from Altheim.

Talents: What’s your character good (or utterly incompetent) at (fighting, crafting, medicine, bartering...)?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ill be going through the info over the course of the week and making a character as I go.

I hope this pace doesnt bother you guys cause i generally go slow when making posts, 1 or 2 a week....
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 2 days ago

I hope this pace doesnt bother you guys cause i generally go slow when making posts, 1 or 2 a week.

I am the same.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 16 min ago

While I could probably make time to do one post a day, I usually lack the energy after coming form work, so I imagine taking this leisurely will be no problem.

The starting parts of the map are not scenarios precisely to allow for free interaction, so the characters can get to know each other and the party can get off the ground. That way we will be able to guesstimate how long we will need to runt he actual scenarios and modify them accordingly :)

I also realize I forgot to add half the magic system data into the wiki (derp) so I will rectify that momentarily.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 2 days ago

I also realize I forgot to add half the magic system data into the wiki (derp) so I will rectify that momentarily.

I will look at that now. I Hope you don't mind me asking a ton of questions and picking your brain on this issue. If you have a discord channel maybe we could chat there?

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 1 hr ago

<Snipped quote by FiroIV>
I am the same.

Me too.

It's going to take a bit for me to make a character. There's a lot of info here, more than I usually have to work with.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 16 min ago

@Gunther Starlance has more time on his hands and a discord, so if you need something quick ask there. We are both UTC +1 timetone though, that said ask away over here, chances are more people need that information :)
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 16 min ago

I fixed the example spell syntax to fit the rules and added an example which uses a void and all rune for a more complex formula. I'll rework the sheet tomorrow to more easily figure out which parts of the spell correspond to action, object, target and guidance.

I'll make some sprites for runes I think and put up code templates so you can use them IC if you so desire to spive it up a bit :P

How is the magic 'programming language'? Does it make sense to you or is better explanation required?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 2 days ago

Basic Magic

Basic magic, available to every character, works by combining runes to get the desired effect. Much like crafting, you may ask a GM for the runes required for a spell or a list of runes known by your character to create the desired spell yourself, or simply attempt to activate a random sequence of runes to see what happens. Advanced magic, available to well-practiced mages, does not rely on runes to cast. Consult the characters tab for more information.

I intend to create a character who is a seasoned practitioner of the arcane arts. Should I concern myself with runic magic? I would like to understand the concept, if for no other reason, than for my character to serve as a mentor to a younger mage. There is also the possibility that my old elven mage to have a few runes left over from a bygone era. This raises another question. How long does a rune retain its magical properties? Is there a shelf life? Are runes effective indefinitely until consumed? Once consumed are they simply rocks to be discarded? Or possibly recast to possess magical properties again? Is there way of distinguishing various types of runes from others that serve different purposes? How many different types of runes are there?

What material is used to create a rune? Are they stones? Blocks of wood? Or something else? Can they be a random material? Are certain materials used for specific purposes?
Runic casting

Runestones can be used directly for casting, not only as a source, but also to form a spell, by activating the runes in a sequence. The basic spell always contains an action, object, target and guidance type runes, which can be combined and enhanced by modifier type runes. Modifier runes are placed before the augmented rune. A special modifier rune is the 'add' rune, which allows for coupling more runes or spells together.

It appears that a basic runic spell will require at least four separate runes, each of which serves a specific purpose. One rune, is created to generate a specific action. A second rune is created to designate a specific purpose (objective) for the spell/runestone. A third rune is used to identify the target or recipient of a spell. The fourth rune designates some form of guidance, which I do not understand. How does a rune guide a spell? What exactly is the purpose of a modifier rune? How does that work and what sort of spells are cast upon the runes to make them enchanted for the purpose of creating spells? It almost sounds like we are casting spells upon runestones in order to create spells? Is that right?

1. Spells consist of at least one action, object, target and guidance type runes
2. Each rune can be preceded by a modification rune
3. Add(itional) runes can be used to couple multiple runes together for combining either specific runes or entire spells.
4. Not using one of the mandatory runes will randomize its slot
5. Not using more than one rune will not work
6. Unleashing magic charge without any focus results in omnidirectional blast with completely random effect.
Public Spellbook

What exactly is a modification rune?
I assume the word Add in item 3 above is short for additional? Are they similar to modification runes?
I must assume that all spells require the basic four runes; action, object, target and guidance. If a caster has only three runes, what effect would that have on the spell
Item 5 implies that a caster MUST employ at least two runes to be successful. If that is true, how can a spell be cast with fewer than four?
Item 6 states a spell with no direction creates an omni-directional effect; much like a radio wave. Is the word direction in this statement used in place of guidance?

Regarding the public spellbook (excel), tab Runes, column C “Rune”, could you define each term listed? They might appear common as I thought they would, but some are different and may cause confusion.

The Example Spells do help to understand. I assume you will include several more?

Other casting methods

Wizards that have practiced a spell with runes long enough will eventually learn to cast the spell using merely a source that is not a runestone, often using incantations or motion of one's body as aid before achieving true mastery of casting with just a thought.
A sufficiently capacitous receptacle may not hold just an aspect of a spell like a runestone, but an entire spell. Such an item can be activated by a novice to cast even the greatest of spells.

The word, “capacitous” is generally used in legal writings. I believe the word you intended is capacious? Meaning, “capable of containing a great deal?” I hope you forgive me for pointing this out. I don't mean to sound pedantic. The word, “Capacitous” caused some confusion.

With my intention of using a more experienced mage, I do intend to write a spell book for my character. The book should contain each spell with the required runestones as well as the method for casting the spell with hand gestures, or some tool like a wand or staff and some somatic phrase. Some spells may be newer to the character and require the runes, while others have been in the book for decades and may not require that level of detail.

Please correct me if I am wrong or expand my understanding on some of the areas, I am trying to figure out.

Thank you.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 16 min ago

I intend to create a character who is a seasoned practitioner of the arcane arts. Should I concern myself with runic magic?

Up to you. Experienced mages do not require the use of runestones. However, they likely started as inexperienced mages casting with runestones, so they should have the knowledge.

Is there a shelf life?

No. Once a runestone is created, it will retain the magical energy it has until it is used.

Once consumed are they simply rocks to be discarded?

No. The runestones can be re-enchanted. The actual stone of the runestone is just a carrier though, and has no influence on what the final runestone will be.

Is there way of distinguishing various types of runes from others that serve different purposes?

Yes, when created, the runestones have glowing magical glyphs on them that uniquely identify it. There may be undiscovered runes though.

How many different types of runes are there?

Many, and we are open for players to submit their own idea for runes if they feel the current runes can not be used to cast a spell they desire. Not all of the runes are available at the start of the game though, this is intended to create some form of experience progression.

What material is used to create a rune?
Any solid object.

Are certain materials used for specific purposes?
Something to be pondered, I'll bounce ideas with Starlance and flesh this out.

How does a rune guide a spell?
The rune does not guide the spell, the rune specifies how the spell is guided. The runestones are pretty general in meaning, to the point that two different spells may require the exact same runes to be cast. It is up to the mage to use the guidance to form the intended spell.

What exactly is the purpose of a modifier rune?
It enhances the rune following it in some way. For example, using a "degrade" rune will create a spell that will erode something for one round of posting. However, using a last rune along with it ("Last, degrade"), will extend the effect for another turn.

How does that work and what sort of spells are cast upon the runes to make them enchanted for the purpose of creating spells? It almost sounds like we are casting spells upon runestones in order to create spells? Is that right?
One has to create a runestone by enchanting a vessel in a source of magic. The runestone can then be used to cast a spell. You can think of runes as the 'programming language' of magic. The mage uses the runes to 'code' a spell.

What exactly is a modification rune?
Same as modifier rune.

I assume the word Add in item 3 above is short for additional? Are they similar to modification runes?
Add is one of the modification runes. It is necessary to create a syntax that makes some sense. For our earlier example, say if you wanted to make the spell last another turn longer, you will have to use add rune between the two last runes (Last, add, last, degrade), because otherwise the first last rune would affect the next last rune next to it, rather than the action rune. You can think of it as using parentheses in math - (a+b)*c, versus a+b*c.

I must assume that all spells require the basic four runes; action, object, target and guidance. If a caster has only three runes, what effect would that have on the spell?
The slot that has no rune present will be randomized by the GM when deciding the result of the spell.

Item 5 implies that a caster MUST employ at least two runes to be successful. If that is true, how can a spell be cast with fewer than four?
This is a failure to communicate. It is meant to say that you can only omit one rune type of the required four, otherwise the spell does not work.

Item 6 states a spell with no direction creates an omni-directional effect; much like a radio wave. Is the word direction in this statement used in place of guidance?
No, this reffers to a mage letting go of raw, unguided magical energy, I.E. similar to no rune being used.

Regarding the public spellbook (excel), tab Runes, column C “Rune”, could you define each term listed? They might appear common as I thought they would, but some are different and may cause confusion.
Collumn C are merely the names of the individual runestone types.

The Example Spells do help to understand. I assume you will include several more?
It would be better if you gave us an example of the spell you want to create, and we will post the runes necessary and explain the logic behind it.

The word, “capacitous” is generally used in legal writings. I believe the word you intended is capacious? Meaning, “capable of containing a great deal?” I hope you forgive me for pointing this out. I don't mean to sound pedantic. The word, “Capacitous” caused some confusion.
YEah it is supposed to be what you said. We will revise this part along with the materials to create runestones out of.

With my intention of using a more experienced mage, I do intend to write a spell book for my character. The book should contain each spell with the required runestones as well as the method for casting the spell with hand gestures, or some tool like a wand or staff and some somatic phrase. Some spells may be newer to the character and require the runes, while others have been in the book for decades and may not require that level of detail.

As an experienced mag,e your character will nto need runestones to cast. They will require a source fo magic though, which will also be tied ot the revised materials for runes.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 2 days ago

Thank you very much, @Forsythe!!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 2 days ago

Given this information, I am going to begin work on a spellbook. I will share it with @Forsythe and @Starlance for editing and approval.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 16 min ago

@Mistress Dizzy @FiroIV @Heyitsjiwon

Can I get a holler on everyone's progress?

Also interested how many of thsoe 7 "will watch maybe join later" poeple are watching? :D
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Will be able to get a proper CS up this coming weekend. Work has been killer for the last few weeks. Earnings season...
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 1 hr ago

I am nowhere and I'll probably have to drop out. Work is also picking up for me and I'm just tired. I don't think I'd be able to put forth the effort something like this deserves.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 16 min ago

I am nowhere and I'll probably have to drop out. Work is also picking up for me and I'm just tired. I don't think I'd be able to put forth the effort something like this deserves.

Understandable. This will remain open until the first scenarios are complete, so there is time to work on it, and as mentioned, this will likely be a weekend RP as we are all in similar situation. SO if you find some spare time later and still feel like this, check us out, chances are there will still be a place.


Looking forward to it! Any teasers to what kind of character you going for? :D
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

So good to know that this will be a weekend RP as that pace works better with me.

As for me, I'm thinking of doing a Faerie, possibly a combat support type, with a focus on damage reduction, healing, and druidic type spells. Storywise I'm thinking they're a traveling shaman type person who actively goes to areas of conflict to help reverse the effects of foul magic, with a passion for music, performing and entertaining. They're from Fairyhome or maybe the children of Fairy immigrants who live in Altheim.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 16 min ago


Interesting. We're already having one healer in Gunther's character, so you may want to gear it more towards the combat support part (something fairies excel at really). That is not to say the character can not respecialize during the game.

Will you be going for runic casting? As a fairy, your character may well be versed in creating the runes themselves.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

That's them direction ill take them eventually, fighting at the front lines casting barriers, buffs, debuffs, and other assist spells, but before I get them there id like to explore the narrative that since they're not the most experienced in combat I like the idea of having them stumble and grow into the role. Id have them start as someone who's unsure of how to best support their team, which may mean stepping onto certain healer's toes.

As for the actual healing, I'm designing it be less like filling up someone's health and more like adding armor.

I'd say they're primarily a runecaster rather than a runestone user because in essence, I want them to be someone who specializes in creating barriers, bindings, and seals. Storywise I want to make them something like a fairy exorcist, but thematically and aesthetically like a shaman/druid who uses nature spirit/magic.

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