Health: 2600/2600
Mana: 1800/1800
Mana: 1800/1800
Holly wasn’t as optimistic as River was about Prome, but his reasoning was correct. ”Ugh… Prome is a conundrum of the epic portions.” Holly thought to herself. It was a bit too much to handle with his constant disappearing, and utterly ignoring everything. As if he got a personality disorder or something. However, the more important topic was at hand, which was the information that Willow had about the Welkin quest. It was still slightly in the back of her mind that what Willow will say will freak her out a bit.
Her train of thought got distracted by something, which Cecilia said. It made her imagine Prome dressed up as a puppy and put on a leash to keep him from running away. Her imagination basically made her laugh out loud big time about what Ceci said. ”Oh my god, C-Ceci… you made my day with that. Promie, the puppy would be his name...” Holly said, however, was highly embarrassed with what she had said. She looked at everyone with like, a ‘what look’ on her face because it was highly embarrassing to her. It’s mostly as if she had never had a pet either, even though she lived with highly rich parents or something. ”W-Whoops… my imagination g-gets a bit wild… but it would be cute though.” Holly said, with a highly embarrassed look on her face.
She got back to the task at hand, when Willow started talking about the Welkin, and her back of her mind was telling her, I told you so. Her eyes went a bit wide about what technique the Welkin have about aggroing on someone via vomiting on them. It made her specifically freak out a bit because she couldn’t have herself vomited on because that would be utterly gross. Not to mention she is an only child in her family. She definitely had a definitely a bit of a yucky feeling to the entire ordeal. ”Eww, that is utterly gross Willow… feels like I should take a bath after the ordeal had finished up after dealing those yucky creatures. I will definitely make sure to use all my abilities on them to get rid of them as quickly as possible.” Holly said, with a definite feeling of oh god should’ve been more prepared for this game mentally. One like herself doesn’t get herself dirty without a just cause, alike planting flowers, which usually doesn’t involve getting vomited on. It was a bit of a good thing she was an only child in her family.
Holly tried to get the image of a welkin vomiting on her out of her mind, however, it was pretty hard. The basically like rallying cry of Willow wanting to kick some virtual ass, made her calm down a bit and was in agreement about kicking some virtual ass. ”Yeah, I am ready to kick virtual ass since it requires an ass kicking. For being a tormenting place as it is...” Holly said, with a bit of a smile on her face. However, she did keep a mental note of a chitter since she doesn’t really know what they look like but will keep an eye out for them. Even if she cannot really know their stats alike, River can.
She heard River’s oxy-moron remark about Prome and agreed with that too. ”Y-Yeah, he is. But he’s our oxy-moron at least.” Holly said, towards River. It’s pretty much obvious she cares about all her friends even though she does get a little jittery from time to time and is very not that good when she doesn’t get a goodnight sleep. She has her routines and usually keeps on them all the time, even though she easily embarrasses herself much, which she did earlier about saying Promie.