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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Everything went still. Spells and actions still triggered across the field, fewer and fewer and fewer, until finally everyone came to the realization the nightmare was over. There was stillness for a few moments before the next cacophony exploded―a sigh of relief, a chorus of screamings, and the ramblings of the confused as people counted their friends among the living and the dead. Some were hysterical, others grateful, and others openly wept as their rewards tab opened but their Friends List thinned, reinforcing their new reality.

The battlefield fell silent as a new light commanded attention, pulsing from a door dominating the skyline. Ornate designs swirled along its wooden surface, golden foliage and silver insects shifted and flowed over crumbling ruins. A winged lancer gazed down upon the world depicted and spears of gold spun around her. Armano swept through the players, an irritable healer following him as his health ticked upwards, and took a moment to look at the door. He scanned the players nearby and, with a resolute nod, knocked lightly on the door. The sound boomed like a gong across the world.

The winged figurer drove her lance down the middle of the door and a line of brilliant light followed her, spreading outwards until the door shattered and an open portal to the next level remained. Lightning flashed and thunder crashed through the opening. The brief flashes of light revealed a muddy road, lined with greenery covered buildings and dark figures rushing between them. Little more could be made out in the dark of the thunder storm.

As the portal opened fully, a series of pop ups appeared in front of every player in the room.

Foglands Unlocked. Reliquia Map Unlocked.

Severe Weather Alert. 
Find Shelter Immediately.
Inns Available: River Run Inn, The Verdant, The Tipsy Troodon

The portal stretched, growing until the battlefield vanished and the players stood in the pouring rain. The wind howled and tore at the players, carrying the harsh scent of salt, and hundreds of little dings resonnated under the storm, the Chilled status debuff suddenly in effect. Lightning slammed into the mud next to them, the sudden flash of heat sending scattering. Players bolted towards the listed Inns, both the Verdant and River Run nearby while it seemed The Tipsy Troodon was a bit of a walk down the road.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Perhaps it was better for them, that the environment gave them all so much to worry about. As the sudden storm bore down upon them, a thousand pings ringing harshly in her ears, Cecilia let out a breath, turning her face upwards, fat, heavy droplets splattering against her face and washing away the sweat and the grime that had built up from six hours of continous combat. It was exhausting now, but at least it was over. Lightning fell, striking the ground rather than one of the many dark buildings in the city, a warning shot by the heavens for the disorderly mass of adventurers to disperse.

What did she want right now? A bath, for one. Then hot food, for another.

What did she need right now? More Potions, for one. Then the level 15 actions, for another.

She was at full HP and MP from the level up. The Chilled debuff may be a problem later, but she was still fast regardless. Enjoying the cold rain and roaring wind for just a while longer, Cecilia pressed herself against a building before quickly changing outfits, pulling on her travelling boots and her raincoat. Would have been nice if she had time to sew her wolf pelts together into something to keep the chill out, but whatever. This was a new environment, and these rough conditions, in a town that offered shelter everywhere, provided the perfect oppurtunity to acclimate. With the majority of other players heading immediately to the Inn, there'd be no line ups either. And even if it turns out her trip was wasted due to those facilities being closed, it mattered not.

Cecilia knew that the moment she checked in at a tavern, she'd be spending the rest of the night sleeping, even though she was maxed out on all important resources. If there was anything that could be done today rather than tomorrow, it would be a net benefit.

So she pushed out the alleyway and into the storm again, hood pulled over her head, marching resolutely to the shadow of the largest building in the vicinity.

She needed to be faster, still.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 10 hrs ago


Health: 2700/2700
Mana: 3550/3550(+450)

Willow squinted against the harsh lightning, striking moments after her passive cleared the shadows from her vision. Willow was exhausted, sore, and, now, shivering. She grumbled at the absurdity of the transition. Why couldn’t they have a moment to recover, to look around and find their group? Especially with the Friends List glitch. Sadistic game devs.

Willow checked the message River sent out with a huff. She had been planning to check out the Verdant. She didn’t know what kind of shelter it was but at least it sounded pleasant but River made a point. Not too many would make the trip that far at this time and in this weather. It didn’t matter too much anyways. She needed time to decompress and analyze. That fight was brutal and the Players’ coordination was a disaster.

Willow hurried off into the night, vision unimpaired by the lack of light. She needed to get a list of concerns together for Karuu to present at the next meeting of the guilds, maybe do a little painting before then. It would be nice. From what details she could make out, the place seemed covered in plants. A nice landscape fo here would be relaxing tomorrow and then she could poke around about getting Runechanter unlocked.

Willow paused for a moment. Well, maybe focus on buying the rest of the Body list first and then Runechanter. She shook her head and continued on. So much t do, so little time. Getting out of the rain should be her first priority.


  • Night Vision Triggers
  • Heads to the Tipsy Troodon

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
Avatar of Landaus Five-One

Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Health: 2600/2600
Mana: 1800/1800

Holly was definitely shaken from all that happened in the last floor, which was specifically the lost of an ally and friend. It didn’t help she was exhausted, sore, and feeling a bit cold from the raining. She equipped her raincoat from her inventory, therefore, it wouldn’t be as bad, but the transitioning to this landscape was amazing and beautiful even though it was raining. ”I definitely have much shopping to do… to resupply and stuff.” Holly thought to herself, while trying to keep up with the group she can see. It didn’t help it was dark, which was an additionally hazard she didn’t like, she wasn’t terrified of it but fear of the unknown is a definite thing. She had more important matters to handle right now.

Holly was lost in her own thoughts for awhile, since she was grateful she had a bow like she has or she would’ve been defenseless in that battle. She knew somethings about that battle on the last floor was a disaster, which is she mostly got from her father. He always said, being under preparedness and lack of coordination causes disaster. I hope no one else dies from my friends since I would hate that the most...” Holly thought to herself, it was basically remembering what her father said about not knowing all sides of a conflict. This was definitely a conflict, which she involves her living to the end goal of winning this game so she can free herself.

Holly made sure she hurried to the nearest town she saw in the distance by the lightning, which was a beautiful city from the looks like. She had specifically a shopping list to do since she needed more health, mana potions and arrows. It came across her mind, which she unlocked the Ranger Subclass and should ask around in the city how to properly use it. She remembered why she picked Ranger Subclass specifically for the maneuverability rather than wielding heavy crossbows. It was on the box art for the Archer class that it has two distinct subclasses. However, she needed to stick with her friends and allies in Lost Genesis. Because of the death in their guild, Karuu is dead.

The only thing that helped in all this was the fact she could relax and take it somewhat easy in the town that they would be relaxing in. She needed to get some rest after that horribleness anyway, which was always annoying to her. It was pretty much obvious she wanted to get out of the rain so she headed towards the Tipsy Trodoon mostly because of River’s message through the guild message system. ”Uhh that’s a funny name of an Inn...” Holly thought to herself with a slight smile on her face. She remembered it is a fantasy game so inns are named silly names rather than the luxurious hotels and inns in real life, like the French Quarter Inn, which her father been to for a business meeting one year. It was a bit odd for him to go all the way to South Carolina for a business meeting but it was pretty much common for him to go all over the US to talk to clients.

  • Raincoat Equipped
  • Heads to the Tipsy Troodon
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Health: 2100/2100
Mana: 2000/2000

Prome wasn't doing so well. Not only had one of his friends died, but he had been a single hit away from death. Needless to say, that had left him deeply shaken. However, on the bright side, he was now level 15, and could now pick a subclass. '...I had almost forgotten what wandering around in a new place.' After having spent so long on the first floor, the unfamiliar town felt...off. Like there was something unnerving and wrong about this place. Then again, that might have been the loss of his friend talking.

Prome pushed past his fatigue (both mental and physical), on his search for one of the NPC's that would give him his subclass quest. Once that was done, then the real work would begin. '...I wonder if I could fit a tank in a dungeon?' He immersed himself in his own musings '...guns. I clearly need more guns. A tank could hold a lot of guns...but mobility would be a problem.'
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 25 min ago


Not long after the fight had ended, had a massive door been created in the field. It’s ornate features only shown for a moment before shattering into a myriad of pixels before the players, and teleporting the arena into a new town; the second floor. Large stone buildings with outer wooden beams and tiled roofs, surrounded the players who teleported in what appeared to be the towns plaza. Rain began pelting the trainer, large droplets of water spattering all over his face as well as Pepper who immediately flew under the nearest roof for cover. River followed soon behind, running his left arm across his body to hold himself from shivering too much as he pulled up his inventory quickly and layer one his clothes.
Foglands Unlocked. Reliquia Map Unlocked.

Severe Weather Alert. 
Find Shelter Immediately.
Inns Available: River Run Inn, The Verdant, The Tipsy Troodon

Two messages appeared on his H.U.D. Urging him and all other players to take cover. Already this floor proved to be vastly different from the others, it appeared that the weather here either was always harsh, or could become harsh. He watched as a lighting bolt quickly fell from the sky and barraged the grassy ground, kicking up chunks of dirt and mud, splattering a few players. He quickly decided to send a message out to the guild using the guild chat function.

”Lets head to the Tipsy Trodoon. Other Inns will be over stuffed because they are closer, if we can beat the people to the punch we can hopefully get a room and food first.”

River stuffed Pepper into his most inner shirt so only her head was poking out. He quickly ran towards the Tipsy Trodoon, making sure not to slip on the sleek, wet, grass on his way there. As he was running he noticed a curious quest pop up on his mini map.
>>Hidden Knowledge: Subclasses
Maybe this is why the quest didn’t trigger when he had hit level 15 before, it appeared you weren’t meant to until you reached the second floor, a possible deterrent for power levelers. River finally made it to the Tavern, his ginger curls now outstretched and stuck agains his face, going midway down it. He sighed a large sigh of relief as he made his way over to the counter to attempt to both grab a table as well as a few rooms for his guild mates.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

The Tipsy Troodon was on the far edge of the town, down the muddy road past vine covered buildings and a variety of trees interspersed between the buildings. It was difficult to catch sight through the storm but some lightning flashes showcased a sprawling market, mostly stalls shuttered against the storm, as they hurried past and individual homes across from it. As the few who braved the storm pushed on, they’d notice a small ball of electricity floating around them that continued to expand. A status icon called “Static Charge” appeared and a player near Cecilia was suddenly struck by lightning after the orb grew to the size of his head. A few seconds later, a few more players were struck, most of their health disappearing as the wind snatched their strangled cries from their throats.

A quick duck into a door frame almost immediately dispelled the effect but drastically slowed their movement. Eventually, they made it to their destination: The Tipsy Troodon a flapping wooden sign declared. The few stairs up to the building’s porch could be heard over the storm as they protested under the weight of any adventurer. Several rocking chairs laid on their side, obviously forgotten before the storm.

The inside was rather small, only five or six round tables scattered around, and the bar stools had seen better days. The bar itself had long gashes cut into it and chunks and bits missing around the sides. A few pictures hung askew around the otherwise plant filed walls, a variety of flowers decorating the creeping vines, and more than one pot collected the drips that leaked through patches in the ceiling.

“What are you foolish creatures doin’ outside when the Rathan is lurking here abouts?” An older woman snapped form behind the bar, glaring at travelers that let the rain in for even a moment. “Even those bothrian know better! ‘Ey girl, we have company!” The woman, name tagged as Nerile, shouted back into a door behind the bar. A brief clanging could be heard and a young woman, tagged Anu, came dashing out, a bright smile on her face as she zipped around and welcomed the adventurers in out of the storm while taking orders for drinks and food. She frequently pointed to the sign above the bar, where it listed options and prices. Nerile gave a fond huff as the younger woman scurried about before she turned her attention to River, casting a critical eye over him.

“You look like a drowned Chitter. Nerile commented bluntly as she cleaned out a glass with a not so clean piece of cloth. “Whatcha havin’?

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Online

Cecilia grimaced at the flash of lightning, noting the orb that was floating around her own body now, slowly growing. Finding cover once more, she let out a hiss at the disruptive weather, her eyes flickering towards the roofs of the adjacent buildings. It definitely wasn’t normal for lightning to be hitting people on the ground, rather than all the taller things around, hm?

Or maybe game designers just weren’t paying attention in science class. Never mind, it wasn’t going to stop her anyways.

Stowing away her spear and her buckler, as well as her earrings, Cecilia tied her hair back in a ponytail as she watched the storm rage on. Her Teleport Ring hadn’t been used yet. She still had Light Speed Escape for the general boost. Her boots offered her doubled movement speed, which would stack with all her movement-enhancing Actions. The Chilled effect reduced her Stamina, but as long as it didn’t also reduce her Agility, she couldn’t care less. Briefly, she looked at her leather armor, before an uncharacteristically genuine smile surfaced.

A smile genuine and dangerous.

Cecilia removed that as well, leaving her with only her raincoat, her clothing, and the leather-made items that granted her extra speed. If a War Chief couldn’t beat her, this wouldn’t either. She faced a sky that rained green helldrops; a regular lightning storm was laughable compared to that. And the early a start she could get, the better. Subclass quest was popping up in the corner of her vision, and the greater a lead she could get on everyone else, the better.


She broke out through doorway, an orb of lightning instantly forming before her. Surging through empty streets, the cloaked lancer weaved around puddles as her coat deflected heavy droplets of rain.


Before her speed could fall back to regular levels, she gave her legs a second wind, more and more power surging into her limbs as she shot through the streets, the rain around her now a sheer wall of water that she faced head on.

“Redeeming Glow.”

A beacon in the night, a flash of light purer than the lightning that strike all others indiscriminately. In that brief moment of illumination, Cecilia marked the direction of the Guild Hall once more, all the way on the other side of the town. But that was no detriment. That was a challenge.

Before her eyes, the orb of electricity reached its apex, moments away from discharging.

The grin grew feral, vicious, defiant.

If she succeeded, this was a feat that no one would witness.

But she was feeling rather reckless anyways.


She was Lycanbane, slayer of wolves, the hunter that no beast could escape from. But she was also Cecilia Tonitrus, the girl with lightning in her name. Who the hell was she, if she couldn’t even outpace the thunder?

Above, the heavens split to send down a burning bolt.

Below, the lancer proclaimed her words of power, and grew faster still.

The world bloomed white, and in the aftermath, what remained but the silence of the storm?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 25 min ago


River quickly pulled out the 31 coppers pieces he needed for his order. Giving a polite smile at Neville as he laughed at her comments about his appearance. ”I do suppose that I appear that way huh? If you could, I would like to purchase eight rooms for the night, as well as a warm bath for one room and a plate of that Sliced Boni Fruit please” He held the copper out for the woman to grab as needed before continuing on. ”Is the weather always like this? I heard you make mention of a Rathan? What’s that, some form of creature?” He had only been here for a short amount of time, and already the floor was drastically different, not only that, but there was a whole floor of monsters to learn, techniques to try, and quests to take up. His eyes kept darting back towards the notification on his screen that read

Hidden Knowledge: Subclasses

As River pulled up his menu, he searched his inventory for the new floors map, hoping to get a better view of it. He pulled it out and laid it flat across the counter top, as he sat there tapping his pointer finger against his cheek. Hmmm so it appears that we are in the main city called Riliquia. Part of the city lays across a small body of water, but it appears there’s a dock to take a boat across to either the Shamans house for the subclass quest, or the Guild Hall which seems to have the arena attached to it. As soon as this storm quiets down I think I should head on over to the docks and see about picking up my subclass. Rivers thoughts were interrupted as a loud boom could be heard outside, lighting striking very close to the Tavern. He sat there, waiting for the rest of his guild mates to arrive to the tavern so that they can discuss some form of plan.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 10 hrs ago


Health: 2700/2700
Mana: 3550/3550(+450)

Willow did not appreciate this Static Charge nonsense. Not even five minutes after a fight that left them on the brink of death and the game slams them with another mechanic? Sure, they technically could reduce each other past 1 HP in town but what about world mechanics. Willow would appreciate a damn break for at least the trip to an inn but apparently the game devs hated them. Well, that was already obvious. She switched weapons when she paused next, pulling out the staff to try something.

“Cleanse Magic.” Willow murmured wearily as she stepped back out to build the charge, curious to see if it would work. The white shimmer enveloped her and vanished, taking the static debuff with it but a few seconds later, the static charge reappeared. Willow grumbled about terrible game design and flawed game devs the entire way to the inn. Stomping in, she noted River at the bar but chose a table instead so other members of the guild could take a seat. She waved down the enthusiastic waitress and returned her grin with a weary smile.

“Welcome in! You look like a drowned Chitter.” Anu giggled, wiping down the table with a rag from her apron. “Whatcha need to get back on your feet? I’d recommend so good old fashion Wekke Ale. Has a bit of a burn that'll spruce your right up!” Willow gave a tired chuckle.

“Perfect. That and the stew with a bit of bread please.” Willow asked, forking over the 11 copper it cost.

  • Attempts to remove Static Charge
  • Takes a table
  • Spends 11 copper on Stew, Bread, and Ale

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
Avatar of Landaus Five-One

Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Health: 2600/2600
Mana: 1800/1800

Holly was thinking about things while looking at her status and noticed static charge on it. It was a pretty annoying to her but it could always be worse she supposed. She only faced certain mechanics in other video games that weren’t that annoying. It was pretty much obvious she noticed Willow’s annoyance at the mechanic in-question. In terms of her walking out of the inn, however, she couldn’t really help but sigh when Willow came back in with frustrated look on her face. It was pretty much obvious it didn’t work. ”What’s worst being statically charged or having a hell of a time within a game because game developers are being cruel?” Holly thought to herself, with a slight frustrated look on her face.

Holly decided to sit down at the table that Willow was sitting at and heard the waitress’ greeting and had a smile on her face. It was pretty funny at least, it was unique to this game to have great NPCs. ”I would definitely like to have the ale, sliced fruit and stew. It would definitely help my mood.” Holly said, with a smile. She got out 12cp for the order she gave the waitress that was talking to Willow. It was pretty much obvious that she was exhausted from how she was acting and needed a pick me up from the whole ordeal of that battle, Lost Genesis had. She saw River standing at the bar, which meant he got them beds for all of them. It gave her a slight smile at least friends are always required for this type of thing.

Holly looked at Willow with a slight smile but definitely went back to frowning and a bit frustrated. It was taking her a bit to wonder what to say because its pretty much obvious the last boss was definitely on her nerves. She had many other things on her mind but she’s grateful she’s with her friends even though she will never meet Karuu face to face since he died on the floor one boss. It took her a bit, which caused her to put her head down on the table. ”This game is constantly reinforcing that it sucks worse than all the other ones I’ve played with you guys… Never would have thought I would be trapped within a game with my friends...” Holly quietly said towards Willow.


  • Sits at the same table as Willow
  • Spends 12 copper on Stew, Sliced Fruit and Ale.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
Avatar of Card Captor

Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Health: 2100/2100
Mana: 2000/2000

The sight of lightning striking people sent Prome into a panic as he rushed the nearest building, which just so happened to be the tavern. He huddled in a corner near the entrance. With his safety no longer in jeopardy, he began to ramble "Nowhere is safe. They failed to kill me in the boss fight, so now they're trying again in town of all places. Well I'll show them, I'll show them all. Their lightning won't kill me. In fact, I'll harness for myself to kill every last one of them."

Prome's body began to shiver "I'll make them rue the day they messed with me. My vengeance shall be swift and without mercy. Fear my unholy wrath you fools and tremble in terror." At this point he began rocking back and forth "It's the only way. Yes...I have to do it."
1x Like Like
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
Avatar of Achronum

Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Suddenly, the lightning ceases and the wind and the rain quiet down. A massive roar ripped across the town, buildings and trees shaking slightly in its wake, and the Static Charge debuff vanished. Just a light drizzle was left and you could see a few NPCs poking their heads out of windows and doors to check the damage.

The NPCs stilled for a moment as a mighty roar resounded in the Inn, holding for a few moments before sighing in relief, and resuming their duties. Anu nodded as she accepted the payments and rushed off to fill their orders. Nerile nodded at the calming storm outside.

“The Rathan’s a mighty beast full of lightning and fury. Always know when its here abouts when the storms so bad. Lurks in the rivers and comes out to feed on the Chitters and the Welkin and sometimes the big Maledoeons when the belly pains demand it.” Nerile shrugged as she took the coin and deposited eight room keys in front of him. They were all in poor condition, a bit dented and bent. Each one had a big wooden tag with a number between 1 and 8. “Let me know when you’re ready for the water and which room you want it in. Anu and Drash will bring it up. Fruit will be out in a half a shake.”

More people started meandering in once the storm let up and the bar slots filled up quickly, most people edging away from a great axe wielding guy at the end. He wore low grade armor and stared into the bar after ordering a cup of ale in a small voice.

“Don’t cause no trouble or I’ll haul you out myself.” Nervile warned him as she slammed down his cup, sloshing some of the ale onto the bar.

His name was red.

As Cecilia ran, feeling the wind whip around her as she pushed herself faster and faster against the odds, her static charge grew and grew and grew. She stepped onto the bridge just past the first watch tower on the edge of town and the heavens opened up. In a blinding flash of white, a deafening roar, and boiling heat, lightning arced between the clouds and struck.

Next to Cecelia.

Half a hair to the left and Cecilia would have been struck. The small “Evade!” notice popped up and the charge restarted. The air around her still boiled for half a moment before the wind and rain whisked it away and the sharp cold returned. Another flash of lighting in the distance and another…

No boom, no epic crash. Instead, a roar that shook the ground reverberated across the storm torn world and in the next flash of lightning, Cecilia could see it. A towering monster half submerged in the wide river the bridge spanned. A massive fin rose from it’s back with lightning dancing across it and the worst of the storm writhed above it. It let out another mighty roar and sank into the depths of the river. As it did, the storm lessened, the wind all but stilled and the rain slowed to a drizzle. The Static Charge notice vanished.

The Guild Hall was only a few minutes past the bridge, with nothing more than a little mud hampering the journey. Unlike the rest of the town, the Guild Hall was a towering building of marble and stone but various plants still climbed it’s surface. A towering double door would open as a Player approached it and inside was as elegant as it was on the outside. A long single hall ending in a few stairs, a chair, and a full sized window overlooking the story sea greeted all those who entered, a variety of doors on the left side leading further into the building while a long counter was on the right and a few NPCs sat behind them. Two NPCs however, Dracion and Rania, stood towards the left side and seemed to be discussing something serious despite Rania’s periodic chuckling.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 25 min ago


River picked up the eight keys that were placed on the counter and smiled politely at Nerile before she walked away. ”Thanks for the information and the keys, I’ll be joining my friends over at that table if you could bring the fruit over there please.” He smiled at her once more, keys in hand, as he made his way towards the table that Willow and Holly were sitting at. Once there he used his free hand to ruffle Willows hair as she sat there, her head plopped onto the table. ”Cheer up guys! It can’t be all bad, new floor, new people to meet, and new monsters to explore. Heh, we even get subclasses to unlock now! How cool is that?” River took a seat next to Willow, across from Holly and placed two of the keys onto the table, one in front of each of them.

”I got us some rooms for everyone. Speaking of...where...is...everyone?” He placed his left hand above his eyes looking about the tavern. ”I’m sure that they’ll be fine within the city but, if anyone stepped out of the safety zone they may of come across a nasty creature.” River lowered his voice, speaking in a low tone as if telling a scary story. ”There’s tale that a monsterous creature is roaming about the land, swimming through the rivers and snapping up at any creature is can see near its beds. They say that if it gets its cravings too bad, it’ll surface up onto land and grab its meals from there. Now, I’m sure that that’s all just a bunch of hype and propaganda against a misunderstood animal. However, its threat is real, as the massive storm we just witnessed is caused by this monster and I already witnessed its power striking players in town. They call it...the Rathan’s”

River pulled up his guild chat function and typed out a message to those not currently in attendance.

Last Genesis, please be wary while out there.
A giant roaming monster that can cause storms is out there. Do not engage.
Please meet us at the Tipsy Troodon.
I got rooms for everybody.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
Avatar of Achronum

Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 10 hrs ago


Health: 2700/2700
Mana: 3550/3550(+450)

“No kidding. They just don’t give us a break.” Willow agreed with Holly. It was bullshit but they didn’t have much of a choice other than continue on. She felt the prickle of tears but she squashed that down. There would be time for that in a little bit. She smiled up at River as she passed, half heartedly swatting at the hand he mussed her hair with.

“I don’t imagine anyone is going to leave town. A few will probably get a head start on subclasses now that the rain let up.” Willow said, clearing the notification. Cecilia would definitely have made her way there and really, Willow should follow her lead but the last fight was brutal and she needed time to reset. “It’s probably a world monster we can kill at some point. Hopefully that means every storm doesn’t have this awful condition and if it really is this monster, we now know at least one of its mechanics so we can prepare.

“Tomorrow, we’ll all get together and figure out how we want to move forward. There is a lot to be done and there will hopefully be a Council meeting again soon on top of it.” Willow tapped her finger on the table as she thought. There were bound to be a lot of upset people, reasonably so, and it would probably give them an advantage if they could push through the next few days.

“But for tonight we should just relax. We sur-“ The word caught in her throat and she took a deep breath. “We won tonight. And that’s what we should focus on. We’re here with people we know and we like and that’s what will get us through all this. And planning and communication and everything else but it makes it that much easier.”

Anu swung by, balancing everything with the ease of experience and sliding everyone’s food in front of them.

“Make sure you let us know where your water is goin’ Mister or we’ll put it in a random room.” She reminded River and glanced at the other two. “And if you want to relax, I’d order hot bath water too. If ya have the time tomorrow, pick up some herb packets to soak in the water too. Makes a world of difference.” She turned as someone else called her over and she hurried away with a cheerful goodbye.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Online

It was such a small thing. She wouldn’t have died even if she were struck by that bolt. The notification blinked out before she could even fully read it. And was it really her own skill that allowed her to dodge, or simply a matter of the percentages that ruled the framework of the game? Cecilia didn’t know. She didn’t know at all.

But that didn’t stop the exuberance that burst out of her heart, the bright smile that emerged from her rain-streaked face. Small victories. Small, clear victories. That’s what sustained her. And as if answering the ember of joy burning in her heart, another flash of lightning illuminated the world, searing the image of the stormbringer into her eyes.

She could feel its roar in her bones. A beast of lightning and wind, that inhabited the depths of the oceans before them. The lancer licked her lips, pausing her run to watch it swim away.

“Godzilla?” A moment of silence, and then she chuckled, enjoying the soft rain that danced over her skin. “Definitely Godzilla.”

Without the storm threatening to drown her out, Cecilia took the rest of the trip to the Guild Hall in relative peace, occasionally closing her eyes just to savor the silence. Some light exercise, a nice challenge, and then something funny. Was it all she needed to calm down? Probably not. Her objective didn’t change. Her mood did, and that was a capricious thing.

When she returned, Karuu was already gone.

Her expressions tightened. Very capricious.

Though imposing up close, the Guild Hall didn’t appear as if it was closed, at least, firelight spilling from the cracks in the building. Taking a deep breath, Cecilia did what she could to make herself presentable again, wringing her hair dry and putting on her leather armor again to hide how damp her dress was underneath. She shook stubborn droplets of mud and rain off her raincoat, sweeping it over her shoulders like a cape, and stomped the mud off her boots for good measure. Could she make a good impression like this? Cecilia narrowed her eyes slightly, before pinching and stretching her cheeks as well, feeding some warmth and elasticity back into them.

Then, there was a bright ‘ping’, and she checked the guild channel. Oops, right, the rest of them would have sought lodgings first.

Heyo~ <3 Ceci here~!

Just letting everyone know that I’ve made it to the Guild Hall safely, so I’ll be hitting all you lovelies up with possible quests soon, ok? Let me know if you want me to ask about subclasses too!

Also, I saw the Rathon and they’re totes Godzilla. Like, lmao, got the fin and the two-legged walking and everything. Super hilarious. Lazy devs, amirite? Anyways, not gonna hang for long, so peace, guys! I’ll keep you updated n all!

Bye bye~ XOXO

She tried a cheerful smile, and this time, she managed it quite well. Cecilia grasped the handles of the great door and pulled them apart, before walking right in. With a mixture of grace and chutzpah, the lavender-haired warrior strode right up to the counter, her gaze briefly lingering on the conversing NPCs before turning back to the receptionists.

“Good evening,” Cecilia said, dipping down into a curtsy, “Fine weather tonight, no? Is the Guild Hall open for service at this hour, or has my journey been in vain, good sir?”
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Health: 2600/2600
Mana: 1800/1800

Holly noticed her status changed specifically the Static Charge disappeared off her status screen, which meant some good news. It didn’t really brighten her mood up a bit since they still have many more floors to go before they are free of this prison. She heard what Willow had agreed with her and she did smile a bit. However, what River had said and trying to ruffle Willow’s hair kinda gave her a smile. ”Ever the optimist, River? I do have to agree unlocking a subclass finally is definitely cool. It’s definitely something I will have to do like everyone else in our guild, which didn't have it.” Holly said, with a more usual smile she had when meeting everyone in Last Genesis. She noticed the key placed in front of her by River, which is her room key. ”Thank you for the inn room, River.” Holly said, with a gentle smile. She raised her head up to move her room key closer to her.

Holly didn’t really know where Ceci was since she is definitely highly reckless and fast. However, she looked around the tavern and saw Prome in the corner of the Tavern huddled there. She decided to point him out to River and Willow. It was mostly because he looks definitely shaken of the whole thing. ”Prome about you sit with us instead of sitting on the floor in the corner of the tavern.” Holly said, with a bit of care. He has been through hell since he was on 1 HP after that horribleness on said first floor to this climb basically. She did notice him rocking back and forth, however, it was a bit depressing and he should be protected basically.

Holly felt a bit annoyed at what River and Willow said about a nasty monster, it made tons of sense it would be a world boss or some such alike that. It was definitely a bit eye rolling to say the least, which definitely decreased her mood. However, when River went a bit more quiet and tried to tell a scary story, however, about the name of monster. It definitely shook her a bit, struck a nerve to say the least. ”That’s an odd name to say for sure...” Holly said, basically trying to not look scared. However, her understanding of that Static charge status effect makes more sense if it came from a large roaming world boss of some sort. ”Better to be prepared than not… but that’s always what my father would say.” Holly said, with a definite improvement in her mood.

Holly tried to distract herself to look through the guild messages and she had a big bright smile on her face. She saw Ceci’s guild message, which made her better that she’s alright and that she got to the Guild quickly. She decided to respond to Ceci via the guild messaging system.

Ceci, you are so reckless!

It’s nice you reached the guild hall so quickly. That will be definitely nice to know about my specific subclass, which is Ranger. And I will definitely enjoy hearing about the quests on this floor.

That’s a bit… unimaginative using Godzilla as a creature design. I hope they aren’t any lazier and decided to bring a T-Rex from Jurassic Park into this game. If I am right you have the right to pinch me, Ceci.

Bye Bye, Ceci

Holly deeply sighed with a bit of relief in knowing where Ceci is in coloration with where they are. She couldn’t help but notice what Willow was about to say but changed what she wanted to say with winning. It definitely was a hard pill to swallow but winning is better than surviving. ”I have to agree Willow… We did win… We just have to keep on winning and get out of our situation as a whole. That whole last floor fight was terribly poorly organized and coordinated. Better to have a plan and strategy than nothing at all like that cluster fuck.” Holly said, with a brighter smile than she had. She was cheered up a bit more with what Willow said than River’s optimism. In addition, to that her food arrived with the quick service of the waitress, which she smiled to. "Thank you." Holly said to Anu. She was definitely impressed with the selection of what she ordered and started to eat the Stew and sipped a bit of the Ale. It was a bit strong for her since she has never really touched alcohol in her life but she definitely needed it now.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

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Health | 4100/4100
Mana | 2900/2900
Renn | 2,028

"Last Genesis, please be wary while out there.
A giant roaming monster that can cause storms is out there. Do not engage.
Please meet us at the Tipsy Troodon.
I got rooms for everybody.”

Kira stood motionless in the center of town simply staring into the stormy skies above after slipping away from the rest of the guild. This feeling of loss and sadness would not vanish no matter how hard she concentrated. It was clear to Akumi that no matter how much control she exerted, she could never completely shake the influence of her other self. The electronic chirp of an incoming message tore her away from her thoughts, her eyes reading the message silently as players and NPCs alike passed her by. A solemn half-smirk creased her lips as she remembered. She was Akumi. The most powerful demon that ever existed capable of bending the forces of darkness and death. Nothing could ever stop her unrivaled power and her quest to dominate the lives of the weak. Talrae was going to burn by her hand and it didn't matter who went down with it. The only lives that proved useful to her were those of her demon generals, all others were completely expendable in her grand conquest. Karuu...had proven that he was not worthy to serve her any longer and had served his purpose.

The demonness made her way to the inn where River had set up accommodations for them, walking with a powerful stride and a devilish glint in her eyes that hid a burning pain. With both hands on the doors, she flung them open with reckless abandon as she stepped into the center of the room "It seems that this inn shall have the honor of serving the Great Akumi and her host! I will try my best not to harm anything, or anyone, here but I shall make no promises." Her unmistakable voice rang out through the entirety of the Tipsy Troodon. Kira spotted the very host she mentioned and made her way over to them, seeing that the vast majority of Last Genesis was alive.

Her attention was drawn to Holy as she approached them, crossing her arms as a smug grin overtook her "What were you expecting from the likes of mere mortals? Once my full power awakens, we shall not need such worthless rabble." Words that may have been viewed as cold-hearted had it not been for her eccentric projection. Despite seeing Holy eating, Kira was far from in the mood to be eating anything at the moment. Meanwhile, the soul of Ryu was locked in her abbysal prison where only sliver of lights made its way onto the cold, stone floor. The air was far more stale and frigid with shadows consuming most of the light. Ryu didn't mind because she was not alone anymore. Karuu's avatar sat across from her making slights movement but stayed in absolute silence. This didn't bother her in the least, there was no rush. They had all the time in the world just the two of them.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

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Health: 2100/2100
Mana: 2000/2000

Prome, lost in his own little world, didn't seem to hear Holly call out to him as he continued to ramble on. However, despite that he seemed to notice that the storm had lessened. Prome halted his monologue to dart out the door and check outside. When he saw that there wasn't a killer debuff slowly stacking on him, a wide grin plastered itself onto his face "yes..." He began to rub his hands together "Now nothing can stand in my way!" With that, he began his mad dash to the guild hall for his subclass quest "I'll be ready. I'll make sure of it!" Even though the storm had become nothing more than a light rain, the ground was still wet. So a few times, Prome almost tripped and fell "Stop getting in my way nature, or you're next!"

Finally, he managed to reach the guild hall. Rushing to the receptionists, he noticed someone in front of them that, in his madness addled mind, he almost recognized. "You!" he addressed one of them "Tell me where to find my subclass, so I might acquire the forbidden knowledge to craft engines of great destruction!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

“Welcome, welcome!” Anu shouted across the room at Kira as the rest of the inn, Nerile included, gave the swordswoman odd looks for a few moments until she reached the Last Genesis table. A few whispers, “Who the fuck?” and “Damn game got another one.”, ran through the small crowd but disappeared quickly in the general din of people mourning and celebrating.

Willow, on the other hand, drank deeply from the tankard she ordered and slammed it down with a pleased sigh. It wasn’t bad, obviously a bit weak, but it would do. She dug into her stew, the stress of the day driving her to eat. As Kira announced her approached, she sighed internally at who was proclaiming. She really hoped it was Kira but apparently the alter ego had made her appearance. Another headache but one she’d gladly suffer a thousand times over right now. At least Kira was still here.

“But for now, you’re stuck in a mortal form and that form still needs rest and nourishment.” Willow gently reminded the girl. She’d dealt with the “demoness” before and this sounded like she was ready to charge off on the next adventure. “Cece found the guild hall where quest info and such is. Maybe you should do some reconnaissance, make a plan for tomorrow, and then come back for rest so that weak shell doesn’t give out trying to contain your power for too long.”

The red player at the bar pushed away once he drained his drink and made his way upstairs as quickly as possible. A few people muttered, talking about reporting him to the Council. Another NPC, Drash, made his way from the back and took over for Nerile, who immediately slipped into the back after a sharp nod and a muted whisper.

The man at the desk, tagged Aluet, looked up at Cecilia’s question, his fountain pen hovering over a long page in foreigh script. He gave her a quizzical look over the rim of his glasses.

“I take it you’re new to the island. The Guild Hall is staffed from 6am to 11pm daily but is always open to travellers in need of respite.” Aleut explained seriously but he smiled slightly with his next question. “Welcome to the Foglands, Madam. How can we be of assistance tonight?”

Next to Aluet, a woman named Adsilah, recoiled slightly as Prome made his demand. Visible only to Prome, his dashboard opened automatically and displayed a series of Open Quests with one suddenly turning bold.

Quest information Request
Hidden Knowledge: Subclass
See Warrior Dracion or Shaman Rania for information on Subclasses

Someone cleared their throat from behind Prome and Cecelia. Dracion, a hand held on Rania’s shoulder clearly restraining her from intervening, stared at Prome with an evaluating glare.

“What’s all this hollering about, boy?” The man demanded, his voice deep and gravelly. “You may be new here to the Foglands but you’d best learn quick we don’t care for bothrian bothering our people. Plus, I don’t think I much like this talk of destruction on this island.”
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