Blackwolf said
You know those cool eye pieces in the modern warfare games...those are real as well btw XD and so are the rods of god(I think that is what they are called in the game) was a project initiated during the cold war, it was only shut down cause the cold war ended. But they would of worked as they did in the games...that is the real scary thing.
But the BAE ENVG(D) still doesn't look like a pair of Oakley Dust Goggles.

And the other link simply says that development is beginning, and there is no actual hardware for a camera/device/etc of that size so far.
What cool eye pieces are you referring to in the Modern Warfare games? I haven't played the latest one. The most recent one I've played is Modern Warfare 3.
And I mentioned satellite weapons in the opening post as part of the background. I know very well that they were initiated as part of the Star Wars Space Defence Initiative (SDI), which was abandoned due to diplomatic pressure as well as the end of the Cold War, and the fact that a lot of money was being injected for very little tangible return.
Anyway, all that aside, I point you to the rules in my opening post.
Silverwind Blade is the GM. Other players are free to make suggestions and recommendations, but the GM has final say on all plot and rules related decisions.
I've already said I'd like you to change your sheet for regular night-vision goggles. Please do it.
Your character is a Navy SEAL, and may use Panoramic NVG's,, but that's it.
If you don't like it, then don't play.