"Where is that freshie?" Coach Croch screamed.
The line of hulking crewmembers were silent. They knew better than to get on Croch's bad side. His temper was known all throughout Dronk University for its explosive power and unpredictability. Only one student had the power, the courage, the pure MANLINESS to address Coach Croch: Devon Doralt.
"I got it, Coach," he uttered in a southern drawl. "I'll set that weakling straight." Devon took a step forward and faced his coach. Coach Croch was big, but Devon was bigger. A moving wall of pure power, the Doralt name was feared by crews everywhere. He had it all. 195cm of height. A 200kg back squat. A 5'13" 2k time. Anything he wanted, he would take. Gold medals at the Head of the Charles. Championship lifting rounds. Virginities of sorority girls. And now, he would be taking this freshman's soul.
"You better get that freshie's ass to practice immediately! You have my permission to take away whatever's keeping that fucker's ass!"
"Alright, Coach. I'll be right back." Devon began jogging towards the dorms.
"What the hell is this?"
Devon stood in the entrance to the absent freshman's dorm. The weak lightweight was lying in his bed, hooked up to... something. It looked like the noodle-boy was lying in bed with some sort of contraption strapped to his head. Several wires extended from the headset to a computer next to the bed.
He stepped up to the bed and poked the small being. No response. Devon straightened, wound back, and delivered a blow that could knock over a horse. The freshman jolted awake and screamed.
"What are you doing?"
"Aah! Devon! Uh, I was just... sleeping!" The pint-sized mortal said.
"Sleeping? With this helment on? And all these wires?" Devon poked the computer suspiciously.
"Um, yeah! It helps me, uh, sleep better! I can prepare for practice better like this!" The freshman was sweating. Devon could smell it.
"Really? You can get more out of sleep with this?" Devon looked at the computer.
"Yeah! Uh, I'll just... um... head to practice..." The fragile soul stood up and made for the door. Devon caught him by the shirt collar and lifted him up.
"This. Give it to me." Devon pointed at the headset and computer. "I'm confiscating it until you come to practice on time."
"Uhm, that's my..." The puny person cut himself off when he saw Devon's face. "You'll give it back... right?"
Devon smiled widely, showing a full mouth of white teeth that would make a shark jealous. "We'll see."
After all, whatever Devon Doralt wanted, he would take.
Devon was confused. He registered an account, purchased a subscription, and logged in. Contrary to what he had said to the freshman, he was likely not going to be returning the computer and headset anytime soon. After all, if it helped with his sport, what good would it be in some weak lightweight's hands? It would be much more beneficial to the team if Devon used it.
He had sped through the character creation as fast as he could. The random button was his savior. He wanted to get to the training as fast as possible. But what he saw when he entered the world within the headset was not at all what he was expecting. Bright, flowery fields and a bustling town greeted him, not a racecourse and times. No weights, no numbers, nothing.
Well, there were numbers. His HUD was there. He sort of understood what it was. He had played a few video games when he was younger- FFVII was the one he remembered most. But why would he need a healthbar to train?
No matter. It must've been one of those newfangled "gameification"-type training things, meant to challenge the user and motivate them by providing rewards in-game for training hard. Well, Devon Doralt wouldn't be last. He would never be last. And so he continued on into the world of Thalam Online to get gains, women, and fame.
As a mage.
He finally located a slime after much cajoling. Eventually, he realized that, however realistic she may be, Tu Tauri Al was just a computer. Her responses were realistic, but scripted.
He hid behind a bush nearby just outside of town. A level 1 slime. It would be easy. His smaller frame ingame helped him hide much better than in real life. He jumped up with a roar and swung at the slime with his staff.