Cassandra "Elwyn" Lazareth
s p e c i e s Human
a g e 34
h e i g h t / w e i g h t 5'9" / 132 Lbs
g e n d e r Female
s t a t s - Strength 7
- Agility 14
- Endurance 8
- Will 15
- Intelligence 16
- Charisma 12
s k i l l s - Major Magic Caster: Cassandra is extremely capable in conjuring up rather complex spells. She sports a great deal of combat spells, as well as the ability to conjure up basic curses, shape-shift into various different animals, and utilize telepathy.
- Dark Magic: Cassandra was taught dark magic by her fae clan master and is capable of conjuring up various spells. She can artificially create darkness into projectiles as well as to temporarily blind her opponents. In addition, she can also use it to morph into a cloud of black gas, disappear into any shadowy/shady surface, temporarily protect her skin from the sun, mind control weak-minded characters, and utilize it in other complex rituals amongst others. However, since her departure from her clan, she rarely has to utilize these abilities unless it's absolutely necessary or beneficiary to her own goals.
- Aura Sense: Cassandra's attuned senses to the realm of magic allows her to feel the magical energies present in all living beings. allowing to identify who and who doesn't have magic.
- Herbalist: Cassandra has an extensive knowledge regarding the various different herbs found in the world, using them to create various medicines, potions, or in some cases as sacrifices.
w e a p o n s- Rapier (1) (Can morph into a parasol when not in battle)
- Silver Dagger (1)
a r m o r - Head - Black Silk Hood (When outside)
- Chest - Black Silk Robe
- Left Arm - N/A (Sometimes Black Lace)
- Right Arm - N/A (Sometimes Black Lace)
- Left Leg - N/A (Sometimes Black Tights)
- Right Leg - N/A (Sometimes Black Tights)
e q u i p m e n t - Parasol - (1) Cassandra carries a parasol whenever she is going outside to protect her sensitive skin. This parasol can quickly morph into a rapier if she is forced into combat.
- Dark Tome - (1) A book that explains various spells regarding dark magic and anything else involved with it. It can also be used to deflect projectile-based spells
- Coin Purse - (1)
- Platinum (x0)
- Gold (x3)
- Silver (x4)
- Copper (x2)
- Jewelry - (7) Cassandra has two golden necklaces that wrap around her neck, with one containing a single orange gem. She also wears a silver and a golden thin bracelet on each wrist, and an emerald green ring on her right index finger.
a p p e a r a n c eBathed in ghostly-white pale skin, Cassandra emanates a hauntingly seductive aura with a frail and oddly graceful undertone. Most of her skin is silky smooth with virtually no blemishes, save for a large greyish-scar that runs down her backside. The other most notable thing one often notices are her golden amber-colored eyes that illuminate in a warm glow, which becomes more prominent as they are surrounded thick coat of black eyeliner and dark-greyish eyebrows on top. Her bleached hair is long and lusciously smooth, reaching down to her mid-back region. Her lips are also coated in black, as well as with her finger and toenails, and sports two black discs that act as her earrings.
She primarily wears all black clothing, usually being that of a thin black cloak with skimpish black lace underneath.
p e r s o n a l i t yBrooding and mysterious, Cassandra often lurks in the shadows while observing the world flying past her with almost solemn indifference. For many she would give off an imposing or dangerous aura, causing many to scurry away or down right ignore her. However, despite her imposing looks and her history as a dark witch, Cassandra had retired from life as a force for chaos and finds herself alone within her personal solitude as a resident apothecary and soothsayer in her local town.
While she doesn't mind being left alone, she is perfectly capable in diving into various concepts of interests with anyone she finds interesting, often being rather flirtatious to individuals that she happens to like. At worst, she can act rather cold and moody towards others - usually seen whenever she is forced to go outside her home for any number of reasons - often brushing them off or flat-out ignoring them. She is also rather patient and while she rarely gets angry, many fear what an ex-dark sorceress would do if anyone pushed her to that very point.
l i k e s- Darkness
- Fine Wine and Dining
- Flirting
- Reading
- Dark Clothing
- Cozy Rooms
d i s l i k e s- Her old master
- Her past self
- Arrogancy
- Light (hurts her skin)
- Manual Labor