Everybody knows vampires can't get hard, dumb-dumb!
Oh don’t worry. This Maid of Steel can be hard enough for the both of them.

Mamoru should go moto-boading Light... Maybe that'll keep her away from trying to floof Ashara's tails.

Everybody knows vampires can't get hard, dumb-dumb!
Mamoru should go moto-boading Light... Maybe that'll keep her away from trying to floof Ashara's tails.
@Lucius Cypher Is this going to play out like a harem anime?
And not too dark. Light might be from the infinite void, which is the dark that absorbs darkness, but her name is Light for a reason xD.
@The Irish Tree What are the races?
@The Irish Tree Shade? Man of living shadows? Or even a man covered in shadows?
@The Irish Tree Added. Anything else? Or is he good?
@The Irish Tree I was under the impression that Rodias wouldn't be in the throne room to start with, but instead enter later. If he is, the last part of my post makes no sense and should be amended. Is he currently inside the room everyone's coming to?